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targe' furnttwe SUw and qbo$cinta Burned to the Ground. ROY G, SUTLER’S LOSiS. ^ . * . i’V heroic Efforts ofr the Brave Firemen Bava Other Bulldina*. 1H£ NEEOOf MORE HOSE. Monday evening at 9:15 p. m., an alarm of fire was sounded. No sooner tad the toosin sounded than all the citi zens who could rushed tor the point of conflagration. This was the Urge fur niture store of Roy G. Butler, on Fre mont street, just east of Second street. The boilding and contents were of an lutlamable sort. It was of frame con struction, dry and in less tb$j). na time every portion of the building was a aeethiDg mass of flames. By the time the fire laddies had hore .on the the fire *had broken through the roof and waa sweeping along the entire structure, making it a forlorn attempt to check Its ravages on the Butler premises. With an inade quate supply of hoae all in the inflamed building was foredoomed to complete destruction. The fire ravaged and in vicious vengeance destroyed all. ' The Piemen, perceiving their inability to save the premises or effects of Roy Butler directed their attention to pres venting the Bpread of the demon fire to adjacent buildings. The building most In danger waa tba splendid two-story hotel structure of Mrs. Smith. The Palace Hotel is lo cated on Second street and only about 100 feet apart from the furniture store. Tke firemen worked like beavers and accomplished the saving of thia build Ipg. They tealed the roof and covered it with blankets and applied depdndrs to the side. Upon these portions a stream of water was played as per di rection of Chief Lillis. These heroic pets oh the part of the brave firemen, with the generous assistance of the citi= pens, checked the spreading of the flames Into other exposed portions of the otty. '»■)' - T The furniture building wag two storlee •ad 25xSO feet. The owner of the building is Mr. E. E ■ Neeley and Geo. E. Neeley of Los Angeles, who had it 'reeled for the purpose lor which it was used. .They stocked it end calculated to business themselves in the Magic f. But Roy G. Butler, the pioneer rniture man of Vegas, having an eye |o the opportunities of this growing and preading p'ace, made them an offer' inrcbseed their stock and added his large stock from Ragtown to it, king a furniture supply in the build aggregating more than $6900 in a. Upon this stock was an insur ieof $3000, making Butler’s net loss t tOOO.:---. The cost of the building was $2500, surance of $1000—a loss of $1500 to i owners. [The tent boarding house of Mrs, ury Blake on the east of the burned was taken down, and it and to a safe distance, to her account except the tare of unknown. Mr. ip town in com some friends when the ftrst noticed. Butler has daring warm period , oktad bis v m. and in his lalged the friendly ■ - . r-—" it r 'oa^vlrp unstinted praise fiom the citizens and p overty cwoeye. This is merited. but at the aatne t[tne these hltiseus aod property ownera thonld rococnise the fbct tbat the firp r rjjam nation is short op lioae. 350 feet more 'it hoee fhoOld te purchase^ at once aivi put in romtniasion with th^ 150 feet the city now own*. With better equip ment the fire laddies Can make a better record. Mo*t of the hose used was for this fir# extinguishing. Andy McGuinn and AT Thackery were heroic ip the work of handling the • , j • .hose and noSXle at'the fire. A like i tribute is due to Paul Winterbottom, I [key Blum, and J$r. l^loyd, In fact all were witling and played the part tbat ,showed the cxperence of veteran fire: men, Chief L1I1U ph this oocaaion 'illustrated bis capaoity and fitness to conduct with efficiency a fire department. A PLEASANT eyfWT. A Good Time Afforded by the1 Wednesday Evening Club. Od Thursday evening a social dance' was given at the Partition on Ogden street, under the auspices of the Wed nesday Evening Dancing Club. Fer this occasion there assembled as ganial and pleasant a combination of ladlas and gentlemen as ever Indulged in tbe'fahcity of “tripping the light fantastic foe.” It was a }oT)A>^nd sunsbiney crowd. Youth ana beauty was present exhibit ing the spirit associated with the play fellow girlish charsetistios. AU'illuatrat ed those embodiments that makes life a bliss. it was onexcell&bla and too much praise cannot be bestows^ upon those who had the tact and leadership to bring to the aurface that fnn and pleasure that has suoh an enchanting effect In any o immunity, for the side of Ufa tb*t re quires relief from dull care, To the ohserrer the merry makers presented a picture of neatly gowned ladies and cempanionable gentlemen As these to tbg airy tanas of the orchestra moved to and fro over the p trillion floor, they presented a vivid sad lively picture, one that-will long bs remembered. The music was of the best and at this forte Mr. Pieioe and Mrs. Cram are artists, The dances will be of weekly occurences during tho fall and winter season, and if these are to be judged by | the initiative performance, they will be | a marked success. From start to finish it we* “on with the dance’’ and how gay and lively those scenes remain as pr* »on ted iq. the quadrilles, the oircle two step, the oxford minuet, the rye waltz aadlanoers, All these pieeented features that can be appreciated when seen, but not adequately deicrlbed. The fortunate laliea and gentlemen present were Miss Adams the Misses Wadsworth, Mrs. Murphy, Mri. and Mas Joy, Mrs. Beaver, Mra. Co*, Mrs. O'Connell, Miss Fitzwllliama, Mrs. Cummings, Mias Blake. Miss James. Miss Skinner, Miss Connell, Mrs. Koch, .Miss Moffit, Miss Y*ke, Miss and Mrs. •Pierce, Mrs. W. R, Thomas, Mrs. M. C. Thomas, Miss Tyler, Mra Hicks, the rare Mrs. Blake?, Miss Reed, Archie Weaver, (and how gay he was,) A. L. My era, Judge W, R. Thomas. M. C Thomas, Mr. Collson, Mr. Scott, Mr Be*tey» Mr. r Block, Or, Martin, Ur.' Jamee, Fred McFadden, Mr. Ruahnall Mr. Reed, C. I* Keoaolse, Mr. Cos, E. W. Clark, Mr. Harris, Mr. Beaver. Mr. Mo&tmia, Mr. BL-hop, F. H. Collioe. My. Botkin, Mr. Harper, W. W. Cahill, f. t>. Fleming, G. D. Raaor, Mr. Burns, Mr. Hicke, Mr. Brandt, Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Atogsn,Roy U.Botier, Judge Brennan, V. h. Ward, Mr. Her. rter,TX V. NoUnd sal Hon. Frank M. Grace. Our Noxt Governor. Frank Clark, the neat governor of Nevada, returned from bis trip" to BoU frog. Frank reports conditions In the ijreat Nevada muting district as extra' r lcary and the mineral showings mi a si. . ■ _- — HEW BUILDINGS BMjSinsss Blocks end Build-' Inge or All Sorts to bs Erected this Fall. WIJ4- A BUSY StASON Wiener, Miller, White, fcleen j-ert and Others Will be Ahieast With Times * r. WILl HAVE PERNAHEfil hONES HERE. Evan in the bet weather Vegas Is preparing for a renewal of activity in ibe building line. It promieea to be an epidemic of construction and lndicationai are that more residencga and business blocks of a]l sorts and descriptions will be t^uilt daring the tall than what has beep built op to the present time. Tha builders cap prepare for an extremely busy season this fall and winter. Tba wiptpr in tbia-eHme is the TavoreS' season for building. Since May, one hundred and forty*1 tire reaidenoes and business buildings in this Clark townsite hare been erected. These are distributed in all direction! but mainly are along Main, First aud Fremont streets. Amongst tboee who are baring plans prepared and getting intoehape to drive ahaad with full force in the improve ment line, in the near future are: John Wiener, who will erect a publics bouse, twa atorlea, full modern improvements, on Main street near Fremont. The nodding will occupy a ground apace of thirty by seventy feet. It will bp when completed conducted as an hotel. It will cost $6,000. John F. Miller, the California oil magnate purchased the tots on corner of Fremont and Main street. Miller never ioes things by halves. His success In life is to know bow and to do It, In this case be is applying this characteristic and as a consaquenoe Las Vegas will be embellished with a neat two atory atruoture on said corner. It will be a hotel building and its damenaiona will be forty by . sixty feet, Making It i hoatlery second to no other in the south Nevada. Anotuer who ia in the sphere of mov. Jng along with the Vegas stride towards that goal that will make thia south land city the leading commercial and popula tion point m Nevada is Robert White Thia will be a two story, fire proof con= itf-nf-tinn hnair?'* <»* Vmty-wy nxty-flve. _ ip Clayeou & Griffith in accordance with the demand of their largely inoreaaing j oueinesa aqd that spirit of enterprlM ao manifest on all aides will Lave a furni* furs building fronting on Fremont street equal to their requirements. It too will be forty by ei»ty feet and when finished and fitted up will be an emporium for furniture eueb as Vegas will be proud of. The Fulmer and llerrick block is nearing completion and will bp occupied by the Kuhn Mercantile company. John il. Klaenbart believes in bstBt ibreast with the times. He too will m the near future ereot a building on Main street, block 3, that will do credit tolitt enterprise and bestow a palm upon , the mao who baa wisdom sufficient to reco, gnise the great cummeroial future of Yegna. ' Snob are only a few of those who are seeking returns for capital at Vegas. Many residence* are being sketched and figured upon for bniidisga tnat wiil make homes worthy for permanent residents of this valley. \ SEEK AN INJUNCTION. The Hotel Clause Agreement to be Dotermined at Ploohe. Legal papers were eervod co J. A Wiener, J. F. Miller. Oleson & Beinard and D. Peqoo to sppeer in theMstdet •A Court at F’iochp on bp 14th cl August to show cause yrhy they vara not vio lating tho agrfeipao! catered into with the Lis VegM Land and Wtter Com pany when they purchased lota from the; townsite company, ia tba «.alter of i selling liquor on the premises. The lams enjoined is whether tbs hotel proprietors are conducting a.public hostelry or not 'in accordance with the* provisions of said agreement. The one1 party coctends they are complying with the purport of the agreement and the Land an 1 Water Company claims that the spirit and purpose of the agreement ia violated by the parties ruled into oonrt. The timpftoy ask* for a perr petucl injunction against the parties named in the bill of complaint to re strain them from selling liquors. pome fine points of law are involved inthiscaie. It is of such importance as to make the decision of the court of far-reaching effect. HAD A SPLENDID TIME. It Was an Expression of the Sunny Sldo of Life, A cheerful assemblage of frlende and one of tty molt delightful roeiaJ happen ing! _and-of-Lappy Interewt* WWT the i dinner that Mr. P. D. Flemming the druggist gave Saturday evening at his finely equipped drug stare. The menti. and t|:a affair wua most notable. It was a case of splendor. Uood will and cheer was present. The select ladies typified that natural object so closely allied wiih art and st alj times an incentive to the .deals that mnjtea the conditions of life 4 bleMitfg A spirit of courllinesa and pbivalry dominated the excellent gentlemen who did honor to ths occasion, The fashion and details that Is associated with men tal brilliancy and the demeaaop that is such a oharm in life played a full part around this festive boaid. Toasts and the best effect of eonvertatiop during tire enjoyment of the good things aup> plied by the popular boat was the order of the evening. Beneath the dasaling light the effect was one of harmony with the spirit and appearance cf the happy participators. The ladles who rharmlDgly graced the event were Mre. Williams, Mies Skinner, Mias Williams and Miea Sq ilre. The gentlemen whose intellect oomnuuda admiration aud is a aure sign of the part they play In this community, were W, W. Cahill, the confidential representa tive of " the Pacific Borax and Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad Company, G. M. Raeor. a genius in civil engineering, Frank Brandt, a rising financier and banker; Fred. Shannon, who In hie profession ie widely esteemed, C_-P--48eedr~m*T1®S®r of the Ryholite aid Las Vegas Lumber Company, and the boat and burincaa factor, Mr. F. U. Flemming. RICH IN COPPER, It Looks Like Having Millions In It for the Boye. Local parties are the fortunate po ssessors of mining; claim* Dear Iflppeno that have great promise. The principal value* are in copper but the by prodpcta gold and silver are of considerable value also. Tbeee claims were located by C. E, Smith. Tito showings arc simply enormous, so great aa to place beyond oomprehension the possibilities of this dad. Eleven rtaim* are in the group. Orab samples assayed show Si in gold, 5 os. in ailver and 2711 per cent oopper. The owners are Dr. Keyea, F. D. Flemming, Frye A Tharkery and (J. K. Smith. Hope* With Benefactor. All southern Nevada ia hoping for the oomplete and epeedy recovery of Sen ator W.JL Clark. Today the mountains and plataa of this south land respond with, the prosperous ham of lueccaafnl people because Montana’* great senator like a true philanihrorbart and with UusicefS eoorege gave the people | through the San Pedro reload i< anon | able communication with the entakhs world. >. i » CROWELL & ALLOTT Stil| Lead J^erc is noFlqurin /^^egas a 'i good as A No.#. There arc .no.Canned Fruits iti Las Vegas of .equal .quality of ours. We get our Bqttor direct from tire Creamer)’ by express. Jhere is none tatter There is no general store in Southern Nevada, larjge or -as well stocked as ours. Coma and see us in our new brick store in SHq$3s5 S, 2^1 ain. St.. CLARK’S LAS VEGAS - - NEVADA. The Red Cross _ 31K " H' -' — ^ f ^ ’* * DRUG STORE keodrick & Shannon, Prop’s Oar Htook *8 all New, L’rt-sb and wpocjally selected lor tbe market, A complete line of Drugs, Medicines, 7 Brushes, fine Soap«, Sponges’ Perfumes, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Opposite Post Office Las Vegas, Nevada. CHEAP Having purchased the Neeley furniiure stock and with my own large stock am overstocked. To reduce same for tei} days will give 10', to 35 0/ /o Cooking. Utensils, Crockery, Com forts and Blankets Will sell regardless of cost. A chance you wont have again in Las Vegas to buy furniture so cheap. Call a&d see me in new building one block cast o Postoffice. ROY G. BUTLER. C. GAM LUMBER COMPANY V' . - Incorporated < Wholesale and Retail Dealers California Redwood, Pugit Sound Pine, Sash* Doors and General Building Material A. W. iURDEN, LAS