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_ _ _ »*•*• Llbr«rr, | LAS VEGAS AGE t VOLUME XXIII . LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927 NUMBER 30 COUNTY VALUATION SHOWS INCREASE Clark County Assessment Roll Valuations Increased Nearly One and Three Quarters Millions. • . A substantial increase of about one sixth in the county valuation was announced by County Asses sor F. C. DeVinney this week when the assessment roll were completed 'for the year ending June 30, 1927. This increased valuation of$l,1 723,616 over the last year's total of $10,219,368. This brings Che county valuation up to $11,942,884. The Union Pacific railroad vafl 'nation was increased by $1,382,179 ] from $5,940,090 to $7,322,269.; This increase is due to the find-, ing of the State Tax Commis sion which met in Carson a few months ago and ordered that the valuation be raised. The American Railway Express, The Pullman Company, The Con solidated Power and Telephone Company and other public utili-! ties valuations were raised $66, ] 33'4. The balance of the increase j is In real estate and mining | machinery. MANY REFINEMENTS IN NEW BUICK MODEL Twelve luxurious closed models and four de luxe open cars com prise the line of Buicks for 1928.1 AH embody refinements undream ed of, even in the costliest custom motor cars. There Ls no marked difference in appearance between the short-; er and the longer wheelbase models of Buick for 1928. Both have the same radiator shell, and the same stylish low coutour. Headlamps, in Buick for 1928, cast the tame quantity of light when Tufned on dim as wthen bright. In the dim position, how ever, the light fa depressed to the road directly In front of the car, where it can not inconvience aproaching drivers. New rigidity is assured in the Buick front fenders, on the 1928 models, by a one-piece tie rod, which also supports the head-, lamps. Two brackets, instead of one as formerly, give the fenders additional strength. Another new feature is the combination tail stop and backing libht, entirely automatic in oper light. Beside adding to the car’s distinction, it increases the Buick factor of safety. The improved radiator emblem resembles last year’s, but is more graceful and typifies, in a great er degree, the speed and luxury which are Buick’s. It is bounted on a deeper heavily nickeled radiator shell. motor i m pro vc men to •! The iniprovellents in Buiok’s fauous vibrationless six-cylinder . vaflve-in-head engine lend a speed, getaway and hill ability never before acheived, either by Buick or any other motor car. JJo adjustment of generator brushes, to regulate the rate of battery charge, is required. A thermostatic regulator, Entirely automatic, tempers tthe charge ■properly, under all weather con ditions. preventing under-charging) or over charging. ■Cold-weather starting, which ! has always been easy with the I Buick becomes still more certain j in the new machine. The gear ratio between the starter and j fly-wheel has been increased to! bring about this end. Greater simplification appears '■ in the distributor head this year. This is due to the new accessibil ity of the adjustment screwy Tighter seating valves, and con sequent 3aving of power, result from a new head design whereby the valve seats are more evenly cooled. This change has been made in the light of long study of combustion problems and lhas insreased the portion of fuel ; transformed Into useful power, thereby bettering performance. Still further power increase Is assured by the enlargement of the entire exhaust system. - • Rates of fare on the Boeing Air Transport line from Reno toj various cities along the route1 were announced by O. C. Rich-j adreon, the Reno field manager. The one way ticket from Reno to San Francisco is $23.00 per person. This rate is higher than the fare on the line of the West ern Air Express Company from here to L03 Angeles which is a greater distance. The fare from Reno to Salt Lake is higher than from Las Vegas to Salt Lake. Las Vegas can be very proud that she is on an air line which gives such good service at so low a price. The Western Air Express Company is tihe first line of its kind’ which has been a financial success. The Turkish president has pre pared a speech which is two days long Wait till Tom Heflin hears about this. ORCHESTRA MEMBERS i WILL ENJOY TRIP Giles Morrison, a member of the Fresno Fire Department Or chestra, expects to accompany that organization to the annual convention of Pacific Coast Fire1 ’Chiefs, which begins August 4. The orchestra wll leave Fresno [ in an lutomobile stage which .they have purchased with their I own funds. They expect to de-f fray all ixpenses of the trip by dance engagements at Stockton, j Redding, C rants Pass, Roseburg, Eugene and Corvallis. Five days will be upent in Portland. The orchestra consists of elev en members. They will leave, Fresno July28. I Four Days Check Indicates 59 Per Cent Gain Over Last Year in Number of Cars on Arrowhead Route. A check of the traffic on the principal highways of Nevada was started by the State Highway De partment on July 18th at 6:00 a. m. Checkers have been posted at 19 points on the various high ways. The check will continue for one week and the passing vehicles will be listed under the heads of Nevada cars, foreign cars, trucks and horsedrawn vehicles. A similar check has been made by the Highway Department dur ing the past five years. The de partment especially desires to as certain the wearing of surface ma terials of the different types of roads. Three checking stations were established in Clark county: one two miles south of Las Vegas on the road to Los Angeles, one at Glendale on the Salt Lake City highway and the third at Indian Springs, on the Vegas-Goldfteld highway. The first three days check at the station south of Las Vegas indicates that the traffic will be about fifty per cent greater than during a like period in 1926. The check for the first four days, July 18 to 21 inclusive, in dicate an increase of 59' per cent in travel over 1926. The daily average of cars in 1926 was 279; for the first four days this year, 444. The count at the station on the Arrowhead Highway two miles south of Las Vegas is as follows: Nev. Foreign Total July 18 175 2#3 419 July 19 185 211 396 July 20 243 258 501 July 21 224 233 459 Totals 828 947 1775 Average 207 237 ^44 ENGLISH PREDICTED UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE A prediction that one universal language will shortly be used throughout the world and that the language will be English was voiced by G. Bromley Oxnam, re- j tiring pastor of the Church of All Nations. Los Armeies, who is go ing East to take a professorship at Boston University, and who: concluded his popular ministry with young people with his ad dr<rs before members of the > Eighteenth Annual Southern Cali fornia Epworth League Institute,; which concluded its sessions Sun day, July 17, at Pacific Palisades,; the famous educational, resort and convention center on the north shore of Santa Monica Bay. Mr. Laurel Richhart of 532 S. 4th Street, represented Las Vegas! at Pacific Palisades. - I ELKS WILL LEAVE FOR CONVENTION The representatives of Las Ve-' gas Lodge No. 1468, B. P. O. E. who will attend the state con vention at Reno Juy 28, 29 and; 30, are as follows: Exalted Ruler; C. E. Pembroke.! Esteemed Leading Knight; Ro-| ibert Griffith. Esteemed Loyal Knight; Her bert Kryise. Esteemed Lecturing Knight; O. K. Adcock. Esquire; Wm. E. Orr Chaplain; Harley A. Harmon. Inner Guard; Otis Goodwin. 'Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and Mr. Krause are already in Reno. The remainder of the party ex- j pect to leave by automobile Mon day morning. Mrs. Pembroke! will accompany the Exalted Rul er. ELY EDITOR HERE ON. QUICK TRIP Vail M. Pittman, editor of die Ely Daily Times, was an arrival j from Ely last evening. He came to see how his ranch Is geting along and finds everything in fine! shape, with the fruit trees doing well. He is leaving for home; this evening. SOUTHERN NEVADANS WILL HOED REUNION Will Meet Friday, July 29 and Cooperate With Neva-, da State Elks’ Association! Saturday, July 30. At a meeting of "The Goldfielfl er's” held at Reno it was unani mously resolved that the Annual Reunion be held at Reno on Fri day, July 29, and cooperate with | the Nevada State Klks Associa tion on the last day of their three day meeting, which would be on Saturday, July 30. It was also decided that the name of the association should be changed from “The Goldfield er's” to the “Southern Nevadans,” and that all of Southern Nevada should be Invited 'to participate jointly as our interests are all in common. At the meeting the following were named as members of the committee to have charge of all arrangements: Tonopah Mark Bradshaw, Hon. Joe Mujiphy, C’hjurtes Rvpnonblerg, Murphy, Charles Wittenberg, Art Kennan, Bill Booth, Frank Gar side, Nick Abelman and John G. Kirchen. Goldfield R. W. Cattermole, George Me Kenna, L. F. Deitweiller, Harry McGuigan and Billy Mercer. Las Vefas Copt. J. F. Bradley, James Cash man. Harley Harmon, J. T. "Waters, Sam Gay and C. P. ! Squires. Beatty George^ Greenwood. Pioneer William J. Tobin. Mina bay Baker, L<u Lottie ana L«es : ter Cornelius. Hawthorne Hon. Fred B. Balzar, Henry | Boerlin and Hon. John H. Miller. Pioche Hon. A. L. Scott and Charles I Culverwell. Death Valley Junction, Cal. Death Valley Scotty. It is the Intention of this or ganization to not only promote projects of different kinds in Southern Nevada, but principally to promote the mining industry, and in a general way also to perpetuate memories of men and events connected with southern Nevada. It is the intention on July 30th to participate in a parade with the Elk’s, representative of sou thern Nevada featuring historical things, such as old stage coaches, a bunch of at least one hundred burros and such like. At the last similar meeting there were between five and six hundred members present. It is ifrged that all Clark County 'peo ple who can do so arrange to be at Rjno July 29-30 to visit the exposition and participate in the festivities of the “Southern Nevadans.” NINE LYNCHINGS IN FIRST SIX MONTHS The records of Tuskogee Insti tute show that during the first six months of 1927 tncre were nine lynchings in the United States. This is the same number as for the corresponding period n 1925 and 1926; four more than for the first six months of 1924; six less than for the first six months of 1923; 21 less than for the first six months of 1922 and 27 less than for the first six months of 1921. The figures show a gratifying decrease in the lynching activi ties of the South. AH of the per sons lynched in the first six months of this year were Negroes. The offenses charged were, mur der, 4; attempted murder, 2; rape 1; improper conduct, 1; charge not reproted 1. The states in which lynchings occurred and the number fi each state are as follows: Arkansas, 2; Louisiana, 1; Mississipp , 4; Missouri^. 1; Texas, 1. ATTENDANCE LIGHT AT ROTARY CLUB The absence of an unusual num ber of Rotarians on vacations reduced the attendance at Thurs day’s meeting to the smallest of the summer. Ed. W. Clark was program chairman of the day. He gave a talk which was fittingly short and of course, right to the point. The speaker expressed the hope that the club under its new ad ministration would continue its good work and that members should show ever increasing act vity in behalf of Rotary. He con gratulated Las Vegas on having two active service clubs, a dis tinction unusual for so small a city, but which was an indication of tbe spirit of Its citizens. Program charmen for coining weeks were announced as fol lows; July 28, Walter Houck. August 4, Cy Wengert. August 11, Charlie Squires. HOME IS DAMAGED BY FREAK STORM - I The home of C. Lilya. Ninth ind Stewart Streets in this city, was ccns'deraflyTy damaged by . the freak wind storm which) seemed to center its force from ’ two directions on that locality j last Monday evening. Most of the roof was blown I »ff and the ceiling fell. Mrs.f Lilya has been in poor health for some time and the family is now almost without shelte;. The people of Lag Vegas are contributing toward a fund of (350 to assist Mr. Lilya in re storing his home. No other damage except that to the Lilya home was reported. SEC. WORK PRAISES LABOR OF 0AM BOARD Predicts Passage of Boulder Canyon Dam Bill With Some Amendments Sev en States Meet Aug. 10. Declaring the Colorado river fact finding advisory group which he named shortly after the ad journment or „the last session of congress had entirely Justified Its selection, Secretary of the Inter ior Hubert Work expressed the opinion that order out of chaos would result from the efforts of the group. He further expressed the opinion that out of the work or the commission would grow facts that would result in the passage by the next session o£ the Swing-Johnson (bill for the erection of a huge storage dam at Boulder Canyon “or there abouts.” “There may be some slight modification made of the present bill which was defeated at the last session of congress, dut the bill will pass at the forthcoming session. It was a good thing it did not pais at the last session, .for out at the delay has grown a more definite knowledge on the part of (he 'people of the needs of the dam and has resulted in the taking of steps which will be beneficial to the legislation. nopcTui "At the governor’s conference in Denver on August 10 of repre sentatives from the seven states of the Colorado river basin there should result something fruitful, some step or some move that will bring about final ratification of the state Colorado river com pact. The only barriers in the past tiaVe been jUificulties between Arizona and California, and as a result of the actions of the gov ernors of those two states re cently commisions have been named and have been meeting in an attempt to iron out their difficulties and we now find these states more nearly to an agree ment than ever before in the history of the Colorado river controversy.” ruiiuwuiK aujuui nuieui ui luc conference Secretary Work an nounced the group would ibe con tinued indefinitely to aid him in Che further conduct of the ad m^ndstrlat ion’s affair^ with re gard to Colorado river devetop mant. “This committee will re main as constituted to advise with me and the administration during the forthcoming session of congress and also as long as I am in the interior department.” he said. Give Reports James G. Scrugham of Nevada, United States Senator Charles W. Waterman of Colorado. Prof. William F. Durand of Stanford University, Governor Frank C. Emerson of Wyoming and James it. Garfield, former secretary of the interior, comprise the advi sory group. Each was assigned i particular phase of the devel opment on which to report. It was these reports that have been received by Secretary Work. VEGAS GIRL PICTURED AT ELKS’ CONVENTION Miss Alice Henderson, daughter of Senator and Mrs. A. S. Hend erson of this city, is pictured in the issue of the Cincinnati Post it July 12 as representing the West at the Elks’ National Con tention. Miss Jewel Freil of New Orleans is shown in the same picture as typifying the South. Miss Henderson in the picture Is wearing a streamer on which the words “Las Vegas, Nevada” ire printed in large letters, show ing that our Las Vegas is re serving favorable publicity. The Hendersons were in Wash ington, D. C. July 1G. After spending a day or two there they planned to go to New York and will return home by way of the Hudson River and Niagara Falls. NEW CHEVROLET Tom Ca"oll has purchased a Chevrolet sedan through the igency of J. Warren Woodard, tor use in his real estate business. The new car Is decidedly hand )ome in appearance and Tom ex pects to he able to keep real. estate moving with it. I Matter of Constitutionality of Three Months Resi dence Argued and Submit ted to Supreme Court Because many suits for divorce under the three-months residence divorce law and a number of de crees granted, the supreme court of the state of Nevada is ex pected to tender an early decision in the matter of the law's con stitutionality, which was argued and submitted Wednesday. It is the general belief that the law wiU be upheld. The action before the supreme court is an appeal for a writ of prohibition to prevent Judge George A. Bartlett of the Washoe county district court from pro ceeding with the case in which he declared the law constitutional, says the Nevada State Journal. Among the attorneys who pre sented the arguments were those representing the plaintiff and the defendant in the test case, two ap pointed by Judge Bartlett to pre sent the views of his court, one to present the views of Judge G. A. Ballard, who Tirst questioned the validity of the law, and two ap pointed amicus curiae by the su preme court. One of the latter was Atty., Gen., M. A. Diskin. Though two of the attorneys presented the negative side of argument for the purpose of the test, it was remarked that the en tire seven expressed the belief personally that the measure was valid. Harlan Heward, counsel for the defense in the case, who elected to raise the question of the con stitutionality of the threejmonths law in Judge Bartlett’s court, opened 'he arguments. He con tended that the legislature toad no authority to amend or repeal the initiative measure adopted toy the people in 1922, which pro because, under the provisions of vided for a six month’s residence, section 2, article 19, of the Con stitution of the State of Nevada, the people have reserved to them selves "the power to amend or repeal laws adopted, by them. He further contended that the title of the 1927 act was defec tive, as it attempts to amend what the act itself designates as a proposal, and not an existing law. George B. Thatcher, amicus cu riae of the Washoe county court, answered the arguments of He ward and insisted that under sec tion 3 of the constitution a mea sure initiated by the people and and for which a substitute was proposed toy the legislature, could be repealed or amended by the legislature. Mr. Thatcher al so asserted that the title of the act was sufficient, under deci sions heretofore rendered by the supreme court. uiaj iiiaoiiuui u, ouvM uvj tng the petitioner in the district court was the first speaker at the afternoon session. His observa ! tions were along the lines indi cated by Thatcher. Lester D. Summerfield, district I attorney of Washoe county, took! the position that section 3 of ar-! tide 19 of the constitution had j reference only to such measures. as were adopted by a majority I vote cast at the election, and it j was admitted by opposing coun sel for petitioner that the initia tive measure provided for a six! months residence in divorce cases did not receive a majority of the votes cast at the election. George S. Brown presented in ful and filled with the clerk of the i court a st^temet containing the j opinion of Judge Ballard and set-! ting forth his views as to the unconstitutionality of the law. Brown stated that these were not his own views and he expressed himself as being satisfied that the law was constitutional. M. A. Diskin, attorney general, appointed 'by the supreme court as amicus curiae, stated to the court that after a careful investi gation of the la.w^ and the conten tions raised by the petitioner he was of the opinion that the objec tions as to the invalidity of the 1927 aot were without merk for the reason that the measure adopted toy the people in 1922 was initiated by petition and that the substitute proposed toy the legis lature was not a law and did not become a law until adopted by the people. The attorney general stated that the constitution of Nevada gave to the legislature the right to amend or repeal such a measure after the expiration of three years frc%u adoption. eGorge Sanford, also amicus curiae toi the supreme court, claimed t inasmuch as the law adopted by the people had ■> been proposed by the legislature, the legislature had the power to amend or repeal the law at any time after its adoption. He con curred in the conclusions reached by other counsel who held the statute to be entirey constitutional in every respect. It doesn't fake much of a car at that, to last some drivers a life-time.—Arkansas Gazette. MARRIED SHiCERIN-ORIGGS: in this city, Wednesday, July 20, 1927, Joseph A. Sheerin, Jr., to Anabel Griggs, Rev. M. K. Stone officiating. The newlyweds left following the ceremony for a honeymoon In California. RONSTADT - SPAULDLNQ: In Long Beach, California, Saturday, July 16, 1927, John Bannard Ron stadt. to Grace Claudia Spaulding. The happy couple wfll be at home at S82 Oibispo Avenue, Long Beaoh. Mr. Ronstadt was for some years a resident of Las Vegas and his many Iriends here will be glad to join with the Age in hearty congratulations and good wishes. GASOLINE ¥x FEES Mil 10 COUNTIES Clark County Receives $4, 038.43 of the Amount Collected in Second Quar-j ter of 1927. — During the three months’ per-! -iod, ending June 30, the four cent' gasoline tax fund collected iby: the state amounted to $115,146.17 of which $10,215.59 was refunded leaving $104,930.58 to be dis tributed on a basis of fifty per cent to she state and fifty per cent to the various counties, ac cording to the number of cars registered in the counties. Taking the $104,930.58 collected through the four cent tax as ba sis the figures indicate that 2,632,204 galons of gasolie were used by the cars in the state of Nevada during the months of April, May and June. Clark county’s share of this would be over 200,000 gallons or aibout one tenth of the total gasoline used in the state. i ue luiui uuiuun wi uwjubcs issued in the state for the first half of the year was 22, 982. According to the last census this would give one car to every three persons in the state. Following is the amuont of the gasoline tax fund that will be distributed to the counties after the state gets its fifty per cent. ChurohiiU, $3,709.56 for 1621 rare Clark, $4,038.43 for 1769 cars. Douglass, $1,620.85 for 710 cars. Esmeralda, $899.46 for 394 cars. Elko, $4,S16.84 for 2,110 cars Eureka, $945.12 for 414 cars Humboldt, 2,344.52 for 1027 cars. Lander, $1,100.35 for 482 cars Lincoln, $1,205.36 for 528 cars. Lyon, $3,006.56 for 1317 cars Mineral, $1,009.04 for 442 oars. Nye, $3,218.87 for 1410 cars. Ormsby, $1,419.72 for 653 cars. Pershing, $1,671.07 for 732 cars. Storey, $625.51 .for 274 cars Washoe, $15,772.46 for 6909 cars. White Pine, $4,999.52 for 2190. BORN jVmCULICH: To Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Mikulich, Sunday, July 17, 1927, a ten pound son. DELGADES: To Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Delgades, Thursday, July 21, 1927, a six and one-half pound son. PERSONAL ITEMS Mrs. Frank Gussewell and ohil- i drew are spending a few days at i the Park. Mr and Mrs. N. E. Williams and Children spent the week end as guests at the Squires-Boyer camp. Mr. and Mrs. Harley A. Harmon and Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wengert, Jimmie and Marylynn and Mrs. Mary Fogarty of Min nesota spent Sunday In the Wen gert cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington and children have taken a cabin for a fortnight while Mr. Harrington is enjoying a vacation from the First State Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Buzick hayei taken a cottage at the park where1 the Buzick young folks are enjoy ing a vacation. Mrs. Roy Neagle and little son are enjoying a vacation in Camp Mr. Nagle spent Sunday with: them. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pembroke and son Jack and Mrs. J. H. j Light foot drove up to the resort Sunday and spent the day with! Dr. and Mrs. Roy W. Martin.' Mrs. Dave White and Evelyn have been at the park for* the past week. Mrs A1 Cahlan was able to with the new son last Monday leave the Las Vegas Hospital evening. Frank Garside, owner of the Tonopah Times and the Las Ve gas Review, is in Vegas during the absence of Editor A1 Cahlan. Mrs. Dave Wadsworth of Pa naca has been in the Las Vegas Hospital this week undergoing examination and treatment. She plans to return home early in the week. She plans to come to Vegas with her children to reside the coming winter, in order to receve further treatment by her physician. Mrs. Frank Buol, Jr., and her little sister of Sloan are enjoying a few days in camp. CALIFORNIANS HOPE FOR RIVER COMPACT Prediction That Agreement Between Arizona and Other States Will Be Reached Following Denver Meeting. .... (Nevada State Journal) _ Hope that an agreement be tween Arizona and other lower basin states on the Colorado ri ver may be reached at a confer ence, tentatively planned for August 10 in Denver, was express ed yesterday by members of a southern California commission, who stopped in Reno after visit ing the states primarily Interest ed in conservation an^l controll of the waters of the Colorado. The members of the group were Earl C. Pound, president of the Imperial Valley irrigation dis trict and designated by Governor C. C. Young as one of the men to ibe appointed as a memiber of the Colorado river commission for California^ W. B. Mathews, chief counsel of the department of water and power of Dos Angeles; T. A. Panter, assistant electrical engineer for the bureau of power and light of Dos Angeles; Ralph H. Criswell, Colorado river agent of the department of water and power, a former member of the city council of Los Angeles; W. J. Dowd, chief engineer of the Imperial district; Charles L. Childress, chief counsel for the district, and F. H. Mclver, sec retary and treasurer. The members of the commis sion said they ha^l been on a “friendly visitation” to the four upper basin states, stopping at Santa Fe, Denver, Salt Lake City and Reno. “In all states we found a friendly attitude toward the great desire to see the compact of the seven states ratified by Arizona.” Uitttnn ui a,s»iMtuu c lu v^am ornia and Arizona in terminating the differences of those two 6tates relative to agreements for distribution of benefits to accrue from construction of the proposed dam, were made by the upper states, the visitors said. “California feels friendly to ward Nevada and appreciative of the efforts of Nevada in forward ing plans for the dam. At no time since the seven state pact was prepared and signed has there been any serious differen ces of opinions between the offic ers of Nevada and California,” Pound stated. “There has been nothing but the most harmonious relations between the two states he con tinued. "In 1926 Nevada and California agreed on a proposal for a three state compact, formulated by J. G. Scrugham of Nevada, .but the pact was rejected by Arizona.” The upper states, the Califor nian added, have offered to act as judges at the coming confer ences between the lower states. ii mtf luwer stales cau itjacu au agreement, assurances were giv en to the travelers that the upper states will fight for the legisla tion for 'he dam in congress. The visitations were said to have been entirely satisfactory, and probably v> have paved the way for concrete action at the coming conference. Governor Young of California will be in attendance at the Den ver meeting, it was stated. Yesterday the men held a con ference with Governor Balzar, George W. Malone, state engineer, True Vencill and other officials, which was described as very sat isfactory. There was no thought at the conference, Criswell said, of try ing to enter into any agreement with Nevada. The party left Reno last night to go to Sasramento to make an unofficial report to Governor Young and the members of the California water commission. CLARK COUNTY MEN VISIT LINCOLN COUNTY Mr. Wilson and his associate, Mr. Wagner, Supt., and Foreman of the .borax mines near Las Ve gas, who have been prospecting in Lincoln County for the past 10 days, while on a visit with their friend, Joseph Kutchner of the Kaolin Mine of which he is Supt., are much impressed with the mining property visited by them near Elgin and Carp. They speak in the highest terms of the districts visited.—Lincoln Co. Record. STONE REELECTED MACHINIST CHAIRMAN A. T. Stone was reelected chair man of machinists for the coming two years at the '•'invention of shop employees of the Union Pa cific held at Caliente this week. Mr. Stone has already served a two year t"rm in fa’s important position. , The old time song which ran “My Bonnie lies over the ocean” may be succeeded by one which will go, “My Bonnie flies over the bcean.