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% I V O *o k \ fx » »I Mr •;* PIONEER PAPER OF BIG MUDDY VALLEY Ml ^fvi psa« 19 ! li OFFICIAL PAPER OF PLE.NTYW003 i Ü 1 & Ä/ll Ail 1 / 3 ' X ' N V VOL 19. NO, IS PLENTYWOOD, SHERIDAN )UNTY, MONtNNA FRIDAY. JANUARY 7. 1927 $200 PER YEAH n rr a Senator G. E. Taylor Wins Contest f Helena, Jan. 5.—Papers estnb liMtiug the contest of A. T Larsen for Sheridan county's seat in the state senate have been received in Helena and was filed with the senate following its organization with the exception that they will be given early consideration by that body. State Senator Charles E Taylor, of Plentywood, who was re-elected to the senate last Novem ber as the Farmer-Labor candidate arrived in Helena Sunday, he hav ing been served with copies of the contest papers before leaving Plen tywood. The contest, instituted by the defeated Republican candidate, is based upon the grounds of non-resi_ dence, it being alleged dial Taylor , iefi Montana and was located in Minneapolis for about a year, and t iai he and his family did not re turn to Montana until last No mention is made in the contest papers of election irregularities in connection with absent voters bal* lots, upon which it was earlier planned to base the contest. Taylor denies that he ever re moved his residence from Montana, f claims he was out of the state but nine months, that he always re tained his residence in Montana and had no intention of removing permanently from the state. After the contest p ipers had been referred to the Committee on Elec / \ / Sept lions, Senator Taylor's position was sustained and he has been placed t 4 mi feveTal important committees. Rural Harrier Examination Mont, receipt of applications for Which will close Feb. 2, 1927. to fill the rural carrier at McCabe. Mont., Oil rural routes from that post office The date of examination will be stated on admission cards mailed to The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an ex / ' amination to be held at Plentywood, and vacancies that mav later occur rural carrier on a standard daily wagon route of 24 miles is $1,800 applicants after the dose of receipt of applications. Ihe salary of a per annum, with an additional $30 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in exc-ss of 24 miles.. The salary on motor routes ranges from $2,450 to $2,G00 i per annum, according to length. Separate examinations for motor routes and wagon routes are no longer held. Appointments to noth positions will be made for the same THE EXAMINATION register. WILL BE OPEN ONLY TO Cl IT DOMICILED IN THE TERRITORY OF THE POST OFFICE WHERE ' meet the other requirements se: >4 ZENS WHO ARE ACTUALLY THE VACANCY EXISTS and who forth in Form 1977. Both men and women, if qualified, may enter (his examination, but appointing / officers have the legal right t(J spec ify the sex desired in requesting Women I certifica'ion of eligibles. wiil not be considered for rural carrier appointment unless they are widows of U. S. soldiers, sailors, or marines, or the wives of U. S, ^sol diers, sailors, or marines who are physically disqualified for examina tion bv reason of injuries received A in the line of military duty. Form 1977 and application blanks may be obtained from*the vacancy office mentioned above or from -the United j Applications 1 j r States Civil Service, Commission at ; Washington, D C. must he on file with the Commis sion at Washington, D C., prior to! the close of business on the date At the examina- 1 specified above. (ion, Mounted photographs of themselve \ea within two years. \ 11 applicants must furnish un HOTTEST BASKET BALL GAME COMING j Plentywood and Antelope High School Boys' Teams Will Mf<et at Farmer-Labor Temple Next Wed nesday Evening. Oh, boy, it will sure be some hot I old frame, when the team to the neighboring town south of this city, Antelope, meets the High School boys' team at the Farmer-Labor Tem ple in Plentywood next Wednesday evening. Intense rivalry exists between the members of the two basketball teams ami with the added glor^ of being in line for the championship of Sher idan county, the game will be a fast, scientific affair. Both teams are getting ready for the big game, which they consider as being the hardest fought outside of the tournament game, and neither of the teams are taking any chance on being in poor condition Wednes day evening. It is said that basketball fans are coming ffom all sections of the coun ty to see this battle and get a lineup on what their home high school teams have got to meet, because the boys will do all their stuff to win from each other when they meet. Keller Named New Assistant U. S. Ally. L. V. Ketter of Sidney, former assistant at torney general, wilt be appointed assis tant United States district attorney by District Attorney Wellington D. Rankin t ) succeed Francis Silver of Hutte, who submitted his resignation Monday accord ing to word received in Great Falls. Mr. Ketter was appointed assistant attorney general in 1923 and served for t*o years under Mr. Rankin and for a short time under L. A. Foot, present attorney general. Since his resignation from that position in January, 1925, he h is been practicing law at Sidney. It is understood that Mr. Rankin nf fi red the post of assistant United Stat < : attorney to Mr Ketter wiien the former succeeded John L. Slattery, but was un able to accept at that time Mr. Silver has been assistant United Sialei attorney under both Mr Slattery and Mr. Rankin. His resignation, which becomes effective on January 5, will per mit him to return to private practice, Mr. Silver has appeared in the local federal district court at every term since ha became a member of the district at I' orn ' v ' 8 offlce ' la8t «PP^ance here beuig last month, when a special grand jury session was held. Föderal court is now in progress at Butte and both Mr Rankin and Mr. Silver are in that city, The oilier assistant district attorney in Montana is Albert Anderson of Billings, who was appointed following the resigna tion of Wellington H Meigs, a Slattery appointee, who was elected district judge here last November. Civic Betterment Club Wants Library Rest Room in another column will be found a blank petition which the 'Civic Better ment Club is circulating with the in tention of inducing the County Com missioners to set aside the rooms now occupied by the McKee Land Com pany, in the Library building, for the purpose of a ladies' rest room. It is intended that this room should be fitted with a couch and mirrors and visiting women and children could be accommodated. This, the club con tends, can be accomplished at a mini mum of expense and would prove of ^ rea ^ convenience, to the mothers of Sheridan county. Readers of the Herald are request e . d to s '£ n . cut out and mail the peti tions to Box 714, Plentywood. nursery arrangements so that Call For Bids The Town Council of the Town of Plen tywood will receive sealed bids for Lig nite c 'al to be furnished and delivered at the Fire Hal1 and Pu,n P Station for a I period of four months. Bids must he in j the hands of the Town Clerk by 6 o.clock i Monday January 17th, 1927. The Town ! any ' j Council reserves the right to reject or all bids. E. E. Belanski, Town Clerk. I j PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS The seventh and eighth grade ex aminations will be held in Plenty- ! wood on Thursday and Friday, Janu arj Examination Schedule FitTDay. ^ * î):0 °. Civics; -10:15, Recess; 10:30, History; 12:00, Intermission; 1:30 I Grammar; 3:00, Recess; 3:15, Read- j ing; 4:15, Close. Second Day. 9:00, Arithmetic; 11:00, Recess; | 11:15, Spelling; 12:00, Intermission; j 2:30, * Physiology, Agriculture; Geography; 4:00, Close. LINDA E. HALL, Deputy County Supt. 40-12 c ïobo< [yo \ ng - % /^r^T PLü I»V# : » m ' is * < 7 ;-*î W* I t ■T\ A r -3V>' A Mt/Ls'è - *■ $ ,, K 4 t— — f 3s sal NT V - ■ > . *■ ■r \ \ \ NXAV 3 I -/j t £ i ■iWcf ^ w s' i? Truax Lignite Mines at Columbus N. D. Sold Fa rgo, Dec. 31 —Sale of th' Fruax Lignite strip mines at ColunP bus, N. D., was elTet'ted in Minne apolis yesterday, according to infor ■nation becoming available in Fargo todav. in Approximately a half million d >1 la s is the price paid for the larges. e ip ibining properties in Dakota, and among ihe largest Tip world Off for the. West Coa it Mr. and Mrs Joe Redmond, ac c tmpanied by Miss Heiga Hen trick sm and Ralph Lund, left l is Su day on their way to Los r Angeles. I (ley left by auto and hop -d to make the I rip by tint r ute. Tb Redmonds will return next -aring Miss Hendrickson resigned at the clerk and recorder's office and has accepted a position in Los Ralph Lund will return a month's vacation from his duties at Peterson Co AngtTp after Lutheran Aid Elects Officers The Lutheran Aid held their regular meeting Thursday afternoon in the church basement. At this time officers wire elected for i lie coming veer as .follow.-: President. Mrs, C G. Christianson; Vice Pres ident. Mrs. A. N. Oswald; S, cv Mrs. Egge; Treas. Mrs. D. J, Ol-on After the business was over dames Klovstr.d and Oswald luncheon to which many non-un i. t friends were invited. Me Si r- * « Tell Him'Now f with pleasure you are viewing Any work a man is doing, If you like it or approve it, tell him nov • Don't withhold your approbation Fill the parson makes oration. And he lies with snowy lilies on his brow: For. no matter how yon shout it. He won't hear a word about it He won't know how many teard op you have shed. If you think some prabe is due him. Now's the time to give it to him; He can't read what's on his tombstoi e when he's dead. Is the comment, kind and sunny A[ld the hearty warin approval of „ More than fame and more than money friend; For it gives his life a savor. And it makes him stronger, braver. And it gives him heart and spirit to the end. If he earns your praise, bestow it; Now's the time to let him know it_ Let the words of true encouragement he said. Do not wait till life is over, A nd he's underneath the clover; He can't read what's on his tombstone when he's dead -Illinois Central Magazine Lust Tuesday evening twelve h dies attended a Dinner Party at tin beautiful home of Mr." George! a second dinner party was given in Wiigbt, given in Honor of Mrs I,* - eile Jacklitie; and Wednesday noon 'lier honor at Wests Cafe 8; 4, Miner Onils Uild Demficriiic Parly ! in Bu le. J ai. J £.~The Hutte Miner will in a; s issue, Tali.iv, i g "1 ns the pleasure Mil i ta announce. carr ; he een • i tile B tt lb it • ffective Jdiitt .rv 3, 1127. b will adhere to ep mb ip political polie . The ; responsive w the of tin ; comity a d in furth er, to. ts p >' y aim. re - tT >i ; will iw made to broaden it- service 1 to th pople of Silver Bow covmv, ! and to Ir* stale of Modk ii . (Si)imd) 1 n m ' Butn* Mi : : "W A. Clark, Jr, Preside,!,.. B<n M . >r C v ' IVl L. E. Heir. E ter . : n? w dnesdav afternoon Mr i a indies and in the t* L E. ilflin enterrai I we d . en I 'g Mined a group of the aine nu ihe;. Aftei sessions of bringe, .it b th affairs the tables .>vv cleared an j d iinth arr ■ njed r the hmclreoii servic e The holid, ! <r s.-lim - was earned out wh h candles in in In the lividual crystal h Idem afternoon Mrs. 1J. M, Lewi; Z.eb irth were givei ;iu A. F. V rs. prizes and in ife-eve ing Tie priz - were awarded o M . E. L Mille and Mk. R E. La - wns assist* d b The hostess is-. Laura lien*. Pisntywood Masons install flew Officers Instillation of officer-- for the en ni g year featured th* régula ■ mtmnicaiioii of tb- Plentywood L*r> N*>. 91, A F & A. M. held Wednesday evening at the Mason rooms. Order of installation; H. L. Lar ron, W. M ; A. Enfield. S. W' ; !.. J Oustad, J. W.; Win, Ericks * , reas.; J. G. Wagner, H in, S D.; Lc'ctud Kitzeoherg, J. i); L. E Rue, S. S.; Louis Lrnith, J S; E E. tvickson, Cliaplaiti. Secy,; 1. Btdanski, Lyle*; Wm,; Mb*rt Luci - Bolster and Edythe Be!I, both of this city, were mar ried Tuesday evening bv Judg Gordon Mrs Delphi i Chirk and Jo-cph LiFlash w re ti e attend ants ai Hie (■■ rernony. Mr and M rs, Bols'er are miking tneir hone lv re. Both young people -ire well k i iwn, having bee i empk for some time and a ho;-1 of.friend are exiendjng thani every wLh fo j ed he: h tpiimess. Mr. Bolster, better known among bis ftietids a^J'Ked" is Mr. a.d Mrs. G -or - i st* r, well •' n vn Pleatvw t< uit-ic Mrs B e *r is the dan .id r of Mr. ami Beil of Lambert'! the pioneer families of! |n< rtbeasicr;; M aiMin -Woi! Po.n Herald the of son Mr .^Alp'io. s • „1 'die f l B. GAME AND 1NCL SAT. NIGHT 1 City to 1; i earn a City Team rchestra to Fur 'h-.v A ■ CD; it' Dance. h Musi rrov (Saturday) night the y teams of llcutywood and Ante ■■■ v. ill clash on the basketball floor the Farr ices should be >od one, as Antelope is noted for * - k i! all t- ams which it turns t. v bother it be high school or ow i team. The Plentywood team is a few looking forward to the battle y night with a great deal of loo will be here enmasse to r 'I cmple, after b ; big dance \ ill be held. 1 o encounter between the cit; t'.VO ! after skirmisher husia; m. ■ tour team :i t, victory and bring along a good quota from He rvé, who are also interested in the elope team. _ AH the t -hould got out and o the "iime an; 1 encourage the ■ ■me bojs to. bring home the bacon. Win e's Orchestra Will Play, rst but not least will be a dance f- tin; big game. The White's or '0 - a furnish the music. Sav ing orcb. -stras have played ntyw; id of late, but last Friday ■ al l.'uv ai y ■ oui ii;; thii Wliite orchestra took the ■ go, and it was the consensus of . ; don that the home boys had the if-'ide music ''1; kod clear off the A big crowd will lie present -o trip the light lantastic too to the" appy music. little Change Sheridan County Rooster Then' w.,t oi ly m c new face in h<; Sheridan count I no red line-up to he as CmiMut Toners Iverson, 1'rt , and Ka ie net in regular s ision Monday sLe >»(*<■ a, that one Siiicieion. the sup rintendent of Ed Iverson was elected b.iing newly schools. EHi V)l-s t Icc.ed nairman of the (' only Board ft r he c .tiling tvso < ars The appoint incuts oi all tniiU T deputies and rl.s were duK n (>er Schedule. New (' )i nty t/fficer. i'lu io i- scarcely any change in the :.iciahloni at the court hou.-e. Miss i , who tcuographer at the i.'ouaty Attorney';; office for the . ! ■' six months i. now in the Coun ,, Clerk and Recorder's office, re . jiiyv Miss Heh;.; Hendrickson who to Los Angeles, for a vacation T two norths or longer. Mrs. Rabb tb 1 - ..- tc. ii.uTupiior in the Coun Attorney's office. Miss Ethel !ii";ii ton is the only new county of Fhe defeated Miss Crone at verr.hor election for the office Co'uitj Superintendent of Schools, ■liss Singleton took office Monday i :d retained Miss Linda Hall as chief : eputy. Miss Hall held the josition under Mi puble executive. - err .1 ■ same ; Crone and is a Miss Singleton ■ pointed Mrs. Debing, wife of, the I'lcntywood Abùtraatman, as steno grapher. New Library Board, The Commissioners appointed Prjf, ■ of Gutlook, Mrs. Salisbury of o n* and County Superintend it "1 Su.oon Ethel Singleton to act library board for the coinimr H s Get Barley Diet E. CATTLE \ 11.9 % HORSES 17.7% POULTRY 10.5 % MISCELLANEOUS 1 9.0 % HOGS 50.9 % if. to ) m > 4 cji / t£3/ (Stnu n- K m'huck A^iiruUural FounUati A : rrylrnatoly 50,00(),O0Ü bushels of U iM h f, " ! t( ' f " n " «"dtuais lu i the 1.tilled States this year if the ( 'ii nop outlook is fiiihih'd. or j iii i a trili ■ over on** half, "f ■i'ordlng t,o the- li-.mvs com-1 pilo; by the .«tears IpM-hu.-l \ari* ul-; Dirai Foumlulion, ^is eonsunied hv I Next to them, l.oi>*-s cat most barley, or 17.7'E of all luirley fed j o farm animals. Then 11 u- is ft L to ratile, mo-Ilv to diiirv t -v - In tb am Of trirley .. ; * 'blebs get av.-.-y Willi aii-dn „ . leaving !V/f i used for miscellaneous feed purposes, lar.ey l.s the chief competitor of corn pvehdly D bar! Mil ■U.9%, the h< lire stock feel and i n portant in the northern enrn belt is and Pacific jrdlng lu coast states, the Foundation's experts. Annnei fejpieraiie Was Huge Success The Annual on by the Degi here New Years E Hall Ma-qurade ce of houoi put Led 'e wax, one of the s of the liuiuli d pt real social succi Close to five season. epic iv ere be costumes ever put on we e a w.,rde.l in atiendance, nd weie we feel the h. m the floor. Ttie ns follows: Best rented costunn t . I' dames Best Guenther. dost Comical Costu < tor, as "leaping Lena." Costume: prizes Mr. -elope. i home-made coutume: Jonaid-son and How, „u Ste llest couple; M nan and iiodi .»t Marion iva; un K] Ho. >' Sali; bury, three o. more : M<, York, Stoner ami Moore. National Cost c.- c group of Lelto^ unie; Ger udo Child's rht and Ma HOSt Mildred garet Lang. Those a> atteudauce (his one of ihe "Best Ti have ever bad m Plentywood. At mi liiiglit (jid T aiher Time came ibrough ished, amid ,b - pronounced mes" the\ ftse hail, and van tolling of the bell-, and duiing the K adi ig of an , pnate seiet lion bv Mrs. [<, j-;, vVliii., and immediately ippro the lights turned on, and little Daphne White tnpp,d down the hall, the New Year, and Mrs weie representing Mahd Gim appropnate reading Year. ther gave for ushering m the Nt an ii. oi H. Installs Officers Mr; I .iiciiB Jaekline of Glasgow State President of the Degree of Honor lodge, made Tier t lfici o v eit to Plentywood Lodge last Tu -day evening, installing new officers for 1927, as folfows: President; Maude Gnidh last President: Farm seine White. Vice President: Hattie Peterson. 2nd Vice P.esidem: Joshia Stoner, financial Secretrury: She ! Greer, 1 reasnrtr: Anna Ushtr: Khoda York, <T Assistant Usher: Louit Inner v\ atch: Ne In* } Guter vv.iith; Truax Gn-er. Mrs. Jackline left Wednesday lor Medicine Lake Knight. itzgeraid. where she installed their officers Wednesday and Weciuesda evening, V 1 vemng ,i group of Plentywood Bake and attended with her. People niomred to the this meeting No'ice To Public A good many comp .-tints have been made with regard to children rides on autvjnioliile,s and other in the town; wood lias no ordinance time to regulate "catching vehicles and as the Town of Plenty at the present siieli practices, die drivers of automobiles and other vehicles ai 1 the parents of such children, min t co-operate in endeavoring to discourage such actions on the part of the children Every diiver. in order lo avoid liability in case of accident, should in every in stance prevent children from catching nr attempting to catch rides; safe way of avoiding ill* accidents, both on the part oi the drivers aid parents is to prevent and discourage children from continuing such a Uangerous practice. The Town will in no cose and tu« only responsibility of assume any responsibility for such, accidents. James G. Wagner, Mayor. Dec. 31-2-t NOTICE The fVüDBY Elevator win be closed for ihe , Season begining Jan aaru Ofif S • * ThOSC Who have grain ** ... -TOW Will FCCOÎVC Free i a j ^OragC Until June 1st, J027. * left and wish to haul it Progressive Farmers Oub, Inc. Plentywood, Mont.