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Efk,4tit F. I. Kremer, General — r— r Merchandise A word to the wise is sufficient. My stock has been Completely Renovated and 1 now have a beauti ful assortment of new goodsi to showi s, COR. CLARK AVE. AND THIRD ST. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, •LAS VEGAS RANCHO* Is now open to the public as the resort; par-excellence. A First Class RESTAURANT and CAFE l in connection. I ?or ratetaddrwt; _HARRY R. PEALS. __ LAS YEOJl?, i KEVAbt, • THE PIONEER. BANK OF LINCOLN COUNTY “ laie deposit Boxes for Rent. GEO. P. POLENZ, Cashier . ; REAL S ESTATE + Cash Paid for Land_or Town Lots What have you for sale? List your property with us for quick sale., - ■* We will insate^our property collect, rents or accounts. 1 »1 '» r., . •- ^ • We have located in Las Vegas, permanently and wish to meet everybody. *. ; , , , .* FULMER and HERRICK, LAS VEft AS, * NEVADA. ELKS IN SESSION A Good, Instructive and En tertaining Time At The Hotel Las Vegas. ’# * HONORABLE C- 0- SHinENORE TALKS Vega® Will Have All Madam Improvements and Be Best City in Country, OTHER ELOOtlENT ADDRESSES MADE ' On Thursday evening th sre ttsembiod In the specious dinning room of th® Hotel Lm Vegas, as j jl*y a crowd of (rood fellows ai ever assembled around a fes tire board in the state of Nevada. It was the first social session of the ti. P. O E , or a good sooialtitue meeting of the Elks. It was the bringing tog tuor of man/ of these genial and whoieaouled •pints and some of their frfenda, from every section and source of our common country. It was an evening in which wit, bcirnor hilarity, stories and remanisrcancss.-L— Vegae. organization government, sewerage, sanitation and what ia b s-t for otsr growing city, played a part. It was also ordanined that a committee of three, liutlar, Boeteed stub Telford melt* ar rangement* for a permanent head quarters for an Elk club. Opportunity for the full expression of Uia social and “laugh and tho world langhm with you’’ side;of ihalaka and their friends. The poet prandial talks were full of inspiring and encouraging- sentiments ; The Elks as a whole are bright, alert) able and eloquent represents vies. This forceful feature was pres ent Thursday night In all its radiance, iiood speecnea. entertaining recitations and songs that were as sweet and chinilcaa that of the nighteagalc. regaik-d and enthused the participators. Uefcreshinents too consol ‘Ml and pleased the ascembied guests. Everything done waa in line with good fellowship and the fraternity em blematic of each an occasion, The most notable talk wua that of C. 0. W hUte more. This was in the nature of. ■•»*»»• aneea aa to the future of Veg«, it assur ■ d the citizenj that the streets would be system would be introduced; that the railroad company would not destroy competition or interfere with individual enteiprise; thatmachinery would fce in troduced to test the water of the vulky • r bore for an artesian flow; that the fertility of the soil is such as to make oar cultivable resources equal to* any in the world; that we ar* lit the richest mineral bdt of the universe; that the townsite rampany will epray the streets with oil; and that la* fee** will be a city o. great and prosperous propotiona enriching those who are wise enough to look Into the future. Us alee learnedly die moused upon or^a&iration of town government and the hetr and manner to bring about swatur. atjo na niTiilmni <— „2m j-u# wTVttriuattb IQ- |ft0 fiusrtp^w a legally organ bed muniQipality. Time and again as these word* Sowed from the sage of tegas the crowd cheered and ap plauded him. AH realise that th*y were the words of the man from the inside. A. Li .Jones, also dircuseed sewerage and fcnltatinn. They were sclsniific, observations, worth listening to* aid it the people are wise, will he adopted ttnd applied at once. G. t>. {. rmetead was maeter of rarviao* uies SndCr. M, J. Daria did the hi part. Oome oi the Kike i Eieeahart ot \i, Vli. Tacoma; McDonnel, S, 9aa Frandeer; 0. D. Arm “tead, 50, St. Paul; Dr. M. J. Davie, 8^8 Colypeo; J. W. Telford. 7lI, Utah; and M. Pierce, Long Beach. In ttft main the patties mentioned are here to stay. The whittle summoning the faithful did not reach a l of (hem. Too many of them were in the gully a and moontaii i. There are rne bnndred Eik? in Vegac;many invited guests were preaent. It was a splendid occasion. A SOLID INSTITUTION. The First State Bank Has 1m " menee Financial Strength. With such iintancial piilara and in dustrial magnates es M. II. Walker ol Salt Lake, T. E. Gibbon, general counsel 8:in Pedro railroad, ^hris N. Brown. L. II, Farnsworlhi J. Ko*« G aik and John S. Parks, for officer* and directors, the First siafa hri-ikTcan easily boasT"6r be log drat in rank and as one cf the great banking insututio ■ of tlie west. In a few days the bank will move from iU present quarters to the corner of First and Fremont strict. Here it will do business in a temporary building. Ar rangements are made and plans by which a building of commodious prepon tlons, deslgurd with the latest and treat features, will be erected on this corner suited i ir any reqwireerrnt cf to e'.aph a bank —John 3.1 Bibs i» rr.yhiT.—Hi?-- stand ing in the finlancial wrld and hi thorough kuowledge of »tit* banklnt; business is an added guarantee of the safety and reliability of the First State bank. The bank ever sine* it opened has been doing a thriving business and having the full confidence of the busi ness and financial world there .a evcaj rciisen why its rack *iil be tbit vl ihc | top notchcr of tLe a ;*t. ROAD TO MINING CAMP. The Eorax and Ailed interest* Make Dirt My Monday. The railroad for Bull frog and borax fields of Death valley will be a sure go. The option on the Bud lets has been lifted-by the interests who negotiated for a round house, station and freight house she. The lots In q motion are the pos session of the railroad tntrests. Besides* having otatton. freight depot, round hau.,e they also have extensive yards and repair shops at this- p-dof ^ r tL— Armour ico plant. T. rce improve-' inents and added outerprL * o Vegaa means much that will mill taro in furor oh the good side of Vegas. It means a*, trast two hundred additional rcilroad enaplovees, with good pay and steady, work, o ’rr and above the three hundred, railroad employee-* that will be regular lv etatlnnod at \ egaa through the sni ploymeut of tha Clark railroad. Things a»s going by .caps and bound* ] for the upbuilding of Vegak. Eyerr-. body can help this ferware stride very mocfa. Get into the collar, graap your opportunities and never fail to let the world feel that l_aa Yrgaa is tiu; beak placa for Investment, a fare money maker and ba the forefront of all the citiea of tha west. Help it along. ON TO FORTUNE. Eneountwra Bt# Boay of Or* , la Tunael. Worl'reached the llmea from O. Ilastaacker, propriaror of the Waw Hots. Sacthern, Loa Angeles and ;ru?n»ivt*ly; intareated la tha Eldorad» group ot claimay^f a great strike in theca claim* ij> k dorado oanok. Mr.«Mktr hM been ptoecatiag development work foe some time past. Ef» main work waq driving a tunnel, Ift prosecuting such work be encountered a iif-boiiy of ore fhron,cwrriga ra-uev thwt are way up. As oooa as roads' ere built and th«» oomseciiook toad* to fseil- Rtta'ad vatoajja- j □us handling ot the product of the mine^ M> )jIWIjitjjB IjllTJirilllTi TTlT *bTkI inf fore# end *n|l e»M» Wide th« ’-hrottlo that wdt pai *!■•>* to work and be th^ ni^toofmcredoing &'utiSW ?« V imaffe 'WVlorns. The Tftnaa tuteta* Mr. Baftsicfcar on Its look ' «1 The Miners Miiuart® « Crowell & Allott, CMHWIIhSm#. Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise.’ . ' > Everything That Miners or Prospectors Need. £3TWe Handle Nothing Btit The Best, LAS VEGAS,.NEVADA. , ■i " .. . T F. P. Ptilllipi, ‘ Ex HeffUter , C. H. Lan<l l/ffio r. M. hkiliit.* Kofuivrr PHILLIPS 6t PHILLIPS. WE SELL Agents for the New Townstte of leas Vegas. THE EARTH. Ur __* i*_ I Also have a large |-List -of -Choicer: I Fruit bands, in, I the most famous • Vegas Valley. k ALL QUESTIONS CHEERFULLY ANSWERED, WRITE US. Reference* First aad Citiaens National Bank of Watertown, St I>t t.ttaVfgas,-‘-*- Nevada THE PALACE SAMPLE ROOMS The Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found pn the desert. The eoitest and moat comfortable quarters in the city. | t W. J. WILSON. O. E. ROSSUM Clark Ave. Las Vegas, Nevada LINBOLN COUNTY Bp Authorized Capital $50,000. OQ. Paid up in oaeh $WJ&QJOiQ A General Hanking Business Transacted, T. E. PoiJuoOK, President, M. I. Powers, t ioe-jpmident and Cashier Corner First And Fremont Streets. LAS VEGAS, - - - - NEVADA. t > Wat&h this ? THE ♦ CASH STORE 4 &*•.> '• V"VM Tt wiwnt Is 0ei®g fewiness ;AVTb$ feetie Old BUod.Iu The Sate* Old Wsft QOOD GOODS AT LO^ PRICES Fsirk&hlng and Outtfittings 3h^ Pard war©. Win ware, TobScco, %mXmrnk ' a- ■yj - T w W~Tia# lMrir tpIi tMr LASflGAS