Newspaper Page Text Meet I.,u A meet in« of Ihe sohnol board was helil Tuesday evening. It was derided in view of tlte erowtletl eondition of the primary department t<. employ an ail ilitional tem-her by the iiionth in the east sale primary room where there art now St; pupils enrolled. A quantity of supplies, including:, maps ami eharts, to the value of £25o were purehasetl It r the west side building. Coal houses for the north anti east side buil.lint's were ordered built. A earlottl of nut eoal at Si. nt I per ton was ordered from George T. Young. ami a firload of lump eoal at £5.5o from S. ,\I. Johnson. The follow ing bills were allowed anil clerk to draw warrant for their payment : II. .1. Wolcott, balance on north side school building. £907.40 : (i. A. Dorsett. dray age. £9: John Mum-aster, digging ditch, ; freight on bell. Sld.Sl. A l-lea 1 er SewerHge. Mu. Hormit : Since my visit here within the last few days I have been asked by one friend and another "What I thought of the town ?" and have in variably answered that I was greatly pleased to mark its progress from year to year ; and that my faith in Living ston's future is as great to-day as it had been at any time during the nine years 1 have known it, but that to insure that future its sanitary condition must with out delay be improved, for if it lie not the malignant diseases known with ter ror to heads of families, namely, typhoid and scarlet fevers, with probably diph theria, will as surely start up in the town as that as surely the pest bed which nourishes such terrific scourges is now spreading its deadly trap beneath the feet of the citizens. Tlte intelligent dweller in drained towns, who enters Livingston, stands amazed to see great holes dug in the ground and made to hold and, in a sense, carry along the excretion of the people and these holes almost at their doors, lie is justly charmed with all that is above ground and with the sur roundings of our town, but he shudders at what he knows is proceeding under ground. With this condition of things how is it possible that the people can expect large improvements ? Who, for instance, will add any addition to the present large buildings of the town while their cellars are liable to be sat urated with ordures from surrounding cesspools ? And great gaping holes tilled ..r ' -ing tilled with foul tilth ? 1 am to d .he town is growing to require more Hotel accommodation. I am glad to hear it. and 1 have no doubt the accommoda tion will be provided at the right time, but that time cannot come until the town is drained and sewers made avail able for all requirements. I trust the people will awaken without delay to their responsibility,and author ize their representatives to give them a clean and a healthy town, for if they do not the underground enemy will put in its deadly work. Thanking you in an ticipation for the insertion of this let ter in your paper, D. J. Mining I .neat Inn». Fred Vogel 20 acres placer ground in New World district. J. C. Bullett Jr., N. C. Thrall, W. S. Meilen and S. S. Mather, l „ interest and S. A. Heecher interest in Burlington and Aligator quartz lodes. New World district. S. F. Mitchel, John M. Downs and Frank N. Beasley, the Beasley and Gold Bug Fraction quartz lodes, Boulder dis trict. .1. E. Mush back, W. H. Myers, R. M. Fry and A. E. Fry, the Grouse, Lake View and B Nye quartz lodes, Boulder district. Marc Mill and E. O. Scott, 000x1,500 feet of placer ground, Boulder district. John Curl, Zona Curl, James Ross, M. B. Clark, I). A. Seamon, J. A. Clark, R. E. Cutler and Eva M. Cutler, 1(50 acres of placer ground, New World district. Thomas McKeever, A. Bell and Mrs. A. Horning, Laure quartz lode, New World district. Charles Arnold, Harry Gordon and Charles Gibson, The Highland King quartz lode, New World district. H. B. Shrove and Edward Brown, Horseshoe quartz lode, Boulder district. L. Wahn and H. B. Shreve, Silver Bow Fraction quartz lode, New World district. •lames E. Graves. Badger quartz lode, New World district. John Walker and Ole Hetlund, The Norman quartz lode, New World dis trict. John Walker, The Ox, New World dis trict. John Shugrone, J. I. Digging, J. M. Taylor, A! Nichol, Charlotte S Fraction quartz lode. Boulder district. W. H. Myers and M. H. Runner, Mon itor quartz lode, Boulder district. Ed Kagel, Ed Newman and E. W. Lewis. Mammoth quartz lode, Boulder district. Ed Kagel and Ed Newman, Oceanic quartz lode, Boulder district. W. H. Myers, M. H. Runner and F. E. Runner. Mountain Bell quartz lode, Boulder district. Eugene Underwood and John Edger ton, John L. Sullivan and Jim Corbett quartz lode, Crevice Mountain district. Animal statement». The following incorporations have tiled their annual statements the past week w ith the county clerk and record er : Livingston Fire Clay and Brick com pany ; capital stock £400,000 ; indebted ness not to exceed £2,500. Livingston Water Power company ; capital stock £250,000 ; no indebtedness. Livingston Electric Light company ; capital stock £50,000 ; all paid in ; in debtedness £10.000. Park Coal and I'oke company ; capi tal stock £ 1 , 000,000 ; indebtedness £ 80 , 010,87. Big Timber Mercantile company ; cap ital stock £ 50 , 000 . Literary Noten. The epic "Story of Columbus," sup plemented with the information embod ied in lately discovered documents, and illustrated with reproductions of rare portraits, charts, historical paintings and photopraphic views, fittingly heads the October number of Frauk Leslie's Popular Monthly. The leaning con temporary Women Painters in France, including Meines. Rosa Bonheur. Made leine Lemaire. Henriette Kontier, I )emont-Breton and Fleury, and Miles. Rongier, Breslau, Abbeina. Laeombe de Presle, and others, are introduced in an interesting article by Arthur Hornblow, with numerous portraits autographs and reproductions of the work of the artists mentioned. Another artistic and ex quisitely illustrated paper is Fredia Yoelter Redmond's "Letter from a r Monastery." Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, is described by Don Ramon Paez. Nelly Hart Woodworth writes charmingly about birds ami "The Songs they Sine," and George W. Haynes gives some vivid and entertaining pages from •'A Washington Correspondent's Note j book." All that is known about that interesting planet "Our Neigh bor Mars" is told in a succinct article by Arthur Vaugh til Abbot. There is, as usual, a créât variety of stories, poems and misscellany. Natl <1 < ..It iI.Ih I . It..i.l « Oct.liter 21. 1X112 I have ordered official badges for Park county schools which were adopted by tile executive committee June 27th. Where the teachers or trustees can pay for them I would be glad to have them do so. The number for each district is given below : Dirt No. 1 No. budge» Huff.,4c each. 15 There will be celebrations in Red , Lodge. Cokedale, Rig Timber and Liv ingston. Columbus Day. Pupils from j country schools are invited to take part i in the town celebrations. Respectfully, Eva M. Hi ntkk. i Lint Of l.**tt*M> » A<lv< eriiatMl at P,iving»t< Montana, Sept# •in her 1». 18B!4 Arno! Id, I W Lewis, Sherman Boyle ■, Mi** An ni McLaughlin, .1 .1 Bear, Don E Minton, Mi** l^tura Christie, Dr J T Mitchell, R L w 4 'um i ning*. M re .1 F Miller, Win lock W « liHpinan, dam»** II Nugent, .lohn Davin & Wilson Palmer, .Joe IMoa it'll, .lohn H Ferkina, »1 i*a Kiltie Dll Ml l in, .1 F Kohineon, Mr* b C Fitzpatrick, Mr* . \ unie Reden, F U Menu i«n, . apt F A Rood. Mre Marv Hart. .1 W Searles, «John F Hall, Mr* Lulu Thompson, Horace liana L r an, T ho* William*, Mr* Augu Kirkpatrick, ( ha* D Wood, Mr* Miriam Kam*, , Mia.« Lizzi. Warnan, Th»».* C'hapi man, dam«** Young, Fr-tncie IVr eon* railing for the above will please i* S. M. I*.mo.. P. M. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds and as a pre ventive and cure for Croup. 50 cents per bottle. Chambei Iain's Pain Balm, a general family liniment and especially valuable for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns i and frost bites, 50 cents per bottle, i We Sell Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, the most suc cessful medicine in use for dysentery, diarrhoea, colic and cholera morbus, 25 and 50 cent Iwjttles. St. Patrick's Pills. They are the best physic. They also regulatethe liver and bowels. Try them. 25 cents per box. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment for tetter, salt rheum, scaldhead, eczema piles and chronic sore eyes. 25 cents per box. For sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. I'Ihiiow, Oi-i;hiin. Before buying a piano, write to J. E. Rees, Big Timber Mont., for terms on a Knabe, or Ivers & Pond Piano. Wilcox A White, or Dyer Bros., organs. SPECIAL MENTION. Go to O'Neil's for a Speckled Havana. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Fresh vegetables at Krie 'er & C >■>'. Sacks and sacking twine at Krieger & Cos. Big 4 does it. At Cure your corns. Peterson's. If you like good, strong coffee try some of our African Java. Parks & Gilboy. Guarantee to tit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. For summer complaint nothing equals Dr. Hess' Blackberry Balsam. Sold by M. A. Peterson. When Baby was sick, we cave her Castoria. When she w as a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mi»», she chum to Castoria When slit had Children, she «ave them Castoria. Crescent creamery butter at Thomp son Bros. The best lime is furnished by the Liv ingston Lime Works. O. Mattson. For choice family groceries go to Krieger & Co. Lots are now on sale in the Mountain View cemetery. Plats and prices can be examined at Potts & Webster's office in the Miles block. Just how an alterative medicine cleanses the system is an open question; but that Ayer's Sarsaparilla does pro duce a radical change in the blood is well attested on all sides. It is every where considered the best remedy for blood disorders. Guarantee to tit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. Guarantee to tit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. Swiss, Edam Pineapple and Liinberger Cheese at Parks & Gilboy's. Don't limp around with corns when I you can purchase a bottle of Big 4 Corn j Cure for 25 cents. At Peterson's, j "Monarch Brand" of fruit6 and vegeta | ï es at Thompson Bros. For fresh fruits and vegetables go to i Krieger «fc Co's Family grocery. Choice coffees aud teas a specialty at I Krieger & Go's. j Take Hood's and only Hood's because Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. It possesses merit peculiar to its self. Try it your ! self. Hood's pills are purely vegetable, ! perfectly harmless, effective, but do not I cause pain or gripe. Be sure to get i Hood's. C 1 As a general rule, it is best not to correct constiveness by the use of saline or drastic medicines. When a purgative is needed, the most prompt, effective and beneficial is Ayer's Pills. Their tend ency is to restore, and not weaken, the ; normal action of the bowels. "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hattie Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This medicine can always be depended u|>on, even in the most severe and dangerous cases, both for children and adults. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. E. ' Ferte, druggist. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Are you constipated or billions? One ! box of Common Sense Pills w ill entirely ! cure you. Sold by M. A. Peterson. ' ! The Chicago, Milwaukee A- st. Paul Railway is and always has been the pop ular line between St. Paul and Minne apolis and Milwaukee and Chicago. Its road along the banks of the Missis sippi from St. Paul to La Cross.-, skirt ing also as it does the full length of beautiful Lake Pepin, gives to the trav eler one of the most delightful and pic turesque daylight and evening rules on the continent. From La Crosse east to Milwaukee and Chicago this road pene trates the garden of U isconsin and touches, with its mail line, the largest cities and towns in t liât state. Its road bed. train service and general equ ipment is absolutely unexcelled. The famous vestibuled limited train, with its electric lights, electric reading lamps, and ele gant sleeping and dining car service, is not surpassed by any train in this count ry. If you are to take a trip call for the "Milwaukee"—the Government Fast Mail Line and secure absolute comfort, speed and safety. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Milwaukee ami Chicago, four passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Kansas City, two passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to St. Louis, two passenger trains each day. For further information apply to net est coupon licket agent or address J. T. COX LEV, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Money Moke» Money Deposited in the Merchants Hank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S. Hkffkklin, Cashier. fisloria For Infants and Children. Caatorla promote« Digestion, ami overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic projierty. " Caatorla is ro well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me.' 1 H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Oaatoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D„ 1057 ;!d Ave., New York. •'From personal knowledge and observation I can »ay that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very muen. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Da. G, C. Osnoon, Lowell, Man. Tun Ckst'CK Pompant. Murrav SI Trail . v ^ ip*\r COAL. Having secured the agency for the Byam mines I will in the future be pre pared to supply cousumers of coal with this desirable article of fuel mined from these coal measures. My office is with W. P. Mulholland, Hefferlin block, where all orders received will receive prompt attention. S. M JOHNSON. TAXIDERMY ! Parties wishing specimens of taxi dermy mounted in first class style ami at reasonable prices will please call at my shop, one block west of Entkh I'KIse offle. , and see for yourselves, or address by mail. Express orders re ceive prompt attention Correspond ence solicited. No. 1 prices paid tor all kinds of game heads, furs, etc., in good condition. FRANK B. TOLHURST John McLaughlin, 1 SECOND AND LEWIS STREETS All kinds of Blaeksmithing done promptly to order HORSESHOEING ft SPECIALTY. CON STOCK I DAIRY RANCH, I-* mile* eaet of Livingston, Mont. Finest herd ol Holstein Friesian Cattle ! in the state. Young Stock For Sale ! C ertificates #»f registry furnished with ea> h uni jnal Old stork wh* all imported, Uiesar bre«l in Dienum. ^ riesland, winner of three prize- at the head of herd. Call at rauen or write to J M. CONROW. Lmngetou, Montana ! ! ! Fruits ! Fruits ! 1 1 u LOOK AT Oil! STOCK AS» (JET OIK TRICES ! Extra Fancy Maiori Lemons. " Messina Lemons. •• " California Peaches. - .. .. Pears. •• " Sliver Prunes. •• " Golden Drop Plums. •• " Muscat Grapes. •• " Verdella Grapes. •• •• Tokay Grapes. •• " iilk. Prince G'ps. •• " Morocco Grapes. " " Tomatoes. " " Apples. •" " Onions. Large California Watermelons. Fancy Nutmeg Melons. " Eastern Apples. " Jersey Sweet Potatoes. " Cape Cod Cranberries. " Concord Grapes. W. B. ANNIN & CO. The Celebrated French Cure. '\ocrr d "APKdO'JllïNE" I.soi.n ox a \ . 4 B.TCÎC 'kofi m. r arising..... m Hu* . V vs- AFTER i.ii't ToIi.vm o or Opium n . ..south a, ovt r imiul ?•* 1 i Brain Pow. : ru. • flown pain \ in the bacis. • a inai \\ * h U n ■ llv«ter*a f Nervous Pros m.ioii, Nod,urrcu Loucorrhoea. Miizmos.s, Vu. k M .it i\, I .os. « I' Power auu •mpottiD *, win 'h i f i * iJ'ct* d oft in lead to ! .nature eld ru * an.» ius-mii y Price$1 ,00 a 0 boxt s li.r .i . o. *S ui by mail jn receipt >t price. A i:im > HI \ir\VTF~ is given for v r r ?ô .(j< ' m 1 1 • r recel v ed, t o î . f ui I d i lu «moue v u a Tiiiuii.b cur is not-effected. We have Jioro a.nlv of est i trior i;.ls from old '„nd young d both «t . •£• .*', who have be# n permanent lv enrod hv the use i f Aphrodaine. Circulars tree. Mention paper. Address TH~ APHrtO MEDICINE CO. Westen. Branch, P. 0. Box 27. emm-ANO, "REGOrt. Sold by M. A. PKTKKSON. Dm uoi»T, Livingston, Montana. LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restorsd. Celebrated English Rem eut NERV1A. Before* It is sold on a positive ruh ran tee to cure any of nervous pros tration or any disorder of the genital organs of , either sex. caused by excessive _______ After 4 Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on aooount of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. Dizziness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain. W eak Memory. Bearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria. N«»cturnal Emissions, Spermatorrlxea, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected« may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price. $ 1.00 a box ; 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure ia not effected. NERVI A MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich. For sale by M. A. PETERSON, Livingston, Mont ELECTION NEWS THOKOIGH, FA IK AND COMPLETE. THE BUHE DAILY MIXER. CORRESPONDENTS »1 ALL CENTERS. An Unparalleled Campaign Rate. One Dollar from now until November 9. ENCLOSE SI.OO WITH ORDER. Address, MINER, BUTTE. W. McKEE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE Real Estate HANDLED ON FIVE^EK CENT. COMMIS RENTS COLLECTED —AND MOXKY LOANED. Office: With W. II. Poorman in Court Iloued. MONEY Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches —AND— All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO. We are daily receiving ' New Go 0d; such as Underwear, Suits, Overcoats HATS, ETC., Which we offer to the trade cheap than ever. er -WE CAN SHOW YOU THE LARGEST LINE i\ STETSON HATS, IN EASTERN MONTANA Agents for BURT & PACKARD Shoes. Agents for TIGER Hats. Agents for YOUMAN Hats. I.ORSCHEL& BR 0 Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few »ho carry a watch ever think of the unceasing labor it perform» under what would lie considered shabby treat ment for any other machinery. There are many who think a watch ought lo run for year» without cleaning or a drop of oil. Read this and judge for yourself: The main wheel in an ordi nary American watch make» four revolutions a day of twenty four hour», or I,4«0 in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty four revolutions in a day, or 8,76U in a year. The third wheel, 1!« in a day, or hi),(ISO in a year. The fourth wheel, 3 440 in a day, or 545,000 iu a year. The lifth or scape wheel 13,960 in a day, or 4,738,200 iu a year. The ticks or beats are 388,800 iu a day, or 141,813,000 in u year. W. P. MULHOLLAND. City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lomber Co. LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard; Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Lime, Cement, Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails. HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. All our lumber is dry, well sawed ami 1 e\en thickness at same prices as native lumber. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE