Newspaper Page Text
THE TOXOPAR DAfLT BOXAXZA TOSOIWll. XKVADA, SKIT. :. HK)T. THE STOCK MARKET SAX FRANCISCO EXCHANGE The full closing quotations as fur sighed by the Kenneth Donnellau company are as follows: Thursday, September 12, 1907. Tonopah District. Bid. .$11 00 Asked. $11 25 2 95 1 80 24 78 2 95 20 03 14 06 15 85 06 02 06 06 04 07 Tonopah M. Montana . Tonopah Ex. . MacXamara . . Midway Belmont North Star . . . Ohio Rescue California . . . Golden Anchor Jim Butler . . Cash Boy .... Great Western Tonopah Home Monarch Pitts Mont. Mid. Ex. Gold Crown . . Little Tonopah 60 22 76 19 02 13 04 14 83 05 01 04 05 03 05 00 Goldfleld District. Sandstorm Mohawk Columbia Mt. . . Jumbo Jumbo Ex Vernal Goldfleld Min.. .. Kendall . ...... Booth Blue Bull Adams Silver Pick May Queen . V. . . Black Butte Ex . Blue Bell Dixie St. Ives Conqueror Star Potlatch Nevada Goldfleld. Atlanta Great Bend .... Simmerone Empire . Red Top Ex. . . . Florence Dlamondfleld Con Daisy Great Bend Ex... Great Bend An... Triangle Oro Comb. Frac. .". . . Goldfleld Con. . . . Nevada Boy .... Black Ants Hibernia C. O. D. Red Hills Mohawk Ex. . . . Lou Dillon Grandma . Florence Ex. . . . Yellow Rose . . . Esmeralda 44 46 il 50 47 48 15 3 60 60 1 65 12 14 30 .. 25 26 39 40 33 34 13 14 54 55 i 12 07 " 08 ' 16 18 06 07 84 85 10 12 21 22 40 25 29 46 Y 48 . 63 64 10 12 13 25 26 05 4 10 24 -,,26 35 1 37 12 14 08 18 ' 20 19 20 05 2 07V2 77 7 80 05 07 05 06 07 08 45 51 52 11 12 09 10 17 18 28 29 1 06 10 Bullfrog District, Original Bullfrog. 05 Bullfrog Mng . . 11 National Bank . . 17 Lige Harris .... 02 Amethyst 21 Gold Bar . Steinway Denver B. F. An. Mayflower 31 Montg. Sho. Ex. . 06 Sunset . 05 Golden Scepter .. 09 Homestake Con... 87 Yankee Girl ... 04 Tramp Con 34 Bonnie Claire . . 40 Nugget '. ' 05 Valley View ... Manhattan District. 06 13 18 03 23 60 05. 06 32 07 07 10 90 06 35 42 06 08 36 08 07 06 12 03 05 25- 21 15 05 09 10 02 02 17 08 04 09 55 15 05 03 Consolidated . . . Man. Mining . .". Gold Wedge . . . . Seyler Humphrey. Dexter Little Joe Crescent t Granny Mustang . Little Grey . . . . Cowboy Original Man. .'. Broncho . ...... April Fool Ex. . . Atlantic & Pac. . Jumping Jack .. . Pine Nut ...... Buffalo i ....... Mustang Ex. Thanksgiving . . Stray Dog . Yellow Horse . . . Indian Camp . . . Combination . . . 34 07 05 05 11 02 02 23 20 04 08 01 01 07 07 03 07 02 Other Districts. Goldyke Reet .. Round Mt. Mng. Round Mt. Ex. . Silver King . . . Falrvlew Eagle . Nevada Hills . . Pitts. Silver Pk. Eagles Nest . . . 10 00 11 40 25 40 32 20 50 45 33 Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whoop ing cougb. Bees Laxative Cough Sy rup tastes good. It works off cold through the bowels, clears head. Guaranteed. Sold by Tonopah Drug Co , Certificates of location for rale this office WILL INVOKE OLD STATUTE DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF ESMER ALDA WILL STOP WIKE BEATIXG. A modification of the whip- ping post, the public pillory and the stocks Is to be provided for wife beaters and assailants of women by Esmeralda county, if the district attorney has his way. He has discovered an old statute that will enable him to do the work which he thinks will reduce the number of this class of offenders. Men who beat women will soou have the pleasure of standing to a five-foot post in some public place in the city, wearing a placard from two to ten hours with the words "wife- beater," or "woman beater" upon it. Assistant District Attorney Emmet J. Walsh announced in Judge Henley's court yesterday afternoon in sum ming up the case of the state against C. Howard that he would at once ask the county commissioners to pass n ordinance to this effect, putting in operation the "act to prevent cruelty to women," passed by the Nevada legislature in 1877. "I wish to call your honor's atten tion to this act," said Mr. Walsh, and I wish to ask your honor here- after, in proceeding against men charged with striking women, to pro ceed under the terms of this act, and not under charges of assault and battery. The beating of women is altogether too common in Goldfleld and the district attorney's office Is going to put a stop to it. Case after case comes up In this court, and dras. tic measures must be taken. I shall ask the commissioners to pass an ordinance putting this Nevada sta tute into effect, as it is needed here." Mr. Walsh's remarks were in con nection with the case of J. C. How ard, a lodger at Mrs. Mary Perry's house, 210 North First street, ar rested for assault and battery on her complaint and found guilty by Judge Henley after trial of his case yes terdav afternoon. Howard will be sentenced at 10 o'clock this morn- ing. He gave $100 ball. The evidence showed that Howard who has been lodging in Mrs. Perry's house since Labor day, brought a wo man to his room Tuesday night, and when Mrs. Perry gave him notice to leave Wednesday morning he kicked her twice In the side besides strikln her in the face and calling her vile names. Deputy Constable Call went to the house to arrest him and How- ard was still In his room. While Call was on one side of the room, Howarr made a rush at Mrs. Perry, who ac companied the constable to Howard' room, and struck her, knocking her down. Call was obliged to strike the man a straight blow In the face ta subdue him. Elmer Rogers, who ap- ueared for ' Howard, argued that there were no marks on Mrs. Perry face, therefore Howard could not have stuck her. Judge Henley did not see the forec of this logic and adjudged Howard guilty as charged Goldfleld Tribune. GOLDF1ELD STOCK EXCHANGE Following are the full quotations as furnished over the private wire of the National Safe Deport and Trust company: Thursday, September 12, 1907 Goldfleld District. Adams 13 Atlanta 47 Comb.. Fraction.; 2 00 2 05 Cracker Jack ... 17V4 18 Dlamondfleld Con .. 23 Vi Eureka 05 Francis Mohawk. 1 00 1 04- Florence 4 05 - Goldfleld Con ... 6 50 6 60 Jumbo Ex 1 58 1 60 Lone Star 20 21 Oro . . 19 Portland 20 20 Red Hills 49 52 Coming Nation.. 09 09 Gt. B. Fraction . . 02 02 Gen'l Washington 04 05 Gold Hill 03 03 Mllltown Fraction 05 05 Mohawk Ledge.. 12 12H AT OLD CNIOXVILLK. Throe Feet of Or Kxposed Which I Rich In Silver. An important strike has been made In the Denver Mining and Milling company's property at Unlonvlllo, Nevada, and Manager J. H. Bush, as well as all the Salt Lake Interests which control the property are high ly elated, says the Salt Lake Herald. The news was brought In by Superin tendent George V. Coleman and with him came samples of the ore, which is identical in character with the rich sulphides that made the old Arizona company's property famous. Three feet Of ore is exposed in a the the at twelve-foot Itoddcd vein that assays 290 ounces in silver and $7 iu Bold per Ion, the ore making its appear ance after driving fifty feet. The company, which was but re cently organized, owns sixteen claim i adjoining the Arizona mine, a produ cer of millions, on the southeast. though the property was being in spected by tne syndicate wnicn or ganized the company four months ago. Manager Buscb, who is an ex- navlanfuil mtnlnar on irltlaoi oal'a t hPTO s not a shad of douU but what the company's ground carries an ex tension of the rich Arizona ledge, and now that the same rich ore has been encountered, it is simply a matter of development to make the proposition pay big. There is an abundance of to the economical mining and dress ing of the ores and that, with the InHera fnllv nnnnoil nn and a mill nil the ground, every particle of the ledge milling, in addition to the high grade rock, can be made to pay handsomely. Mr. Bush has acquired a bond on the Arizona mines and within a tew days he expects to leave for the east to place the proposition with big cap italists who have been waiting for him to hand them something good. STRIKE NEAR GOLCONDA. Ore From Croppings Give Bonanza Values in Yellow Metal What has every indication of being one of the greatest and richest gold strikes ever made in this country, if not in the entire state, has been made by L. K. Kramer only two miles south of Golconda. Although the discovery dates from .Tulv 14 it was not until yesterday that the find was made innsn tn thn nnhHf Many people who have visited Gol- ennda have noticed the little round mountain almost opposite the hotel and only about two miles distant, but probably very few ever imagined that in the depths of the tiny moun- tain a Bonanza mine was hidden, vet this is the location of Mr. Kramer's great strike. A representative of the Star visited the claims located by Mr. Kramer Sunday and was amazed at the won- derful showing. The ledge. Is a large one and stands up out of the ground in some places for a height of five feet ore more. The outcrop can be seen along the side of the hill for a considerable distance. This large dyke is composed entirely of quartz, and from an exhaustive sampling and tests which have been made by Mr. Kramer the entire cropping is ore of great value. Though the ore pans well, the full values are not disclosed without the rock being assayed, the gold being not altogether free. The values seem to be in fine sulphides, which are scattered through the ore, and it is believed, on account of its richness in gold, that the ore is of tellurlde character. There is no question as to the rich ness of the ore, for Mr. Kramer has had a large number of assays made by the Mansfield Mining and Smelting company, In Arizona, showing the fol lowing values in gold: $147.67, $100.46, $996.33, $91.77, $107.48 $9.92, $7.44, $162.05, $77.71, $74 and $37.40. These values are all In gold, the silver values which were very slight, not being added. This is certainly a wonderful show ing when it is considered that the ledge Is so large and, besides, it is impossible to pick samples as the ore all looks alike. The samples were all taken from the outcrop, as there is no other place from which to take them. Some of the samples with the highest values came from at least two feet above ground. Mr. Kramer only located thre-; claims on the strike of the vein and friends who were informed of the strike located a few more, this being 'the extent of the locations made on the hill so far. Mr. Kramer is the original locator at Phonolite, In southern Nevada and came to Golconda only a short time before he made the discovery of this rich lead. Not knowing but what his discovery might be on pat- enr.pd railroad land hn leant the find u.PrPt nntn h BHEfid h'r could hold the claims. Rich float has been found on this hill and It has been covered with locations time and again, but it was left to Mr. Kramer to. make the dls- covery of the ledge from which the float came. -Humboldt Star. Subscribe for The Bonanza. MIGHT BE WORSE. A visiting gentleman had submit' ted for some time to the attentions of the three-year-old son of his hostess, but at last grew a little tired of hav ing his whiskers pulled and his corns trodden upon. "Madam," said he, "there is one thing about your charming little boy which especially pleases me." "And what is that?" asked the smiling mother. "That he isn't a twin." Roebest ter Herald. Certificates office. of location at this FOR THIS SEASON TOXOPAH WILL HAVE OPPOR TUNITY OF SEEING FIRST C LASS PRODUCTIONS. The theatrical fest for Tonopah Goldfleld which was promised by Aylesworth Is now well under way, and the attractions with, their dates have been booked. . This town and Goldfleld will have the pleasure of seeing all the companies which boeiJ th w,est,by ",e T up-to-date, are as follows: AT TONOPAH. October 17, 18 and 19 Josh Simpkins company of fifteen people. November 4 and week Prlngle company of fourteen people. November 17 and 18 Lieutenant and Cowboy, with fourteen people. November 22 and 23 West's min strels of twenty-eight people. November 24, 25 and 26. Colum bia Opera company of eighteen peo ple. December 2 Scott Concert com pany of six people. December 3 and 4 Primrose min strels of fifty-four people, December 17 Raffles, with twenty-eight people. December 21 Old Arkansaw, with sixteen people. December 27 and 28 Human Hearts company of fifteen people, January 1 and 2 Wizard of Wall Street company of Blxteen people. January 5 and week Wolfrod Stock company of fourteen people, January 25 and 26 Kerry Gow company of eighteen people. March 10 Ma's New HUSDana company of nineteen people. March 11, 12 and 13 Desperate Chance company of fourteen people GOLDFIELD. October 13. 14, 15 and 16 Josa October Simpkins. November 11 and week Prlnglo, November 19 and 20 Lieutenant and the Cowboy November 24, 25 and 26 West minstrels. November 28, 29 and 30 Colum bia Opera company. December 1 Scott Concert com pany. December 5 and 6 Primrose min strels. December 16 Raffles. December 22 Old Arkansaw December 25 and 26 Human Hearts. December 30 and 31 Wizard o Wall Street. January 12 Wolford company. January 23 and 24 Kerry Gow. March 8, 9 and 10 Desperate Chance. March 11 Ma's New Husand. LETTER LIST. r.tKl nf unclaimed letters' remaining In the Tonopah poatofllce for the week endine September 7, 1907. Persons call ing for the name will please Hay ad vertised. One cent Is due on each. Adams, r. is. urown, x.-w.; uar- low, A. II. ; ISarbee, C. H.; Butler, D. Mathew; llark, M. M.; Barbour, H. W.; Columbus Tonopah Mng Co.; Cameron, A.; Carlson, B.; Copeland, Geo. W.; Caskln, T. K.j Chase, L. P.; Cramer, rrank: Crump, am u.; (.orauinauoij Saloon; Cardln, W. I..; Collins, Mrs. Emma C: Dunn, Hoot. P. ueimas, miss Marjorlc; Evans, i S.; Eskland, Tessle; FIscus, Frank; Fisher, Frank; Freeburn, Jas. L.; Klannery, jas. ft.; Fitzgerald, Pat. J.; Gory, Joseph; Gan sen, Wm.; Hyott, C. C: Hlckey, C. Y.; Henrv. Peter: llollev. VV. M.: Hart. C. A.: James. T. E.; Kane, E. T.; Iuter- man, Mrs. K.; iji pone, J. l.. aiarrun, Peter; Miller, E. J.: Miller, Dick; Mlt n MrRrailv. Peter: Mar tin. II. Hara-ent; Mracevleh, John; Pas- cual, Mr.; Pratt, u. ..; urr, airs, u., Stay, Mrs. J. C; Strong, City; Thomas. .Miss Jennie; rnompson, aiihh muuei, White, Mrs. Constance; White, Mrs. Henrv: WriKht. Tanner; Wilson, J. P.; Wilson. Sarah G.; Wilson, . Watches carried In stock from the cheap $1.50 to the costly hand-made Patek Philippl movements. Geo. F. Blakeslee. The State Fair, to be held at Reno this month, is attracting attention all over the State, and the Tonopah hJ and Goldfleld, and Goldfleld and Bull frB rads ave made Bpecial rates of oue and e-thlrd re for round trlP from aU p,nt8 on. nelr lines. The tickets will be good from September 16th to the 21st. and good "turning on tne aa. 9-l-14t TOVOPAH AD GOI.nFIFXD RAIL ROAD tvMrAS Office at the Secretary, Till Bullitt Building. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 10, 1907 NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting- of the Stockholders of this Company and the Klectlon or E1 rectors for the ensulntt year will be held at the office of the Company at Tonopah, Nevada, on Wedneaday. Oc toiler 1SU7. at ociock i. ai. CLVKK. A. HKIXER. !-12-19t-Oct. 2-07 Secretary. HI I.I.FROti - KOl.Itl-'IKI.n II Ml. ItO Alt COMPASY. Oftlee "t tlie Xeeretnry. Till r.iillltt Uulldinn. Pliilailelpliia. Pa.. Sept. in. 1907. NOTICK IS HKitKBY OIVK.V tliat the nniml Meeting of the Stoi klmklers of thlB Company and the Election of Di rectora for the ensuing year will be held at the office of the Company at Tonopah. Nevada, on Wednesday. Oc tober 2.1. 1907. at :: o'clock P. M. CI.VI'K A. HKLLKK. n-ll'-l'.tt-oet. 2-7 Secretary. THE NYE AND ORHSBV COUNTY BANK TOMtlMII, I.OI.IIKIEI.I). HK. C HSI. M Ml TT X 4 ttUKH Trannacts a (icm i al Hanking Business. ATITAI. tFully Paid) taOOfiM SIRI'I.l S103,OO Domestic and Foreign Exchange. Letters of Credit Issued. OKI-1 KKti I'r-Kldent, Frank 5ol1n: First Vice Prestd-'nt. il. XL Ryan: Se.-onJ Vice President, James J. .McQuillan: Cashier. Arthur . Hay craft; Assistant Cashiers, V. H. Shockley, Tonopah; V. T. VirKin, Oold lifld; F. J. Iiyint?ton, Reno; Geo. W. Cowing, Carson; It. B. Medor, Man hattan. DIRECTORS:-- D. X. Ryan, Robt. Stewart Jaa. O. Sweeney. Thomas Kendall, J. J. McQuillan, B. T. Edwarda, F. O. Newlanda W. O. Douglaia, L. L. Patrick, Frank Golden and Neil McLean. Safe depeelt hose far rest. THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION Capital and Surplus Fully Paid $375,000.00 A general Banking Baalaeea transacted. Exehaaa-e Bought and Sola on all the Principal Cltlea of the United Statea ana Emroa. OPPICBR8 AND DIRECTORS GEO. S. JilXOV, President. JOHN 9. COOK, Vlee-Presldent. KCGENB HOWELL, Cashier. R. C MOORE, Assistant Cashier. II. C. BROUGHER, W. J. DOUGLAS, GEORGE WINGFIELD, W. J. BAR. HIS, F. A. KEITH, CHA9. E. KHOX, T. L OODIE. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT uuuuuim uiiiiii 11 iiuiiiiii 11 iiaiiuiiiiiiiiuuuiiiiiiii..i......ii.i.m..a H. J. 1 Tonopah's New Wholesale LIQUOR HOUSE Is Now Ready for Business This is the Largest Liquor Establishment in Southwestern Nevada LOWER MAIN STREET, NEAR DEPOT All Orders Promptly Attended to TtTmTTwirmtfTwtnnTnwHwnnnpnwwmmmnnTnnmT'tmTTTnmnitmwwfirTfTWi NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER COMPANY HEADQUARTERS, GOLDFIELD, INEV. Oirna aad operates electric poner aad Ilghtlac ayatema at Gda14, Toa opah, Manhattan, Silver Peak aad B lair, Nevada. Power and llaktlas aya tema at Khjollte, Nevada, aader cona tractloa. ELECTRIC CURRENT FUBMSHED FOR HOISTS, COMPRESSORS AXD other mlalBB machinery, for faaa, heatlaa;, eooklna: and mlseellaneona hnnae kold parpoaea. Hleetrle machinery for mining aad mlacellaaeoua uaea sold aad ln tailed by tho Company. . For Information, apply to local auperlnentlrnta, or addreaa E. A. Qalna, Commercial Asent, Goldaeld, Nevada. THE NEVADA-CALIFORMA POWER COMPANY. C. Sf. HOBBS, General Manager. C. P. WITTENBERG Wittenberg Warehouse and Transfer Co. Storage and Transfer PHOXK1062. AGENTS FOR BCDWEISER BEER AND BART LETT SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. COAL AND WOOD, FLOUR, MEALS. ETC., FOR SALE. OFFICE FOOT OF MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE TOXOMB GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY DEPOT. TONOPAH, NEVADA. Si McLEAN & McSWEENEY AGENTS FOR RIVERSIDE MILL COMPANY. Gold Medal, High Grade and Bakers' XXX Flours, Cereals, Etc Wholesale and Retail Hay, Grain and Feedstuff. Blacksmiths' Coal. TOXOP tH. virv. RENFRO'S AUTOS Will make reaular dally trlaw ketweea Wnader aad Falloa, and mill name ta trip from TONOPAH TO WONDER Amy day with three or more paaaeasera, golaa; by way of Pkamlll aaa Dulntb. Codes BedfordMcNeil-Vrstrrn Union. EM1L SUTRO COMPANY Stock Brokers Tonopah, Nevada Out-of-Town Clients Till Deliver : Pioneer Stables - at SIX-flOKSE STAGE DAILY Leave Tosovah... ...7:00 a. m. daily Leave Manhattan 7:00 a. an. aaUy 8UMMERFIELD JOHNSON, Prop SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE Bonanza's Big Bindery ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, GOLDFIELD MYERS AVE., NEAR MA IX ST., 100 ADOBE AJO PLASTERED ROOMS . Every room and outside entrance; sunny, healthful, fireproof, . Elee. tri" light throughout. Rates moderate. Call and inspect. MRS. ANNA L. MILLER, FVop'r HALL J. 8. M'QVIIiAW Buy and Sell Any Stocks lot Osb 25 Broad St., Nw York and Receive Stocks, Drill Attached