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TUB TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TONOPAH. NEVADA, JULY IS, 10 J? VILL BE DANCE AFTER THE PLAY TONOPAH AMD i n n GOLDFIELD TODAY y una J L GkJ AYLKSWOKTH CT)MIAXV WILL PUK8ENT A DOUBLE ATTRACTION. The Aylegworth company will pre sent a double attraction at the Eagles' pavilion tonight. In the first place there will be a change of bills. "Because She Loved Him So," being the attraction. This is one of the beat of the plays from the sparkling pen of the brilliant William Gillette, and has made a hit from one end of the - continent to the other. The clever Aylesworth company will un doubtedly bring out the best that is in it. And after the show there will be a dance. Mr. Aylesworth has been besieged with requests for a dance on this occasion, and has yielded to the popular demand. There will be no Increase in the price of admission, and everyone attending the perform ance will be given the privilege of the floor. Won't that be Just lovely. PERSONAL MENTION F. W. Vogel came in from Blair yesterday. A. L. Welisch from San Francisco is stopping at the Mlzpah. Hon. Fred Danberg of Gardnervillo was in the city yesterday. E. E. Bennett is registered at the Merchants from Sacramento. Doris Walden is registered at the Merchants from New York city. J. A. Jenkins from Mono Lake, California, Is In town for a few days. W. A. Massey came down from Reno yesterday and can be found at the Mizpab. b H. Argensinger arrived from the coast yesterday and Is stopping at the Merchants. J. H. Taylor arrived from San Francisco yesterday and is stopping at the Merchants. Messrs. Thomas, Kenney tand Davis and Mrs. J. Franklin arrived yesterday from Manhattan. Mrs. Hugh H. Brown will entertain this afternoon in honor of the birth day of her son, Hugh H. Brown jr. Jay H. Fisher, representing the I American Type Founders company, was in Tonopah yesterday on busi " ness.. . . .:'' E. J. Collins, manager of the Ne vada Smelter and Mines corporation, . left last night in his auto for a short trip to Tybo. W. B. Pittman, the well known at torney of this city, returned from a trip to the coast yesterday, after an absence of several days. Mrs. Sydney Clark, wife of Dr. Sydney Clark, will leave tomorrow evening for Lake Tahoe, where she will remain for several, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe left last night for Monterey, whither they go In search of health for Mr. Monroe, who has been ailing for some time past. O. G. Rogers, general superintend ent of the Nevada Smelter and Mines corporation, came in from a trip to Tybo yesterday, and will go to Silver Peak in a few days in the interest of his company. George B. Thatcher, A. M. Gilles pie, Prescott Ely and J. J. McSorley left on last night's train for a trip to Alpiue county where they will Bpend a mouth Ashing, hunting and min ing, principally mining. Mark L. Kerr will leave this morn ing for Goldfield, where he will Bpend the day overlooking properties. He will be here again Sunday to con clude the inspection of the mines of which he Is the consulting engineer. R. S. Barlow, of the firm of R. S. Bariow and company, successor to the W. C. Cox company of Snu Fran- cIsco, has been in the city for the past few days, and will leave this morn ing for Goldfield, from where he will return here before leaving for the coast. Mrs. Ellen Burns, the well known graduate nurse, who, last Sunday, sustained a severe operation on the kidneys in addition to an abdominal operation. Is reported out of danger, She was operated on at her borne on r lureuce avenue ay UT. MCLOd, as sisted by Drs. Eastman and Smith. C. H. Mcintosh, attorney, banker and mine owner, will leave for Call fornla tomorrow night, accompanied . by Mrs. Mcintosh and their family. They are going to their ranch in Plumas county, where they will spend the summer, remaining away until the last of September. They will be Joined on the trip by Dr. A. H Mcintosh of Bakersfield and Mr and Mrs. J.' A. Mcintosh of Lovelock, brother and parents of Mr. Mcintosh. Five fine saddle horses have been sent from Bakersfield to the ranch for Jhe enjoyment of the party! Dades Little Liver Pills keep the system clean, the stomach sweet Prompt relief for headache and bil iousness. Good for all the family Sold by Tonopah Drug Co. KHOULD UK lilU CROWD TO WIT- NEKS FINE iAMK OK THK NATIONAL SPORT. The first game of the Goldfield- Tonopah series comes off today on the California Heights ground. All the loyal Tonopah fans will be there to see the Mlzpahs take the Miners into camp In the initial game. A telephone message from Manager Ulmer says he will probably pitch Hopkins in the opening game and if such is the case the baseball en thusiasts will have an opportunity of seeing two southpaws in action against each other as both the Tono pah twlrlers are left banders. Man ager Booth and Cap'aln Hunter have not decided which one of the Tono pah pitchers will go on Saturday, Westhall will no doubt pitch the Sun day game for the Miners and many concede him to be a better box artist than Hopkins as he has made won' derful strides in the Improvement line this year. ( Manager Booth made arrange ments with the Goldfield and Tono pah railroad yesterday for a one-fare rate for the Goldfield fans who wish to accompany the team. The Gold- fielders will have the. opportunity of coming ovfer both Saturday and Sun day morning and returning Monday for a one-fare rate. This will be good news to the Goldfield fans as many will desire to make the trip to see the two games. The Mlzpahs are in great shape for the coming series and two victories are expected. Team work has been perfected during the last week, the batting has improved and as the pitchers has Improved two dandy games can be expected. The grounds have been rolled and wp.tered twice this week and will be as smooth as glass for Saturday's game. Some new faces will be seen in both teams. Clark and Atkinson of the Miners are both out of the game for a few weeks and Whitesides and Brown will take their places. Brown comes to Goldfield with a good record as a college player, he having pitched four years on the Georgetown univer sity team. He will be stationed at the second cushion in today's game. Hopkins, a player from the Washing ton, state league, will hold down sec ond tor the . Mlzpahs in the series with Goldfield as Mullen is laid up with a bad shoulder. Murray will play third and Piatt has been shifted to left field. If the Tonopah team takes both games with Goldfield it will leave the Mlzpahs but one game behtnd the leaders. Carson comes here a week from today and then the team goes on the road for a long trip, playing three series away from borne. The lineup of the teams today is as follows: Goldfield. Tonopah. Whitesides. .c .... Crates Hopkins " ,. . i Gaffney Westhall ....... u ..... . OBannion Brooks. 1st Agnews Brown .....2nd ..... Hopkins Knight. ...... .3rd Murray Mullett .ss ...... . Hunter stiles... ...If . . Piatt Lundy.'. . .cf ..... McDonald Hopkins Day westhall. if Gray Word was received last night that the Hoag brothers, a famous brother battery who have been working in the Pacific Coast league, have ex cepted the terms offered by Manager Booth and will leave this morning for Tonopah. Tracy Hoag has been pitching for the Sau Francisco team in the Coast league but the Tonopah club gained his release as the 'Frisco team had six pitchers on its staff. His brother is a catcher but is abl? to play any place in the infield! Westerburg telegraphed yesterday afternoon that the management of the Oakland team had raised his sal ary Just as he was about to depait for Tonopah and that he has decided to stay on the coast. This will bo a distinct loss to the Tonopah club, but the addition of the two Hoags will more than offset this." Owing to increase in commission by the San Francisco Stock and Ex change Board, effective July 8, the rate of commission to be hereafter charged by the brokers of the Tono pah Stock and Exchange Board will be one and one-half per cent (1V4). with a minimum charge of $2.50. TONOPAH STOCK & EXCHANGE Tonopah Stock & Exchange Board. ' 7-7-6t ' " TEN DOLLARS REWARD. Lost Dog. Part coolie and oart shepherd, bob tail, nervous twitch in right fore leg, answers to name of Bobble. Color black. The above reward will be paid for his return to owner or. for Information that will lead up to his whereabouts. Address M. J. O'Meara, Tonopah, Nevada. Telephone, Number ,362. 7-7-tf. ' " MACIl NEI1Y IS THE GROUND Of TYBO IS GETTING IN SHAPE FOR GREAT DEVELOP MENT. O. G. Rogers, general superin tendent of the Nevada Smelter and Mines corporation, came in from Ty by yesterday, where he has been for some time overlooking the property of the Tybo Mining company, which is a subsiduary company of the smelter corporation. "We are giving more attention to the development of the Tybo and the Southwestern mines" said Mr. Rog ers, "than to anything else at pres ent. The Tybo has. a shaft 400 feet deep, and we have Just brought in a compressor, a 100-horsepower boilei;, pumps, pipe line and other machinery for the mine. We shipped this from Salt Lake to Eureka from where we hauled it by team. One carload was shipped on May 25 and the other on the 27th. On June 6th we had that on the wagons at Eureka, and on June 15th it was landed at the mine. This is extraordinary and we are now getting In lumber the same. way. By hauling to Tononah and then out to the mine, it is hard to fcay when we would get the material. "The pumps are for the bottom of the shaft and the compressor will be used for the drifts and the further development of the mine. We expect to do a great deal of work this sum mer. We are going ahead pretty fast at the Southwestern mines, too, and do not propose to get stuck this win ter as we were last winter, when we were caught without supplies. We will provide against this, although I aare say we may not nave sucn a winter again in years. The Southwestern mines are at Reveille, and. the shaft is down 300 feet, while a second shaft, 700 feet away, is down 200 feet. Both these properties are of lead and silver, and we are developing them before at tempting to do anytblng with the smelter. What we neea for the smel ter are the basic ores, for there is so much ore of a sillcious' nature, we cannot do without the other as a flux. We will get out the fluxes first, and then we can go ahead with the con struction ot tne smelter upon sure ground. ' "We have been very busy out there since the snow cleared, and we will crowd the work from this on. We will have both mines equipped with supplies so tnat tnere will be no danger ot our being caught next win ter, and no necessity of stopping work." - CHARGE WILL BE ATTEMPTED M WIDER Joe Lezare will be arraigned in the Justice court today charged with at tempt to commit murder. Dennis and Morris will represent the defend ant. Lezare is the man who cut his fellow countryman on the night of July 11, near the depot. His victim is resting easily at the Miners' Union hospital, but as two of the cuts are over the kidneys complications may set in at any time. ANNUAL MEETING Of the Tonoah Board of Truth1 Election. and The annual meeting of the Tono pah board of trade will be held in Miners nan at s:30; ociock on Thursday evening, July 18, 1907, for the election of a president, three vice presidents,", a secretary, and a board of directors, not to exceed one hun dred in number, from which an exe cutive committee of fifteen will be elected to serve for the ensuing year. H. F. SHELDON, President. R. S. STOCKTON, Secretary STOCK CERTIFICATES LOST OR STOLEN. ' The following described stock cer tificates have been either lost or stol en: No. 600 for 50,000 shares the Goldfield-Portland Company, is sued in the name of Louis S. Finne gan; No. 601 for 37,777 shares in the Goldfield-Portland company, is sued to Louis S. FinTiegan. The above certificates will not be recog nized for transfer unless presented by Louis S. Finnegan in person. i R. P. &UNLAP, Secretary of the Gcidfield-Portland Company. 6-14-tf. Certificates this office. location for sale at EUREKA COOING TO THE F T BUTLER SAYS OUTLOOK 1S GOOD FOR THAT CAMP. Jim Butler arrived in Tone pan yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. But ler, both of whom have been mkin( an extensive tour by automobllo over the state. They came here from Bel mont yesterday, and will go from here to Klondyke, Goldfield and other points before returning to their home in Bishop. While in Eureka, Mr. Butler had some experiences which to him were amusing; but- which to another might have been very serious. Eur eka has been coming to the front of late as a mining center, and locators have been getting into the country in pretty thick numbers. Mr. Butler found that some of the enterprising locators had Jumped his mine, which is patented ground. Jim didn't go out with a shotgun, but he quietly told the usurper to get in and locate somewhere else. 'Who are you?" demanded the in truder. "My name's Jim Butler," respond ed the father of the Jiizpah. The other stared for a while and then had the grace to Bay that he was glad to meet father, and Jim told him a few things about patent law, and some other things, and then helped him to get off the property and showed him where there was some more good ground. 'There is lots of good country in Eureka," said Mr. Butler,. ''and if there is anybody who wants some of it and means business, I can get the property for him; and the people there are not holding back for a whole lot of money either. On the contrary, they are very reasonable. In my opinion you are going to see some great development In Eureka before long, and it is a good place to get in." . -f i ' NUMEROUS GUESTS AJWAIMSPRINGS PEOPLE FLOCKING FROM ALL OVER NEVADA TO DELIGHT 4 FUL RESORT. WALLEY SPRINGS, July 11 The summer here thus far has been most enjoyable, and the people are flock ing from all over Nevada to enjoy the comforts and luxury of this mosl ideal resort. Those win romp hrp iu recuperate ineir neaun, stay lor the pleasure . they derive from the grounds, the baths, and the most do lightful surroundings. . Those who arrived during the last week were the following: Dr. L. A. Benson, Tonopah; Lul Marguri, Genoa; Mr. and Mrs. Ponci, Sparks; John Hoxey and wife, Gold- field; Mrs. B. Simpson, Yerrlngton; Mrs. Ed Scofleid, Goldfield; H. Tre gaskl and wife, Reno; H. W. Smith, Omaha, Nebraska; Mr. Haecerty and wife, Omaha. Nebraska; F. De Car rie, Reno; Thomas Spencer, Gold field; Mrs. Cleve, Yerlngton; J. B. Herriott, Fallon; John and Thomas Keating, Goldfield; G. H. Ford and wife, Goldfield; J. F. McGrath, Loope; H. Frsd Scott, Goldfield; C. P. Clemmons, Wadsworth; Giuseppe Cecimi, Reno; Wm. W. Call, Gold field; Fred James, San Francisco.. . Still sojourning at the springs are: Robert Temple, Tonopah; Mr. Wick, Tonopah; Ed Scofleid, Goldfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Brien, Goldfield; H. O. Pierce, Placerville; the Misses Darling, San Francisco; Wm. Makln, Tonopah; Mrs. Le Febre, Goldfield; Mrs. Brown, Goldfield; C. S. Powers, Mina; and a number of others. AT THE BUTLER. "Fun In a Palm Garden," the new bill at the Butler, drew' two good crowds last night, and was very well received. There was lots of music, lots of singing and lots of fun. There will be a matinee at S o'clock this afternoon, and another at the same hour tomorrow afternoon. . Pinules are for the kidneys , and bladder. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They, pro duce that ural action of the kidneys. 30 days treatment ' $1. Money re funded if Pipules are not satisfact ory. Sold bp Tob.opah Drug Co. 6-1-tf. Advertise in The Bonanza. DEGRADED TYPE OF HUMANITY Harry Drafus was arrested yester day for being a vag and a man with out a job and as it was proved that the defendant had been living off of fallen women, a sentence of sixty days was given him, but Justice was suspended and he was given six hours to leave town. It is well to rid the community of this class of cattle and it is to be hoped that the officers will continue their good work. BOUGHT FOR SLACK DUCK. Judge L. WillBtaedt has bought for the Black Duck Mining company a five-year lease on two claims in the Golden Arrow district, forty-five miles east of Tonopah. The highest assays give returns of $1,306. A shaft is down sixteen feet on the property, with a drift of ei eight feet on an 80-foot ledge averaging $26. COOKS SPRINGS THE CELEBRATED MINERAL WATER FROM COOKS SPRING. CALIFORNIA, has wonderful cur ative properties in cases of dyspep sia, biliousness and bladder and kidney disorders. Bottled in Its natural state at the springs only. Avoid summer complaints in the hot season by drinking Cooks Springs Mineral Water. It's good for what ails you. - CRYSTAL SODA WATER CO. GENERAL AGENTS " GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE Tonopah & GoldflsSd Railroai Bullfrog Mikli Railroad Company Local or Pacific Time. Effective May 1, 1907. Train leave and are due to arrive at xonopan as louows: Leave- 7:20 a. m. for Goldfield. Beat ty and Los Angeles, via Las Vesras. 8:00 a. m. and 8:60 p. ni. for Millers. Blair Junction, Mina and all points east ana west, via Hazen. 9:20 a. m. and 8:20 p. m. for Gold field and way stations. Through from all points east and west, via Hazen. 4:20 p. m. for Goldfield and all way stations, local. Arrive 7:43 a. m. and 6:28 p. m. from Goldfield and way stations. Through destination to all points east and west via Mina and Hazen. 9:00 a. m. and 7:55 r. m. from till points east and West via Hazen 'and i Mina. I in .aa m. from Goldfield and wav stations, local. 9:00 D. m. from Los Anicelea. via. T.n.i Vegas, Beatty and all way stations. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Uoidneld as follows: Leave 8:00 a. m. and 8:30 a. m. for Beany ana an way stations. 6:35 a. m. and 5:20 d. m. for TonODah and way stations and all points east .,... wan, . . I .. H. I . 1 TT 8:50 a. m. and 7:55 D. m.' for Tononah and way stations, local. Arrive 8:20 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. from Tonopah and way stations. 10:20 a. m. and 9:20 p. m. from all points east and west via Hazen and Mina 3:55 p. m. and 7:45 D. m. from Beattv and way stations. or tttjuexs, time tables and informa tion call on or address local ticket agents or the undersigned. J. HEDDEN, General Passenger Agent Call at Tononah Livery, and Feed Stable, cor. Main st. and Oddle ave. Carriage teams and saddle horses can be had anl hour day or night. Hay and grain for sale. Horses boarded by day. week or month. JOHN CXEN DENKIN A SOKff. Proprietors. "RICHARDSONS" SPECIAL SALE lOO Linen Suits from $5.00 Up Waists, Linen Suits, Underwear and Ladies' Furnishings of all de scriptlons. 500 Lingerie Waists Marquise and Blue Ribbon Waists of the latest patterns. 95.00. Reduced from $10.00 and $15.04). Also 500 pairs Novelty Hosiery, including Black, White, and fancy stockings. Biggest Bargains in Nevada Sale will continue nntJI entire stock Is disposed of. See the Fine VIndow DIsp'ay v FURNISH YOUR HOUSE :' From the W. B. Sollender Merc. Go. We Can Give You Figures that Cannot be Beat on tW Coast Phone 1692 Tonopah, Nev, r Man Zan Pile Remedy comes up in a collapsible tube with a nosf Faav f innlv rlo'lit vKaia ness and inflammation exists. It lleves at once blind bleeding, itchf od protruding piles. Gnarantl Sold by Tonopah Drug Co. J. ALLAN TAKE NOTICE, J. Allan, employed here in Ji 1906, will learn something of be: to him by IMMEDIATELY writ! to P. O. Box 91S or telegraphing C, Tononah, Nevada. ff-7-6t Advertlso in The Bonanza. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished houi! lights, phone and piano. Xcidr Box 639. : tfl INFORMATION WANTED whereabouts of oneO. D. matt, a geuuiue ia&ir, luruia connected with the Celtic hol Tonopah. Last heard ot wasvfS Wonder, Nevada. May now be I . Rosebud or Seven Troughs. h?f information of his whereat' will be gladly received by add- ing B, Bonanza office, Tone I Nevada. 6-8-tf. 7 1 E STRAY NOTICE One . drt team: 1 bay horse; 1 sorrel he 4 white feet; 1 small black in Cloverdale Ranch. 7-6-30t . fp FOR RENT Two-room house rent, $15 per month. Inquire Bonanza Office. " 5- PIANO FOR SALE Instrument! first class condition. Brokers':! change bar. 7-9-tf . L LOST A small Yale key tied wit: string. Leave at The Bonanza. FOR RENT- per month. -3 room house. m X. Y. Z., Bonania PROFESSIONAL CARDS BRONTE ML AIKINf ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOR LAW i Big Pino, Inyo County, Califor KEY PITTMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' F. A. STEVENS Attorney at Law. Associated with Key Pittman. GOLDEN BLDG.. TONOPgp. L. A. GIBBONS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Room 6, Butler BIdg. Tonopah, Nevada. JAMES F. DENNIS IA.WYER OFFICE, RYAN & STENSON BLI P. O. Box 681. Tonopah. Nev! C.C.GRIMES COUNTY AND V. S. DEPCTY Mi ERAL SURVEYOR. I BOX 689, TONOPAH. PHONE 23 RUTLER THEATEI FRED MANNING, MANAGE TWO PERFORMANCES At 7:30 and 0 o'clock. Up-to-date Specialties. $1,341 and Silk Lisle f i! i