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N TE thank our many patrons for the very lib- 1 77eral patronage accorded us during the past year and trust our business relations have 4been such as to warrant a continuance of the same in the future. We wish, also, to extend the compliments of the season and wish one and all a prosperous and happy New Year. 4+ Beckwith Mercantile Co. 4 ~ST. IGNATIUS, MONTANA 4 ýryý_" ý '-diýýýýLý 1°1 "_-1ý+'P -1y'ý1 ý "T1ýLiýT-+ý++T ýT 4T We Grow Trees In larger quantity and greater variety than any other nursery within a radius of nearly 1000 miles. We grow more trees adapted to the needs of Montana planters than any other nursery on earth. There are no better trees than ours grown anywhere. We Want Your Trade You Want Our Trees Let Us Price Your List. Montana Nursery Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA. The Pioneer for Job Printing Low Round Trip Tourist Fares from Montana Points To the East NoV. 18, Dec. 21. and 22 Final Return Limit 60 Days From Date of Sale (The Great Northern Railway has put into effect on Nov. 18, Dec. 21 and 22, round trip summer tourist fares from points on its line in Montana to Atchison, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. Pueblo, Colo. Chicago, Ill. Leavenworth, Kan. St. Joseph, Mo. Colorado Springs, Colo. Milwaukee, Wis. St. Louis, Mo. Council Bluffs, Ia. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn, Denver, Colo. Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, Ia. Duluth, Minn. Peoria, Ill. Superior, Wis. These tickets are first-class and carry the privilege of OPTIONAL ROUTES either on the going or return trip within the final return limit of the ticket, 60 days from date of sale, going transit limit being 10 days from date of sale. Stopovers on tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., only, will be allowed at all points on the going trip within the going transit limit and on the return trip within the final limit of tickets. To all other destinations all points at and west of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, Minn., Superior, Wis., Sioux City and Council Bluffs, Ia., Omaha, Neb., St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo., and Atchison and Leavenworth, Kan.,on the going trip within the going transit limit, and on the return trip within the final limit of tickets. Take up with any Great Northern Agent and let him help you arrange your itinerary, etc., or write J. T. McGAUGHEY, Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent, HELENA, MONT. a Notice for Publication. (Non-coal land) Departmentof the Interior,U.S.Land Office at Missoula, Montana, Dec. 4, 1911.-Notice is hereby given that Zach ary P. Beachboard of St. Ignatius, Montana, who, on May 24, 1910, made Hd. No. 02149 for Unit A, se se Sec. 24, T. 18 N. R. 20 W. M.M., has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Coker F. Rath bone, a U. S. Commissioner, at Ronan, Montana, on the 22nd day of January, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: George H. Beckwith, Mathew M. Mil ler, Benjamin S. Beachboard, Oscar Farrell, all of St. Ignatius, Montana. JOSIAH SHULL, dec 8 jan 5 Register. Notice for Publication (Non-coal land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Missoula, Montana, Nov. 20, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Edward H. Wade, of Ronan, Montana, whoon January 23rd, 1911, made Hd. No. 03116, for Unit E., SW3 SWW Section 13 Twp. 21 N., Range 21 W. M. M., has filed notice of inten tion to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Coker F. Rathbone, a U. S. Commissioner, at Ronan, Montana, on the 6th, day of Jan., 1912. Claim ant names as witnesses: Robert K. Ireton, Ira E. Barnes, George Godfrey and Albert Desseuer, all of Ronan, Montana. JOSIAH SHULL, nov24-dec 29 Register. MRS. LARZ ANDERSON. Wife of United Statet Minister to oel glum Is Richest Woman Writer. Mrs. Lars Anderson, wife of the newly appointed United States minis-. ter to Belgium. Is America's richest woman writer. Her fairy tales rot children have attracted favorable at tention, and her royalties from her books are large. She writes under the same of Isabel Anderson. Mrs. Anderson's maiden name was Isabelle Perkins, and her grandfather was Stephen Weld of Boston, who left her a fortune of $17,000.000. To her mother lie left an equal sum. It was while traveling through Eu rope, chaperoned by Mrs. Maud Elliott. MSil. LABS ANDERSON. a daughter of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, that Miss Perkins met Lais Anderson, then secretary of the American lega tion in Rowue, and they were married not long afterward. In 1901, when she was presented to King Edward of England and his queen at a drawing room in Bucking ham palace, Mrs. Anderson wore a gor geous dress said to have cost $500,000. The gown was sewed with pearls and spangled with real diamonds for dew drops. Her diamond slippers cost $1.000 each. Lars Anderson was born in Paris in 1866 and is the son of the late General Nicholas Anderson and a nephew of General Robert Anderson of Fort Sumter fame. He fitted for college at Exeter, N. i., and was graduated from Harvard in the class of 1888. He was secretary of embassy at London from 1891 until 1893 and first secre tary and charge d'affaires at Rome from 1893 until the outbreak of the Spanish war. He is a commander of the Italian Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare and a grand officer of the Crown of Italy. He is a member of the Order of the Cincinnati and of many American and foreign clubs. CROWN PRINCE CHRISTIAN. Future King of Denmark Will Visit the United States. Crown Prince Christian of Denmark is to visit the United States in Octo ber. He will sail from Copenhagen on board a Danish man-of-war, escort ed by a cruiser and a gunboat, to visit those Danish possessions in the West Indies the sale of which to this coun try was at one time the subject of ne gotiations, which came to nothing ow ing to an overwhelming popular senti ment in Den mark against their abandon ment. From the West Indies the cro w n prince and his squad ron will come north, stopping at Annapolis and Washington, where he will visit President Taft and later touching at New York, where CnowN PtINCE there is a large cIamsTIAN. Danish born population. From New York he will proceed to Canada, where he will be entertained by the new governor gen eral, the Duke of Connaught, and by the duchess at Ottawa. The crown prince is a very tall, pow erfully built man, forty-one years old. He holds the rank of major general in the Danish army and is married to one of the two sisters of the late reigning Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the other sister being the crown princess of Germany. He has two sons, one twelve and the other eleven years old, and his next brother. Charles, now occupies the throne of Norway under the title of King Hin kon VII. The crown prince is also a nephew of Queen Alexandra of Eng land, of King George of Greece and of the widowed empress of Russia. He came quite prominently into the public eye of America In connection with the role he played in welcornmng Dr. Cook at Copenhagen as the lik coverer of the north pole. The crown prince is very rich and will inherit still greater wealth on the death of his mother. Queen Louise. who is six feet two and one-half inches tali and is the richest royal lady" of CUT OUT DOG'S KIDNEYS AND PUT THEM BACK. Experiment Proved Possibility of Grafting Vital Organs. The official obituary or a dog which had both kidneys '-ano ed atd one of them replanted In the Interasts of sci ence is published in the August num ber of the Jourunal of Eiperimental Medicine by Dr. Aiu-1ia Carrl of the Rockefeller Institute Fr" :Medlical Re search. The dog lived '.'-n yea"rs and five months, raised two 'iu'er.- of pups and died from caces in no way re lated to the momentous operations to which it was subjected to prove the possibility of replanting and grafting vital organs. The first experiment was made on Feb. 0, 1908. The dog was put under an anaesthetic at 10:12 a. m., and the left kidney was taken out and dissect ed. The kidney was Washed with Locke's solution and immersed in the solution until the surgeons were ready to replace it at the end of fifty min utes. At 4 o'clock that afternoon the dog, was able to walk and drink. The next day the animal appeared to be in nor mal condition. Thirteen days later the dog's right kidney was extirpated, but the organic functions were performed perfecely by the remaining kidney. which, had been taken out and re placed. The dog continued to live in comfort under the surgeons' eyes. In March, 1909, she mothered eleven puppies, and in December, 1900, she had tiree more. The following May Dr. Carrel examin ed her again and found her in excel lent condition. An intestinal obstruction suddenly appeared in .Tuly, 1910, and the dog died. Dr. Carrel also records the success ful patching of the abdominal aorta of a dog with a piece of rubber, resulting in thq complete regeneration of the extirpated tissue by the adjacent parts of the vessel. The caliber of the aor ta, examined fifteen months after the experiment, had not been impaired. Dr. Carrel's conclusion is that under certain conditions a foreign inert sub stance can be used to repair the walls of a large artery. CHAMPION CHERRY EATER. Denver and Rio Grands President Makes Good Hia Boast President E. T. Jeffery of the Den ver and Rio Grande, Vice President and General Manager lchlacks of the Western Pacific, (Geaaeraal Traffic Man ager Hughes and Messrs. Blair, Mason and McCutcheon, three New York bankers, set a world's recori at l)u rang% Colo, as cherry enters,. The party was taken in automobiles for a ride up the Animas valley. Along the line are many fauit orchards. At the Edgar Buchanan ranch fruit of about every description was found apples, peachls. pears, apricots, them ries, plums and all the small fruits. "I believe I -na eat more cherries than any man in the world." Mr. Jef fery said to his host. ai-. liuchanan Messrs. Blair, Mason and Mcruatlc-on took this as a challenge acnd ecilared that the only way to decide the quea tion was by an actual test. Farmer Buchanan brought on fi-t bushels of his best cherries and told the four men to go to them. Thay did and never stopped until most of the fruit had disappeared. Mr. ilair was first to drop out and was soonaf fl lowed by Mason and Macutchean. "Why, I've just started." said .Tef fery and then ate three peaches for good measure. He was then v.aled 1th champion cherry eater. WARSHIPS TESTING COAL. Competition Between Cruisers Using Eastern and Western Product. Naval officers are Interested in the outcome of a coal competition between two warships of the Pacific fleet using the Pacific coast and enastern coat. For several months experiments have been under way with western coal In the I hope that it might be found as satis factory for steaming purposes as the eastern fuel. If this should prove true It would mean a big reduction in cost of the fuel used by the navy depairt went. The two ships are the armored cruis ers Washington and Colorado, one burning western and the other east ern coal. These two ships have been chosen for the reason that they are not only sister ships, but their engines, boilers and furnaces are identical. With both using the same kind of coal they have been found to make exactly the same speed and to have the same steaming endurance per ton of fuel consumption. TAFT IN VERSE. Written by Wisconsin Woman, Who Sends Copy to the White House. Mrs. Lizzie A. Lucy of Janesville, Wis., who has always had great diffi culty in remembering the names of the presidents in consecutive order, has written a series of verses to assist her memory, a copy of which she sends to Mr. Taft. Referring to Presidents Roosevelt and Taft, he verses run: Then came one dear to the people's heart, Who proved resourceful from the start, Who with large questions had always dealt Genial Theodore Roosevelt. * * * After him the chair was filled by one in administration skilled. An honest man, devoid of craft, Opposed to trusts and spoils and graft Our present chieftain, good Bill Taft. The White House force is endeavor ing to calculate the relative difficulty of remamberlag twenty-six names or twliraticx rTo" of 0tioet. ThE RONAN PIONEER FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1911. Mail Schedule Stage arives from Ravalli at 12:00 m. Departs for Ravalli at 9:80 a. m Church Directory CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Order of Services Services will be held in the Catholic church on the 1st, and 3rd, Sunday of every month and during some week days. On Sunday the first mass will be said at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass will be sung at 10 o'clock and catechicm will be taught at 2 o'clock p. m. The Father will reside partly in Ro nan, partly in PoIson. FATHER EDWARD GRIVA S. J. METHODIST. Preaching services every first and third Sunday each month at 11:80 a.m. Sunday school, to which all are in vited at 10:80 a. m. Rev. A. D. Welch, pastor. MILTON WESTON HALL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office 1st door west BELL Phone 3 of Pablo & Potvin's RONAN, MON1r. Z. B. SILVER, AUCTIONEER Phone 49 POLSON, MONT. A. Sutherland Attorney-at-Law Special attention given to collections. RONAN, - - - MONTANA John P. Swee LAWYER Practices in all the courts and before the U. S. Land Offices. Office up stairs in the Pioneer Building. RONAN : MONTANA H. P. Napton Attorney and Counselor at Lau Will practice in State and Federal courts POLSON, MONTANA. C. F. RATHBONE, U. S. Commissioner. Transacts all kinds U. S. land business and prepares legal papers. Pioneer office RONAN, MONTANA JOHN E. FUHRER, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURoEON U. S. R. SERVICE "FLATHEAD PROJECT" OPPICE9 NEXT DOOR Bell phone 7 aONAN STATE SANK RONAN, MONTANA DR. GEO. H. PUTNEY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GLASSES FITTED OFFICES IN THE PABLO BUILDING. SELL 'PHONE 1 RONAN, MONT Get COL CAMPION of Ronan to sell your Ranch and Town Property at Auction The only quick way of selling real estate successfully. For general sales, dates and terms, enquire at the Pioneer office. Louis K. POOL Civil Engineer and Surveyor My reservation maps of vacant lands are now up to date. POLSON MONTANA For latest styles in LADIES FURNISHINGS Millinery, etc., remember MARY DUPLESSIS My stock is new and prices right RONAN, MONTANA. Lake Shore Livery and Feed Barn NEAR THE DOCKS POLSON, MONTANA First-Class Accommodations a Reasonable Prices FRANK STONE, Proprietor To be in the lead you mustsell something better than others THAT IS WHAT THE Ronan Tailoring Co. Does. We sell the best for the least money, always. SCEARCE Auto Stage Line Patronize the line with head quarters in Ronan. Two cars-the Big 6-Pierce and the Big Sightseer, give daily ser vice, between Ronan and RavaUlI and.Ronan and Poison.