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^188^ It'u* N 4- llfttl | ' • L VVKDXKSDAY .MOK\IX<;. Juno S. H):V2 IM rtl.IMir.ll r.XKHX XIOHMM. I Xd l’T XIOMlXX It? tllNHIF.s I*. !M|I Kdltor no#I l*ol»li*l««T.. nt flte Xup llnildinir. 411 I rrmunl *trrct. I.a* \ cgn*. Nrtadn. ami entered in the P«»* I office at I.a* \ cga* a* *ccond t la** 'latter Hl' OF tiif. \s«oit%tfi> n«t>'i i xirnn \**tM i\ rio\ The 4**ociatr»l l*re** I* e*elo*i%rl? entitled t#» tl»r n*e for repitbl ica I ion of all new* #1 i*pn<«He* credited to it or not oLkrr%? »*e creditetl in thi* paper ami al*o all flic local new* pnli1i*hed therein. 411 right* of repnlilicntion of *pe«*ial «li*pnlehc* herein are al*o re*ervetl. F. ISTHIN II FI* III * I'. VI \TIX l> W illiam H. SI<M‘l*«rll. l*e»|»lr\ tin* llnildinu. t bir.ico. III. f'harle* E. Miller. Time* Itnilditig. New X orh t it?. V V. pacific* coast ih:hii>i:ntatix r.s fpc*-Alli*on. I lie.. ;t<Ni * ha rou Vtldg.. San FraiirNrn: hi I NN r .tern Pacific UMk.. I .on Angele*. ami 221 SeenritT tlnildiiig. Portland. Ore. SUCCESS TO THE LEGION HE AMERICAN Legion convention closed last night with the grand ball at Lorenzi lake park. For three days, Las Vegas has had the honor and pleasure of acting as host to the state delegates gathered here. The Boulder City American Legion joined with Las Vegas in entertaining our guests, and a most un usual trip to the dam site and through one of the diversion tunnels was a feature of the convention. There were many opportunities for play, but there were also hours devoted to serious business. May the affairs of the American Legion and its members prosper and may this great organization continue to exert its powerful influence for good upon the affairs of the nation. TALK IT OVER <2 OMEOXE has said that there is no dis pute which cannot be better settled by arbitration than by fighting. However that may be, the thought has occurred to us that the matter of taxation within the Boulder reservation could probably be settled satis factorily if representatives of the Depart ment of the Interior, Six Companies, Inc-., Clark county and the state of Nevada were to confer on the matter. So far neither party to the controversy has considered .any argument but his own. A conference on the matter need be no confes sion of weakness by either side, but rather an indication of a desire to cooperate in the best way for all concerned. If some agreement could be arrived at providing for the collection of certain taxes and the exemption of others, the county and state agreeing to the maintaining of schools and courts, it would, undoubtedly, be to the advantage of all concerned,. STUDENT RETURNS Mike McNamee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. McNamee. returned yesterday from his school at Bel mont. Calif. His sister. Frances McNamee. is expected home Tues day. BACK FROM CTAH Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stewart, ac companied by Mrs. George D ret - ail of this city, returned home last night from Sait Lake City, where they have been spending the pa.-t two weeks on their vacations. tor the MAN who Travels 12 HOUR SERVICE All work before S:.‘}0 A. M., Back at 5:.‘JO P. M. No extra charge. Las Vegas Cleaning Works PHONE 33 115 No. MAIN STUDY LAW AT HOME Greater opportunities than ever before; degree of LLB conferred. Qualifies for Ne vada bar examination. Write, call, or telephone for our free book, “Law Guide and Evi dence.” No obligation. Low Tuition Easy Terms LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Everetle G. Sharpe, Registrar Village Inn Hotel, 114 North First Las Vegas, Nevada Name ... Address .. I! VAV/WAV.V.V.V/AV.V. IALDREW! Automotive? ji Electricians ■| COMPLETE STOCK £ i !: f j> WE REPAIR AND SERVICE .* C ANYTHING ELECTRICAL £ S ON AUTOS, TRUCKS, > ! TRACTORS and ELECTRIC < i LIGHT PLANTS ... > ' " 5 • 131 NORTH MAIN Phoae 17* „• UVWW/WAV/W/MV. VEGAS VAGARIES Thh harp su .v hot weather > awful tough on coh uni eondui - tor*-, and the contribs have bee '■ em’ w rins for a I'himr. so we’re going to leave the whole thinj to them and adjourn to a .orl bar we knew and meditate i» t the sins and follies 01 city edi tors. drat the rave. IX.u Cavern. Ol Thing: Say after throe days of thus dog gone Legion convention, can van imagine what a ttan*. of hell raist r the Yanks were in gay Puree? Frir.r- aucc. what a top-i-ck a cur tain drum and bugle corps leader trust have made! Sparks is next year's convention city and I ve cot a couple o; relatives up there tiiat 1 in gonna warn to nail up their windows. The Sagebrusher. INTELLIGENCE TEST >t) Bits Gentle reader (note the singu lar—it would be more singular if there were plurali . . . anyhow Gentle Reader . . . the idea of this test is to deride why the young lady in the picture is turn ing up her nose at the cool drink on such a hot day. Answer: Because the pitcher con tains ice tea. Dear Cavern: We were all having lunch at the Racquet Club, when Benny .-aid to take a piece of coke, an' put it in a fish bowl. Now sometimes it's the heat, and sometimes it's just Benny, so — "Coke?" sez we. "Yeah, coke." sez Benny, "an' a fish bov.l an' some salt an' blueing." Yeah." sez he C mon soda jerk er. “you take a piece of ordinary coke, an' you add font* tablespoons full of salt an' four of blueing, and eight of water, all in a fish bowl, and in a couple of days, letting it stand, you get flowers and trees, and little Eta going to heaven and all sorts of things. "A niece of coke." I said to the coal man. “Just one." I said, acting jus: as if it were a sane request. "Take it out of that basket there.' he sez. "but vou better take two. one is hard to start a fire with." And — "You got.a humor those guys." he said to the girl friend as I left. Anyhow. I tried the great experi ment and it works. Ar.d if you take and add a table spoon full of perfume and one of mercurochrome. your flowers are all pink an' smell real purty. Can you imagine Little Eva go ing to heaven all pink and smell ing purty? But try it, it works! The Sidewalks. —v— KEYHOLE FOTO Mental ieiepatbie photo of the brain of our ofliee gal when she sits before her typewriter these warm afternoons and gazes dopey-like out the window at the sky. The feller is either John Barrymore or somebody. CONVENTION AFTERMATH Above is a young lady of Las Vegas attempting to choose a de mure gown . . . now that the Legion ; boys have wandered homeward. —v— INTIMATE GLIMPSE And so, gentel reader . . . above 1 is a foto of us and a perfectly L swell case of brain fever from hav- c ing had to write this weak’s effort . . the doc says mebbe we won't survive so there's hope next week, ii EVERYDAY MOVIES > V -^ ■ 1332 by MefrcpoU*:in NVw’paper Feature Service. Inc , i x ^ Cr- t Lr r. r its reserved. \\f O ^ ^ ^ * *■" _ “And you should hear him say g'lub just as plain. LAS VEGAS CHURCHES BAPTIST 10 a. m.. Bible school. 11 a. m.. morning worship 5:30 o. in B. V. U. 7:30. evening service. Wed nesday evening at i:30. Bible study meeting. - j CHRIST CI1CRCH. EPISCOPAL The Rt. Rev. Thomas Jenkins.! bishop of Nevada, will be the pr, acher at the special service at Christ Episcopal church on this j Sunday morning at 11 a. m. The regular summertime service at 9 a. | m. will be omitted this Sunday only because of he dedication cere mony at Boulder City. * The church school and kinder-! garten will meet at their regular time at 10:30 a. m. for a lesson j and story period, and it is hoped | that ali the children will remain j for the church service to follow.1 Everyone is heartily invited. CHRISTIAN SCIENC E ><)( IETY 112 Fremont, Economy Hali. is a branch of the Mo.her Church. I the First Church of Christ. Sci o list. Boston. Ma. ... meets every Sunday at 11 a. m and Wednes day at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. "God the Pr server of Man" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon in all churches of Chris:, Sunday. June 12. The golden text is from Psalms 36:6. "Thy righteousness is like roe great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, thou presetv est man and beast." Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon is the fol lowing from the Bible: "Sing. O heavens; and be joyful. O earth; and break forth iiro inging, O mountains: for the Lord hat It com forted his people, and wijl have mercy upon Iris affilicied." 'Isiah 49:13.) The lesson-sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook. Science and Health with K< to the Sri lp tures. by Mary Baker Eddy: The History of Christianity furnish* d sublime proofs of tire suppor mg influence and protecting power Ipe stowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent mind, who gives man faii h ' ai whereby to defend himself, not only from temptation, but from bodily suitering" page 387.) r„ -" -== MOAPA VALLEY NEWS NOTES Miss Merle Jones returned Thurs day from Provo. Utah, where she ias spent the winter a.tending the 3. Y. U. Mrs. Ella Hafen Perkins and amil.v have gone to Provo for the ,ummer. where Mrs. Perkins will ittend summer school. Mrs. G. L. Whitney is visiting in .as Vegas at the home of her laughter, Mrs. Reed Hannig. The Logandale orch< stra fire ponsors for a dancing party on Tiday evening. Miss Wanda Co p'-r has accepted position in the cap- at Glendale. Mrs. Annie E Cox of Bunkerville i visiting in Glendale ai he home f her son. Mariner Cox. this week. Apricots, figs and plums are ripe .■ i the valley. ✓ The combine Harvester, owned by Albert, is harvesting grain in St Thomas this week. J Earl James of Fayette. Utah, vis ited relatives here, member.; of the J; eph I Earl family, on Wednes day, ■ n route to h:s home, after spending the winter in the Arizona state college at Tempe. Bishop Benjamin Robison. Clar ence Lewis. John Lewis, Albert Wiwwer and John Wi'.twer are pending a week in California, to study dairy problems. rne members of tHe Stake Relief society board were hostesses at a lawn party in Overton on Thurs day evening, honoring the ladies of the recently released stake pri mary board and the ladies of the St. Thomas Relief society and their husbands. The ladies of the Lo gandale and Overton Relief socie ties and their husbands joined with the Stake R. S. board in helping to make it a memorable occasion. A short program, games and a de licious luncheon made up the eve mng. Glenn Lee, Harlan Lyon and Win Marshall were business visi tors to La. Vegas on Thursday. VISIT DAMSITF Among those who visited Boul der Cit v Friday with trie .-.merican Legion delegates were: Mrs. Fred i Wilson, organist of the Methodist church: Mr. and Mrs .tames Ham mond. Miss Pauline Smith. John Kellev. James Down, r.i'.ss -.drienne Roote. Rev and Mrs. C. S Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesse. Ml’LCAHVS RETIRN Mr and Mrs Ed Mulcahy and .-on, Marvin, arc leaving for their home in Sparks some time today. Mr. Mulcahy Is the editor of the Sparks Tribune and has been in Las Vegas to attend the business sessions of the American Legion convention. - ——— II Father's Hay i ..By LARS MORRIS . '» One Across Seems to Dominate Today's Offering “ — »-*-iu UMao across 1-Father (L.) 6-Star-like flower 11- Water jug 12- Borders 14- Metric measure 15- Conditional clauses 16- Some 17- Goddess of earth 18- The <Sp. fern, pi.) 20- Babylonian deity 21- Japanese measure 22- Unit Of work 23- Feeble-minded ness 25-Slave-trafficking ship 27-Chides 29- Make happy 30- Tahiti turmeric 32-Nomadic tribes men 37-Near East country 42-Conservatives 44- Gnawing animal 45- Suffix: adherent of 46- The (col.) 47- Public notice 48- Greek letter SATUKVAX'S ANSWER FTir53 49- Note fab.) 50- Suffix: adherent of 51- Openwork fabric 53- By way of addi tion 54- Tender 56-Browned crust 58- Gotten up 59- perman philoso pher DOWN 1-Showy display A-EjIBIUCVUM* ,v • * — 3- Burroese people 4- Result 5- One who repeats 6- Ancient barbar ians 7- Feeble with age 8- Attempt 9- For example <ab.» 10- RUe 11- Graduating 13-Isolation 19-Title of respect 22-Girls name 24-English diphthor.i 26-Man’s nickname 28-Body of water 31-Set 33- Military list 34- Drawing 35- Prefix: twofold 36- C«me to rest 38- Up-tO-date 39- Past suffix 40- New Economic Policy 41- Imbue 43-Faint glitter 50-That thing's 52-Touch 55-Symbol: nickel 57-Symbol: tellurium \ THIS PAPER HAS SOME INTERESTING NEWS ABOUT OLD FRIENDS OF YOURS WHENEVER you find an item about some one you used to know, or see the picture of a once-familiar place, there’s an extra thrill in the news of the day. Fading memories grow bright ... in a flash you begin to “remember when-” t Actually every newspaper you read is full of good news about friends of yours . . . friends that come into your home every day to help get the work done . . . friends you take with you when you go out . . .* friends that make life easier, brighter, richer. These friends are the foods, the clothes, the furnish injTS_the many modern comforts you meet in the advertisements. You know them well . . . know how they look and what they can do. Naturally you like to read all the news about them, for even old friends are constarttly changing, growing more interesting, offering new ideas. • Advertisements bring you fresh and reliable news of things you could hardly do without. Form the habit of reading them thoroughly every day. Watch them for news of your friends—old and new. . I