Newspaper Page Text
• :it ? a m. ami M p in at *'» «ml s :J)o p m ii Sundays «ml holi local layout. • ^ lir ], r <>|>**rty with Potts & " r flll i, ,„«.partHl to till orders • ,r ' ami school supplies. ' !-'a' cull- Talcott & Sax. r .;. IL „. lic.-tise was issued by the -'èrk W ■'hiesihiy to James \V. '^,1 Milt I b III A. Stocker, both of '" rVl . ( | seats for I »r. Robert Nourse ' lit Fe'vlic's ball, September 30th, I 't! sale next Wednesday at Tal ,t Sav's. .nrriait 1 * was issued Monday • Strict Cle-k Ruinions to Jerome .•and Miss Annie McDonald, both |ed Lailirc. (1 ,,h Miirrav and Emil Anderson ' lUt rht cut die Main street saloon ijrawn and will hereafter conduct anisss at t hat location. Pullman cars, containing a pnr eiislcrn Park excursionists, were t Jown from Cinnabar Wednes „iiiii and attached to the east j express. mine has airain been made in the hip of the Big Timber Pioneer, J. 1)Se v retiring and M. W. Hatch ni» individual control, as editor •prietor. Ifetty thieving and burglary seems to r. the increase in this eitx. Another , that of O'Malley's saloon, is re ed'this week. The amount taken j.ney and goods is estimated at («I Ip.e Pioneer is authority for the state .[! that a very rich strike is reported j, the Boulder district. John Ander pnd others lieing the lucky discover .,; a :!Ifoot lead that assays «312, |(dd and a trace in silver. Michaelson has disposed of nterest in the steam laundry for an rest in the Royal Cafe. This popu .rstaure.lit will shortly be removed [the room in Hefferlin block, recently titwl by May ne it Burdick. ; party of Park excursionists, com nf Erie Sherman and family, Mrs. ■ailains. Mrs. I)r. Moore and Mrs. l Shearman, the last named ladies iSyracuse. New York, returned Sat They repoi t a most enjoyable M. Johnson has secured the agency ity of the Trail creek coal from Hyam mines, and has opened an with W. P. Mulholland. He has da coal warehouse on the railroad ifany's right of way and will keep a f tins desirable fuel coal on ill times. letter from E. M. Dawson, chief it lor Secretary Noble, written to H. Glenn, incidently refers to the recent fthe secretary of the interior to nty and states that Mr. Noble appreciates the courtesies cx iliäto him in Livingston and eise st Montana. hwsant surprise was tendered Miss ?I. Hill at the residence of Mr. s. Ed. Haskins Friday evening of nek. Miss Hdl has been visiting fccity during the past few months, ring lier stay has made many who took occasion to evidence rfriendship on the eve of her départ ir her home in Duluth, neer Press : Company I) last night their first drill since their return Yellowstone Park. A neat and in ting souvenir of their trip through wonderful section of the country presented to them by their photo her, F. J. Haynes, consisting of an «mi containing fifty views of the oom leaving St. Paul, in the Park at va lants. etc. I. Steel, while on his return from Boulder mines, had a narrow- escape serious injury Saturday evening linear the Harvat residence south the river. His team became un nagable and ran away, upsetting and y damaging the vehicle and forcibly wing Mr. Stoel to the ground. He tamed numerous severe bruises, none which were of a serious nature, he ease of C. W. Hoffman vs. S. A. her, tried in the district court of "stone county at the November last year and decided in favor of M dent Beecher, has been reversed the supreme court in an opinion by f Justice Blake, and remanded for trial. The suit involves little to lahie mining property at Cooke, gv i Day are attorneys for Beecher Luce ,t Luce of Bozeman, attorneys Huffman. ribune: The new cashier of the ; t National hank of Castle, E. H. he was inducted into his new posi Monday He has been a resident wd a half years of this state, dur 'bieli time he lived in Livingston. • he recently acted as Ixiokkeeper 'undo. Krieger. Before coming täte he was engaged for himself '•»hardware business in Fargo, Da lle a- a native of Racine, \Vis„ aiarried. His wife and two chil ! * 'll shortly join him here. e Alta, [ va. Advertiser, has the ' tig to say of J. E. Gustine. one of "»adulate- for county commissioner '»•he repu-, 'lean ticket: "We notice Living-ion Enterprise that J. "»dine, f.c m,. r iy a well known resi Maple Valley township.has been ••Wed for county commissioner by ■epublicaiis of Park county, Mon "herc he now lives. Mr. (Justine f g" • ability and during his '"final v years in this county '"titid, -c of all who knew him. ^(folict thaï if elected he will dis ;tiic duti. - of his office with crcd '"-eif. hi *r to the party and to 11 -'aetion f the public." 11 triiu of two coaches and I'j ;S P ®an ( . einiciu 1 t .rsey 's private car ar , 1 r "tn the , ! —t Monday afternoon «wer the Park branch in no," 1 "inlu tor Winston. It con , ' "party of Northern Pacific offi «i-, ! .d'" s "d "f President Thomas F. c. 7"fal Manager W. S. Mellen, fi hgent J. M. Hanmford. s "tall. as-Ktant to the president H^nte,Dorsey of the Yel -.; '•'"a ision Messrs Dorsey and I'Pd over for n day's pisca Yellowstone, the'remainder : cany tiriHvcded to Cinnabar to * tour uf the Park. hai ô'J'P'd over for f along the t^ rU,,Sll ' lV ' "''lie ' f' dr tv nr.........I , i ... Don t neglect to register. D. J. Rose was recently admitted to practice before the supreme court of the state. The glove contest betweon I). Peirrie ami Mickey Sltivin at Big Timber last Natiirdav resulted in a draw at the close of the twelfth round. The clearing up of Main street with the completion of the opera house, makes «i decided improvement in the appear mice of that thoroughfare. Don't forget the republican rally in tis city lhursday. October 0th, to lie ad dressed by Governor Rickards and Judge L. J. Hamilton of Butte. i Pioneer: loin Hughes and partner of Castle, returned Thursday from the Boulder district and report a big strike made by them on Baboon mountain, having uncovered a thirteen foot vein of free milling gold quartz that shows up very rich. The Independence company of Boul der started their mill Mouday upon the output of the Independence mine. The company has about 400 tons of ore upon the dump, taken out the past season in developing their property. It is upon tills ore that the mill will be operated and the result of the run will largely in dicate the value of that property. The wholesale liquor and clothing store of I. Orschel it Bro. was burglar iously entered Tuesday night. The would-be thieves effected an entrance by removing a pane of glass from alley door, hut were eviden ly interrupted be fore they succeeded in removing any of the goods or valuables, as nothing is so far missed by the proprietors of the store. Dr. A. II. Mitchell of Deer Lodge passed through Livingston Wednesday on his return from Chicago, where, as World's fair commissioner for Montana, and state agent to superintend the con struction of Montana's building at Chi cago. he formally accepted the Moutnna building from the contractors. The building cost the state 815,000. It is not as large as many of the state buildings but 111. Mitchell expresses himself as well pleased with it. The delegates from this city to the Masonic grand lodge meetings at Deer Lodge the past week were—Chapter, w hich convoued Monday : F. W. Wright and Ike W. Baker. Commandery, Tues day : Carl F. Peterson, F. W. Wright and W. E. Thompson. Grand Lodge, Wednesday and Thursday : Ike W. Baker, W. E. Thompson and F. W. Wright. Grand Chapter Northern Star, Friday : Ike W. Baker, Mrs. D. Ackley and Mrs. W. II. Y'eaton. A slight blaze occurred Wednesday afternoon in the coal sheds of Murray ifc Grandy, and occupied by S. M. Johnson for storing his Trail creek coal. The tire was discovered in the center of the coal heap and is supposed to have origi nated from s|>ontaneou8 combustion. The hose company promptly responded to an alarm sounded and soon extin guished the tire with the application of a stream from the hydrant at the cor ner of Park and D streets, preventing serious loss. Articles of incorporation of the Yellow stone Placer Mining company were tiled w ith the county clerk Saturday. The incorporators are E. Freeman Walsh. R. W. Cavanaugh, George A. Bradburn, R. P. über, Jr., and Thomas Hogan of St. Paul and R. E. Cutler of Cooke. The capital stock is 864,IKX), divided into (1,400 shares of a par value of 810 each. The object of the company is to buy, sell, im prove and operate placer and other min ing claims in Park county, with princi pal office in St. Paul, Minnesota. We were in error last week in stating that Mr. Goodall was the recipient of a fox hound from Mr. Beck of Kentucky. The animal was a fox terrier and a present from George Beck, son of the late Senator Beck of Kentucky and a large land owner of Wyoming. The dog's parentage is excellent, her mother having killed ten rats in thirty-one seconds at a main in Louiiville, Ken tucky, Hnd her grandmother "Tassel,'' Mr. Beimont said he thought the finest animal that had ever been seen in the United States. J. T. Moore came down from Crevice mining district Monday, where he is employed as engineer for the Crevice Mountain Mining and Milling company. He states that the company have just completed two niileB of piping from Palmer creek to the mill, which will en sure an abundant supply of water in the future. The ten stamps of the company which have been constantly dropping the past summer with good results will now he augmented by the ten stamps recent ly put in. In addition to the operations of this company a Targe number of miners are engaged in prospecting and many good locations have iieen made during the season, upon some of which arrangements will be made for placing mills next summer. Sheriff Templeton returned Sunday evening from a trip to Warm Springs, whither he went to convey Patrick Gal lagher, adjudged insane. During his stay in Silver Bow county he succeeded in apprehending John Hays, wanted for larceny as bailee and brought him back to Livingston. It will be remembered that Hays, who was masquerading under the name of Dennis Hall, hired a horse in August from W. E. Kirby and rode the animal to Bozeman where he dis posed of him. Mr. Kirby afterwards re covered his horse hut Hayes succeeded in making his escape. He was arraigned Monday in Justice Hosford's court, where he waived examination and was held tu appear at the next term of court. In default of hail he was committed to the county jail. J. S. Gosby came over from Castle Tuesday to accompany II. B. Slaved and ( hartes Henry Butler of New Y>>rk to this city. Messrs. Slave» and Butler arc representatives of the Baltimore iV Missouri railroad, and had just made a ! tour of the country from Helena to this place by way of White Sulphur Springs and Castle.' The gentlemen were ex tremelv reticent with regard to their mission to Montana, hut it is under ! stood thev were looking the country over with a view to ascertaining pros pects for traffic over the proposed route 'of the Burlington it Missouri from Sheridan to Helena. This would seem to he corroborated by the news sent out from Sheridan recently to the effect ! that the extension of the Rurlin^ton ! system from that place would come by I wav of this city to secure lark traffic, and up the Shields valley to Castle, 1 White Sulphur Springs and Helena. • Messrs. Slaven and Butler departed : Wednesday evening for their home in I New Y ork. 1 ickets for the Nourse lecture on sale at Talcott & Sax's. Dehne Bros, have removed their bakery from Main to Calendar streets. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Olin, of this city, Saturday, September 17th, 1892, a HOI). Conductor J. I). Brandenburg is erect ing a residence corner of Second and Clark streets. A marriage license was issued Thurs day to Carl G. Tangent and Olga P. Kal ian both of Melville. Farragut Post No. 7, G. A. R. is ar ranging for the purchase of a ting for the new school building. The Ladies Guild will meet with Mrs. Thomas Smith, at the residence of Mrs. I Mallon, next Wednesday, Sept. 28. E. E. Fowler of Boulder has disposed of his band of sheep to A. C. Logan of Springdale and W. W. Beaslev of Rose bud 1 A marriage license was issued Tues day by District Clerk Eniuious to John McKeever and Ruth Jane Lticus, both of Red Lodge. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bloom died on the lhth inst, and was buried Saturday, the funeral taking place from St. Andrews' church. Chronicle: As we go to press Mrs. F. F. Fridley, who has been bed ridden almost constantly for two years, is rapid ly sinking and her death is momentarily expected. The special car "Iolanthe" came in from the west Friday and Saturday morning was attached to the Park train. It contained a party of eleven Alabama bankers en route for a tour of Woudei land. Notice was received Thursday that a patent to Wm. M. Wright and others for the Ohio quartz lode mining claim, situated in the New World district, has been received at the Bozeman land office. James Brown was arraigned in Magis trate Leplev's court Thursday on a charge of drunkenness, entered a plea of guilty and was assessed a tine and costs amounting to 817.40. In default lie was committed. Potts & Webster have been appointed agents for the .-Etna of Hartford. This is one of the responsible insurance com panies that believes itself capable of transacting its own business without bonds from its patrons indemnifying it against loss through its own agents. W. S. Dixon came down from the Park Saturday where he is engaged in trans porting private tourist parties. He re ports travel in the Park greater than at this time last year and estimates that the number of tourists for this season will largely exceed that of last year. Superintendent Finn, who went lo St. Paul last week as a witness in the case of Mrs. Thereaux against the Northern Pacific for damages resulting from the death of her husband in an accident west of this city, returned Wednesday. The case was dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Charles S. Eltinge of Butte, Montana, special agent for the Spiingtield Fire it Marine insurance company of Massachu setts, was in the city Monday. His mis sion was to notify the bondsmen for his company, M. Roth and J. 8. Stuff, of a shortage of $179.01, on account of the failure of Hoopes A- Eaton. Frederick O. L. Buck, representing the Liverpool A London it Globe insur ance company, was in Livingston Thurs day for the pur|xiseof making a demand for 8122.77 from M. Roth and J. S. Stuff, as bondsmen for his company with the agency of Hoopes A Eaton. He has transferred his company to the agency of Potts <t Webster. L. A. Luke, special agent for the Home of New Y'ork and Pheonix of Hartford, insurance companies who ex pect the public to indemnify them against loss from their employes, was in the city Monday. While here he made a demand upon J. O. Sax, for 8479.81, as one of the sureties with George T. Lam port, on the bond of Hoopes & Eaton, defaulting agents of the companies. Edward and John Harris were picked up by Marshal Johnson while in the act of begging upon the streets. They pleaded guilty to the charge of vagrancy and were assessed a tine of 85 and costs, amounting in all to $17.40 in each case. Edward, in consideration of his being a a cripple, was committed without labor, and John will hoard at the hotel deTem pleton while he liquidates the city's claim by labor upon the streets. George T. Lamport was a passenger on Saturday's west bound train en route to Heiera. He has com pleted his government surveys in Fergus county and will now complete the surveys on the Boulder. His force accompanied him to Big Timber Satur day and from that place went up to Mc Leod where two fractional townships yet remain to be surveyed. On his return from Helena Tuesday he joined the party Ht McLeod. W. B. Altimur started overland Sat urday for White Sulphur Springs whither he went to appear as a witness , in a murder case to he tried in the dis ! trict court of Meagher county. The killing occurred at Neihart about eight I years ago while Mr. Altimuswas driving a stage to anil from that place. The de j fendant in the case is Peter McDermott, . who escaped after the shooting and was not recaptured until last winter when ; he was recognized during the raid against the rustlers in Wyoming and re : turned to Montana for trial. The register and receiver of the Boze man land office are in receipt of a letter from the acting commissioner in which he says regarding the receipt of a yearly ] proof,'executed before a justice of the peace, and showing an expenditure of fi rty dollars for fences and irrigation ditches, that the only officers authorized to take proof in desert land entries are one of the land officers, a commissioner of the United States circuit court, or a judge or a clerk of a court. Vencing is not considered a proper item of expendi ture and each item of exjienditure must he given separately. The large wheel and other machinery composing two carloads for the electric light cotnpanv. arrived Friday last from the Davton, Ohio. Iron Works and has this week been removed to its position at tiie new power house of the company. The wheel weighed about 18.000 pounds. It was run up on the Park branch to be unloaded as its great weight rendered it unsafe to attempt to move it across the wagon bridge on Fleshman ereek. 1 lie machinery is lieing placed in position as fast as it arrives and the company expect to have their new plant in readiness for . operation early next month. . r , at he set H. as In an by a i of L. in i j • in 1, j SEPTEMHER 24, . 1 ® arl ' ,re R"th is suffering from a lame ken lM,u| reSUlt ° f stepping upon « bro Dr. Robert Nourse will lecture next r riilay night at Fowlie's hall. Subject, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." , Legistration i s proceeding slowly at the office ill this city, 207 names having tieen recorded up to Thursday evening. L. 1. Lamb returned yesterday from a trip to Big Timber. 'While there he contracted for it large amount of plas tering and will return Monday to begin the work. Congregational church : Prt 'aching at 11 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. Subject of evening sermon "The Divine Priest hood 1 tie music at both services will he of a special nature. A card from \\ . A. Kelly, who is now located at Sappington. Madison county, states that lie Iihh struck rich free mill ing gold ore upon the (»old Bug on Sand creek and is preparing to work it. I he Ladies'Aid society of the Con gregational church will meet next Wednesday at 2 p. m. with Mrs. W. C. Fowler. A dime lunch will be served. All members of the society urged to lie present. I he republicans will open the cam paign by a grand rally in Hefferlin's new opera house Thursday evening, Oc tober (ith. Governor Rickards and Judge Hamilton will address the citizens on that date. D. M. McCargo, president of the Alle gheny valley railroad and party of friends who had been making a tour ot the Park, returned Thursday evening and went east in their special car at tached to the Atlantic express. The fireman's ball given under the auspices of Hose Company No. 1 in Hef ferlin hall, Thursday evening, was u suc cessful affair. A large number were in attendance and enjoyed the excellent programme prepared for the occasion. Rev. J. A. Martin will hold religious services at Fridley on Tuesday, Wednes day, Thursday and Friday evenings of next week. Chico, Saturday evening. Sunday at Mill Creek, 10 o'clock a. m.; Shortbill, 2 p. m.; Pine Creek, 4 p. m. The Jewish New Y'ear began at sun set Wednesday evening. From that date until the day of atonement the pe riod is known as toten days of penitence. The Hebrew New Y'ear is observed in a manner similar to that of the Christian New Y'ear. S. M. Parks has opened an insurance office over A. Krieger A Co's store. He rapresents the North British and Mer cantile, Commercial Union and Home insurance companies of New Y'ork, rep resenting an aggregate capital of over «30, (XX),000. A bond for 800,000 has been given to Charles H. Eaton by Joseph Brown, An gus Gillis, Janies Gourley and Charles H. Wyman upon the Legal Tender, Graham, Mountain Chief and Tip Top mining claims, situated in the Sheep eater mining district. Mrs. E. Dailey of the upper Y'ellow stone has forwarded to this office a spec imen of the tubers produced in that lo cality. The potatoes range in weight from 3 to 3 1 2 founds, and speaks vol umes for tin* fertility of the soil as well as Mrs. Dailey's success in gardening. Rev. Herbert Sharply, rector of the Episcopal church at Billings, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church in this city next Sunday morning and evening. In the evening the reverend gentleman will deliver his farewell Montana dis course, having resigned his rectorship of the Billings Episcopal church to accept an eastern appointment. Jack Clifford was arrested Saturday by Marshal Johnson, on complaint of A. Mahno who accused Clifford of stealing a pair of shoes from his store. The i irisoner was arraigned before Justice losford on a charge of petit larceny, found guilty and assessed a fine and costs amounting to 838.50. In default of payment he was committed. Republican Meetinipt. Governor John E. Rickards and Judge L. J. Hamilton of Butte city, will ad dress the electors of Montana at the times and places stated below : ' Thursday, Sept. 22od, Townsend. Friday, Sept. 23rd, White Sulphur Springs. Saturday, Sept. 24th. Castle. Mouday, Sept. 20th, Lewistown. Thursday, Sept. 29th. Red Lodge. Friday, Sept. 30th, Billings. Saturday, Oct. 1st, Miles City. Monday, Oct. 3rd, Glendive. Wednesday, Oct.-5th, Big Timber. Thursdav, Oct. Cth, Livingston. Friday, Ôet. 7th, Bozeman. By order, republican central commit tee. Geo. W. Irvine, Vice chairman. HIU L,! YU STOCK PKKMIl'MS. $50,000 Atldctl t«» I lie Prize* by tlie World'» F*»ir Mainzer». Chief Buchanan's revised premium list for the live stock department of the World's Fair contains considerable in formation of interest to breeders, in ad dition to the announcements made in his tirst publication. It shows among other things that fully «50, 000 in special premiums has been offered by different live stock associations, not to mention scores of gold and silver medals, and other speciul prizes. Perhaps the largest extra purse is hung up by breed ers of shorthorn cattle, who offer «6,000 in added prizes. Breeders of Hereford cattle have contributed «5,500. The exposition company has appropriated «150,000 for live stock premiums, which has been apportioned as follow s: Cattle, 834,045; horses. 859,850; sheep, 810,512; swine, 822.285; dogs, «3,920; poultry aud pet stock, 89,265. The live stock exhibition will open with a dog show on June 12, and Chief Buchanan lias received assurance that it will be the greatest kennel ex hibit ever held. The dates of the shows in other divisions have been fixed as fol lows: Cattle and tiorses, from Monday, August 21, to Thursday, September 21; sheep and swine, from Monday, Septem ber 25, to Saturday, October 14; dogs, from Monday, June 12, to Saturday, June 17; poultry, pigeons and pet stock, from Monday, October 16, to Saturday, October 28: fat stock, from Monday, October 16, to Saturday. October 28. All entries in the cattle and horse division in the United State and Canada must he mude before June 15, 1893. Exhibits can he entered from foreign countries other than Canada until July 1, 1893. Entries in the other divisions close as follows: Sheep and swine, July 1, 1893: dogs. May 2<>, 1893: poultry and pet stock, Julv 15, and fat stock, August 1. 1893. PERSONAL POINTS. Architect Hancock of Bozeman was in the city Monday. William Lind and Emmet Harris went to Butte Tuesday. Dr. J. M. Fox of Red Lodge was in the city tiie past week. S. O. N. C. Brady of .ilyersburg was in the city yesterday. Mrs. I). Short is visiting relatives and friends in Minnesota. Frank White made a business trip to Helena the past week. P. W. Nelson returned Tuesday from a business trip to Billings. W. A. Hall of Cinnabar was among visitors in town Monday. Mrs. E. W. Barker went east Wednes day to visit relatives and friends. R. (). Morris, a prominent stockgrower of Stillwater was in town Monday. Mrs. J. I). Finn returned Wednesday from a visit with friends in Chicago. Judge T. K. Lee of Big Timber was among visitors in Livingston yesterday. Paul L. Y'anCleve and wife were among arrivals in tiie city Wednesday. James George of tiie upper Y'ellow stone was among visitors in town Tues day. Attorney E. C. Day went over to Helena yesterday morning on a business trip. H. C. Davis, of the Northern Pacific general offices, was in tiie city Wednes day. P. W. McDonald returned Monday from a brief sojourn at Hunters Hot Springs. Mrs. I). Short is in the eastern mar ket purchasing a stock of fall and win ter goods. Miss Addie White of Bozeman visited her sister, Mrs. A. J. Bailey, the first of the week. A1 Hicks, recently with Lee Eisen burg, has gone to Miles City with a view of locating. Herman Kahle, the Fridley merchant, was a business visitor in town tiie first of the week. William Gibbs, a typo employed upon the New Issue Ht Bozeman, spent Sun day in Livingston. Sheriff Ramsey of Y'ellowstone was a passenger on Saturday's west bound train en route to Helena. W. B. Ellis and wife were passengers on Wednesday's Park train en route for a tour of the Park. Attorney E. C. Day returned Satur day from a visit to his former home at Cynthiana, Kentucky George A. Loasby and family were in the city the past week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Hoopes. David Porter severed his connection with George T. Chambers & Co., and Monday departed for Butte. C. W. Savage, proprietor of the Mc Queen hotel at Miles City, was among arrivals in the city Monday. James A Hall, one of the prominent mine owners of Cooke, came down from that camp Tuesday evening. James lngersoll of the Rosebud was among lower Y'ellowstone stockmen in the city the first of the week. H. W. Bingham departed Wednesday evening for Minnesota for a two months' visit witli relatives and friends. Hon. W. H. Sutherlin, of the Rocky Mountain Husbandman, came over from White Sulphur Springs Tuesday. Mrs. George H. Wright and Mrs. Men tor Wetzstein visited with Mrs. C. N. Skillman at Big Timber the first of tiie week. Pioneer : Miss Kate Crane and Mary Y^cGougerty arrived from Livingston last week to accept positions in the Grande hotel. John T. Lilly went up to Emigrant Monday to visit relatives and make a brief sojourn at the warm springs in that locality. Rev. W. Nickel of Racine, Wisconsin, has arrived in the city and will succeed Rev. R. E. Smith as pastor of the Meth odist church. E. R. Bowen came down from Cooke Thursday evening where he has been attending to development work upon his mining claims. Hon. A. R. Joy was a passenger to Butte Wednesday to attend the grand republican ratification meeting held there on that day. George T. Wiekes, superintendent of the Livingston Coke and Coal company, was in the city Wednesday on his return from a trip to Helena. Ex-Governor S. T. Hauser was in the city Wednesday in conference with the representatives of the Burlington & Mis souri railway company. Shelby Eli Dillard, editor of the Voci ferator, stopped over in Livingston the first of the week on his return from the Great Falls convention. New Issue : Mrs. Smith and Y'eaton, of Livingston, spent two days in our town this week. They were delighted with the looks of our city. W. B. Ellis, in company with "Curly" j Rogers, started Wednesday for a six : weeks' hunting trip in the mountains i adjoining the National Park. County Clerk S. Deutsch made a trip to Helena and Butte the first of the week. He attended the republican rati fication meeting in the latter city Wed nesday. W. G. Craine of Vicksburg, Mississ ippi, brother of Mrs. M. A. Goughnour, has arrived in Montana to locate per manently. He lias accepted a position as agent at Cinnabar. D. J. Kenneily and wife were among arrivals Monday from Cape Breton, N. 8. W. Mr. Kenneily was here for the purpose of looking after liis hotel and other business interests in this city. James King of the firm of King Bros, of Jacksonville. Illinois, and owners of the Brisbin ranch in tiie upi>er Y'ellow stone, was in the city yesterday. Mr. King is on his way to tiie Pacific coast. C. B. Wright, of Philadelphia one of the heavy stockholders of tiie Northern Pacific, passed through Livingston in e special car attached to Wednesday's Pacific express. He w as on his way to tiie coast. Rev. Father Coopman, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan and Miss Kittie Mdnerney made the ascent of Mount Baldv the past week. So far as we are aware Miss Mc Inerney and Mrs. Nolan are the first la dies who have ever climbed to the sum mit of that mountain. Samuel P. Foster of Elmer. New Jer sey, editor of the Times of ttint city, was in Livingston Monday on his return from a tour of the Park. He departed for Townsend h\ the Pacific express, from which place he intended staging to Meagher county to visit friends for merly from New Jersey. Judge L. N. Lepley and Hon. Y'an N. Bennett of Rockton. Wisconsin, returned Saturday from a trip to Rosebud, where they rounded up their beef cattle for the Chicago market. They were also successful in killing two tine specimens of Rocky mountain sheep, the heads of which they will have mounted. ROYAL bc-dA *akiN 0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter baking powder. Highest of nil 111 lean ning strength - Latest I . S. liovern ment Food Report, Bakiku Powder Co, 10« Wall St., N. Y. IF ,, ,, ... , Horses Boarded by theDay or A eek. Baled Hay Grain and always on hand, Y'ou want to buy Real Estate in Livingston I shall be pleased to give you prices. Y'ou will make money I think by examining my list be fore purchasing. If you wish to borrow money on first-clats im proved ranch property on long time and at a low rate of interest call and see me. I represent leading Fire Insurance Com panies, Foreign and American. J. E. SW 1 NDLEHURST, LIVINGSTON, MONT. POTTS & WEBSTER, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. -SOLE AGENTS FOR PARK, PALACE AND MINNESOTA ADDITIONS. LOTS FOR SALE OX MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Largest list of Residence and Busi ness Property in the city. Call and see us before purchasing. POTTS S WEBSTER. REFEUENCKf* î James Carroll, Livery and Sale Stable. Fine Carriages, Gentle Teams and Saddle Horses w Fnrnished at Reasonable ratee, ANTED.—A nurse girl. Fur furl •'"ulars apply at thin oftke. f O*T. — Between Living« ton and Haynet' J ranch, a light wnight overcoat Finder will please return same to his office. W ANTED.—girl to do uene ai housework. Applv at ihskIhh- e, north Third strest. B CORNUAL SER. V^fANTED llorses to pasture Horses will w? t»e brought to town w hen wanted. I'tistur age $1 50 per month. H. L. <*LENN. B IDS "ill be re stivttd bv tin* < otmtjr « terk of Bark County up to U» o'clock noon, Novem ber 0th. lWfcJ, for the lebuilding «»f the bridge across tiie Yellowstone user at «Jardiner. 1'lana and specif! ation- to jccninpan*' bids s DElTSCH, seplO Connty Clerk ami Recorder. N 'OTIOE is bereits given that at the expiration of twenty one days from the first publication of this ..otice. tin* undersigned "ill apply to the honorable secretary ot the interior tor permis sion to cut and remove all the timber suitable for lumber, from the following described tract of unsurveyed land, to wit: Commencing at the mouth of the Broadwater ri\er. flience up said stream about seven miles, amt embracing a strip of territory about one mile wide on the west side and two miles wide «*n the east side of said river, measuring from the banks thereof, ami is situate about one-half mile east of Bilot Peak, and about three and one-half miles east of Cooke City, .Mon tana, containing about *slo,«Nii fe*.t of nine* feet of spruce, aud ltfcJ'OUn feet of balsam Umber suitable for lumber. >aid land is situate m on surveyed township No. îl, s i{ 15 east, in Bark county. Montana. R B KM1SON. First pun Sept. 17.