Newspaper Page Text
,, ili-' ov ' C (^¥r> ♦ (&*' * ♦ yoL 10. NO. 17. LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1892. PRICE 10 CENTS. £irm(v:.ton (hrtftpvisj. u>'-' iov ' Ï. WRIGHT. MONTANA. Publisher. ÜTVKP-" SEPTEMBER 24. 1892 hiptI" n ! ' ' K! * „ ,-eaf .............. .rath» col ,ies 1 IT l > 1 N < t I'.AT1> : r month : In cent« imr lino each notice. Legal advertising ni 1 1.1 - M IL, I* Ksainii! m- sunreon l < minty Physician of Park County. !; , i No. 57, Albemarle Hotel, Liv.-toN. Montana. U Ob' M AN, iT'l'oHN E Y-AT-l.AW. kg .• m all tI d* courts, make collections conveyancing. special attention •>tate and mining: law. Lf.e: 111 llefferlin block, Hoorn 5. but «'• : M AHON'EY, IjTTuKNK V AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. tv, i!i IpiicIp L 'lial Krai [■ office ii Conveyancing and all other legal iptly attended to. Loans negotiated r and borrower. Attorney for the entity Loan and Building Associa it the I llElTKltLLN BLOCK, I.IVINUSTON, MONTANA. pBARi.ES TAI'I'AN SURVEYOR.-- JiPi TY I n ;itei> States Mineral Surveyor. Ly, 2nd il' i»r Enterprise Block, Livingston, I— p. KELLY, rtuKNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in Orschel Block, , vtklkt, - Livingston. Mont. lVIStiSTON llTEKWOKKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT I ' COMPANY. Iiitein Realty building, corner Park and Sec office hours, lia. m. to 3 p. in. jlViTER Rents Must be Paid at Office. rilTEK GOODALL, RESIDENT AGENT Vtble LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, MILES BLOCK, .VGSTON, - - MONTANA. ALBRAITU & FULLER, ARCHITECTS,-— kein Realty Company's Building, corner of Park ami Second streets. mXRSTON, - MONTANA. IVINGSTON »•operative Building and Loan Association tat,«. M. Nye. Sec. E. H. Talcott. Vice-Pres t, D. Siiokt. hu. M. 11. Lashohn. Attorney A. J. Campbell Begular meetings on the fourth Monday even ' ! each month, at VV. H. Redlleld'e office 'Hilar street. C.SEHLBREDE, DENTIST pecial attention given to the preservation of ■natural teeth. Office in Miles building, 11 St., LivingBton. IVAGE A DAY, Attobnevs at Law and Notaries Public. Rev Lnn 11 ml on long time oil real ami W'Oiial property. Office in Miles Block, Livingston. ALTON, M. D. W. II. CAMPBELL, M.Ü. Physicians ami Surgeons. 'turner Main and Park streets, over Na tional Park Bank, Livingston. T. SMITH-- -ATTORNEY AT LAW. -<& Office: Room ti, llefferlin Block. Ijvisuston, - . . Montana. L SHAYVK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, -Sec. 1 s ItoAun, Pension Svroeons.—— Room.: and H, Second Floor, New Hef ow Block, Main street, Livingston, Mont. ''"Us promptly answered from , ™"' liours: 8 lo 13 a.'m., 1 to 5 p. m. VINGSTON ASSAY OFFICE. Siiv Pr ... oo Copper,......... fl ^ «TdsiiV- V 1 I« Tin. ............ »<* Nitutivi ^ 2 00 Coal.............. 3 00 4n ..............$ 5 00 to $15 00 -Analyse............ 10 00 to 25 00 °roplete price list, address Harvey L. Glenn. ___ Livingston, Montana. 'dR ANYTHING in the line of — high GRADE Batches, diamonds, j EWelry, clocks, etc., C \LI. ON H; J. DIXON, MONTANA. lie CT| niber, t?" in America. I . <>>lMI*SIONKIt»' I'HOCEKDINGS Al tlielr spec il, I Se|«ieml>er Session, lHilg. 1» 'unciiided Irotu la I week.I SECOND DAY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. Apportionment of the Assessment of the Northern Pacific Railroad, the Rocky Fork A Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific Rail road, the Rocky Mountain Railroad of Montana and the CokkdaleSplk of Northern Pacific Railroad to Park County for the Year 1892, nv the State Board of Equalization. Apportionment of the assessment of the .Northern Pacific railroad assessed to the Northern Pacific railroad company for the year 1892, and apportioned by tile state board of equalization to Pane county for the purposes of state and county taxation, with a statement show ing tiie length of the main track and the branch lines of such railroad in the stale, within the county, cities, town ship and school districts within the county, with a description of the whole of saut track and its branch lines in the county, cities, townships and school dis tricts, including the right of way by metes and bounds, anil tile assessed value per mile of the same as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of the as sesseil value of the whole franchise, roadway, roaVlbed, rads and rolling stock of such railroad and its branch lines withiu this state, and the amount appor tioned for said year to Park county. The length of the line of the Northern Pacific railroad in this state, as fixed by said board, is 782 G-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in Park county, as fixed by said board, is 75 9-10 miles. The total value of th* franchise, road way, roadbed and rails of the Northern Pacific railroad in the several counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board, is $939,120. The total value of the rolling stock of said railroad in the several counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board, is $1,279,551. The assessed value of 75 9-10 miles of roadway of the Northern Pacific railroad in Park county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $1D0 per mile, is $7,590. The assessed value of 75 9-10 miles of roadbed of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $400 per mile, is $30,360. Tiie assessed value of 75 9-10 miles of raiis of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $700 per mile, is $53,130. Tiie assessed value of 75 9-10 miles of rolling stock of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $1,635 per mile, is $124, 096.50. The assessed value per mile of said railroad as fixed by a pro rata distribu tion per mile of the assessed value of the whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of said railroad within this state is $2,835 per mile. The apportionment of the assessment of the roadway, roadbed, rails and roll ing stock of the Northern Pacific rail road for and to said county of Park is $215,176.50. Length of the main line of said rail road in the cities, townships and school districts in Park county, as fixed by said board for said year, anil the amount ap portioned to each : Cities. The length of the main line of said railroad in the city of Livingston, as fixed by said board, is 1 A, miles. The assessed value of said railroad as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of the assessed value of the whole road way, roadbed and rails within the said city is $1,660. The assessed value of the rolling stock of said railroad in said city, apportioned by said board at $1,635 per mile, is $2,180. The apportionment of the assessment of the said roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of said railroad for and to said city is 83,780. Length of main line in the townships: The length of the main line of said rail road in township No. 8 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 12 4-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in township No. 9 in said coun ty, as fixed by said board, is 8 4-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in township No. 1 in said coun ty, as fixed by said board, is 17 5-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in township No. 2 in said coun ty, as fixed by said board, is 9 8-10 miles. Length of the main line in each school district : The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 1 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 4 15-100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 28 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 5 78 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 14 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 91-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 12 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 8 4i 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 4 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 15 30 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 20 in said county, as fixed by saiil board, is 5 3-10 miles. Description of the road, giving general course, number of miles and points of entrance into and exit from Park county with a similar description of said road through each city, township and school district therein: Description of the point of entrance into the county, general course, number of miles and point of exit therefrom.— Tiie above named road enters that por tion of the Crow reserve claimed by Park county at the bridge over the sec ond crossing of Yellowstone river oppo site where east line of Park count} in tersects tiie Yellowstone river, and runs thence in a westerly direction through said county 48 1-10 miles, and tiie Crow reserve 27' 8-10 miles to west line of township 2 south, range 8 east, at Miner Siding, near Bozeman tunnel, making a total distance of ••> 3-10 miles ' in said county to the east line of Galla tin county. Description of point of entrance into ' acli citv, general course, number of miles and point of exit therefrom : City nf Livingston 1 lie above named road enters said city on tiie east ai tiie east ern boundary line of said city, and i mis thence westerly anil liiagonaih through said city to tiie western boundary hue tin reol. a distance of 1 miles. Description of point of entmice into each township, general course, number of miles, and point of exit therefrom : Township No. 8 The above named road enters said township at Blunder river anil runs in a westerly course in said county, through said township, a dis tance of 12 4-10 miles where it enters Township No. 9, and runs in said coun tv, through said township, in a westerly direction a distance of 8 4-10 miles, where it enters Township No. 1, and runs in a west erly direction in said county through said township, a distance of 17 5-i0 miles, where it enters Township No. 2, and runs in a west erly direction in said county, through said township to the west boundary line of said county, a distance of 9 8-Hi miles. Description of tiie point of entrance intoeacli school dis'riet, general course, number of miles, and point of exit there from : School district No. 1 The above named road enters said school district at Boulder river, in section 13, township 1 north, range 14 east, and runs in a west erly direction in said county, through said school district, to line between sec tions 2U and 21, township 1 north, range 14 east, a distance of 4 15-100 miles ; where it enters School district No. 28, and runs in a westerly direction in said county, through said school district from the line between sections 20 and 21, town ship 1 north, range 14 east, to the line between sections 3 and 10, township 1 south, range 13 east, a distance of 5 78 100 miles, where it enters School district No. 14. and runs in a westerly direction in said county through said school district from the line be tween sections 3 and 10. townßhip 1 south, range 13 east, to the line between sections 29 and 32, township 1 south, range 12 east, a distance of 9 1-10 miles, where it enters School district No. 12, and runs in a westerly direction in said county through said school district from the line be tween sections 29 and 32, township 1 south, range 12 east, to the line be tween sections 29 and 30, township 1 south, range 11 east, a distance of 8 47 100 miles, where it enters School district No. 4. and runs in a westerly direction in said county through said school district, from the line be tween sections 29 and 30, township 1 south, range 11 east, to the township line between township 2 south, range 8 and 9 east, a distance of 15 30-100 miles, where it enters School district No. 20. and runs in said county through said school district from the line between township 2 south, ranges 8 and 9 east, to the west boun dary line of Park county, a distance of 5 3-10 miles. ROCKY FORK A COOKE CITY BRANCH. Apportionment of the assessment of the Rocky Fork A Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad assessed to the Northern Pacific railroad company for the year 1892, and apportioned by the state board of equalization to Park county for the purposes of state and county taxation; with a statement show ing the length of the main track and the branch lines of such railroad in the state, within the county, cities, town ships and school districts within the county, with a description of the whole of said track and its branch lines in tiie county, cities, townships and school dis tricts, including the right of way by metes and bounds, and tne assessed value per mile of the same as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of the as sessed value of the whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of such railroad and its branch lines within this state, and tiie amount appor tioned for said year to Park county : The length of the line of the Rocky Fork A Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad in this state, as fixed by said board, is 44 533-1000 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in Park county, as fixed by said board, is 6 734-1060 miles. The total value of the franchise, road way, roadbed and rails of the Rocky Fork & Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad in the several counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board, is $178,132. The total value of the rolling stock of said railroad in the several counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board is $ The assessed value of 6 734-1000 miles of roadway of the Rocky Fork & Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad TP' county by said board, at 8100 per mile, City in P ark county, as apportioned to said is 8673.40. The assessed value of 6 734-1000 miles of roadbed of said railroad in said coun ty, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $1,900 per mile, is $12,799.60. The assessed value of 6 734-1000 miles of rails of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $2,000 per mile, is 813,468. The assessed value per mile of said railroad as fixed by a pro rata distribu tion per mile of the assessed value of the whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of said railroad within this state is 84,000 per mile. The apportionment of the assessment of the roadway, roadbed, rails and roll ing stock of the Rocky Fork A Cooke City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad for and to said county of Park is 826,936. Length of the main line of said rail road in the cities, tow nships and school districts in Park county, as fixed by said board for said year, and the amount ap portioned to each: Length of tiie main line in the town ships: The length of the main line of said railroad in township No. 7 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 6 ,34 1000 miles. Length of main line in each school district : The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 21 in : j ' ! : 1 i k, ih! county, as fixed bv said board, is i 0 i34-1<kh> miles. Description of the road, giving gen- ! era! course, number of miles, and points of entrance into and exit from Park , county, with a sinnlardescription of said road th rougi, each city, township and i school distriel therein : Description of tiie point of entrance I into tiie county, general course, number of miles and point of exit therefrom: The! above named road enters said countv at a point near tiie intersection of Valley creek guide meridian with north line of Park comity, and runs thence in a gen eral southerly course in said county to the coal mines near the town of Red Lodge in said county, a distance of 6 734-1000 miles. Description of point of entrance into each township, general course, number of miles, and point of exit therefrom : low nship No. 7 Tiie above named road enters said township in Park county at the point where it enters the county, ami runs in said township, a distance of , l, 731-1000 miles, to its terminus at the town of Red Lodge in said county. Description of the point of entrance into each school district, general course, number of miles, and point of exit there from : School district No. 21 -Tiie above named road enters said school dis trict in said county at the point where it enters the county, and runs in said 0oun_ty through said district, a distance trf 6 >34-1000 miles, to the terminus of said road at Red Lodge in said county. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILROAD OF MONTANA. Apportionment of the assessment of t»ie Rocky Mountain Railroad of Mon tana assessed to the Northern Pacific railroad company for the year 1892. and apportioned by the state board of equal ization to Park county, for the purposes of state and county taxation, with a statement showing the length of tiie main track and the branch lines of such railroad in the state, within the county, cities, townships and school districts w'ithin the county, with a description of the whole of said track anil its branch lines in the county, cities, townships and school districts, including the right of way by metes and bounds, and the as sessed value per mile of the same as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of the assessed value of the whole fran chise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of such railroad und its branch lines within this state, und the amount apportioned for said year to Park oonntv. Tiie length of the line of tiie Rocky Mountain Railroad of Montana in this state, as fixed by said board, is 51 4-10 uples. The length of the main line of said railroad in Park county, as fixed by said board, is 51 4-10 miles. The total value of the franchise, road way, roadbed and rails of the Rocky Mountain Railroad of Montana in the set. ual counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board, is $205,600.. The assessed value of 51 4-10 miles of roadway of the Rocky Mountain Rail road of Montana in Park county, us ap portioned to said county by saiil board, at $100 per mile, is $5.140. The assessed value of 51 4-10 miles of roadbed of said railroad in said county as apportioned to said county by said board, at $1,900 per mile, is 897,660. The assessed value of 51 4-10 miles of rails of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at $2,000 per mile, is $102,800. The assessed value j>er mile of said railroad as fixed by a pro rata distribu tion per mile of the assessed vulue of tiie whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of said railroad within this state is $4,000 per mile. The.appbrtionment of the assessment of the roadway, roadbed, rails and roil ing stock of the Rocky Mountain Rail road of Montana for and to said county of Park is 8205,600. Length of the main line of said rail road in the cities, townships and school districts in Park county, as fixed by said board for said year, and the amount ap portioned to each : Cities—The length of the main line of said railroad in the city of Livingston, as fixed by said board, is 5-10 miles. The assessed value of said railroad ns fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of the assessed value of the whole road way, roadbed and mils within the saiil city is 82,600. The apportionment of the assessment of the said roadway, roadbed, rails anil rolling stock of said railroad for and to said city is 82,000. Length of the main line in each school district : The length of tiie main line of said railroad in school district No. 4 in said county, as fixed by saiil board, is 3 53 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 2 in said county, as fixed by said board is 8 6-10 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 3 in saiil county, as fixed by said board, is 4 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 17 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 11 46 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 22 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 10 62 100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 25 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 12 96 1000 miles. The length of tiie main line of said railroad in school district No. 7 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 1 94 1000 miles. Description of the road, giving general course, number of miles, and points of entrance into and exit from Park coun ty, with a similar description of said road through each city, township and school district therein : Description of the point of entrance into the county, general course, number of miles and point of exit therefrom : : The above named road commences at the city of Livingston in said county, at j the junction of said road with tiie ' Northern Pacific railroad, and runs ! thence in a general southerly course in : said county to Cinnabar, a distance of 1 51 4-10 miles. 1 Description of point of entrance into each city, general course, number of miles and point of ,-xit therefrom : City of Livingston The above named road commences near the center of section 13, township 2 south, range 9 cast, at the junction with the Northern Pacific rail road track, and runs thence southwest erly in saiil city, a distance of 5-10 miles. Description of tiie point of entrance into each school district, general course, number of miles, and point of exit there from: School district No. 4 The above named road commences in said school district, in Park county, at its junction with the Northern Pacific railroad at the city of Livingston, and runs in a southerly course in said county, through said district to mile post 3- -43, a distance of 3 53-100 miles, where it enters • School district No. 2, and runs in a general southerly course in said county, through said district, a distance of 8 6 10 miles, where it enters School district No. 3, and runs in a southerly course in said county through said district, a distance of 4 miles, where it enters School district No. 17 at mile post No. 16, and runs in a southerly direction in said county, through said district, to mile post No. 27 0.57, a distance of 11 46 ItX) miles, where it enters School district No. 22, and runs in a southerly direction in said county, through said district, a distance of it) 62-100 miles, to mile post No. 38--0.19, where it enters School district No. 25. and runs in said county,, through saiil district, to mile post No. 50-1-0.46, a distance of 12 90 1600 miles, where it enters School district No. 7, and runs in said county, through said district to the end of tiie track at Cinnabar, a distance of 1 94.10G0 miles. COKEDALE SPUR OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Apportionment of the assessment of the Cokedale Spur of Northern Pacific railroad, assessed to the Northern Pa cific railroad company for the year 1892, and apportioned by the state board of ' equalization to Park county for the pur poses of state and county taxation : with a statement showing the length of the ! main track and the branch lines of such ■ railroad in the state, within the county, ! cities, tow nships and school districts j within tiie county, with a description of! the whole of said track and its branch j lines in tiie county, cities, townships and school districts, including the right of wav by metes and bounds, and the as sessed value per mile of the same as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of tiie assessed value of the whole trim- I chise, roadway, roadbed, rails and roll- ; ing stock of such railroad and its branch ! lines within this state, and the amount ; apportioned for said year to Park county : The length of the line of the Cokedale I Spur of Northern Pacific railroad in this ; state, as fixed by said board, is 3 587- j 1(XK) miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in Park county, as fixed by said board, is 3 587-1000 miles. The total value of the franchise, road way, roadbed and rails of tiie Cokedale Spur of Northern Pacific railroail in tiie several counties through which it runs in Montana, as fixed by said board, is 814,348. Tiie assessed value of 3 587-1000 miles of roadway of the Cokedale Spur of Northern Pacific railroad in Park coun ty, as apportioned to said county by said board, at 8100 per mile, is 8358.70. The assessed value of 3 587-1000 mileB of roadbed of said railroad in said coun ty, as apportioned to said county by said board, at 81,900 per mile, is $0,815.30. The assessed value of 3 587-1000 miles of rails of said railroad in said county, as apportioned to said county by said board, at 82,000 per mile, is 87,174. The assessed value per mile of said railroad as fixed by a pro rata distribu tion per mile of the assessed value of tiie whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of said railroad within this state is $4,000 per mile. The apportionment of the assessment of the roadway, roadbed, rails and roll ing stock of the Cokedale Spurof North ern Pacific railroad for and to said eoun ty of Park is 814,348. Length of the main line of said rail road in tiie cities, townships and school districts in Park county, as fixed by said board for said year, and tiie amount ap portioned to each : Length of tiie main line in each sciiool district: Tiie length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 4 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 2 94-100 miles. The length of the main line of said railroad in school district No. 20 in said county, as fixed by said board, is 647 1000 miles. Description of tiie roail, giving general course, number of miles, and points of entrance into and exit from Park coun ty, with a similar description of said road through each city, township and school district therein. Description of the point of entrance into the county, general course, number of miles and point of exit therefrom : The above named branch or spur com mences at a place called Coal Spur at its junction with the Northern Pacific rail road at a point about 6 miles west of Livingston, in said county, and runs in a southwesterly course south of tiie main line of said Northern Pacific railroad, a distance of 3 587-1000 miles, to Cokedale. Description of the point of entrance into each school district, general course, number of miles, and point of exit there from : School district No. 4 - The above named road commences in said school district at its initial point on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad, in said county, and runs in a southwesterly direction through said sciiool iTstrict. a distance of 2 94-100 miles, where it enters School district No. 20, and runs through said school district in said county, in a westerly course, a distance of 647-1000 miles, to its terminal at Cokedale. Office of the 1 State Board of Equalization, [ Helena, Mont., Aug. 15, 1892. ) Tiie foregoing apportionment anil statement showing the length of tiie I ; j main and branch lines of the Northern Pacific railroad, tiie Rocky Fork A Cisikc City Branch of Northern Pacific railroad, tbe Rockv Mountain Bailroad .■ill, t he Cokedale Spur of Pacific ri nlroad in tin > State of the Conn it y of Park, t he cities. i and si •bool district ts w'ithin ty. with a descript ii 111 of the said tea ck and tliei r branch the « whole lines in the county, cities, townships and school districts therein, including the rigid of way by metes and bounds, and the assessed value per mile of each road, as fixed by a pro rata distribution per mile of tiie assessed value of tiie whole franchise, roadway, roadbed, rails and rolling stock of each of such railroads and their branch lines within this state, and tiie total amount of assessment of each of such railroads apportioned to tiie said County of Park was ascertained, determined and apportioned by tiie state board of equalization between the third Monday in July and tiie third Monday in August, 1892 : and that the same anil all thereof is of record in this office, and tiie same is true and correct. Jos. K. Toole. Governor, President of the Board. L. Rotwitt, Secretary State. R. O. Hickman, State Treasurer. E. H. Kenney, State Auditor. H. J. Haskell. Attorney General. Members of the State Board of Equali zation of Montana. Emily Swan, Clerk of tiie Board. _ The foregoing report approved this 12th day of September A. I). 1892. H. J. Hoppe, Chairman. Attest : S. Deutsch, County Clerk. Board adjourned sine die. S. Deutsch, County Clerk. K.'|flatr»ti<>u IHnlrit'Is The following registration districts for the next general election were estab lished by the board of county commis sioners at their June term : No. 1 Cooke, comprising road district No. 13 ; J. P. Allen, agent. No. 2 Gardiner, comprising school district No. 7 ; Phil. E. Lawrence, agent. No. 3 Horr, comprising school district No. 25 and road district No. 11 ; Walter Hoppe, agent. No. 4 Fridley, comprising road dis trict No. 5 ; Frank F. A, cunts, agent. No. 5 Chico, comprising road district No. 18 ; W. J. Hobbs, agent. No. 6 Cascade, comprising road dis tricts Nos. 10 and 17 ; 1). M. Allen, agent. No. 7 Richland, comprising road dis tricts Nos. 6 and 25 ; Jus. H. Smith, agent. No. 8- Livingston, comprising road district No. 14. school districts Nos. 4, 26, 27. 12, and all north of road district No. 17 in school district No. 6 ; Louis Lahm, agent. No. 9 Cokedale, comprising school district No. 20 ; Frank Kruschnik, agent. No. 10 Lower Shields river, compris ing school districts Nos. 15 and 10 ; Da vid Sincock, agent. No. 11 Meyersburg.comprising school district No. 31 ; R. T. Smith, agent. No. 12 Hunters Hot Springs, com prising school district No. 18; Harvey Fargo, agent. No. 13 Springdale, comprising sciiool district No. 14 ; J. C. Westfall, agent. No. 14 Big Timber,comprising sciiool districts Nos. 28, 1 and 23 ; John M. Dodge, agent. No. 15—Melville, comprising school districts Nos. 5 and 11 ; Frank Taylor, agent. No. 16 McLeod, comprising all north of natural bridge in school district No. 13 ; E. O. Clark, agent. No. 17 Upper Boulder, all south of natural bridge in school district No. 13 ; Wm. B. Judd, agent. No. 18 Red Lodge, comprising road district No. 4 ; L. R. Hunter, agent. CI.YUK I'lnK. The political situation is the general run of conversation nowadays. Mr. Gilmore of Miles City was pur chasing cattle in this locality recently. Mr. Bishop and wife returned from a visit to Utah tiie past week. The farmers of this section are most of them through cutting their grain and are ready for the threshing machine. Mr. Ed Hammond, one of our society leaders, is thinking strongly of making a trip in the Milk river country soon. Whether lie has caught the prevailing contagion for matrimonial life is not known. A petition to the honorable board of county commissioners is on tiie rounds for a new school il ist riet, in tiie upper Rock creek country. Messrs. Andrew Bishop, Lee Proftit and Win. Burdick have just returned from a two weeks' visit through tiie Park. They report having a grand time. Rev. B. E. H. Warren is announced for the 4th Sunday of this month at the school house. R. D. Kenney has been appointed to fill the office of road overseer for this district, made vacant by tiie resignation of J. E. Gustine. We notice by a recent number of the Post that its Clyde Park correspondent has been making a few characteristic ob servations of late. Tiie indications are that this country-fumed satirist has been reading some romance or love story, or it may be that the frequent visits paid to the educational institute of Civile Park has developed a case of a longing to en ter the matrimonial arena. Miss Eva James has just closed a very successful term of school at this place. It is to be hoped that lier services may be procured for another term as she has proven herself to be a competent as well as an experienced teacher. E. Attention. Members of Farragut post No. 7, G. A. R., are requested to assemble at tiie post room for tiie purpose of transacting im {Kirtant business on Tuesday, October 4, 1892, at 8 o'clock p. m., sharp. By order, Thus. J. Mains, S. V. C., Acting Commander. A. B. Hicks, Adjutant. Potts A Webster have been appointed agents for the London A Liverpool & Globe Insurance company, tiie largest company in the world.