Newspaper Page Text
PERSONAL POINTS. I'. \V. Mi-Donnell returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Hutto. M rn. T. M cluerney went t<> Mi nnesota Saturday to visit her son, J. H. Mclner ney. Thomas Kent of Stillwater was a visi tor in I'mk county's capital the lirst of the week. Frank Stevens, who has s|>ent the past year at Castle, returned to Living ston Monday. J. 11. Woods, foreman for W. K. Ellis sheep ranches on the Boulder, was in town Saturday. A. L. Love came down from the Park .Monday where he has been engaged in government work. W. L. Cox of Helena was in the city Wednesday on his return from a trip to his Shields river ranch. A. II. Hicks of Mission returned Mon day from Anaconda where he disposed of a carload of potatoes. Charles U. (Hidden, one of the old time miners of Emigrant, greeted his Livingston friends Saturday. H. W. Sehlbrede and Miss Sehlbrede, of Indiana, are visiting w ith their broth er, Dr. W. (J. Sehlbrede of this city. Dr. A. It. Horsey, the genial and hustling representative of the Anaconda Stardard, was in the city Wednesday. Charles Bowers made a trip as far east as Ulendive the past week in the interest of the Park Coal and Coke com pany. A. (i. Alexander, county surveyor and republican candidate forelection to that position in November, came up from Big Timber Tuesday. Isaac Grschel departed for the east Tuesday evening to purchase goods for the Livingston and Miles City stores of I. Orschel <& Bro. 1 u. I t'lr-mi. who has been run '■■■■o a tram on the Butte brauch, has returned to Livingston and taken charge of a freight on the main line. I. F. Woods, manager of the Living ston Electric Light company, started Tuesday evening for Missouri to visit relatives and friends at his former home. Senator Webb of Des Moines, Iowa, was in the city the first of the week on his return from a visit with the familv of his son-in-law, Alvin P. Vinnedge of Cooke. Conductor Thomas Cullen has taken a layoff until after election to make a canvass for the state senatorship, he being democratic candidate for Dawson ' county. J. 11. Conrad, president of the Park Coal and Coke company, and Captain Couch of the Boston A Montana smelt ing company of Butte and Great Falls, were in the city Monday. H. G. Bartlett, traveling representa tive of Kuhl's A Stock, cigar manufactu rers of St. Paul, who had been spending a week with his family in this city, de parted for the east Sunday. Col. F. M. Malone and wife of Miles City were in Livingston Wednesday. Col. Malone is one of the electors who will assist in casting the vote of Mon tana for Harrison and Reid. Mr. and Mrs. William Hancock, Mrs. Budke, Mrs. J. Gosnell, Miss Maggie Khorthill and Charles Shorthill, of Par adise valley, started by private convey ance Tuesday for a tour of the Park. A. Burlock, brother in-law of Post master S. M. Parks, arrived from his home at Merriam Park, Minnesota, M ednesday morning. In company with Mr. Parks and H. T. Bingham he went out to the Boulder on a fishing and hunting trip. \\ . Tv. Brush, who has been operating the Goughnour sawmill on Mulherin creek, came down to Livingston the tirst of the week. If Mr. Goughnour finds a suitable location for his mill in western Montana Mr. Brush will proba bly remove thither and continue to op erate it. H. N Kennedy, who for the past three years has been station agent at Cinna bar, lias resigned his position and will shortly go to Canton, Ohio, to engage in the merchant tailoring business. He will associate himself with Charles N. Vieary, who has an established business in that city. Attorney W. II. Poortnan returned Monday from a months' sojourn in the Boulder mining district, where he was attending to representation of property in which he is interested. James Howell, who accompanied him to the mines re- , mained behind to make a hunting ex- 1 cursion in the mountains. Stillwater Bulletin: Tommy Ross' and Allen Watson were in town Monday | looking for a locution. They express , themselves highly pleased with the Hat- j tering prospects of Stillwater. Mr. Wat- j son was so favorably impressed that he bought a lot from H. Countryman and will put up a business building thereon soon. O. P. Chisholm of Bozeman was in the city Tuesday. He is on a tour of east ern Montana on the bootless errand of booming that city for the capital. The people of this section fully realize the utter hopelessness of Bozeman ever be coming an important factor in the capi , tal contest and rather than jeopardize their interests by permitting some west side city to secure this prize w ill unite in supiiort of Helena. I Hon. C. P. Blakeley of Bozeman was I in Livingston Tuesday, j D. X. West of Castle was among ar rivals in Livingston yesterday. W. W. Beasley of the lower Yellow stone was in the city Saturday to super intend the driving of a band of sheep to Big Timber. L. C. LaBarre came in from the Boul der Saturday, where he has been assist ing in operating the mill of the Golden Star company. Mrs. E. H. Hanche and children leave today for Castle to join Mr. Hanche, who has accepted a position in the First Na tional bank of that city. C. W. Forester departed Thursday night for St. Paul to attend a meeting of the Railway Time Inspectors associ ation, of which he is a member. Hon. W. F. Meyer and Paul Van Cleve, lepublican candidates for the leg islature, were in the city Thursday and attended the Rickards-Hamilton meet ing. A. Harpstrite, and son Gus, of Deca tur, Illinois, reached this city Thursday evening on a visit to friends, after mak ing a two months' tour of the Pacilic coast. Col. David Noble came down from Cooke Friday evening of last week where, during the past season, he has lieen devoting his time to developing his mining property. He reports a rich strike recently made in one of his loca tions that promises to develop a good property. Mrs. W. M. Wright departed Wednes day for Chicago where she will be joined by Mr. Wright, who will superintend the shipment of a trainload of cattle from Springdale. She was accompanied by Miss Mary Grey of Winterset, Iowa, who has been a guest of Mrs. Wright since her return from a trip through Wonder land. Hon. Charles S. Hartman republican candidate for congress, was in Living ston last Saturday. He had sufficiently recovered from bis recent severe illness to be able to leave his home but does not vet feel physically competent to enter the canvass. He expects, however, to take the stump about the 20th inst. and make a lively campaign until after election. Inter Mountain: We hope that while Tim is in the north making speeches some republican paper will print one of them verbatim et literatim. That will tie a hard blow to the vice president and resident director of the Canadian A Great Falls railroad company, against which twenty-six indictments are pend ing for violation of the contract labor law. Standard : The completion of that great gun at the Washington navy yard is an event in the history of guns.* Its total length is nearly forty feet, its di ameter at tiie breech is four fe t and one inch and it tapers to a thickness of twenty-one inches at the muzzle. It weighs nearly 108,000 pounds, more than a quarter of a ton of powder is required to load it for one discharge, it huris a shell weighing 1,100 pounds a distance of twelve or thirteen miles, at the extra ordinary velocity of 3,100 feet per second. This is the tirst of twelve such guns that are intended for the new battleships. With all twelve in play the United States ought to be able to conduct a fairly de cent naval battle. FhII Slyl*»n. The world of fashion has been astir of late in consequence of the revival of what is called the directoire styles, for which much popularity is predicted this Autumn. The directoire being that period of French history which preceded the coronation of Napoleon I, and of his wife, Josephine, leads naturally to the empire and Josephine styles, concerning which there is also a great deal of inter est manifested. Another favorite varia tion will lie the Recamier costume, tak ing its appellation from the famous lady of that name, who is doubly celebrated for her beauty and her friendship with Mme. de Staël. The old-time balloon sleeve, another reminiscence of that epoch, will be much in vogue this fall. Many people use the expression direc toire. empire, Recamier without fully realizing what these terms signify, anil are consequently apt to err in their en deavor to adept the latest novelties. A careful perusal of a first-class Fashion Magazine like La Mode de Paris, Paris Album of Fashion or La Couturière will furnish a satisfactory explanation of the differences between these historical cos tumes. \ou can get them if you write to the publishers, Messrs. A. McDowell A Co., 4 West 14th street, New York. T o Much <>f h KUk. L is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are almost sure to result. A flfty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford io risk so much for so small* an amount? This remedy is intended especially for bad colds and croup and can always be depended upon. For sale by J. E. Ferte, dnq,'gist. Pinnow, Organ*. Before buying a piano, write to J. E. Rees, Big Timber Mont., for terms on a Knabe, or Ivers A Pond Piano. Wilcox A White. or Dyer Bros., organs. Money Makes Money. Deposited in the Merchants Bank pays 8 per cent interest on time deposits. C. S. Hefferlin, Cashier. .Sonietliing New. The new time card, which is now in effect, via the "Wisconsin Central Lines," in connection with the Northern Pacilic R. R., affords the traveling public the best faculties from all points west to Chicago and points east and south. The unsurpassed equipment offered to its patrons, combined with speed, com fort and safety, surpassing all its com petitors. All through trains are composed of Pullman Veetibuled Drawing-Room Sleepers, with Dining Cars and Day Coaches of latest design. The Daily Through Fast taain each wpv, making close connection at Chica go with trains in all direction. For tickets, time tables, etc., apply to Agent of Northern PaciHc il. R., or * J AS. C. POND, Gen'l Pass, and Tkt Agent, Chicago 111. SPECIAL MENTION. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Go to O'Neil's for a Speckled Havana. Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Fresh vege 1 allies at Kriogjr A C h'. I am closing out my wagons and bug gies at cost. E. GoriiHNopu. Sacks and sacking tw ine at Krieger A Cos. Cure your corns. Big 4 does it. At Peterson's. Get your school books and school sup plies at W. B. Annin's. If you like good, strong coffee try some of our African Java. Parks A Gilbov. Guarantee to tit any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. My wagons and buggies are warranted to lie equal to any in the market. E. Goi OH.NOl K. For summer complaint nothing equals I )r. Hess' Blackberry Balsam. Sold by M. A. Peterson. Lots for sale in Mountain View ceme tery by the Livingston Cemetery asso ciation. For prices and plats call on Potts A Webster, agents. When Hiihv was sick, vse gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. \N hen she became Miss, she t'lunu to ('astnria When all* had « hildren, she gave them Castoria. Crescent creamery butter at Thomp son Bros. The best lime is furnished bv the Liv ingston Lime Works. O. Mattson. For choice family groceries go to Krieger A Co. The best warranted wagons and bug gies at cost. Come and see me. E. Gouohnovk. Lots are now on sale in the Mountain View cemetery. Plats and prices can be examined at Potts A Webster's office in the Miles block. Guarantee to Ht any rupture with truss, at Peterson's. Swiss, Edam Pineapple and Limberger Cheese at Parks A Gilhoy's. Don't limp around with corns when you can purchase a bottle of Big 4 Corn Cure for 25 cents. At Peterson's. J. D. Riddell, general agent of the In ter-State Savings A Loan Association of Minneapolis, is in the city in the interest of the association, and can lie seen at the office of Potts A Webster. It "Monarch Brand" of fruits and vegeta bles at Thompson Bros. Potts A Webster have been appointed agents for the London A Liverpool A Globe Insurance company, the largest company in tlie world. For fresh fruits and vegetables go to Krieger A Co's Family grocery. Choice coffees snd less s spcciultv at Krieger A Go's. Mrs. L. Lambert, teacher of vocal cul ture is now at the Albemarle hotel. If a class of twenty pupils can be formed this accomplished teacher will give les sons at 50 cents each. For furthe ■■ par ticulars enquire at the hotel. Î:* Full line of trusses at Peterson's. Are you constipated or billions? One box of Common Sense Pills will entirely cure you. Sold by M. A. Peterson. Wlutt SlroiiKcr lh'ouf « Is needed of the merit of Hood's Sar saprilla than the hundreds of letters con tinually coming in telling of marvelous cures it has effected after all other reine pieu had failed? Hood's Pills cures con stipation. 1 The Favorite. The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway is and always has been the pop ular line between St. Paul und Minne apolis and Milwaukee and Chicago. Its road along the banks of the Missis sippi from St. Paul to La Crosse, skirt ing also as it does the full length of beautiful Luke Pepin, gives to the trav eler one of the most delightful and pic turesque daylight and evening rides on the continent. From La Crosse east to' Milwaukee and Chicago this road pene trates the garden of Wisconsin and touches, with its mail line, the largest cities and towns in that state. Its road bed. train service and general equipment is absolutely unexcelled. The famous vestibuled limited train, with its electric lights, electric reading lamps, and ele gant sleeping and dining car service, is not surpassed by any train in this count ry. If you are to take a trip call for the "Milwaukee"—the Government Fast Mail Line and secure absolute comfort, speed and safety. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Milwaukee and Chicago, four passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Kansas City, two passenger trains each day. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to St. Louis, two passenger trains each day. For further information apply to near est coupon ticket agent or address J. T. CONLEY, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Cholera. When properly treated as soon ns the Hrst symptoms appear, cholera cun near ly always Ik? cured. The patient should go immediately to bed and remain as quiet as possible. Send for a physician, but while awaiting his arrival take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in double doses after each operation of the bowels more than nat ural. If there is severe pain or cramps, Take it in double doses every Hfteen min utes until relieved. This Remedy has been used with great success in seven epidemics of dyseutery that w ere almost as severe and dangerous as cholera, and if used as directed a cure is almost cer tain. Every family should have a 30 cent Little at hand ready for instant us«?.—After the disease is under control castor oil must he taken to cleanse the system. No other physic or substitute will do in place of castor oil. For sale by J. E. Ferte. druggist. A Cholera Scare. A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel nietta, X. J., created much excitement in that vicinity. Investigation showed that the disease was not cholera but a violent dysentery, which is almost as se vere and dangerous as eholera. Mr. Walter Willard, a prominent merchant of Jamesburg. two miles from Helmetta, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhteu Remedy hits given great satis faction in the most severe cases of dvs eatery. It is certainly one of the liest things ever made." For sale by J. E. Ferte, druggist. the finest line of Cigars, Cigarettes. Pipes and Tobacco, l B. Mirabilia and Westward Ho! FIVE CENT C lOAKS Castoria For Infants and Children. Castoria promote« Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ' Castorin is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Auchkr, M. I)., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ! "X use Castoria in my practice, and find it I specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Roiixrthon, M. D., 1057 Sd Ave., New York. 'From personal knowledge and observation r thaï I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting os a laxative and relieving the peut up bowels and general system very much. M any mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osdoon, Lowell, Mass. i The Centaou Company. TV Murray street. N. \ The Celebrated French Cere. APHRODITINE""rS:" Warranted H to cure Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous dis ease or any dis order of lue g.n erative organs of either scx,< whether arising _ from the < xeea- AFTER slve use of Stlmulunts, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indul irence, Ac., such ss l.oss of Bruin Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains In the back. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros tration, Nocturnal Emissions, I.eucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Lobs of Power and BEFORE izibdiuLon, if con *»ax UIUIL UUBB VI I rUWCl HUU Impotency, which if neglected often lead to premature old age and Insanity Price fl.oo a aox. 6 boxes for *5.00. Sent by mall on receipt A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Is given for every *5.00 order received, to refund the money If a Permanent enrols not,effected. We have thousands of testimonials from old and young of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use of Aphrodltlne. Circulars tree. Mention paper. Address m J H 5 aphro MEDICINE CO. Wutsrn Branch p. o. Box 27. PÔR1UMD. OREGON. Sold by M. A. PETERSON. llntouiHT, Livingston, Montana. LOHT MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CKLEBBATIl) ENGLISH ItEMEDV <3 INERTIA. It is sold on a positive Kuu ran tee to cure any form of nervous pros tration or any disorder of the genital organs of either sex, caused ___ ww __ by excessive use of Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or ..._____ of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.« Diisiness. Convulsions. Wakefulness. Headache, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain, W eak Memory. Bearing Down Fains. Seminal Weakness, Before* After* on account Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, k>ss of Power and Impotency, whicn if neglected« may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes ■or $5 00. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every $'> 00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not affected. NERVI A MEDICINE CO., Detroit. Mich. For sale by M. A. PETERSON, Livingston, Mont CON STOCK ! MIRY RANCH, 13 niiles east of Livingston, Mont. Finest herd ol Holstein Friesian Cattle ! in the State. Young Stock For Sale ! OrtiticatvB uf registry furnished with each uni mal. Old stock was all Imported, Osar tired in plenum, '•riesland, winner of three prizes at the head of herd. Call at ranch or write to J M. CONROW. Livingston, Montana. MONEY Advanced on ] Real Estate, Diamonds and Watches All kinds of collateral securities. WEIGEL, FORESTER & CO I We are daily receiving New Good s such as Underwear, Seits, Overcoats, STETSOr 'J 1 - HATS, HATS, ETC., Which we offer to the trade cheaper than ever. ---WE CAN SHOW YOU THE LARGEST LINE | \____ IN EASTERN MONTANA. Agents for BURT & PACKARD Shoes. Agents for TIGER Hats. Agents for YOUMAN Hats. I. ORSCHEL & BRO Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars WONDERS OF A WATCH. Very few who carry a waleh ever think.of the unceasing labor it performs under w hat would be considered shabby treat ment for any other machinery. There are many who iliink a watch ought lo run for years without cleaning or a drop of oil. Bead this and judge for yourself : The main wheel in an ordi nary American watch makes four revolutions a day of twenty four hours, or 1,480 in a year. Next, the center wheel, twenty four revolutions in a day, or 8,7«o in a year. The third wheel, 192 in a day, or 59,080 in n year. The fourth wheel, 2 440 in a day, or 545,000 in a year. The fifth or scape w heel 12,900 in a day, or 4,728,300 in a year. The ticks or beats are 388,900 iu a day, or 141,812,0101 in a year. W. P. MULHOLLAND City Jeweler. Gordon Bros. Lumber Co. LIVINGSTON. Branch Yard: Stillwater. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Lime, Cement, Hair, Paint, Glass, Oils and Nails. HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. All our lumber is dry, well sawed and surfaced to a« e\en thickness at same prices as native lumhcr. OATS AND HAY FOR SALE. Ut.AULit in