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LAS VEGAS TIMES. 1 ' —-- % ^ M _ _' - - • **•’ % i ’,.1' VOL. I. i. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, APRIL. 29, 1905. NUMBER 6 ■ _ F. I. Kremer, General===== Merchandise • V Well the ’Rats are atr j« % in bovs, and I’m here to v 7 say they CERTAINLY |00k s . * ~~ * good to me- Drop around and ask me. » COR. CLARK AVF. AND THIRD ST. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA. - -- I ___________________-__-_ --, - — • The Beautiful.... Las Vegas Rancho *. !■■ |Ml — I XT ~m 11 ~ • TTIf I T—l r~ SENATOR CLARK S FAMOUS RANCH Will Ba Open to the General Public HAY ist, 1QQ5 The Tnsuimaratibn Will Consist of a ..Graj*u Ball and Supper., • Lheapfojntmont" will be thorough and conducted as an U^^TODATE RESORT. An ideal and healthy *tM>t fur -'"Recreation or Rust. Bathing. Cafe in connection. _Kax-Tttrin ■*, Address HARRY R. BEALE |_AS VEGAS • - NEVADA Tli's eprcslq rcrnwl ief C. Pc L:n!»*.rcni, \>l«o Las a Brick lard and is opening a Lumber * ard, \rhero be veil* carry a fob t ne of baildnj materia! LA8VE6A8 BANK & TROST CO. CAPITAL! 930,000.00 . the PIONEER BANK OF LINCOLN COUNTY " . v—-r i. * * ♦ t «... , • * . * i. ’ - ; ■•*** • ' i -> *i e u^jnsit Boxes ior Kent. GEO. F. POLENZ, C.\ahiM ; - , -—r Furnfturc end itouJebobl Foods •At* F. H. Clay son’s ^iT5t JjLnttBj’8 ClAthtaji 3*o»e. W.)son Avenue. *. * .. • 4 *\SVFGAS. NEVArA Qxi to the — - — Post office r— Slews Stand, For Location Papers, Magsrincs and Writing Material. ' LAKf| SON, Propi’. *«••% ‘ - - Newt* IT IS STARTLING! Reports From Bullfrog Pros pectors Dazzzllng the Immaginative Mind. EIGHT AND TEN THOUSAND COLLAR DDE Great Excltment Prevails Over tho Discoveries ahd Peo ple a »e TnunaerstiucK. A GREAT RUSH TO THE LAND Of GOIO Wonderful di c -verles 1 u el fesnmade In Bullfrog eounlry during the past week. The r. ports eeem fuhalous an.l so they are. It goes to show tli© poitive vr ti’nty of the magnitude of that grra' mineral dictrict. Ho where ,you mav about Ihnt put! in of tho Coont’y and there ie mineral in abundance all c«>n taining f tbuluus v ines. This country b trihtTtnry to Vegas and whatever he lps to build up the Bullfrog country coios* pondingly adds to our own V gns. TT.e of dfchtg strikes rf "ttrevmk in that country was in the National Hunk, owned bv PutiS k B others ft ( amp We «cy (hit tie ore from this strip »*»»>•» jW), a A-na H: a wid iaf’erliim.but diin«.v rtl c' 6s the t uth and the proprietors aro corir-j> fi it ingly jubilurt over tho pro*p c of a fnture life of contentment realised ficin this mine in the Bulltrog c mntry. Atio hrr strike »b*1 of ^roatsf xnujir -Uido-bin the < rretal. about eight n i 1 e: uorlhjof Beatty, ws po not wunt lo any what the ore in this rVdko assay', for the reason that it is to fabulous and so ri :h that if realj steers tho iarmginv tie n pnl aufi.8 some to tbrowr e shnddow of d >ubt alioiit the trnthfullncFf oTlb© report. This prrp-rty bi 1 mm to J. Herbert nnd a sample fr jm a roe ho iaie of tho lead the day onr it for mant left tin mine, went £^,t00. to the foil nnd this i« Lot all. The ot er d y, Wethee Allnii g com pany, encoun'ercil au ti^ht foot lead in IhiLu.4iiu,iB. fc >■, 1 h-> B^ar Mountain, and. an average sample returned ? ’.Oa’J. to the ton. t Tlie'c oi ly a fee: of the r«<e:i‘ strikes ecc Un'.eud in this lab. hm h rich miucri1 region. Thrr-* n.t* othris, but the country being t e lated for the hum being nnd the only man ter oi gai»>.‘ag reliable information b 1-g from the itugra nnd t.e tr.rgh.ter*, vn gent raly, i nly hear of tho omanaidis coven. o shd n»t tbofemado that j j iat te Uus values cfafair mining venture. Wi.h the continued string < ! f ui^bt te .ms pu Hog out of Ve^as everyday and which nre in real ty t!ie bulwark of our p c perltyit is a source, olaatiyf c i n to tie.- | 9 j tie 'if cur low it I itll ; frog country, pr< n ito •*varll:9 dis coveries of the.w.irid and eyer* tiling un oov red and daveloped in that region ai ls lo 1'ega?, as this is the onlj ai.d u iturnl distribting point f r snppl es m‘o that country. There is*"*U *7 itemeuf. <* r thosa la'e discoveries and eVVTyboity w h » fcau are getting cut Into the bids todna wali as those a ho U avo air. aly b-aved, d r.d and conquer.d We tre cnly in ihe wee Ijeginping of the,_d Wn of a greater NeVada -od liu'7r< g and veyu* are the two places that will figure the moat m mouldit g history. GRAND OPENING, Tho Railway Exohanga Saloon !s Strictly In It. S.tufJsy nigh‘, April 2?, tie flail nad Kxybange, bn I their grand opt siug. The ta ropritea.ed by Prof Galtabo, having arrived hera from I.o; Aag las, ami perceiving tho raro ad vac: tugee possessed by Vegi i, he z Deluded to do bu*vae«£. The building is use or tin most hyeterulers in thi town and it ra ks In dicie^tb ns to the large;. It it in reality the billerd parlor of V egas a- d they are AH d up with JR1 at the csn. Vc-niencSs that goto ^ritb a p’es^ure rerort of that klud. , »-v Some dei^ytb&u b<?*n experiment, d in the way of Meigtit •rri'rhij>; but'fi r ail that, the grand oputibf recur*.! on time B-rrinird tad it waa to reality a gJacd affair. A dinner Wad agreed ard a;l id the choice eaUblaaoWiTtar b!e wt* d: Shed op to tlie crowda that came to--di fc-d or t) the host*, tiooi* Deilok, ihe laisolc gUt did Lima* If proud on the orra i-o ani Frank Gilrane, 'hr proprietor’s irn, did task** tbsVPVeninf p'etsnnt nr.<| en joyable to everyone. Oe Reyndd* did the honor* tor this new°r and the proprietor, **tended ©v.Ty'cotir’sey, n’don’y to Reynolds, fts representative of the pre w, but to all others who were so fortun/t© as to partake rf the fertivi’ies of the evening. It wit* iu troth ad rrality one of the most enjoyable events in the hist ry of Yff*> *Od it r. rt-ii tv spent; • v l imns for the proprietor and the good 'people who<raic avis'anc© hv thdr jrismo** that brought aloit tlio success which it attained. NOTHING LIKE IT. - V Off tn a Rush for the Wealth Found South or Vc-gsw. Oj Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning a tever pt excitement domin ated the town of I- 8 Vega*. Men in bunches c*u’tl be w* n at tvery turn discussing the rich H ide norh, south, erst and wed. . ■' • The moat notable rns w .b that some prospectors undo a>nt!» of the chy about 13 iuile». These pro’pcctorR came in Tue»<l ly alternoon with Bcmp’ea that gii tonrd with the pure native stnff, How this aroused the boy*; how the', peeped nrul inq ilred in order t ' g t nil inkling of where t tie H»ot rntg-tif be f wind from whence tires s rich apAsimpn wsro taken and when t'io luc ky 1 c trrs p i* feme of the r friends In on it t ;en it became a cacecf wild fire.. Du'ritg the night, no le--» than forty palpitating anxious. guarding individuals were oil for a duplication <*f the;<o! 1 field a 'ready -undo, fifteen m.l s fCU.h of ns In the Slew art. rnn;f> of^Miv-ut.tilas. This siramble-kept up Wednesday f ro >n. As yet no addition i n va tlaa come fre m the Eh’ofado PLAY FAIR. There Should Be Wo Fudging At This G n.3 r Tec cit’s'ns of th:a town have put manners in to meet all trains coming into Vegas. Formally it wae j-reEUmod Mint the tnly town for any kind of con vvnlencos was at the depot or in t'.e h n‘« awny out oast in the ea re brusly-but this the people of \ egns diffeied wiih tin r< suit that every plnre now have their crew of runnera hud t >wa uow gets i s shsre—if not a l ttl-» more. There is ac commoJadons both lure and therefor everybody and there U n > need of ful c reprrrt-r——nrrnVod to Leip...j,hy■ particular one piece to tho d. trimert of thu miny. BILL CUSTOR „ V An Old Timer Strlhost it Riel'. 1:1 Gold Baein Country, Reports i f rich (User v reis a c robilng in from nil the surrminding <: ups and they hear * very evidence of being the real tiling. Ir is a pit aMi’able fact loti that the=e discoveries art* heir g nn<!o by poor ltlen md they fully rent ze t!.o value of holding on to them, Only tie other d ly ‘ Hill” Cast >r. a well known "old timer1*, tnrr~d n trh-k, tlft**et. nule» j Tom G 11 Ree !, in the h warh range of j mount (in. Tho a^eay* were eiunp y fnbalnas, end till average aero-8 the face <T the lead was the same. “Bill” is en joying the fruits of his find for a few days whsn he wid return to Gold Basin ‘o | ro?e ufce work on the |.r»»pe:ty. < .... NEW NIGHT WATCHMAN, J. M. Crawford Will Do th«* Duty of tho Position. J. M Crnwfr rd, vras aleo’rd last M>n d v evening. night watchman by La* Vj*m Promotion league. Mosers. 8 ewart, tint! », Trows, Mtnphy, Ty’er,, Retuhaw tad JVjni r were pre ent at tho mie'irg and-after tl e rasignation cf Ollitft Smith, had been recelVd, Crawf. rd was elected hy * unanimous vote of eve y mender present, Cra*f>rd, c* me* highly reccom nd-d and w« believe 'h»t he will give Sa'Mdee-. tlon to 11h> tit'aen* of tha town tti wed a* Lb a credit to the committee. _-*g» .«,» : 4 CRESCENT DISTRICt. - V » John Wisner, waS there Suing Things Up. John tVlsner, went out to the (descent district fait r.aek and return*da tui uay. Jchn has several mining rloitn? In that dlatilct and in wUlLh ho pla e confidence, lie sa»s t* e stage oothsany i*to wnblii,* a shorter and betier ro d (hriii Nipeu’i a atioh to Sian villa, and a* *• on tii it 10 c uoplet d, a l an: 0010 feUe-W be put cq__hetwetiL the tw J-bn, "say* the c untry is lo king op *r.d that there will be newa of htapor t«nc|s to ituoi'ole froia there b fore 4 *ny w oonr ARMOUR’S MEATS. -' m $ m Croweh^T Allott, .1 '•'V. * *2. ■' Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise, • , . • ® Everything That Miners or Prospectors Need. ’ IS1*’We Handle Nothing But The Best - ■ w - - * ...£— jj LAS VEGAS, ------ NEVADA. m _ «*•-■» —i r« jwwi. at i-—*»w mm * " •m~~ fnnw ■ p. p Phunpt r. ir pmiHfia' B* It—&#ct , V. ft Lau i I" *w: ’ . "V. . im. PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS. * rj ..*v*w« ■» . ■. WE SELL A gent for the New Town site cf bas Vegas. THE EARTH. Mso have a large * i List of Choice Fruit ba-nls, in l the most famous ''/egas Valley. ALL QUESTIONS CHEERFULLY ANSWERED. 'A RITE US. Reference* First ami Citiaen* National' batik of WaUrtown, S. I) I ’ ■ — - - -X-.... . __ * ' u I as Vegas • • - Nevada Lasfrgs H«i4qairiers for Bullfrog, Las Vegas Saloon^*-*!*^ [—■:: ■ ; '^7-^ an*t Restaurant; f. S. \\ 1SX £. ■. i’r'ipr>• |:t. I ; ie \\ ines, Liijujis and Ctgirs Lunch Counter Meals at all hours, HnHJias Baiuei Slicfin connection, ^ THE PALACE rttwimjf- *rr.-w*r.raE—i SAMPLE ROOMS Tlie CTToict t ahd Host of WhicsrT.Tquor* ’ Cigna- to lie found on the detvrt. Fhe cor test and newt eowfortakfe quarters in the city. , q A. J. FRYE OLE E. RASSU M Clark Ave.. Las Vegas, Nevada Lincoln GoiMtj Bottling Works V.'e announce that we are prepared to furukh all kind* of Sodas hud MiffenilWaters. On* plant is fully .equipped to supply nil demands.* We solicit tlie p-tlronageof the phl*He. __ c f •. I. & i i tiiFI si 1), I’t'Oiit'irioH - LAS V KGASj - _ \r;y . ———— I l I nit > mi II w. SENATOR CLARK, In lit* adtiwM iatft So&uBjr u aruing/t® t.k* l Uiieha t f Las V, u’,a^ ici sti* ihe'VAStt STOKIC " L ituiifcr ilit* i(s» it is at lie sama aid »tui J anj a., j . iOOD CXK)l>8~—LOWEST PRICES. “ ‘ * * ~: FURNISHING GOODS - OUTFITTING GOODS HATS AND SHOES . 3 HARDWARE AND CROQ#Ry ~ CIGARS and tobaccg " ”7