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PERSONAL POINTS S. S Murphy was in from Shields river Sunday. \V. 11. lira nhie of Big Timber was in the city Monday. Attorney Sidney Fox was over from Bozeman Wednesday. I)a\ ill (lard has gone to Crevice gulch w here he expects to locate. Mrs. John Tinkler of Billings was a guest at the Albemarle Sunday. Herman Kahle, the Fridley merchant, was a visitor in the city Sunday. A. W. Chadb mrne of Cinnabar was Hinong arrivals in the city Monday. W. W. Beasley the Rosebud wool buy er and sheep man, spent Sunday in the city. K. H. Johnson, live stock agent of the Northern Pacific, was in this city Mon day. W. K. Cox of Helena has been looking after his ranch interests on Shields river the past week. Benj. Finer, the hustling mining and real estate broker of Big Timber, was in the city Monday. Deputy Sheritr M. M. Johnson of Meagher comity, was over from Castle the first of the week. James Morris has gone to Miles City where he has accepted a position as cook in the McQueen house. Henry Ellingson, one of the prominent stockmen of Melville, was a business visitor in the county seat Friday. Dan Hogan, proprietor of Yellowstone addition to Big Timber, was a business visitor in Livingston Wednesday. Dennis Gordon and Harry Field have fitted up and opened a saloon in the new building of P. O'Meara on Park street. W. A. Selvidge, manager of Geo. T. Chambers it Co's hardware business at Castle, was among arrivals in Living ston Saturday. Joseph W. Allen, editor of the Glen dive Daily News, and candidate of the People's party for secretary of state, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. S. M. Smith, who has been visit ing her mother, Mrs. E. Williams of this city, departed Tuesday for her home in Memphis, Missouri. George Hawkins, weigh master for the Livingston Coke it Coal company at Cokedale, was in the city Saturday ac companied by his family. C. J. Wilkes and wife, accompanied by Miss Kittie Mclnerney, went up to Fridley Tuesday to enjoy a week's out ing along the Yellowstone. Mrs. Frank Bliss and son of Big Tim ber were in the city Tuesday on their way to the upper Yellowstone to visit the family of Thomas Gould. H. B. Hoppe, w ho has charge of the teams of Hoppe it McCormick in the Park, came down from Cinnabar Satur day and remained over Sunday. O. M. Blaine, past grand chief templar of the I. O. G. T. of the state of Michi gan, was in Livingston Tuesday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Geer. J. G. Sanders of Helena was in the city Friday evening on his way to Mam moth Hot Springs to join his family who were making a tour of the Park. S. L. Thompson, representing the Minneapolis Times, a live democratic daily o? the flour city, was in the city Thursday in the interest of that publi cation. The Enterprise acknowledges a pleasant call from Charles D. Curtis, ex postmaster of Helena under the Cleve land administration, who was in the city Satu rday. Engineer Bethel, who has been run ning between Bozeman and Helena for the past month, came over from Boze man Saturday und is again running out of this city. Sherilf Templeton departed Thursday for Deer Lodge, having in charge Jacob Fleshman, the youth sentenced at the district court to one year in the state penitentiary for forgery. Major J. S. Woods arrived from the east Monday, accompanied by his daughter Frankie, who has been receiv ing treatment during the past two years at the Indianai>olis surgical institute. Attorneys E. C. Day and A. J. Camp bell went to Helena Wednesday night to attend the meeting of the Bar associa tion which convened in that city Wed nesday. E. C. Day read a paper at yes terday's session on the "Penal Code." I'eton Times : Dave Abel returned from his visit to his home in Livingston on Monday after spending a most enjoy able vacation. Dave's accommodating manners and ready wit was missed around the Choteau house during his absence. W. E. Nichols, treasurer and general manager of the Henderson Mountain Mining and Milling company, went up to Cooke Tuesday morning to perfect arrangements for the new mill to be erected there this season for operating upon the ores from the mines of the Alice E company. H. C. Davis of the Northern Pacific general oltices, accompanied by Joseph Luc key of the National German Ameri can bank of St. Paul, and James Brow n Potter of New York, returned Monday from an inspection of the Cumlierland mine at Castle. The party departed the same evening for the west. in a Dr. F. W. Jones was down from Horr Sunday. Mrs. Charles Bowers visited friends in ( ilendive iast w eek. Thomas Kent, the stockman and wool grower of Stillwater, was in town Mon day. Mrs. A. Ouimet returned Saturday from a brief sojourn at the Chico Warm Springs. A. A. Rich of Hunters Hot Springs was among visitors in Livingston yes | terdav. 1 C. A. Crip|>en came up from Big Tim j ber and spent Sunday with his family j in this city. Mrs. H. Camp and children, who had been visiting friends in this city return j ed to Butie Saturday. J. H. Conrad of Helena, president of ; the Park Coal and Coke company, ac ! companied by his family, was in the city Saturday. Levi Ruben a former partner of Louis Weigel in this city, arrived from Great Falls Wednesday on his way to Europe, where he will visit relatives. C. C. Webster, of the firm of Webster ifc Brandjen, northwestern agents of Marder, Lose A Co., type founders, was in the city Monday on a business tour of the west. Charles Cottell, foreman for the Rriggs-Ellis Cattle company, came up from Big Timber Sunday morning, bringing with him Robert Dorsett, the cowboy who was bitten Thursduy of last week by a rattler while on the ranch of Mr. Cottell. W. B. Judd, president of the Hidden Treasure Mining company, came up from Stillwater Monday. He will next week depart for the Boulder mining dis trict to assist in arrangements for re suming work with the company's stamp mill. R. B. Emison of Cooke was in the city the past week. He states that consider able interest has been awakened in that district over the proposed introduction of the cyanide process for the treatment of ores of the Alice E group of mines, as it is believed, if successful, many of the properties of the New World district can be remuneratively worked without railroad transportation. R. M. Ferguson, one of the prominent woolgrowers of the Shields valley, was in the city Monday delivering his this year's wool clip. From his band of 2550 sheep he secured a yield of 25,8(52 pounds, an average of over ten pounds to the fleece. He realized 16 cents per pound,or 84,137.02as the resultof the past year's product, independent of the in crease in his flock. PrpMM Conn Inter Mountain : The democratic house majority is fighting the sundry civil bill simply because it contains a clause for the coinage of 85,000,000 worth of silver coins. Anything that has the appearance of a silver bill is sufficient to arouse the antagonism'of the 159 demo cratic majority which defeated the Bland-Stewart free coinage bill. * Economist: "It was the tariff that caused the Homestead strike," crys the free trade demagogue. What then caused the far more deplorable strike among the silver miners of Idaho, work ingmen in an unprotected industry? If protection caused the one strike, did not free trade cause the other? The fact is that in neither did the tariff nor the absence of a tariff have any influence, as any one but the free trade dema gogue will admit. Independent : There may or may not be grounds for the frequent criticisms of management in the Yellowstone Park, but the indictments at least should show proofs from authentic sources and if presented by Montanians should re ceive prompt attention. They are al ways willing to pay for the best of everything if they are well treated. The criticisms heretofore have come from cheap eastern tourists who come to thiB country and want Montana and all her mines for 28 cents. *** National Bulletin: Democrats in public life feel as much conti dence in President Harrison's wis dom and patriotism as do republicans. The bill according the president power to levy retaliatory canal tolls on Cana dian vessels passing through our canals passed both houses without a single dissent from any democrat, although Representative Turner (democrat, Ga ) pointedly called attention to the fact that the power conferred on the presi dent is exactly similar to that in the reciprocity clause in the McKinley law. Democrats know that this large discre tionary power is safe in President Har rison's hands. Salt Lake Tribune : Last year it cost *305,(A)0,000 to carry on the government; that is, 81,UU0,000 a day. In that time there was raised by internal revenue and tobacco, *145,000,000; *4,000,000 by the sale of public lands, and *23,000,00 from miscellaneous sources. That left *193, 000,000 to be raised in some other way. When the farmers are told that the tariff is a robbery, they should remember that of all the money raised by the tariff they onlv paid their proportion of *80,000,000, the rest being tariff on luxuries. Now, suppose that whole *193,000,000 had to be raised by direct taxation. The far mers ought to know that the burden would come upon them. Do they want that arrangement? The government will have to be carried along in some way; there is no escaping that. From some source the necessary money will have to be obtained. Are the men who own lands in this country prepared to pay it? When they are told that a robber tariff is oppressing them, let them stop and figure how much they pay toward the support of the government, and then let them try to think how much better off they would be if that tariff should be taken off and they should be assessed for the needed money. M «mI a I Shi Mit The regular medal shoot of the Yel lowstone gun club was held at the grounds on Howell's island Saturday af ternoon, resulting in Charles Nathurst retaining the prize W. F. Sheard as usual waiving his right to contest. Fol lowing is the score : Sheard ...1« 1 till 1 1 llllllllllll lllx-dr. Nathurst 1111 1 1 I ! H 1 1 11Ul 11 1 1 01 11 1-23 Brouse . 1 o 1 1 l I 1 into (Mm | oo l i i I l Hiioii-h» Howell. 1100101111 00 loi 1110111 100-1« Cliurrli Matter*. Baptist church, corner of B and Lewis streets: Regular preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Wm. M. Weeks, Pastor. St. Andrew's church: Sunday ser vices, matins 11 a. m. Evensong 8:00 p. in. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Holy Eucha rist the second and last Sunday in each month. W. Northey Jones, Priest in Charge. Congregational: Preaching at 11 a. in. and at 8 p. m. For summer complaint nothing equals Dr. Hess' Blackberry Balsam. Sold by M. A. Peterson. Th» Why The Chicago, Milwaukee A- St. Paul Ry., is the favorite. It is the oldest and w as lirst in the tiled. It's train service is the very best. It, is the first to adopt improvements. It's sleepers are palaces on wheels. It runs elegant Drawing Room sleep ers on all night trains. It's trains are lighted by electricity. It runs luxurious chair cars on "day trains. It is the only line using the electric berth lamp. It's dining car service is unexcelled. It's trains run solid to Milwaukee and Chicago. It is the best route to St. Louis and the South. It is the best route to Kansas City and the West. It runs four daily trains to Milwaukee and Chicago. It runs two daily trains to St. Louis and Kansas City. It is the Government Fast Mail Route. It is popularly styled the "Old Reli able." It furnishes safety, comfort and speed to patrons. For information as to the lowest rates to all points in the United States ana Canada via "The Milwaukee,"' apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent, or to J. T. CONLEY Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent St. Paul Minn. It »uve» file Clillilreii. Mr. C. H. Shawen, Wellsville, Kan., says: "It is with pleasure that I speak of the good Chamberlin's colic, cholera and diarrhiea remedy has done my family during the last fourteen years. In the most obstinate cases of summer complaint and diurrhœa among my children, it acted as a charm, making it never necessary to call in a physician. I can truthfully say that in iny judg ment, based on years of experience, there is not a medicine in the market thHt is its equal. For sale by J. E. Ferte —Druggist. Flying: Hlwtogn. Flying Hiatoga 3rd P No. 74, 2:30; Flying Hiatoga, Jr. P No. 40, 2:23}- 4 , will stand for service at Big Timber season of 1892. Is a standard bred horse from ime of the best pacing families in Amer ica 36 in the 2:30 list. Was bred by A. M. Snyder, of Hopedale, Harrison county, Ohio, dam Lady Snyder 5th, record 2:30, got by Scott's Hiatoga, bred by Samuel Scott of Ohio. For further information see pedigree at postoflice, or apply to R. O. Sinclair. l-'-23-tf E. O. Clark. "Two years ago two of my family, a young man and a girl, had very severe and dangerous attacks of bloody flux," says Mr. John Cook, of Pilot, Vermilion Co., 111. "The doctor here was unable, after a week's time, to check or relieve either case. I then began using Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Improvement was seen very soon and my children arose in a few days from what I feared would be their death bed. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. Money Make* Money. Deposited in the Merchants Bank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S. Hefperlin, Cashier. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Del., says : "Two teaspoon fuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place." He also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by t his remedy. For sale by J. E. Ferte. druggist. While at Big Island, Va., last April, I was taken with a severe attack of diar rhoea. I never had it worse in my life. I tried several old-time remedies,'such as Blackberry Wine. Paregoric and Laudanum without getting anv relief. My attention was then called to" Cham berlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy by Mr. R. C. Tinsley who had been handling it there, and in less than five minutes after taking a small dose I was entirely relieved.— O. G. Bur ford, Harris Creek. Amherst county, Va. For sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. " Pimm«, Organ». Before buying a piano, write to J. E. Rees. Big Timber Mont., for terms on a Knabe, or Ivers & Pond Piano. Wilcox A White, or Dyer Bros., organs. W. B. ANNIN St CO. — DEAI.KKS IN Agents for the celebrated Sealskin CIGARS. Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, School Supplies, Notions, &c., &c HEFFERLIN BLOCK, LIVINGSTON, - MONTANA. The SelebriL oumn Cure. w t ™ ed <; AFHRODIT!NE" funded. ■ mom y Is Bold ov a. P JL.ITIV- iH GU.gT.'U T r .E v\ to cur * rnv form of n. ma di • cas** or my dis order of thog a •Tative orgaun of tfli r whether aririu-' : BETÖRE fro"i i' ■■ . -:ccs- AFTER -dve use of Htim .ut >, i' lire oi Opium, or through vouthDil ii"' rct.h u. over indul gence, ifcc., mi ■ .i I. ', t.t IT: lit Power, Wakefulness, Bearin'; iov.i. PrinrJn ihi bruit, Seminal \V eiltn ■».», i. ;-terl i, Nervine Prun tr.u.nm, N'ctaru Kini'fdn's, Lcuconho Oixxiiii'«» We il; •<" ■ rv, Loan i f Pi avi r and [moon m v, v hi m If if«Pet u often lord to jUTtnaturo o- i ■ ml ; •m.-nity thrice ft .(in I box, h Ikixos for ".oo. K nt by mail ou receipt of price. X WRITTEN GIL-W. VXTM'Ts given for »very C'i.OO order lecciveil, to refund the monc;. if a Perm ueiit t rm-wioteiT » d. Vf. hrv thousand» of test uuoid ■ I.» from uid und youni of aexea, who hnvo m i u pernn' neuf ' mired by tin; Uso ot AyibrixliMuc. Circular: free. Mention j »per. Ad . '»» THE Af'HHO fil. tOINE.CO.. Western Branch, F 0 Cnv 21 ■Sold by M. A. I'KTKKSON. Diuuuist, Livingston, Montana. LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. (JU.EUBATEI) E.NUI. 18 U ltKMEUY NEBVIA. Before. It is sold on a positive guarantee to cure any furra of nervous pros tration nr any disorder of the genital organa of either Bex, caused _ ______ by excessive use of AftOf 1 Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. Dizziness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain. Weak Memory. Bearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected« may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every Sr».00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not effected. NEBVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. For sale by M. A. PETEUSON, Livingston, Mont HOOPES & EATON, INSURANCE. Risks safely placed at the regular rates and in the best companies. Remember it costs no more to insure in a Company that will pay von full value for your loss than it does in a company that will pay you from 8U to 40 per cent of said loss. Life and Accident Insurance. MINING STOCK. Do you want to buv Mining Stock in Castle, Cooke City, Bear Gulch, Emigrant liulch. Mill Creek or tne Boulder; Have you Miniog Stock for sale; REAL ESTATE. Do you want to sell* Do you want to buy ? Do you want to build? Do you want lo loan money; Do von want to borrow money? If you want any of these call and see us. Okschel Block, Livingston, Mont, W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Beal Estate HANDLED ON FIVE PER CENT. COMMIS SION. KENTS COLLECTED —AND — MONEY LOANED. Office: Willi W. H. Poorman in Court Housd. MONEY Advanced on Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches —AND— All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. a Goes our Stock of SUMMER GOODS : B B EVERYTHING In the line of SUITS, SHIRTS, Underwear, Straw Hats, Shots Etc., at and below cost. Come andl see us and be convinced. . ORSCHEL & BRO, Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars. m WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few who carry a watch ever think of the unceasing labor It performs under what would lie considered shabby treat ment for any other machinery. There ure many who think a watch ought to run for years without cleaning or a drop of oil. Read this and judge for yourself : The main wheel in an ordi nary American watch makes four revolutions a day of twenty four hours, or 1,44k) in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty four revolutions in a day, or 8,7tiO in a year. The third wheel, DM in a day, or 8», OHO In a year. The fourth wheel, ? 440 in a day, or .Mft.HOO in a year. The fifth or scape wheel 12,9(10 in a day, or 4,728,200 ill a year. The ticks or heals are 388,800 in a day, or 141,812,000 in a year. W. P. MULHOLLANO City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lumber Co. LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement Hair, Paint, Glass. Oils and Nails, HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. All our lumber is dry, well sawed and surfaced t° e\en thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE.