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LAS VECAS TIMES. \ ' M 1 1,11 MIBW Ml. I ■ 1.11 .. HI—,... . V I , I ,M, , ' ==,====gS==^^^^^^^P VOL. I. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, APRIL, 15, 1905. NUMBER 4 F. I. Kremer, General-" Merchandise • • I have just put shingles | — on the roof of my store and _ ' if you people only knew it I need your money to help .7 pay "tor it." So please come in and contribute and note at the same tifiie ho\v much — you can take home with • you for so little money ~_ % """ 1 m -^7 . ; _________ COR. CLARK AV E. AND THIRD ST. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA The Beautiful.... $ * i • v„ Las Vegas Rancho SENATOR CLARK'S FAMOUS RANCH Will Be Open to the General Public riAY ist, 1905 The Inauaurdtion Will Consist of a. w t , ..Grand Ball and Supper.. » s' v y The appointments will he thorough and conducted as at. UH-TO-1MT1. RESORT. An ideal afid healthy spot for Recreation or Rest. Bathing. t ..fe In connection. For Term*. Address >• HARRY R> BEALE \.AS VEGAS - - NEVADA ' 7 ■■ **"' „ This spice is reserved for (J. P. Lindsttom,' who bos a Brick Yard and ia opening a Lumbar 'ard, where bb wil1 carry a full line of building material. US VEGAS BANK & TRUST CO. CARltAL JB30.060.00 ■ THE MONEEE'BANK OF UnCOLK COUNTr flh.U . . . - > T~ . . ... ^9 Deposit Boxes for Rent GFO. F POf.KNX r***'*a SURVEYOR'S WORK The San Pedro Is Reaching Out for the Traffic of New Sections. INLAND TRADE TOR BUSINESS'MEN The Miners and Commercial Interests Will Make a Spokane Out of Vegas. : [Ht GOOD THINGS IN STORE FOR US Mention rnvle in another is«ue of ; th<L.Por*xcompany 's surveyor® being 1 in close prox:mtity to town, eugaged m laying out a line of railway from that company's mine fo Vegas, has more import to our people than a cuiPual glance would indicate. At' present, Vegas is on a long line of rail way extending front Salt Lake to Lo Angeles. practically without fc. Jers, depending upon local and through traffic fot its maintanacce. It it evi dent that no railway is going to_long neglect the traffic gatherers and commerce Siouti ^svlstcTi i bring it trade from far beyond its trunk line route, over branches, generally run in conformity to the country's typography. Thus early in its life we see the Clark road reaching out for trade that can o-ily be gained by en tering into traffic arrangements with these railway building miners, which Is to bring 'hem to the main line her®. We say Fra die arrangements, as no one doubt® that Clark and Harriman are behind this new deal which has turned the Fora any mm if® 1 oft surveved lines through the mown i tains of Ssn Bernadino. The sandy • wastes and batti ng hills cf which are the despair of railroad men. The na tural route is in gently sloping val ay 's through low and intercept*trie -psssee leading frdm Vegas to Death valley, where are located the Borox company s deposits of borate of time. Is their in tent to tiauaporj this borate of Unit* to ,s company's reduction wot Its ai j Daggett. gas’ location at the junc i tiou, insures her the inland t: adr. that | some hare said ehe miglit lost, tc roads seeking it from ottjcr directions. Little matters it who builds into j Death valley when the Botaz rad is J running, aa their own fieight iusur« ■ them ample trafti>, wilL the aids issues as profit. Vegas will grow as Spokane ’ did. on the trade brought in by branch I lines from the mines, with the miner’s pay day checks for speuding money. Here will come the boys whose easy jobs have piled their dollars so high,, that they must necessarily In' est them fn some of the good things only to be had on the main line. A .location ea a trunk line is like a store on New \ ork’s Broadway, every body wants to see it. ACCIDENT AT ARDEti, The Presence of Mind of the Brave Engineer Fofstais More Serious Results One of jho*e accidents against which human ingenuty cannot provide against happened at Arden, Sunday evening. , The local leaving I<aa vegaa at 9^ 'o'clock p. t».r-waa malting its usual run according to achhdule lim< tvhen the accident occurred, tinkngwn to . the trainmed in • charge o! tt’.e local the •"rich it Ardcafcaaopen sod; u-itlr e - ' jpula^un of terrific etf^ct the train took the ti ling upon which were a number af buuker t aft,, uliliaed for the t \t»* ** «. aceomnadation cf gtipkiy ees . The engine did net trleecope these bunkers but so -ar-eO and rausuicd aliakd that the tuniatc* of the arjoe •ef*- bur1 ed to •*»*> fro with the r« suit that J. W. Burk. Thomas Cuaick, James Daly and William Brennan were injured. The injury to these is not of a serious character. Imrdiatcly upon the report of the accident to (he railroad autborltiea;Dr. Hewettaon the company’s physic'an was dispatched to (he scene where the injured men were. These were g iiren the best of attention and treatment. The patients are in charge of this capable physician. The train was in chafe of Conductor Rsmhard The engineer, Mr. Cuaick was in his place The commendation for the splendid bravery and courage of the hero at the trottle, Mr. Cusit'k, ia unstinted. Had it not been for hit presence of mind In the midat of danger w-.e itsTo.1 wrougtu wou.a hare been seriouo and tlie life of the lnmete* of the bunker car sacrificed. The en gineer coiupr ‘headed not ouly his res ponsiblhtr tut s*ith a fortitude be toktftyig the loyal sentinel on duty, stack to his post, reversed the cugioe, checking its force aud thereby saved human life and the wreck and ruin that usually results from accident of this sort. Happily the accident nad no worse ending tbR-j the slight injuries stated and the damage to engire aud car on siding HARRY BEALE Ha* Nature* Beauty Spat In Las Vegas. The * egas Ranch, it irtde d a place of beautv aud a joy forever. Harry Beal, has taken h lease on this beauti ful piece and he intend-* running it as a retort with econtm elutions both fi l. the wayfarer aud the tourists. It it in reality the real oasis of ft'l the firtile spots on this Nevada desert aud culti vated and improved agricultural to a high degree All varieties of fruits and shru, tnrive aud are fondled and cultivated wtHr Uee great lest care and attention. Vines even at this esrly date In the spring time are adened with th spromisin » harv est of a future bountiful ero *. Ttie trees peach apple and other varieties have blossom, ed and In stead oi the Bower j the budding fruit dotted in myriad" upon every limb. 'Ihere is water iu abi. fiance aud it is utilised in advanc ing this ideal spot to the p-rtei tiou it has attained Mr. Beal is tiaishir.g atnl refurnish* mg the buildings ami placing dll o' * them and ether* in a condition to ac commodate the nuniber who will fcVor the place with their patiouage. He ia putting up uuu}CTutis tents for the use of families and tourists who pre fer the experience of a calup life. They are substantial; and it the truth ia told, mofe- Ao thin many tent in which business is being dene herein Vegas. Harry, we labor under the opinion will make of the Vega*, n bopu’ar resort, as he will do all that is possible both for the comfort and convenience of his ghosts. He has started out along those lines and frortt what we can leant being a progressive business man, he will foon have o' it, the equal of any resort cf whieh Nevada can boast. HE is GETTING THERE, Business 19 Rushing with Teague the Blaclsmith. Teague, the blacksmith. is on the boom He is gattiog there with both feet. A short time ago he opeded a shop on a small scale. Bat look et him nor.1 flit, boelc^se ia growida. 1 From his sraai' beginning he ia branching out In : to a ciae so that, his shop today baa the »PP^ai»niw ,<>r 5 msnnfui tory._Within the ast week this strong te oscular tnlcant«L doubled the site of hie shop and work ia crowding eu strongly sa lo make h;sn employ three helpers in ordrr. t keen abreet w|th the dema nd cf thoee who rerogai-? Teague as Ihe roa* arho dots their work; With • oathtfsetie"- that makfwt^em r*twre for more . _ T'~ me Ml ners Heada Barters IMPS BEER. Crowell & Allott, > / Wholesale and Retail • 0 General Merchandise, 7* • *f*p* • . * -a Everything } hat Miners w Ptos pec tots - ... \ « - . / Xo X . - ’ T tSTWe Handle Nothing But The Best. LAS VEGAS, ------ NEVADA. ___ __ - - i.__£_1._ » . - - f. p. PPiiUfi, M ***** fci Hntistar , L . b Lud Ode*. UWlfcOMW PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS. WE SELL Agent for the t^ew-Townsite cf leas Vegas. r . _ . H THE EABTIf, Also have a large List of Choice Fruit bands, irt [the most famous IVegas Valley. ALL QUESTIONS CHEERFULLY ANSWERED, WRITE US. Utfemicss First auJ Citizens Natiofcal Bank yf Watertowb, g. D. I. as v egas, —-— ♦ ■ * '• ' Nevada — Las Vegts Headquarters for Bullfrog, Las Vegas Saioon>-^= anH Restaurant J. S. VVISNf R. Proprbteh Fine W'nej, Liuuors and Cig trs Lunch Counter Men's at all hours. First Class Barber S^op In connection, * Us Vetas NewnJff • .«** " - - -. v o -vr ' — .. ....- , — THE PALACE SAMPLE ROOMS The Choicest and,Bent of Wines, Liquors anil Cigars to be found on the desert. The coziest ant* most comfortable quarter* hi the city. * % % A. J FRYE OLE E. RASSUM Clark Ave» Las Vegas, Nevada Lincoln County Bottling Works We announce that wb ate prepared to furnish all kind*bf Sodas and Mineral Waters. Oui* pi&nt is lully equipped to supply all demands u» solicit the patronage of lhe phblie. UADisTTE & TCCKFlril>, Proprietors r.AS VfiGAS, - NKVtDA A WHIZ! l “i | v * - —* TrtE SIGN PAINTER OF GOtiRSE. "V ~r * ^ ^^ ^ ^ #■ ’V_ 5HBHE.Xf"