Newspaper Page Text
PFKSGNAL POINTS. in tlit> c'it\ was in New York visl • W. A. Moots of Castle yesterday. M rs. K Stocker of Su t he city Thursday. Paul Zuber is visitin anti other eastern cities. Hrownlow T. Cray ami wife vt tors at Bozeman Monday. Hon. O. H. Baton was a visitor at the temporary capital Saturday. A. \V. Stanton made a business visit to Helena the first of the week. Engineer Frank Cummings returned Saturday from a trip to St. Paul. Mrs. J. E. Swindlehurst is visiting friends in the upper Yellowsttine. Alfred Myers of Myersburg returned Saturday from a trip to Bozeman. Messrs E. E. Fowler and J. Lyons were arrivals from Castle Monday. Spencer Jarrett of Springdale was a business visitor in the city Monday. County Clerk S. Deutfch went to Helena on official business Tuesday. Constable S. S. Erret of Horr was a business visitor in Livingston Tuesday. Omar Hoskins of Kalispel was attend ing to litigation in the district court the past week. H. (). Hicko.v, of the Melville Mercan tile company, was a visitor in Livingston Thursday. A. L. Love went over to Toston Tues day to look after his ranch interests at Crow creek. Under Sheriff Ramsey of Yellowstone county was in Livingston Tuesday on official business. W. VV. Beasley, one of the prominent wool growers of eastern Montana, was in ttie city Tuesday. Ben Cornhauser made a trip to Hunt ers Hot Springs by private conveyance Tuesday afternoon. Dr. VV. L. Shawk and father, accompa nied by A. Allen, started Monday for a tour of Wonderland. John H. Conrad, president of the Park Co il and Coke company, was a visitor in Livingston Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Bailey returned last even ing from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Bozeman. Herbert Jones made a trip to Fridley Tuesday to take depositions in a case pending in the district court. George Keifer came over from Boze man Tuesday and remained several days renewing old-time acquaintances. Dan Emmons of Mammoth Hot Springs greeted his numerous Living ston friends the tirst of the week. Rev. L. B. Statuier of Jefferson county, was a visitor in the city Sunday, the guest of W. H. and Thomas Duke. Attorney A. J. Campbell went down to Big Timber Monday evening to attend to legal business in that thriving burg. Dr. W. H. Campbell went up to Frid ley Tuesday, whither he was summoned by the serious illness of Mrs. A. Dailey. W. P. Mulholland, accompanied by his wife, went up to Emigrant Tuesday to look after mining interests in that dis trict. T. S. Ash started for a months visit to the east Saturday. He will visit Chi cago, New York, Boston and other east ern cities. C. K. Lower has completed his mason contract with the Townsite company at Red Lodge and returned with his family to this city Samuel Dailey, one of the prominent ranchmen and stockgrowers of the up per Yellowstone was a business visitor in the city Saturday. James Ryan of Butte was brought ever to Livingston Monday and placed under the care of Dr. Campbell. He is suffering from pneumonia. Superintendent J. D. Finn and wife and Misses Austa Bowers and Maggie Tinling were among visitors at Hunters Hot Springs the past week. Miss Eva Mann, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, during the past year, returned to her home in Michigan this week. ^liss Ferguson, in charge of Thomp son Bros', millinery department, depart ed Sunday morning for a two months' visit to her parents in Canada. Hon. C. H. Eaton departed for Helena Tuesday morning to represent Park county at the mining congress which convened at that place on that date. George W. Wakefield, formerly mana ger of the Park Transportation company, 1 a came over from Bozeman the first of the ■week to look after business interests. R. B. Emison and Stephen Howell were among Cooke City mine owners who departed for that camp the past week to look after representation work. George H. Wright andjwife went down to Hunters Hot Springs Monday by pri vate conveyance. They also visited friends at Big Timber, returning Thurs day afternoon. J. L. DeHart went down toJMiles City Wednesday evening to look after stock shipments in the interest of the Minne sota Transfer company, for which he is Montana agent. Dr. R. D. Alton, accompanied by his wife and son, Robert, went to Helena Thursday morning. The doctor assist, ed in representing Park county at the mining congress. E. B. Haskins, representing George D. Barnard A Co., St. Ijouis. was in the city Tuesday. Miss Sarah Lowe of Bozeman is visit ing her sister. Mrs. A. J. Dailey of the upper Y ellowstone. Miss Ella Krieger returned Thursday 1 evening from St. Joseph, Missouri, where she has been attending school. Mrs. Altner and son. Master Ezra, of Butte, were guests of tier sister, Mrs. A. R. Bingham, the tirst of the week. Mrs. Altner was on a visit to Mrs. R. Full r man, a sister residing at Chico. H. Dyer, Northern Pacific express agent, is looking after mining interests in the Emigrant district this week. During lus absence the express office is in charge of Route Agent J. L. Kirk. John Egeler of Clyde Park was in the city Tuesday. He reports crops in that locality in good condition, and in Home instances fully as far advanced as usual notwithstanding the backward season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb of Toronto, California, and Thomas Webb of Bright on. that state, stopped over in Living ston Sunday on their return from the east. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shannon. A. J. Reeves, chairman of the incor porators of the Montana Capital Invest meut company, was in the city Satur day in the interest of the capital loca tion question, the purpose for which his company was organized. C. W. Savage, proprietor of the Mc Queen House at Miles City, arrived from j the east Wednesday morning to look alter business interests here and mining property at Castle and in the Boulder district. Mr. Savage is one of the suc cessful hotel managers of the state and his friends will all be pleased to learn that he is prospering in his latest ven ture at Miles. I'renH Comment. Pioneer Press : Adlai means "my or nament." according to Cruden's Con cordance, but Mr. Cleveland is some what disposed to agree rather with Y'oung's Concordance, which defines the word as meaning "weary." The latter will more generally meet the democratic view of the thing when the battle is over. Economist : In 1854, during the reve nue tariff of 1840, there wasu soup house in every ward of New Y'ork city ; thous ands of laborers paraded the streets in search of work ; the number of paupers was greater than it ever was before or has been since. And this is the kind of a tariff that the democratic party pro nounces for todav. Inter Mountain : The attention of the people of Montana is directed to the fact that not one of the three leading democratic papers of this state, the Mi ner, Standard or Independent, has yet summoned the hardihood to defend the action of the democratic house of repre sentatives last Friday in passing the free lead bill. By their silence they confess that free lead means ruin to American mining, or else they dure not, for some local political reason, uphold the policy of their own party. What a spectacle ! * * Minneapolis Tribune : The sum and substance of the Homestead strike, as now stated by the workmen themselves, is that a reduction of 12 per cent, was proposed in the wages of 325 out of 3,000 men, and that the 325 were men whose earning were from 86 to 815 per day. The "heaters" received 814.66 per day and their helpers 810 per day as against 82 per day in Great Britain. These are the wages spoken of by the democratic organs that howl—"The wages of pro tection is deuth." Argus : Hon. Frank McGrath, ex president of the Farmers' Alliance of Kansas, has renounced allegiance to that organization and returned to the re publican party. The course is taken by him, he says, tiecause he has discovered the alliance to be an office-seeking, bood lmg annex to the democratic party. It is ever thus. Third parties are ulwnys manipulated by a lot of fellows whose greatness and peculiar fitness were never discovered by the old parties. They imagine themselves patriots, born lead ers and wise counselors. They wiggle around on the surface for a while, then sink into the slough of oblivion, never to to be seen or heard of again. * * Salt Lake Tribune : Consistency very often loses its jewelry in this country. A contemporary press teils how much the revenue has fallen off under the McKin ley tariff. That has been due to two things. One was the greatly added free list under the McKinley tariff ; the oth er was that there whs a great rush of foreign material here before the tariff took effect, supplying the market for the next few months to come. Where the consistency breaks down is that the tariff is abused for not producing reve nue, and at the same time is abused for robbing the people. Nothing will suit the average free trader until the mills of this country shall be closed down, the men turned out upon the farms, the warehouses of the country all stuffed with foreign goods and every dollar of the country sent across the sea to pay for what we ought to produce ourselves. ■ lia*** Hall. The following is the standing of the Montana state ball league to date : ■ Lost IVrtVnt Butte ...... I treat Katie B»»z»*man... H»*l**na..... Blnllipsbiirg Missoni* ... Elay 17 1 I 4 W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says : "Chamberlin s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold. There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quick ly; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup; no other affords so much relief in cases of whooping cough. For sale by J.E. Ferte—Druggist. , ! It shvhk III« Childr«u. Mr. C. H. Shawen, Wellsville, Kan., says: "It is with pleasure that I speak ol the good Chamberlin's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy has done my family during the last fourteen years. In the most obstinate cases of summer complaint and diarrhtea among my children, it acted as a charm, making it never necessary to call in a physician. I can truthfully say that in my judg ment, based on years of experience, there is not a medicine in the market that is its equal. For sale by J. E. Ferte Druggist. Flying HIhIokm. Flying Hiatoga 3rd P No. 71, 2:30; Flying Hiatoga, Jr. P No. 40, 2:23*4, will stand for service at Big Timber season j Big nmoer season of 1892. Is a standard tired horse from one of the best pacing families in Amer ica 30 in the 2:30 list. Was bred by A. M. Snyder, of Hopeilale, Harrison county, Ohio, dam Lady Snyder 5th, record 2:30, got by Scott's Hiatoga, bred by Samuel Scott of Ohio. For further information see pedigree at postoffice, or apply to R. O. Sinclair. 4 23-tf E. O. Clark. Lodging and liafliM. Having fitted up my lodging rooms with clean, comfortable beds, I am pre pared to furnish the best accommoda tion to lodgers in the city. Also. Turk ish baths, both mineral and alcohol, shower baths, both hot and cold, can he obtained at all hours, with the best, neatest and most comfortable equipment in the city. Mrs. E. Imo, Proprietress of the oldest and most re liable bath house in Livingston, B street, between Park and Calendar. *lm Ten I». rOut. Money to Loan. On improved ranch property. Also money to loan on city security. J. E. SwiNDLEHCRST. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that tin* co-partner?*hi|> heretofore existing het\ve»*n G«*«»rg»* T. Collins ami K. Burn ham, under tim firm name »if Collins & Burnham, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Burn ham retiring. The business will be carried on by Oeorge T. Collin-, who w ill pay ail debts and collect ail a« counts of the late tfriii. GEORGE T. COLLINS, E. BURNHAM. Livingston, duly 1,1892 D esk ht land, final proof.- no TICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Mat»** Land Office. Bozeman, Montana. July 7, 1892. Notice is h**r«*l>y given tlint spencer •Jarrett of Springdale, Bark county. Montana. Mae tfl»*d notice »>f intention to make proof on Hi** <tf*H'*ri-iand claim No. 42ti, for the lote N*»h. 4 and 5, N 1 * of SE l 4, S', of N E l 4 , SE of NWS*. sE l * of sK l 4 and NE l 4 »»f SVV^, section is, township 1 south, ranee 18 east, before the judge or clerk ■ f sixth judicial district court, at Livingston, Montana, *»n Monday, the IMh day of August, 1892. He names the following witnesses t prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Thomas T. Prather and John Dodge of Big Timber, William May born and William I) McClellen of Springdale, Montana. K. E. FERRIS, Register, (1st pub July 9, 1892.» l\[OTKE TO CO-OWN E R.—Notice is hereby iN given to James Oourlev, his heirs or as signs, that the undersigned, 1). O. Ross, adminis trator of the estate of Duncan ». McDonald, has expended the sum »if one hundred dollaas ($100) in labor and improvements on the White Lilv quartz lode mining claim in representing the ssnie as required by law, situated in New World mining district, county of Bark, state of Mon tana Said labor and improvements was »lone in pursuance of section 28*44 ot the revised statutes <»f the Coifed States, being amount required to be expended in representing said above men tioned mining claim for the year 1891. Now, if you, James Gourley, your heirs or assigns, refuse to contribute within ninety days after the com plete publication of this notice'vour proportion of said amount expended, together with the costs of this publication, as co-ow ner '*f s«mtd mining claim, vour interest in sa d mining claim will be come the property of the estate of the said Dun can J. McDonald in pursuance of said section 2824 above mentioned. D. G . ROSS, Administrator of said deceased. Cooke, Bark county, Montana, June 17, 1892. (First publication June 18,1892.) A LIAS SI M'ONS.—NO W>9—Foreclosure of Lien.—In the district ourt of the sixth Judicial district of the stale of Montana, in and for the county of Bark. E. Goughnour, plaintiff, agaiust W. b. Kirby and Alary A. Kirby, ins wife; A. L. Babcock and A. W. Miles, formerly doing business as partners under the firm name and s.yle ot Baiicock Ac Miles; George T. Chambers, and Henry A. M. Joy, defendants. i'h»* state of Montana sends greeting to the above named defendants: You are hereby re quired to appear in an action brought against you by tin* above named plaintiff in the district court of the Sixth Judicial district of the state of Montant», iu ana for said county of Bark, aud to answer the complaint tiled therein wnhiuten days (exclusive of the day of service), after tiie service on yon of tins summons—if sened w ithin this county, or if served out ot this county but iu this district, then within twenty clave: otherwise w ithin forty d »ys— or judgment by default will be taken againi-l you, accord! g to the prayer of said compiaiut. . he said action is brought to obtain a decree of mis court tor the forecl»>sure ot a certain lien described in the said compl 4 int, and tlle»l iu the office of the couuty clerk and r»* corder of said Bark couuty on the 9th day of Jan uary A. D. 1892, to secure tile payment of the sum <»t seven bund!.*»., .-.t-\eu and 99 loo dollars, with interest thereon at Hi per cent per annum from September 22nu, 1591: aneged to lie due lor mate rial furnished ttetweeu the 1st day of September and the 22n« d »y of December 1891, in the con struct!» n of a c -rtain two »story brick building or structure, situated on lots *2 and 28, in block 95, ol the city <*t Livingston, County of Bark ami State of Montaua, according to the origiual plat of said city of Livingston on rile in the office of the clerk and teiorder of said Count) of Bark, as j»er contract entered into between plaintiff ana defendant W. F. Kirby; and for the sum of six dollars for preparing and tiling said lieu; also tor the further sum ol seventy-five dollars attor neys fees, and tor all costs herein incurred, a nd that the defendants, A. L. Babcock and A. \N . Miles, formerly dot g business us Babcock »V Miles, George T. Chambers, Mary A Kirby auu Henry A M. Joy, be required to set forth the na ture aud character of a.».»' claim or interest they may hate in and to the said premises and huilu mgs or any part thereof, and that the premises conveyed by said lien may he sold ami ihe pro ceeds applied to the payment of said sums. And in case such proceeds are not sufficient to pav the same, then to obtain an execution agaiust' said W. h. Kirby for the halauce remaining due, and also that the said defendants and all persons c.aiming by, through or under them may he barred and foreclosed of ail right, title, claim, lieu, equity of redemption, aud interest iu and to said premises, And for the other and further relief as will more fully appear by reference to the compiaiut on file herein. And you are here by notified that it you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the dis trict court of tiie Sixth Judicial district of the state »^f tiontaua, in aud for said countv of Bark, this 11th day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-two. . Ilia . VII.» L'UUi.vl .... (8KAL.I ORLANDO EMMONS, clerk. By Jams. A. Bailey, Deputy Clerk. S»v»|je A D»y, Plaintiff'* Aitornev,. liât pub. July 16, ChainLerlirTs colic*, cholera and diar- , rhiva remedy can always be depended upon, it is pleasant to take and will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysentery and ' diurrhiea in their worst forms. Everv f a mi I v should be provided with it. 2-> and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. E. Ferte- Druggist. s so A N«*w Kind of ln«uraii«**». For twenty-five cents you can insure yourself and family against any bad re suits from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer. One or two doses , of Chamberlin's colic, cholera and ! diurrhiea remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. No family can afford to be without it. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. E. Ferte Druggist. it * . »V to to IMhihi*. OriTHli». Before buying a piano, write to J. E. Rees, Big Timber Mont., for terms on a Knabe, or I vers & Pond Piano. Wilcox j A- White, or Dyer Bros., organs. Spec lu I Nntl»'«*. As I am going out of this line of trade I will sell the remainder of my wagons, buggies, carts, buck-boards, etc., at ac tual cost. Now is the time to get bar gains. E. Goughnour. Money Makes Money. Deposited in the Merchants Bank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S. Hefff.rlin, Cashier. Children Cry for PITCHER'S com Health and Sleep without Morphine. "Caetoria is so well a»iai)t«*<l t** children that 1 recommend it a« superior t«» any prescription known to me." 11. A Arguer, M. I). 82 Bortland ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. "I (.'astorla in my practic«, anil find it speciallt adapted to Sections of children Alex. Robertson, M. D., 10572d Ate., New York. Thf vKNTaur Go., 182 Fulton St., N Y. The Ceieiiu. t t iure. *» a "e* iiiü.îir" cf*« tided. ■/«■■ S EfFORE pive use of Ötiii through vovth gene»', Are., mi Wakefulness, 15 Seminal W • * tr.i'ion, Noe 17 iJ P 'lx IL J1 *1 p» r UR jl UpHIIll, O • r i*t»i r. ill Boy . P' in V r ICOIill hdCf Po • ; « n , v Prlr^LCO .tr, Ijvnwu mi reccip Dizxiu?*«*, W.v.k IM-r;» rv, L Impotencv, wJnol j: n 1 c* premature oi l p -* box, (S I rises for m of price. A WRITTFN *rCA NT EJ L, given fo every$5.00orderi.Tciv r*>fuiul themone; if a reru»anent u r ** > » H.cif —t t. \Volv*„v thousands of tesMidotii-'i.ifrorn ot i .in» l yom. »)f both sexes, who Iip v * b* • i pcrin *nentl cured by the use of A|>* : di'iue. Circular free. Mention p »per. THE APHU.O nUU'ICiNE CO. Western Branch. o. Rn x 2 P0PT1.1- i - Sold by M. A. PETERSON. Drcmuimt, Livingston, Montaua. HOOPES & EATON, INSURANCE. Rinks safely placed at the regular rates and in the bent companies. Remember it costs no more to insure in a company that will pay you full value for your Ions than it does in a company that will pay you from 80 to 40 per cent of naid Ions. Life and Accident Insurance. MINING STOCK. Do you want to buy Mining Stock in Cantle, Cooke City, Bear Gulch, Emigrant Gulch. Mill Creek or the Boulder? Have you Miniog Stock for nale? REAL ESTATE. Do you want to sell? Do you want to buy? Do you want to build? Do you want to loan money? Do you want to borrow money? If you want any of these call and nee us Orschkl Block, Livingston, Mont, W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Beal Estate HANDLED UN FIVE PEIt CENT. COMMIS SION. RENTS COLLECTED —AND MONKY LOANED. Oftic«: With W H. PoormKD in Court Houed. MONEY Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches —AND— All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. Goes our Stock ol SUMMER GOOD: s g EVERYTHING In the line of SUITS, SHIRTS Underwear, Straw Hats, Sliois Etc., at and below cost. Come and see us and be convinced. I. ORSCHEL& BR0. Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Ci*arJ GELLING AT COST. The announcement—SELLING AT COST is frequently made by business houses to catch tiie unwary purchaser, to whom no such reduction is ever made, but if you call at the jewelry store of W. P. MULHOLLAND and price his goods you will be convinced at once that he is still selling Jewelry, Watches and Clocks at Actual Cost. FINE WATCH REPAIRING done promptly at regular prices. Workmanship Guaranteed. Gordon Bros. Lumber Co LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement. Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails. HABDWABE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL All our lumber is dry, well sawed and surfaced t( ' even thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE.