Newspaper Page Text
General Agency of the L.. . L-. GREAT FALLS, MONT. The Monthly lrawing Caital Prize,---3$00;t000, Will take place at NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1889 Tickets Sold---Prizes Cashed. Address by ordinary letter containing moneyr or de tinssued by .expresi coOmpan es, exIchange, draft or postal note, or tcet, circulars n;ld all information, JOH: RENNER, Great Falls, Mont. Address registered letters contatling currency to First National B8nk, Great Falla, Montana. Cows, Calves, Yearlings, and Two-Year-Olds, Graded Short-Horns, Herefords and Holsteins For Sale, AT SAM DODD'S RANCH, Sun River, 4 Miles West of Great Falls. ALSO ONE POLLED ANGUS BULL. REMOVED ! ! ab Opposite Park Hotel. THE DELMONICO Ii RESTAURANT, Great Falls, KMont. Choice Wines and liouors. I Rates per day-$1.50. Weekly Board and Roomn t $7.00. tl Open Day &, Night.s' o 3 CAR LOADS --OF ElBAR 1tEd FIP Fence Posts, -AT- LOW RATES. Goodrich Lumber Yard. Brigoade Major, THE BEST Draft Horse In NIontana. Will stand at Major Field's Ranch, Sand Coulee, for about ten or fifteen head of outside horses as an accommo dation to the people of the vicinity. "Breed to tie Best." FOR SALE. One Clyde Stallion, BAY WITH BLACK POINTS, Five yeors old, weight about 1,500 pounds. Well brokengentle. Kenneth Mclver. CaIi be seen nat Erillpse Stables, 2-If 'TliE LITTLE COURIER i WI "tello,. my little maul" of "\I' re're you going?" '" that house over thar." A monuntel oficer in gray uniform, at the head of half a dozen troopers, w's speaking -h with a bnv 11 or 12 years old, whom le had omet wilkin,; alsg a path by the side of the h road The time was at the close of a southern winter. l I-, sand the location was in a ''hbor.l.r"' state. ki The e;lii.I was ssmall for his age, but sturdy. On his head was an old straw hat, through se which te hair peeped in places. He wore a short jacket, out at the elbows, anl trousers if rolle up at tihe bottoms. Several little toes thrust themoselves through cracks hi hisshoes, and li, shirt was unbuttoned at the collar.te Despit his unseasonahle apparel, the child did a: not to be cold He was ruddy as an "Where do you live?' asked the officer, a a liutei .lt, after sourveying the little figure h contemplatively. The boy turned around tt and pointed to a house on an eminence in the direction fro:n which he had come. "Got n fatherl'r "Yes, sir." t "Union or Confederatep' t "Union." t The officer scowled. Durling the civil war ti.e southern troops were far more bitter *Iginst the Union men of the south than to- t ward northern soldiers. "I ain't no Union man, though," added the sly, thrusting his hands into his pockets, planting his legs firmly at an angle, and look ing up at the soldiers resolutely. "Youl What are you?"asked the officer, astonished. "I'm a rebel." There was a hburst of laughter from the troop at his implied defiance. "What's your father's name?" "Toni Lane." "And yours?" "Mine? Mine's Tom Lane, too." The officer turned his head and glanced meaniugly at a sergeant who was close be hind him. "How does it happen, my lad, that your father is Urion and you are Confederate?" "Maw, she's southern. Pop, he b'longs in East Tennessee " "Is your father at home?" "No, sir." "When will he be at home?" "I donno." The boy knit his brows. Then, with a quick change of interest and expres sion, he asked, "Whar you uns goen'?" The officer smiled. "Where are you going, my lad?" "Over thar." IHe pointed with his finger. "Oh, yes, I forgot. And what are you go ing to do over there?" Toni colored. "Oh, I ain't goen' to do nothin' but leave sump:n' in the postoffice on the fence." The "postoffice" was a box with a slit in the top which had been put up for the pur pose of children's correspondence. The offl cer noticed that the chubby hand grasped a bit of foiled paper. "Won't you let me see it?" he asked. "Naw." The boy turned away with an abashed look. "Sergeant," said the officer, speaking low, "Tom Lane's the man we are after. This is his boy. We must try to find out if Lane is at home, or where lie is. I've orders to take hint, dead or alive." '"y little man," he continued to the boy, "will you answer some questions for the good of your country?' "I reckon so." "Then tell mes where your father is." "He ain't none o' us; he's Union." "Yes, but where is he?" "My pop ain't got nothin' to do with you uns. Ast me some other things, 'n' I'll tell The officer was bafflted. Indeed, he was ashamed of his work in trying to induce a iJ boy to betray his father. The lad started on. The sergeant was about to ride forward to d stop him, but the officer ordered him back. n The troop rode on to a cross road which led to a wood to the right; then turnel down n this road and entered the wood. Finding a spring of good water, they went into bivouac. A man waslrdered to ride after the boy, and secure the missive he intended to drop into the letter box. The soldiers picketed their horses and cook ed their supper. While they were eating, the man who had been sent for the letter came in. The officer unfolded the little scrap of iper, a!n read this scrawl in a child's hand: 3IwoCH THUIo DERE IMAo.y. I Waust you fur to be a i stwethart. een I git a man I agoes fur to Iea sojer. Mytpopy Is agoet to Isiug tae o n s IIo's co:uau itoamto moer, ll ue\ she sa il I:u to little fr' a gun but 1 reckon Iil g it anyway Yours tre ely, Tom La:us JeYEm. The officer spelled out this colnmmnication with souse difficulty, and put it in his pocket. It contained all the information he wanted. He had now nothing to do but to wait in order to capture Tom Lane, guerrilla. The next morning the boy was playing in the road in front of his father's house. A Con federate officer with stars on his collar rode by attended by his staff. He stopped and questioned the boy. "How far is it to the river, my lad?" "The riveor?" "Yes." "Ten miles." "Is the bridge down?" "Tw'arn't down last Thursdays" "How do you know?" "tlear'n"' pop say so." "And that road"--pointing-"where does it lead to?" "Where to?" "Yes. Where?" "Th' inoullt'ns." "You're pretty prompt with your answers. You seem to ktnos; the country hereabout." The genelral changed his poeition in the saddle to rest. He looked ilnto the child's face thoughtfully. His own wore a troubled expression. "Do you know the road to J-?" "Yes, sir." "Canl you ride?" "Ridel ReckoIn can ridel Ain't done nothin' else sacue 1 was little." "How would you like to carry a dispatch for me'?" "What's that?" "A letter." "Y' ain't no Yank, are y'?" "I'm a Confederate officer." "I'll do aneythini' for our sojers," said Tom, with a flash in his eye. "Thien colme with LO." Ind without ceremony the child was put ,on the hack of a led horse besido a cavalty man, and rode with the general and his staff to headquad rter. When they arrived at camp the general turned the child over to an ataid, but in half an hour ordered him to be brought to his tent. ".tNow, tiy oy," said the officer, looking intently into the child's honest brown eyes, "l am going to send you on an important er rand. Though you are a boy you must have ff thcourage of a nIan." The boy made no reply. He was looking straight at the general. "I want you to take this"-he held up some thing that looked like a pill. "It'o a roll of tissue paper i n tfoil, and there's a message written on it. Take it to Gen. -. com manding the Confederate force at J-. There's but one road--you know the road; go dosn the pike till you come to the picket near the fork he" Scogg's tavern. Take the right fork, and you'll find another picket line on the opposite slope. Do you understandl'' "Yes, sir." "Geunral," interposed an aid, impatiently, "this is a ntyt for me, not for this child." "How could yo pass the enemy's pikets?" dentided the general shartply. Then, with Sout peirmitting a reply, he went on giving the boy his instructions. oyou are ao you;'g tlhet I think the pickets ell will let you go where you please" "I'm 12," interrtipted Tom. "Are you? Well, ou must keep up astout heart a n to nt look rightetned." t1 " reckonl woll't Ibe s'trled consil'table." "Take this." The general put his finger of into the pocket of the boy's Jacket to see iit CO was whole; then, rolling the pellet in a piece ho of newspaper, he slipped it into the pocket he "If you must lose it, swallow it." "Swallow it?" si "Swallow it." th "I will," said Tom resolutely, The general took the little fellow by the hand. It was a curious contrast, the grizzly t bearded southern commander looking -down y from his six feet of height into the boy's little to round face, and holding the chubby fist in hi knotty hand. He was loath to .relinquish it; W loath to let the boy go. He was about to send the child on a perilous errand. He could m have sent a man without compunction, even if he knew the chances were nine in ten that gi he would be shot; but this boy "Gol" he said, suddenly, and motioned the aid to take him away. Another moment ard he could not have done it. I Tom Lane, Jr:, now advanced to the dig- C nity of a Confederate courier, was placed on a a good natured horse which was to carry him on his journey The aid took him to y the Confederate picket line, and started him n off up the road. He stood looking at the flaxen haired urchin, whose little legs stuck a out on either side over the round flanks of the horse at an obtuse angle, wishing that he might call him back. He watched the boy till he rounded a curve in the road. The young courier turned and smiled; a smile of a innocence, of courage, of conscious pride in c the work to be done. In another moment he was lost to the officer's view. That day passed and the next. The com- 1 mander, who was awaiting the outcome of his plan of communication, did little but I pace anxiously back and forth before his I tent. Though abrupt in manner, he was I usually singularly kind to those under his orders. Now he seemed the very incarna tion of military severity. When twenty-four 1 hours had passed and his courier did not re turn, he became so crusty that no member of his staff cared to approach him. On the second evening at dusk the pickets heard the clattering of a horse's hoofs on the pike. They sprang to their guns, and.leveled them in the direction of the noise. A horse came in sight, and on his back was the little courier, hatless, swaying In the saddle, but riding at a gallop. The soldiers grasped the bridle. "Take me to the general, quick!" He was deathly pale and the men noticed that he was bleeding. -They led him away from the picket line, a man walking on each side sustaining him in the saddle. As they walked along he told his story. On going out he had little difficulty in getting within the Union lines, as anticipated, on account of his youth, but was obliged to try several times before being able to leave them. On reach ing the Confederate lines he went to head quarters, delivered his message, and was well cared for by the general's order. The next morning a reply to the message he had brought was given him, and he started back. Again he passed free into the Union lines, and again he found difficulty in leaving the lines on the opposite side. At last, get. ting some distance beyond a picket who was watching him, he resolved to make a dash for it. "I thought he wouldn't shoot me," said Tom, "'cos I war so little. I reckon he couldn't see who I war fur the trees 'n things." ' "Where are you hit?" asked one of the men. is "HIere." He put his hand to his left side be is low the heart. "Go on, quick! I'm weakenin'.' 'e A drop of blood fell in the dust at the feet of a rugged infantryman. He shuddered and rhur~ried on. When the party arrived at headquarters in; they found thie general still walking back and TI forth in deep anxiety. When he saw his ne little messenger sitting on the horse, pale and no bleeding, he strode up to him and brushing te away the olen, without a word took him in at his arms, carried him into his tent and laid m him on his own camp cot. Then he bent over gs hillt and groaned. hi The boy took from his month a pellet sim- tr ilar to the one he hlad erried on his journey outward and held it to the general. The sol- w dier took it, but for a few moments was toe much moved to open it. Then suddenly re- is membering its importance, he unrolled it and th read its contents. al "Good!" he said, his face momentarily brightening. Calling for his chief of staff, se he ordered that the men be put in readiness to It march at a moment's notice. This done he Ji seemed to forget everything again but the w wounded boy. Is "My brave boy!" he said, kneeling by him pl and putting his arms about him. "We owe you everything. You can't be much hurt. You must not bo much hurt. You must get C well and I will put you on my staff, You rt shall be a little captain. You have accom- ft plished more for the cause than I ever have." a: "A cap'u?' p xelaimed the boy. "Yes, a captain. Anything. You shall al ways be with me." L A transient look of pleasure passed over the c' boy's pale face. Then he seemed to remember at something. "You better send me hoam. My n pop won't kn, w whar I ben." 'I'll take o iou homi myself. Orderly, get n auimbulance! Bring bandagesl Be quickl ' Why doesn't the surgeon comel" There was a scattering of aids and order b lies. The ambulance came and the surgeon p caine, but when lie looked at the child he ii shook his head. "He will live, doctor?" asked the general, h as though commanding the surgeon to save p the boy's life. Again the surgeon shook his head. The t general turned abruptly away. a "I want to go fur to see my pop," said the p boy feebly. The commander turned and took him in his arms, carried him out to the ambulance, and gently laid him in it. The surgeon got up on the seat with the driver and the gau eral sat at the rear end with his feet on the _ stop, while aids and orderlies followed mounted, an orderly leading the general's horse. And thus they went slowly to the boy's home. ihen they arrived they found the house surrounded by Confederate cavalrymen. The lieutenant whom the boy had met two days before came out as the ambulance drove up to the door. That morning before daylight he and his men had surprised Tom Lane and half a dozen Union guerrillas who were sleep ing there. A fight had ensued. Tom Lane was killed, anld his men-three of them badly wounded-were prisoners. The cloud on the general's brow darkened as he heard the story. He had brought a death wound to a child, and now he was bringing that child to a home where lay the dead bodry of his father, killed by the men whose cause the son had served so nobly it I killed by his own order. The general lifted his charge tenderly from If the ambulance and carried himintothe house it of mourning. The wife and mother was there, with several of the neighbor. who had SIcome to be with her in her affliction. She sat in a rocking chair, weeping. i "Maw," said the boy, excitedly, "I'm S,.oel'fur to be a cap'ns!" 1. In the gray of the miorning the woman had seen her husband shot down before her eyes. In the twilight of evening she saw her g boy carried in. bleeding, with death written in his pale face and in his wild eye. The . doubhle affliction overcame her. She swooned of and was taken to an adjoining room. The general laid his light burden on a sofa. . The boy caught sight of a little girl about his otwn age who had come to the house with - her mother. d he"Mg," he said, "did y' git my letter?" et "No," said Mlae, "I didn't git no letter, but e [ tor one o' them sojers take sump'n out'n the The general glanced sharply at the lieuten ant. The young officer took a crumpled bit ly, of paper from his pocket and handed it to the cununander, who was about to transfer l' it to little Maggie, when the lieutenant whism Ih- pered to him that it contained the informa le tion by which they had caught the Unionists. Thie general sat mute, with the unopened ets ppRe between his fingers. A reproof for his sutordinate was on his tongue, but he did Snot speak it. In warfare it is essential to ex Out oamine private paI-pe'rs. The boy who had done tllh'n so siglal a service had been robbed of his childish scrawl and the information it Th contained had been used to surprise tha T boy's father. With bowed head the soldier handed the paper to the little girl. At this moment the wounded boy caught sight of his father lying stiff and stark on the bed. "Popl" heezxlaimed. with a moan, "popl" ae hbad never ase death, but something told binsm that this:bas death. With diffi culty he raised himself and sat up on the loungs. Th "DIdeyov shootsl y popi' he asked, looking with his great, honest eyes at the lieutenant. Without a word the officer turned as one might turn from a storm of bullets, and left the house. The boy fastened a reproachful| gaze on the general. bet "What d' y' let-him shoot my pop furl" I "My boy-my little hero," began the ol-C dier. He could not gp on. How could he make a child understand the necessities of war t Chivalrous warl that permitted him to read a child's latter and kill the child's father. "i didn't do nothen to you uns. What d' you unes want t' go 'n' kill my pop furl' moaned the boy. Little Maggie was standing by, looking on with childish wonder. "Mag," said Tom, "I writ y' that letter. I writ it all myself; all on't. The sojers tooken F it, I reckon." The general drew the girl up to the lounge, and put her hand in that of the boy. Thetwo children remained in this position to the end. G The boy soon began to wander. He was rid ing with the paper pellet in his-mouth; hewas passing the pickets; he was conversing with officers and soldiers Al the while the gene ral was trying to soothe him,, smoothing back t the uncombed locks from his. forehead, or pouring a little water between his lips. R Suddenly the boy sat up. "I'm a-goen' fur to be a cap'n !" he shouted, then fell back, dead. Ti One may fancy the angel fiend of war-if P such there be-looking down on this scene L with grim satisfaction. Even in an innocent - child there was the germ of that thirst for glory which, incited by the ambition of abler brains, furnishes food for battle fields. The next afternoon the army, beginning a movement for which the little courier had paved the way, had struck its tents and was e marching along the road that led past the Lane house. As the bead of column emerged from a wood, the men saw a funeral pro d cession, composed of some officers, soldiers y and a few country people, leave the house h and march along to an inclosed lot in a hleld y near by-the family burial place. it Two coffins, the one but half the size of the is other, were borne by Confederate soldiers. is They contained the bodies of Tom Lane, a father, and Tom Lane, son, the one of the Is Union, and the other of the Confederacy.. d- Directly behind walked the general; then a 11 company of soldiers-a captain's escort-and next a group of neighbors. as The procession moved slowly onward to the 1 ed inclosure in which a grave had been dug. 3n The two coffins were lowered, and laid side g by side in the one grave. The general, who ,t held in his hands a bundle of green sprigs, as cast them into the grave. The earth was or shoveled in and a volley fired by tlhe soldiers id over the grave. he By this time the head of the advancing col ' umn had reached the burial place, where the general was standling with uncovered head, a. while the last shovelfuls of earth were being be thrown upon the grave. The neenof an army ' are quick to gather news, and not a soldier sot but knew already the story of the two Lanes. od As the column marched by, the men of the leading company, seeing their general stand ers ing with head uncovered, raised their hats. ad The action was followed by the next and the sis next company, and was taken up by regi ,Id ment after regiment, troop after troop, bat ng tery after battery, till 12,000 men had passed in and uncovered. Then the little group of id mourners and spectators disbanded, and the er general, who was joined by his staff, mounted his horse and reod on in the direction the in- troops were marching. cy That night in bivouac the following order ael- was promulgated: to 1. Capt. Thomas Lanue, Jr., aged 12 years, re- is announced as aid-de-canp on the staff of ad the general commanding, and will be obeyed and respected as such. ly 2. The customary mourning will be oh. if, served by the officers and men of this com etc mand for thirty days for Capt. Thomas Lane, he Jr., of the staff of the general commanding, the who died gallantly in the service of the Con federate States. Hisconeuission has been up eim plied for and will be forwarded to his family. ewe ert. The next morning, before daylight, two get Confederate armies which had become sepa ton rated and liable to be captured in detail em- formed a junction, and together attacked re." and turned the Union left. al On a mantel in the house whelre the two Lanes died is a frame containing a captain's the commission. It has long been a treasured ber souvenir in the hlousehol. The neighbors My often gather there aml talk over the times when they passed through so many exciting get scenes and suffered so many deprivations. ici! Then they recount again and again to tthose who have since come amlong them the tragedy der by which a child who had rendered an im -son portant service, and unwittingly gave the he information which cost.his father his life, re ceived only as a reward--if, hindeed, one who ral, has passed away can e rewarded-the yellow ave paper in the frame alewve the fireplace. It was tile only recompensO at the disposal of The the man who sacriliced a child to save an army.-F. A. Mitchel in The Youth's Comn the panion. There arrivedl at unta Gorda, Fla., from Kansas, recently, an elderly woman with two old hens setting on ducks' eggs. She had taL.nn thetm all the way in the cal with her, eam.t hen setting contentedly in a basket. FOURI NEW STATES, South Dakota, North Dakota, Mloltnll and Washiniliton. On February 22, 1889, the President signed tile bill creating South Dakota, North Dakota, Mon, tana arid Washington States of the 'llioll. MONTrANA aw (lol.DE.-- -TrrSILLIres IllNer InIPS Of her ilreclou l Illetls; weallthl In hler 4.(I001),l0 hetd of live stockl prolit in her fertile liells, pro dll.lg a larger yield ot crops ti illany other State or territory; the riclest coluntry per Illhlbltulltll tile ellrth; where iroslerl tY is ullivrsll: whichl halis tlhe best paid lablor ill tile world; i balllly winter culllate, clalSell by warlll wlllds lrotl tile PIelIlc. The St. Paul, MI ilnOaloIs & ManltltOb RaillwaY Is the olnly rlailroad lillng thriough I eCltinuouns aglrlclutlltull coulltry frolll St. P'l(l s(uir lllllerlpolls to the Rocky MOillt(llns. it lruns the great reservatlol of 1Sl(tl,)l0 atcres lt lald, frtee to settlersl, il tile M1lk River valley. WoolI water Illd Cloll i ll lbllalllille; lie Irrigatioll relalired: the only tille pilssillg tllrough (lreat Fals with its 1I010l lt lorse power cataracts, 1lll 1lellSe coal vetiS. s(ld surrotlldlngl'arlllleOtllUlltry of 11ree Illa ; throlghl elellie, the llpital city illd conlmerclltl center of MIOlltlla, land Hlllttl, tlhe rlchest nll etillll i il) ellrtll, to Silli FralllCiSO by tile Collllbia rver valley, Portladlll nllllid SililSili route, or O(den, Utail, to Cl'liornlla iloillts. lti Ilelulber this Is the Ollly lin r1lllllie g dlllilg Calrs, sleepillg cars slid free cololists Sleellers ollf its own frotn St. Palul slid 11Mlllleallolis to ;rellt lIallS, ielell ll d Butte. It is also tlhe sllsrtest lile toI Butte. For further lnforln tionll, lnllaS, rates lnd 11ub licaltiolls In regard to tile resources of thle follr (new States, write or apply to F. i. Whitelly. (Ieii'1 Pass. llind Tictket Agt., St. P., M. & M. By., St. SIXTY MILLION Of peolle is wlilt we confllidently expect thIe Ilext Illited Staltes c0less to show 11S tile l)ollilllltiOln Or the (reat Republic. Olne-foulrth of tilt' whofle numilber live ill tile States of Illinllois, lowsl, lliili, attl, MIssoulri. WiseonSnlll, Nebraoska, Kaiiias itlll Colorio--tllllt is. ill Stites relalcil by tile llui.s 1tile grelat Burulllgtlnl systelll. Ill otllley wurdS, vf. lllll t get to tie roillflovil cities ilndS tow'lls oa section which contalillsa o0le llrlterl 01 the American peoplle, yon should s(ecure your ticets vi0"The Burllngtoll." It goes everyswhere Illd oiers to tIle tlravIeler the best aCcOlllllltlil tionlls wich illooiey, skill land taste Cllli provid,. Its lliaes pass thlrollgl the lillest illld 11OSt letur esallie portlolls of tie West. For IllllpS, tlllle tables, etc. aIddltress W. J. C, KENYON, (:en. Pass;. Agenlt, St. Paul. MI III. 111-tt - Ion't fail to see our complelte lin of Featherbone Corsets at 75c, $1.25, $1..1). S(huaranteed not to Iroakl: i.E( ('Nut ll. the Star that Leads Them all!T The Domestic Sewing Machine. It leads whlle others follow. The Lightest and Easiest mRunningl Mahline In the Market. J. N. WH-ITE, Sole Agent for Caseade County. Second street, between Central and First avenue north. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY. Fst Mall Line with Vestlionled Trains between Chlcggo. Milwaukee. St. Paul and Minneiapolis. Trans-Continental Route between Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha land tile Paceiic Coast. Great National Route between Chicago, Knll sas City and St. Joseph, Mo. 5700 Miles of lRotl reaching all principal pOints in Illinois, Wlsonsin, Minlnesota. IowIa, Missouri and Dakota. For Iaps, time tables, rates of passage and freight, etc., apply to the nearest station agent of the CHI&UA) MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. or to anly Ralilroad Agenlt anywhere in the World. ROSWELL MILLER, A. V. H. ('ARPENTER. tleneral Manlager. Gen. Pass. alnd Tkt. Agt. 'For informatlionl in reterenre to Lllands anlld Towns owned by the CHiCA0o, M,WAIsUKEE A ST. PAUL RAIWAY Coi)IPANY. write to H. i. IAuntN. ',I Latnl'ommlssloner. Milwaukee. Wisconsiln. MONTANA'S FAVORTIE ROUTE TO THE PACIFIC COAST. THE MONTANA CENTRAL RAILWAY Connecting at Butte with THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY For Portland, San Francisco, Los Angelos and all points South and West. No. 3, Montana-Pacific Express leaves GREAT FALLS, THE EASTERN TERMINUS, Daily at 11:45 P. M. No. 4, St. Paul-Atlantic Express arrives at Great Falls Daily at 3:20 P. M. PALA(CE SLEEIPING CARS, LUXURIOUS DINING ('AIS, MAGNIFICENT DAY (: )A' IlIS, -AND-- FREE SLEEPING CARS For second-class passengers on all trains. Through tickets to the above points are now on sale at Great 'alls. For fur Sther inforumation call on or address any agent of this company, or M. P. BENTON, P. P. SHELBY, a Pass. Agent. Gen'l Manager. IIELENA. HELENA. GO E./1 ST VIA TUE Northern Pacific Railroad, THE 1)INING CAR ROUTE --AND GREAT SHORT LINE -TO All Eastern Citiec. 250 Miles T"ot"' Chicago ./1,,ul . l/ 1'oin/. s Ev,1st. THE ONLY Through Car Line, Low Rates, Quick Time, Pullman Palace Cars. NORTHERN IPACIIIC TIMIE TAIILI:. The followling is tie ti.e.of the ;ireivaislls iil - iortnre of tr;tills oil the Nol'ti r nll l' tc ic oni Ile Inew selldule, t;illeiiig effect ,1 n e 2: ARRIVALS AT lI ElENA. No. 1-Through West HBoilndl Exll'es, 2:30 ): n1. No. 2-Througtli Est ounlll Express, 7:20 p. Ill No. 8S-Butte, Missoula & iielena Ex, 12:201) p. ni. No. 10--MIlarysville Iasseiger, 8:40 i. In. No. 22--Riinnii ;ccoIn., lMonlWl. F'r. 50, p. ill. No. 5-Wickes and Boulder pas .nger, 10:05 ait. Iii. MaryIsville naceolnil tlll ii 2:,0 p. In. DEPARTURES FROM HIIEIENA. No. 1-- Through West ooulndl Exprels,n n 3:15 p. In. No. 2 Through East Iounud :IExplress, 7:35 p. in. No. 7--llelena, liutte t 1lssnoull: Ex, 7:5 it ill. No. 9--Marysvil|e PsIe'noiger, 3:30 p. i. No. 21 --Riilii Il (ennu. MnO . W1ell. lFr. 0:153 i. iI. No. 0- W C.Es;I d illln liter I;,ssnllige 4:. . Ip . I. ONo. 11.- -Ot rlsvillie .,einollnO ll;tthi , 10:50 i. !i. y For lull D lll'oiriiatinu, adlildress} A. D E.D'At1-. (en 'I Ag't, Heletn C. S. FEE, (lien. ]'ass Aet. St Paul. TICKETS ON SE TO ALL Principal Points EAST, wEST, NORTH & SOUTH --AT-- 28 North Main St.. Helena. A. E. VEAZIE, Pass. Agent. J. A. LEWIS, (;en'l. Agent, Butte, Mon t leadlili Business Houses of Helena, Montana. 'Oh; ;:. re., J.M. IIUTTJNVh-I'res., II. C STEVENS. See. and Treal The Helena Steam Heating and Supply Company. (Incorporated 1988.) STEAM HEATING ENGINEERS. -MANUFACTURERS OF-- Steam Heating; Appavratu t Dealers in Mine and Mill Supplies, Iron Pipe and F:t tings, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters' Supplies.' 203 North M1ain Street, Helena, Mon A, M. Holter Hardware o. Helena, Montana. General Hardware, Mining, Railway, Fire Department and Mill Supplies, Engines and Boilers' Knowles Steam Pumps, Water Wheels, Steam and Horse Power Hoists: Giant, Judson, and Black Powder. 0 Cans and Fuse. F. S. LANG & CO. - Eiporiul For House Furnishing foods, Helena, - Montana. GALVANIZED ,RON CORNICES DELIVERED ALL COMPLETE On the Building. Sky-Lights, Signs and all orna mental work in Copper Zinc and Iron. - Largest Stock of - Hot Air Furnaces In the West, Specially adapted to Montana, and their Successful Working Guaranteed. Show Cases in Every Form and Style. HELENA BUSINESS COLLEGE -AND- NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL. (Entubllshed I I Ell8 ,1) Botrdl of 'TnurlLe aud more thain 26 Ledlning .BaHuiiss andl Profesmiiontl u lII MP HelenIH, i tiOL o nlo scoors of PersoniaL TListiIIOiallO TrlouI |all over the Terrltory. Cournes of Study: UBusiness Course, S~horthand Course, Normal ('oullrse, Art oulrse. All Comlmon and Higher English lrailnhes. blhorthl uid illstructloll bl p M |i. All lasses hit charge of exlierlsieLLd lro Slessors. The Latest Sind beLst Ill ,olos usedILi Ill teichllng tLl bionches. RiLes of tltloli illOtlerits. Snl for ILllstrated ulrclsirs sLii Idhoo grdols of theli dillferent dearlnt iLits oLL hoh SCollege. AdlIress all letteis to H. T. Enqlehorn, Pres., Helena, M. T. SASSAY OFFICE -AND -. Chemical Laboratory. A. W. HAND, (alen Block, Main Street, Foot off Broadway, II ehna, M. T Postot 1ce box 711. S.APILE' IY V MAI11. ItIKl 1 IVI PROM PT ATTENTION. Ringwald & Carrier, ARE HKADQUARTEIrL FOR CLOCKS, WATCHES,& JEWELRY FOR NORTHERN MONTANA. They uy y directly from manufacturers in the East and their prices are as I io s any in the East and satisl'acti.,n guaranteed. Repairing a specialty. OLD BANK BUIlIIN(i , IVENTHIAL. AVYFNUE. S. T. HAUSER. PORest .. W. KNIH1. -CClTlNr A. . DAVIt , VICt" PRrT T. H. KLEINSCItMIUT. A;SNT. C.-i I. CEO. H. `IILL, 2NO ASSr. CASHIFHR. -4 1649. {< First National Bank. -U. S. DEPOSITORY. Pioneer National Bank of Helena, Montana. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS AND PRO(FI I S, : 125,000. S. [11. C(liN I ia NiN, ----IEAILE.Ii IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIlE IIES'r lItCE PAlID 1011t 1ttIt ' AND COUNTRY PRODUCFt C. Bolt, : : M tu n .. THIRD STREET BLACKSMITH SHOP Where all classes of work In m) ille is ,lhaie in : First-Class Job Shyctp, At Short Notice. A Good Wood Shop in Connection Sivery ant Fanuy Horseshielg a pocrillety. H. CRISS, - - - Proprietor