Newspaper Page Text
c 1l witigstiH 31o» tau« Uistoiical Soch'J voi- !l - LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1891. ffntcvpiw. HEXT— C'ommodii 1AOR PRICE 10 CENTS. i£0. H niV''T" v WEIGHT. ffntcvpiw. MONTANA. Publisher. . v 11 I » I A V IH-'.CK.MMKR 19, 1891. llll.K IS AIIVaNI K. |\i; M ET A 1.1.1 »GIST \\. \I,'Y -si IB.EON MONTANA s's and general land attended to. Bozeman. Mont. K«gi itari.i: il, Mlles Block, .1 s TAITAN I RVEYol! l'IKS MlNKR.VI.Sl ItVBYOIt. nisi- Block, Livingston, l KELLY. \ \TI.\U \ND NOTARY 1*1 Bl.If. A \ND El.19 oMI'ANY. TRIC LIGHT UK Paid at OrricK. ÎI ILDING >rl ATION and Loan -fourth Monday II. Reilfields W. w. -EIII.BBEDE, ■'ll att.-nt i « .it given to til lirai teeth Office in I , l.o ingetim. DENTIST • pr«"servation of Miles building. NoTAIIIKS i't'lll.l«'. g lime on real and ti in. AMl'BKLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. — "f National Park Bank, Livingston. i"N. M. Il W II CAMPBELL, M.D * liysiciaiiM ami SurgeoiiM. " r,, *' r Miin it mi l*ark streets, over Na li'iiiiil Park Dank, Li v menton. "'Hill VTTORNEY AT LAW. I.Vulu I'.mblie 'U IN •' WELL: I'll Y SKIA N) R« AND SURGEONS. ■>H Albemarle >ms 57 and li 11 str««et, INGSTON ' ml). Allah AM) SURGEON, Montana. terson s Pharmacy. ASSAY OFFICE. I r>if Silver........... $10« '«i t upper,........ 2 0« .......$ 5 no to $17) 01) "............ 10 INI to 25 00 — 1 77) 1 list, address Harvey L. Glenn. Livingston, Montana. A XlDERMY I m m I! 1 '! 11 ',"- specimens of taxl ' ' T ' •*•« I in tir^t ,| HHH style and , , * 'is prices w ill please call 't. <,«'.**' ''I'X'k we,t of Enteii te^_ *|! **• "D «I see (or yourselves, or ■ e i >r , ; ,lla H F.xpress orders re- 'I 1 ' >ff«;tiii<in. Correspoml- ctnUiif 1 1'rires paid for -""le beads, furs, etc , in B.TOLHURST con *i DAIRY RANCH, ^ivinjreton, Mont. 1. *• herd ot 0,s kin Friesian Cattle ! V in »io State. ."""g St lock For Sale ! in;., 1 ' »by , '" iffirmsbed with eaohuni *■ r ie«i a . "9 imported, Ciesar bred In '"■hi i un' V 11 "er of three prizes at the « ranci, or write to L ' l,, " ll i •H«m( 4IJH ^ M-CON ROW, 9 care Dyspepsia Makes many lives miserable, and often leads to self destruction. Distress after eating, sick head ache, heartburn, sour stomach, mental depres sion, etc., are caused by this very common and Increasing disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the stomach, creates an appetite, promotes healthy digestion, relieves sick headache, clears the mind, and cures the most obstinate cases of dys pepsia. Bead the following: " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat distressed me, or did me little good. In an hour after eating I would experience a faintness or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. Hood s Sarsaparilla did me an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied tho craving I had previously experienced. It relieved me of that faint, tired, all-gone feeling-. I have felt so much better since I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, that I am happy to recommend it." G. A. Page, Watertown, Mass. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, $1 ; six for?5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. ___IOO_ppses One Dollar LIVINGSTON NATIONAL BANK, Livingston. Montana. CAPITAL. - - - $50.000. SURPLUS, $6,000. OFFICERS : J. A. SAVAGE, President. A. W. MILES. Vice President GEO. L. CAREY Cashier. . MACONOCHIE, Ass t Cashier o Mmono iV. K. Thumps« Khikokii II DIRECTORS oso< ni K- A. W. , A CENRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. National fart M OF LIVINGSTON. CAPITAL, - - $100,000. SURPLUS. $11,000. E. H. TALCOTT, President. (J. T. CHAMBERS. Vice-President. J. C. VILAS, Cashier. I). A. McCAW, Assistant Cashier. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: W. M. WRIGHT. KRIEGER. E E. GOl'GIlNOl If. GEO. T. CHAMBER W. 1> ELLIS TALCOTT. ! j I j i j ; j ; ! «ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TKANSACTKI). Leading Bank of i'atk County. NTF.RERT ALLOWED ON TIME DKI'OSI COLI.K.CTIONS PrOMPTI.Y AtTF.NDF.D TO THE MERCHANTS'BANK LIVINGSTON. MONT. Allows 8 per cent. Interest Time Deposits. on lias Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent 82.00 Per Year. «NSACT A GKNKKAI. BaNKINO Bi sINESS. C. S. HEFFERLIN, Cashier. Postoffice News Stand! The only place in town to get Fancy California Fruits, Nuts, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, Stationery and Books. A. CROON QUI ST, Prop. LOWER MAIN STREET FEED CORRAL, -(o( 9 BILLY MILES & BRO. PROPRIETORS. BAI.KD HAY, CHOP FEED, WHEAT ami OATS for sale by the pound or in CAR LOTS Best ol care given to all Stock placed in mj care Prices Reasonable TALCOTT & SAX, News Dealers. ALBEMARLE ANNEX. rscÄÄ ..... SOGE AGENTS FOB Also dealers in Blank Books and Stationery ! toilet articles, Fruits, Confections, Etc. HEXT— C'ommodii tkrpkisk Mock. in in Miles Mi, 1. 1 ><>I:<»\an. He. rioii: w. c. t -» church the I ■ViK RFNt' F room« Jit I ' 1AOR i En S' " \ T,< ' N " A NTE I)— It,- a , i r l f ^ "T. rk _ in .. a |,riv! *. ,e family. Good J' 1 ' 1 J « dress Vary fjllli: ANCIENT ORDER OF do house Br6w„, bo x^ i - ivi ^-oU ;nt A;P k. M. HY BERMANS - month at 3 p. Broun, President: Dan'i One or two m h lire, Sill a month MRS. N. fiirnisln iREEN. I • will meet at tin first and third Fridavs until further notice. Mns. I.. A. il kfpeiî, I Mus. 11. E. Harmon, sev'; Baptist f eveI-V P IAXO FOR SALE tion is offered for « P» to Mrs. II. W. Bing WANTED. IT work burg. Mont. V'tl'lil K is hereby gi l.s all cattle lielongini; u it It the brand, win, li piano in A good girl for general In Address Half YVa.« House. Me 13 l!i 1C •n that I have purchased to T. Jackson, togetu et H on left shoulder. O. JACKSON. E ti ll A UCTION : AUCTION : All kinds of personal i.m_ property sold at the highest figures In I lutrins Millard, the licensed auctioneer quire al \\ et/stein's or address, CHARLES MII.LAlil), Living Ron, Montana. K OF P.—Meets every Friday in the Miles • building. A cordial invitation is extend **<l ro visiting brother«. (L T. VOI ( . ( I* Ko KAHN, K. of U. and S. \ *-How stone Lodixe No. 10, Livingston, Mont. ATTENTION. -Farragut Post No. 7, Dei,art ,. ,,'!! en !. M °n»ana ti. A. R.. meets at Masonic .1 ,, f 1 fist anil third Tuesday of each month at half past seven sharp. Visiting members are cordialI v invited. H. \V. BINOIIAM, Com'dr L. C. LA BARRE, Adj't. I fllEAMK WITH WAGONS FOR SALE. I A span of first-class work liorses and -Five ______ mules «ms and harness to match for freighting purposes for sale cheap. Enquire of or address I 1L (.assert, llorr, Montana. 7 M tf. j kJ I RAY ED Olt STOLEN From my residence j kp at ( hicory station house, on the Park branch , about November 1th, IHM, a large red milch cow, branded |* \| on right shouhli-r. A liberal re ! "3rd will lie paid tor the return of tin- animal, or j information that will lead to her recovery. THOMAS M« ANDREWS. r BURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Having leased the Kirby residence on Second street, I am prepared to fin nish parties with turnislie«! rooms and hoard. The rooms are all elegantly furnished and provide«) with steam heat, electric light, baths and all modern convi-iiienci-s. Rooms will lie rented either with or without hoard. U-'31 il MRS. R. FUHRMANN. OF vorn«: lx hereby given that the DISSOLUTION.-Notice is partnership heretofore existing between J. C. Callahan and S. Si. Pow ell, itnder the firm name of J. C. Callahan & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. C. Callahan will continue the business and will collect all ace tints and pay all lulls of the late IB'III. J C. C.VI.I .VIIAN, S M. I'owki.i.. Dated November lttth. IHM. 11 31 Iw I I j I ! I ot est J^OTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Bozeman, Montana. Nov. 10, IHM. Notice j ! is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of lier intention to make final proof in support of tier claim, and that said proof j will be made before the jtulge or clerk of the Sixth Judicial District court at Livingston, Mo . I tana, on Decent her 31, ISM, viz: Catherine M. Mttr j phy, widow of Isaac Murphy, deceased. P. D. S. i No. 11173, for the lots (i, 7 ami H, section 3, town- ! ship 4, south of range it east. Site names the fol-j j low ing witnesses to prove lier continuous resi ; dence noon and cultivation of said land, v z: j David P. Rankin, Human! McGuire, Martin O'Heron, Thomas F. Allen, all of Livingston, : ; Park couiitv, Montana E. F. ERRIS, Register, j (1st pul). Nov. 14, IHM.) OTICE TO CO-OWNER—'To tlie admin to-j ! Lx trator, executor, unknown heirs or assigns of ! J. X. I «'idler, deceased: Yon are hereby noti fied that the undersigned lias, in accordance with the reijuireinents of section 2334, Revised Stat utes of the United Slates, expended $100 in lata and improvements upon the Granite quartz lode mining claim, situate«! on Granite mountain, in i the Boulder (unorganized, Mining district. Park I ihm). Ti. ut uutuBu Tun, H,.. B.iti co-oHiiers, i. !.: I or assigns with nié in sai«l i laini nu vmir nrn oortion of «aid exoenditnre («oie 'foiirDn P fo ÄL® n ..."E ! «tether with the vest of this notice, within ninety «lays after the complets publication hereof your interest in the Granite quart:- lode mininv claim w ill become my property under «lie provisions of said section 3334, Revised Statutes of tlie ITiiteil states. ALBERT SCHMIDT l.ivinçston, Mont., Sept 15, IHM. (1st pub. Sept. 1«, 1891.) A pplication United States Land Oflic KO R PATENT, NO. 105 Bozeman. Mon tana, November 7, IHM. Notice is hereby given that Robert B. Emison and James R. Blackhart, wliese postoftice a«l(lress is Cooke City, Montana, lias this day filed application for patent, under the mining laws of congress, for 1500 linear feet of the Southern Spy hide mining claim, desig nated as survey No. 37)03, situated in New World torganized) Mtniug district, Park county, Mon tana, in fractional township 9 south, range 14 east, which claim is recorded in the office of the recorder of Park county, at Livingston, Montana, and described as follows: Said survey No. 35U2 beginning at corner No. 1, front which the wit ness' corner for *4 section corner on east hound ary of section 1, township 9 south, range 11 east, hears N 7fiO OF E, Ü4.50 feet, and running thence s 410 E, WM feet: thence S 4W 45' YY, 1500 feet; thence N 410 YY, «AI feet: thence N 4W 45' E, 1500 feet, to the place of beginning, embracing 20.Ü5 acres, upon which a notice of said application was posted on the 23rd day of October. 1H91. The adjoinihg claimants to these premises are: YVm. J. Y'innedge et al. on the northeast: Nicholas.!. Tredinnick et al. on the southeast; Augustus T. French et al. on the southwest, an«i Leonard M. Searight et al. on the northwest. Ë. F. FERRIS, Register O. C. Dalles, Attorney for Claimants. (1st pub. Nov. 14, 1891.) 4 DMiNISTKATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF A. REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the district court of the county of Park, state of Monaana, made on tlie 31st day of October, 1H9I, in the matter of the estate of William Williams, deceased, the undersigned, the admintotiator of the said estate, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, and subject to confirmation by said dis trict court at tlie city of Livingston, in the county of Park, ail the right, title, interest and estate of the &ai«l YY illiam Williams, deceased, at the tune of his death, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate ha«, by operation of law or otherw ise, acquired other titan or in addition to that of tlie said YY'illtam Williams, deceased, at the time of his death, in and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the said county of Park, state of Montana, ami bounded and described as follows, to-wit: The undivided one-third interest in the following de scribed pr.pertv: Lots Nos. 9, 10,11, 12 and 13 in block No. Ill, and lots Nos. 5, Hand 7 in blxk No 123 in the original plat of Livingston, Mon tana, and all of the following interests in mining property, being in the New YY'orld mining dis trict. Park eountv, Montana, viz: >:j interest in the "Bull of the' Woods'' quart/, lode — claim: ' 5 interest in the "King's Band " lode mining claim: 4 interest in the "Horse quartz lode mining claim; 1-18 interest "Young Bonanza' quartz lode mining 1-18 interest in the "Shoel" quartz lode ininiti claim. All of said real estate will he sold in one pari el and bids or offers in writing for the whole thereof will l«e received on or after the 21st day of December, 1891, at the office of the district clerk, in Livingston, Park county, Montana, or may he delivered to the undersigned adminis trator in person, or may be filed in the office of Hie district clerk aforesaid. Terms and con ditions of sale: Cash in hand, ten per cent of tlie purchase money to be paid to the said administrator on the "day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by said district court. Deed at expense of Purchaser. THOMAS S. CARTER, Administrator ot the estate of Williiam Wil liams, deceased. (First pub. Dec. 2, 8t.)___ LIAS SUMMONS NO. 585.—In tie district cour« of the sixth judicial district of the state of Monaua, in ana for the county of Park. The National Park bank. Plaintiff, against G. H. Carver, Defendant. The state ot Montana sends «greeting 10 the above named defendant. Y'ou are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you hv the above named plaintiff in ttie district court "of the sixth judicial district of the State of Montana, in and tor said county of Park, ami to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of servh-e) af er the service on you of this summons—if served within this county; or if served out of this county but in this district, then within twenty davs;" otherwise within forty days—or judgment bv default will be taken against yonj according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to recover the sum of seven hundred and eleven dollars together with interest <«n the sum of one thousand and sixty-seven dollars from April 3rd. iSn " the 24th. day of October, 1891, at one per cent per month and interest on the sum of seven hundred and eleven dollars at one per cent per month trom the 24th day of October. 1891. alleged to be a balance due upon a certain P rou,, * 8 °. r >' note, made, executed and delivered by said de fendant to plaintiff on the 3rd. day of ApriL 1*)L And for the further sum of one hundred ' iol 'ars attorneys fees as provided for in said note, and costs of this action as will nu re fully appear bv reference to the complaint on file herein. And von are hereby notified that if you tail to appear knd answer the said complaint, as above re tired, tlie said -ilaintiff will take a"ainst you for aaid emu of seven hundred and eleven dollars with interest and attorneys fees as ■forMftid wid cost» of snit. » . Given under my hand and the seal of the dis tr.ct court of the aiMh indicia! district of the stite of Montana, in and for said county of Park, rhto 8th day of December in the year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and ninety-one. one OBLANDO KMMOSS Clerk. By Jambs A. Bailey Deputy Clerk. [S a A J 1 Campbbll, Plaintiff s attorney. (1st pub. Dec. 12, 1891,J the fice as the of j of and ond 1, On fi.5, the A. tle et Not any or 1495, 1531, tion this 1511 1! 1535, 1534, 1524, 1415, 829a. 1558, H41a, 854a, 805a, 873a, 884a, 888a, .A.s.1 1920, 1831, 1828, 1934, 289, 310. 322, 331, 341, 350, 316, *40, 360, 701, Sä; Sh "ett ÎS 55' üüa' mf M2! HÊ «■ p. P n' KK " s| oXAi. addi* . -- professional nurse should Thomas Preston-1'" Mr * 11 sturgeon, at Mrs. ___Z_ re9t,,n north of track. 11-21-1 m* N°VarL'?, her< *- v given tin that all outstanding —. . .tv of Livingston, will p esentation at my office and that in |R «111 cease from this date. terest til Livingston! m!'- I> ' 1 . N< ' II - AM ' ' i,v Treasurer ont., Dec. 7th, 1891.' T'M*! A -L MEETING of the stockholders elect j on <if iiirec to*''* 1 * >U NHtil,nHl Bank, for the lield at its olh ' of Livingston, rOTI !!!"*' "a -'t HU that the following named settl ,' t 1 notice Of her intention t uill t, ! °f I»*»!' claim,and tliat said proof , i „ tc I"" 1 * ''efore the clei k of the sixth Judi in.i l;>t , r , ut ' onrt at Livingston. Mont., on De • ember 14 ism, viz: christeua Melin, widow or leter Melin, deceased. H. S. No. 1P29, oi vttG ot * :1 andswi 4 „f NE'., and SE>, » ' a, section I, tow nship 5, south of range • ast lie names the following witnesses to l> mo tier continuous residence uponandcultiva iion ut said land, viz: George A. Allen, David M Allen, G us Nelson, Andrew Nelson, all of Livingston, Park eountv. Montana. E. F. FERRIS, Register. 11st pub. Nov. 7, ISM. ) rs for the ensuing year will he | n ' Ibiesdaiy J an liarypi,' 'is'ey | li.o !.. ( ARÉY, Cashier. | E for Pi'iiLlt' ation.—L and office | at Bozeman, Mont., Oct. 3i, ism. Notice is j j ake final I J. to to of \otick FOR PUBLICATION. 4.x final proof. { nited States Desert land .. . - ........... land office at Bozeman, Mont , Dec. 15, ISM. Notice is herein ijjve'i that Elizabeth M« Alpin, widow of Thomas McAlpm, deceased, of Livingston, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make proof on her desert land claim No. 404», for the SKh section i township 3,south of i ange !• east, before tlie judge or clerk of the Sixth judicial district court, at Livingston, Montana, on Tuesday, the 31 tli dav of January, 1892. she names the following wit nesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Joseph Merideth, Napoleon Ebert, William Boss. Edward Bawers, ai! of Livingston, Montana E. F FERRIS, Register, list pub. Dec. lit, ISM.I V I.IAS S' MMON'S. In the Justice's court, township of Livingston, county of Park, I " f Montana. Before Win. II. Kedrteld, justice of tlie peace. Simon Scufco, plaintiff, I against John Turk, détendant. The state of Mon tana sends greeting to John Turk, tiie above named defendant. Yon are hereby summoned to j appeal at my office, in the townslup of I.iv lngston, comity of t ark and state ot Montana, on I uesday, the nineteenth day of January, 1HP3, at ! B*o clock a. tit., and answer the complaint on I file in an action to recover of you the sum of two hundred dollars, alleged to lie due this plaintiff from you for money loaned by said plaintiff to you at your re«iuest. And you are hereby noti fie«', 'hat if you fail to appear and answer said ('•iinplaint as above required, the said plaintiff will lake judgment l>v default against von for tlie sum of two hundred dollars and costs of suit lo til«- sheriff or any constable of said county greeting: Tlake legal service and due return hereof. Given under iiiv hand this sixteenth dav ot December, A . I). IHM . WM. 11 KEDFIELD Justice of lit«* Peace. \ T OTK E TO CO OWNERS. To Lavantia 1-X Pease and F. D. Pease or your assigns : You are hereby notified that the undersigned lias, in accordance witli the requirements ot section 3331 Revised Statutes of the ( nited States, ex pended $100 in labor and improvements upon tlie Josephine mining claim, and $100 in labor and improvements upon the Placer mining claim, situated in Moore's Basin, on Miller creek, both miningcWims being in lit«* New Wtirld min ing district, Park county. Montana,said labor and improvements being performed to represent said claims for the year ending December 31st, 1K1I0. That unless you, the said co owners with me in said claims, pay your proportion of said expendi tures. i ' j interest in the Josephine, and inter est in the Placer mining claim) together with tlie costs of this notice, within ninety days after the complete publication hereof, your interests in the Josephine and the I'lacer mining claims will be come my propertr under the provisions of said section333* Revised statutes of the United States. J. 11. MOORE, Cooke, Montana. De« . 14, pvt. (First pub Dec. Iff, IHM.) A PPUCATION FOR PATENT, NO. ton.— 4m. United States Land Office, Bozeman, Mon tana, November 11, IHM. Notice i,s hereby given that Henry !.. Frank, llervvy Barbour and Michael Keefe, by E. C. Day, their attorney in fact, whose postoffice address is l.ivingston, Mon tana, First National bank of Livingston, Mon tana, an insolvent corimration, by J. A. lege, a ,„i u'liii.m \i w.i./hi' n ( t ' \ïonVana 'Yiitve^this^dav ffled't'lmVr ariilicti^n^fnr L7.7.i* 1 3.''',773'*-*7.'*'«7fk:'7'".V7 r Ï'S gold, »liver, etc., with surface ground five hun *ired and ninety two andlive te.tths feet in width, Situated in New World Minipg district, county of I J A. to to on sor Park, and stale of MopJana, ami designated by the field notes and official plat on tile in this of fice as survey No. 3507, in fractional township 9 south, range 14, east of principal base line and meridian of.Montana, said survey No. 3507 being as follows, to-wit: Beginning at corner No. i, the northwest location corner: also corner No. 2 of survey No. (i5, where is set a pine post, 5 inches square, 3 feet aboie ground, with mound of stone around it marked 2-05 and 1-3507, from which tlie '4 section corner between sections 10 and 15 of tow nsltip 9, south of range 14 east, Mon tana meridian, hears N 84° Oti' YY' 51.42 ieet: firs' course N 5Ü0 23" E 1300 feet to corner No. 2: sec ond course S 4..° 24' E 592.5 feet to corner No. 3: third course S 5!to 33' YY 1300 feet to corner No. 4: fourth course N 450j34' YY' 593.5 feet to corner No. 1, ttie place of beginning: magnetic variation 1!K> east, containing fifteen and 78-100 acres. The location of this mine is recorded in the recorder's office of Park county, Montana, in hook 1 of lode locations, page 410, and in book 4 of lode loca tions, page 154. The adjoining claimants are: On the north, the Silver (Jueen loile, survey No. fi.5, Samuel A. Beecher applicant; on the west, the Young America lode, unsurveyed, Lewellyn A. Lure, et al., claimants: on the south, the Lit tle Daisy lode, unsurveyed, Hamilton A. Kearns et al., claimants: on the east, the Forget-Me Not lode, itnstirveyed, Hamilton A. Kearns et al., claimants. Any ami all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Ilomestake quartz lode mine or "surface ground are required to file their ad verse claims with tlie register of the United States land office at Bozeman, in the state of Montana, during tlie sixty days' period of publication hereof or they will he barred by virtue of the pro visions of the statute. E. F. FERRIS, Register. FL ('. Day, Attorney for Claimants. list pul). Nov. 14, 1891.) 1495, 1508, Hilda, 1571, 1531, 15H5, 1533, 1557, 511, 1533, 1503, 1501, 15K8, 1513, 1517, 1543, 1550, 558, 1559, 1498, 1530, 1503, 1527, 153«, 1540, 1549 535, 1512, 15«), 1.574, 1573, 1570. 1510, 1530, 1544, W ARRANTS CALLED.—County treasurer's office, Livingston, Montana, Dee. 14, IHM. Notice is hereby «riven that the following num bered county warrants will he paid on presenta tion at my "office and interest will cease from this date: OENKUAI. FOND. 538, 83la. 1552, 151«, S32a, 1.725, 15«?, 1551, 1532, 1511 1! 1535, ... . . 1534, 17)()9. 1493, 1447, 1528, 1575, 1500, 1562, 154«, 1524, 1561, 1521, 1555, 1554, 1537. 1547, 1499.1529, 1415, 1143, 1501, 1519, 1497, 149«, 1536, 1515, 1541, 829a. 1403, 1533, 833a, 834a, 835a, 83«a, 837a, 1199, 1558, 839a, 1505, 1411, 840a. 841a, 812a, 843a, 934, H41a, 845a, 847a, 849a, 848a, 850a, 851a, 852a, 853a, 854a, 855a, 850a, 859a, 800a, Sola, 8ti2a, HOia, HOla, 805a, 8«).», 807a, HtiHa, Sti9a, 857a, 870a, 871a, 872a, 873a, 874a, 875a, 809a, 870a. 880a, 881a, 882a, 883a, 884a, 885a, 84tia, 858a, 877a, 878a. 879a, 880a, 887a, 888a, 889a. 890a, 893a, 894a, 8!k5a, 896a, 897a, 898a, 1072, 1670, 1018, 1804, 1607, 1700, 1703, 1716, 1756, .A.s.1 . —o- tuiar i '-•»* inn IWii) 140 a tlMn 1764, 1636; 1679, 1817. «18a, 10«, 1717, 1598, 1768, 1600, 1601, 1733, 1590, 1706, 1722, 1603, 1580, 1018, 1811, 1657. 1582, 1699. 1667, 1795. 1748,1731, 1807, 1692. 10911, 1720, 1599, 1000, 1017, 1719, 1009, 1044, 900a, 942a, 970a, 97la, 939a, 928a, 972a, 934a, 10*0, 943a, 941a, 930a, 936a, 940a, 927a, 929a, 973a, 937a, 909a, 938a, 900a, 974a, 931a, 935a, 944a, MOa, 975a, 932a, 970a, 1090, 1025, 911a, 933a, 934a, 945a, 907a, 950a, 1782, 1091, 918a, 1095, 977a, 1013, 949a, 925a, 1029, 1725, 1088, 910a, 1080, 923a, 1077, 1000, 1659, 1678, 1038, 1514, 1918, 1803, 1872, 1941, 1838, 1922, 1928, 1910, 1930, 1900, 1847, 1818, 1912, 1901, 1853, 1890, 1593, 1939, 1«19, 1801, 1891, 1897, 1864,1865, 1915, 1903, 1905, 188«, 1867, 1822, 1085 1913, 1914, 1938, 1840, 1924, 1901, 1941, 1866, 1880, 1927, 1849, 1920, 1821, 1«13, 1««, 1943, 1923. 1825, 183«, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1873, 1878, 191!), 19.«, 1930, 1846, 1889, 1828, 1898, 1899, 1855, 917a, 1911, 1925, 1945, 1824, 1934, 1507. CONTINGENT FUND. 289, 281. 292, 290, 298, 300, 307, 301, 301, 309, 303, 311, 310. 305, 299, 392, 308, 312, 300, 313, 314, 319, 318, 317, 322, 320, 310, 321, 325, 320, 328, 327, 315, 323, 324. 3«, 331, 385, 332, 329, *14, *«, 330, *19, *17, 312, *44, *38, 341, 343, 340, 346. 347, 315, 348, 349, *51, *52, 855, *57, 350, 301, 302, 300, 354. POOR FUND. 316, 339, **5. *50, *19. *30, 343, 337, *30, 342, 3*1, *18, *40, 329, 331, 345, 310, 355, *59, 307, *58, :366, *57. 301, 360, 354, 35«, *53, 303, 305, 352, 374, 36», 380. ROAD FUND. 701, 688, «79, 698. «91. «64, 677), «61, 689, 652, 662, 69«, Sä; IS* ^ ^ ^ »? « «s Sh m ™i: «it; wt. 5i?' •*?' S- sa- s- s "ett 7U4 761, 775, 791, iW», «W, iWx, «OU, ÎS 1 £2' TO* 705 819, 811, 799, 812, 716, 755, 720 82&! 8t£ 8«£ 88" 900 849, 860, 880, 843, 836, 55' 2rr S,' Sf 857, «56. «29, sao, mi; üüa' m 890 876 848' 899 889 859, 896, 847, 898, 865. ™ St St 891 846; 871, 862, 863, mf 897 887 88* 764 826 827, 87». 845, 894, 862, 8*«S, M2! «to! 8* 88* «0 89* 8U* 835, 874, 850, 864, 873, HÊ m «5; m* 77»; 7*7, 90* 9*1, 947, 954, 901, 902, «■ "ALRIGHT, County Treasurer. S F O John Eva J A T Dan G Allan YY F by utes tax tion to trict 1; tine, A. trict per No. A. J. ers: P. Red the and to of tax to alty. Ezra David John Jacob Peter A M J SYNOPSIS OF PROCEEDINGS I I „ . . : Hoard of f ounty Commissioners of Park ! County, Monfaua—December Term ! First Dav. Monday. Dec. 7. 1891.- --! Dev, Monday. Dec. 7. 1891. Board met in regular session. Present, j Win. M. Wright, chairman; Hugo J. Hoppe and li. B. Briggs, commissioners; S. Deutsch, county clerk. | Call from Governor J. K. Toole re | garding appointment of irrigation com | mission read and the following gentle | luen a PP°inted to represent Park county j j n the convention: Janies Vestal, Big I 1 initier; W. A. Harrison, Sweetgrass: James Smith, D. P. Rankin. Livingston; Alfred Myers, Myersburg; Walter Good all, Livingston; Charles Glidden, Chico; J. L. DeHart, Livingston. Clerk or deren in case of vacancy to appoint an^ citizen of Park county to fill the cancy. Official bonds of all county and town ship officers examined and approved, ex cepting that of Lawrence Link, road su pervisor district No. 12, who was ordered to furnish new bond. Ordered, clerk shall pay 820 per month to Mrs. Moaier for partial maintenance of herself and children. Board adjourned. Second Day, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Wm. M. Wright, chairman; Hugo J. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, com missioners; S. Deutsch, county clerk. The following reports were examined and approved; O. Emmons, district clerk; S. Deutsch, county clerk; E. W. Wright, county treasurer; O. P. Temple ton, sheriff; John Clifford, assessor; W. A. Moore, coroner: Chas. Tappan, county surveyor; Thos. S. Carter, public admin istrator; Eva M. Hunter, county super intendent; Samuel Hosford, justice of the peace; L. N. Lep'.ey, justice of the peace. Ordered, Supervisor A. E. Owens to repair county road near Shafer's ranch in Road district No. (5. Report of M. L. Baker, supervisor Road district No. 20, examined'and approved. Ordered, county treasurer to issue re ceipt for taxes on lots lö, 10, 18, block G2, to R. B. Mori is instead of A. H. Crägin, and to remit penalty. List of licenees examined and ap proved. Request of Samuel Nesbit for rebate on taxes not granted. Ordered, that Mr. Nesbit shall pre sent his case to county treasurer. Resignation of M. Sylvester, supervi sor Road district No. 13, accepted. School petition of Eberhardt Becker J allowed on contingent fund: Allan R Jov, fees and mileage, county at torney...... James E Mintie, deputy treasurer.. James E Mintie, deputy treasurer...... S Deutsch, conniv clerk................ Brunette Ballinger, stenographer....... F YY' YY'right . onntv treasurer........ Orlando Emmons, district clerk........ Orlando Emmons, for dtputy......... O P Templeton, sheriff.................. John Clifford, assessor................. Allan R Joy, county attorney.......... Eva M Hunter, county .superintendent Board adjourned. .... $ 33 00 113 33 100 00 250 00 218 40 650 86 •250 00 225 00 375 00 250 00 4 40 00 372 50 Third Day, Wednesday, Dec. 0.1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Wm. M. Wright, chairman; Hugo J. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, com missioners; S. Deutsch, county clerk. The following bills were audited and allowed on the poor fund: J A Lauerman, rebate....................$ 2 IK) llefferlin Bros, merchandire............... 15 90 T P McDonald, meat...................... 19 63 Dan Hogan, rent........................... 17 50 G R VY'ells, county physician............. 1*5 00 Allan R Joy, rent......................... 90 00 YY T Collin's, poor farm.................... 177 84 llefferlin Bros, merchandise.............. 15 50 F YY'Jones, physician for poor............ 62 84 Millie A Co, merchandise................. 45 05 Metzel Bros, merchandise................. 7 45 Ordered, all prisoners serving sen tences in the county jail shall be re quired to perform labor under the su perintendency of the sheriff, as required by sections 1180 and 1181, Revised Stat utes of Montana. Ordered, county treasurer shall give tax receipt for the southeast % of sec tion 22, township 7 south, range 20 east, to the Rocky Fork Coal company. The following reports of road super visors examined and approved: Albert Schmidt, district 24; Lawrence Link, district 12; A. A. Rich, district"; Joseph Briscoe, district 6; Thomas Flynn, dis trict 19; W. J. Estes, district 4; A. F. Kearns, district 5; Fred Bartels, district 1; T. G. Shipton. district 15; J. E. Gus tine, district 8; A. A. Berg, district 23; A. E. Owen, district 5; A. C. Davis, dis trict 14; Sam Forney, district 10; Pros per Tessier, district 16. Following reports of road supervisors examined and disapproved: James Murphy, district 21; George Stebbins. district 25; G. W. Wood, district 18. G. W. Wood, road supervisor district No. 18, removed from office. Ordered, county clerk shall pay 845 to A. W. Erickson for maintenance as a pauper for the ensuing quarter. Board adjourned. Fourth Day, Thursday, Dec. 10, 1891. —Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Wm. M. Wright, chairman; H. J. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, commission ers: S. Deutsch, county clerk. Ordered, county clerk shall notify T. P. McDonald and George H. Town of Red Lodge to buy no more supplies for paupers. Ordered, clerk notify all justices of the peace and constables to give actual distance traveled by jurors, witnesses and themselves in their bills against the county for fees and mileage, according to section 10, page 410. Revised Statutes of Mon tana. Clerk allowed 8200 for expenses for ensuing quarter. Ordered, that county treasurer issue tax receipts on assessment of 32,000 cash to Theodore T. Olson and to remit pen alty. The following bills were audited and allowed on road fund: M E F T 1 S () I O () () W T YY () (i It A C YY' C E J E A A J A Ezra R Bowen, labor...... David Williams, labor...... John McCabe, labor....... Jacob Strobel, labor........ Peter Jewell, labor.......... Albert Schmidt, labor....... A A Rich, Iatior____ 10 00 6 00 20 25 21 00 4» 50 77 50 a oo Lawrence Link, labor. ............ K 50 Samael Forney, labor ......... 16 00 M L Baker, labo .. ......... 123 O Frederick, labor.. ............. 104 *• Joaeph Flehet, labo r ' ...... 36« James McDonald, Über ..... ......... 7 50 J. al. ply et the S J W M Il C Geo F A B \Y T Wm 8 C W' YY' W W Geo E Hart W J J Y A A A I John McDonald, labor. I A L Nichols, labor..... : A M ' lark, labor.. ! j g Gustine, labor ! Prosper Tessier, labor --! j^seph^èizneG labor' j B H Kennedy, labor Thos Petty, > labor... Fred Bartels, labor va"iT" LawTence. i Joseph Wells, labor. James Scoflehi, road v iewer....... Griffith A Ouimet, blacksmith.. . A J Alexander, surveying........ A J Alexander, surveying........ Charles Tappan, surv eying. J II Harris, lumber............. II O Ilickox, lumber.... ......... H O Ilickox lumber............... John I! Cook, view ing road...... E Goitgltnoiir, lumber.......... Gordon Bros, lumber............. Geo M Coe. viewing road......... Geo II Smith, blacksmitliing..... A Stubnlefield, labor.............. Wm II Linzev, viewing road...... Lovely A McClung, viewing road. W H Burton, lumber.............. John Ryan, labor................ Frank Hasni'se, labor.......... Krieger & Co, labor............... 11) 00 7 .V) 40 00 74 m 21 00 4(1 00 18 50 37 00 10 00 19 50 12 00 1 50 128 no 03 (X) 21 00 12 00 13 (h* 15 HO 4 (X) 13 03 I " " : ! j [ 10 3H ! 13 50 3 00 I i oo ; labor.......... F W Wright, labor............... W S Yagor, labor................. W J Estes, labor................ Babcock .t Milec, merchandise. A G Yule, viewing road.......... Griffith .V Onimet, hlacksmitliini Herman Kahle, merchandise.... Newton Bndd, viewing road____ A F' Karnes, labor.............. A I' Davis, labor................. Joseph Briscoe, labor...... A Hillman, labor.......... ...... J A Mason, blacksmitliing....... Babcock A- Miles, merchandise.. A (' Davis, labor................. Albe Davis, labor.............. T G shipton, labor............... W H Davis, labor................ Geo W Wood, labor......... Jack Hoyt, lahor................ M H W Brown, surveying........ J H Harris, lumber............... Edward Doyle, labor........... Thomas Flynn, lahor........ Botird adjourned. 37 00 31 no li 50 1 10 4 00 1H 50 47 50 33 00 7)0 50 H3 00 33 00 30 10 30 37 l i 00 1H 00 1 00 31 00 Fifth Day. Friday, Dec. 11, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present. Wm. M. Wright, chairman; Hugo «I. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, com missioners; S. Deutsch, county clerk. Deed from Ellick Lamartine to Park county for a consideration of 81 to a cer tain frame wagon bridge crossing a slough of the Yellowstone river at the foot of Ninth street, in Park addition t* the city of Livingston. Montana, ac cepted and ordered to be recorded. Agreement with August Urbach for right of way for a county road across Siebeck island, said right of way to be of an even width throughout its entire length of GG feet, signed and filed. The following bills were audited and allowed on general fund: Geo T Chambers, merchandise....... $ 38 !X Talcott A Sax. merchandise...... II !IK Carl T I'eterson, merchandise........ 1 00 M A Peterson, mere liandise......... 3 (X E J Jones, fees............. 13 70 Allan R Jov, rent........... 80 no John Clifford, stamps..... 5 (X) F A Kneter, merchandise............ (> 00 T F Sturtevant, retiate............ j •JO 1 Orschel «.t Bro, merchandise..... 13 50 Eliza Johnson, clerk.................. 15 0(1 Mrs Eva M Hunter, ex. institute 24 so S YY Geho, witness......... ....... 5 50 Samuel Geho, witness...... 8 40 Mrs John Mortimer, rebate.......... 3 20 () M Hefferlin, witness............... 1 50 I Orschel, rebate...................... 14 65 YY'm llenrv, witness........... 1 80 (>eo W Keene, fees................ H no (ieo \V Keene, feen....... 0 *5 Geo YY' Reese, foes.......... 5 •J5 (»eo W Keene, feen.......... H 30 YY'111 Mitchell, bailiff................ 54 (Ml Thompson Bros, rebate............. 14 IX» O I* Templeton, fenn.................. .. 040 45 () 1' Templeton, boar din 2 prisoners____ .. 588 20 () P Templeton, keep in u jail..... .. 273 00 W McKee, juror...................... 1 50 T M Robbins, juror................... 1 50 YY in M Wright, rebate .............. 11 60 Journal Pub Co, merchandise.......... 1 •20 Louis Otten, witness.................... 3 30 Allan R Jov, fees...................... 1« 20 (ieo T Chamber» A Co, merchandise. 4 <x> () Emmons, fees .................... 7 50 (i YY' Berrv, rebate........ *2 *J5 John M Conrow, rebate............... 1« 00 It Glasgow, rebate.............. 11 ■20 YY'm II Redfield, fees...... « 90 A Krieger 2t Co, rebate..... 4 IX» Hefferlin Bros, merchandise.......... *> 75 YY'm il Campe», jure com..... 1 00 C II l.ippv, witness................ s 0G YY'111 Duke, witness........ 1 50 YY' C S -hlbrede, witness..... 1 50 C E Collins, witness........ 1 5) James YY artier, witness............. 5 50 E C Russell, witness.................. Chas T Rader, fees........... 3 (XI (i •20 J B Hawkins, fees...................... E S Holmes, rebate..... (i 4X1 0 ♦>0 Benj 1) Sheffield, bailiff...... 21 00 Turley A Lowry, lumber............... 8 71 A B Lind, fixing vault ......"............ A B Hicks, jury coni'r.................... J M Mossntan, cleaning lock.............. A Croonquist, merchandise............... •lohn E Barbour, fees.................... l.ivingston Water YYorks and Electric Light Co, water......................... Board adjourned. 5 50 42 80 1 O0 10 00 2 00 28 80 7 50 Sixth Day. Saturday. Dec. 12. 1891.— Board met pursuant to adjournment, Present, Wm. M. Wright, chairman; H. J. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, commission ers; S. Deutsch, county clerk. Road viewers report of Benj. Urner et al. laid over and viewers asked to com ply with the law. Road viewers report of James Scofield et al. laid over and viewers asked to com ply with the law. Petition of F. S. Compher et al. to es tablish a new county road in Road dis trict No. G laid over and ordered that the petitioners he asked to pay the ex penses of establishing said road. Road Supervisor Prosper Tessier, dis trict 16. ordered to repair a certain bridge between districts 16 and 23. C. F. Cady let the contract to build a pier at the Shields river bridge; consid eration, 3100. Following bills were audited and al lowed on general fund: S G Walbridge, rebate....................$ h GO J W Nelson, rebate....................... so YY'm Chase, witness....................... i 70 Gordon Bros, lahor...................... 4 ((, W A Moore, coroner fees................ :18 70 M D Kelly, defending prisoners......... 75 no Il O Kellogg, coroners jury.............. C S Walbridge, cancelled warrant...... Gordon Bros, coal....................... Peter Nelson, marshal.................... Geo II YY"right, county printing........... Owen Osborn, lahor..................... F S Thompson, coroner's inquest........ Orlando Emmons, fees................... George Alderson, rebate................. Dudley Halford, fees..................... A P McAnelly, fees....................... Roliert Livingston, witness.............. B F' O'Neal, lees..................... lohn J Walker, witness................... Cook Bros, rebates................... John B Cook, rebates................ \Y T J Hobbs, rebates............... James Rogers, witness................ Wm H YY'illiams, witness................. Thomas Carbine, witness................. Thomas Carbine, witness................. Primus Bruffy, witness................... Ernest G Spiet li, retiate................... 8 Deutsch, ex............................. Chas W Jeffrie«, sheriff fees............ C 8 Hefferlin, rent........................ W' H Poor man, defending prisoner...... YY' H Poorman, defending prisoner....... W H Poorman, defending prisoner.... W H Poorman, defending prisoner. Geo D Barnard A Co, merchandise Livingston Electric Light Co. light....... E W Mullen, juror........... ....... Louis E Bovington, coroner's jury....... Isadore Roth, coroner's jury ........ Hart Bros, rebate..... W m Shields, witness..................... Inter Mountain, books!!..' .............. Hoopes As Eaton, insnrance .............. Harvey Bliss, rebate James Ç Rsed, rebateii ! !................... J J Berlcey, labor....... James Hamilton, fee« ÂïfcïÈS::::::::: «*55?:: ............... tnrnbull, witness................. Y ictor Earnest, witness ................ 1 70 William Bowei, wi?n£i.................. 1 50 Jacob Durst, witwST .............. 1 50 A C MeCUäta«, wuLik .................. 3 10 A C MrClanhan! wltMu.................. * S° A C McClanhan witness.................. » 30 : II G R 6 10 3 tiff 55 13 14 60 867 85 42 (Kl 1 50 38 30 1 45 6 80 21 20 1 50 20 00 2 50 47 56 22 32 20 80 1 50 3 30 1 50 3 00 3 50 12 80 128 64 1 80 683 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 1 65 142 35 5 00 6 10 9 Off 12 00 3 00 40 00 54 00 12 00 19 20 15 68 6 00 13 00 4 05 29 50 23 40 55 75 1 30 1 70 8 00 II R in to of it his is for by by far is one the of was P. S. A. a of tion as zen* shal ately ters and leave the pany. Geo \\ Hasted, witness DP^n'S^n'Hse, 8HosfJr'!ff^ , ' Une - A E Owens, witness John Tate, witness J (' Wyse, witness F R Mitchell, witness T C Ross, witness James Knapp, witness J«dtn Drimkhurn, witness Billie Cowan, witness ' !v Joseph M Wadsworth.' witness' Hantnel laggart. w itness Frederick Hess, witness John Walker, witness M J Fleming, witness Murray Skillmau, witness B \ Perrin, witness ...... L N Leplev, f«*es P W Nelson, w itness Louis Hausen, witness Louis Hansen, witness 1' W Nelson, witness. H N Owen, w itness Rocky Fork Town i Ëiect'n', « Rocky Fork Town A Eleetri« . Geo I> Barnard ,V r,, i, L I Orschej, retiate. ' k> } 7M 350 i» 33 30 ?! i 1 70 j iq ; ' [ 1 50 j 5 5 u I ÜJJ j 37 30 j 1 50 *1 50 I 1 5o : 1 50 I ! 7)i 311 ; m as i eountv and laid over: ........* 35 Board adjourned. Seventh Day, Monday, Dec. 14. 1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Wm. M. Wright, chairman; H. J. Hoppe and R. B. Briggs, commission ers; S. Deutsch; county clerk. Board made settlement with treasu rer. Examined treasurer's h pore and found all correct. Clerk ordered to notify all supervisors 1 to attach vouchers to all hills rendered, j g warrants were cancelled a The follow on the general fund: No. lfiviT, ( ' H Scott....... No. ltPJtt, ('has Howell No. I(>40, Albert Treiber... No. lt>45, Cieori:« (• Lewi* No. lt>4!l, <; Keller No. UK il, Horace 1! Hull... No. lbtW, Frank A Mc(ïii|j s No. 1054, Allen A Kennedy.. No. K>M ( J, Daniel Halvorsoii. No. ltiSti, J J) Sotuinen ille No. 1758. Philip Duffy.. The following hills were Geo Y\' Deven W Co........... Jtnncp Main...... wm a iiaii ............... The following bills were disallowed: YY'oodeon Hodges...... « 11 5° II J Sanderness ..... v Hatch Bros & Co. £ ! ", l'he following bills were audited and allowed: Mrs Sarah Ahle, burial of pauper S 05 Off G R Wells, medical attendance . '!!'. " mi Ordered, that delinquent tax list be printed in one of the papers of Park county at the expense of Commissioner H. J. Hoppe, whereupon Mr. Hoppe named the Livingston Entf.kpkise, which was accepted and designated by the hoard. Chairman Wm. M. Wright handed in his resignation as chairman of the board. Resignation accepted and Wm. M. Wright moved that H. J. Hoppe be elected as chairman; seconded by R. B. R r 'gff s i an, l H. J. Hoppe elected chair man of the board of county commission ers. The following hills were audited and allowed on contingent fund: ......... $ 61 Off 72 (Iff II J Hoppe, commissioner........ YY'm M YVritrht, commissioner..... R li Briees, commissioner................ 77 Board adjourned sine die. S. Deutsch, County Clerk and Recorder Knlil Forgeries. The Bozeman Chronicle says: A young man named John Allen went to Phillipsburg a few days ago from Liv ingston to visit his cousin. Dr. W. H. Allen. The doctor took pride in intro ducing his relative to the business men about town and had confidence enough in him to leave him in charge of his af fairs while he made a trip to Missoula. Young Allen took advantage of the doc tor's absence, and, using fictitious names to ehecks. succeeded in getting seY'eral of them cashed in a business house where he was known, and the merchants are looking everywhere to find him, but it is thought he Ixiarded the west-bound train at Drummond and is safe over the Idaho line. Young Allen acted his part very cleverly, using the reputation of his relatiY'es to defraud the merchants, and although, so far as is known, he only secured about 8150 he might have made it a thousand without much more trouble. The fugitive has an uncle who is cashier of a bank in Livingston and the checks given were drawn upon that bank. As a sequel to the above two checks for 825 each were received Wednesday, by the Livingston National hank, one Yvith the signature of S. Bundock forged thereto and the other with a forged signature of George L. Carey. Both checks were drawn upon the bank at this place in favor of John Allen, one of which was cashed by the Phillipsburg hank and the other held for collection by the Traders bank of Spokane. So far as we are able to learn young Allen unknown in this city. The statement that he has an uncle who is cashier of one of the hanks of Livingston is wholly without foundation. The signatures to the cheeks received here are evidently written by the person filling in the body the checks, and no apparent effort was made to imitate the signature of either gentlemen whose names appear upon them. Protection From Fire In response to call a number of citi zens met at the council rooms Saturday night to take action for the purpose of perfecting a fire organization. A. W. Miles was chosen chairman ai d Charles Connop. secretary. The matter of or ganization and the best method of ac complishing this object Yvas freely dis cussed, and a committee, consisting of W. Mahoney, I. Orschel. J. R. King, T. Ash, W. B. Altimus, J. D. Finn and A. W. Miles, was appointed to formulate petition to be presented to the major calling a special meeting of the council and another to be presented to the council at their special meeting. In pursuance of the request made. Mayor Talcott called a special meeting the council Wednesday evening, at which all members were present, except Aldermen Beley and Morris. The peti tion formulated by the comm.ttee ap pointed for that purpose was presented, follows: Gentlemen: The undersigned, a com mittee appointed by a meeting of citi zen* held at the office of the city mar shal Dec. 12th, 18*91, and citizens, do pe tition your honorable body to immedi ately take steps to procure suitable quar ters for the storage of the fire apparatus and the accommodation of such fire company as may be organized. In support of this petition we beg leave to call the attention of your hon orable body to the fact that at the present time there is no organization in city, that is now an active fire com pany. That as a general thing no one j 9 7M knows where, or what condition the i» fire apparatus is in. save the city mar 30 sh»! and his assistants, and that the ?! i property of every citizen is now at the 70 mercy of the fire fiend. And for various iq ; other reasons we pray your earnest eon [ sidération of this matter. Voicing the 50 j sentiment of ourselves and others ex 5 u pressed to us we make the following ÜJJ j recommendations. 30 j First, that the common council pro 50 vide at once a suitable building, for the 50 I sa ^ e ' l ,m I*' r and convenient storage of 5o : all fire apparatus, with a room for the 50 I use of such company or companies that ! may he organized, suitable for the ac 311 ; commodation of at least fifty men. as i And that said building contain a suit able tower or drying racks for the proper care of hose after being used, and for the placing thereon of a suitable tire alarm bell. We deem it absolutely necessary that something be done at once. We confidently believe that if this is done an active and efficient fire com pany will be maintained. No action was taken upon the petition further than a general discussion as to 1 the best method of procedure, the gen j oral opinion being that nothing should he done without first securing a full and free expression of the taxpayers of the city as to what expenditures should In* made for fire purposes. With this oh jeet in view another special meeting of the council is called for next Wednesday evening at the court room, which all interested in the welfare of the city are urged to attend. The Ketl Lodge Murder The killing of Jerry Twohig at Red Lodge last Thursday, a brief account of which appeared in last week's issue, ap pears to have been the outgrowth of a «piarrel between Twohig and Rice, his assailant. During the afternoon the two men had an encounter in Twohig's saloon, in which Twohig severely choked Rice and dragged him around upon the saloon Hoor. Rice then left the saloon, and, according to the Red Lodge Picket, returned alxmt 7 o'clock in the evening, armed with a Winchester ritie. Twohig and Bartholomew Bollaceo were the only parties in the sakxm at the time. Rice entered the saloon by the rear door when Twoig jumped off the table he was sitting on and implored the murderer not to shoot; Rice glared at him like a demon and said: "You Irish s- of a b-, I am going to kill you," and raised his gun as deliberately as though he was going to shoot a beef. It seems that Twohig was paralyzed with fear and knew that his time had come and the only move he made was to throw up his hands in holy horror. The murderer took deliberate aim and shot the de ceased through the left side. The wounded man turned and then tlie murderer shot him through the right side, killing him instantly. The eye witness said that the man Rice, whe did the shooting, did not seem to be tlie least disconcerted and was calm and de liberate in the cold-blooded murder. After the shooting Rice walked out of the back door and made his escape. It is supposed he started through the mountains for Wyoming, and as he is well armed and possesses thorough knowledge of the country, little hope is entertained that he will be captured. A posse of men started in pursuit, but so far no informatian of his whereabouts has been received. Sheriff Templeton, who went to Red Lodge immediately upon receipt of the telegram announc ing the killing, returned to Livingston Sunday morning and at once sent out a large number of postal cards offering a reward of 8200 for the capture and con viction of Rice. The description given is as follows: Age. about 35 years; height, 5 feet 10Lj inches; weight, 165 pounds: fair complexion, light blue eyes, wore mustache, and short scrubby whiskers; wore cap or cowboy hat, horne ma«le buckskin underclothes, mackinaw overshirt and blue overalls, heavy miners shoes; is a prospector and hunter. At the coroner's inquest held by Justice A. P. McAnelly, the jury brought in a verdict that Jerry TYVohig came to his death by bullet wounds inflicted by a Winchester rifle in the hands of Jack Rice. Keal Estate anil Minina Traiislers. R. B. Basford to Almer D. Hunt, lot 3, block P, Riverside addition to Living ston; 845. George Bealz to Elizabeth Walsh, one eighth interest in the Yellowstone placer claim. New World district; consideration nominal. George Bealz to Wm. H. Robinson, one-eighth interest in the Yellowstone placer claim, New World district; 31,000. E. C. Waters et u.t. to George Bealz. one eighth interest in the Yellowstone placer claim. New World district; con sideration nominal. A. G. Postlethwaite to George Bealz, one-eighth interest in the Yellowstone placer claim; New World district; con sideration nominal. L. H. Carey to James Walker, one third interest in the White Eagle quartz hxle, New World district; 8200. James McBride to Richard R. Cox, one-fourth interest in the Royal Turk mining claim. Crevice gulch; 8500. H. J. Tredennick to Martin Rannmel, one-fourth interest in theJVolunteer min ing claim, New World district; 8500. j W. T. Davis et ux. to Wm. F. Sheard. one-eighth interest in the Little Joe quartz lode. Boulder district; 3.500. Nicholas Webber to Wm. Woods and W. F. Meyer, the southwest quarter of section 20. township 7, south of range 20 east; 81,500. Reeky Fork Town and Electric com - pany to Patrick F. Hanley and Roger J. Fleming, lot 4, block 26, Red Lodge;|3240. Northern Pacific Railroad company to Joseph E. Swindlehurst and George L. Carev, lots 13, 14, block 38, Li\ ingston; 3250. Elizabeth Munday to A. E. Colls, lots 9 and 10. block 9, Cooke; 3100. G. H. Talbott, a switchman in the employ of the Northern Pacific, was run over in the yards at Missoula, while engaged in coupling cars, and instantly killed. The coroner's jury censured the the company for not having the frog, in which young Talbott caught his foot, properly blocked.