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roNOPAH Daily ' Bonanza WEATHER Fair Saturday. Ir. II la tarrruu- VOL. Ill NO. 21. fONOPAH NEVADA. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS 4 LIBERAL RECEIPTS OF GOLD HAYS EUROPE HAS LIEYED FINANCIAL STRESS. RE. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 15 Dun's weekly review tomorrow will say that liberal receipts -of gold from Europe has relieved the financial 'stress in New York, but the interior is now feeling a scarcity of currency and commercial activity is retarded ( to some extent. There is a conserva - tlsm in the preparations for future business and an irregularity in col lections, also favorable news from agricultural sections, In which crops are being marketed as freely as sup ply money will permit. VOLUNTARY BANKRUPT. (By Associated Press.) : CHARLOTTE, Mich., Nov. 15. A voluntary petition in bankruptcy was filed by the Dodson Automobile com pany today. . , STANDARD OIL'S LARGE DIVIDEND ' (By Associated Press.) N NEW YORK, Nov. 15. The direc tors of the Standard Oil company de clared a quarterly dividend of $10 a share on Its capital stock, the same amount as declared the correspond ing quarter of last year. Payment lfcSvl" ,,e maae on csovemoer zt, TREASURY MAKES SILVERRJRCIIASE WASHINGTON, Nov, 15.' The treasury department today . purchased 200,000 atfncea of gll- ver at 58.8 cents, to be dellv- ered equally at Denver and New Orleans. ' - FIVE REPUBLICS ARE IN HARMONY ;.- , ., .1 ' ;;.)ii. ' '.'" --'-'.;' WASHINGTON,1 Nov; 15. At the Central American congress today del egates' said there was noT question or claim pending ahiang the J five re publics. The settlement of. all dif ferences was the first Important fea ture, ahd the next to come up will be the concluding of a treaty de termining general regulations. READING RAILWAY REDUCES EXPENSES t (By Associated Press.) -. READING, Pa., Nov. 15 The Philadelphia and Reading .' Railroad company is materially reducing ex penses. Seven hundred men .from the roadway department of this section will be laid off tomorrow. WORRIED OVER CHINESE STUDENT ', v ' 1 t " fc'f vr". " jS!L CITY. pWNov."l6. The Oil iKi school board is perplexed fcvrr presence of a Chinese student in he public schools. The question at issue is whether the Mongolian is 18 or 28 years "old. .- Members of the board fear complication with China and are awaiting the arrival in Wash ington of Ambassador Wo Ting Fang. Friends of the, pupil say he is only- 18 years old, and Is entitled to the, privileges of the schools.. Others oh-1 ject to his presence, claiming he Is over 25, and shonld not be permitted ' to -mingle with the young children. , J FINANCIER ENDS LIFE'S TROUBLES NEW. YORK, Nov. 15. Charles T. Barney, late president of the Knick erbocker Trust company of this city, end prominently identified with many industrial and financial institutions here and throughout the country, committed suicide today at his resi dence on West Thirty-eighth street, shooting himself in the head and dy ing four and a half hours later. . News of the suicide was telephon ed from his residence to the coron er's office shortly after 3 o'clock. Wfien the coroner's clerk asked for details Dr. Joseph A. Black replied that when he was called to Mr. Bar ney's house the banker was dead. His demise was first reported "to the coroner as a case of sudden death and then suicide. Mr. Barney was president of the Knickerbocker Trust company up to a day or two before that institution closed its doors with, liabilities amounting to from $60,000,000- to $70,000,000. ' It was understood at the time the company closed that Mr. Barney had been very heavily involved by this summer's sharp decline in title price of all securities. He had not been seen at his of fice for several days and It was known to his friends that he was In a state of mental and physical col lapse. . FIRST TRIP ON THE NEW CANAL ROCK ISLAND, Nov. 15. The United States steamer Marine reach ed Rock Island today from Hennepin, Illinois, completing the first trip through the recently completed Illi nois and JSJchlgan canal. The canal is sixty miles in length and connects Illinois ahd Mississippi rivers. N'SPLEA IS NOT GUILTY CARSON,' Nov. " 15. Judge Breen and his attorneys, 'Bartlett and Met son, appeared before ' the ' supreme judges and pleaded not guilty to the charge of contempt." His attorneys were granted ten days in which to file a brief, which Congressman Bart lett says will prove that the supreme court has no jurisdiction in .the. c,ase. NOTORIOUS OUTLAW IS SHOT TO DEATH : , , (By Associated Press.) .-. : KAMLOOPS, B. C.,' Nov. 15. Out law Stout, wanted for shooting one Williams at. -Little, Fort last week, was overtaken, shot and killed by Charles McLean, a member of a pur suing posse, laBt night, thirty miles north of here in a fight. He slightly wounded a member of the posse. STOP WORK ON NEW RAILWAY SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15. Actr ing upon Instructions from eastern headquarters all work on the North western Pacific, which is being ex tended to Eureka, has been stopped. The announcement was made today by Presldept A. H. Payson, STOCKS SOLD TO NEW LOW LEVELS - (By Associated ProBS.) ; NEW YORK, Novr 15. The stock market took on . an appearance of quite severe depression today and sold -down' for some stocks to new low levels for the year. The liqui dation was 'not large Jn volume but it was apparently urgent ' and there was no corresponding demand to ab sorb It; The bear party was accused also of some bitterness of manipulat ing prices to accelerate the decline and to profit from the necessities of sellers; PURCHASE. OF SEQJ, Foretells Certain Relief in Monetary Situation as the Money Is Drawn Out of Safety Vaults and Totals Many Millions. , - By Associated Press. - NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Never in the history Of Wall street has there been such an enormous purchase of securities In odd lots, and the books of the railway and industrial corporations show a record-breaking number of new shareholders. The distribution of stock to people of moderate means ' foretells certain relief in the monetary situation, as the purchases for the mos part were made with money drawn out of security vaults and aggregate in the total many millions. . mm President of California Safe Deposit Comply Proposes Plan to Stockholders "and Depositors.- , - d ' (By Associated Press.) '' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov' 15. A plan was submitted to the'dJ- positors and stockholders the California Safe Deposit company by President, David F Walker and other officials, -which, it is thought, will enable the bank to resume! at an early date, the ' stockholders are asked to contribute $20 a share on all Issued stock, and buy $375,000 worth of unissued treasury stock at par. -.President Walker, and other, officials will transfer to the instltu-. tlon individual property-to the value of $700,000, which can be ; , immediately converted into easlv1 This company-suspended two i weeks ago. - It has $8,000,000 in deposits, but did not belong to , t the. clearing house; . V, ; '' ' -' '.-'. LOS ANGELES i : HAS MORE SCRIP LOS ANGELES, Nov. ' 15. An other $1,000,000 - of Los " Angeles charing house scrip was sent -into circulation today by local J Clearing house banks, .bringing the total, of this mone ymedium in local circula tion up to $2,000,000. . However, the Issuing of the second $1,000,000 ii er-tlrely for the purpose of immedi ately retiring the currency-issue of $1,000000 because of the peculiar erroneous belief that the first issue of scrip can be easily counterfeited. The new Bcrlp which will appear to day is an intricate bit of 'lithography. FIFTY PEOPLE DROP TO GROUND (Associated Press.) ' ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 Just be fore President Roosevelt reached An drew Rankin chapel, Howard : uni versity, ' where he delivered an ad dress -this 'vafternoou. , the ' . cement flooring of the vestibule gave way, precipitating fifty people ten feet to the ground, but no one was seriously injured. . v FAVOR POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS. ' HARTFORD Nov. 15. The Na tional Grange heard reports today from various states. State Masted Griffith of California Introduced a so 1C3 WIDOW IS USED AS A DECOY HOQUIAM, Wash., Nov. 15. De coyed' by Mrs. Frank H. Todd, widow of the man he is alleged to have mur dered,. Ralph W. Steele has been taken into, Chief of Po lice Hoquiam. It Is understood that, acting under the instructions of the chief, the widow accepted Steele's re quest Tor meetings, Which he suppos ed were clandestine, but at which the conversations were overheard. The woman is said to have so played upon his feelings that finally he broke down and confessed to her in detail the rr-urder of her husband. SUPPLANTS THE BORAX 1IULE TEAM (By Associated Press.) BAKERSFIELD, Nov. 15 Within the next ninety days there will be in operation between Sunset and Fra ssier borax mines a Fonts cable loco motive that will do away with the twenty-mule borax teams. - The en gine Is similar to that of an automo bile, and M 200-horsepower. Grade3 of 50 per cent are traversed. The cable is forty miles long. resolution concerning the enactment of a national good roads law, also favoring postal savings banks- and parcels post law. - ' BUFFALO BILL AS CO-RESPONDENT (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 13. An affi davit setting forth on Information and belief that prior to her marriage to him, Katherine Clemmons' rela tions with William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) were criminal and merltriclous, was filed in the supreme court today by Howard Gould. The affidavit de clares that Miss Clemmons told Gould that her relations with Cody were purely of a business nature, but that he has since learned that this was not true. ' ' ', ' Through Katherine Mer of London, England, Gould says he expects to show that his wife confessed to Miss Mer, the true nature of her relations with Cody. The case came up before Justice O'Gorman today on the application of Clarence Shearn, counsel for Mrs. Gould, to have vacated an order which Mr. Gould recently got 'from Justice Fitzgerald for the examina tion of Miss Mer as a witness in Mr. Gould's suit for a separation. Mr. Shearn argued that Mr. Gould's affidavit does not divulge the nature of the alleged relations be tween his wife and Cody. "We desire to have this order' va cated," said Mr Shearn, "for the rea son that in an action such as this. where the wife lived with the de fendant for eight years and has brought action for separation should be directly confronted with the "wo man who made the statement that twelve years ago, prior to their mar riage, the plaintiff had maintained merurtcious relations with some other man. She should confront the jury and be cross-examined." ; GRAVE CHARGE WILL DE MADE ARDMORE, 1. T.; Nov-15. Jacn.) Botartls, a wealthy merchant of this city, has filed charges against the ap pointment of Cleye A. Porter as United States marshal of the. eastern Oklahoma federal district. Porter, who Is a cousin of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, is accussed of immorali ties. Botartls states that should the president insist upon, sending Porter's name to the senate he. will fight its approval before that body and will produce sensational affidavits, f ENGLAND'S FAST FIGHTING CRAFT Bj Associated Press.)"' f CO WES, .Isle ,ot Wight, Nov. 15. Eiiganfiiowhs the fastest, fighting craff destroyer In the world. An of ficial trial today by the Mohawk maintained for six hours a speed of 34 14, knots an hour. The Mohawk has steam .turbines and water tube boilers, using oil. STILL REMAINS THE CHAMPION (By Associated Press.) ELKO, Nev., Nov. 15. John Etch ebarron, champion of Nevada, defeat ed Andrew Ripa, champion of Cali fornia, in a game of handball here today for the championship of the two states and $1000 side bet. DENIAL MADE BY SECRETARY ROOT (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 5 Secret tary Root denies that the French government has proposed to secure tariff concessions from the United States in a plan for the release of gold by the Bank of France- to be shipped to this country. BELGIANS ANGERED AT KINO. (Associated Press.) BRUSSELS, . Nov. 15. Great In dignation is being felt and expressed in Belguim through - the continued absence of King Leopold, who is liv ing quietly at Chateau de Charmoy with the Baroness Vaughan, his mor ganatic wife. The ministers are an xious to confer with him. MISUSE OFHILS PROMOTER ON TRIAL WITH WIT NESSES FROM NE VADA. By Associated Press. HARTFORD, Nov. 15. Ar- thur Campbell, an attorney and prominent promoter, has been arraigned here on ft charge of 4 defrauding persons, through the mails. The case will probably be continued two weeks to get witnesses from Nevada. WILL BE NO EXTRA SESSION CARSON, Nov; 15. Governor Sparks stated today that he would not call an extra session of the legis lature. The papers of Goldfield have been advocating such a move as the only way ' to settle the present financial conditions. ' " ' , . Supreme Judge Sweeney declares to do so would only mean a useless expenditure of money. SUN SHOOTS UP IMMENSE FLAME " "" (By Associated Press.) OXFORD, England, Nov 15. ' A remarkable outburt of the sun was observed by Professor Ambau at the Radcllffe observ- atory today. An Immense flame shot up at the rate of 10,000 4 miles a minute, until It reach- ed a height of. 325,000 miles, 4 and then, disappeared. ' - STRIKERS ARE UNDER ARREST ' (By Associated. Press. y, " LOUISVILLE, , Nov. . ,15 Partial service on street railways which was maintained during the day was dis- continued at nightfall. 'Twenty ar rests were made during the day for disorderly conduct, which charge cot- . ered throwing occasional bricks and jeering at non-union men., OUTLINE DEFENSE JF STEVE ADAOS ' , RATH DRUM, Idaho., Nov. 15. The alibi to be set up by Steve Adams' attorneys began to be un folded at today's session of the trial. This was the first day of the de fense, It will take four days for testimony. ' : . ; : NO REASON FOR CASHIER'S SUICIDE : (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Nov. 15. J. B. Thomas, cashier of the bank of Al bany, Missouri, a prominent politi cian and president of the state board of arbitration, Committed suicide at the Midland hotel in thl city fuU af ternoon. He left nothing to explain the act The bank's affairs seem to be in good shape. -BECOMES A STATE TODAY. i (By Associated Press.) . j -WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. At 10 o'clock tomorrow President Roose velt will sign a proclamation making Oklahoma and Indian Territory a state. '. :' ;