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THE RONAN PIONEER FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912. Mail Schedule Stage arives from Ravalli at 12:00 m. Departs for Ravalli at 9:30 a. m Church Directory CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Order of Services Services will be held in the Catholic church on the 1st, and 3rd, Sunday of every month and during some week days. On Sunday the first mass will be said at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass will be sung at 10 o'clock and catechicm will be taught at 2 o'clock p. m. The Father will reside partly in Ro nan, partly in Poison. FATHER EDWARD GRIVA S. J. METHODIST. Preaching services every first and third Sunday each month at 11:30 a.m. Sunday school, to which all are in vited at 10:30 a. m. Rev. A. D. Welch, pastor. JOHN E. FUHRER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON U. S. R. SERVICE "FLATHEAD PROJECT" OFFICE NEXT DOOo Independent phone 284 RONAN STATE SANK RONAN, MONTANA DR. GEO. H. PUTNEY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GLASSES FITTED OFFICES IN THE PABLO BUILDING. INDEPENDENT 164 RONAN, MONT. MILTON WESTON HALL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office 1st door west BELL Phone 3 of Pablo & Potvin's RONAN, MONr. A. SUTHERLAND Attorney-at-Law Special attention given to collections. RONAN, - - - MONTANA JOHN P. SWEE Lawyer Practices in all the courts and before the U. S. Land Offices. Office up stairs in the Pioneer Building. RONAN : : MONTANA H. P. NAPTON Attorney at Lau Will practice in State and Federal courts PoLsoN, MONTANA. C. F. RATHBONE, U. S. Commissioner. Transacts all kinds U. S. land business and prepares legal papers. Pioneer office RONAN, MONTANA LOUIS K. POOL Civil Engineer and Surveyor My reservation maps of vacant lands are now up to date. POLSON MONTANA COL. M. E. CAMPION Auctioneer Ronan, Montana Dates can be made at the Pioneer office Foss-- The Employment Man has opened the Montana Labor Agency, 120 W. Front Street, Missoula, Florence Hotel block. Phone orders for help at our expense. Bell 726. For latest styles in LADIES FURNISHINGS Millinery, etc., remember MARY DUPLESSIS My stock is new and prices right RONAN, MONTANA. Ronan Cafe New location New furnishings Everything first-class Single Meals 35 Cents SHORT ORDERS Fresh bread and pastry of all kinds. CHARLES DORRIS. Lake Shore Livery and Feed Barn NEAR THE DOCKS POLSON, MONTANA First-Class Accommodations a Reasonable Prices FRANK STONE, Proprietor THE ONLY WAY -TO Camas Hot Springs is by way of Sloan's Ferry Ferry Hotel In Connection. REASONABLE PRICES WM. W. STEES ARCHITECT Save money by getting plans and specifications before building Rates reasonable Ronan, : Montana THE Pioneer Pool Hall Is the place to spend your leisure time. Best tables in town. If you come and see us once, you will sure come again. RICHARD McLEOD Rooms in Connection TRY OUR Fine Confectionery Cigars and Tobacco New line of elegant Stationery, also Tablets, etc. Hot Chocolate, Cocoa, and other hot drinks. Try them. In the Opera House block. H. M. COX, Prop. THE ST. IGNATIUS POOL HALL ED. DESCHAMPS, Proprietor. First Pool Hall on the hill above the Mission Hotel Four Good Tables, Soft Drinks Candies, Cigars, Tobacco. Courteous Treatment to All. THE First National Bank of Missoula, Mont. CAPITAL and SURPLUS . $400,000.00 ELCELLENT FACILITIES OFFICERS: F. S. Lusk, - - - President Frank H. Elmore - - Vice President E. A. Newlon, - - - Cashier Harvey S. Holt, - - Asst. Cashier Do You Wish to Sell? If so, write us. We have buy ers for property at the right price. We have some improved in come property in Missoula to trade in part payment for land on the Flathead. Write us for par ticulars. Money to loan on patented lands. W. H. Smead Company Missoula, Montana. RONAN MEAT MARKET For the choicest fresh meats steaks, boils, roasts, etc., call at the Ronan Meat Market. Our aim is to please our cus tomers. H. M. Gehiert 2nd door East of M. J. Benedict's A. Sutherland Dealer in Real Estate' Insurance: Only firstelass com panies represented. Notary Public: Conveyancing, neatly promptly and correctly' attended to. $6,000 A 125 acre irrigated hay ranch, 6 miles north of Bigfork; fairly well improved; yields a $1.000 crop every year. $500: To loan on real estate. 400 Acres near Ronan to lease. Cheap. Ronan Choice building lot on north side at $225.00 Large well built house and lot. $1250.00 House 14 x 24 and lot on the north' side $425. Two room house and two lots (one a corner lot) cheap $700.00 Call and list your property and I will find you buyers. It interested watch this adv. for frequent changes. Ronan, Montana. *The Spotted Death A Story of Vengeance By F. A. MITCHEL Years ago In the little town of Fre jus, France-the same Frejus at which Napoleon 1. landed lwho?; he es caped from Elba-located on the shore of the Mediterranean sea, there lived in adjoining places a veritabh Paul and Virginia. The young man, Elouard Le Fevre, at eighteen was ratter of the northern than the souther,- type, having a profusion pf light curly hair and blue eyes. Helene Boucteault was at seventeen a tall, slender girl with hair and eyes contrasting with those of her lover. Both were strik ingly handsome, and when together the difference in type rendered them especially noticeable. Then, too, they delighted to climb to the heights behind their homes, where they could look down upon the long tortuous line of foam extending north ward and southward, fringing the sea a deep blue, a pale green or liquid slil ver. Their companionship grew into love without their being conscious of the transition. Loving was like breath ing, and, not having been sensible of its beginning, they took no thought of its ending. When the break came it was a great shock to both. Edouard was sent to Paris to complete his education and study a profession. For some time be fore his departure there was scarcely an hour that the two lovers were not together. It Is usually the man who encourages the woman, but in this case It was the woman who encourag ed the man, though of tIm two it is probable she suffered the more. She held up before hint pictures of his re turn at vacation time and finally, after he had acquired his profession, their "I AM THE SPOTTED DEATH I" SHE SAID. home together in Marseilles or some of the larger places on the French ledl terranean coast. But Edounrd seemed to have a foreboding that these pic tures would never le realized. The lovers counted the days between vacations, and as one vacation after another brought a realization of He lene's prediction Edounard's forebod ings seemed likely to have been merely the result of some physical depression. He completed his academic studies, then began a course to fit him for the law. A brilliant scholar and promii nent in other respects, he was marked by his fellow students one day to take an active part in the political doings of France. One evening when young Le Fevre was dining with some of his associates in a cafe a man entered and sat at a table nmr them. As soon as he ap peared the conversation among the stu dents w' s hushed, while they cast covert g 'uces at the newcomer. "Who I he?" asked Edounard. "The :.ttted death!" whispered one of the .,LAy, "Why is he cdlled that?" "The name is given him from the Asiatic plague, which occasionally finds its way into Europe and kills every person it attacks. Fte has fought many duels and has never failed to kill his man." "Does lie seek quarrels?" "Yes: he delights in them. Don't talk so loitd. If he should hear you speak ill of him lie would call you out and kill you." "Why has no one undertaken to put him out of tihe way? Ile should ie shot down l1k1' a '1 g." The sp1tted deith's eye flashed. Hle had oveuhetrI Le Fenries words. lIe bad ordered a lottle of wine and had poured out a glass. Rising with it in his hand, lie advanced a few steps to ward Edounard and threw its contents in his face. Every member of the party- of stun dents was horror stricken. ILe Fevre saw the elsitio ii %Nhil1 hi was placed and, though lie regretted his rashness, did what was expected of him., He asked one of his friends to go to the man who had insulted him pad secure his address, then, without waiting for a reply, arose with the itihers and left the cafe. in Le l'eile's rooms a consultation of in- friends iwa s held to det ermnine whlit wlts to be doti'. Considerimiti cae sin niment prey:.(ct at ihat 'tune, it was do;ermtiied thit it Edoui''d did ill, coc th t spotted death lie might a' ~eill give ii .,is . 0re001 so far as his 1t0!i\ o country ilas concerned, and s tie!'( was lon 110no (ivilized land wherei I U I:::,.i wais otcn.ed :.onit 'c'senting anI isulit. Eiiiltl'ard resigned himiselt to his. ste. Hle oct1t : . uhenge, and the mte ting wiiia ri-a .(d for the follow ink llorniini at ci ci ie. ITh:u ni iht E.i tmlii write a lettct to I: ic ot oucbhcI :i t!' terms of oir who 'cc.!', ec to die wiithin a fewV hea I', l' ha nu ::Lill ::I duty we-a!'on :1('. wv ho wa:s to be 1..icrcler,1. 'T'h trouh:e I 1I:::t nou'tpa' I hils mindl wi-i the stitteriilg 1i': unreider would oclvI tio Ley. 1It ) it' ,'! td li;'r to do all in Le: lowet r (uf i'"nCl hin As wias Ill lcv:: beon exp'' ;:d, tih s(elled death the next Io ning u11l( short wok of h~is::u;: Dl i lt, ru tntin him thrtough the hear't with ease. TPhr stu n, lit expired i ,'n iediately. 1iii aItol ides t '' r ieied il, ' I ititc of caill tin t :t i .' t'' hii ( o;ill, an in a s'li' tii'i It' ' or; sit . g ':.e nit ',t " it ii : I t : c iall a ti'* rc Oitced te : ('al l wl''ti abt th w;i' }; ite th1 !e c wi-lt 1 1. Evl lendls an rr;ist hnd c'c.glned I! uwk fee t n'!i: t 'l. I .i mot I i...t ' . ri iiro tng iit f .Lint it i nt c tiitw woi votittil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i' liiettto ftedtlistiwh hbil 1i nl nEdo it ptiLtu' d os r ap:'v 't i ," it t to ttehio intiletfion 'Tltry islt shrt ' i. [ trom t l spoath sote loo.:ict te pat-or, of your teShou the riom! " i 11 o e :'ill cn s( 11111 drvic : tim . nhisirt th ir's olut:' tho "Yii V re i'i :1 'I 818 dene, i!!. c' lit! the Scn nidn gentle 11ich the word ic:1 spoken to the lnd seal in his l'ace. "ialges expr cssn lion said mask th grosnorg "we tIe I s"l this m on--urt twil hoteretos. We itrb h tehe spti tell death. I we' i . llo-: oen my pensodt, his adre i his unme." P ardon g ; i, the i nsultlt lilt S Iani re gilve fnl y suldnenot he su ficenver ing higself. fore wti. his mask itni re teild the festnrus of the duelist who had killed Edonard Le Fevre. "1'nmitsk as I have clone and let mit know who you are," he said to the mace who had spat upon him. dihat fs bunecessllo y. t am bhe spoth ted death, the pnrson of your twelve victims. The thirteenth is about to die." "Aied be is?" "Yourself." Whether it was the confident tone in which the word was spoken or the liv Id agony expressed in the mask the duelist could not repress a slight start. 'Enough of this:" he said. "Youi coming here to disturb these festivit ties shall be punished. I will send - friend to any address you name," "Pardon me; but, lest the insult I have given you should not be sufficient, I will duplicate it." Bending forward quick as lightning the speaker struck the duelist on the cheek with the palm of his hand. A drop of blood followed the blow. The duelist did not notice it at once, but In a moment, putting up his hand, he wiped it away. "Your address!" ie cried, irritated at .this second insult. "You shall have it in time. Mhisi.urs and miesdames, pardon for Interrupt ing your festivities. On with the dance! It is now 10 o'clock. By mnid night or withinu sli hour later my twin brother shall have my address. I de sire to accord halm a few hours of mer. riment before I embrace bins!" The duels; t with difficulty maintained his composure. At midnight t he revelers unma~sked. The duelist, who after the altercation had resumed his face covering, on taking it off :t second time was seen to be suffreing. 1He attempted to leave the hall, but staggered, and before reaching the floor fell. It was no ticed by those who went to his as. sistance that his face was covered with spots such as were painted on Ithe mask of the moan who had Insult ed himn. "The spotted death!" some one ex claimed. Then his enemy, still masked, ap peared on t he scene and, bending over him, said: "I embrace you, my brother." Then, tearing off his own mask, in stead of a man's a woman's face was revealed--a woman whose rare beau ty had been marred by suffering. "You will not need my address," she said. "When I slapped your cheek, in my palm was a needle on whose point was the virus of the spotted death. Your victims, including Edou ard Le Fevre, are avenged." While she Spoke the spots on the man's face grew stronger and its ex pression like the mask she had worn. There was something startling in his own expression at seeing the change when she unmasked from the hideous apparition to the features of a deli cate woman who hung over hint like an avenging angel. The disease witl which she had inoculated him work quickly, and the man was already dy ing. She -otntimed to gaze upon him while hit: hent Ih grow shortor till W last he fell nick had in the a ris of one supporting him. IHelene fonitt-nult ret-rned sim:! taneously to her native town with I. news of her avenging act. Paris w.: glad to get rid of the man whom all dreaded, and she was never called to account for her act. How she tratkri her lover's murderer. prepared for hr work. she never told, for she nov; spoke of the tragedy in any part. I lived many years, some asserting tiha she had become demented by heitg robbed of her lover, others claiming that she was mentally sound. Our New Spring Invoice of Dry Goods Have arrived and here you will find many novelties which will please. Al so our spring shipment of Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes. Large assortment of the best shoes made. A Car of Barbed Wire At Lowest Prices 5 Tons of Seed Potatoes Remember the Grocery Department when buying. Always complete and fresh, and prices the lowest. THE STORE THE STORE OFULTy PABLO & POTVIN QUArITY We Grow Trees In larger quantity and greater variety than any other nursery within a radius of nearly 1000 miles. We grow more trees adapted to the needs of Montana planters than any other nursery on earth. There are no better trees than ours grown anywhere. We Want Your Trade You Want Our Trees Let Us Price Your List. Montana Nursery Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA. A. M. STERLING, President D. N. MASON, Secretary List Your Land or LOts with AbstractB JAMES D. COWGILL, Vice-P JOHN P. SWEE, Treasurer Us for a Quick Sale Bonds Insurance THE We issue Executors, Administrators, Flathead Land Guardians, and all kinds of Bonds Lands 'CO. Also represent some of the Lots and (Incorporated) Best Fire Insurance Companies Town RONAN, - MONT. in the U. S. Property CHRIST THOMPSON St. Ignatius, Mont. General Merchandise My stock comprises a carefully selected assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Harness; and in fact everything needed in the home or on the farm. Local agent for U. S. Cream Separators. Quality and Prices are Always Right Ronan Blacksmith Shop HARRY BURLAND, Proprietor HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Plow, Wagon and Wood Work in connection. I have on hand everything in the blacksmith line. Ronan, Montana Ronan Try Us. It Pays. Yards Dixon for am The Lumber Co. ceraity Arlee Just Good Building Materials Economy Town Property Bargains SEE E. H. RATHBONE