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tat lUMtt'Att MAIL KUAaXSj.. TtiMKMIt. fcKYMtt. fcOV. IS. I Ml. PLEASED Willi ROUND MAIN t M. Mnto nMti:i:.H it tmk mxrcAvriXTtiK KT.ITK. C. II. Nairn arrived from Round Mountain yeaiarday, after ancndlnii a umber of day. la the sold camp. Mr. Nairn la much ploaaed over (ha condition of affair In Round Moan tain; la fart he la rntbuaed to the point f putting up a mill there, but cannot ace hi way clear yet to get the water to operate the mill. If he secure any water at all. It will have to be through the Round Mountain Hydraulic Mining company, and he hat not been aucceasftil In getting What he think are Rood tnrma from that company. "Round Mountain U beyond a doubt one of the best camps In the state of Nevada," said Mr. Nazro, "and It Is my ambition to put up a custom mill there. It would be a good investment for me, and it would v a good thing for the camp, for they have come to a milling proposi tion, notwithstanding the high grade that they have been turning out. I nave Deen disappointed In my deal ings witn me Kound Mountain Hy draulic Mining company, 'and have ' been unable to come to terms with them, and of course I cannot get any water without Its coming through them. . . 1 ' t "The camp J as a fine showing, and "Its future is assured. There 'are some of the finest properties Id the ' camp that oms would want to look at, and there will be lots of work for n "mllU and that Is the work that they have come' to."t r '""'"" SUDDEN CHANGE IN THE WEATHER The cold days have come. At least one 'of them was' in evidence yester day. It was cold enough to bring out the furs, and to make summer togs distinctly passe. . ' ' , ' It was getting pretty cold at this time last year, colder than it. Is at he present; but the Indications are that we are not going to have so se vere a spell this winter. The sud den change yesterday caught nianv unawares, but no time was lost in eettlnz into th and the gray clouds and shlverv weather were set at defiance. Sleigh bells will soon be in order. DISTRICT ATTORNEY REMOVES OFFICES ' District Attorney Pat McCarran yesterday had his offices removed from the Nyco building to the court house. The reason for the move as stated by Mr. McCarran, Is that the Increase- of work compelled most of his attention at the court house. Mr. McCarran's predecessor had .his of fice In the court house, and it Is those rooms which will now be occupied. PERSONAL MENTION W. C. Russell returned yesterday from a trip to Rawhide. ,C. H. Nazro was an arrival yester day from Round Mountain. J. F. Stebblns, a well known min ing man of Round Mountain Is in the ' city.'.' ' - . Congressman George A. Bar tlett will return from Carson this morn ing. tj.'l'-Kf .. f Prudent T, p. Rickey Of the State Bank ,. and fTriist , "company ; arrived here trora GojdfieM yesterday , and , proceeded to Blair; ;. - ' C. H. Mace, field engineer for Messrs. Shockley and Douglass, has returned from a trip of several weeks to the Rogue river country In south ern Oregon. M.. O. Corey, formerly in the audi tor's office of the Oregon Shore Line, arrived here from Salt Lake yester day to take a position in the Nevada First. National bank. ; ' James McCambridge left" yesterday morning for Rhyolite,' where he will put In the winter. Mr. McCambridge is an oldtlmer of Tonopah and this will be his longest absence from here Ince his first advent. ; ' C. 6. Olive, a banker of Round Mountain, arrived In the city yester day, and will remain over pending the hearing of the , Injunction suit against the Round Mountain Hy draulic Mining company. ., ., Sirs. Wm. F. F.'nter. mother of Mrs. T. S. Jacobs, who recently be came the mother of twins, arrived yesterday morning from Louisville, Kentucky. Mrs. Fi liter feels much, elated over the fact that she is a grandmother. PROJECT RAILWAY TOWARDS TOaOPAII The taaaatent of tb N- a vada Northers railroad I.aa an- nounrrd Intention of building It line to Ootdneld and poMlb. ly other Nevada Mala, say the Salt Lake Tribune. One of th principal reason for the vx- tending of this line, la aald to U, the dcalre of the smelting com- pany at McOIII to be within easy reach of fluxing ore for that Immense plant, whose combined furnace power will be the larg- est In the world, reducing 15,- 000 tons of ore dally. It Is learned that the railroad com- pany will begin work on the ex- tension of this line In ample time for Its completion by the time that the smelter is ready to be blown In, and Indications at the present time are that the Guggenhelms are going to be an 4 4 important factor in the con- 4 4 structlon of railroads that tap 4 4 the larger camps of Nevada, and 4 4 that Ely will be the center of all 4 4 of Its Nevada smelting Interests. 4 4 These facts tend to show the 4 4 magnitude of the plans that are 4 4 mapped out for the future of 4 4 Ely and In addtion to what is 4 4 being done for the camp by the 4 4 Guggenhelms alone, a number 4 4other large Interests are already 4 4 arranging for the development 4 4 of great mining properties that 4 4 have unquestionable merit. 4 4 Among the Utah colony that Is 4 4 Interested extensively In, that 4 4 camp, and all of whom are well 4 4 known In the mines of this state 4 4 are Col. E. A. Wall. David 4) 4 Keith, Thomas Kearns; ! the 4 4 Bambergers, W. W. Armstrong, 4 4 George Gunn and others. , 4 CiIBSON JURY FAILS TO AGREE GOLDFIeJld, Nov. 14.-The Gil son Jury failed to agree, and were discharged shortly after noon yester day. Gibson was remanded to Jail to await the result of an effort to se cure ball .which will be made by his attorneys this morning at 10 o'clock. The failure on the part of the Jury to reach a verdict came as a disap pointment to both prosecution and defense, 'who confidently expected this undesirable conclusion would be avoided. . . The Jury received the case from the hands of Judge Langan on Monday after noon at 4:26 o'clock. They re tired to the district court room, in the custody of the sheriff's deputies, and at Qnce commenced their labors. While little or nothing can be learned of the actual work done, yet it is known that the Jury recognized Trom about midnight, that agreement was utterly impossible. r After thirteen ballots upon the guilt or innocence of the defendant, the Jury stood 8 to 4 in favor of nd ing Gibson guilty. Every man being honest and conscientious in his be lief, remaining firm, and it became apparent that time was being usely consummed In laboring further. Judge Langan being convinced of this fact, promptly discharged them. It is understood that the bone of contention causing the breach in the opinions of the Jurors was the ques tion as to whether Gibson or Maun sell, the deaceased, precipitated the difficulty, and it is thought if this matter could have been settled the Jury could have possibly reached a verdict, -it..-; ' s , ;.-f yf it; u TONOPAH LADY ' 5! Mrs. Belle Dormer, the Tonopah booster; has opened up the first brokerage .office in Rawhide, and is doing a rushing business. She is one of Nevada's ; most energetic ladies, and has made both money and suc cess In the brokerage business. Rawhide Rustler. ' - ROCK THROWER HEAVILY FINED . For disturbing the peace of Tono pah, Philip Onantllich and Mike Co lock were yesterday fined by Judge Brissell $42 each. The two visitors from the shores of the Mediterranean got into trouble over a card game, and then went out side'and fought a duel with rocks. They pungled up different kind of rocks In lieu of go ing to Jail. TIKKG PROCLAf-IATION UI of Nevada Thaaaaglvlat Prm tarnation Tb time li near at hand h-D. according: to the custom of our people, a day should b set apart and devoted to IhanksKlvlBg. racr and prala to Almighty Clod for the many blessing bestowed tin on us daring the year fast drawing to a close; Now, therefore, I, John Sparks. governor of the state of Nevada, do hereby designate and declare Thurs day, the 28th day of November, A. D. 1907, Thanksgiving day. To the Supreme Ruler of the uni verse, during the year, we have' everything to be thankful for. He has given u sunshine and showers and natural conditions for the pro duction of bountiful crops from an Inexhaustible soli. He has given us pnr air to breathe, productive of health and happiness. Neither pesti lence nor calamities have come through His dispensation. For which all we should be humbly grateful. . The people of this state, as in the case of many others, are financially distressed, but this is not attributable to God. The avaricious tendency of man is responsible for the misery and distress now prevailing. It is, how ever, to be hoped that the cloud will soon be dispersed and business re sume normal condltlnnn. rnnoorunHvo and safe for the benefit of -all classes. On Thanksgiving day, as you meet in family and friendly' reunion, re member the poor and needy with gifts of comfort and Joy. Given under my hand and the great seal of the state of Nevada, at the capltor, In Carson City, this 12 th day of November, A. D. 1907. . y JOHN SPARKS, V j : '"'.'' .'v Governor; ' By the Governor: ' ;; V5 :' f r -W. G. DOUGLASS, , ' ; ? ' . Secretary of State; - By J. W. Legate, Deputy. LOOK AROUND YOUR OFFICE For ledgers,' daybooks, in fact for anything that nay be lacking In your office, go to the Bonanza bind ery. We have samples or the style of work which is turned out. but for the matter of that one does not have to visit the bindery. There are samples or our work In nearly all the offices in the city. Our work stands as the best rec ommendation of the character of the stuff that we turn out. We can do anything in our line that can be done in any of the big cities, can do It as well, and give better, service in the matter of prompt delivery than any other institution of the kind in the State.', ' t ",; Give us' a, trial. We will do the reBt. ' '. ', '' -; ''.''! ' v . AGED MINING HAN ARRESTED OAKLAND, Noy." 14. John F. Davis, aged 70, a chemist and vice president of the Grand Consolidated Improvement company, a Nevada mining concern, was arrested today on complaint of George W. Brown of 1170 East Fourteenth street, who is the president of the same concern. He charged Davis with having obtain ed money by false pretenses, alleging that his partner contracted to build a combination rock crusher amd pul verizer ami received $300 cashi He said that the contract was .entered Into; on? July 6 1906, and that the machine was to : be ready tor use within six weeks. Brown Is 80 years Old. He has enorairerl San KVannlsnn rattorneyg 1 to prosecute'' his' business associate.; He reported today when Obtaining the warrant for Davis' ar Hst that' Davis was about to leavif for Nevada. Davis was arrested at his home, 1453 Grove street, by De .tfictlve Green. ; I Notice to Grand Jury I ', Vj :''. '- '' You are hereby notified to appear in the County Commissioners' rooms at the' court house ' in Tonopah on Friday morning, Nov. loth, at 11 o'clock . tnf f ' ' P. A. McCARRAN, " t ... ; f ,t rjiatrict Attorney. FRED DANGBERO ILL. Fred Dangberg, one of the most popular and wealthiest young men Ja. the state, Is reported as being quie ill at his ranch near Mlnden. Dang berg is well known in this city. . He was at one time state , senator from Douglas county and Is president of the H...F. Dangberg Land and Live stock company. i ft LV AD A lUiST NATIONAL BMiK OF I'O.NOPAll rMi trrtt wc"tiT t r Ttw iitt mm M Ml-t I IWMM t ' IT' !' la lln W. A -Ut, rvank K !!!. II. MMtrath, - A. MnilMKi, TO RAWHIDE Th mrrm ( aa4rfc ali-rrliaaW-r will -Hhr trataa at Mlaa fa Hanala. KiX-::i.,,t,' FAIIE $15 One Way TKI.KUKarH MKSKRVATIONa I1H K4TI V. flM IIRU'K. DAVIS IIOTKL Mima, atcvaoa f,I HYDRAULIC GOLD A small clean-up from the Round Mountain Hydraulic Mining company was sent to the government assay of fice at Carson on last Monday. The estimated value of the shipment was in the neighborhood of $3000. Round Mountain has the better of the smelters in this, that It Is not necessary to wait two or -three months -for the return money. The money comes back in about ten days after the shipment Is made. TAXES You are hereby notified that your State and County taxes (or the year of 1907 are due and payable. If not paid December 2, 1907, 10 per cent and all cost will be added by law. t R. F. GILBERT, Treasure of Nye County, Nevad a. GUILD MEETING. ' .There will, be a meeting of St. Mark's giuld, this (Friday) afternobn, November 16, at the guild hall. h" , '.. -I Rings Dyspepsia . Tablets do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, Indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. .Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial. Sold by Tonopah Drug Co. f, "For Rent," "For Rent Furnish ed" and "For Sale" cards on sale at the Bonanza office. ' ' . . NOTICE. FOR THE , PURPOSE OF RE CEIVING SIGNATURES TO AGREE MENT WITH ITS DEPOSITORS, THE STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Villi BE OPEN DAttY FROM 0 A. M. TO 5 P. M., AND FROM 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M. ALL DE POSITORS ARE REQUESTED TO CALL AT ONCE, IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE EARLY OPEN ING OF THE BANK.. ;;';.. E. B. CUSHMAN, ;' 11-5-tf. ; J " ' v Cashier. Journals, cash books and ledger Just the thing the merchant uteris best that can be made.' For sulo at the Bonanza office. ' JOHN GREGOVICH Dealer in Fancy and Sjtaple ries FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FISH, POULTRY, ETC.,X IN SEASON. '" TONOPAH . NEVADA MILK For -.niedieinally" puri milk una me oest service in tne city caU on t , , ,., .. . TONOPAH I) AIRY! CO. Herd Barn opposite Ball Ground. Office Phone 17S3. ; , P. O. Box 452 Pavilion Theatre ONENIGIIT ONLY TUBS DAY, NOV. 19th Special EiiKagement . . . The Romantic Young Actor MR. THEODORE LORCH (' ,' in .i -, ',',,- -' ., The New Western Military Drama "The lieoteiiaiit and the cowboy" - Prices for the Engagement - 50c - $1- $1.50 Keats on Sale Monday Morning at .Miners' Drug Store, ' TT U lMWM A. r k hut Il4 U initio trar A. ItartlMt II. T. !'. ArlMur 1. rock. Krf I'liiaian. J alia u. Klrrhrn. It. T. Ilrrl.r Mr SIMPLEX EIACHINE ARRIVES FROM LOS ANGELES IN NINETEEN AND ONE HALF HOURS. A 70-horsepower Simplex machine, owned by Malcolm Macdonald and Donald B. Gillies, arrived here yes terday from Los Angeles, piloted by "Shorty" H. T. Kutzkau and Jed Newkirk. The record from the an gel city was broken by several hours, and the boys were coming all the time. The running time was nine teen and a half hours. Shorty held the previous record which he made in Macdonald's other Simplex. The route taken was by way of MoJave, Freeman and Owens river valley. Shorty says that the new machine is the finest thaing that ever hap pened, and that she covers the ground like a bird. The Simplex is the best on the desert, for it has been constructed on lines which have been made from observation and ex perience on the desert, and it has been many months in construction. NOTICE. ' FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIV. 1NG SIGNATURES TO AGREE MENT WITH ITS DEPOSITORS, THE NYE AND ORMSBY COUNTY BANK WILL BE OPEN DAILY FROM O A. M. TO 5 P. M., AND FROM 7 P, M, TO P. M. ALL DE POSITORS ARE REQUESTED TO CALL AT ONCE, IN ORDER TO FA CILIT ATE THE . EARLY OPENING OF THE HANK, A. G. RAYCRAFT, " ' ,'. ' ':' CASHIER. , It comes put up , in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness and inflammation, for any form of Piles; it soothes and heals, relieves the pain, itching and burning. Man Zile Pile Remedy. Price 50 cts. Guarantee.' Certificates of location for sale Pt 'his office. Geo. P. DeVjne, Oph. D. Expert Specialist in Sight ' Delects. .'' ; If vou have renann tn ,'' believe VOU nemlcrlnsaea don't trifle with incompe tent persons; consult a nnafinlint Will be at UNfojj DRITO 8TOKF Nov, 11 to 15 - - phone 472 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Reception saloon; bar, back bar and bar fixtures, nlann. safe, glassware and furniture ? also stock, liquors. Enquire at office of Dennis & Murphy, McKim buildg. 7-19-tf. WANTED- VVhlte. girl pr Woman to do ) light . housework ; : two in'fam- . y; fil9ei, at home. ? Address "b 'Bonanza office, v i f. DR. C. C. LYON, drugless treatment, catarrh and all chronic cases posi tively cured. At St. Francis. . tf B'OR RENT Suite of office rooms, either furnished or unfurnished, in the McKim building. . fok KENT Two-room, house for rent $15 pur, month. Inquire X, Bonanza Office..., , ; 6-5-tf WHITE WOMAN wishes, position at general housework. : "M," Bo nanza. ; ; ll-l3-5t FOR RENT 3 room house. $25 per month.t 1 2p. (Y Bohania.l tt, 7r Pi! li WILKES WAREHOUSE COMPANY H COar4Baa ALL COAL CASH OIN DELIVERY v:",:'J.v:::::7-;6AS::FOR No Wood to Cut! No Coal to Carry I No Ashes ! Clean, reliable, ever ready. Heat when, where and as you like it. .No meter deposit. - Free aervices until frost. NEVADA GAS CO - SOUTH and BROUGIIER im&l lifcaaaPM Jam, jwm. mm RA1LE0AD TCAVa 4m rtt mt TOliOPAII Kffectlve Xortbrc 10. Ixk-I or P-lf!e Tlm ALU tl Ml IMILV. tmt mm4 MM t Mia So. 14. 10 a. in 1.27 a.m. 7 4 a.m. 1.0 a.m. 1.02 a.m. 10.2.1 p.m. 1.00 am. 4.20 a.m. 11.4Sn.m. t.l .m l.v. 41 m l.v. t.SO a.m.l.v. 11 Jia-m.l.v. S 15 7.10 p.m. l.v. Tonopah ..Ar . Mlllrra ...Ar Hlalr Junrt .Ar .. Ulna ...Ar . linen ...Ar . H'no- ...Arl s -m. l.v Kan Kr'rt-o Arl I SO'l.v Osdn. Ar 7.00 p.m. lAr. Salt Lako . rlh mm luik via No. 1. Bean? No. 10. 7.45 a.m.lLv. . Tonopah ..Arl 10 a.m.;Lv. Ooliinld .Ar 12.05 p.m. Lv. . . ll.-auy ...Arl 8.20 p.m. 7.05 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. Ar Loa AnKels Lv g.uu p. in TawoBaai mud GoldBrld Iml 4.20 n.m.lLv. . Tonopah . . Ar11.00 a.m. NOTE Watch for notice relative to "SHOUT LINE ROUTE" aervlce to Loe Angeles and other California point about Deeembfr 1st. This route will CUT THE TIME AND FARE. J. F. HEDDEN, Gen. Passenger Agent Richelieu Grill FINEST SERVICE PROMPT ATTENTION Best the Market Affords MEALS AT ALL HOURS B A N K SALOON ' Under new management . HAFFERON & DRYSDALE Proprietors Service Eaexcelled Goods Par Excellence. VALLEY VIEW HOTEL BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. Under New Management. .t Entirely Renovated. Table Unsurpassed. 4 GEORGE LEIDir, MANAGER. I 1 For all Clattea of Lumber CALL AT-. CARLSON'S LUMBER YARD Lower Main Street , .. Phone 2112 P.O. BoalSBS CARL D. DROSSBL MERCHANT TAILOR Removad to MINERAL STREET '" Next to Harks' Warehouse TONOPAH LUMBER COMPANY Lime and Cement. Bulhllng; and Rooflng; Paper. Mining Timbers and Round Poles PROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. tt. Mcintosh h. r. cooke Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev. NOTARY, IN OFFICES WM. F. ROSE , ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 8, Nyco Building, Tonopah, Nevada. Chicago office: A.-H. Put- rct low lVHSOUlglOD C KEY PITTMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. F. A. STEVENS Attorney at Law. , ' " ! , Associated with Key, Pittmau. 1 GOLDEN BLDG.. TONOPAH. L. A. GIBBONS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlc, Room 6, Bntler Bldg. Tonopah, NeTada. JAMES F. DENNIS IAWYER OFFICE, RYAN & STENSON BLDG. P. O. Box 681.'" Tonopah, Nev. . ; C.C.GRIMES COUNTY AND U. S. DEPUTY MIN. ERAL SURVEYOR. BOX 689, TONOPAH. PHONE 2378 PHONE ROCK SPRINGS 022 'COAL