Newspaper Page Text
A \()L. ID. -4-. ♦ ♦ 'T a* / LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12.1892. PRICE 10 CENTS. £iviiu] '-' Urn iX'ivtcvprt^r, [EO. | |V IS«i'TO\, - MONTANA. g. WRIGHT. - Publisher. *\Tl |; 1 ).\7 . NOVEMBER 12 , 1892 . ■ is> PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. .............................. pi OU . .............................. 1 50 7,7, : itlH .............................. 1 <'<> jo- .............................. 10 uiYIKThlMi HATE«! inch ; • * • month ; 1»> emit* pm* lim* mich t..i.M-ai notice. Lentil advertising at n H \\ HI '■ M. 1»., W. r ji. - Sur "** on unity Physician of Park County. K m No. .V. Alhmnarle Hotel, s - - Montana. ! w |>< » HIM \ N, w ■ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. \c;: Dlfit'- : ice in all the courts, make col Wet ions fii conveyanciiii:. special attention . - trite and minim: law. It; U' tb i : in block. Room •">. ^ v:.. K- TA PP AN — 1 : " ^ 1 Mi no States MinekalSi.'kyeyoh. :loor Enterprise Block, Livingston, Jf. " KEUA ' ITTOUNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in Ofschel Block, J| A ,N STKKKT, * LlVlNGSTON. MONT. ! I WIN iSTON ■\VVrEKW0HKs AM* Kl.F.CTKll' LlllUT COMPANY. urt'.o' in Kenliv liuiUlim:, corner I'Hrk amt Sec ontl ftre.-i,-.. office Iiours, ita. m. to 3 p m. ' iLL W.u 10:NTs Must iik Paid at Uffh k. 'ALTER i.ooIUI.L, w REMUENT Ali ENT IQlITAIll.E LIKE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, THE BUSUALOW. JVINt.sTON, • - MONTANA. 'AUI HAITI! A FI I.LEH, J -A RC111TECTS, •II Realty Company's Building, corner of Park and Second streets. "INtiSTON, MONTANA. COOPERATIVE BUILDING ANU LOAN Association Preet s. M. N v K . Sec. E. H. Talcott. Yice-Pres't, D. Short. Leas. M. 11. Lashobn. Attorney A. .1. Campbell Secular meetings on the fourtli Monday even i; of each month, at W. II. Kedlleld's office hiflidar street. ■vy c. SEHLBKEDE DENTIST spsi ial attention given to the preservation of It.natural teeth. Cffice in Miles huilding, Main st., Livingston. jJAVAt.E A DAY, Attoknkvs at Law anh Notabikh Public. Sonev Loaned on long time on real him) I'tisoiml property. Office in .Miles Block, Livingston. Hh. ALTON, M. I). \V. II. CAMPBELL, M.D. l'liyaltiiMna Mild Surgeons. Wee turner Main and Park streets, over Na tional Park Bank, Livingston. J T. SMITH- -ATTORNEY AT LAW. --Office: Room ti, Hefferlin Block. Livingston, ... Montana. y L. StlAWK, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, —*tc. I s lloABD, Pension Sunn eons. Rooms T and S, Second Floor, New llef Block, Main Street, Livingston, Mont. I' '—:nl.;11 calls promptly answered from Office hours: 8 to 13 a. ill., 1 to 5 p. ill. " Ho lu p. m. Livingston Assay Office. H«<1 Silver... SI IX) Copper,......... $1 50 ....... .... 100 Till............. 5 00 Silver A Lead a 00 Coal.............. 3 00 PaWive inalvsis..............$ 5 00 to $15 00 Tumutiv.. V. nalvsts ....... 10 (10 to 35 («I a ; j ! I : i j I bt 'Wtomplei,. price Iktjaddress Harvey L. Glenn. Livingston, Montana. i' PENS AND PENCILS, ÎS-STAIS PE NS AN D STlLliliKAPIlIC PENS iiÜHüîi. 1 A I. IT Y WATCHES IN MONTANA H. J. DIXON, BIC TIMBER, MONTANA. ^Ë!I£5!''KS IN AMERICA. ^.H. Phil brick, »ND EXPRESS LINE \ r<>n ^ °f Wetzstein's, on Main All .V , jeave your orders on slate, orders Attended to Promptly. l-'otliiil Dead t ellowstone Journal, .7th: Mention was ina< le ;n yesterday morning's Jour nal of ti e fact that Acting Coroner Brown lia I been summoned to Terry to hold an inquest upon the body of a dead man who was found some distance from that place. Additional details received last night are to the effect that the deceased was Hugh McCall who lived in a cabin at the mouth of Sand creek, forty miles lrom Terry. The dead man lived alone in a cabin and had probably just arrived at home with a load of lumber, as he was last seen driving a four-horse team, beaded for his ranch. A passer by stopped at the place and found McCall lying dead just inside the door three of the horses were gone, and the fourth was standing near the house with the ha'-mss on, indicating that the owner had stepped into the house for some purpose and dropped dead. Deceased was fairly well to do and is said to have money on deposit in Miles City as well as a considerable sum loaned out on interest. He is known to I have had relatives in New York, No ! braska and Ireland. COOKE Cl I V NOI ES. We have had some winter weather | during the past two weeks. About six j inches of snow has fallen since October ! anil. Freight teams arrived today, bringing ! more machinery for the new mill, unit supplies for our merchants. They arri- j veil just in time as there was not a pota- j to to be had in town. A. K. Joy came up from Livingston j October 29th and spoke at lhc school house. We think lie made a good many friends. Charles Connell has moved his family ; to Cooke for the winter. James Blackliart has moved with his j family to winter quarters near the now j mill. School closed Friday and Miss Ida | Fitzgerald, the teacher, has departed for her home at Gardiner. Charles Jones returned from Livings ton the 29th, where he had been on busi ness. W. E. Nichols is at Cinnabar oversee ing the loading of the balance of the ma chinery for the new mill on Henderson mountain. I). G. Ross was exhibiting some tine gold quartz around town, which showed free gold all over it. It came from one of his many mines in this district. District. Court The November term of district court for this county which convenes next Monthly will be of more than ordinary interest owing not only to the number of important eases upon the calendar, but to the fact that for the first time since the adoption of the state constitu tion a grand jury has been summoned, The calendar will contain about eighty civil cases and twenty criminal actions. Among the most important criminal cases are the following : Thomas Craig; malicious mischief; set for trial November 14. Julius Alexander, in jail; burglary second degree; set for trial November 14. Hanry Faucher; out on bail; forgery. J. R. Ramsey, assault with intent to commit murder; in jail. Charles May; in jail; forgery. Laurence Daily; in jail; forgery. James Malloy; in jail; murder in tiret degree. Thomas Conners; in jail; burglary. John Hayes; in jail; grand larceny. Pierce Hoopes and Charles H. Eaton; embezzlement; out on bail. Charles Northrup; murder; in jail. Mike McDonnell; burglary; in jail. Frank Collins and James McDonald; burglary second degree; in jail. Thomas Ryan; burglary first degree; in jail. Fred Witmer; burglary first degree: in jail. HIU TUI IIEK ITEMS I From the Pioneer.J Frank Nelson, the first white person born in Montana, was in Rig Timber Saturday. M. A. Adams and A. L. Hewitt, Min neapolis bridge men, were here yester day on their way to Sweetgrass to see the proposed sites for the new county bridges. The electric power plant in the Boul der camp was completed and put in mo tion on Monday last, and will now fur nish power to the mines and mills of that district. A. Hawley, president of the Poorman Mining company, is down from the mines. Mr. Hawley reports a most en couraging outlook for the Poorman. They have a tunnel in sixty-five feet and expect to strike the lead in another foot or two. Lots are now on sale in the Mountain View cemetery. Plats and prices can be examined at Potts & Webster's office in the Miles block. ! 04 CO < < z o - - : : : : : : 15' .......isiuvr. y % £ : rr . - . £ " " . = " . = r. r £ ; . — N' ~ . ~ 12 Ü £-7 Û : : -• : . £ : i* •" . . - .... - ^ : ' : ? •*•>011« IV ''1, .JI 7î£7U x : 1 | ■l-II .1 H -.(XUIMUJ z .l.ijl ;-i ut|<q- '.mij*ii,) < j 5 d.tJl ,| ( 0,0 ) -HJ.DjlUMII ) I | _ ..... 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The following is the vote on capital | a location so far as reported for this j county: * 1 FKHC IM TS. | | * ç z £ - r. = - i i - — — — - Livingston l*t... i; ■J IT l <) •Jml.. " dnl.. :r> d 1 l'JO ID W i 11 4 Melville .......... T no i; 1 : Boulder .......... okedale......... 1 11 r ' Mc Le. Kl........... innabcii'......... h in \ illico............. ( ottoiiwooi!...... i Ml Id r.dlev.......... Lower >himds .... l :;i 1 ;;;; < rev.c.'.......... Swee t. IMS-....... ...j LL ID in ' d .... Trail Creek ....... Ued Lofl-e........ s 7 M*- verrinn e....... Hoir ........... 1 • "iu « Ooke ............ i «;*i diner.......... Total.......... _ Klcctoral Vote. electoral college will contain a large joritv for Cleveland, based upon STATES | 1 £ Alabama......... u California....... < olorado......... i 'onnecticut...... Delaware......... Florida........... Unorgia......... Idaho............. *i d 11 Illinois.......... Indiana.......... 15 Kansas ......... Kentip-kv ........ id Louisiana........ Maine........... Maryland......... M assachusetts M ich man....... s l .... • L M mnesota....... M ississippi....... Missouri ......... Montana........ Nebraska ...... ti Nevada .......... New Hampshire "i< ! :i ' New York....... North Dakota . .. Ohio............. < iregon......... Fennsvlx ania . .. 1 « South l 'arolina .. South Dakota . . . Texas........... Vermont ...V.... l-nm: * * < - « i Virginia........ Washington..... West Virginia. Wisconsin..... . Vi p Total........................ m . u»* = (ii) }[|j j j' a £4 3 5 1 £ ~j 11 ""iii he i;t the — r S i i 777 — i , ;; 77 ; — ____ — •■••jdied — — XoiiIhiiii'n C'h |> i t m I Vote. The following is the tabulated vote of the several counties, so far as received, upon the capital location. It embraces a total of over 117,000 votes out of a prob able 411,000 oast in the entire state. The remainder of the vote will probably not change the relative position of the can didates, although late returns may give Bozeman third place over Butte : « * f sT = z- 2 T ~ :! ; çC lai ke..... i. 3 i : _ ; " ; ? DlreSisFi^lisIâË: "5 | t - F, îi?s2?5fro=-S--x_n? T i* : ; ; i "e 2| « : îi j~ = T Dh.V of Tll!«llkNi;ivi|||r. Following is the proclamation issued by President Harrison for Thanksgiving day: The gifts of God to our people during the past year have been so abundant and so special that the spirit of devout thanksgiving awaits not the call, but only the appointment of a day when it may have common expression. He has stayed pestilence at our door; He has given us more love for free civil institu tions, in the creation of which His di recting providence is so conspicuous; He has awakened a deeper reverence for the laws; He has evidenced our philanthropy by a call to succor distress in other lands; He has blessed our schools, and is bring I ing forward a patriotic and God-fearing generation to execute His great and be nevolent designs for our country; He has given a great increase in material wealth and a wide diffusion of content ment and comfort in the homes of our people; He has given His grace to the sorrowing. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, president of the United States, do call upon all our people to observe, as has been wont, Thursday, the twenty : ' ! : ! ! ! 1 fourth day of this month, November, ns a j Hy 0 f thanksgiving to God for His mercies ami supplication for His contin ued cure and grace. KKI) LOIMiK NKWS Fr i Id* Fickm Messrs. Tilden ami Elmer of St. Paul arrived in Red Lodge Tues day and spent a couple of days ex amining the usphaltum claims on the Butcher creek. Mr. Elmer is a eapital ist and at present is interested in the as phaltum fields of Utah, the product of which is marketed in St. Louis and St. Paul. Mr. Tilden is bis attorney, and they are figuring on purchasing out right the ten claims of White Bros. A Moore. Mr.Elmer pronounces the pros peet a tine one, and says he will have an assay made of the asphaltum and if it proves as good an article as lie antici pates will return to Red Lodge in about twenty days and purchase the claims, tile price having been agreed upon. If he secures the property development work will begin immediately, Daniel Dayton,a youth about 17 years of age, recently arrived in Red Lodge from Long Island, and took up Ins res idence with bis brother-in law, William Hunter, who lives about two miles west of town. Last Tuesday afternoon he was returning from a hunting trip in cum puny with two others, all three rid ing on a backboard. Dayton was riding on t lie rear part of the vehicle on a pi le of blankets and had slipped bis gun under the seat with the muzzle toward him. One of the dogs belonging to the party was chasing cattle and Dayton reached for the gun to take a shot at the dog. In drawing the weapon to him the hammer got caught in some manner and the piece was discharged, the load enter ing the young man's chest. Dr. W. II. Allen was summoned, but he could do nothing for the unfortunate youth, who •■••jdied the next morning. His remains were interred in the Retl Lodge ceme tery beside those of his father, who died here of consumption about three years ago, Rev. W. II. Watson officiating at the funeral exercises. Lottery. A Washington special says that an agent of the department of justice, who was detailed to. investigate the charge that certain persons in the town of Bozeman, Mont., were engaged in run ning a lottery in defiance of the law, has reported to the department the names of seventy-one persons who have sold or purchased chances iu a prize drawing under a scheme that is a palpable viola tion of the law. The scheme is known as "The Bozeman Land and Loan Com pany." The company sends out a disk of aluminum which it calls a "souvenir," but which in reality is a regular lottery ticket. Each holder of this "souvenir," or ticket, is entitled to one chance in the distribution of 1,000 town lots at a draw ing to take place in December. The promoters of the lottery are taking ad vantage of an exciting contest for the : state capital in Montana and cloak their ! purpose by announcing that the draw ! ing is dependent on Bozeman being se lected as the capital of the state The ! new law against lotteries of all sorts is 1 very stringent and makes it the duty of the United States attorney in any state where it is violated to prosecute the hol ders as well as the vendors of tickets in prize drawings. The names reported by the department agent will be referred to the district attorney for Montana with instructions to lay the same before the United states grand jury, S\viii«I1«mI liy a Former. Bil'ings Gazette: A stranger from the country, so he said, came into town last night, so he tlid anti several saloon men of Billings mourn his visit in Bums from 8H4 to 87 Ö. The fellow gave a different name every time he cashed a check, which he tlid four times. Reed A McFarland were victimized to the amount of 8-4.4.7 in cash and trade, loin Collins 824.4.» in cush and trade, Page 8Ö4, W. J. Bennett 875. After having a good time and trying to drink up all the wfine he could find the smooth one disappeared. The officers have a description of him and have telegraphed east and west to detain any person of thnt description on suspicion. The checks were all drawn by the same per son made payable to a different indivi dual each time and the signature of Henry Struck appended. The signature was upon comparison found to be a simple forgery and payment was first refused on the Collins check, which was drawn on the \ ellowstone National and presented at the First National for pay ment. The man has made good his escape from town with probably over a hundred dollars in his pocket and a belly full of good liquor and other things out of which he so neatly swin dled the 6 aloon men. Mining Location«, D. E. Lloyd and John E. Lloyd, 40 acres of placer at Red Lodge. W. B. McAdow and Herman Kahle, Shoo Fly lotie, Emigrant district.