Newspaper Page Text
PERSONAL POINTS. T'ult went Ileleiui in the triii ti May.I yesterday. IJ. T. Smith of Meyersburjj »as in the city Monday. I)r. K. \V. Jones of Horr wi city Saturday. A. C. Logan made a business Helena Saturday. li. S. Potts returned Wednesday from a business trip to Helena. Mrs. H. Camp and son. Master Charles, are visiting friends in tins city. J. C. McCartney of (Jardiner greeted h:s Livingston friends Monday. S. M. Fitzgerald of (Jardiner was among visitors in the city Monday. < Jeorge Haywood of Red Lodge was among arrivals in the city yesterday. Mat t Richardson of Horr was among business visitors in the city Thursday. Frank Merrill of Helena was inter .iewing his Livingston friends the past ' week. Mrs. S. M. Smith of Memphis, Mis souri, is visiting Iter mother, Mrs. E. Williams. .Attorney John Tinkler of Billings was attending to legal business in the city Saturday. Judge L. A. Luce of Bozeman was in town Tuesday arguing motions in the district court. S. M. Johnson and Emil Anderson of Castle were among visitors in the city the past week. Thos. E. Goodwin of Helena was in the city Thursday looking after his real estate interests. C. X. Sargent, the (Jardiner merchant, was among business visitors in the city I the first of the week. Magistrate L. X. Lepley went out to the Boulder this week to lix>k after in terests in that district. George Birnie, editor and manager of the Castle Tribune, was a business visi tor in Livingston Monday. Jack Baronette came down from the Bark Saturday and has been sojourning in Livingston the past week. Thomas Kent, one of the largest wool growers of pastern Montana, was up from his Stillwater ranch Saturday. David Marks, business manager of the Independent, was in the city Tuesday in the interest of the live daily he repre sents. Mrs. R. L. Davis of LaCrosse, Wiscon sin, accompanied by two sons, is visiting in the city, a guest of her brother, J. J. Berkey. William Hruza, accompanied by his father who last week arrived from Ne braska, departed Monday for a tour of Wonderland. Messrs. Crosby & Quinn, woolgrowers of the Shields valley, were in town the first of the week to dispose of their this year's wool clip. Ed. O'Brien, publisher of the Irish Standard, Minneapolis, Minnesota, was in the city Saturday in the interest of that publication. Ezra Bowen departed the first of the in attention to representation work upon J llt his mining claims. I J. H. Conrad president of the Park I Coal and Coke company, came over from ! Helena Saturday to look after his inter- 1 ests in Park county. week for Cooke, where he will devote his 1 Miss Henriette Jorgensen arrived from St. Paul Saturday last and will make Livingston her future home, staying with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Nathurst. [ to D. G. Ross, Hamilton Kearns and An 1 R gus < lillis started Monday for Cooke ! ^ City where they will remain during the ! I attending to representation i season work. Sim Roberts, who is prominently men tioned in connection with the shrievalty contest by his democratic friends, was among arrivals from Big Timber the 1 ^' past week. 1 80 Ed. Adam, of the firm of E & E i Adam, stockgrowers and ranchmen of Melville, was in the city Tuesday at tending to business before the hoard of equalization. Glendive Independent: Misses Austa Bowers and Maggie Tinling arrived from Livingston yesterday morning and will remain during the summer the guests of Mrs. Nan Little. Stephen'1 redennick came over from Butte last week and went to Cooke where he will spend the summer in rep resentation work upon mining proper ties in t liât camp. William Lind went down to Red ' Lodge Tuesday to submit a bid for the j brick work of the hotel to he erected at ! that place hv the Rocky Fork Town and is Electric company. Choteau Montan ian : Mr. Dave Able, the obliging clerk of the Choteau house! ^ and partner of J. J. Keene, has gone for beJ a several weeks pleasure trip to his era home in Livingston. to of M. R. Wilson, who has been taking a course of studies in law at the Univer sity of Ann Arbor. Michigan, returned Saturday morning and will enter upon the practice of law in this city. (. . A. Gillette of cast Boulder was in town Tuesday. He reports the hay crop in that section lighter than usual, al though cereals and vegetables of all kinds indicate a much larger yield than in former vears. tax Hardin Smith will start for Cooke to day to look after development work upon j his properties in that district. Mrs. John T. Smith and children re- | turned Thursday evening from a visit with the family of John T. Smith. Sr., of < Jallatin county. Mr. and Mrs. (ireenwood, accompanied by their son anil daughter, arrived from Iowa Saturday last and are visiting with the family of Mrs. (Jreenwixid's brother. Judge A. b. Hicks of M ission. Mrs. Herbert Miles, accompanied by Mrs. Rice, departed for California Tues day morning, where Mrs. Miles will visit relatives at Los Angeles. Mrs. Rice goes to San Francisco to reside. Hon. Frank Henry was in Bozeman last week presiding in Judge Arm strong's court, hearing arguments for new trials in some cases in which Judge Armstrong was ineligible on account of having professional interest therein. Samuel Wilson returned Sunday eve ' nin « fro ' 11 Minneapolis where he lias been undergoing surgical treatment considerably improved in health. Dur ing his absence lie attended the republi can national convention in Minneapolis. S. T. Marchington of Chico was among arrivals Monday evening. He reports work in the mines of that dis trict considerably delayed by the damage to roads resulting from the high water of the past month. Considerable work is being done in the placers, however, anti with good results. Deputy Sheriff Ramsey of Yellowstone county was a passenger on Saturday evening's east bound train, having in ! charge a prisoner arrested at Bozeman j on the charge of having burglarized a hardware store at Billings. When cap I tured the man was attempting to dis pose of some revolvers. A. A. McArthur of Dodgeville, Wis consin, returned Thursday from a tour of Wonderland in company with Matt Malinson, and departed for the west. Mr. McArthur is highly pleased with this section of the west and contem plates locuting in Montana to engage in ranching and stockgrowing. Through the courtesy of Edward F. Bogert, editor and proprietor of the W ilkes-Barre Leader, and a member of T . . the Kmghts Templar excursion to the j Park Monday the Entkiu-kisk , sen« bled to give a full list of the people com-1 posing that party and other information relative to the trip to Denver. Rev. Dr. Mulcuha, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Trinity parish. New York, delivered the sermon at St. An drew's church in this city Sunday even ing. He was on his way to Yellowstone National Park and consented to remain and conduct services on that occasion j by request of Rev. W. N. Jones. j W. E. Jermaine and wile are visiting j in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs J Pierce Hoopes. Mr. Jermaine was for a J llt tliat P la « e by a friend from Forsythe I and together they will make a tour of is I the Park ' «roving at Cooke City in about 1 ! ten t,a ys. where Mr. Anderson will de- j 1 v,,te the 8U,nnier to work upon bis F terprise mine. number of years a member of the train dispatcheVs' force in this city, but is now passenger and ticket agent of the Chi eago A Great Western railway with headquarters at Dubuque, Iowa. C. W. Anderson went i.p to Cinnahur yesterday morning to round up his sad 1 tlle atul P ac k horses. He will be joined ....... „ent. Helena Herald : We move that Sen ators Palmer and Voorhecs have leave [ to revise their speeches on the Home 1 R te«d affair It is discovered that H. C. ' ! ^ r *ck, jiresident of the Carnegie com ! I ,an >'> who is wholly responsible for the i rev > s ion of wages and for the employ- , ment of the Pinkerton invaders against | the strikers, is a tierce democrat ! *** Bulletin : It does not make any dif 1 ^' reni <i b° w many times lie is defeated, 1 80 lon t> as he lives, Cleveland will go on i bein * the °»ly democratic candidate for president. He is the only one elected in over thirty years and that will make him the perpetual candidate. Other as piring democrats who look longingly towards 189(5 might as well take notice. ' Wh at do you think of it, voter? j *** ! Minneapolis Tribune : Now we know the rt ' a8<)n for the strike at homestead. The People ; Grover Cleveland through his New Englund congressional friends defeated the passage of the Stewart silver hill in ihe house nnd by his villainous work has served notice to the producers of the west that he holds their demands in utter contempt. This is the gentleman the party press of the state asks us to vote for in November. The McKinley hill reduced the tariff on the products of Carnegie's mills from ^ wentv to thirty-three per cent., away beJ ° W the nlte8 P™P» 8 ed by the demo era t* c Mills bill, which left the duty on steel rails at ?14 and 815 per Urn and fixed the duty on the "billets'' manufac tured at Homestead at not less than $20 t»er ton. The McKinley bill knocks the duty on rails down to $13 and on ' billets'' to $10. Following the democratic style of argument it is therefore "tariff re form" which brought about the trouble. Bulletin : Tariff is a tax in the sense that the fence that the farmer builds around his garden or his corn-field is a tax paid by the farmer. It is a tax that A. be ot of ol of as in " as ttie by the consists of the construction and main j tenance of the fence. And, vet. the fence must be constructed and main | hhned, or the trespassing animals of the neighborhood would destroy the entire proceeds of the labor, and the fruits of the land, of the farmer. The tariff is al so a tax, in that the cost of its con struction and maintenance may be said to be paid by the people: but the loss due to a submission to the commercial trespass that is thus repelled would be greater than the loss due to the main tenance of the tariff. Salt Lake Tribune : The silver bill has been finally defeated in the house. It was defeated for the reason that the democrats could carry the south any way, and they feared if they passed the hill they would lose New York. Under ordinary circumstances we should be sorry, but that this particular bill is beaten we do not seriously regret, for the reason that the bill was crude; it was not prepared with the care which a great senator of the United States ought to have bestowed upon it : it had a look upon its face as though there was a great deal of spite connected with the preparation of it, and that the intention was to get something which the presi dent, would be sure to veto if it, passed both houses, in order that political cap ital could lie made against him. In the second place, we do not particularly re gret it because we have received every assurance that the movement for an in ternational conference has been made in good faith, and with a sincere desire ! restore silver to its old place, and j W *U* a Liir prospect of success in a way which will best accomodate this country and the world. Inter Mountain: The Anaoonda Standard is exceedingly rejoiced at the news of the failure of the Temcscal tin mines. It rejoices I »ecu use an American mining enterprise, in which about two million dollars have been expended must he closed down for want of ore, throw ing a good many men out of employment. It thinks it sees in this impending calamity to the company operating at Temescal an argument against the Mc Kinley tariff law which put a duty on tinplate. Yet this is really where the j StnndBrd jB mi8taken , for the McKinley tftriffluw took cognizance of the fa( . t that therp is n()t a great deal of tin in this country so far discovered and so made a provision to admit pig iron free. But it put a duty on tin plate, because the republican party knows that tin plate, even if every pound of tin has to he imported, can be made and sold in this country us cheaply as tin plate made in England; that tin plate made j at home will keep among our own pei* j pie the £2.'!,000,000 per year which n*Wj j goes to Wales. Nine-tenths of the weight of a sheet of tin plate is made up of iron or steel and lead, and why these components should not be of American production, mined and manu factured by American labor, employed at American wages, we challenge the Anaconda Standard or any other free trade newspaper to show. If there was not an ounce of native tin in the United State, we repeat that the tin plate in yrea^gtxxUo Amlriran kb^^^Uiàt is no reason why Grover Cleveland or 1 K»ns should throw up their hats over j ^ me 3 rted fB,lure of ,he rnm, ' s at Rase Hall. The following is the standing of the Montana state hall league to date : I' Won Lost. l'er Cunt. Butte 15 ;x!t llelet Pillili|tshitii. a :>5-| ' t«* 1 « _ , | for tli A lias si m >.ons —no of Lien. —In the district Mill —Furei-loenrt* >urt of tin* Sixth listriet nt tin- slttlH of Montinia, in am! j entity of I'ark E. (.onylinoiir, phnnniT. ainxt W. F. Kirin- ami Mary A. Kirby, lit» wife: j A. L. Balx-oi-k ami A. W. .Milos, lormerlv tloliu; I business aa partners uniter the tlrtn name ami ! s.yle ot Bani-oek ,V Miles; (feortre T. C hatnhers, ami Henry A. M. Joy, defemianis. state of Montana semis greeting to 1 the ahme named defendants: Von are herein re quired to appear in an action tiroucht against you hv Ule above named plaintif! in the district court of the Sixth Judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for said county of Park, and to answer the complaint tiled therein within ten days (exclusive of tlie day of service), after the service on you of this summons -if served within this county, or if served out ot this cotintv but in this district, then within twenty days: otherwise Within forty days—or judgment by default will be taken against you, accord!, g to tile prayer of said coinpOunt. i lie said action is brought to obtain a decree of this court tor the foreclosure ot a certain lien described in the said complaint, I «I..., -■ uuty clerk and re and filed in the ottlce uf the corder of said Park county on the'9th day of Jan nary A. 1). lS9ii, to secure the payment of the of seven hundred, eleven and 99-lull dollars, with interest thereon at HI per cent per annum from September *!nd, 1X91 : alleged to be due tor mate rial furnished between the 1 st dav of September and the t&lud day of December 1X91, in the con struction of a certain tw o story brick building or structure, situated on lots aa and as, in block 95 ol tlie city of Livingston, County of"ParkTand State of Montana, according to tlie original plat of said city of Livingston on file in the uffice of the c lerk and recorder of said County of Park as tier contract entered into between plaintiff ami defendant W. F. Kirby: ami for the sum of six dollars for preparing and filing said lien • also for the further sum of seventc flee dollars attor neys- fees, and for all costs herein incurred. And that the defendants, A. L. Babcock and \ \V Miles, formerly doing business as Babcock Miles, tieorge T. Chambers, Mary A. Kirby and lienry A. M. Joy, be required io set forth the na ture and character of any c-laltn or interest they may Itace in and to the said premises and bitild ■------r any part thereof, ami that the premises , - .... ' ----- —t pr conveyed by said hen may be sold and the pri needs applied to Hie payment of said sums. Xml in case such proceeds are nut sufficient to pay the same, then to olituiu an execution against'said " P Kirby for the balance remaining due ami also that the said defendants and ail persons Claiming by, through or under them mav he barred and foreclosed of all right, title claim lien, equity of redemption, and interest iu'and to said premises, and for the other and further relief as will more fully appear by reference to ttie complaint on file herein. And you are here by notified liiat it you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required the said plaintiff w ill apply to the said court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the dis trict court uf the sixth Judicial listrict of the state of Montana, in and for said county of Park this lull day of July, in the year of in, r lord' one thousand eight hundred arid ninety two ' ORLANDO KMMoNs plerk By James A. Bailey. Deputy Clerk. [seal. i Savage A: Day, I'laiutiff s Aitoriip,s* 1st pub. July l«i. 1892. ; j I) ,! Ä'T,! existing lietwe Imin, limier tie K K N I it ire IS herein 1 iiHitnei.-hiii heretofore • T I I.|11 ne tuai K. Burn leof Collins A- I'.nrnliHin, ntintl con-ent. Mr. Rtirn irie-s will he curried on 111 will pav all debts and late tir |.i\ingston. duly 1. 1X93 tw'O'IIcE Kol! I I III. K ATION, I.mid office at Hozeman, Montana, .Inly IS, 1X93 - Notice is herein- given that ilie following named settler lias tiled notice of liis intention to make dual pi-not in support of life i-laitn. and ttiat stud proof will lie malle before the judge or clerk of the ei\th judicial district court of Montana in and for the Cotintv of Park at Livingston. Montana, on \ngust SI. IS«, viz: Francia M Mc artv 11. 111V. for the E. of NK......... iKSKliT LAND FINAL PROOF » iliit-i Liiiid Oflt, N ul h in ert Mille ennui, W'WiitiiiH, .1 ul> 11 . 1 dig given that the tiilhiwitiL' named lltTHl il noth...... ir land claims before the judire or clerk of the sixth judicial district court at l.ivinnston. Mon tana, on Monda« , the 31t li day of Animat, 1892: < harles M. Lovelv, on D. h. A No. 41(1, for the area of section 32, T :l N K Id E unsurveyed. Witnesses: (Jeortre C. Saner, William Holers, (.eortze s. Kil.orn, «'harles McClunir, all of Clyde Park, Montana. _ „ , (leorneC Sarver on l>. L. A. No. 428, for the \\ i 2 sW SE >4 of SW and SW U of SK sec t,on 34, T l 4 N K Id E. unsurveyed. Witnesses: Claries M Lovely, William Rouers, (ieor^e Killorn, Charles McClunjr, all of Lde Park, Montana. K F. FERKIS. Register. (First publican- it .liny *23, 1HP2. i D esert land, final proof-no TICE FOR ! I PLICATION. — l nited ! ul v Land Office. Bozeman, Montana. 7, 1*92. Notice is hereby aiven that Spencer Jarrett of Springdale, Park county, Montana, has Hied notice of intention to make proof on nis desert-land claim No. 42b, for the lots Nos. 4 and 5, N ' 2 of sE 1 4 , S '. 2 of NE 1 .!, S E of NW» 4 . S E V 4 of sK'i and NE 1 * of SW 1 .*, section Is, township 1 south, ratine 13 east before the judire or clerk of sixth judicial district court, at Livingston, Montana, on Monday, the 15th day of August, 1892. He names the follou iiur witnesses t ■ prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Thomas T. Prather and John Dodge of Big Timber. William Mayborn and William D. McClellen of Springdale, Montana. K. F. FERRIS, Register. (1st pub July 9, 1892.) N OTICE TO CO-OWNER.-Notice IS hereby given to Oourlev, his heirs or siL r ns, that the undersigned, J). (». Ross, adminis trator of the estate of Duncan I. McDonald, has expended the sum of one hundred dollaas ($ 100 ) in labor and improvements on the White Lily quartz lode mining claim in representing the same as required by law, situated in New World mining district, county of Park, state of Mon tana Said labor and improvements was done in pursuance of section 2324 ot the revised statutes of the Lnited States, being amount required to he expended in representing said above men tioned mining claim for the vear 1891. Now, if you, James Courier, your heirs or assigns, refuse to contribute within ninety days after the com plete publication of this notice your proportion of saiil amount expended, together with the costs of this publication, as co-owner »» f s*id mining claim, your interest in sa.d mining claim will be come the property of the estate of the said Dun can J. McDonald in pursuance of said section 2324 above mentioned. I). O. ROSS, Administrator of said deceased. Cooke, Park county, Montana, June 17, 1892. (First publication June 18, 1892. ) The Celebris. dû tun Cure. Warranted K APVRnr! T[ VC » to cure M.tiOUUt • i.iL Is Soi.n on a V pit-. '• IVS. Gu;r;,i..m V I ( to t order <1 tli nring refunded. it it Ik vheth r BEFGRE from the * socr- ,*F7ER elveusenf Stimnlani , Tt 1 : > Opium,or through youthful ii dine reti* n, over imlul gf'Tice, <Src.. puel* ph Lor- M Fir: in Pov.<r, Wakefulnesp, Beaii." ie* i Prim m iln lu.i k, S minai Weiiknoe-s, u r t rln, Nrrn nr Pror traiion, Noctunr l Enir nln» k, Leiiconlioca, Dizzinops, W'cnk Mr lk i v, < i Ft.wi r und Impotency, which if 1 ci d olt< n Ici «1 io premature old rg riiiu .i rni. . I rice $ 1 ,« ' i box, 6 boxes for $ß. 00 . Pent by iaii on receipt of price. A WRITTEN' r.tTAI. \NTEF i: given for every fß.OOord (i*i.«e< hed.t tuncl the money if a rerinum ut ( h i noT.elf' c ti \\\ ;.; vc thousands of testimoni^ 1 m from c- • und young of both sexes, who Imv'« been i*rm»»nenfly cured by the use of Apbrotlitine. Circulari: free. Mention panor. Address THE APHRO MCDICINE CO. Western branch. t\ 0. Bex 27 P 0 RTL»tn, 0 RVf;o*i. Solti by M. A. I'KTKKSON nacuttiMT, Livingston, Montana. HOOPES & EATON, INSURANCE. j j I ! 1 ltisks safely- planai at the regular rates ami in the liest Companies. Remember 11 costs no more to insure in a company that «ill pay yon full taltte for your loss than it does in a company that will pay yon from 30 io 40 per cent of said loss. Life and Accident Insurance. MINING STOCK. Do you want to bnv Mining Stork in Castle, Hear t.uich. Emigrant (Illicit. Mill are you Mining Stock Creek or Hie Boulder for sale f REAL ESTATE. Do you want ioseil? Do you «ant io buy _ von want In build? Do you waul to loan money Do you want to tiorrow money Do if these call and t If you want any Ohschkl Block, Livinuhton, Mont. W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Heal Estate HANDLED ON FIViJ^PEK CENT. COMMIS RENTS COLLECTED -AND MOXKY LOANED, Ofth-e: With W. II. Poorman in Court Hotted. MONET Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. ; 1 ! set t (HI 31» tow ntdiip 3 «outil, raille 10ea«t. H.- ii it M-S th following to prov • liin funtin lions HHide-nce ii ion and cultivation of said 1 nil. \ z: Tlionut o. carter, Tlwina« «i. Reese, Biidti rd Wood. L mit* s. 1'iicc, all of Liv j illlfHtU i. Fail count v. > 1 « T-ta na. F F. FEKUIS, Hegieter. ( Fir* t puldicatit u July 23. 1 892 » Goes our Stock o SUMMER GOOD BIB I Hi EVERYTHING In the line of SUITS, SHIRTS Underwear, Straw Hats, Shoe Etc., at and below cost. Come see us and be convinced. ant I. ORSCHEL & BR 0 . Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few who carry a watch ever think of the unceasing labor it performs under what would lx* considered shabby treat ment for any oilier machinery. There are many who think a watch ought io run for years without cleaning or a drop of oil. Read this and judge for yourself: The main wheel in an ordi nary American watch makes four revolutions a day of twenty four hours, or 1,400 in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty four revolutions in a day, or 8,700 in a year. Tlie third wheel 19-J in a day, or 59,(W0 in a year. The fourth wheel, a 440 in a day or 545, «00 in a year. The fifth or scape wheel 13,900 in a day, or 4,738,300 ill a year. The ricks or heats are 388,xoo in a day, or 141,818,000 in a vear. W, P. MULHOLLAND. City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lumber Cal LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement, Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails, HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. All out lumber is dry, well sawed and siirlaced | even thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE.