Tonopah Daily Bonanza
j Fair Thursday.
Tfcto la lf.
trrrm tram fcf
MimMm, 1
tlik Ik IM
M"M a4 fr that
It m mtrnmrnt."
VOL. II NO. 122
By Associated Press.
" Statements are published
here that President Brock of
the Tonopah Mining Company,
and associates, have secured a
controlling'' interest in the Te-
copa Consolidated Mining Com-
pany, located thirty miles south
' of Gret hwater. Halt a million
was pud 'or the property about
a yea ago. It is said to be a
lead, 'fend sliver property and Its
ores are in demand by the
smelters. Information of the
change of control cdmes from
MONTE CARO, Sept. 14. The
Goolds passed the hottest Sun
day of the : year ; cooped up in the
Monegasque jail. An occasional cry
of "Kill them!" penetrated from the
outside, for the citizens of the prin
cipality share in the official disgust
that prisoners guilty of. such crimes
should dlstrub the ordinarily gav
atmosphere and keep away the hun-
I ; dreds who Jn, the next few months
XtSiiPt the neighborhood as un
)tor gambling.
VLedger Goold passed the
i'gging for whisky and a
r-Byt clothing. His wife, in pro
"testing their innocence, blames thoir
ruin on her husband's drinking.'
The husband declares that he
committed the . crime alone, but
neither the Marseilles nor Monaco
judges credit his story, saying that
there is evidence proving that the
man and woman did it together. The
whjUe affair greatly , perplexes and
annoys the authorities of the theatri
cal little principality, for they are
confronted with a , situation not
known before for many years. It
has become the unwritten law not to
Carlo with protracted trials. The
Goolds are charged with murdering
and dismembering a Swedish woman
named Emma Levin at Monte Carlo,
Thev were arrested in Marseilles
I with the victim's remains packed In
J their luggage. .. .
SANDUSKY, O., Sept. 11. The
'fourth annual encampment of the
United Spanish War Veterans of Am
erica adjourned at Cedar Point this
afternoon. Boston won out for the
next year's encampment over Asbury
Park,. Denver, and Cedar Point. '
DONCASTER, Sept. 11. The rich
.St. Leger btaV.es, amounting Jt
about $20,000, was .cantfl&Bfl);!
Woolwinder, with JHalsey,up. , ,r i
' V ...TmMofl 00 OK.. froovlfob ,
f-AoSCOWSept'l'l'. .sntigB RPgujed,(i by the all-
3ou nefment tnat t ne re aLmumexer .or juount..j4.omarowBKy, w ho
wrfi-;taHy shot at Vienna, September 5th, is name
.iw who receutlyhsronded. Jiare. wi
allies wltn" others, Komarowsky married t
IPWAI Tn,'nnvnVn
j KomarottsktV bla!461Xner'f t1leaWnaMuard and
lor-of state, insured his
.,on. Hlt tlcref5f'equentl fPlnfO
with iMUolJ fhCklla
y Kon as Deing two men
but it
and that it was t
lawyer and the wiati(e eid
I with WUV4erMi-r,.t .,H A-'nt.t.
By Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. The
Tammany braves entered today upon
the final week of the bitterest cam
paign that has waged in twenty years
for control of the democratic organ
ization of New York county. One
veek from last Tuesday the primar
ies will be held, and it will then be
determined whether Charles F.
Murphy Is to be left in possession of
the Tammany leadership or whether
the faction opposing him will have
gathered sufficient strength to wager
a successful campaign for his de
That the Tammany chief is alarm
ed at the display of power made by
his foes is made apparent by the re
markable activity in the Fourteenth
street Wigwam, and from the old
fashioned zeal with which the con
tests against the reform element
have been conducted. Murphy re
alizes that he is fighting for his life
and he authorizes all his lieutenants
to leave no stone unturned or wea
pon undrawn to bring about victory.
On the other hand, the anti-Murphy
contingent, which is headed by
Mayor McClellan, has - been making
one . of the most dignified yet effec
tive campaigns ever waged in a pri
mary contest, and the Inroads they
have made upon Murphy's strong
hold have . created a panic In some
Tammany headquarters.
By Associated Press.
WASHINGTON, - Sept. 11. The
Panama canal has eost the United
States 84,449,000, up to December
31st, 1906, according to a statement
of the auditor of the expenditures
made upto that date and just pub
lished. The bulk of this expenditure
was $50,000,000 to the French com
pany and Panama government for
canal property, right of way and for
franchise, $3,442,220 went for ma
terial and supplies for general ad
ministration. There was expended
$1,034,200 for government and $4,
581,009 for construction and engin
eering work. The other expenses
were $9,729,554, which include $1,'
055,582 for rolling stock, machinery,
second main track, buildings, water
works and Incidentals.
By Associated Press.
V PARIS, Sept. 1 1. -Premier Cle
menceau announced tonight that he
had received no further news from
Morocco. He has instructed General
Drude, commander of the French ex
peditionary force, to deliver a sharp
and decisive attack upon the Arab
tribesmen when, in his judgment, the
occasion is apparent. At the same
time the premier requested the gen
eral to inform him by telegraph when
he thought he would take the offen
i J By Associated
PHILADBSjEHIA, Sept. 11. The
Cudahy Packing Company's plant
haAlAIift tkisomernin and
.the less, ifi42Q0,00u.i t tjn 'w '
1 I
who PHlnM 4nMWat"4!i
life for $100,000 In favor of the
his WdfP
unatf antUraiir
herJhej y.a, .identical
d kuM fhel cdkint. The
tt custody aVfiSnfia charged 4
:huk rii'. ,Tft t '.'11 i f. o
Pive Central
United States
Point Out to
Countries the Netessity for
a Peace Compact.
By Associated Press.?
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. A practical agreement on all the
main points and a general good will marked the preliminary
meeting today of representatives of the five Central American re- 4
publics to carry out the suggestion of the! United States and 4
4 Mexico for a permanent peace understanding.' After a session of 4
4 several hours, the conference adjourned until Monday next. ' The 4
4 governments represented were Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, 4
Salvador and Honduras. Assistant Secretary, of State Adee of
4 the United States and Senor Godoy of Mexico were present. , The
4 only point on which any hitch occurred was that relating to the 4
protest to be signed. The Central American representatives
said they were without authority to sign documents without first 4
4 submitting it to their governments. One of these Bald It was pos- 4
4 sible that this might involve some trouble . and perhaps the
4 changing of the protocol in some Important particular. Some
delay therefore is expected to be caused by reason of this fact.'
It is not doubted, however, that a permanent peace compact will
be entered into.
Many are Wounded
In Street GaKiOt
, ;W. ....;- -
By Associated Press.
As a result of an attack upon
non-union carmen by a crowd
of strike sympathizers early
this morning, five men were ln-
jured and are now in St. Luke's
The injured are: Morris Rls-
enberg, non-union conductor,
bullet wound in left chest.
Roy Perkins, conductor, flesh
wound in right chest.
J. J. Cotter; motorman, bul-
let wound in left upper arm.
Harry Cohrs, conductor, bul
let wound right leg.
Frank "Smith, conductor, bul-
let wound right fore arm.
The attack occurred when a wreck
ing car of the United Railroads, on
which were about fifteen men, was
approaching the car barn at the cor
ner of Utah and Twenty-fourth
streets. As the car was passing a
f. r' ' ( SpeciaJ. to1 f.the. ... fionai'za.;)1 ' .
CtOLDFIELD,: -Septi 1 lThere' ' i'
di4cpntent manifest in the miners'
the recent electiony which resulted in
frifc-nd",Rf Ht,l,iflhn,AUd..th9:.i5est.-OB
lAJthe I'Kitators.
F L. 7 rr i
jiijections that Roach wonthe elec
tlofc fairlyJ$SlCIMi of
it. So iarJias ihis finejip, JJia
a i eUtrotJil HtsUwtJeiri!ftfcd
caliing"Tor"arfbnier election. Several
fjeAadt :w ih&bemmmm,m
ao tii-Tnw: Tiittn'Min iBWWidaie. -wtftTBe sea aacnor
RopK 'in th4resldlit:' ehalrf'inthfr
evdnfof &n6their!eleiBtiota.!U1Name8lHf
ipiers are still being sigddiian'the
gCUOiai lUipiT?l9DlUU IB lUnb, bUCIO Will
be something doing at the next meet'-'
JiWig .tfftJ TitesaanlghtJTwo 'mffi
'fne4ce'''ttie ewly,'e(ftedr'ofAcs! Jtli'
take their places. ,myiiti
KANSAS CITY, Sept. ll.fjha'rtey
C. plackY gerieraV; riianager'1 WrltM
Meti'dpolitah f Btfefe ' Rahwdy'tlotn
pany of this city1, h'as rlfgne'd f'o be
come1 -manage'of the United Rall-
;roads of San'FTandscO.1'' J,) " '
ariti - Mexico
thfe Warnngbo
tent occupied by the union pickets,
stones were thrown at it .and shots
were fired by some of the carmen,
but no one was hit. The car con
tinued on its way to the barn, where
a crowd had assembled. As soon as
some of the men had alighted the
trouble started.
Policemen Wade, Miller and Big
elow appeared on the scene and or
dered the men not to shoot. It h
said that this command was disre
garded, whereupon the police used
their revolvers, five carmen being
wounded.. H. Green, a non-union
carman, was placed under arrest on
suspicion of having fired one of the
The story told by the police casts
all the blame upon the non-union
carmen. Other non-union : carmen
were arrested and charged with as
sault to murder and with carryius
concealed weapons.
President Calhoun and his assist
ant, Thornwell Mullally, after an in
vestigation, pronounced the facts dif
ferent and laid all the blame -npoo
the strikers. -, -iJ' i!sjr4 .-. r
i !i Li-;ii
! ir? 'hi tKM-i'l Mii.i hit
. SAN PEDRO , Sept. 11. The Pa
:nc Cast eamtitpiC6Wilp'an'y's pai
geiger' Bteaifier ' SaWta'V.Rosa 'weaf
ashore ,in 'd'edse. fpg,a. 6: 3 c 'cloc
fWp morning iour anu a naifmMes,
north Sa fte'drd." '(he.j,jpp'kou't.
mistook We'whistlirik buoy off Point
Retrain for the buoy at Point Vin
cente, where ves4 WWW turn
laiidward in'ht,'cddfs make
Reafadbi.TTirnii; toward tble sliore
thd Velsifel'wrifeh was i ruhning slowly.
str jok'tHe fteSwiBfWW
Ml .w'litfjas9 tyeefed'ft W
v iv. i ax nuu .- tt h,u liiv v u u v " ,j
M w'tArTW'Sam RoM'-'wa-s
two ana one-nair nours on me roexs.
tXAto -dkiflaei mk-Mi x(t'We f2'.
rnasWttieiM WHoVerb a"breakWfft:
, - t . - oflf.
. V, r ' . ... a t ... t I
wfe' not exbltd."' Tbe' SaiitK Rosa.
.-x I jay ABSociaiea rress.i
al-8:ini?Sin'feingTwas tt'piiii''j
me ill meiea out. 10 v;nesier jo. v.uu-
janl who stole $96,000" fron t)e
WiAdS6r TWisf ' Company.
By Associated Press.
CAPE RICE, N. F., Sept. 11. The
Cunard . line - steamer Luisitania.
whose maiden voyage across the At
lantic is expected to eclipse all ocean
records, came in touch, through the
wireless telegraph, with the Ameri
can continent early today. At 5:25
o'clock this morning a message was
received from the steamer, saying
that the vessel was 225 miles south-
l east of Cape Rice at that hour. The
I indicated position of the Luisitania
miles from Sandy
that the big steamer, If she
can maintain twenty-five knots,
which speed is credited to her, will
reach the ettrance to the port of
New York about 1 a. m. Friday,
which will make the time of the voy
age about four days and eighteen
hours, or more than thirteen hours
better than the record trip of the
Queenstown to New York.
By Associated Press.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11. Sec
retary Percy W. Treat of the New
California Jockey Club announced
today that added money value of the
California Derby to be run at Oak
land is increased from $2500 to
$5000. Six new stakes to be run this
season are also announced and there
will be two futurities with $5000
added to each, to be run in 1909 and
1910. The entries to futurities closa
December 31, 1907. Entries to the
stakes for next season close October
28th. .The stake blanks will be is
sued about September 20th.
When Britt was tMten to his dress
ing room on the second floor of the
clubhouse, Drs. Sullivan, Apple, Ellis
and Rosencranz examined his injured
hand. The first three agreed that tha
boxer was suffering from a fracture
of the lower end of the ulna, a small
bone in the wrist. . Rosencranz.
however, asserted emphatically that!
the bone was not fractured, but
bruised. Rosencranz is Gan's physi
cian and made the examination at
the request of the colored champion.
An immense crowd waited at the
door of the clubhouse. . Announcer
Billy Jordan called for Dr. Charle
D. McGettlgan, as Promoter Gleason
and Gans and his manager were anx
ious to have this physician's opinion.
Before Dr. McGettlgan arrived, Britt
jumped into a big red automobile and
was whirled away to his. brother's
home in Buchanan Street, '.'hn'i
McGettlgan' 'put ' in an appearance , her
Vas tolg that. Britt had gon(j into the
uuui umcu. iiit? yiiaicii uui.viu
thither? out'Mrned UnaTritf 'had.
left the grounas. .
JAtf 't)ffbrt',was made, p$ new'snapeH
i .,f f;r- Hal
.itotrij:t ..J. hsiKOfl
" : ltl:!il!i,!'.'i
-i j -Kt ban ,&nbi mil til soiHl
if) tlOOi'J ji
ot haltb,,,apppJlned.;yes-
w or . Taylor , held a . meet-
Casey, president of the board of pubr-
Anoecsonor.a ll(coWence..,;,
board elected William Oppuls presi-
the. Jboard..adoDted .,
UM8Aof Ap.Kltef to. sxsiemSiiH
, pointed acting chief sanltay rijiapec-
tori Theboar.l stdajJt.ati
Twenty-sm.n,andArnuf -streets, ion
cty( and county hospital wlb,,rr
the; pih pat.nuerjBgj.mRr!
thp.ii 'jf.OOj.r..hejCi , anii county
nosplta untH .the ; necessity; t.bum-;
HANGO, Finland, Sept. 11.
The Russian imperial yacht
Standart, with Emperor Nich
olas and Empress Alexandria
and their family aboard, is fast
on the rocks off Horseva Point
on the coast near this place.
The yacht is apparently in no
danger, as the Emperor and
family remain aboard. The
Standart ran upon the rocks,
which were submerged at high 4
tide, at 4:30 o'clock this after-
noon and ' remained fast. A
steam lifeboat from Reval, on
the Gulf of Finland, has arrlv-
ed upon the scene and seven
torpedo boats, which have been
escorting the imperial yacht on
its tour in Finnish waters, are
standing by to render assiBt-
ance if needed.
LONG BEACH, Cal., Sept. 14. A.
D. Myers, a Goldfleld millionaire, is
having a palatial home built on the
bluff opposite Bixby park, and will
have, all the hardware used on the
doors and windows quadruple-plated
with gold from his own mines. . He
estimated that the novelty will cost
$5000. ,: .
There Is only one other house in
southern California equipped . with
gold door knobs, hinges and latches,
and that is the Durand residence lu
Pasadena. Myers intends , making
his home the most beautiful in Lona
Beach. The grounds are to be laid
out In a unique manner, the bihff
terraced and a retaining wall Millt,
iuc iuui tunc leuumug i3u,uuv. '
men to have the arm examined by
reputable physicians after Britt left
the ring, but he refused to permit of
an examination on the ground that .
enough persona had seen the injury,
Britt did not leave the.; injured nem-fi,-) .
ber in the splints longutiJiadi
encase. ,in aplaser Acas.t,0thSi!t
jury,. (. e. aswaSi , appllfid, hy, . SKmi
fl-'-f r sW1,Pn?iHTI'8 -injuredk jmemh,
lyWWtefrff'IW '-wto lit Hi
.Br'JtJS (WalsjaUifeticltoiiB theft
sati,, tyho, jwik. wl,th,,ther best: aur.-!M
geons 'in the city. S. F. Call. oH.
at Uf-rcA
,hin:i frill l!i:
" . : - .i! !:(!
";V.-jetftM n-i
' -i-r-'.-tH. W)t V.-rtr it
o-i ytil s
ing ,nai,;.tructure. pas .Jea;f dpteitr:nt
mine4,i:!bJ5iiaatjexmlttatioB' offraA! 1
caught there for bacterioligical tn'Jfsn
spectin.r. ITtte-i board! ivotUa tift aetepcd I
and equf!itS'wn-baoterloMgical too-JKtt
9ratpry ;oij,fptogue e6earcJh an
appoint a speciafc?plagBtuiact:lorcf-''tt
gist,. iUtS bl6x!$ .RtrodrfJO A '.-I
...,;A,lett(efclwa8f.e!fTOnv"iesldfe,iit t
-Behtiey voff thet Chambers o( Gdufcecrt
merce. : copip Waing: ithatii.the -i plagued
condition her,ifasf bin?nf ditbrwd
and. much oxaggffratd bt:'nerwspaffi
,vc blhsc-tiieJUfiWaBtappjtfanfclSrfitia ittu
strtngyifc.pfaJnaccurate-flreptrta glsfca isi
onti by thp.-8drI uilioritiea.-fitnii It'r
Opfeulsndrf HgtiSSgta&F wer ,
Bolptad,,- ,cmite(40o confer'' "
ithli ,sjec.tiB?Hha8upwit tBliie-of 3 vi
the! 4narinortKf pitrviBeifrhdt-it-.'.il
due ,fm,inm, SVfashtogtow twaitakeS t
charge of eradication work. Tfe-,U't
fconjpti Wteerssas insftrueted itot isbue . H
(Ca,.s,taliei0f9nt (.loiitheft Associated ti
trassi (.ir resolution vwa)t?ddpted'!(i
(thah!8atter a plaguo lufOrtoaUoH "e e
gbaH b,e,,gilv,en!to14heipteiexcet btl aU
the presldnt Ch boaa dj f ter a ebn-'-'l
ferince. ?-jrr!. r'.'- Hurt '4 i !
MVi si-
I'l ?i' rf'.-l