Jl’NE 11—Maximum, 101; ,rh* *“'******’
Minimum, 66. ,n* Work Is Fully sad Accurately
Covered. Associated Press sad United
METAL MARKETS Pres, Wire Service Brin* News ef
NEW YORK. June 11 (U.R>—Cop- the World to This Paper—A Leader
per 51k—514 cents a pound; sine 2.80 | For More Than a Quarter of a
per pound; lead 3 cents per pound; fVntnrv
J silver, June 27.55—28.00 per ounce. |
P. ' ' ' - . . . ■ ■ ■ ■■.—'- 11
Grist from the
Daily Grind
-Bv C. P. "
There appears to be still a vas
amount of wasted energy, whicl
means money in the railroad busi
ness in spite of the appalling re
duction in the number of employes
Last night starting for the Re
publican National convention a
Chicaga The Observer was the fiftl
passenger to occpy the moderr
Pullman car Shannon, Leaving Sail
Lake City at 12:30 two more passen
gers were added to our number. A;
this car goes through to Chicago w<
may pick up a few more at Ogden
Nevertheless the fact remains thal
this modern Pullman, weighing pro
bably around fifty tons (the Pull
man conductor says he has no idea
how much) carried something like
ten tons dead weight for every pas
senger between Los Angeles and Salt
Lake City.
Which probably proves something
or other. Most likely that we, the
people, insist on expensive luxuries
for which we are unable or un
willing to pay.
When one wants to travel without
effort or worry, it is hard to beat a
Pullman sleeper.
True enough, we love the swift
trips by automobile and the freedom
we enjoy in taking whatever route
we please. Yet trips of several
hundred miles by automobile entail
a certain amount of work, worry and
discomfort which is missing in
Pullman travel.
One can't lie dow-n in a comforta
ble bed and get eight hours re
freshing sleep in an antomobile as
The Observer did last night in the
good old Pullman car Shannon.
We came through Pleasant urove.
Utah, this morning. There they
have colorful decorations on the
streets and signs announcing that
this is “Strawberry Day.” We re
member driving through here on
Strawberry Day just a year ago
with Dick Miller.
Strawberry Day is an annual
event in this region, for the purpose
of interesting the world in the fact
that Utah grows vast quantities of
luscious strawberries, and that the
center of the industry is Pleasant
We. in Las Vegas, have often re
marked the fact that Utah straw
berries have a luscious sweetness
quite noticeably absent in the Cal
ifornia berries.
At Salt Lake City our train waits
fifty minutes. Getting off the train
without coat, vest or hat, and wear
ing slippers instead of whiles, «
had the urge to prowl So we went
into the station and looked again
at the wonderful paintings at either
end of the waiting room, one of
Brigham Young and his party first
viewing the Salt Lake Valley, and
ar the other end. a striking picture
of the ceremony of driving the
golden spike at Promontory Point.
Then, still feeling the urge, we
walked up West Temple street to
Hotel Utah, which we found crowd
ed with folks here to attend the ses
sions of the L. D. S. Mutual Im
provement and Primary Associations
at which some six thousand are ex
pected. We walked about the lobby
but did not see anybody from Clark
men we went to tne organ recuai
in the Tabernacle and, although
the doors are closed during the re
cital, we found means of slipping
out in time to walk back to the
train and have ' four minutes to
For the information of others
travelling this way, the taxi charge
for taking you around during the
train stop is $1.25. I find one can
walk a long way and see quite a
lot of Salt Lake City in thirty min
utes if he desires without paying
$1.25 for the privilege. And one
needs the exercise when traveling by
My visit of fifty minutes in Salt
Lake City cost me ten centos. That
I gave to a “lady moocher" who
asked if I would help her to “a
meal or a sandwich, or sumpin,” So
I gave her a dime and she said
“tenks" as she wiped her nose on
her sleeve.
And so wre find the depression has
developed new varieties of misery
with which we previously were not
in contact.
Second Lieutenants Murray,
Morse and Bruyer, March field fly
ers, who have entertained Las Ve
gas with their daredevil stunting
over the city, flew yesterday on a
trip over the Grand Canyon, re
turning late in the afternoon for
another stunting exhibition in the
western sky.
Plans of the Las Vegas and Boul
der City reserve officers organiza
tion to secure several bombers from
March field were dropped yester
day when a wire wras received noti
fying the local organization that
the huge ships would be unable to
visit Las Vegas.
The reserve officers had planned
to have the planes here for the
purpose of taking members of the
local organization for pleasure
flights over the city.
Vail M. Pittman, publisher of tht
Ely Daily Times, was in Las Vega:
yesterday to inspect his ranch here
******* ******* " ” “ *******
After a heavy three day session
of business, Nevada's Legionnaires
were leaving last night and this
morning for their homes, loud in
their praises of Las Vegas and
Boulder City hospitality.
The final session, yesterday aft
ernoon, was the longest and most
lively of any business meeting of
the delegates, and resulted in the
election, through unanimous ap
proval of the selections of the nom
inations committee, of the follow
ing officers for the coming year.
Department commander, Francis
A. Riordan, of Ely; first vice com
mander, Arnold Millard, Carson
City; second vice president, James
Hicks, Hawthorne; chaplain. Rev.
Peck. Ely; finance officer, Frank
M. Zeller, Boulder City; historian,
Charles Priest, Oar sen City; na
tional executive committeeman, A.
C. Grant, Las Vegas, and alternate.
E. K. Smith, Lovelock.
Immediately after their election,
the new -officers of the department
were installed by Past Department
Commander J. G. Scrugham, and
the gavel turned-over to Riordan.
His first official action as the new
leader was to read a telegram from
the then Past Commander Roy
Perssons, and to request a stand
ing half minute of silence in trib
ute to the work of Perssons of tile
department for the past year.
From the rostrum. Riordan call
ed for a meeting of several com
mitteemen for later in the evening,
to appoint the department adju
Last of the trophies awarded to
various posts for their activities
during their convention was the
trophy donated by Past Command
er J. G. Scrugham for the post best
represented in the parade, and the
best appearing post. The honor on
both was awarded to Boulder City
Post 31. Before the presentation, a
resolution was made and adopted
suggesting that the trophy be call
ed the Scrugham trophy. Com
mander Skinner of the Boulder City
post accepted the trophy in be
half of his post.
First order of business in the
afternoon, and last, session of the
convention was the selection of the
delegates for the 1933 Portland
convention, and their alternates.
Then will be, E. F. Dunleavy, Aus
tin. and D. M. Buckingham, Haw
thorne, alternate; Archie Pozzi,
Carson City, and Morley Griswold,
Reno, alternate; H. T. McSherry,
Reno, and George E. Nye, Yering
ton, alternate; A. E. Cahlan, Las
Vegas, and Vern Bursh, Sparks, al
ternate; A. M. Lamberty, Elko, and
| Harry Somers, alternate; R. F.
Skinner, Boulder City, and Willard
Smith, Caliente, alternate.
Following the selection of the
delegates for the coming national
j convention, the Las Vegas i*eet
ing entertained the report of the
resolutions committee.
One on the heels of the other,
t the meeting unanimously approved
a resolution in favor of going on
record in support of immediate pay
ment of the adjusted compensa
tion certificates, the $5,000,000 pros
perity loan, granting of the full
Hoover dam appropriations bill, and
(Continued on rag« Etehti
PARK CITY. «Jtah. June 11—
<U.R>—The comforts of home were
enjoyed today by six miners en
tombed for 30 hours in a tunnel
of the Silver King Western mine.
In the meantime rescue crews
dug away steadily at the barrier
of soggy earth only to see furth
er cave-ins erase their progress.
There is little danger The six
men—William O’Neil, shift boss;
Gilbert Carter, Clair Smith,
Clark Bennett, George Potter and
Mike Ruby—were trapped Fri
day shortly after they began
Rescue crews penetrated the
muddy wall with pipes to drain
off underground water. Other
pipes were driven into supply
fresh air. Still more were used as
conduits for food and drink.
Inside the tunnel, the men
have connected electric heaters
and are comfortable. They arc
patiently awaiting their rescue.
Special to The Age
GOLDRANGE. Nev., June 11. —
Goldrange is the scene of great
activity these days. The townsite
itself nestles in the center of a
natural amphitheatre surrounded
by rugged hills. Homes are spring
ing up over night and still going
strong at the present writing. The
streets are surveyed and the lots
are staked in preparation for the
coming campaign.
Arrangements are being made to
have water piped to the properay.
Chas. F. Pugh ana his associates
have water piped to the property,
sinking of a shaft, the site of
which is to be determined by the
reports of the company's prospec
tors now in the field.
Speaking as a layman and basing
our comment on the history and
development of famous mining
camps of the past, we cannot help
but feel that Goldrange is destined
to experience one of the big booms.
Again drawing on what is common
knowledge to mining men., Gold
field's basic wealth was discovered
in a structure called "lower rhyo
lite" and extended over an area
of three square miles, while Gold
range, showing the same identical
formation, covers thirty square
miles. Goldrange is ideally located,
being ,at an altitude of 6,400 feet,
and blessed with an abundance of
cedar and pine trees.
Pres. Lous W. Cramer and Hugh
A. Shamberger, vice president and
general manager of the Goldrange
Standard Mining Co., started sink
ing their first shaft Monday on
their U. S. standard property in
the Goldrange district. They estab
lished a contact at the convergence
of two veins running north and
south and east and west. The pres
ence of silisified rhyolite and quartz
J together with the mineralization'
already present in the contact
merely bears out Cramer's geologi
cal conclusion that an ore body
exists at depth at the junction
of these veins. Their objective is
j 250 feet or more.
| The Goldrange Standard Mining
Co. is incorporated under the state
^ laws of Nevada.
| Mr. and Mrs. W. E.fcFerron and
i daughters returned to this city on
J Thursday evening from Los Angeles
where they spent several days on
a combined business and pleasure
Charges Against Gaston Means Will
Be Placed In Hands Of Jury Monday
WASHINGTON. June 11 — <U.R>—
Charges against Gaston B. Means,
of embezzling $100,000 from Mrs.j
i Evalyn Walsh McLean with a prom
i ise to return the kidnaped Lind*I
' bergh baby will be placed in the:
hands of a jury Monday. The
former department of justice inves
tigator faces a jail sentence of from
10 to 20 years if found guilty.
Attorneys today argued technical
points. Monday they will summar
ize their arguments before a jury
of 11 men and one woman.
WASHINGTON, June 11 —(U.R)—
With its ranks swelling hourly, the
bonus expeditionary force expects
to have 15,000 men here Monday
when the house votes on whether it
shall consider the Patman bill for
immediate payment of the $2,000,
000,000 soldiers bonus.
Walter W. Waters, commander,
and other leaders predicted 50000
men would be here soon, and word
was sent out to all cities on the
eastern seaboard to send reinforce
Leaders of the demonstration to
night decided to send delegates to
the Republican and Democratic na
tional conventions in Chicago for a
“pay the bonus" plank in each
party platform.
While their presence would be
ostensibly to urge a plank in one of
the party platforms guaranteeing
payment of the bonus, the move
ment would actually be more for the
purpose of bringing pressure on
Officials of the camp discredited
reports that a large quantity of ex
plosives had ben found in the bed
tick of one of the veterans of the
Anacostia camp. Captain Sydney J.
Marks of the District of Columbia
police denied he had heard of the
find, but at police headquarters it
was established that an investiga
tion was being made though no one
would discuss it.
The explosive was said to consist
of two and one half sticks of dyna
mite, six denotating caps, and 50
feet of fuse.
ucuuci a ui Lxxt? uuxiu^> uxinj aaxu
they had their own investigators on
the case, but that so far they had
been able to find only rumors. An
elaborate espionage system is main
tained throughout the organization,
and.leaders are confident that if the
explosive was actually found they
wilt discover the owner.
Warning that the bonus army
may become a problem too great for
local police was given by Police
Chief Pehlam Glassford. who said
that if the army continues to grow
the federal government may have
to asume ‘'control.”
Thus far no help or recognition of
the bonus army's existence has come
from official sources. Secretary or
War Hurley was appealed to by
Glassford to furnish the men, sleep
ing largely in the open, with pup
tents. Hurley refused.
The situation at the camps was
emphasized today by Police Captain
Marks, who said that in a heavy
rain, the Acostia flats, all filled
ground, are frequently flooded six
inches deep. Most of the veterans
sleep on the ground.
(U.R>—Ira J. Alder, who said he
killed his brother-in-law and his
brother-in-law’s wife "because
they wouldn't ccok enough pie"
must die in the electric chair, the
criminal court of appeals ruled
j today.
Alder was convicted of the
murder of Mrs. Nora McDonald,
wife of his brother-in-law. It
also was charged that ho murder
ed her husband, Tom McDonald,
and attempted to murder his own
wife. His only explanation was
that they wouldn't cook all the
pie he wanted.
The defense contended that
such an explanation showed in
sanity, and sought a modifica
tion of the sentence. The appell
ate court denied the plea.
August 19 was set for the exe
With the major interest in the
Legion convention centered around
the activities of the men, the Le
gion Auxiliary quietly and efficient
ly conducted their portion of the
assembly, ending with the election
of officers for the coming year, and
were immediately waited upon by
a committee representing the new
officers of the Legion at the close
of the official sessions of both or
Mary Reed of Lovelock was
elected department president, with
Ethel Davis of Elko elected vice
president. Other selections made
yesterday were Tillie Blood, Las Ve
gas, national committewoman; Mrs.
Conunors, Fallon, alternate; Effie
Deadrich, Las Vegas, treasurer;
Dorothy Deckleman, Ely, historian;
rauia riaas, jsouiaer uny, sergeant
at-arms; Marie Gildner, Las Vegas,
president of district 2; Ruth Gal
legher, Elko, president of district
3; and Mrs. West, Hawthorne, pres
ident of district 4. There was no
representation from Washoe coun
ty, district 1, so there was no se
lection of a president of that dis
trict at the convention.
Mrs. Blood, as national comrnit
teewoman, will attend the 1933 con
vention, as will the delegates elect
ed yesterday, though their names
were not available at a late hour
last night.
Las Vegas Post 8' crack drum
and bugle corps, under the baton
of Don Borax, was selected as the
official Nevada department drum
and bugle corps for the coming
year, at yesterday’s morning ses
sion of the convention.
The corps has been practicing
constantly, and has been the fea
ture of every parade held in Las
Vegas for some time past.
- jv
Already under the stern discipline
of a hard boiled top-kick. Las Ve
gas’ contingent of bonus marchers
will leave here tonight, bound for
Washington, according to plans
formulated last night at their meet
With another meeting scheduled
for this morning, more than 185
men were signed up to make the
long trek last night, including the
aforementioned top sergeant and
Dr. A. Corfora. said to be licensed
to practice medicine in Nevada, who
will provide his services for the
Kirk Ambrose and John Capp.
both of whom enlisted from Las
Vegas at the start of hostilities, and
who are now unemployed, have
been elected secretary and record
ing secretary of the group.
Speedy solutions of minor prob
lems is evidently a characteristic of
the local group, if the manner in
which a bugle was secured is any
criterion. A squad was sent out to
round up the musical instrument,
and- they returned within the hour
with the horn.
Transportation is the major prob
lem at this late hour, as more mem
bers have signed up to make the
trip than can be accommodated in
the cars available. Leaders of the
movement are asking any unem
ployed veteran with a car to join
for the trip, and thus help the
A proposal was made to at
tempt to secure transportation to
the Utah state line in state vehicles,
the success of which was not known
last night.
.ALPINE, N. J.. June 11. flJ.R'-The
Lindbergh kidnaping inquiry took
another bizarre turn late today
when poilce discovered that they
were questioning the wrong man in
their attempt to link the suicide of
nerve-wracked Violet Sharpe with
the abduction and murder of Char
les Augustus Lindbergh, Jr.
Although Ernest Brinkert. White
j Plains. N. Y., taxi driver, was still
| held at the Alpine headquarters of
| the inquiry, Poilce Inspector Harry
Walsh announced that another Er
nest—one Ernest Miller of Closter.1
N. J., was the man who accom-1
panied Miss Sharpe on a tour of I
’ road houses on the night the babv 1
was stolen.
Walsh, who had spent the day |
questioning Brinkert. seemed con- !
fused by the discovery.
“I still cannot get away from
two important points,” he said. I
"First, why did Violet Sharpe choose
to be untruthful about her move
ments on the night of the kidnap
ing; and, second, why did her sis
ter make reservations to sail for
Europe just before the kidnaping
and then sail shortly afterward?”
Miss Sharpe, a servant, commit- j
ted suicide Friday at the home of I
Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow. Col. Lind
bergh's mother-in-law. while police
were waiting to question her. Twen
ty-four hours before she had point
ed out a picture of Brinkert as the
man with whom she had gone j
to road houses on the night of the
The revelation that Miller and
not Brinkert was the maid serv
ant’s companion on that night came
through information supplied by
Septimus Banks, the Morrow’s Eng
lish butler.
Banks was questioned here yes
terday and said he knew Miss
Sharpe, it was his opinion that she
had at least one date with "Ernie"
Miller, of Closter, near Hopewell.
Miller was promptly brought in.
To the amazement of Inspector
Walsh, he admitted readily that
he had been w’ith Miss Sharpe on
the night of March 1. He named
i the roadhouses they visited to
gether and ihs descirption checked
with the story told by Miss Sharpe
theday before she drank poison.
I Miller is about 23 years old. Walsh
said his story was straightforward !
and appeared to "have no holes
in it.”
As soon as he had completed his !
account he was released.
But Brinkert, the suspect police :
were pressing for a confession of
guilty knowledge in the case was
not released. Police said they were
not satisfied with his alibi, although
now for the first time they believ
ed his declaration that he did not
know Miss Sharpe or her sister,
Eda (or Emily).
Brinkert was brought here today
after his arrest last night at New'
Rochelle. N. Y. He has a police
record and formerly operated a tax
icab company in White Plains, near I
New Rochelle. A card from his
concern was found among Miss
Sharpe's effects at the Morrow
PHOENIX, Ariz., June 11 <U.R>
—Making good time through the
windless desert night, the navy
dirigible Akron passed over
Phoenix at exactly midnight to
The big craft had traversed the
150 air miles between Yuma and
Phoenix in two hours flat.
Hundreds of residents throng
ed roof tops to see the big ship
as it floated low over the city,
its red and white riding lights
blinking a greeting.
Leaving Phoenix, the \kron
headed south over the lighted air
ways route through Tucson and
eastward tiward El Paso.
The Akron is enroute from
Sunnyvale naval base. Cal., to
its home port at Lakehurst, N.
For the purpose of selecting a
new county central committee and
delegates to the state convention at
Carson City, Republicans will con
vene Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock
in the courthouse.
Precinct delegates are:
Precinct No. 1: R. W. Martin,
Frank McNamee, Jr.. John Beville,
ivu > ivi i ui 110 n ui til) m iwiaiu ovyui
Paul Warner, Earl Rockwell, L. A.
Precinct No. 2: E. W. Griffith.
Dave Holland, Guy Baker. M. W.
Willis, F. R. Mildren, S. Gene
Parks. John Bevelton.
Precinct No. 3: O. K. Adcock, A.
Corradetti, C. C. Ronnow, A. D.
Henricksen. A. Johnson, Phil* Bet
Precinct No. 4: A. H. Harrington,
Earl Honrath, Thomas O. Harland.
Ted Morris, William G. Morse.
Precinct No. 5: J. F. Hesse, W.
R. Bracken, O. J. Smith, K. O.
Knudson. Leo A. McNamee. W. E.
Ferron, C. E. Pembroke, Florence
S. Boyer, J. W. Wilson.
Precinct No. 6: F. A. Stevens.
John Cahlan, Frank Wait, Leland
Ronnow, C. P. Squires, A. W. Ham,
Art Harris, Herb Krouse, Will
Beckley, M. E. Ward. Russell
Squires, E. A. Stinson.
Precinct No. 7: Harold Case, R.
B. Griffith, George D. Clark, Tom
Sager, I. S. Thompson, C. D.
Breeze, Leonard Blood, W. J. Flow
ers, H. P. Marble.
Precint No. 8: A. S. Henderson,
F. M. Ferguson, A. L. Drew, LaMar
Foremaster, Harve Perry, Andy
Precinct No. 9: C. V. Gilbert, H.
C. Hansen. Claude Curran, Roy
Neagle, J. T. McWilliams. E. Mann,
Russell Morgan. Reese Morgan.
Thomas S. Johnson, who claims
he is a Colorado stockman passing
through Las Vegas with two car
loads of hogs, was arrested last
night in a downtown hotel, while
allegedly searching for a “famous
room 210.”
He had in his possession an ice j
pick, a flashlight, a key to the fa- j
mous “room 210,” and a hat be-!
longing to a prominent Boulder j
City Legionnaire.
Lad Wanted To See Ocean, Poses As
Dog Catcher And Runs Away, Caught
LOS ANGELES, June 11 —(U.R)—;
Wayne Bowman, 12, who told police
he was the ‘'official dog catcher"!
of Shelly. Idaho, was captured here:
today and officials attempted to get
in touch with the boy’s relatives. ^
I "I just wanted to have a look at
i the Pacific Ocean so I hitch-hiked,
down here," said the "official dog
Young Bowman claimed he re
ceived 50 cents a head for catching
the stray Idaho dogs.
He also claimed that his aunt
Genevieve Sorenson, lives in Long
Beach, Cal. j
LANDS END. Eng., June 12 —
Sunday)— (U.R) — Stanislaus F.
Hausner, Polish trans-Atlantic
flier, has been picked up at sea
by the tanker Circe ShelL the
Lands End radio station was ad
vised by radio early today.
Hausner, attempting to fly the
4,350 miles from New York to War
saw, Poland, was said to have been
rescued by the ship after being
forced down about 600 miles from
the coast of France.
LONDON. —June 12 (Sunday)—
(U.R)—Stanislaus F. Hausner. forced
down on a daring attempt to fly the
Atlantic alone from New York to
Warsaw, has been picked up by the
3. S. C-ivo (Shell,' a British tanker,
after a week of tossing on a derelict
plane in the Atlantic.
Hausner, who started from New
York on Friday, June 3, on his way
to Poland, was forced down about
650 miles from the coast or spam
after flying through adverse weath
er conditions from New Foundland.
Captain Wilson, master of the
Circeshell, sent the following wire
les message to the United Press in
London early today:
“Stanislaus F. Hausner rescued
from red Bellanca monoplane No.
7085, at 10 p.m. Greenwich time <4
p.m. EST) latitude 42.041 north,
longitude 20.004 west.
Monoplane made forced landing
at 9 p.m. G.M.T., June 3 Darkness
prevented salvage of plane. Airman
proceeding with vessel to New Or
leans. Due to arrive June 27. Inform
Mrs. Hausner, 147. Terhune Ave..
Jersey City, N. J. Airman exhausted
but uninjured."
NEW ORLEANS, June 11 (U.R>—
The Circe Shell, British tanker,
which rescued the missing airman
Stanislaus F. Hausner at sea, is
bound on her maiden voyage to Am
erica, officials of the Dutch Shell
corporation announced here tonight.
me vessel is a new type motor
ship, with a crew of 45 men, accord
ing to records available here. It
carries 100,000 barrels of oil.
Company officials said the Circe
Shell might make a stop at either
the Azores islands, Key West, Fla.,
New Orleans, or Houston, Texas.
NEWARK, N. J„ June 11 CU.R)—
The Rev. Pauls Knappek, pastor of
St. Casimir's Polish Catholic church,
was overjoyed when he received a
report from the United Press to
night that Stanislaus Hausner. miss
ing on a flight over the Atlantic
to Warsaw ( had been pickeu up at
•'This is wonderful news." the
priest said. "The parishoners and
friends of Stanislaus have been
praying for his safety1 and their
prayers have been answered."
Father Knappek is a friend of
both Hausner and his wife. He
blessed the Bellanca plane in which
Hausner left Floyd Bennett airport,
Brooklyn, on June 3 on what he in
tended to be a non-stop flight to
his native Warsaw.
Hausner started out originally on
May 29, but was forced back by un
favorable weather after six hours.
He had been unreported since his
takeoff Friday.
Two Dominican Sisters have ar
rived in Las Vegas to conduct a
religious vacation school here.
Classes of instruction in religious
study, art work and hand craft will
be taught. The school, which is to
be held in the kindergarten build
ing of the grammar school, is open
to children of all ages. No tui
tion will be charged.
Classes will open at 9 and close
at 11:30 each morning except Sat
urday during the summer. Applica
tions are to be made at the rectory
of St. Joan of Arc Catholic church
on South Second street.