Newspaper Page Text
tbe -fvat !aLL £eabef. VOL. 2. No. 62. GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 12, 1889. FIVE CENTS. What Tleu Iniinoie. A great many la dies in this part of the country imagine that, they cannot get good goods in Montana un less they pay exorbit ant prices for the same and therefore send east, paying good prices and giving themselves a great deal of extra both er, whereas, if they would just examine the stock of Dress Goods, especially Black Goods, at JOE CONqRD'S they would soon be con vinced that they could trade to better advan tage near home, and at the same time help an exclusively Great Falls ]ouse, We have without ex aggeration as good goods and low prices as can be had either east or west. Our stock of Black Goods at present com prises a fine line of Cashmeres,Wool Hen riettas, Silk and wool Henriettas, Alpacas, Fey Stripes, Albatross, etc. We also carry a full line of warranted Gros Grain Silks as well as Faille Francaise, Sat ins, Armures, Moires, etc. Send for Samples. Reliable Dry Goods House, JOE CONRAD, Prop'r. The Shlugeis in tie Toils! Sullivan and His Backers Arrested at Nashville, Tenn. They Resist-The Officer Warns Them at the Pistol's Month. Gov. Foraker Orders the Arrest of Jake Kilrain. Kilrain Arrives in St. Louis. ST. Louts, July 11.-Kilrain and party arrived here this morning. Kilrain looks badly, but he is as far front the grave as before the fight in so far as the injuries received in the battle are concerned. His face is badly bruised, both eyes blacken ed, his lip cut but not seriously and his jaw gives evidence of some of the tips thereon, from the brawny fist of Sullivan. Kilrain walks without assistance but is far from frisky. He is also badly fright ened and fears Gov. Lowery more than Sullivan. He still looks to Mitchell and obeys orders like a child. Mitchell opened with the statement that the fight was lost because Jake was not in shape. "I knew he was sick and asked him if he did not feel badly and he replied by saying no. Now didn't you, Jake?" "I felt well enough to do him," growl ed the fallen idol. "The whole story in a nut-shell," con tinued Mitchell, "can be quickly told. Jake had no time to get fit and the sun knocked him out. The battle "was fair and square and we have no complaints to make." "But did not Sullivan assist the sun in knocking out Kilrain?" '"Yes, Sullivan did get in some damag ing punches in the third and seventh rounds, but it is a bloody shame to talk about dosing," continued Mitchell, "and about my leaving Jake because he was defeated. Jake will tell you he was not drugged and as for leaving him, why I was looking out that we were not nabbed by the Governor in Mississippi, and stood on the front platform to prevent the un coupling of the train, but Masterson of D)enver who is charged with 220 lives, stood by nme and promised to shoot the first man who touched the coupling pin, and by the courtesy of the associated press we finally got into New Orleans on their special train. It was a forced cour tesy I know, but we could nothelpit. We had to get out of Mississippi, quick too." "The people would prefer your state ment as to the fight, Jake," suggested an associated press reporter. "Well, lie whipped me," replied Jake, "and lie did it fairly, too. I was not in condition. The truth is, I had but two weeks training, the heat assisted but 1 was not drugged. I don't blame anybody and I acknowledge defeat. I was over confident, perhaps, but still think I can whip Sullivan and shall try for another go at him. This statement was made in a disheart ened way, however, and it was clearly evident Kilrain was not over anxious for another fall. "[ felt badly about losing the fight," said Kilraiu, "but I ami not suffering very much physically. It meant fortune to me if I won. I need not have fought again. but now I must." Mitchell says he will challenge Sulli van for another battle and Pony Moore stands ready to back his son-in-law for any amount. The party go direct to Baltimore via Cincinnati. Sullivan Arrested. NAsuvisoL, Tenn., July 11..-John L. Sullivan was arrested here this morning upon a requisition from the governor of Mississippi and is now in the city jail. Muldoon, Cleary and Charlie Johnson were also arrested. When the Louisville and Nashville train pulled into the city this morning a crowd surged around the cars to see John L. Sullivan. A rumor soon obtained cir culation that he was in the hands of thepo lice, several of whom had boarded the car. There was some discussion and finally a struggle was seen in the car and an offi cer reached overwith handcuffs and seiz ing the slugger's arms pulled him out into the aisle. Sullivan resisted and Mul doon put his head out of the window and cried to the crowd: "Gentlemen, I de mand American protection." IIis patri otic wail was greeted with a variety of responses. Some cheered Sullivan and begged him to knock the copper out, while others cried,'Hurrah for the Nash ville police. HIit ihim with your club," etc. After a brief struggle Sullivan was taken from the car and hustled into a carriage. In the scuffle he drew back to knock down the policeman, when Chief Black stuck a pistol in his face and told him if he struck he [Chief Black] would kill him. The officers next grabbed Charley Johnson of Brooklyn, Sullivan's backer. HIe resisted vigorously but finally began to cry with pain. During all this scrimmage :Muldoon sat quietly by and was unlldisturbed. Cleary, Sullivan's other backer, hid dur ing the excitement and one other, named Lynch, jumped off the train. Only Sullivan and Johnson were de tained, though the others were wanted. The arrest was made by authority of a telegram from Governor Lowry of Miss issippi to the Nashville chief of police. Sullivan freainel ex-Attorney Gener'l Washington, whlo sgys the officers went beyond their authority and can nIt hold the men, An immediate attempt was made to get the parties out on a writ of habeas cor)us. Governor Lowry's telegram offers a re ward of $1,000. It is believed if released Sullivan will be rearrested to secure time for a requisition to be obtained. The arrested belligerents are now in the police station in conference with their attorney. The New Pleasure Resort. CENTRAL PARK, July 11.-The new pleasure resort on the Montana Central road will be opened Sunday next. The lawns are in beautiful condition. Foun tains and arbors are scattered everywhere and the trees have been nicely trimmed and whitewashed. The lake is well stocked with trout, having a race course I of n earlyone mile. For the opening the boat clubs of Great Falls and Butte are to I row a race. A carload of rowboats is I now on the way from St. Paul and will be here in time. A good band isill discourse music in the large pavilion for lovers of the terpsichorean sports. Another at traction will be a double balloon ascension and parachute race. There are ample fa cilities on the grounds to supply visitors with refreshments, a large dining hall, bar-room where liquids can be obtained; in fact, nothing is left undone to enter tain the public. The park is situated south of Helena, where the mountains raise their majestic heads in silence, where the valley lies basking in the sun light and where the waters run clear amidst the foliage of pines and shrub bery, amid scenic pictures of nature which art cannot approach. Montana Wool in Domaind. BOSTON, July 6.-A wool circular says: "Our market during the past week has been steady, buoyant and ranging about in the same level of value s as last week. Receipts are increasing rapidly. A fair demand for territorial wool is reported, with sales of 259,000 pounds. Prices rule firm. The Montana markets are excited, with 21 to 22% cents being paid for the best wools. Tile quality is reported as heavier this season than last. The sales of the week include 125,000 pounds, fine, medium and uine medium at 20 to25c. per pound. Good territorial wools are very scarce and are picked up as fast as open ed. Tihe Governor Means Business. CorUMrues, Ohio, July 11.--Gov. Fora ker received tile following telegram to day from Jackson, Miss:--"Please direct the chief of police at Cincinnati to arrest Jake Kilrain, Charley Mitchell and Pony Moore, and hold them until arrangements can reach you. The charge, the crime of prize fighting in this state." Signed, ROBE) T LOWERY, Governor. In reply Gov. Foraker, repeated the telegram to the chief of police of Cincin nati and asked that official to act in ac cordance with Gov. Lowery's requisition. (jov. Foraker also sent a telegram to Gov. Lowery, saying: "Your request has been complied with." The G. A. B. Encampment. CIucAo:o, July 11.---The fight between the Grand army of the republic and the various railroad companies reached an acute phase this evening. No surrender was made by the railroads. This after noon a committee of the G. A. R. depart ment commanders decided to abandon the general encampment and limit the meeting to delegates, The affair causes considerable irritation in Milwaukee. Market Reports CHrcAGO, July 11.-Cattle-Receipts 12,500. Steady. Beeves $4.05@4.40; steers $3.30@4.10; stockers and feeders $2.00@3.30; Texas cattle $2.30@3.50. Sheep-Receipts 6,000; active and strong. Natives $3.50@4.90. Western $3.30@4.00. Texas $3.00@4.20. The MississippI Law. JACKSON, Miss., July 11.-The law im poses a penalty not exceeding $1,000 nor less than $500 and imprisonment for twelve months or both for prize fighting. The party causing death is guilty of mur der. Aidersand abetters are subject to a tine of not less than $1,000 or imprison ment for six months, or both. Lawyers Attention. HEL-ENA, July 11.-The members of the Montana Bar association are request ed by Secretary McIntyre to attend a meeting of the association to be held on Thursday, the 11th inst., at 8 p. m. A resolution of great importance to the pro fession has been set for consideration. S Railroad Rates. nrcAur;o, July 11.-A session of the Inter State Commerce Railway Ass'n was held today and it was decided to allow all rail routes between it and the west and seaboard, to meet any rates made by the lake rail routes. Moving Slowly. OTTuw A, July 11.-The judge's re port from Winnipeg in regard to the Burke case has not yet reached this city. The leading government officials say his extradition is inevitable. To Teachers. From June 30th to July 14th inclusive the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets from 3Montana points to Nashville and return for $68.40, limited to return until September 12th. These are good via the short or via Salt Lake city, Den yer, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Mem phis. Chicago, ('incinnati, Louisville or Salmost any line desired. j2-14 The remainder of beaded capes now at cost at j20-tf W. B. RATir.Eto & Co. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. 1 Nick Kessler of Helena is in town. J. P. Lewis went to Ft. Benton last ' evening. d Theo. Gibson and Henry Childs return ed from Helena yesterday. John Renner went to Glasgow yester day to be gone for a few days. Lewis Hatch, Jr. of Boston, one of the largest wool buyers in the world,is in the t city. W. H. Searles, traveling freight agent r for the "Boo" line of Minneapolis, is in t town. Work on the new store of the Holier Lumber company is fast nearing com pletion. Maj. E. C. Field, Indian Agent at Fort Belknap, left the city for home yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Starke, large sheep owners, near Deer Lodge, left for home yesterday. Messrs. Gerin and Davenport have each taken up ranches four miles west of the city, up Sun river. The engine of the water works is in working order and the works are fast I nearing completion. Phil Gibson wishes to inform the ship pers that the Burlington pas met the "Soo" rates to St. Paul, New York and Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Lainie IHiggs of Rough wood ranch returned from the east yes terday, having been absent about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Catlin,, Mr. Jones, Miss Jennie Jones and Miss Hattie Pan coast, are enjoying a week's pleasure trip to the mountains. The constitutional convention adjo urn ed over yesterday until Monday, that the members might attend the Great Falls banquet today. Good boys. The new cellar for the Jones bottling works is completed and work on the new building will soon be put under way. They are receiving orders from far and near for their popular drinks. D.R. McGinnis, traveling passenger agent for the "Manitoba," passed through the city yesterday on his way to Helena. lie will return here tonight to be present at the wool grower's banquet. Miss Ellise Ream, sister of John Ream, engineer on the Montana central, of Bed ford,Ind.,passed through lire on her way to HIelerd'at whlichsipl'ace e is engaged to teach in the public schools. J. T. Lee of Sand Coulee returned home from Kansas City on Tuesday bringing Mrs. Lee and chiloren home, with him. Mrs. Lee spent the winter de lightfully, visiting friends in Kansas. They return with increasing relish for their Montana home. Among the prominent wool growers in town yesterday were: E. E. Leach of oDupuyer, A. J. Cowell, Choteau; W. M. Smalley, Dupuyer; Wm. Fergus, H. Ma ginnis, S. C. McDonald, Choteau; Lemn. Lewis, White Sulphur Springs; (*eo. A. I Fry, Bynum; J. L. Berch, Ulm; G. J. e Ryan, Big Sandy; Chas. E. and J.. Sever ans, Oka. Dr. Reed swore out a warrant for the arrest of Ed. Righley, charged with steal ing money from a sick man in the hos n pital on the other side of the river. The prisoner was employed as nurse, and was found drunk in the Leland House by City Marshal Lester, who brought him before Judge Huy, who fined him ten s dollars and cost, which he could not pay and was committed to jail for the term . of ten days. s Yesterday was a busy day at the wool warehouse. Up to six o'clock last even d lng there were 110,000 pounds received n during the day. C. and J. S. Severans of Oka are the largest shippers and have brought in their entire clip of 45,000 pounds. Wool is received from within forty miles of Bigtimber, on the Ameri can Fork, and from the Judith Gap. )r There has been compressed at the war = house here 700,000 pounds and it is a sav ing of about $60 per car to the shipper. A Staunch Republican. Our citizens will remember the an nouncement in the LEADEfR, in the spring, of the presence of John S Miller, Esq., of Correctionville. Iowa, and that he had invested in real estate here with the pur pose of making Great Falls his future home. The LEADER stated, a few days since, that Mr. Miller had returned, bringing his family with him. We take pleasure this morning in placing Mr. Miller's card as a practicing attorney in our columns. Our citizens will find him a genial, courteous gentleman and a stu dious, reliable and competent lawyer. Referring to his departure for Great Falls, the Sioux Valley (Iowa) News says: John S. Miller and family left Tuesday for Great Falls, Montana, where they will make their future home. It is nine years ago last monith since Miller located in Correctionvllle with noth ing but twenty-five cents In money. His knowl_ edge of medicine was attested by the diplomas of two excellent medical universities. His practice rapidly increasedi and his old school mate, W. F. McQuitty, became a partner. During the four years devoted to the practice of medicine he stud led law and was admitted to the bar. Shortly af ter this he retired from the medical professioln and began the practice of law in which he has been singularly successful. The earnings of his business have been invested profitably in real estate and loans and have usade him a snug snms of money, which he now goes to invest in the more active fields of speculation in Montana. In poll ties he is a staunch republican and as a canvas ser is unsurpassed. The republicans of Montana will find him willing to do his part. 5, ]10, 15, 20 and 25 cent counters at the Bee Hive on Central avenue. fltf PROF. MORTSON'S ORE SPECIMENS. ] At the office of the townsite company will be displayed today, for the special delectation of the guests of our citizens, t specimens of gold, silver, copper, lead and iron ores, taken from the Belt moun tain mines by Prof. "Mortson during the past fifteen years. We hazard nothing in stating that no person living has enjoyed better oppor tunities than Prof. Mortson for gathering specimens from our mining districts. We may also safely assert that no other per son is better acquainted with the charac ter and extent of the mineral-bearing belt of this region. For these re/sos the display, which the professor has by his own hands hasti ly improvised for this occasion will pos sess especial interest and value to our visiting friends, all of whom, doubtless, are more or less conversant with Mon tana's matchless mineral resources. It would be impossible for us to give a description of the character and value of - his extensive mineral cabinet, to say nothing of his fossil collections, which are the most complete in the northwest. We must therefore content ourselves with the very briefest description of some of his leading mineral specimens, arranged under their respective districts; RUNNING WOLF MINING DISTRICT. 1-Silver and Lead ore, Higbee & Pierce, Dry Wolf creek; shows phosphate of lead with car bonate. 9-Carbonate, assaying $310 to the ton; from Mortaon and Woodhurst mine, owned by Messrs. Vaughn & Gibson. 17-Copper ore from the Red Oxide; owned by Gibson & Vaughn. 62-Slver Chloride and Sulphuret, assaying from 30 to 900 oz. to the ton, free milling; Sir Walter Scott Lode; owned by Paris Glbson. 6f--Iron ore, from the Iron Crown mine, yielding 67 per ct. pure iron, It being a specular hemltlte ore and very free. Yooo MI5NING DISTRICT. 78-Sulphuret of Iron and Gold, assay value from $10 to $350 in gold per ton and 45 per cent iron; Golden Chariot mine, owned by T. E. Col lins of this city. 84-Sulphuret of Gold, assaying from $10 to $25 per ton; T. C. Power mine, owned by Tomn Shelby of Yogo. 92-Magnetic Iron carrying Gold, assaying $110 per ton in gold; Burnham and Aitna mine, owned by Messrs. Dlckerman & Co. ll0-Argentiferous Galena, assaying 20 oz. silver anld 47 per ct. lead per ton-Schoppe and Bismarck minies, owned by Mr. Schoppe. DRY WOLF MINING DISTRICT. 150-Argettiferous Galena with Copper; large body of carbonate ore in limestone formation, promising excellent results--Ureka, Golddust and Manitoba, owned by Cascade Mining and ProspectingCo. 160--Speeular iron lead, assying 67 per et. pure iron and carrying a trace of gold-recently located by parties from Butte. BARKER MINING DISTRICT. 225--Essentially argentiferous galena, assay value $30 silver and 60 per cent lead -from Barker mine, owned by parties in Great Falls. 350O-Free carbonate carrying galena, assitying Into the hundreds--from Silver Belle, Prideof thhi West, Silver King and other line properties, ownel by Messrs. Otey, May, Armington & Co. 475-Carbonates in limestone, carrying consider able copper, yielding high in silver-from ths Boss, Belt Mountain, Oxide, Moulton, Anna May, Belle of Highwood, Welcome, Vista and othi r valuable properties. 700--Carbonates ind galena In granite form:: tion, assaying 65 oz. silver and 55 per et. leiad froii Queen of the Hills, G(rey Eagle, Wrighllt 1-,i Edwards, Emerald, Kalloch, Equator and othi r claims. NEIART MNINING DISTRICT. 802-Argentlferous galena, assaying on the suic face $30 to the ton sliver-from the Huxley, Joe Van and other aines, owned by Messrs. Nelhart, Wilson & Co. 910--Sulphuret., at a distance of only 14 feet fron the surface, assaying $800 to the ton and ex posing another Immense body of ore greatly osr passingthe former il richness-from propertlis owned by Burghart, Wilson & Co. 980-High grade sulphurets, carrying matrices of wire silver, assaying fromt $50 to $7511 per to:, from London, Mountain Chief, Mann and other good clails owned by Capt. D. B. Mcintosh and others. 1012--Crystalized silver, sulphurets and wire si ver, specimens assaying as high as $20,000 p I) ton, from the Florence, owned by Johnson, Henry & Wight. 1020-Sulphurets of silver, 5 speclmllen Queenl of the Hills, Neihart & Co. Very rich in silver. 1025-Argentiferous galena--Ghalt mlne-Marlie: & Co.-assay $40 to $440 in sliver. 1027-Argentlifrous galena-Moulton lode McCassy andd Co,-sliielols c.urbonates. 1030 to (050- Silicions earbonates-Lizzle, Fri:; co, Ingersoll, etc.--ownel by Hamilton, Nelhart & Co. 1051-Argentifrrous galena- South Carolina No. 2--Hamilton & (,o. 1062 to 1080-Montana Belle, Minnehaha, Maud S., Hidden Treasure, St. Julian, ke.-Messrs. Hill, Broadwater, Chamberlain & Co. 'he numbers given above correspond with those of Prof. Mortson's collection. The collection is as complete as lifteen years study and prospecting can give and includes specimens from all the muinlg camps of the HBlt mountains, showing the character of ore front each mine as far as obtainable and demonstrating be yond all controversy that these mining districts embrace, in extent and richness, a mineral bearing region not surpassed in the northwest. TIOE PIROGt.RAM. Our guests will arrivc from Helena by special train this afternoon at 4 o'clock, proceeding directly to visit the smelter, the falls and the Giant spring. 2.---On return from smelter, dinner at the Park hotel. 3. --lanquet at 9:30 p. m. 4. -Informal recelption at the rooms of Ilainbow club. The magnificent Park Theatre band will discourse selections expressly ar ranged for the occasion. All wool-growers and wool-butycrs are specially invited to the baunquet today, whether they have received invitations or not. An Ex-Uongressnaan Dead. ST. PAt:t., July 11.--luon. Edmund Rice Ex-representative in congress, died this morning at White Bear lake. PERSONAL COLUMN. tinder this caption notices of "Wanted," "To Let," "For Sale," "Lost," "Found, "'Permsonalt," etc., will be Iuserted at the rcte of ONE CENT PER WORD for each Inser tion; but none less than 25 cents. For Rent---Shop. CORNER FOURTH STREET AND FOURTH Avenue south, Apply at offiee. (GR]EAT kALLS WATER POWER JuIl1w AND TowiasIT Co. For Sale. OUR ROOM HOUSE, SEVENTH AVENUE Ssouth and 3rd street. Enquire at the Leader omffce. e.11 For Rent. N EATLY FURNISHED ROOM ON CENTRAL Avenue for rent. Apply to J28ltf W. S. WETZEL. For Sale. SSINGLE SHOT WINCHESTER IWLE--4 chamber. Lynman sight. Por'hrthter pa1't e. o ars call at this office Ins tile afternoon. Malan and Team WIANT WORK-good teams and sturdy man--nel Sther afraid of work. Whoever wants to em ploy such an outfit please call at the LEADER of li for further nstructions. Jl2-tm Job Printing O F all kinds neatly and promptlyexeusted attbe LEADER office. Notice. SWILL makLe filings on government landand fur nish all liecessary lnformationfor One Dollar ror each quarter section of lan td. may3-t - H. E. RANDALL. Agents Wanted. XPERIENCED Agents wansted for ICascade oun ty to sell the poputlar book, "Remarks by Bill Nye." Liberal terms to proper person. Lady referred. Address with full pIarticlairs, I. I1AM URGER General Aget, Helena, MotaUl WVantedl A purchaser for one of the best claims near Great Falls-well improved. Enquire at the LEADER oICee. Two Good Ranches for Sale I W/ITHIN three miles of Great Falls. Both are nllder fencne, caltlvtion and otherwise in proved. For further luhforationl inqdre of Jon. lHamilton, or Gibson Itenlter's real estate ollice. Wansted, SO buy it number of young pigs. Inqutilre at thlis office. For Sale, SSCHOLARSHIP Is the Montana Busiabness Col lege! Enquire at the LnADER office. Land Blanks. Pre-emptionu, Homestead, Timber Culture and other blanks, for nile at the LEAsIsl office at reasonable rates. Itanchmsnen an IAll Others Rlemember that lIhtbert Chandler will furnish n you with reliable hep at any tlime. Helena Employnmet Office, Helena, Montana. Notice. ny persons wanting horses brought In from the range can obtain them by leaving brands and description for Fred Thurstoiait the postofllce. For Sale. 1 SCHOLARSHIP for i foull Business Course In thle Helena Comnlerclal College for sale at the WVanteld. man that don't take any of his home papers be Scause there's "nothb' hi 'em,' wholavishes his money on foreign literature, howls against towRn site companies aond home enterprise iu general, comnplains of hard tinmes, and admits that he's i poor dlevil.-tol un rafts on Salt Riverl Easquire sit this office. syood Inducemsents to right party. NOTICE. All persons having assessment blanks left them by the:Assessor to fill will please return thenm at olnce to Ills olffice. If not returned pronmptlythe assesslnent will be made by the Assessor from the best information hecanobtaln, and will add 20percent. as provided by law. R. T. GORHAM, Assessor, lull Cscado Colinty, Montana. CAL1FOtINIA EXCURSION TICKETS OVER THE UNION PACIFIC I1 RAILWAY. Until further notice California excursion tickets will be sold on the 15th of each month from Butte, Anaconda, Garrison and Helena. These tickets will be good t6 days going, extreme limilt6months from date of sale. a Rates to San Francisco or Los Angeles via Port- e land, apply via rail or steamer. Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: To San Francisco, going via Ogden and re turning same route ..................... $7500 To San trancisco, going via Ogden, and returning via Portlhnd, or vice versa.... $90 00 To Son Francisco, going via Portland, and returnlng same route ........... . $75 00 To Los Angeles vla Ogden altd Sacramento, and returning same route.............. 90 00 To Los Angeles, going via Ogden and Sac amelento, and retulrldng via San Francis co and Ogden, or vice versa ............. $94 (1 To Los Angeles, goling vl.a t)gdlen and Salln Francisco, returnlng same route........ $9 e To Los Angeles, gong via Portland and Sac.amento, and returningl same route. $94 00 To Los Angeles, going via Portlald and San Francisco, retorning same route... $98 00 To Los Angeles, going via Portland and re tnrning via Sacralnento ited Ogden, or vice versa ............................... $109 J. A. LEWIS, Gieneral Agent, Butte. The Leader Job Ofice. We have lately added a lotof new type to the LEAu, EIt'S jobbing department and are now preparcd to do all kinds of job printing, from a mammoth poaster to a calling card. Our stock of letterheads, noteheads, statements, billheads, and fine card board, is unexcelled for quality in Montana. 1 Give the LEAplLst olice a call and lie convinced. Prices reasonable. tf ISpeial Ial'gallnl. In nauslin underwear, at the New York Cash Bazaar. j3Otf I desire to kindly inform my patrons and the public in general that within a few days I will have three car loads of A No. 1 cedar fence posts that I can sell for 20 cts apiece. G. II. GoonRill.. Any person desirous of buying a type writing nmachine should call upon L.A. Fauquier at the Rocky Mountain Tele grapli office iand examrine the Crandall nachine (for which lie is agent) before purchasigl elsewhere. tf Just received a large ctnsigienmenlt of thie celebrated lI,:ttrerichl dress patterns. Send for fashion sheet. o.IoIL CoxiAiu. Pllenty still .n hand of those elegant Muslin Underwear, at Joe Conrad's. SMessrs. Judd & Devine have opened SIelightful ice cream phrlors in the house lately occupied bIy Mrs. Race's music store, where the inost delicious creams, fresh California fruits and lunches will be served. tf Ladies, don't forget that the oiily place to get ibargalu in shies is at Joe Con rad'is. THE HOLIDAY LEADER SIn wrappers ready for mailing, TEN ct'rsT a copy. Send it to all your friends. It is the best advertisement of Great Falls and Cascade County ever published. Apply at this office. Parties wishing their washing done in good style should send it to the Bay LIaundry. j21-tf JOHN S. MILLER, ATTORNEY. Short time paper cashed a- discount. -Omcee Dunn Block. Ju 12 ARION HALL, Saturday, July. 13. Return of Montana's favorite actress. Lottie Wade, Supported by the great Australian humorist, HENNESSY LEROYLE, In their Operatic DIunatie Protean Comedyentitied WHIAT IS IJT'.) And the exceedingly funny burletta Robinson Crusoe and Man Friday Admission, $1. - Children. 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, $1.18. Reserved seats can be secured at Ringwald & Carrier's Jewelry Store. Commission lerchant. Hay. Flour and Feed. Trees. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of Trees and Shrubs, such as follows: BOX ELDER, SUGAR MAPLE, BLACK LOCUST, HARDY CATALPA, RUSSIAN MULBERRY, AILANTHUS, Etc.. Of any Size or Age Desired, AT LOW FIGURES L.W. FAUQUIER, Office Opposite Park Hotel, GREAT FALLS, - MON''ANA THE B. aqd B. RE8TAUPl CHANGED HANDS. MRS. S. G. RICE, (Late of Chicago, Ill.) Having purchased the business and goxi will of tile late proprietors, will assume elUtrge of this Popular Restaurant On this Sundalty morning, Julle 1. i,|81l. She solicits a contnllulluanee of the forlmer ipaltronsll iand hopes, by her Charllling ways Itd luxurious lcuisine to court mllany ew faces to Ihr itble. Jl6t Gibbons & Maher. Harness, Saddles and Collars. Breeching Harness li'omn $80 to $50. Whips, Quirts, Currycombs and Brushes. Stock Saddles a. Slpecilty. Prompt Attention Given to Re pairing. CENTRAL AVE. - GREAT FALLS. SEA BATHS! At Home. Greatest Novelty Between Ihlb. t*·relam, At Park Hotel Bath Rooms. Having secured regular shipet.ltt of gPelnin salt sea water, we are now preptrlll to regale our customlllers with the luxury of Ia REAL SALT-WATEit HATII. The Invigorating and relmedllll elcats of set-bath ing, when not Indulged in to exc:ss. aie very whorher recsollnmeyded. To rOc lllo the ait. ti give tole to the lmlcles, Increse c ill apability to endurt fatllgue, i lvigoraltl llueblet d Illmll younlg Wonlllld clhildren or ersnlls with eaih ietlc t.oilts, tile se bath Is ole ol thie Ilst Ivaill able knowll remedies. Here Is presented tll rar4 e r hI'Iallt.y so hBIy Ing the beneits allt delights o sl.i-!a llllalg wltl. s eit the necessity of ia residen llce n Ile cEaslt. Baths at all hours --75 cells. Conluolln batlh--als isul---;i cenlliS. J4 A. tli D mIN, ,t ttisadmit. Chicago, Burlington & Northern R. R. Time 'lable : Leaves Great Fails 4:51 p. r. '. r1t. & l , Sr y. Arrive y at St. Ito-. a. :i. tiles 0........ Lv. St. Paul ................ ... 7:3( limi 1 lit........Ar. Wlin l..l ................ . 11:15 ,In 13........ " LaCrosse :....... ....... I .)l :ou lt....... Pr du ChiUl .............. 1:4.... in 258.... . luoe .......e....... :i.t lA i ' ........ " (ilet ........ ........ a lt ai S@5........ " Savannll .................. SI ::l Ul 892......... Oregon ................... 6 l. b iln 41...... .. " Chicago................... 97) ia 439........ Peoria ................ . 1: pfma 570........' St. LouI. ........ .... 1.. mRu4 Il Peerless Dining Cars anlld lllPilh 1llll '1 liepers on all through trols. No challg ,f ilcar tlo i'hlicgo or St. Louis. For tlckeLts, sltll.llhg elir loces.mlO diations, Local time tables ild otl.elr iiltorlntlonl, apply to Phil Gibson, 0 Freight & Pasllseng r Agt.. Ilczt aiulls, Or Address W. J. C. KENYON. I;11. i'sSewlnger Ag.. C, B. N. Hy., St. Paul, Muln