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roNOPAH- Daily Bonanza WEATHER I'alr ThuixUy. 4 II a lilmtf I VOL. Ill NO. in rONOPAU NEVADA. THURSDAY MORNING. NOYKMBER II. 1907. rillCE 10 CENTS Immunity the Basis Of Adams' Confession Losses Greater Than (By Associated Press. RATH DRUM. Idaho, Nov. 13. Progress In the trial of Steve Adams was -interrupted today to permit Clarence Darrow, Adams' counsel, to go to Spokane to have a specialist examine his ear. Before the adjournment of court Attorney Darrow tried to show by the testimony of Detective McParland, that the confession of Adams was secured through promises of immunity from prosecu- Hon. MINT ORDERED TO WORKJfERTIME NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 13. The mint here has received or- ders to work overtime to coin monthly $200,000 of subsidiary coin in addition to the regular coinage of $500,000. TAFT CANCELS HIS ENGAGEMENT (By Associated Press.) , On Board Flagship Rainboat (by wireless), Nov. 13. Secretary Taft and party are in the best of health. Rainboat is due at Vladivostok No vember 17. It is probable that the secretary will sail for New York from Cherbourg on the Majestic De cember 7. Official entertainments at Berlin and St. Petersburg have been declared 6ft by him. Chanae Bankina Laws Says Gov. Hughes ' , By Associated Press. ALBANY, Nov. 13. Governor Hughes tonight gave out a letter in which he appointed a number officials of New York City to act and suggestions and express their in the laws of the state relating business and supervision of trust DISCOVERY OF SENSATIONAL PLOT (By Associated 'Press.),' ,, WARSAW, Nov. 13:-i-The author ities of this, city niade several arrests today in connection with the discov ery of a sensational plot for the sale and conveyance of a quantity of mil itary document to Germany. Twenty persons were taken into custody. GLAD TO RETURN TO HER HUSBAND DENVER, Nov. 13 Notwithstand ing the threats she is alleged to have repeatedly made,' Mrs. Maude Luker was so overjoyed to see her husband that she vowed she would never de sert him again. When Charles Luker of Pasadena wired the Denver police to have bis wife detained in this city, pending his coming, Mrs. Luker is said to have stated she would rather remain .in jail the rest of her life than return to her husband. The wife, in affectionate terms, asked her husband to forgive her for. leaving bim. The couple were married in Chicago 1 several years ago. 1 VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. VICTORIA,, B. C. Nov. 13. Ad vices have been received in Japan of remarkable volcanic eruptions in the Kamchatkan peninsula. Mount Khuchbskaya's flames were visible for 500 miles and volcanic ashes bave been falling in a radius of 200 miles, A vast amount of development work is being done in"the vicinity of Ferreli. a new'Wumboldt camp. SIX WORKMEN KILLED BY TRAIN (By Associated Press.) MILWAUKEE, Nov. 13. Six workmen in a nearby factory were killed at South Milwaukee tonight when a fast Northwestern train plowed across the grade crossing near the .station. The bodies were so mutilated that identification is im possible. ' EUROPE MAKES COPPER PURCHASE NEW YORK, Nov. 13. A pool in which the largest copper consumers of Europe are represented, says the Times today, was recently formed in London and has purchased 50,000 tons of copper. The price paid is slightly above the prevailing price in the market. The copper is to be de livered in November, and December. The amount involved is approximate ly $15,000,000, which is to be paid in London on delivery. ' of banking and trust company as a committee to receive facts views in reference to changes to Incorporations, conduct of companies and banks. CENTRAL AMERICAN PEACE CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Final arrangements have been made for the Central American peace confer ence Here tomorrow morning. Secre tary of State Root and Ignacio Maris cal, minister of foreign affairs of Mexico, have been made honorary presidents. GILLETTE HAS NOT DECIDED (By Associated Press.) SACRAMENTO, Nov. 13. Gover nor Gillette tonight says he has not yet decided on calling an extra ses sion of the legislature. It is prob able he will have another conference with the parties proposing the scheme before he decides. WORK NIGHT AND IAV. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Beginning today the force at the New York navy yard will work night and day in or der to have the battleships now be ing fitted out for the Pacific voyage ready by December 1 to proceed to Hampton Roads, from which place they will said on December 16. EXCAVATION WORK. ROME, Nov. 13. The proposal to continue the work of excavation at Herculaneum has become so popular as a result of the efforts made by Charles Waldsteiri, professor of flfte arts in iKngs college, Cambridge, England, that the Italian government Is about to take the matter actively in hand. C010M) Delegates to Mining Congress Want an Account of Stew ardship in the Matter of Mining Temple. By Associated Press. JOPL1N, Mo.; Nov. 13. At the session of the American Mining Congress today, C; S. Thomas of Denver in a speech, emphasized the importance of building a great mining temple at Denver. This opened the way for other members to ask of the Cqlorado dele gates an account of stewardship in the matter of a, temple which had been heard of before at other mining congresses. The dele gates resented what they termed a disposition to do politics in the matter of naming an official to be in charge of the proposed bureau, of and this may injure the chances of Columbus, Ohio, to secure the next meeting. BROCK RESIGNS FROMBELMONT John W. Brock has resigned from the presidency of the Bel- mont, and has been succeeded by R. G. Parke. This move has been expected for some time, ever since Mr. Brock was forced out of the Tonopah Mining com- pany. He is Btill vice presi- dent of the Jim Butler, but whether he will resign from that position, and thus end all his connections with this coun- try, is yet to be seen. REMOVE CAPTAIN'S TABLE. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. A feature which dates back years Is about to pass away on the vessels of one great transatlantic line,, at least. That feature is 'the captain's table. . The reason for this change is that trans Atlantic travel is on such a big sand important scale nowadays that . the captain must be relieved from all un necessary strain, even conversational. Decision in Harriman Case Is Carried Over . NEW YORK, Nov. 13. At the conclusion of the Harriman hearing tonight, Judge Hough said he would reserve his opinion until December 1. The arguments in the case were not concluded until 6:30 p. m.. For mer Senator John C. Spooner ap peared for the first time in the case and argued in defense of the posi tion maintained by Mr. Harriman, that he is not required to tell the commission what Individual profit he made in selling the stock of other railroads held by him to the Union Pacific railroad, or to detail the manner in which the Union Pacific dividends were declared in 1906. At one time' Judge Hough interrupted RESCUED MINER ; BA11T0ME , POTTSVILLE, Pa., Nov. 13. Af ter being imprisoned in the Draper mine Beveral hundred feet deep .'or eighty-seven hours in McCabe, a miner was taken out today barely alive. The shaft caved in on him Saturday night. MONEY RAISED FOR THE HEATHEN SEATTLE, Nov. 13. After a strenuous four days' session of the board of foreign missions, the Meth odist Episcopal church concluded its meetings here today. The board ap propriated $1,032,000 for the sup port of foreign missions. A commit tee was appointed to recommend changes in the methods of raising money by an amendment to the con titution so that it can be passed at the Baltimore meeting in May. Near ly five times the amount raised is needed. ANTI-TRUST SUIT. AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 13 An anti trust suit has been filed by the at torney general , in the twenty-sixth district court against 120 Texas com panies, alleged to be in a conspiracy In restraint of trade. , ADMIRAL WALKER RETIRED. " WASHINGTON, ' Nov. 13. Rear Admiral Asa Walker was retired to day. He reached the age limit. He took part in the battle of Manila bay! the attorneys and asked the attor ney for the commission, Mr. Kellogg, if it was not true that the commis sion was only seeking by unanswered questions to prove from whom Mr. Harriman, the individual, purchased the stocks afterwards sold to the company, and what profits he indi vidually made on the transaction. Counsel on both sides was given two weeks in which to file further briefs. IDENTIFY SKELTON. REDDING, Cal., Nov. 13. The human skelton found Thursday by state surveyors on a cliff three miles below North Fork,. Trinity county, has been identified positively as that of a man named Jones, who perished December 31, 1889. FOUGHT DUEL. FERNALDA, Ky., Nov. 13. As the result of a quarrel over an elec tion bet, William Hopkins, son of Rev. Thomas Hopkins, and Frank Foley, of this plaee, fought a duel here yesterday. Hopkins was instant ly killed and Foley is slightly in jured. Work Is now in progress on the widening of the grade of the Ogden Lucin cutoff by the Southern Pacific company, preliminary to the double tracking of the line. There are three steam-shovels at work and 500 men are :vhvc. HARTFORD, Nov. 13. In V 1IUI1HI HI dllKr I li 11 1 kl II I. r 1 Irnlur II L York-New Haven and Hartford cited by 'demagogues and politicians against corporations has now reached a stage where others are suffering. The burden which has rested on corporations is now being shifted to the pub- lie. Losses in values, credits and fortunes since the beginning of the year are greater than were BANKER WALSH TOOK MILLIONS (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Nov. 13. In his open ing statement to the Jury In the trial of Banker John R. Walsh, the gov ernment's attorney attempted to show that Walsh took (14,000,000 from the Chicago National Equitable Trust company and Home Savings bank. SHOT TO SAVE HIS FRIEND'S LIFE (By Associated Press.) ... DURANGO, Nov. 13. WiHiam Mason and Joseph Vanderwelde who confessed to the killing of Joseph A. Walker, a secret service agent at the Hesperus mine ten days ago, were today released on $25,000 bail. Van derwelde claims he fired the shot to save Mason's life. Government of ficials will try to prove another motive. English People Have No Love By Associated Press. LONDON, Nov. 13. The reception accorded Emperor William , by the people of London today has been respectful but was in no sense enthusiastic. The day passed without socialist demonstra- tion or any rioting or disorder. The anti-German feeling among a section pf the English people just now is exceptionally strong. The majority of the people persist in believing Germany Eng- land's one enemy among the nations.- ' PLACE STAMP OF DISAPPROVAL WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. The board of trustees of the Catholic University of America at a meeting today placed its seal of disapproval on so-called "modernism" as a ser ious danger to the church. It in structed Cardinal Gibbons to write to the holy pontiff declaring its sen timents. DETECTIVE FINDS MISSING MAN WARSAW, Mo., Nov. 13. Charles Kullman, who disappeared July 9, 1901, and the payment of whose life insurance for $5000 was contested by the Modern Woodmen of America and the Maccabees, on the ground that he was still living, was arrested in Oregon City, November 9, by In surance Detective Clouse, and he will return to his home in Benton county, Missouri, having waived extradition. Kullman disappeared after starting alone from Hoqulam, Washington, and attorneys for his family made numerous trips to Washington and seemed certain that Kullman was dead. Kullman 'has been using the name of Charles Taylor, and has worked in the logging camps in the1 north west. Two years ago the Kullman family won one of the Insurance suits and this year another case was de cided against the family. Kullman was prominent in Benton county be fore his disappearance, having been a candidate for county collector and also publisher of the Warsaw Times. A reward of J1000 was offered fn- addressing the members of the Na- 1llMI II'H . ill f J If II mat rue w railroad said: "Prejudices ex- occasioned by the civil war." DENIES REPORT OF INDIAN KILLING (Bv Associated Press.) SHIPROCK, N. M., Nov. 13. Superintendent Shelton of the Ute agency denies the report sent out that another battle bad taken place between the Indians and the troops. All troops sent out to round up the Utes have arrived at Shlprock, hav ing finished their work. URGES HARMONY IN ALL SECTIONS (By Associated Press.) LAKE PROVIDENCE, La., Nov. 13. An address urging harmony In all sections of the country and se curing $50,000,000 annually front congress for the improvement of riv ers and harbors was issued today by Congressman J. S. Ransdell, presi dent of the National Rivers and Har bors congress. for Kaiser SLIGHT CHECK ON DOWNWARD MOVE (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 13. A check was made upon the downward move ment of prices today after running somewhat further" In the early part of the day. The rebound today was narrower than the downward reac tion yesterday and the market be came lethargic in the latter stages. This narrowing of the swing of the price movement Is usually a sign of its apt condition of more or less stable equilibrium which drifts with feeble fluctuations until getting new initiative from some fresh develop ments in the sitaution. Such a per iod of quietude would be welcomed at the present by all the most import ant interests concerned in the mar ket. There was evidence' yesterday and early today that professional op erators were disposed to take ad vantage of the neglected condition of the market- to undertake bear tac tics. Means seem to have been found also to place an obstacle in the way of these attempts. ANNA GOULD NOT MARRIED. PARIS, Nov. 13, There is every reason to believe that the report to the effect that Madame Anna Gould, who was recently divorced from Count Boni de Castelane, has been married to Prince Helle de Sagan, is untrue. LEGION OF HONOR. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. ."The French government has conferred the cross of the legion of honor upon Carroll D. Wright, former United States labor commissioner, in recog nition of his efforts fo ra betterment nitlon of hi efforts for a betterment o.:t tin.' wo:M. -