Newspaper Page Text
4 w ,VOV'* f . *0« ,\cW nttvuvht OL. 10. NO. 4. LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. SATURDAY, JUNE 25. 1892. PRICE 10 CENTS. u v,n.;ston. g, WEIGHT. MONTANA. Publisher. sVlTG {DA V. JUNE 25 , 1802 . N BATS' I'-' AH LB IN ADVANCE. .................00 .......v.......... 1 50 iotiW (ninth .................. 1 oo ................ 10 U,\ KIITI'INK hates: imh i"; r t for local »»me. i.i''*' 10 cunt* per line each Legal advertising at If« XS M !>.. s Ewminim-' i'»» ■ „„i Count) hyttitinn of Park County. Room No. 57, Albemarle Hotel, R, pool!MAN, _ \TTOHN EY AT-I.A)) , If ill prartice in .tieiul to 11 h,n to real all ilie courts, make collections iiceyancinir. Special attention [. and mining law. Hefferlin Imililing. corner Main anil ihables .Dbttt VSITKII STATE: Minerai. Surveyor. , nll floor Enterprise Block, Livingston, D. KELLY, miRNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in Urschel Block, ._ . Livingston. Mont. rinSGSTUN COMPANY. M. ers, to on A I iv W W U A M S C D A W DfEce in Realty building, gtrerts. Office hours, corner Park and Sec ♦ a. m. to 3 p. m. Kents Must be Paid at Office. alter goodall, resident agent HT ABLE LIKE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, MILES BLOCK, [VTNGST0 N, ■ - - MONTANA. 1ALBKA1TU & FULLER, —ARCHITECTS, ««in Realty Company's Building, corner of Park and Second streets. UfBtiSTOS, MONTANA. fowBunvE Building and Loan Association PwiO.Emons. Sec. E. H. Talcott. Vice-Pres't S. M. Nye. it IJ li. Lasiiorn. Attorney A. J. Campbell •ptlir meetings on the fourth Monday even ic if rich month, at W. H. Redtleld s office Aadar street. w C. SEHLBREDE, DENTIST ipeciaJ attention given to the preservation of '«tarai teeth. Office in Miles building, it St., Livingston. IVAÜE & DAY, inoRNETS AT I.AW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. sney Loaned on long time on real and Kponal property. Office in Miles Blocs, Livingston. K ALTON, M. D. W. H. CAMPBELL, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons, he corner Main and Park streets, over Na tional Park Bank, Livingston. T. SMITH- -ATTORNEY AT LAW. ■—Office: Room 2, Realty Building, trnxnsTON, - - - Montana. W L. SHAWK, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON, bitfaton, - Montana. Office at Peterson's Pharmacy. Kingston assay office. fjjjwdSilver... $1 OO^Copper,.........$1 50 "Jlibüver & Lead 2 00 Coal.............. 3 00 jjfcititive Analysis..............$ 5 00 to $15 00 xaintitttive Analysis............ 10 00 to 25 00 complete price listTaddrese Harvey L. Glenn, I Livingston, Montana Ed Dr W W Lon N E W N H 11 N W II J Dr S A J 8 Dr Il S D Z J J J talcott & sax, News Dealers. ALBEMARLE ANNEX. '•■'■Utpst eastern Dailies. Illustrated Journ ana Magazines always on hand. SOLE AGENTS FOR Also dealers in Books and Stationery, a ll Paper, School Books, Cigars and Tobacco. T • OlL£j. i holes, Fruits, Confftions. SYNOPSIS OK 1* ROCKE DINGS Hoard of County ( inn in tssioners, ,)uue Term. 1H1>2. (Concluded from last week.. FIFTH DAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 10. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present H. J. Hoppe, chairman; Win. M. Wright and R. 15. Briggs,commission ers, and S. Deutsch, county clerk. Ordered that Supervisor S. B. Wyman, road district No. Id, be allowed to expend 825 on Chimney Rock road. Board approved the townsite of Evan dale. Following road supervisors' reports approved : District No. 12—Lawrence Link. " " 18—Win. E. Knowles. " " 15—T. li. Shipton. " " 26—C\ L. Cady. " " 0—A. E. Owen. " " 24—Jacob Miller. 44 " 10—Sam Forney. ** " 25—George Stebbine. [[ " Kl— S. li. Wyman. " 44 10— Prosper Tessier. " " 8— J. E. (Justine. " " 5-A. F. Karnes. " " 10—Thomas B. Flynn. " 6—Joseph Briscoe. " " 0—W. 1*. Burton. " 44 14—A. C. Davis. r 44 44 3— Newton Budd. The following bills audited and allowed on general fund : Joseph L McAnelly, census Bed Lodge. . .$ 2» 00 A Krieger & Co, mdse................... 17 lo I iv W W & E L Co, water................ 7 50 W F Marshall, teams..................... 12 00 W li Poorman, defending prisoners...... 25 00 U S General Land Office, tracings......... 15 00 A P Bose, labor on vault.................. 6 00 Kevser Brown, fees...................... 15 50 M D Kelly, defending prisoners...... ... 25 00 S A Locke, aw nings...................... 46 00 C 8 Hefferlin, rent....................... 025 00 Gallatin county sheriff's fees........ D 1* Van 11 orne, jury com'r........... A Croououist, mdse.................. W II Philbrick, teaming............. Kejser Brown, fees.................. 28 bo 1 00 1 25 10 (tO 8 50 8 50 ft (Ml 1 ftü 1 50 i no 1 50 1 50 1 50 21 40 1 50 James Fleming, witness..... Daniel K Lloyd, witness..... James G Smith, witness..... Ed Lloyd, witness........... Terry Fleming, witness ... . Dr A C McCiauahan, witness W A llall, constable fee..... W E Byan, witness........... John Benfro, witness....... Thomas K Lee, w itness.................. 1 50 Lon Harris, witness ...................... 1 50 N I) T Weatherman, witness.............. 1 50 Louis Bovington, witness................. 1 50 E O Clark, witness....................... 8 00 W D McClellan, witness................. 3 00 N D T Weatherman, witness.............. 6 60 H J Pic kering, witness................... 1 50 11 N Gragg, fees........................... 15 00 N C Comely, witness.................... 1 50 W B Howerton, witness................... 1 50 II B Ward, witness........................ 1 50 John Johnson, fees constable............. 24 80 " " ............. 13 20 J W Johnson, fees constable............. 18 80 Charles Tappan, clerk................... 140 00 Dr J H Johnson, witness................. 1 50 S Deutsch, expenses...................... 297 98 Strawn Youngstroum, witness............ 1 50 Henry Gebo. witness...................... 1 50 Thomas P McDonald, witness............ 1 50 Mrs S Barratt, witness................... 1 50 A P McAnelly, witness................... 1 50 Mrs J W Taylor, witness................. 1 50 Mrs H M Price, witness................... 1 50 J Mellno, witness......................... 1 50 8 B Wyman, witness...................... 1 50 Martin Johnson, witness................ 1 50 John Bernardi, witness.................. 1 50 Mrs Johanna Wolff, witness.............. 1 50 Samuel T ay part, witness.................. 1 50 Dr W II Allen, witness ................... 1 50 Il V Baily, w itness ...................... 1 50 Christ Nutson, witness................... 1 50 S S Errett, constable fees................ 3 40 Geo D Barnard, mdse..................... 11 65 • 4 " ..................... 63 00 " vault fixtures............ 18i 75 Gust Schott, salary dep co clerk......... 100 00 D P Vanllorne, salary assessor........... 150 00 Z 11 Daniels, salary assessor.............. 155 00 Board adjourned. SIXTH DAY, SATURDAY, JUNF. 11. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present—H. J. Iloppe, chairman ; Wm. M. Wright and R. B. Briggs, commis sioners ; S. Deutsch, clerk. Ordered that county clerk shall pay £10 for support of Mrs. Maser's children at convent, Helena, and £10 per month for her own maintenance. Ordered that O. P. Templeton, sheriff, is hereby authorized to appoint a deputy sheriff for the towns of Red Lodge and Big Timber. Following bills audited and allowed on general fund : Jam«» A Bailey, deputy clerk court ......£ 100 00 Samuel Jackson, deputy sheriff.......... 375 00 Orlauao Emmons, cferk court............. 10 60 F W Wright, reut P O box................ 12 TS John Clifford, expenses.................. 1100 Red Lodge Rep Pub Co, advertising..... V 50 Briggs & Bille, varnishing maps......... 2 60 J E Swindlehurst, jury com'r ............ 1 00 B D Sheffield, deputy sheriff ............. 100 00 Geo W Reese, fees........................ 0 50 Geo T Chambers, mdse................... 1 00 Chas II Eaton, jury com'r............... 1 00 L N Lepley, fees.......................... 30 00 M A Peterson, mdse...................... 0 00 David Masoner, witness.................. 1 f>0 W H Close, constable fee»................ 0 15 J E Barbour, lee»......................... 17 00 Ü Short, w itness.......................... 8 00 J A Bender, «Unes» ....................... 2 70 Paul Smiahofer, witness................. 3 10 Maurice Roth, witnese.................... 1 50 Austin Lobdell, witness................... 2 50 N Davenport, w itness..................... 1 50 L r M. to ship erly river July 4 36, east west to ship ship for road and to east 31, 11 K Wm T New T .Mrs il A/H > vlljivi n ituroD, , . . ■ • .... .... .».. ... * " Brown Fissier, witness.................. 1 50 Thomua McWilliams, witness........... 6 60 W L Strong, witness...................... 6 20 Elizabeth Pish, witness................... 3 10 Frank King, witness...................... 1 50 Joe Tassel, witness....................... 3 10 Journal l'uh Co, stationery............... 40 65 Talcott & Sax, mdse...................... 14 40 I Orschel & Bro, mdse................... 5 25 A C McClanahan, expert witness......... 10 00 Eva M Hunter, fees....................... 5 00 James Blackburn, witness................ * 50 Grant Foster, witness..................... 4 5U Cuarles Sweeney, witness................. 150 John Flauerty, witness................... * 50 W A Moore, coroner...................... *< Allan R Joy, rent......................... 30 00 Hefferlin Bros, mdse..................... » Shelby Eli Dillard, printing.............. 15 I« S B Wyman, rent.......................... 1* O P Templeton, boarding prisoners...... JS] 40 R Fiüeld, witness......................... J =0 W H Close, constable fees................ 13 5a H J Wright, rebate tax................... 1" j® Mike O'Donnell, witness.................. 4 50 Benj Davis, witness....................... 1 50 Charles Cannon, witness.................. 150 John Shebau, witness..................... 4 M W li Philbrick, rebate license............ 35 00 Samuel Hoeford, fees..................... 56 50 Kevser Brown, fees....................... 32 40 B Miles Jt Bro, judgment .............. 124 00 Louis Hausen, keeping jail............... 225 00 David Doucett, rebate..................... 6 SO James Virtue, special constable.......... 1» 20 William Nichilas, special constable...... 18 20 Peter Curran, special constable.......... 18 20 O P Templeton, expenses................ 46» 85 Livingston E L Co, light................ 151 65 Thomas 11 Smith, salary co clerk ........ loo 00 Geo W Reese, fees....................... jj j* A Krieger JC Co, mdse.................... 21 00 Patrick Hanley, w itness.................. 1 50 Roger, witness.................. 5 50 Frank Burton, witness.................... 1 50 Richard Carr, witness.................... I j" Jerome Clark, witness.................... t ?" Henry Ruekenger, witness................ 1 « C B rtusenplanter, w itness............... J Warren Thurston, w itness................ j Olnie Lee, w itness........................ J " Robert Lee, witness....................... { "J J W Patton, witness....................... P Magnusseu, coal......■................. XÀ Herman Magnussen, coal ................ 14 no Geo 11 Wright, printing.................. »16 8. Board adjourned. 21 on J A M E S SEVENTH DAY, MONDAY, JUNE 13. Board met pursuant to adjournment. L r °ocnt, H. J. Hoppe, chairman; Win. M. Wright arid R. B. Briggs, commis sioners ; S. Deutsch, county clerk. Road petition of Lawrence Link et al. to establish county road : Beginning at Samuel Dailey's ranch at crossing of creel^on traveled road in section 4, town ship 7 south, range 7 oast, thence south erly along the west bank of Yellowstone river to town of Gardiner, approved, and following road viewers appointed to meet July 11,1892: Samuel Daily, Charles Lohman and A. Chadburn. Ordered that road district 27 be changed as follows : Beginning at the northeast corner of section 24, township north, range 15 east, thence running south to the southeast corner of section 36, township 3 north, range 15 east; then running west to the southwest corner of section 31, township 3 north, range 14 east ; then running north to the north west corner of section 19, township 4 north, range 14 east ; then running east to point of beginning. The county road running east and west through'town ship 4 north, range 14 east, and town ship 4 north, range 15 east to he the dividing line and said road to be marked jointly by the supervisors of the two districts. Ordered that Jewett L. Miskimin, Esq., bo appointed justice of the peace for Red Lodge precinct. Following reports approved : Samuel Hoeford, J. P., L. N. Lepley, J. P. Resignation of T. G. Egeland, con stable at Big Timber, accepted. S. L. Frazee appointed constable at Cooke precinct. Road viewers' report on Mill creek road approved and ordered road opened and the same become a county road as viewed. Road petition of Geo. T. Wickes et al. to establish a county road as follows : Commencing on section 27, township 2 south of range 8 east, about 200 yards east of Craig's fence crossing Eldridge creek, up a branch gulch to line of Dowty's ranch ; thence southwest up Miner creek by McAlister's coal mine about one mile ; thence up Miner creek, crossing section 31 in a southwesterly direction and terminating at a body of timber at or near the west line of section 31, township 2 south of range 8 east. Approved, and following road viewers appointed to meet July 14th, 1892: Thomas B. Flynn, Wm. Williams, H. P. DeHart. The following bills audited and al lowed on contingent fund : 11 J Hoppe, co com'r................. K B Briggs, co com'r................. Wm M >\ right, co com'r.............. . £ (K) 40 63 UU ... 66 no HOAD FUND. T B Flynn, labor...................... New toil Budd, labor.................. Newton Budd, labor.................. ... 27 00 y:, m ï\ G EN B HAL FUND. John E Barbour, fees................. 4 25 T J E Lei and, fees..................... 4 lU POOH FI ND. .Mrs Sarah Abel, maintenance poor... Marshall & Nelson, team............. ... Ü2S 15 9 (X) Following road supervisors' reports laid over : James B. Murphy, dist. No. 21 ; A. A. Berg, dist. No. 23. Road petition of A. G. Hatch et al. to establish county road, laid over. Com meucing on the county road at the northwest corner of section No. 18, town ship 4 north, range 14 east ; thence south on said section line as near as practi cable along Hart Bros., E. R. Parker, A. Johnson, B. Ü. Forsythe, P. O. Falling's ranches ; thence in a south southeast erly course following the most practi cable route till it will intersect the county road up Big Timber creek at or near Jacob Rapstail's ranch. Ordered that Commissioner R. B. Briggs be appointed to examine county roads in roa»l district No. 4. Board examined stubs of warrants is sued for fees of district court and checked with certificates of clerk of dis trict court and found correct. Following reports approved : Eva M. Hunter, superintendent public instruction. Allan R. Joy, county attorney. O. P. Templeton, sheriff. J. E. Barbour, justice peace. Ordered that county clerk shall draw warrant on general fund in favor of B. Brown, secretary state irrigation com mission—Park county's appropriation of expenses of state irrigation convention. Following bills laid over : James B Murphy..........................£ 58 60 John Johnson ........................ J 11 Conrad & Co..................... A Shannon............................ John Davies......................... Terry Fleming........................ Wong Charley....................... Harvey Bliss.......................... Freeman & Huilas ......................... 30 00 James Fleming........................... 16 00 M N Potter............................ John Gist............................ Thomas Fasse ........................ Charles Russet....................... Amond Fasse ........................ Geo \V Devan & Co.................. Andrew J Anderson................. Keyser Brown............................. 10 00 « " ............................ 10 00 Weaver & Hall............................ 12 00 JUPisor.................................. 6 10 E R Bowen................................ 3 00 Anderson & Co....................... S 8 Errett ........................... l oo 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 fill a2 1 50 1 50 3 Û0 3 00 3 00 35 00 1 50 3 00 4M 40 3 60 5 00 Jamee Maines ........................ Following bills disallowed : David Doucett.......................... John Johnston........................ M H W Browne....................... Dr J H Johnson.......................... 38 00 Geortre Baker............................. 40 00 W W Bowen.............................. «0 IW G ns Solomonson...................... W H C'loee............................ Hatch Bros & Co...................... Mrs Jennie Maine.................... Mary Shea..........-........•;...... Board adjourned sine die. Real Estate and Minime Transfer*. Rocky F'ork Town and Electric com pany to Albert Bell, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 19, 20 and 21, block 5, Red Lodge ; £1. Kate A. May to Alanson Messer, one eighth interest in the Narragansett quartz lode, New World district ; £500. Frederick Krossler to C. N. Skillman, an interest in the Shepherd quartz lode, Boulder district ; £200. C. N. Skillman to A. D. Simpson, one fourth interest in the Shepherd quartz lode, Boulder district ; £125. Charles P. Johnston to Ole A. Ander son, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, block 44, Living ston ; £1,200. DISTRICT COURT. A Large Docket—Case» I)t»po»eil of During the Week. the June term of district court for Park county convened Monday, Judge krank Henry, presiding, and the usual court officers in attendance. The fol lowing attorneys were registered for ap pearance in cases docketed for the term: Savage & Day. A. J. Campell, Allan R. Joy, M. D. Kelly, W. H. Poorman, John T. Smith and H. J. Miller, Livingston ; A. G. Hatch, Thomas K. Lee and J. E. Barbour, Big Timber; W. F. Meyer, A. P. McAcnelly and Thomas Ross, Red Lodge ; Charles S. Hartman, William A. Imes, Luce & Luce, H. C. Coekrill, E. P. Cadwell nnd Sydney Fox, Bozeman ; Word, Smith & Word, and Cullen, San ders & Shelton, Helena, and W. A. Clark, Virginia City. Following are cases disposed of during the week : The State of Montana vs. Louis Wolff. The county attorney having filed his reasons for not filing an infor mation, and no information having been filed, the defendant was discharged from custody and his bondsmen released. Nelson Story et al. vs. Charles A. Car son, et al. Continued for service. Taylor Brothers & Co. et al. vs. Steb-1 F. W. be al. bins Mercantile Co. et by agreement. John Pullman & Co. vs. Charles H. Stebbins et al. Continued by agree ment. James S. Boardtnan vs. Fellows D. Continued : Pease et al. Plaintiff dismisses suit by j consent without predjudice. | William Hall vs. James McBride et al. i Continued for service. < Mary Gillen et al. vs. Edwin Patter son et al. Set for trial for Thursday, j j D e . j June 30th. Helen Smith vs. Charles Smith. answer. Ornaldo Baker vs. John B. Cook et al. Defendants given leave to file amended answer. fault of defendant entered for want o# f , , Electrical Engineering and Supply ! Co. vs. Livingston Electric Light com pany. Savage •& Day withdraw their ap- i pearancens attorneys for plaintiff and j case dismissed for want of prosecution. | Thomas Fortune vs. Giant & Whalen, i Plaintiff dismisses suit without preiu 1 1 ' A. Krieger & Co. vs. J. D. Whelpley. Continued for service. National Park Bank vs. William M. Thompson. Continued for service. Paul A. Zuber vs. Grosvenor W. Barry et al. Set for trial for Saturday, June 25th. Eva C. Imo vs. Nicholas Imo. De fault of defendant entered for want of answer, and Charles W. LaBarre ap pointed referee to take testimony. Thomas McKeever vs. Michael Nolan. Continued for service. Sarah J. Goar vs. S. H. H. Goar. De fault of defendant entered for want of answer. F. S. Webster vs. Sadie Seeley. De murrer submitted to court without ar gument. Frank Bland vs. J. H. Conrad & Co. June 25th fixed for settling statement on motion for new trial. A. Krieger & Co. vs. W. A. Smith. June 25th fixed for settling statement on motion for new trial. James Lavelle vs. O. P. Templeton, sheriff. June 25th fixed for settling statement on motion for new trial. Hatch Bros. & Co. vs. H. P. Nelson. Plaintiffs ilisrr iss suit as settled. E. H. Talcott vs. A. B. Lind et ux. Plaintiff dismisses suit as settled. J. C. Lyons vs. L. R. Sadler. Contin ued by agreement. Olive E. Heglin vs. Albert heglin. Decree of divorce granted and plaintiff awarded the custody of Marian Myrtle Heglin, minor child. John J. Murray vs. Livingston Coke and Coal Co. Defendant given leave to tile amended answer and cause contin ued on application and at costs of de fendant. Livingston Co-Operative Building and Loan Association vs. Stephen S. Rhody et al. Judgment for plaintiff for £1,991.45 principal, £24.75 insurance paid, £42.48 taxes, £240 attorneys' fees and costs of suit ; and decree of foreclosure entered. E. Goughnour vs. M. D. Hoover et al. Judgment for plaintiff for £318.41 with interest from November 30,1891, at the : rate of 10 per cent per annum, and £,o attorneys' fees. For defendant, Carrie j Mortimer, SL2.42 with interest and £o0 , attorneys' fees and £6 expense of filing j claim ; for defendant, Olaf Mattson, S31.3Ö with interest. £oü attorneys fees ; and £6 for expense filing claim. Decree of foreclosure. Hugo J. Hoppe vs. Carroll T. Robert ; et al. Default of defendants entered for want of answer and judgment for j plaintiff for £1,138.97 and costs of suit, j Carrie L. Healey et al. vs. Hidden Treasure mining company et al. On motion E. E. Fowler substituted as plaintiff in place of L. A. and Lucretia W. Luce. The following jurors were excused for the term : S. O'N. C. Brady. Walter V. Grannie. B. T. Gray, W. F. McLeod, Jo seph Stephan, John O. Sax, C. S. Wal bridge, George Welcome, George A. Loasby, J. D. Finn, Daniel Hogan and F. W. Draper, and special venire issued ; returnable Thursday, June 23d, until which time all jurors were discharged. Sarah J. Gore vs. S. H. H. Gore. De cree of divorce granted. In the matter of the estate of John W. Grannis, deceased. Petition of dis tribution filed and order to show cause why decree of distribution should not be made, signed and tiled and Saturday, July 2nd, set for hearing. Estate of William Williams, deceased. Exhibit of account and proceedings of administrator filed and order appointing day to settle account and exhibit signed and filed, and Saturday, July 2nd, set for examining and settling account. Upon due proof Andrew Johnson was admitted to become a citizen of the United States. F. S. Webster vs. Sadie Seeley. De murrer to first cause of action sustained, and overruled ns to second cause, and defendant given ten days to answer sec ond cause. rhe State of Montana vs. Thomas ' Craig ; malicious mischief. Plea of not guilty entered, and case set for trial July 2nd. Woodson Hodges vs. Nannie Smith. Default of defendant entered for want of answer and judgment for plaintiff for 82 ' IKK) wlth inter « st fro,u Ma y 20 - 1891 > at the rate of one I ,er cent P er month ' 8100 attorneys' fees and costs of suit. William E. Youmans vs. Bernice You man8 ' Default ,,f defendant entered to tak^iftcstirnony^ 1 ap P omte(1 refereo ; Thursday morning the special venire issued Tuesday was returned and the f ,anel °'P et,t j ur . ora completed as fol lows: Thomas Ash, D. Goudy, J. E. Swindlehurst, Charles Ackelmire, Frank Bender, M. S. Ballinger, E. R. Bowen, N. Ebert, B. U. Forsythe, John Fenning ham, Dennis Gordon, William A. Hall, J. C. McCartney, C. H. Pennicott, Jos. Turner, G. W. Wood, Lee Eisenberg, W. H. Philbrick, Charles Bowers, G. W. Metcalf, -A. W. Miles, Charles Angus, C. H iÄV?ter S riJhSlÄ - Rankin vs. Holliday, the following entry was made Wednesday by Judge Armstrong, before whom the case was tried in January last: The findings of the jury upon the special issues submitted were all adopt e d except interrogatories Nos. 17, 22, 71, 72, 76, 81 and 82, which said interroga tories the court answers as follows: No. 17,"At what time was the ditch of Louis H. Shafer constructed?" June 1879. No. 22, "What was the date of Shafer's appropriation?" June 1879. No. 71, "At what time was the first ditch of De fendant Maxey constructed?" 1873. No. 72, "What was the capacity of the ditch when constructed?" 100 inches. No. 76, "What was the date of Defendant Maxey's appropriation through this ditch?" 1873. No. 81, "How many inches of water is Defendant Maxey en titled to by reason of his second ditch?" 272 inches. No. 82, "What was the date of Defendant Maxey's appropriation through this ditch?" 1888. VICTIMS OF THE FLOOD. J. K, D«>a<lmnii4l niul Mr». Vanderhoof Suc cumb to the Treacherous Waters of a Mountain Torrent. Word was received in this city Tues day of the accidental drowning of J. R. Deadmond, a prominent stockgrower of Meyersburg, and Mrs. Vanderhoof, a res ident of Sixteen-mile basin in Meagher county. The accident occurred at the ranch of Mr. Deadmond, the particulars of which, as related by J. B. Murphy of of the party who accompanied the re mains of one of the unfortunate victims to this city, are substantially as follows : Sunday Mrs. Vanderhoof and four chil dren had been visiting with Mrs. Faulk ner, a widowed sister of Mr. Deadmond, residing with him upon his ranch. Con cluding to return to her home in the evening and being compelled to cross the Shields river which was swollen by the meltiDg snow of the mountains to such a depth as to prevent fording, she started across a foot bridge, accompanied by a young man in the employ of Mr. Deadmond, the children having first been safely taken over. As Mrs. Vanderhoof exhibited considerable timidity, the young man preceded her, permitting her to place her hands upon his shoulders for support. When near the middle of the stream the woman either lost her footing or became dizzy and fell into the river, carrying the young man with her Jn thjJ faU Mrg yanderhoofs hold : wa> relMed the youn(? man who , an expgrt Bwimmeri Bafely reached j the ghore whUe the , X)dy of the woman , wag carried down the Bwift current . j Tfae mish wa8 noticed by M r. Dead mond who wa8 standing up0 n the bank ; of th# river> and he immediat el y ran down the 8tream about thirty yards to the ford. He waded in as far as possi ; b j e and , taking a position in front of the fl oa ting body of the woman, attempted j to rescue her but was carried of his feet j by t be additional burden and both he , and the woman were swept into deep j water where, being unable to swim, both 1 sank and were drowned. Mr. Vander j hoof, who had just returned from Castle, I was notified of the sad accident and at once repaired to the Deadmond ranch where, with the assistance of the Cava naugh brothers, he searched the banks of the river ail night, but without dis covering the body of either his wife or Mr. Deadmond. In the meantime the neighbors had been notified and at day ight Monday morning searching parties began a systematic patrol of the banks of the*river. After proceeding down the stream alunit an eighth of a mile the body of Mrs. Vanderhoof was discovered lodged upon an accumulation of drift wood in the middle of the stream. A suspension bridge was improvised nnd the body recovered, after which the searchers again proceeded down the river a distance of over a mile where the body of Mr. Deadmond was found washed upon a bar in the river. After the recovery of the bodies Justice George M. Coe, who was one of the rescuing party, empanelled a jury composed of Hugh Cavanaugh. Patrick Cavanaugh, J. B. Murphy, Martin Bates and Edward Rickets, and held an inquest, the jury returning a verdict in accordance with the facts stated above. Mrs. Vanderhoof was 32 years of age and leaves a husband and four children, the youngest 2 years of age and the old e8 t g years, to mourn her loss. Her parents reside in Virginia and a pecul arly sad feature of her death was the fact that she had made arrangements to depart for that state Monday to pay them a visit. Her remains were taken to Castle where they were buried Tues day. J. R. Deadmond was among the most prominent stockgrowers of the upper Shields valley, was 44 years of age and unmarried, although he had the care of his widowed sister, Mrs. Faulkner, and her two children, the older of whom, Miss Drusie, showed marked heroism in crossing the foot bridge after the acci dent and conveying the four children of Mrs. Vanderhoof to their home, a dis tance of three miles, and cared for them during the night. The remains of Mr. Deadmond were brought to this city, ar riving here Tuesday night accompanied by Patrick and Hugh Cavanaugh, Mar tin Bates, James Killorn, Edward Rickett, J. B. Murphy, Mrs. F'aulkner and daughter, Miss Bean and Miss Mary Murphy. The funeral of J. R. Deadmond was postponed until Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to await the arrival of a brother of deceased, who is engaged in mining in St. Louis gulch, Meagher county. At that hour funeral services were con ducted in the undertaking rooms of A. Krieger & Co.. Rev. W. C. Fowler ofiici ating, after which the remains were in terred in the city cemetery. The June Rise. Tiie Yellowstone river reached its high est point at this place Tuesday noon, when a farther rise was checked by a cold wave from the east, followed by a steady fall amounting at this time to about two feet. The highest mark reached was 8 feet and 6 inches ns indi cated by the gauge upon the center pier of the bridge at the foot o? Main street. This is the largest volume of water car ried by the Yellowstone during the his tory of Livingston, although the high water of 1887 very nearly approached the mark of last Tuesday. Old residents state that the Yellowstone has twice be fore shown a higher stage of water in 1873 and 1880. That of the latter year is claimed to have been nearly eighteen inches higher on the 7th day of July than at any time since. It is now be lieved by most persons that further dan ger from floods is past and that the larger quantity of snow that yet re mains in the mountains will be much slower to melt, as it is chiefly confined to gulches, thus largely reducing the area exposed to the sun's rays and the effects of the warm winds from the southwest. So far the damage has been chiefly con fined to a partial loss of two bridges, and the vegetable gardens of residents upon the islands and in Riverside addition. The market gardens of Andy Hume, Anton Erpenbach, August Urbach and James Hudson, residing upon island ranches above the city, ate nearly de stroyed, and in some eases will prove a total loss. The same condition prevails throughout the lower portion of River side, where numerous small gardens were either totally destroyed or in a great measure damaged by the overflow from the river. Mr. Erpenbach lost a number of pigs that were washed from his island and drowned, and James Hud son includes in his loss about seventy chickens. All day Sunday, Monday and a portion of Tuesday teams were kept busy hauling rock and earth and tempo rary dykes were erected along the river bank in Riverside addition, and to this precaution can bs attributed the small loss to residents in this portion of the city. A number of those residing in the overflowed district were compelled to re move with their household effect* to higher ground, entailing some expense and the additional loss attendant upon such hasty removals.