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«* r • * IS IT tome play teg and get ig the Game. ♦ t V t COR. CLARK AVE. AND, THIRD ST. * * « * ; . l « • * • ** ' * LAS VEDAS, NEVADA, ii - •fenyer Meat Market f ■ a w • Alt Kinds of Meats * -,-r-7r~.J;—7—r,—--; 3eef, Pork and Mutton. . tlaving just started in business :~rmr~ we solicit a fair share of the public patronage. w. A. BEAVER, PROP. VEGLAS, (Wilson Avenue.) NEVADA • 1 ' r Arpjd Pomp^lQjry, Eloquon^s and • Nature’s'' Bsajuty i Vegas Celahratse, * . ’* i I 4 »' _ I mi BJA1.E A SPLENDID HQ3T J . ^ ' , ' - - ► i ■' •t J udg^s Jefferey* andBrennan Orators of Distinction^ \ Deliver Addrenseei AFTER THIS ALE SOKES OE SfpJS. The FcjUFtb of Julyhs^ a splendid Hod Mtrttt c rmtmtmo ration of its bis boric import at Ln Ve<fay. Th« exeroii >a were condncted hr neatt^ the cotton wood trees, pod that laxurianaelkyt ,*> notably '-dlstinguishe* Harry E. Rtale's resort, the qagis of the Vegas doyen. •Vi tree done in accordance with tbo ipirit of tha day. In severance and with enthusiasm the immortality of the day wya framed. All harmonized to make the day ia Lao Vegas ao com morttive and ple&aant aa to gjye it no* t ability. i Owing to thy forethought and inde fatigablc activity of the boat, Harry R. Beale, the people were transported to and from the place of exercises and ■ports free- Col. damea E. Hill, ope of oar leading attorneys, waa master ef cere monies, and in his introduOteryhe dwal' trlth great force and eloquence on the epirit of the day, oalhng attention tp the almost iaanraeantable barriers that strewed the psthiray of progrnaa in tae development and settlement of our com mon country. He triced the spirit that hat characterised this nation from its earliest days down to the present time, nd ad monished hi* v^ataudisnce of the necessity of incorporating the septa zeal in tha development of our present sur f undings. After the orchestra had ren dered “Amerloa,” Col. Hill introduced the Rev. Dr. Robinson, who delivered a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -kr/1_*-—----- * ' $ iany express surprise that we have become the •rs in volume ot business in so short a time We belive the reason to be < I PR?* *»>• EW GOODS! I LOW PRICES! and.C0DRTE00S TRE -A*-,' f you are no) al J be pleased to ext our customers we loome to you Respectfully; Fred L. Fallas, : WJ. m/m .If you get It of FALLAS it is GOOD. tLr.'v': ' ' 1 tP tehatifu^tnvo mHppr TW revere ndgM-* ttolaui *leo ltd j« tinging; America anf 'EheStqr IpngMiU&Urj fh. ium< bbg* jqjnjwr ftt tfju heart-stirring Ad* patriotic cb^na. Cbshmian Hill then' introduced Hr. Walker. the splendid gentleman and slocqtiorjst, who with ^ aw*et toned rescmeocf, rend the Decl*r> alien of Indepaodqpoa. ' Tpo orchtetra followed with'Stars and Stripes. Judge Jeffries, an ori.tor of oat! i>n*t repute end' a great ^tudent of public Question anu men wag than introduced..- The Judge' was amply prepared ayd being fqlly! Imbued with the spirit of the fathers^ delivered himself with master)ul force ' on the vitgl qn sstions of the day. He called attention tothatuaffoilBointceark sge of the signers of oar inn ortal de-, claration. He eloqagnfty treated such statesman-like questions U finance, min ing, development bf Sevadn, leepnrces,, edoeatioq, moropoly, and' paid a dr served tribute to Senator W. A, Clark and Mra. Helen U: StewwtT* Toklra. Stewart a« the pioneer woman of Ve-' gas we *11 owe gratitude, he declared lie charaoterised grantor Clark M •dis tinguished man, *«. a map of gigaritio enterprise. of great business ability and as nnoomparefelp in this reaped. Hed©-, dared that Clark's vast accumulations; were acquired by honesty, jhrewedtjeta •nd superior ability: that Vsgas is the' result of Clark's eotutrnotive genius and were it not for Clark, we woqldhot have railroad communication. and aa a conse quence only' a fete wart ranch, and net a city of BOdO aa Vpgas haa today. rt4U Honor then la due Senator Clark who by hia untiring industry a»»l capi tal baa Caused banda of' steel to be laid between Balt Lake and ^oa Angrlca. Would to God that we had more men of thefype pf Senitor Clark. Hie name will go down and shine bright on the pages of American history. It will pay the young mad of the business world to ait ~up and burn the midnight oil to study the vharajtey aqd careor of aucb a man as Senator Clark." He dwelt upon the achievements of the Montana Senator at length and exhorted the vast audience always tB recogniza the b< ce faction© of this great mau. . More music by the orchestra ami Uien he tall aad able presiding oftyoer Mr j Hill introduced Judge Brennan, a man of pleasant appaarance, carrying the Impress of the orator in hi» Counte nance and the keen wit and eloquence of hia race in all he does, He ia a man of marked aifcility and reinforces this with a profound knowledge af man a^d ua- - tional question* The citizens of tas Vegas were treated to a degree at eJo* qusnet, wisdom aad logic taldom heard _ from the platform. Judge Brennan treated hie subject fr-m the standi oint of contcmporsneess history, and he said in part aa follows: It ia the duty of ev ery- citixen to take up the questions of | the day and ditpuss them in hia home. You men who complain of tbs existence jr non existence of ceftein condition; are in yourselves to blame. Yon who live little or nq attention to the decree af idtelliftenpe with which yon cast your ballot, you are the eorrdptionltts. The question of Japanese supremacy ie one of Interest to » all parties and which ihould receive the careful atiention ot •very patriotic American." 1 After these exercises moat of the large assemblage took in the sporta on the fl£l<i below t£e ranch, The visitors were treated to all Sorts of •porta and every feature of amassment end enjoy ment that follows in the train of each an eventful day. It was old (lory all are'and. In the tug of war contest the L. j. Clark team won. Prise $600. The winner in the ladies rxoa is Mrs Humphrey?, lira. II. R. Beale, second, •he contest between, these fair lady •printers crested great excitement anti enthusiasm. It was for 16.00. In the girls coateewMire Pearl Lump hery, secured the trophy. It was. ffi.00, ft ilj*c«ih*A thf ccsdH in_ Ifetja (Cantinned on Second Page) . fc. j j. • '1 %*<$&§1 k <& Altett, Wholesale afid Retail j lit *• • - i General Merchandise. Eveiything .Thatjfcliners or PrQspeciot^Need '* »• • l : - > ; i (l «-W^»andlp Jtotfcing B141 The -Beat LAS VEGAS. *. NEVADA. Having purchased the Neeley furoiiure stock and with' my own large stock aqi overstocked. To reduce sa^e /or tej^t days will give j (Booking Utensils, G rockery, Gom-r ■ forts and Blankets Will sell regardless of cost. \ chance you wont have again in Las Vegas to buy furniture so cheap. Call see me in new building one block east q Postoffice. .1. • ' ' . ROY Q. BUTLER. C. QUttHL LUMBER CQMFAN7 - Inoorrorated Wholesale and Retail Dealers California Redwood. Pugit Sound Pihe. Sash, Doors and General Building Material A. W. JURDEN, Manager. LAB VEGAS, NEVADA J. M, K.ywJly J W T*.:orU Mining and Real estate Brokers Buy, Sell and Examine Mining Property Also Transactions Guaranteed. Reference Fur nished on request. ' I.AS VEGAS, - / NEVADA, ===== ARRIVED THIS WEEK AT The Las Vegas Cash Store Umbrellas Panaris Stationery Feather Dusters — Enamled War* Wash Boilers Etc. .... ■ . ■ in ... ■■■. . _ GOOD GOOOS LOWEST PRICES. L‘*. ■ m, a. wHivm.