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by ay other og ee Is the Only Republican Mornin Paper I0 IEONTANA TERRITORY.N Published in 'NORTHERN MONTANA. yoL. I. No. (8. REAT FALLS, MONTANA TERRITORY, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 16, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. LOCAL LACONIClSMS. s attr.n Ia saeelnet Para .Or uI You'd Bather, You ean ead everend Talmasse ermn oa the Third Page. resentative of the Pioneer-Prem in Town, Also Buralars, Supt. Anderson was in the city yester r. J. . Mc Knight arrived from Ben tayeiterday. peter Begg, one of the staf of the pimeer Press, is in the city. The Knights of Pythias will give a rad ball on Christmas eve. Thomas Gearing and wife, of Dupuyer, registered at the Minneapolis house. y. Morrison, A. H. Adams and Peter of St. Paul, are registered at the Shotel. A vote for state officers in Mldi A rams to be the order of things for No vember next. With Montana as a sovereign state, Great Falls will enter upon her grand oreer of prosperity. The excellent impression made by Mr. Carter wherever he addressed the people made him many votes. Mr. Fellmau and Miss Elizabeth Kid der have procured ,. dispensation from the probate court to unite their fortunes. Major Field was in the city yesterday. The Major has about finished a barbed wire fence surrounding 480 acres of land. To remove all doubts of the fracture of the Solid South, look at the wretched subterfuges of the relic s of the Lost Cause. Mr. Jerry Collins returned from a fly ing trip to St. Paul, and we are glad to note an improvement in his paper since his return. The capacity of the new aqueduct at New York will be 318,000,000 gallons. Plenty of good water is a most excellent liquidation. The Great Falls Arlon will give an en tertainment New Year's eve. The mem bers are pleased over the success of their recent ball. L. G. Phelps is obliged to run down to Great Falls about every Saturday night to see a live town. Though located in Helena he still clings to his first love, Great Falls. W. G. Stark & Co.'s feed store near the Milwaukee house is chock full of oats, bran, shorts, flour, chopped feed and so forth. They also carry in stock a small of oo. ranch butter. In Montana, spent yesterday in bni Falls and visited the smelter and tAlk Mr. Logan is a frequent visitor at Oreat Falls and expresses much interest ithe town. Inthe Justice Court of Geo. E. Huy yesterday Deputy Bradford waived ex amination in the charge of assault and was bound over in the sum of $1,000. Mr. Addle represented the Territory and & C. Edgerton, defendant. A large amount of ore has come into the Smelter the last few days from Gib son 4 Vaughn's mines in the Belt Moun taias. The Smelter has been consider ably changed in the last few weeks. The Improvements are still going on. Mr. Carrier, of the firm of Ringwald & Carrier, has returned from a trip to Neihart He is of the opinion that there is oricher mining district in the world than that in the vicinity of Neihart. He brought in some very fine specimens of high grade ore. There will be a love feast in the M. E. church this morning at 10 o'clock; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavors at 6 p. m, and Sabbath school at 2.80 p.m. The Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of the morning service. .8Lechinski, who was injured some time ago in Sand Coulee by sitting upon the spoutof an oil can, was removed into town about a week ago, also another man whose knee was injured by a coal cutting machine. They are in the county hos pital under the care of Dr. £rutcher. The real complaint the senseless demo catie kickers want to make against Mar Crs Dalyis that he did not corruptly use i potent influence to coerce his army of employees to vote for their incompetent, debatched and profligate candidate-but, with all their gall, they dare not utter it. The harmony of the social party at the County Clerk's office last evening was in terupted by the lack of courtesy mani feeted by O'Dynamiter who made a per 5Malassault upon one of his hosts, the Sheriff, in an ungentlemanly speech Which was denounced by everyone pres e5, democrats as well as republicans. The door of Will Hanks' room in the aun Block still bears the inscription No admission to visitors." But a peep lhim yesterday afternoon found him lting up and looking much improved. ehad been sitting up nearly half a day. the Physician thinks he may get out on the street next week, but will interdict i working until Spring. Mr. Peter Begg, traveling editor of the ogret t. Paul Pioneer Press, skipped te fom Helena last evening and paid to the LEDEn his respects. He is a tiretial member of the art preserva o lated has been for a generation an as Nocte of the pioneer newspaper of the the set. e returns tomorrow to join the Prowcar "Success," now dancing on k pltd bosom of the Montana Central trac tHelena. Persons from the vicinity of Maiden arrive in Great Falls nearly every day. They bring with them ore and wheat, and do their trading in this city before returning to their homes. Maiden is 140 miles from Great Falls, and the incentive must be potent to liring men to this growing metropolis. The "ins" of the county officials gave a social banquet at the county clerk's office .ast evening to the "'outs." . Most of the incoming aid ouStng' oicials were present. Officials were eulogized and eloquent speeches were made, mingled with the popping of champagne bottles. Good feeling was prevalent broken only by the growlings of Mother O'Dwyer, which were soon peremptorily hushed. The Outs are going, Long live the Ins. A gentleman residing in the southern part of the city discovered beneath his window at a late hour a short time ago an individual who was obviously upon no mission of charity. He was a midnight prowler upon .his. nocturnal trip of robbery. His efforts to effect an entrance through the window were unsuccessful. Had he succeeded in getting into the house he would have been the recipient of sufficient lead to pay for transporting him to the smelter, and his chances of longevity would have amounted to nil; On general principles he ought to have been shot anyway. Not a Careful Reader. "The Great Falls Tribune writer does not read carefully," said U. S. Marshal Kelley to a reporter yesterday, "or he would have taken no exception to what was printed in the Independent relative to re cent fires there. I do not mean to convey the idea that the buildings were destroy ed by the owners in order to get the in surance on them, and the Independent article would have to be distorted to get such a meaning from it. Sheriff Downing was my authority for saying a number of disreputable characters had recently ar rived in Great Falls. I incline to the conviction that he is as fully advised as to the inhabitants of Great Falls as the Tribune writer."-Helena Independent. Of course he doesn't read carefully, but no one in Great Falls ever notices what the champion prevaricator says or does. 1. S. Lang a Co. In our columns this morning will be seen the business card of the great house furnishing establishment of Messrs. F. S. Lang & Co., Helena. Mr. Lang,the foun der, is a practical thorough metal-worker and inventor of the hot-air furnace on the ventilating system, now rapidly coming into favor. Employing twenty to thirty men, this is one of the most complete ;e 1 eAý ,,st..-In sact.It, is doubtful whether in Chicago, St. Paul, or any other of the larger cities can be found a stock so fully embracing every con ceivable article of household utility or ornament whether for the cottage or the palace. It is a veritable museum of house furnishings. Theirshow-cases and galvaniued iron cornices, manufactured and put up under their own supervision, are an important feature of their business. The Blue Bird Mine. One of the most valuable mining prop erties at Butte is the Blue Bird, situate in the western limits of the town. A re cent visit to the mines disclosed the wel come fact that under the present efficient ownership and management, this mine is rapidly entering the lists with the first leads of the great silver and copper-pro ducing camp of the world. Mr. Roty E. Booraem, the vigorous and competent superintendent of the mine, together with his associates, are making most thorough development work, and the timbering is said to be the finest in the camp. The ores carry an assay value of $70 to the ton, the output being from fifteen to twenty five tons per day, which will be greatly in creased in a very short time. A Warning. Our citizens are righteously indignant over certain recent occurrences. The town shlould be rid of despicable charac ters. There is no need of concealing the fact that there have been of late many vagrants and tough-appearing men around this city, and all who are sincerely inter ested in the maintenance of a moral, peaceful and healthful community should lend their influence in ousting from among us such creatures, who are only fit to be associates of savages. Bob and Jo. Have assumed the management of the popular restaurant known as the St. Elmo, adjoining th. Park hotel. They are first class caterers, and will be open at all hours of the day or night with all the delicacies of the season, for small or large parties. Rates uniform and reason able. See them and live forever. For the Smelter. A party of dignitaries arrived here yes terday in their special car and proceeded at once to the great smelter. It is inti mated that some important changes are to be made-about time. Declaratory Statements. For sale at the LEADER office, blank Declaratory Statements for cases where the land is not subject to private entry. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Sewing and Repairing. Mrs. S. G. Rice, corner of Second avenue South and Sixth street, announces that she is now prepared to do all kinds of sewing, mending and repairing. Gentle men's clothing a specialty. Bring in your job printing. LATE TELEGRAMS. [Reported expressly for the LanDIR by the Roeky Mountain Telegraph Company.] Returned Home. INDIANAPOLIs, Dec.15.-Vice President elect Morton left on his return to New York at noon today. Seventy-ilve Went to Helena. HELENA, Dec. 15.-A special train ar rived here tonight from Marysville with seventy-five passengers to witness the play "Shaun Rhue," at Ming's opera house tonight. A Decided Reduction. CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 15.-The whisky trust will mark a decided reduction in price on January 1st with a view to crushing the distillers who are fighting the combination. Boston Chosen. - ST. Louse, Mo., Dec. 15.--TheAmerican Federation of Labor today re-elected Samuel Gempers, of New York, presi dent, and chose Boston as the place for the next meeting. Hand Car Accident. CINCINNATI, 0., Dec. 15.-A hand-car running rapidly down a steep grade this morning was derailed and six men were thrown down an embankment. All are seriously hurt, one fatally. A Large Land Sale. STILLWATER, Minn.,. Dec. 15.-Isaac Staples sold fifty thousand Bcres of pine lands on Snake river for over six hun dred thousand dollars to Fred Weyor hauser, for a syndicate, which is rapidly absorbing valuable timber lands. Her Name was Gallagher. QUEENSTowN, Dec. 15.-Among the pas sengers on the Umbria, from New York, that landed here this morning, was a woman named Gallagher. She was ar rested and searched and fifty cartridges were found concealed in her dress. Two Deaths. BERLIN, Dec. 15.-Prince Alexander, of Hesse, uncle of the Grand Duke Lud wig, is dead. TuRIN, Dec. 15.- Admiral Prince Eu gene, of Savois Carignan, is dead; aged 72 years. Found in the Lake. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 15.-The body of Mrs. Irene Hawes was found in the lake at Lakeview this morning. The water had been drained until only a foot deep. A child, it is reported, was also fould. 'that wore -a- smalls slip half covering the. body, and a hemp cord. fastened to two heavy fish-plates weigh ing thirty pounds each, was tied to the baby. The baby was found near the part where Mrs. Hawes body was found. Opium Smuggling. ST. PAUL, Dec. 15.-The Pioneer Press says United States secret service officers are here on the tracks of a gigantic opium smuggling conspiracy. They have learn ed that an organized and well equipped band of smugglers have for years been operating across the northwestern border. One of the gang was arrested recently at Denver, Colorado, and made a full con fession. Acting on information given him the Deputy Collector at St. Vincent, Alinn., went west to a point on the Dakota line on Wednesday and intercepted a wagon load of eight hundred pounds of crude opium. The whole outfit was seized and the driver of the wagon arrest ed. Last night a government detective left St. Paul for the north to arrest the man to whom the opium was consigned. When you go to Helena call and see Mr. Beckwlith's magnificent enlarged photographs of the lovely scenery along the Montaua Central railroad. FULTON MARKET Re-Opened! This popular resort of the epi enreans oi Great Falls will re-open this morning under new and better auspices. 3ob-) & Jo. Will do the honors from henceforth. and their host of friends are respect fully invited to call round and g'et the inner man refreshed with the very best the seasoU attord, at moderate rates. $2o,ooo Worth of Fur Goods, Hats, Caps, Blankets, German ~cks, Gloves and Mitts. Fur Trivtined Over Coats. Coon, Mink, RAisian Lamb, and Other Fur Coats. Pea Jackets Vets, and Fur Carriage Robes At Half Price ! The above goods re e bought at the recent Auction and Trade sale br4'Steissguth 4 Drake, St. Paul, for less than OoV'-HALF their real value, and will be sold by c. . BOYCE, Jr., of Butte City, at Half Pride. Orders for Dry Gbods, Clothing and Carpets, will be filled at Lowest Prices. Samples and prices sent upon application. Four trains daily between Butte and Great Falls, thus enabling us to fill orders with despatch. Respectfully, i. R. BOYCE, JR., Butte City. Montana. CentenniI Brewing Company, BUTTE CITY, MONTANA. Extra Pale Lager and Export Beer. MANUFACTURERS OF Champagne Cider, Soda Water, Ginger Ale, AND ALL KINDS OF -CARBON1ATED BEVERAGES. C-o-a-I Delivered to any part of the City at Lowest Prices. Coal Shed Ninth Avenue and Eleventh street. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Oregon Pine a Specialty CeHAS. T. ele )AY, Agt. Leave orders at Western Union Telegraph Ot(lee. THE NEW FURNITURE STORE! POWERS & TRIGG, DEALERS IN N o. 1 I' URNI T T7 R E, DUNN BLOCK, GREAT FALLS, - - MONTANA. A LARGE AND COMPLEIE STOCK OF Chairs, Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Mattresses, AND EVERYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE! C.IILL . '1 E.1 l\:L~ E OUR GOODS. Subscribe for the Leader. --.,-- ... LADIES and GENTLEMEN ! The largest stock ever shown in the Territory of really beau tiful things for presents. Beautiful Eng[lrvinlgs il Ol.rom8s. CHRISTMAS CARDS. I only handle Prang's Celebrated Cards, and have an enor mous stock of them. TOYS FOR CHILDREN MY STOCK OF Dry Goods IS MAGNIFICENT. HANDKERCHIEFS -and N ece k -W ea Y! Remember the Gifts you receive with your Purchases in December. C, P, TH MS N'S Reliable Dry Goods Bouse, GREAT FALLS.