Newspaper Page Text
. ; ...1 >i|)cV IV , v . lli-tor'' Gift ♦ 4* Ol io. NO. 9. LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. SATURDAY, JULY 30. 1892. PRICE 10 CENTS. !fj V tof|âtcm öhvlctpttet ff WRIGHT. MONTANA. Publisher. . v rri!l)AV,.U;LY30.;i8!)2. WÄHLE IN AIlVANC K. .$a »mi . 1 50 . 1 oo •Tv>S__ % l'"' 'i;M AN, \*l Tn WN K Y AT-LAW ...... ir». in all Oi** courts, make i>f Park County, arle Hotel, Montana. 11 » * tT « * llections \>'\ aucin^. special attention and mining law. 1 in huililiuç. corner Main and (jt'L MAHONEY, jTiiKNEY AM' COI NS KLLOR AT LAW. rimvi-vawini; and all other legal 111 ,il, attended to. Loans negotiated Thleialer aiul borrower. Attorney for the .Iiï; Fraternity Loan and Building Asaocia uffice in the llEFFElil.lN Bl.01 K, I.IVINOSTON, MONTANA. iBAKLKS TAi'l'AN »PITY f SURVEYOR.-- sTTEii States Mineral Surveyor. , „ ; i„,i Enterprise Block, Livingston, J p. KELLY, TURNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in Orschel Block, IS STREET, - I.IVINOSTON. MoNT. IVINOSTON ITERWORKS AN1> ELECTRIC LIl.lIl COMPANY. lit, in Kealtv Imililing, corner Park and See ls. Office hours, Pa. m. to 8 p. m. Must be Paid at Office. lu. Water He__ VM.TEK (MODALL, resident agent îipaiE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, MILES BLOCK, i/ITOTON, - - MONTANA. fUlBKAITlI & FULLER, -ARCHITECTS, litre in Realty Company's Building, corner of Park anil Second streets. MONTANA. IIVIM.STÜN, KINGSTON PEUATivE Building and Loan Association :.U. Emmons. Sec. E. H. Talcott. Vice-Pres't S. M. Nve. M. II. Lashohn. Attorney A. J. Campbell n,w meetings on the fourth Monday even .jf each month, at W. II. Kedfleld s office mliir street. w. C. SEHLBKEDE, DENTIST ■pedal attention given to the preservation of ■natural teeth. Office in Miles building, hin M., Livingston. 2AVAUE & DAY, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. M'iiihv Loaned on long time on real and |*i>onal property. Office in Miles Bloc«, Livingston. D. ALTON, XI. D. W. H. CAMPBELL, M.Ü. Physicians and Surgeons. Wee .-orner Main and Park streets, over Na tional Park Bank, Livingston. T. SMITH- -attorney at law. --Office: Room 2, Realty Building, Livingston, - - - Montana. L. SHAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, hvlngston, . Montana. Office at Peterson's Pharmacy. LIVINGSTON ASSAY OFFICE. j*°M uni Silver.. $1 («''copper,.........$J P»l« ,Mlver.v Lead 2 IS) Coal.............. 3 00 qualitative inaivHis........... « X 00 to $1500 ynutitaUve Analysis............ M)lS)to 8ft 00 Par complete price list7address Harvey L. Glenn, ___ Livingston, Montana er Petual Calendar Clocks that show Diinuto and hour of the day, ®ï "t the week, day of the month, Btonth of the year, and the proper 1Ine Guy goods from H. J. DIXON, Slc TIMBER, . MONTANA. PRICES LOWKI! than anywhere is AMERICA. Attacked Hy a Heir. JontiH Helloes of Stillwater, brother of E. Heiliges of this city, hail an encounter with a hear while hunting on the Still water river Sunday which but for his coolness and ability to endure pain would no doubt have resulted in his being killed. As it was he sustained a i fracture of both hones of the left arm | and severe Hesh wounds in the right arm ! and thigh. He had started from his' home in the morning and after proceed ing a distance of several miles came in sight of a large grizzly. He tired at the animal, wounding it, when it started to retreat. Not being desirous of securing either the hide or meat of the animal, Mr. Hedges abandoned pursuit. After traveling some distance further up the ; river he became thirsty and, leaving his gun, descended to the river to procure a drink. While engaged in dipping up water with his hat he was suddenly sur prised by the wounded bear making an assault upon him from the rear. Being j disarmed and unprepared to make any defense and realizing that his life de pended upon remaining perfectly quiet, he dropped to the ground. After in tticting the wounds above stated, bruin evidently concluded he had dispatched his antagonist and started to retreat up the river bank. Mr. Hedges believing ; that he was at last safe attempted to rise and secure his gun, but his move-1 ments hud been closely watched by the hear and it promptly returned to the at-: tack. Again Mr. Hedges employed his former tactics and escaped with only slightly additional injury, when the hear again concluding its victim was dis __________ .... ............... patched, started away. This time Mr. Hedges determined to give bruin ample titne to get out of sight before attempt ing to move and, notwithstanding the excruciating pain he was suffering, kept perfectly quiet for nearly a quarter of an hour. His strategy was rewarded by seeing the hear disappear from view in the hushes a considerable distance up stream when lie succeeded in making his escape to the nearest ranch, where he secured a horse and, although suffer ing acute pain, rode a distance of uhout ten miles to Stillwater. He came up to Livingston Monilay where his wounds were dressed aud his broken arm set by Dr. R. D. Alton. Stock Mii|>m«*nt* The following stock shipments over the Northern Pacific to eastern markets are announced, as furnished by J. L. DeHart, Montana agent for the Minne sota Transfer company : CATTLE. .July 29, Towers & Gudgel, Mingus vilie. (K) enrs. July 28, J. K. Slack, Dickinson, 9 cars. July 24, James Converse, Mingusville, 45 cars. July 30, Keeline & Gesver, Fallon, 10 cars. July 30, Murphy Cattle Co, Fallon, 25 cars. August 5, Berry-Boice Cattle Co., Dickinson, 100 cars. August 0-7, May berg & Carter, Fallon, 45 cars. July 29, Wm. Ray, Dickinson, 14 cars July 21, Home Land and Cattle Co., Fallon, 20 cars. July 24, Home Land and Cattle Co., Fallon, 20 cars. Sept. 2-3, Ferdon & Biddle, Miles City, 40 cars. July 29, J. C. Weeks, Mandan. 1 car. August 5, C. F. L. & I. Co., Fallon, 10 cars. August 7, C. F. L. & I. Co., Fallon, 10 cars. July 24, Fisher Bros., Dickinson, 2 cars. SHEEP. Sept. 1, Wm. Rea & Sons, Miles Citv, 10 cars. August 15, Wm. Rea & Sons, Merrill, 12 cars. October l, Wm. Rea & Sons, Living ston, 16 cars. HORSES. July 26, O. H. Wallop, Miles City, 2 ours. ___ Thin Yeiti'a Hullot. The editor of the Missoula Gazette who hus been figuring upon the ticket to be prepared under the Australian system for the voters of Montana this fall, concludes as follows : The official ballot for the election this fall will be something of enormous size and consid erable intricacy, and it will puzzle the man of ordinary intelligence to vote just the way he wants to while the many|voters who are not of ordinary in telligence will require the most careful instructions as to how to mark the ticket if they want to vote at all. The ticket will contain the names of the presidential electors of three parties (democratic, republican and alliance or people's parties') and also a full state and county ticket with at least three candidates for each office. This will make at least 180 names and in addition there will be at least ten or fifteen names of independent candidates. If printed on a slip as usual, all these names will necessitate a slip at least six feet in lenigth, while if printed on a sheet the sheet will have to he some thing like eighteen inches square. Vot ing will indeed he a serious business, and tiie simple marking of the ballot will require a long time. It will he nec essary to take a day off before the elec i tion 8 i Inply t „ study the ticket and de | c ide how you want to mark it. ! ___- —m. ..........._ ihk (ïa.mdk pkockns Tobe I nt ■ otiii ceil lu the Treatment f (ties al Cooke City. A lease from the Alice E. Mining com pany to W. E. Nichols of Cooke and as signment of same to the Henderson Mountain Mining and Milling company, was tiled with the county clerk Monday, ; The property includes the Alice E, White Pine, Cleveland, Snowbird, (iran ite Hill and Henderson quartz lode min ing claims in the New World district. The term of the lease is three years | and six months, with a privilege of ex j tending it for three yea rs additional. 1 The company to whom the lease has been assigned have organized under the j laws of the State of Minnesota, with a capital stock of 8100,000, divided into 1,000 shares of a par value of 8100 each. The officers are A. Blandou, president. Fort Dodge, Iowa; H. J. Chittenden, ; vice-president, Cooke ; W. A. Jones, sec- : rctary, St. Paul ; W. E. Nichols, treas urer and general manager, Cooke. It is j the intention of the company to begin \ operations upon the properties leased at once, treating the output by the McAr thur-Forrest cyanide process. W. E. Nichole, the treasurer and general man- [ ager, has just returned from the east ' where he perfected arrangements for the : necessary machinery which will he j shipped to Cooke, where it is the purpose ' of the company to have a mill in opera tion by November 1st. The construction and operation of the plant will he under the supervision of A. Buckley, formerly of the Homestake mill in the Black Hills country, who, in company with W. E. Nichols, started for Cooke Tuesday morning. The inaugu ration of this enterprise will not only give employment to a number of miners but will furnish immediate work for a limited number of men and teams in cutting and hauling wood nnd other ma terial for use at the company's mill. 2 2 be or If six terial for use at the company's mill. Folic** Court. The following cases have been dis posed of in Magistrate Lepley's court the past week : John Emerson, disturbing the peace ; 817.40. Paid. Mabel Simpson, drunk ; 814.20 ; paid. Ida White, drunk ; 817:40 ; paid. James Murray, vagrancy j 817.40 ; committed. Frank Smith, drunk ; 813.40 ; com mitted. Cornelius Sullivan, drunk ; com mitted. John A. C. Emerson, disturbing the peace ; 817.40 ; paid. Frank Smith, drunk ; 832.40 ; com mitted. J. Swayne, drunk ; 813.40 ; committed. Sally Rowe, drunk ; 813.40; paid. Hattie Bostwick, violation of ordi nance 18 ; plea of guilty and tine nnd 813.40 ; I costs of 822.40 ; paid. FATAL ACCIDENT Saturday afternoon Fred. Kaiser, a butcher in the employ of Harvey & Co., was the victim of an accidental dis charge of a rifle which resulted in his death Wednesday morning. In com pany with another employe of the firm he had gone to the slaughter house just east of the city for the purpose of killing a beef animal. The rifle employed in this work was placed in the wagon be fore starting from the shop, and when the slaughter house was reached Kaiser attempted to remove it by taking hold of the muzzle. In some manner the hammer of the gun caught and was raised to permit its falling with suffi cient force to discharge the weapon, the bullet ploughing through the palm of Kaiser's right hand and, striking the arm just above the elbow, passed entirely through. The rifle was a 44-caliber and in addition to the ghastly flesh wound inflicted, badly shattered the bones of the arm. The injured man was prompt ly placed in the wagon and taken to the drug store of J. A. Brawn & Co., where Dr. Alton, assisted by Drs. Campbell and Baxter, temporarily dressed his wounds, after which he was taken to the residence of Mr. George on C street, where he was a lodger. The shock to Kaiser's nervous system rendered hint delirious, in which condition he re mained until Tuesday morning, render ing amputation of the arm impracti cable. Tuesday, however, he regained consciousness and insisted upon ampu tation, and this was resorted to as the only means of saving his life, as indica tions of blood poisoning had already be come apparent. Little hope was enter tained that he would sustain the shock incident to amputation, but the opera tion was performed Tuesday night, and Kaiser survived until Wednesday morn ing at .1 o'clock, when he died shortly after having again recovered conscious ness. Deceased was formerly a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where his mother now resides. He had a brother living in the Moulder mining district, who was informed of the sad accident and at once started for Livingston, ar riving here Monday night. Another brother resides in Iowa and he was also notified and started for Livingston, where he arrived laHt evening. Kaiser was a member of the I. O. O. F., which order took charge of the remains, having them embalmed to await the arrival of his brother from Iowa before arrange ments for the funeral were made. The funeral will take place this afternoon and the body he buried in the city cemetery here. | — ,{ *' M| M, "i Minimi Trmi«rcr». 1 H " r - V R ' Ward et to Jones, ' ots "®* ^'°ck O, Riverside addition j to Livingston-. WOO. a Henry R. Ward and Adelia Ward to Albert (i. Jones, lots 29,30, block O, Riv er8 ' d ^ addition to Livingston ; 8Guo. United States to Lacy Taylor, north - eH8t 4 U!,r ter of northeast quarter, the : souRl Half of the northeast quarter and nor ^Hwest quarter of southeast quarter is j 8ecRon township 2, north of range 10 \ <>U8 * ' acres. at Hnd Ross to P. R. ^ t,we "' OD ®dhtrd interest in Rig Elk E. ni ' n ' n £ claim, Boulder district ; 82,000. [ E" 88 to P. R. Lowell, one-third ' inter '' 8t in the Elk quartz lode, Boulder : tÜHtriot , 81,(M)0. he >eorge A. Go George A. Gordon et al. to E. H. Tal wtt. north one-half of lot 20, block KM, Riverside addition to Livingston ; 800. Theodore E. Rice to Sarah Sherrill, l° t8 r * u, h 1 G, block It), Boulder addiLon A. in for a in No. 2 to Big 'Timber ; 8100 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. to Julia Lee, lot 10. block 119, Livingston ; 8125. Ed Kagel to Orrin Meltcher, one-half interest in the Boulder Chief quartz lode, Boulder district ; 83(H). L. A. Luce and wife to David S. French, three sixteenths of the Major PeiiBH, Lancaster, Daisy and Collateral quartz lode claims, Boulder district; 85,000. A Stubblefield and wife to Nancy J. Fet he, lots 1, 2, 3, block 31. Boulder nd dit,oil No. 2, Big Timber ; 8150. Samuel L. Davis and Rebecca M. Davis to Nancy J. Fertie, lot 9, block 3. Big Timber ; 8000. Dan Hogan to Robert McClatchey, lots 9, 10, block 0, Yellowstone addition to Big Timber ; 8125. Christian Patt to Mrs. Mary Hay, lot 24, block 103, Riverside addition to Liv ingston ; 8100. Dennis'Tracey to The Livingston Land ; I company, lot 2, block 48, Minnesota ad dition to Livingston ; 81. The Livingston Land company to Dennis Tracy, lot 22, block 48, Minnesota addition to Livingston ; 875. Albert Stubblefield to Rebecca M. Davis, lots 3, 4, block 11, Boulder ad dilion No. 2, Big Timber ; 82(H). Thomas J. Gilfeather to P. J. Nolan, lot 7, block 04, Livingston ; 8385. to Tlie World*« Fuir Company. Speaking of the World's Fair com pany which uppenrs at Fowlie's hall this (Saturday) evening, July 30, the Boulder Sentinel says: To say that the company is a good one is but a mild way of expressing it, as it was one of the best performances that we have had this season. The special ties are particularly worthy of mention, they being first class in every particular. The black art mysteries as presented in the first act are marvelous and held the audience spell bound from beginning to end. The song of "MePhelun's trip to the World's Fuir" is the best thing v e have heard as rendered by Mr. Lawrence in the character of Mr. McPhelan. May Lawrence, as Biddy Malone, did some splendid work. One of the principal features of the entertainment was the musical act by A. W. Stonley and John Holmes, Mr. Stonley as a black face comedian stands alone and without a rival, and judging from the amount of instruments they perform on it must have taken a good many years of hard study to master them. All in all the World's Fair company is a good one nnd worthy of all praise. Coloritrio Silver L^hkii«. The convention of the Colorado state silver league met Tuesday with 500 dele gates present, to nominate a state ticket and presidential electors. Some favor a fusion with the peoples party, while others demand a straight ticket. Presi dent Slater recommends the convention nominate electors pledged to cast their vote for whatever presidential candidate will declare in favor of the free coinage of silver. They hope to force either Harrison or Cleveland to express an opinion in the expectation of carrying Colorado, Idaho nnd three of four other western states. The convention met at 11 a. m. and choose C. I. Thompson temporary chairman. Thursday morn ing the convention adjourned in a l>ody to join the people's party in joint session to nominate an electoral ticket. Oril» ed Out of the l-ark. W. W. Wylie of Bozeman, who lias been operating a stage line for the trans portation of tourists through the Park, came down to Livingston Tuesday eve ning having been escorted out of the Park with liis camping cars and teams. It was reported that all persons carrying paivate parties through the Park were to he treated in a similar manner, and W. S. Dixon of this city went up to Mammoth Hot Springs Wednesday to look after outtits he had at Cinnabar and which he has employed in carrying parties through Wonderland. From him we learn that the order was served by Captain Scott in the absence of Capt. Anderson, and thut it is only intended to apply to stage outfits such as are maintained in the Park without leases from the interior department. In addition to establishing stations and maintaining his stock in the Park, ob jection was raised to Wylie's camping cars, which it is alleged occupy so much roadway that in many places difficulty is experienced in passing them, espec ially as many teams are frightened by the ai pearence of these ears along the road. So far as we are able to learn there is no disposition to interfere with conveyances carrying parties through the Park hut the object is to prevent the establishment of regular stage lines and the maintenance of outtits in op position to the regular transportation line without a lease from the interior department. DiKtrirt Court The following cases were disposed of during the past week : In the matter of the estate of John W. ■ Q rann i 6t deceased. Decree of distnhu j tion ttnt j filed. Temnleton ... P . it to to e a sheriff. Motion for new trial overruled. The State of Montana vs. Thomas Craig. Case set for trial for first day of next regular term. The State of Montana vs. James George. County attorney dismisses ac tion. In the matter of the estate of John Hallorun, deceased. L. A. llulloran ap pointed administratrix of said estate upon taking the prescribed oath and upon her executing a bond in the sum of 81, .VI). « In the mutter of the application of John Allman for a writ of habeas cor pus. Ordered that petitioner be dis charged from custody. The State of Montana vs. Jacob Flesh man. Convicted of forgery. Sentenced to one year in the state penitentiary and costs of prosecution. Harry Gassert vs. Joseph George. De fault of defendant entered and judgment for the sum of 8302.10 * ith interest and the further sum of 855.10 with interest and costs of suit. Frank Bland vs. J. H. Conrad & Co. Motion for new trial overruled. In the mutter of the estate of Charles A. Baker, deceased. E. H. Talcott ap pointed administrator upon taking the prescribed oath and of his executing a bond in the sum of 82,500. In the matter of the estate of Duncan J. McDonald, deceased. Order confirm ing sale of real estate signed and filed. Julius Gunderson vs. Henry Filing son. Statement on motion for a new trial settled and signed and motion for new trial submitted without urgument and overruled by the court. Estella H. Provine vs. A. W. Chad bourne. Time of tiling and serving statement on motion for new trial ex tended to October 1st. Thomas J. Riste et al. vs. Robert L. Morton et al. Time for filing and serv ing statement on motion for new trial extended to October 1st. Carrie L. Healay et al. vs. Hidden Treasure Mining company. Time for filing and serving statement on motion for new trial extended to October 1st. Paul A. Zuber vs. Orosvenor W. Barry et al. Time for tiling and serving state ment on motion for new trial extended to October 1st. Julius Gunderson vs. Henry Elling son. Stay of proceedings granted for one week. Ornaldo Baker vs. John B. Cook et al. The court finds that the alleged sale by Nelson Story of his interest in the part nership property of John B. Cook & Co. to the plaintiff, Ornaldo Baker, is fraud ulent and void as to creditors ; the al leged levy and attachment by O. P.Tem pleton, sheriff of Park county, ujK>n the interest of Nelson McGregory in the partnership property of John B. Cook & Co. under an attachment issued in the case of Henry Elling vs. Nelson McGreg ory was insufficient to create a lien ; thut the levy of O. P. Templeton, sheriff of Park county, under an execution issued out of the district court of the fifth ju dicial district of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Madison, in an action in which Henry Elling was plain tiff and Nelson McGregory et al. were defendants, was sufficient to create a lien upon one hundred head of cattle de scribed in the said sheriff's return as set of . of forth in the answer herein : and the sale by the sheriff under said execution and levy of the said one hundred head of cattle was sufficient to and did divest Nelson McGregory of any interest there in, and upon the accounting herein or dered the referee is directed to charge up against the interest of Nelson Mc Gregory in said partnership property the value of said one hundred head of cattle; that there remains an unsettled interest in the partnership affairs of John 11. Cook Jc Co. to which the plaintiff, Ornal do Baker, is entitled as against these de fendants, and that an accounting is nec essary to determine said interest. De cree ^appointing John T. Smith referee to take testimony signed and filed. Sophia M. Wetzstein et al. vs. Hattie M. Joy et al. Stay of proceedings grant ed until August 1st in which to file ap peal bond. I<LI> LOItGK MAYS. I From the Picket ] A party from Boulder passed through Red Lodge Sunday driving 170 head of horses through to Dakota for the mar ket. They intended to go via Dead wood. Harry Kane and Frank Acklemire, Cokedale miners, arrived in Red Lodge Saturday expecting to locate here. Mr. Acklemire will bring bis family to the coal.metropolis as soon as he obtains employment. The Rocky Fork Town & Electric company has awarded the contract for the erection of the new hotel to Davitt it Vreeland of Bozeman. The contract calls for the completion of the building by the first of November, and it is ex pected that work will begin on the structure in a short time. Mr. McDonald came in from Wood river camp Saturday afternoon for the assay outtit belonging to the'Black hills party who were mentioned in this paper last week. He reports that a lead of quartz was recently struck on Meadow creek, four miles below Kerwin city, carrying free milling gold, which lias created considerable excitement. He is confident that the camp will be a good one. a al. by al & of ju an a de set one. ItIG TIXIKFK ITEMS. I From tli** Pioneer.] Paul Vuppieve and family, accom panied by George H. Morgan and family of Minneapolis, leave today for a tour of the National Park. Miss Mabel Stevens came down from Swamp creek Fridry where she has been teaching school and spent the day visit ing with Mrs. James Vestal, leaving next day for her home at Livingston. In the case of the state of Montana vs. Yellowstone Kelley, charged with raising u check on Harvey Bliss from 87.73 to 870.73, about six years ago, be fore the Justice of the Peace Barbour Wednesday, the prisoner was held to the district court in the sum of 8100. H. J. Miller was the prosecuting attor ney and Burt Marsh plead the cause of the accused. It becomes our sad duty this week to record the death of Mrs. James Vestal of this town. Last evening she called upon Mrs. Perrine, her neighbor, and in company with several other ladies was laughing and chatting in her usual man ner when all at once she threw up her hands exclaiming I am dying. Dr. Moore was at once summoned and did all in his power to relieve the dying wo man, but to no avail, us that dread di sease, uppolexy, had performed its dead ly mission. She leaves a husband and four children besides a very large circle of friends to mourn her sad aud un timely death. The bereaved husband and little children have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in this, their sad affiictiun. In Hm<I ('umpaiiy. A St. Paul dispatch of the 25th to the Butte Miner says ; Two months ago J. S. Oglesby and wife, who ^arrived at Rockford, 111., from Chicago and became inmates of Schweinfurth's terresterial heaven, begun suit in the circuit court for 82,000, which they had handed over to the pretender upon joining his band of followers. Schweinfurth sittlxd the matter before it came into court and Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby withdrew from the heaven. They didn't entirely sepurate themselves from this influence, how ever, but took up their residence about a mile from the Schweinfurth dwelling, living with a farmer inmate of the pre tender's household. Thursday John Chapman came from Montana, claiming to be a brother to Mrs. Oglesby nnd stal ing his intention of taking her aud her husband west w ith him. He hired a livery rig and went down to Schwein furth's place and has not been seen Bince. The rig was returned to the owner all right, but no trace of the man has been found. When in the city he expressed himself in very bitter terms against Schweinfurth and it is feared that his feelings may have led to some indiscretion at the pretender's home, to which is attributed his disappearance.