Newspaper Page Text
■I r <vmnfil Friday rder 1 >v A special meeting of I lu* ci wilt, held in the couneil rm evening of last week, called 1 Mayor Talcott. Present Aldermen Campbell. Harvey Mallahan ami Nye. A Usent Alderinei llauman and lîeloy . Minnies of la-t regular meeting if tli council field Ai joiirned meeting read and approve Reports of eit) police magistrate gust read and ill igust 1st. and th icld August 1th. I. marshal, treasurei for tin month of pled. ISO: and Au Committee on the park reported pro gri Petition of ( iordor Bros, for sidewalk on lots No. 11! to 22, inclusive, and lot Xo. 12 in block No. lid; and the petition of Cordon Bros, et al. for a sidewalk on lots Xo. till to 82, inclusive, in block Xo. fill, referr. d to committee on sidewalks ; committee to report at next meeting of the council. Petition of Nolan Bros, to erect a shed on lot No. It in block 71), to lie cover on back, roof and sides with corrugated iron, referred to the committee on fire. Petition of Mrs. .lohn Mortimer et al. for sidewalk on the south side of Clarke street, from Sixth to eighth street, in cluding street crossing on Eighth street, referred to committee on sidewalks. Petition of Thom is S. Ash to pass or dinance granting privileges to string tel ephone wires and erect poles referred to committee on ordinances. Petition of Minnie Crooks to erect frame building on lot Xo. 17 in block Xo. 1)7 referred to committee on tire. Motion by Alderman Mallahan that Mr. Kennelly be given 15 days in which to put lire escapes on the Albemarle hotel, carried by an unanimous vote. Motion by Alderman Mallahan, that the question of compelling Mr. Kennelly to open the side door of the Albemarle hotel be left for 15 days, and the city at torney be instructed to ascertain wheth er it is proper and the advisability of taking any action on it, carried unani mously. Committee on tire, to whom was re ferred the petition of Nolan Bros, for permission to erect a w agon shed on lot Xc. It in block Xo. 79, reported favor ably on petition. Motion, that report of committee be adopted and petition of Xolan Bros, granted, carried by unanimous vote. I'he committee to whom was referred the petition of Minnie Crooks, reported unf,. vorablv. Motion, that report of committee be adopted and prayer of petition be not granted, carried by unanimous vote. Committee on sidewalks, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. John Mor timer et al. ask for further time in which to report. M otioii by Alderman C^impbell that a J sidewalk be ordered on the north side of Callendar street from Second street to Fifth street, and also on the south of Callendar street from Fifth street to ! Yellowstone street carried bv the follow ing vote: Ayes Aldermen Campbell, Harvey, Mallahan, Xye. Noes none. The committee on ordinances report favorably on the ordinance granting to Thomas S. Ash the privilege of erecting telephone poles and stringing wires in the streets and alleys of the city, and that ordinance be read. Motion by Alderman Campbell that report of committee bo adopted and that ordinance he read, carried hy an unanimous vote. i Ordinance No. 40. granting to Thomas fe. Ash the privilege to erect poles and string telephone wires, read by the clerk. Motion bv Alderman Xye that the council proceed with the second reading of the ordinance, carried hy an unani mous vote. Ordinance No. 40 read the second time. Motion by Alderman Xye that ordi nance Xo. 40 be granted and printed in the usual manner, to take effect from the date of publication, seconded by Aider man Campbell, and carried by the fol lowing vote : Ayes—Campbell, Harvey, Mallahan and Xye. Noes—none. Ordinance Xo. 41, requiring the exten sion of the water mains of the Living ston Waterworks and Elec ric Light company : Commencing at the intersec tion of Callendar and Yellowstone streets, thence running west to the cor ner of Fifth and Callendar streets. Com mencing at the intersection of Clarke and H streets, running thence south to the intersection of Geyser and H streets, reau by the clerk. Motion by Alderman Campbell that ordinance Xo. 41 be read for the second time, carried by an unanimous vote. Ordinance Xo 41 read the second time. Motion by Alderman Nye that ordi nance Xo. 41 be approved and printed in the usual manner, to take effect from date of publication, seconded bv Aider man llarvey ami carried by the follow ing vote: Ayes - Campbell, Harvey, Mallahan and Xye. Noes none. The application of Charles S. Heffer lin to remit the city license on his opera house for two years read. Motion by Alderman Campbell that we indirectly rebate to C. 8. Hetferlin the city license on his opera house for one year, and that no change be made in the ordinance relating to licenses at all, seconded and cari ied. Lease of Northern Pacific railroad for the park read and the following resolu tion passed : It In Hereby Ueaidved. That the rity council <it the city of Livingston, at a special meetmi! lieht on tile fltli dav of September, IHhg, tortile purpose of couMdcriiig the lease presented In the Northern Ptcilic liailroad company for the prop ert> hereinafter deserihed: that the said lease presented hy lue said railroad company he, and is hereby accepted, and tne mayor of the city of liiviiUTHti'ii is hereby authorized to execute »alii leiiee for and un lieti .If of said city, and as its free act and deed tu the following described property, tu wit: ( o in mène in lt at the point of interception of the west line of .Main street extending to the north line of Park street, thence westerly on said north line of Park street three hundred feet, thence northerly at right angles one hundred and turfy feet, thence easterly and at right angles three hundred feet, thence southerly to the point of heginninir one hundred and forty feet, as shown un the p'at contained in said'lease, for the period of twenty years on and after the 1st day of dune A. D. IH'.i-d. Motion by Alderman Mallahan that the resolution be approved, seconded hy Alderman Xye and carried by the follow ing vote : Ayes —Campbell, Harvey, Mallahan and Xye. Noes none. Resignation of Herman Bauman, alder man of the hrst ward, read, ] Motion that the resignation of Alder man Bauman he laid over until the next ! tueeting carried by an unanimous vote, j Resolution fixing the amount and rate } of city tax for the year 1892 read the first time. I Motion that the council proceed to the second reading of the resolution fixing the amount and rate of city taxes for the year 1892, carried by an unanimous vo I t > e - j Ko8olution read the second time. Motion by Alderman Campbell that tlie resolution be passed and published in the usual manner,seconded by Alder the fol V. Malta man Mallahan, and carried h I han* anil Xve xZ'*mm"*""' ..... ! Resolution for special tax lew for the year 1892 read the first time. Motion 1»\ Alderman Mallahan that the council proceed to the second read mg of the resolution for special tax levy carried by an unanimous vote. Resolution read the second tune. Motion by Alderman Nye that the resolution lie passed and published in the usual manner, seconded by Alder man Mallahan and carried by the follow ing vote : ( ampbell. Harvey. Mallahan X N< none. nvintf bills wore allowed. in*, one day ~ work........... uglierty, w ork on park ftfin Wate rhandise. . • anil KI**ct ic Light ,'lin u An.'. W F i.l Augti-t -, .Inly i hott, l< A Fiti.-lcl, ' , 1 •Vn" Uvh"i"i*.m5?l»cirVTigi!t 7-iiii'ijiai'iv', light fur August.........."............gwi us )' !! U""*""", tiiiiiifbiii sill*« «ht ........ with t am...... jo no A w Mues liùniwaiv lii.-Vcliâti.ii.-sV. . ; :)3 Motion that same be paid on being approved by city marshal. Carried. Taivott tk sax, meiTimnaise. .............. i ;5 Laid over for information. 'jeoTYoun'c^ 4 .1 h 1 v ami August........ ............... 15 ini W 11 Alliums, twenty-live nays' work...... t>2 50 Motion that same be paid on being approved by city marshal. Carried. 2 50 11 Burton, work on ftr Nolan Bros, merchandise.................. 0 55 Motion that same he paid on being approved by city marshal. Carried. Wil iam Hank, removing rui>h»sh......... 1 Äi VN' H Howerton, builuing sidewalks. ..... W 50 Hubert Dorset!., work un street............ 2 - 50 .lack lluvt, work lii street«* with team .... ;io 00 K Gotnrhnuur, lumber...................... 71 Motion that same be laid over for cor rection. Carried, t» K Wells, visiting city prisoner at jail... Motion that biil be disallowed, ried. Louis N ebcin, work un streets with team DeHart & Mahoney, printing............. Charles Mitchell, w ork on streets......... lieu Potter, work on streets with team ... '• ** nark with team..... Frank Keel field, work un streets.......... Tin» Madden, work un park........... Day Ä Mottlt, fencing around park ........ C s llefferlin, rent city ofii 3 00 Car Motion by Alderman Xye that bill he laid over until Mr. llefferlin fixes up the building for the tire apparatus ; sec onded by Alderman Campbell and car ried bv an unanimous vole. belong toln 5 n of t,le west, but po ! phi ini J ! : j j I i : ______ n .... ..... ...... I litical hallucinations sometimes take J \V Johnsoi a, salary city maishal........ . P HI IN) M Doth, sal city tr* a*, for August....... (», » IN) L N Le 1 » ley, salary police magistrate... . . 85 on •lohn Skillin , s ilary night watch......... 85 INI •lohn Kums. salary nightwatrh......... . «U (HI W 11 Fourni» in. salary city clerk and attor nevfor An gust........................ btl W B Howerton, sidewalk................. . r* 10 A Democratic l*roiest. In general men are generous, and gal lant, and just. These attributes espee possession of individuals and even of j whole conventions, to such an extent I tluit justice is forgotten. The action of the democratic convention in ignoring ' the petition of the teachers of Livings- ! ton and vicinity in favor of Mrs. Hunter as a candidate for county superintend ent, savored more of gallantry toward 1 the successful nominee than of justice to the teachers. If Mrs. Hunter had j failed in t lie fulfillment of lier duties, there would have been more reason for I ignoring such a petition, but no one can j accuse her of faithlessness or inability. | Besides she is a resilient of Park county, while her opponent lives in another state and is here "for revenue only." Taxation without representation, and colonial submission to tyrannical, for eign governors, was not more unjust than for teachers to lie forced to submit to the authority of an officer in whose choice even their petitions are of no avail. A Democratic Teacher. Piano*, Ortffuiü. Before buying a piano, write to J. E. Rees, Big Timber Mont., for terms on a Knabe, or I vers & Pond Piano. Wilcox ifc White, or Dyer Bros., organs. SFEGIAL MENTION. Go to O'Neil's for a Speckled Havana. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Fresh vegetables at Krieger & C js\ Sacks and sacking twine at Krieger & Cos. Cure your corns. Big 4 does it. At Peterson's. Get your school books and school sup plies at W. B. Annin's. If you like .good, strong coffee try some of our African Java. Parks & Gilbov. Guarantee to fit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. For summer complaint nothing equals Dr. Hess' Blackberry Balsam. Sold by M. A. Peterson. When Bully was sick, we gave her Cssturia. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dun g to Castoria. Whenshi had Children, she gave them Castoria. Crescent creamery butter at Thomp son Bros. groceries go to The best lime is furnished bv the Liv ingston Lime Works. O. Mattson. For choice family Krieger & Co. Lots are now on sale in the Mountain View cemetery. Plats and prices can be examined at Potts & Webster's office in the Miles block. with with Guarantee to fit any rupture truss, at Peterson's. Guarantee to tit any rupture truss, at Peterson's. Swiss, Edam Pineapple and Limberger Cheese at Parks & Gilboy's. Don't limp around with corns when you can purchase a bottle of Big 4 Corn Cure for 25 cents. At Peterson's. "Monarch Brand" of fruits and vegeta bles at Thompson Bros. For fresh fruits and vegetables go to Krieger & Co's Family grocery. Choice coffees aud teas a specialty at Krieger & Co's. Tired all the time Hood's Sarsapa rilla possesses just those elements* of strength which you •so earnestly crave, it will build you up, give you an appe tite, strengthen your stomach and nerves. Try it. Hood's pills invigorate the liver. j "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of." sa vs Mrs Hattie Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co.! Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This medicine can always be depended upon, even in the most severe and dangerous cases, both for children aud adults. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. Full line of trusses at Peters Are >" u ^«'ipated or Lillmus? One T" entirel >' , eure > ou ' h,,ltl M A - 1 eter ® J » I Vou cannot he t< an not lie too particular about the medicines you use. When you need a sure you ' get Avers Sarsai arilia. and no other. It will 'min gle with, purity, and vitalize every drop of blood in your body. It makes the weak strong. I lu- I , Cl Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway is and always lias been the pop. ular line between St. Paul and Minne apolis and Milwaukee and Chicago. Its road along the banks of the Missis sippi from St. Paul to La Crosse, skirt in g also as it does the full length of beautiful Lake Pepin, gives to the trav eler one of the most delightful and pic turesque daylight and evening rides on the continent. From La Crosse east to Milwaukee and Chicago this road pene 1 trates the garden of \\ isconsin and touches, with its mail line, the largest us cities and towns in that state. Its r bed. train service and general equipment no lh absoluten unexcelled. lhe famous vestilmlcd limited train, with its electric lights, electric reading lamps, and ele I gant sleeping and dining car service, is ;5 n ot surpassotl by any train in this count ] ry. If you are to take a trip call for the i "MiRvaukce" - the Government Fast ini | Mail Line and secure absolute comfort, | speed and safety. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to 50 55 passenger Milwaukee and Chicago, fou trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Kansas City, two passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to St. Lo tis, two passenger trains each day. For further information apply to near est coupon ficket agent or address J. T. COX LEV, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. HlHkfN Money. Deposited in the Merchants Bank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S., Cashier. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fat i tor its cures of bad colds and as a pr ventive and cure for Croup. 50 cents per j bottle. j _ Chamberlain's Pain Bairn, a general ! family liniment and especially valuable for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns J and frost bites, 50 cents per bottle. ! Wf Sell Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera : and Diarrhoea Remedy, the most suc j cessful medicine in use for dysentery, diarrhoea, colic and cholera tuorhus, 25 j and 50 cent bottles. I St. Patrick's Pills. They are the best i physic. They also regulate the liver and : bowels. Try them, 25 cents per box. I Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment t e Uer, salt rheum, scaidhead, eczema j ['^ e8 an ^ chronic sore eyes. 25 cents per I >OX- ^ or sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. ' ! 1 j I j | CasToria For Infants and Children. Ca.torla promote« PlgMtlnn, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic projierty. "Castorfa Is so well adapted to children that I recommend ft as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ahchkr, M. u.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. "I use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." ALKX. RoHKhTSON, M. D., 1037 At Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for chilitren, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very muen. Many mothers have told me of ita ex cellent effect upon their children." Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Tmt Centacr Cojipant. 77 Murray street, N. Y. TAXIDERMY ! Panins wishing specimens of taxi dermy mounted in first class style an l at reasonable prices will please call at my shop, one block west of Enter prise util « « , und see fur yourselves, or address hy mail. Express orders re ceive prompt attention. I'orrespond enee solicited. No. 1 prices paid tor all kinds of game heads, furs, etc., in good condition FRANK B. T0LHDRST JOHN NicLAUGHLIN. 1 SECOND AND LEWIS STREETS All kinds of Blaeksmithing promptly to order A SPECIALTY. done CON STOCK I DAIRY RANCH, Holstein Friesian Cattle ! in the State. Young Stock For Sale ! Certificates of registry furnished with each ani mal. Old stock was all iuipoited, Ca sar bred in Dienum. Friesland, winner of three prizes* at the Lningston, Montana Call at ranch or write to J M. CONROW. a W. B. ANNIN St GO. PKAl.KIts IN Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars, 1 traten Tobacco, Sealskin Stationery, CIGARS. School Supplies, Notions. &c., &c HEFFERLIN BLOCK, LIVINGSTON. - MONTAN». The Celebrated French Cure. '\TcTr^ d "APHH0U1TINE"^ I - £ Is Sold on' a »*' 1» FJfIT.VE /»PSNTFE , , . jure c iivforir c »-'/ oi ut r vous dis »i:v tUn »■lioii, r ncisiii , «tinii thru ii <ili s- AFTER ,. J or Opium ml ■. -u-ri'tli li, over Jinlc. ■l t.i'SW Pt hi ll in Poxvi't K 'full! -<s, il- l!■ ■ ! - \vn 1'nll! a 111 til" llßl.lx. ii inn! Wt-nknvts, Hysteria, Nervous Pros i ion, Noeiur., o Lmis-ioua, I.oncorrhopn linciuess, 'Wenk M, mory. I.nss i f Power anu mpotency, xvliicfi if neilrcoii off in Icail to -r-mat »re rLI ■ pe •> .e ' ill- unit y Price a nix, »! boxes tor r.:..U". S» ut by mail on receipt A U CITTKX <il \R\NTFF. 1 m civon for very yjs.00 oitlcr rco< ivcd,tur*'fumi ilic money if u cr-ist oi cITected. WeliRVc ;hciisandsof ti s^imoninisf-om old -nu venin >f hu;n s» -x-:, \\i » l.-tve heen peruianemlv Allied !-v ; of Aphrodttino. Circulars tree, attention paucr. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Mfeste.>i Branch, P. 0. Box 27. PORTLAND. OREGON. Sold by M. A. I'KTKRSON Dbi'ooist, Livingston, Montana. LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. Celebrated English Kkmedv Before NERVIA. « After. It is sold on a positive guarantee to cure any form of nervous pros tration nr any disorder of the genital organs of either sex. caused —w.w.ww- by excessive use of ______ Tobacco.'"'Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. Dizziness. Convulsions. Wakefulness. Dcaditche, Mental Depression. Softening of the Drain. Weak Memory. Hearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria. Nocturnal Emissions, Sperraatorrluea, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected« may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box: «boxes for $5 00. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not effected. NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mich. For sale by M. A. PETERSON, Livingston, Mont ELECTION NEWS TIlUROt UH, FAIR AND COMPLETE. THE BITTE DAILY HIM. CORRESPONDENTS IT ALL CENTERS. An Unparalleled Campaign Rate. One Dollar from now until November 9. ENCLOSE SI.OO WITH ORDER. Address, MIXER, BL'TTE. W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Real Estate HANDLED ON FIVE PER CENT. COMMIS SION. RENTS COLLECTED -AND MOXKY LOAXF.D. Office» With W. H. Poorman in Court House!. MONEY Advanced on Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches -AND— All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. a We are daily receiving* New Good s such as STETSON HATS Underwear, Suits, Overcoats. HATS, ETC., Which we offer to the trade cheaper than ever. WE CAN SHOW VOU THE LARGEST LINE IN IN EASTERN MONTANA Agents for BURT & PACKARD Shoes. Agents for TIGER Hats. Agents for YOUMAN Hats. I.ORSCHEL& BRO Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars. m WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few who carry u watch ever think of the unceasing labor ii perform, under what ivould be considered »hubby treat ment for any oilier machinery. There ure many who think a watch ought lo run for years without cleaning or a drop of oil. Read this and judge for yourself : The main wheel in an ordi nary American watch makes four revolutions a day of twenty four hours, or 1,bill in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty four revolutions in a day, or 8,7tH) in a year. The third wheel, 1W-2 in a day, or 5H,OHO in a year. The fourth w heel, ■-* 4to in a day, or 545,WW io a year. The fifth or scape w heel 12,AHO in a day, or 4,72S,200 in a year. The ticks or heats are 3M8,SOO in a day, or 141,HX2,(XIII in a vear. W. P. MULHOLLAND. City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lumber Co, LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement, Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails, HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. All our lumber is dry, well sawed and surfaced t0 e'en thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE*