Newspaper Page Text
fHK niJIOPAH DAILY MONA51A. TOXOPAH. NEVADA, OtT. I, M7. PERSONAL MENTION Albert Walnon of Goldfield was in the city yeaierday. J. J. Kennedy of Salt Lake U in tbe city, and Is a guest at the Mer chants. N. E. Otterson, the machinery man of Goldfleld. is in the city on a busi ness trip. Miss Ethel Murphy of Goldfield Is in Tonopah, visiting her friend, Miss Frances O'Mcara. - William C. Davis Is la from Gol- dyke, where ha has been looking after his extensive Interests. - f W. C. Russell, who has been in San Francisco on a .short trip, re turned home on Sunday, 3. 3. Trimble left on Sunday for Battle Mountain', where he has a mining deal under negotiation. Mrs. George Money, sister of W. J. Douglass, is here on a visit from Car- son City (o Mr. and Mrs. Douglass. - Alexander T. Johnson,' general manager of the Spider and Wasp mine, left for 1 Wondir oh Sunday night. , Miss Helena Hill of this city has been appointed stenographer in the pffice of United States District Attcr- tv Sanf Plntt. ..I -, ( ! ! ' ' Louis Flnnegan, one of the found c " t v, 1 . 1 I . - ers of the town of Goldfield, came over yesterday morning from the neighboring city on a business visit, C. K. wise, who has been away for six weeks, and who took with Mjnj his daughter to place her In school in the East, returned to Tonopah yes- terday. Jack MacKenzle, chief of the Are department, who has been inspecting the department of Reno and the waters of Walley Springs, returned to the city yesterday. Oswald Stine, mining expert and engineer, has gone tP Rhyollte to I take charge of the property of the Rhyollte Bullfrog Mining Company at Red Mountain. - W. J. Gunn, the well known min- lng engineer, arrived yesterday morning from Reno, and will be here for the next few days, and thence proceed to Oasis. Mrs. L. B. Epstlne and Mrs. C. B. Day, mother and sister of Harry Ep- stine, the well known broker, are here from Carson City. Mrs. Day is accompanied by her two children. W. C. Howard, the architect, went down to Rhyollte to begin work on several buildings for which he has drawn plans, one of them being the new clubhouse for the Rhyollte Club, Puddy Grimes, the recorder of Nye county, returned , from Sacramento yesterday, a.nd reports that Mrs. Grimes, on account of whose health he was called away, is much Ira- , proved. - Ray Baker left by auto with a party yesterday for Ubehebe. In the . party were J. G. Richardson and Mrs. Richardson of Atwood, J. Walsh, a capitalist from Los Angeles, and Dr. J. D. Stephens. ' Morris B. Dudley left for Los An- geles on Sunday night. Mr. Dudley was formerly connected with the tele phone company in Manhattan, and is now,, a member' of the Los Angeles stock 'exchange. " i C. R. Scott has returned home from a Visit to Salt Lake. He 'says that conditions are much improved in the Mormon City, and that there is a . great deal of inquiry there regarding southern Nevada. John J. Mullen, secretary ot the Spider and Wasp, . who, with Mrs. Mullen, has been East for nearly a month, was one of the passengers who arrived yesterday morning. He was accompanied by his wife. Reese Wampler and H. J. McGhan of Goldfleld arrived from Round Mountain yesterday after an inspec tion of the Round Mountain Fairvlew, in which both are interested, and left last evening for Goldfleld. - William Ash, manager of the Tono pah Liquor Company, returned yes terday from San Francisco, where he went some weeks ago on account of the serious illness of his wife. He left Mrs. Ash in much improved and finish, i cannot be excelled any health. and well on the road to re- where in tne state' and nothing bet .., ter can be 'turned out In San Fran- ,Mr. and Mrs. E W. Haffey arrived in Tonopah on Sunday. The couple were married on September 16, at Sacramento, the bride being Miss Effle Gray. The bride and groom spent their honeymoon in San Fran cisco and other California cities. Mr. Haffey is the baggage master at the depot and was as busy as ever yes- terday. v- " 1 Edward Dale has been appointed manager of , the Southern Nevada Mercantile Company, and will enter upon the discharge of his new duties this -morning. Mr. Dale comes here from Millers, where he has been con- nected with the Dale Bros., and he brings with htm a splendid reputa- tlon for executive ability, and he has a wide experience in the management of kindred institutions to the Nevada Mercantile Company. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia. indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial. Sold by Tonopah Drug Co. FASCINATION IS STRONG UPON HIM ritKSH i-ium inEiiKitK. vorxo xiv noKH kst to Ai- VISE KIIJKXDH. A. V, Gilllngham, fresh from Une- hebe, and wkh the fascination of that country still, strong upon him, goes East tonight to tell to his friends the wonders he saw, and to bring back with him, doubtless, men we are looking for the right kind of invest ment. Mr. Gilllngham will also ad vise his young friends who are stag nating in the atmosphere of the Eastern cities to ' drop their books and their accounts, doff their line raiment and come West. He himself has lived all his life in the bigtclties, his father being auditor of he ltenn: syivania Central Railway, but he wants no more, of city life until he has i made his independent pile. "Once a man has enjoyed the free- dom of the desert,'' : said he, "the air oi uie oigmies oecomes sumng to him-i A man. Is a fool to .keep his feet under a desk to Philadelphia or New York, undergoing the daily grind of. commercial life, When this great desert Is open to him. He is wasting his time and his. existece A young man goes into an office there, and he has to worksite way up, and wait for his promotion as If he were in the army. Where there, la one opportunity in the city, there are a hundred, yes, a thousand in this country. "The place from which I have Just come, Ubehebe, is a fitting example of this. Look at the chances there are in that district. See what Is is being converted into. Why, I would rather work with a pick and shovel In this country than with a pen and Ink in a metropolitan city. Thee is the feeling that one is working for himself, and that what he gets comes out of the ground; that he is taking nothing away from anybody, that he is making the world the richer and that he is doing something that is not only helping himself, but may help many others. It is a glorlouslife, and when a man does strike It, what dp the few years that he has put in toiling for it amount to? ' "There are plenty of other oppor- tunities for a young man, where ho can apply the knowledge he has ac- quired in' office work. The salaries they pay in the East are as nothing as to what are paid on the desert, There are hundreds of young men in the East to whom a salary of $150 a bionth looks like a princely offering; It is something there to work up to. Here it is only a starter for the right kind of a man, and the heights to which he may attain, while still on salary, are practically without limit;' "I expect to be gone about a month, and then return to Ubehebe and I wilt probably bring representa- tives of capital with me, for if I can make people see Ubehebe as I see it, I ought to bring back an army with me." ; ' . , ' FINE EXHIBITION OF LEAF LEDGERS There are now on exhibition in the office of The Bonanza, samples of leaf ledgers with the lock system, which have just been completed in The Bonanza bindery. The public, in general, and the accountants, min ing office men and brokers, in par ticular, are invited to visit the of fice for an inspection of the . work that is being turned out. To those who have not had any work done by the bindery, the manner In which It is turned out will be a revelation. We maintain, as we have right Blons lnal lne worK- lne execution C,8C0- " wI11 W to have your work done a home, and once you do this, ,ou wm d0 " ever arter- Midland R ilway. ' . !(J Round trip excursion tickets will be sold from Reno September 30, Oc tober 1 and October 7 to Missouri river points and east as far as New York and Boston. Ninety days limit. Ten days going transit. Stopover, observation Pullman sleepers, Ogden to Denver without change. Over the mountains by daylight. Unexcelled dining cars. For reservations, etc , write or wire, L, H. Harding, G. A., Salt Lake, Utah. Ask for your tickets via the Colc- rado Midland. 9-27-to-10-7 SOMETHING ABOUT MILK. The best Is the safest. The safest is the cheapest. For the safest and cheapest always call the Local Dairy, phone 1785. - 9-27-tf , Corporation seals of every descrip tion furnished on the shortest notice by the Bonanza. MADIGAN AND BOOTH IN HIGH GRADE TWO DAISY LEASERS TAKING OCT KICK DOPE AND DKYKI OPIXG PROPERTY. Both the Madigan and Booth leases on the Round Mountain Daisy prop erty are In high grade milling ore, with an occasional specimen pocket showing up. ' The pay streak in the Madigan workings, which was men tioned in last week's Nugget, has widened and is holding strong in val ues. Everything being taken out now milling ore and Mr. Madigan is sacking high grade daily. A mill is almost Imperative now on Daisy hill and it's a pretty safe bet there will be one up there by the first of the year- Walter Booth, in charge of the Booth Daisy lease, sprung a some what more than mild sensation about Tuesday and Wednesday by announe ing that he had picture rock in the old Keyes shaft. Several high grade stringers have been exposed and are being worked. Pannlngs show values up In the thousands and this Daisy lease promises to be Booth's second bonanza. The Crescent lease of Cy jdhnson Is making good headway tinder the able management of Superintendent Wm. Mattley. Cross cutting has be gun' from the 100-foot level and the changed formation gives indication of the nearness of the vein. Bernard I. Cahn, one of the principal stock holders of the company and a prom inent attorney of New Orleans, left for his home on Wednesday, after making a thorough inspection of the property. Mr. Cahn expressed his en tire satisfaction at results thus far obtained and is quite enthusiastic over the prospects of his company finding ore. Round Mountain Nug get. . RETURN OF WELL KNOWN ENGINEER JAMES M'CAMBRIDGK IS BACK WITH SOME FIXE SILVER at SPECIMENS. , f: James F. McCambridge, the well known mining engineer, has returned after an absence of five weeks, from a trip to Camp National, bringing with him 'some of the 'finest speci mens of silver ever seen in any coun try. , Camp National , Is eighty-five miles to the northeast of Wlnne mucca, and the strike there was made in the latter part of June by Jesse Workman and Lew Davis. It Is the first strike on record made by auto mobile. Mr. McCambridge went out to inspect the strike and so pleased was he with the outlook that he has taken up the extension. ii is a great country, to my mind," said he, "and the boys are taking put shipping ore. They have a shaft down thirty feet on the ore, and the width of the vein Is from one and a half feet to four feet in porphyry. The ore Is a heavy sul phide, carrying chloride in obund ance. There are twenty-three claims in the group. Workman and Davis nave been very busy during the past two montns, surveying, monument- Ing and doing their location work. "The country is mountainous, and there is plenty of water. Fuel Is rather scarce; the supply coming from the sagebrush in the valley below, which is cut by the Indian at ?2.50 a cord. There is a haul of eight miles to the camp. A wagon road has been broken into the camp with aHm hard work, and there is an undance of hay, which is to be had f'$7 or 8 a ton. There was considerable mining done in thet country a number of years ago. The' old Ohio mine, nine miles south of the camp, supplied a ten-stamp mill for several years, There was also a five-stamp and a three-stamp mill in operation in the early days, and there was placer work done on Flat creek, Slate creek and Skull creek In the early days by Chinamen, who were driven away by the Indians. - ' , "An Idaho crowd has taken hold of some property, which they have nam ed the Midas. On the ground which I have taken up there is considerable float, which loo.:s good. . I think very well of this district, and in my opln ion, Camp National is going to make a big district." Joose and mounted diamonds at city prices, Blakeslee, the leadin Jeweler. i n n IT RETURN FROM A PROSPECTING TRIP REPORT GREAT ACTIVITY IN MIXES ALONG EASTERN PART STATE. A. J. Messer and R. L. Philips have just returned from a ilx months' prospecting trip through1 jthe eastern part of the State. Tluti' jL-that the Timpahute mine In AT.-uv county. one of the old proJkrtftT of. early days, is again being wjiyfied and with good results. Philadelphia capital has been put Into the property and a tunnel is being run to tap the ledge at a depth of 800 feet. A gasoline hoist, and air compressor have, been installed, and work is being prose cuted at high speed. The values art In silver. , ' The men say also that they are shipping ore from Moj'ey to Eureka. There is general evidehtf&'of prosper ity among the miners, and the only drawback is a lack -of transportation facilities, and this is being rapidly overcome. Mr. " Messer says that prospectors have been finding mineral along the line of the Southern Paci fic on the railway grant, and he and his partner were among those who took up claims. . They have written to the land department as to whether they can procure a patent on the land, and have received the assur ance that the only minerals on the land that can be claimed by the rail road are coal and Iron. Mr. Messer will remain In Tonopah for a week or two, and then go to the coast, where he will spend the holidays. NEW PLAY ON AT THE BUTLER Two good houses greeted the Grif fiths Musical Company at the Butler last night and barring a few mishaps on account of the first show, every thing went off In good shape, and It is one of the best yet seen at the house. Billy Onslow as the Irish janitor is the cleverest yet seen, and Eddie O'Brien as the father and in his comic songs is a sure hit. Fred L. Griffith as the artist is good and Helen Douglass as the artist's sweet heart and model, looked very pretty and is quite clever in her part. Lottie Darragh made good as the servant, although a wee bit nervous when she appeared in her song. The chorus, under the direction of Marie Celes tine, continue to do good work and is the best- ever seen in Tonopah, and their numbers this week are eyrap tionally good and represent hard work. The ' motion pictures were good and seemed to please all. TRIED TO JUMP THEIR BOARD BILL A warrant interfered with the de parture of D. Zarro and George Ogan ovich for the coast last night. They had made all the - arrangements for their trip with one except ic-n.,; 'They forgot to pay their board' bill, and an irascible landlord swore out a warrant on the charge of attempting to defraud an innkeeper. Detective Sherlock Carberry hailed them at the train and then'' haled them to jail. Have you seen our elegant pat terns of sterling silver flatware? Geo. F. Blakeslee, jeweler. "' -4- Certificates of location ! ,'sate at this office. -P' BEAUTIFUL" LAKE TAH0E ONE OF THE MOST CHARMING SUMMER RESORTS IN AMERICA. Spend your vacation; there. An Ideal spot. Boating, fishing and hunting. Fine Clubhouse and Ca sino, just opened. Excursion rates now on sale at all stations. , Ten-day ticket, including trip around the lake, Tonopah, $23.00; Goldfleld, $23. Ninety-day ticket, including trip around the lake, Tonopah, $25.00; Goldfleld, $28. Ask your agent for Illustrated lit erature; and full particulars, or write E. W. CLAIM, 1. P. A., Rcnt, Nevada. I). E. BCRLEY, G. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. SETTLEMENT OF RAILWAY STRIKE FIRST THROUGH TRAIN COMES ' IN ABOUT; THREE HOURS (; . "t late. The first through train since last Thursday night came in from Los Angeles last night by the southern route. There was a general' strike went into effect on Friday morning, the conductors, engineers, brakemen and firemen denfanding that they re ceive the same wages that are Jjeinfi paid to the men on the Brock road. This was an immense Increase over the wages thatthe were getting, and they refused to handle a car un til their Demands were, acceded to. ', J News was -received 'here yesterday morning tha a , settlement had,been effected, but; the terms of the-settlement were not' given.' 'The4 first through train came In three hours late. , t H V . 1 i' i i. it ' , Journals, cash books and ledgers just the thing the merchant needs best that can be made. For sale at the Bonanza office. ' '. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY WANTED I can sell your ranch, town property, busi ness, claim or stock, or trade It for other property such as you want.. Write me about it. Geo. W. Aus tin, 1018 Broadway, Oakland, Ton opah reference,' Roger P. Stenson. FOR SALE Reception Saloon; bar, back bar and bar fixtures, piano, safe, glassware and furniture; also stock liquors. Enquire at office of Dennis & Murphy, McKIm tulldg. 7-l-tf. FOR SALE 200 highly nickel plated Reliance Card Machines, $10 each. Mills Novelty Co., 907 Market St., San Francisco. 9-19-15t FOR RENT Handsome.comfortable, '' f ully furnished room in a' stone house, close in, suitable for one or two. J. S. Jordan, Bonanza. BOOKKEEPER and accountant open for work, spare time evenings; terms moderate. Z, Bonanza office. 10-l-6t FOR SALE Horse, mule, buck board and harness at a bargain at Feed Corral, below Tonopah Extension mine. 10-1-lt FOR RENT Two-room rent, $15 per month. Bonanza Office. ' house tor Inquire X, 5-5-tf WANTED A hustling solicitor for Insurance company. Call at Bon anza office. 9-27-tf FOR RENT 3 room house. $25 per month. X. Y. Z., Bonanza, tf Special In Fall illtay $40, $30 and 20 Hats selling for half price; also $12, $10 and $8 children'n nata at prices to suit the times.. MIlS. N. FORRKSTER, tapper Main St.. opp. Butler Building. Lumber For all Claites of Building Material & Mining Timber CALX. AT.. QARLSON'S LUMBER YARD Lower Main Street Phone 2112 P. O. Bo ESS CARL D. DROSSBL MEUCHAN1TAILOR . Removed to . MINERAL, STREET '''Kext to Narka' Warahouaa GOOD LUMBER I ;" WILKES'-;WAREH COMPANY- if ip:: 1 ROCK SPRINGS COAL, I One Ton, delivered......: $20.00 One-qUaiter Ton, delivered S 30 1 H One.half Ton, delivered. . . 10.50 One sack .... . '. . ....... 1.25 H P"'"' " ' ' ' All Coal Cash on Delivery. "" j EMPIRE LUMBER COMPANY - !J7:?rokDr,,E"n . Yar-V-Below Railroad Office Building. Phone 1372 LET US BID ON DON'T K YOUR WIFE TO CHOP WOOD UUi 1 OR CLEAN SOOTY COOKING UTENSILS f A C 1Z? f T C7 I !l ChaD and A,wy at Hand - VJ.0 I LJ fcllLrf UhX Yo,,p Match and , e Do the Rest NEVADA GAS CO. RAILROAD TRAVEL Trains Lrare anil are 'C?'oiriN L T-tV dae to Arrive at TONOPAH KftVctlve. September 22, 1907. (Loeul or Pacific Time.) AIX TRAINS RVN DAILY. Leave. .Arrive- 7:t5amGollllel.l. Beatty, Rhy- olite & Log .Angale.3 :30pm 8:10 am Millers, Blair J'ction, S:U0 pill Mlna. Hazen, Ueno, (' Sacramento, Oakland, ', , ' Han FrancUqu, and all f'oast and Kastern 9:10 am Points 8:03 pm 9:30 am UoldlluUl and way sta- 8:2g pm tlons' through rohi and to all Const and 7:50 am Eastern Points 7:40pm 4:20 pm QohMeM iloca -;- - -1. 11:00 am ' For tickets, tfm3 tables and Infor mation call on or address Local Ticket Agent, or the undersigned.. . - - i ' 3. F. HEDEN, General Passenger Agent. TONOPAH LUMBER COMPANY . Lime ned Cemeat, Building; aad Hoofing Paper. Mining Timbers and RoundiPoles Call at Tonopah Livery and Feed Stable, -cor. Main ot. and Oddie ave. Carriage teams and saddle horses can be had anl hour day or night. Hay and grain for sale. Ilorces boarded by day, week or month. JOHN CLK DH.VXIN A SONS, Proprietor. BANK ' SALOON , . L'uder new management -PAFFERON & DRYSDALE Proprietors Serrlce Enezcelled Goods Par Excellence. VALLEY VIEW HOTEL BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. Under New Management. Entirely Renovated. .... j. Table Vnsnrpaased. . GEORGE LEIDV, MANAGERJQ PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. c h. Mcintosh h. r. cooke Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev. NOTARY IN OFFICES WM. F. ROSE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 8, Nyco t Building, Tonopah, Nevada. Chicago of nee: A. H. Put ney, 160 Washington St. KEY PITTMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. F. A. STEVENS Attorney at Law. Associated with Key ; Pittmaa. GOLDEN BLDG., TONOPAH.; L. A. GIBBONS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Room 6, Bntlcr BWg. Tonopah, Nevada. JAMES F. DENNIS OFFICE, RYAN & STENSON BMHl' P. O. Box 681. Tonopah, Nev. C. C. GRIMES COUNTY AND C. S. DEPUTY MIN ERAL SURVEYOR. BOX 689. TONOPAH, PHONE 2378 Rir?UT DDlrre Uepot Phone 1373 BILL , . , . YOUR NEXT