Newspaper Page Text
I IT" ( Olliltlflil I'Vorioruist : Soys the London Times of .July 'Jo: -L'liiloubteiliy our interests its a trading community must make us wish success to the democrats, who now for the first time ko to tiie (.oils as the avowe 1 eliam pions of free trade, rather than to the authors and defenders of the inedneval MeKinley trill." This will spur on the démocratie leaders to new efforts, in order still further to deserve the sympathy and admiration of British manufacturers and the British press. Helena". tournai : Tin plate factories are into exist «'nee in t his conn trv. while ttiey are heilig closed in Wales. As the result of the encourage ment ifiven to American industry by the -MeKinley tariff, work is abundant and prices liiyli, while in Wales sixty tin plate factories have closed down, throw ing Id.lhKI men out of employment. .Many of these workmen will lie cm ployed in the new American factories, and become consumers of American pro ducts and American cereals. Thus pro tection strengthens the home market. *. * Salt Lake Tribune : Horace Greeley was the champion of protection while he lived, and here is a sentence which he pronounced thirty years auo : -No man can truthfully surest an article w hich, having formerly been imported, has since, through protection, been sô naturalized on our soil that it is now produced nearly to the extent of satisfy ing our own wants, yet which now costs our people more than it did when we procured it from abroad." If that was true in Horace Greeley's time, it is much more true today, and it is so plainly true that we believe the people of the United States understand it. and that they will give the opponents of that belief such a rebuff and reproof in November as will practically cause the agitation of the tariff question to cease for a year or two to come. I he fact that the extreme eastern papers do not discuss the tariff question any more but confine them selves to a fierce but idiotic force bill cry, is a proof that they dare not submit the matter of the tariff to a vote of the people of the United States. * * * National Bulletin: Sundry dis tinguished citizens of German birth have issued an address appealing for support by Germans of Grover Cleve land. Though the address does not say so. iiie principal reason advanced for supporting Cleveland is that Carl Schurz et al. have determined to sup port him. Our German, citizens are well able to decide public questions for themselves, and the mere fact that Carl Schurz and others are going to do a thing is not a conclusive reason for them to do likewise. As a body they will be little inclined to support the candidate of a party that has dallied with free silver and unsound money theories. The great majority of them also, are well advanced in scientific knowledge of the tariff and are protec tionists. The reason these particular Germans who sign the address want to support Cleveland is that he has recog nized "in the protective tariff svstem" a ' steadily growing evil.'" That does not serve to commend him to most Ger mans. , ] ; River Press : Air. Cleveland still con tinues to amuse himself writing letters his latest effusion being intended to contradict the statement that under Mr. Sparks' administration of the general land office, a large number of people in the northwestern states were turned out of their homes. Tue letter fails to ques tion the record of fact that western set tiers as a class were denounced by Sparks as a lot of thieves and landgrab bers, and land entries were suspended anil patents withh eld "from settlers throughout Montana and other western states. This action on the part of the democratic commissioner of the general land office worked great hardship to a deserving class of the community, and was denounced on all sides by the pub U^ess. Luring his term as president, ilr. Cleveland vetoed the bill to preserve the regularly acquired horneRt«mU ~ .v. .oiuou mtj uiu to preserve the regularly acquired homesteads of thousands of settlers on the river lands or Iowa, and this action resulted in these people being turned out of their homes, and their land passing into the hands of a corporation. These matters are recorus of facts, and cleverly worded epistolary denials will not destroy their effect. Aller Herr IlHiHlinnuu. To those familiar with the history of the matrimonial affairs of Haniel Band niann, the ex-tragedian and ranchman of Missoula county, who, at the last term of district court in this county secured a divorce from his wife Millicent Band man n, in order to marry Miss Mary Kelly, the following New Vork dispatch will be of interest : Daniel Baudmann, the actor, it ap pears has a complexity of wives. He came to this country ten years ago and was supported by Louise Baudet, the late Uasiuo favorite. They jointly bought a ranch in Montana in 1885. Miss Baudet, who was known as Mrs. Bandmann, quarreled with him and came east. She lias since made an ef fort to get her interest in the ranch ac knowledged. Then came news that Bandmann had married Mary E. Kellv, a pretty California girl whom the actor had brought to the ranch. Bandmann denied Aliss Baudot's right to title in the ranch, whicii has c une to be very valuable, and the matter has not yet been settled. The news of his marriage to Miss Kelly about three months ago shocked Miss Baudets friends, who alwavs con side red her as the tragedian's wife. The climax was capped on Tuesday, how ever, when the editor of a dramatic paper in this city received the following letter from England : Subrkv, Emu. AND, August 13. Sir A paragraph forwarded to me states that my husband, Daniel E. Band tiiaun, was married on bis ranch al Mis soula to a woman named Mary Kelly, ami that xou did not know- he was free towed. Now, although it is true that my husband deserted me and bis chil dren some years ago, it is not true that I have instituted proceedings for divorce against him either in England or Amer ica, therefore you are right in stating that Daniel E. Bandmann is not free to weil, and if your advice is correct, that my husband lias married the woman in question, which I think likely improb able, lie lias simply committed bigamy. In justice to my daughter, my son, and myself I must request you to insert this card immediately in your columns. I a n, sir, yours faithfully. All llickst Bandmann. It appears from those who know that I Asri.K « I i t \i Bandmann married Millicent Palmer in ISfRt. and that he never returned after H84, when he left England with little 'i iis- Baudet as protege and ward. Those who know him say that he proba bly obtained some sort of divorce, as they were easily mitten in some parts of the west, and the summons to the wife can be served by i.einu published in an out-of-t he way newspaper. Knun tin* Tribun»* . S. >1. Jol mson. accompanied by his aunt and sister. Miss Carrie, left Sunday for Bivingston. They will make that place their home the coining winter. George E. Simon who, for nearly eighteen months, has been the manager of A. Krieger ,V Co.'s Livingston branch house here departed Sunday to take a position in the store there. .1. T. Gove of San Francisco, Cal., an ore buyer for tin- Portland smelter ar rived here Wednesday. He was a fre quent visitor to this camp in its early days. On his report of the district over two years ago the Northern Pacilie rail road made a survey to this place from Livingston. There .is great activity manifested in and about the Cumberland. The w hole force working under ground is engaged in stuping and taking out ore. They begun yesterday to make tip the roast heaps, which w ill be tired np as soon as built. The roasters as soon as some needed repairs are complete will be started. It is claimed that it is not the intention of the company at any time in the near future to tiro up the smelter. 111(1 T I II Ill-lit II IMS l Krimi the Pioneer.| The new schoolhouse bell has arrived and will in a few days be placed in posi tion. The bell is a tine one, weighs liOO pounds and will be useful as well as an ornament to the house and town. A. (). Jopling of Marquette, Michigan, and Prescott Ely of Cleveland, Ohio, left here Friday in company with J. B. Hooper for the Boulder camp. Mr. Ely is a son of one of the original owners of the Independence mine and is here to look over that splendid property. At the democratic primaries held here Saturday, O. M. Hatch, Harvey Bliss, T. K. Lee and Frank Bliss, were elected as delegates and George P. Urner, W. A. Moore, Benj. Mjelde and S. B. Roberts, alternates to attend the county eonven to be held in Livingston on Saturday, the 10th. Live Stock Market The following sales of Montana cattle on the Chicago market yesterday were roported to Agent Merriman lit this place : Montana < ' Co..... Murphy Cattle i o. Murphv < attle Co. Capital Syndicate. Tower h & (i....... Berry Boire c Co. Berry Bon e C Co Milner L S Co..... No. bond. Av. w ' gt . Price. ... 2b3 1347 S3 so . .. Id 1235 3 75 1225 3 75 .. 3*4 loll 2 '.Hi . .. 50 1210 3 bo . lit HID 3 40 .. 20 112»» 3 40 ... 201 1411 i » - — -- — A Clever Chinee. A Chinese jeweler lias come to town and established himself in Mott street, His tools of trade are so simple that a native craftsman would hardly lie aide to accomplish anything at all with them. They consist of a tiny anvil, sev eral little hammers, a pair of pinchers and a few graving tools. His work, though rough, is artistic. He would probably send the works of a watch to the eternal bowwows if he attempted to repair them, hut when it comes to getting striking effects out of unpromising material he can't be beaten. For thb small sum of seventy-five cents he will take a half dollar and in a few hours hammer it into a dainty silvei ring, with pleasing Chinese sentiments engraved all over it. The smaller silver coins he molds into heads of demons and genii for charms and scarfpins.—New York Commercial Advertiser. SFEulAL^MENTIOH. Go to O'Neil's for a Speckled Havana. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Fresh vegeuibles at Krieger & CiT. Sacks and sacking twine at Krieger A Cos. Cure your corns. Big 4 does it. At Peterson's. (Jet your school books and school sup plies at W. B. Annin's. If you like good, strong coffee try some of our African Java. Parks & Gii-bov. Guarantee to fit any rupture xvith truss, at Peterson's. For summer complaint nothing equals Dr. Hess' Blackberry Balsam. Sold by M. A. Peterson. When Baby wasskk, we gave h»T Castoria. When she was a Child, she tried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria \N lien she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Crescent creamery butter at Thomp son Bros. The best lime is furnished by the Liv ingston Lime Works. O. Mattson. For choice family groceries go to Krieger & Co. Guarantee to fit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. Guarantee to fit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. Swiss, Edam Pineapple and Limberger Cheese at Parks A Gilroy's. "Alonarch Brand" of fruits and vegeta bles at Thompson Bros. For fresli fruits and vegetables go to Krieger & Co's Family grocery. Choice coffees and teas a specialty at Krieger A Co's. To rise in the morning with a bad taste in tiie mouth and no appetite, in dicates that the stomach needs strength ening. For this purpose there is nothing better than an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills taken at bed time. Every testimonial in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla will bear the closest inves tigation. No matter where it may be froin, it is as reliable and worthy your confidence as if it came from your most respected neighbor. Hood's pills cure sick headache. 4 "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of." says Airs. Hattie Alason, of Chilton, Carter Co., AIo.. in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This medicine can always lie depended upon, even in tiie most severe anil dangerous cases, both for children and adults. 25 and .si cent bottles for sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. i In Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Are you constipated or billious? One box of Common Sense Pills will entirelv cure you. Sold by M. A. Peterson. Sallow and leaden-hued complexions soon give place to the loveliest pink ami-white, when the use of Avers Sarsaparilla is presisted in. and cosmet ics entirely abandoned. Nothing ran counterfeit t he rosv glow of perfect health, which blesses those who use this medicine. Tiie Chicago. Milwaukee ,V st. Paul Railway is and always has been the pop ular line between St. Paul and Minne apolis and Milwaukee and Chicago. Its road along the banks of the .Missis sippi from St. Paul to La Crosse, skirt ing also as it does the full length of beautiful Lake Pepin, gives to the trav eler one of the most delightful and pic turesque daylight and evening rides on the continent. From La Crosse east to Milwaukee and Chicago this road pene tîntes the garden of Wisconsin and touches, witii its mail line, the largest cities and towns in that state. Its road bed. train service and general equipment is absolutely unexcelled. The famous vestibuled limited train, with its electric lights, electric reading lamps, and ele gant sleeping and dining car service, is not surpassed by any train in this count ry- If you are to take a trip call for the '"Milwaukee" -the Government Fast Mail Line and secure absolute comfort, speed and safety. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Milwaukee and Chicago, four passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Kansas City, two passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to St. Louis, two passenger trains each day. For further information apply to near est coupon ticket agent or address J. T. CON LEV, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Money Make* Money. Deposited in the Merchants Bank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S. Cashier. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for ils cures of bad colds and as a pre ventive and cure for Croup. 50 cents per bottle. 1 Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general family liniment and especially valuable for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns and trust bites, 50 cents per bottle. Wk Ski,i, Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, the most suc cessful medicine in use for dysentery, diarrhoea, colic and cholera morbus, 25 and 50 cent bottles. St. Patrick's Pills. Thi >y are the best ; physic. They also regulate the liver and bowels. Try them. 25 cents per box. j Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment I for tetter, salt rheum, scaldhead, eczema j piles and chronic sore eyes. 25 cents per ' box. For Bale by J. E.' Ferte, druggist, i For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ahcher, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "1 use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robehtson, M. D., 1057 !äd Ave., New York. From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Tiie Cent h r Company ' Murray Street, N. Y. w TAXIDERMY ! Partins wishing specimen.« of taxi d nr in y inountnd in first class sty In anl at rnasouabln prices will please call at my shop, one block west of Kntek piuse office, ami see for yourselves, or address by mail. Express orders re ceive prompt attention. Correspond ence solicited. No. 1 prices paid lor all kinds of game heads, tnrs, etc., in good condition. FRANK B. TOLHURST JOHN MCLAUGHLIN. General SECOND AND LEWIS STREETS All kinds of Blai'ksmithing done promptly to order A SPECIALTY. CON STOCt ■ DAIRY RANCH, 12 miles east of Livingston, Mont. Finest herd ot Holstein Friesian Cattle ! in the State. Young Stock For Sale ! Certificates «»f registry furnished with each ani mal. Old stock was all imported, Cæsar bred in Dienum. » rieslaml, winner of three prizes at the head of herd. Call at ranch or w rite to Livingston, Montana or write to J M. CONROW. W. B. ANNIN 5t GO. Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars, Agents for th»* celebrated Tobacco, Sealskin Stationery, CIGARS. School Supplies, Notions, &c., &c HEFFERLIN BLOCK, LIVINGSTON. - MONTANA. The Celebrated French Cure. "APHROOiTINE" ^SivY GUARAMTITE Q BEFCfE Hive use >.f hx through um ' •tic»'. «V» .. y ' • >'•' ki'fmiK ss, 1. : llimal Wi.'iUc «turn ui»? -.nv lorir il. r vol - dis se er ar.v dis lerof in ti ll IV- Gi-TSiIlH t-r .ht • *h r aris hril i*, T. AFTER •nee o or Opium « lit n, over indu. « iif ss fit Pow* . idivn Pains in the Lai n Hysteria, Nervous Pros T. :.. l - s iims, Loticorrhoe: »iz^ness, Weak Memory, Loss ( f Power arm inpotcnev, which it neglect« U oit» n lead t j oil TP at v re < " 1 1 1 •- *n:i 'insanity Price f l,on n jox, ♦> boxes for ; jX H 'lit by mail on receipt )i price. A W KITTEN lit \ R \XTKF. is given for very *5.0»* old*, i rev 1 ved, to r* fund the money if a I'er'iiutH"Ir ct i h dot. effected. WVhnvo lioU'-an I- of t« st ii.ioniiiH from old :*n»t votin' f b< ' ' -< \- s a:m luive*he«n permanenth .?m d i . in r.s.' of Aj hroditine. Circulars Uct . Mention pan«.. Address t; j e aphro medicine co. Westen: Uranch, P. 0. Box 27. ''iMîVLfvp nppGON. •Sollt hy VI A PKTKHSON Dm iini"T, I,i\ injjsti,n, Montana. LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. L'ei.eukated English Remedy NERVIA. 'S It is »old on a positive guarantee to cure any form of nervuus pros tration or any disorder of the genital organs of either »ex. caused _ Before* by excessive une of After* Tobacco. Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc., Dizxine»», Convulsions. Wakefulness. Itcudache, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain. VN eak Memory. Bearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Power and Irapotency, which if neglected« may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price $ 1-00 a box: 6 boxes for$ä 00. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every $.V00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not effected. NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. For sale by M. A. PETERSON, Livingston, Mont HOOPES & EATON, INSURANCE. Risks safely placed at the regular rates and in the best companies. Remember it costs no more to iriMire in a company that will pay you full value for your loss than it does in a company that will pay you from 30 to 40 per cent of said loss. Life and Accident Insurance. MINING STOCK. Do you want to huv Mining Stock in C'astle, Cooke City, Bear (iulch, Emigrant titiich. Mill Creek or the Boulder? Have you Miniog Stock for sale? REAL ESTATE. Do you want to sell? Do you want to buy? Do you want to build?. Do you want to loan money? Do you want to borrow money? If vou want aiiy of these call and see us. Okschel Block, Livingston, Mont, W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Beal Estate HANDLED ON FIYE^PER CENT. COMMIS RENTS COLLECTED -AND- c money loaned. Office: W itli \V. It. Poorman in Court Houed. MONEY Advanced on Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches —AND— All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. Goes our Stock o SUMMER GOOD ÄSSO EVERYTHING In the line of SUITS, SHIRTS Underwear, Straw Hats, Shoe Etc., at and below cost. Come an see us and be convinced. I. ORSCHEL & BR0 Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Ci*ar I m WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few who carry a watch ever think of the unceasing labor it perform* under w luit would be considered shabby treat ment for any oilier machinery. There are many who think a w atch ought to run for years w ithout cleaning or a drop of oil. Read this and judge for yourself : The main w heel in an ordi nary American watch makes four revolutions a day of twenty four hours, or l,4»>d in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty* four revolutions in a day, or S,TOO in a year. The third w heel, 102 in a day, or &0,fiHO in a year. The fourth wheel, 2 440 in a day, or 545,boo in a year. The fifth or scape wheel 1 2,96 » ) in a «lay, or 4,T2H,200 in a year. The ticks or beut* are 3*8,800 in a day, or 141,812,000 in a vear. W. P. MULHOLLAND City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lomber C LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement. Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails. HABDWABE. j, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL All our lumber is dry, well sawed : 1 1 1 * 1 even thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE