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TOXOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1909. MARATHON RACE WILL BE RUN ON FEBRUARY 14TI1 That the Bonanza's Marathon race will be run on Sunday, February 14, Is now an assured fact, and more names are being added to the list of prospective champions. One thing must be distinctly understood by those who desire to engage in this contest, and that is no "champs" will "be allowed to participate. The event Is only for amateurs, and especially young men, and was gotten up for the sake of the athletic-loving people of this ' city. The handsome cup which will be tendered the winner. was received from the engraver s hands yesterday and is now on ex hibltion in the oluce of the Marathon Race Editor, where those who desire to call and inspect the handsome work of art are at liberty to do so. The third entry for the contest was received early yesterday morning. In fact the entry blank was shoved un der the door of the M. R. E.'s room while he slept. It was from Jim McQuillan, who signed himself the champion of Candaleria and Soda vllle. Talk about conceit. We don't know what Jim's purpose is, but sup pose he Is trying to bluff the young er racers from taking part. It is true that Jim was the champion of Soda ville In the old days when that camp was In its prime.. The long distance races then were not called Marathon races. Everything was sitnply a race, even if it was from 100 yards to 100 miles. The time that Jim won the championship is a part of the history of Sodavllle Itself. Jim had beat everything in sight and as a last re It's NOT TO SAVE $100 Every Month Though January has passed annual statements of foreign corpora tions can be' published and filed in February (leaving a possible fine of $10 for January only.) Foreign corporations that fail to comply with the requirements of the statutes are subject to a flue of f 100 for EACH MONTH in which they ore delinquent. Those who have not published their statements are reminded . that any District Attorney may claim the fine by Instituting suit against the offending corporation. If the report is not advertised and filed during the month of February, the company becomes subject to a fine of another hundred dollars, and so on for every month in which it is delinquent. Here is the law on the subject, which will repay careful study: r- Chapter CVIII. foreign corporations doing business in the state of Nevada to publish an naul statements. . Approved March 28, 1901. Section 1. All foreign corpora tions doing business in the state of Nevada, shall, during the month of May this year, 1901, and in each succeeding year in the month of Jan uary, publish a statement of their last years' business in some dally newspaper in the state of Nevada for the period of one week. Sec. 2. The secretary of the com pany publishing the statement shall file a copy with the several assessors of the state of Nevada. Sec. 3. Any corporation coming within the provisions of thi sact Who shall neglect or refuse to file a state ment as required by section 1 of this act shall be liable to a penalty of $100 for each month that the pub lished statement remains unfiled with the several ' assessors of the state, . t Sec. 4. Any district attorney in the state is competent to sue to re cover this penalty, or the attorney general. The first county suing 'through its district attorney shall se cure the penalty. It will thus Im Nwn that there is a suit liability attaching, to a fail are to file throe ivportK. The Bonanza furniMhes forms to comply with the above law for advertising purpose and attends to filing same with the fourteen assoJor of tlie state. Thoi intrrenteil are Invited to correspond with this office at on e. sort sent a challenge to Benny Rosenthal at Hawthorne. The terms of the contest was that each was to start frpm bis home town and finish at Luning, Which Is; twenty-five miles distant from both places. The 6tart was made on a morning of a Fourth of July amidst a crowd of several hundred Indians, who bad gathered to witness the great feat of McQuil lan's. The telegraph operators at Sodavllle and Hawthorne started the racers promptly at 9 o'clock in the morning. At 9:15 a freight train left Sodavllle and a few minutes later a handcar left Hawthorne. When the freight reached Luning Jim crawled from under one of the flat cars just in time to see Benny come driving up on the handcar. Of course each accused the other of cheating and as Jim was the largest he won. Hence his title, "Champion of Sodavilie." The second entry yesterday was that of County Commissioner W. T, Cuddy. Cuddy also hasareputation that is for foot racing. He was go- in gto run a race last summer with Judge Brissell and even ordered a pair of racing tights for the' affair. But the day the race was to be run itrained and the affair was postpon ed until the following Sunday. When that date arrived the county commis sioner developed a pair of kidneys in his feet and couldn't even walk. He also says he used to show some class when he lived at Silver City, Nevada. In fact he says he beat every Indian in that neighborhood that is beat them racing. Mr. Cuddy also made a good run in the last political cam paign and on account of this thinks he should be allowed to participate in the. Marathon race. As he en closed a 5 check for his cartoon he will be in the start and will be des ignated among the bunch by a "No 5," which will be pinned on his back Too Late An act requiring OITflMe of JoT.tewisaif Klondyke We While engaged in oiling the gaso line-engine, at the pump station at Klondyke Wells yesterday morning, T. , Lewis received injuries which caused his death an hour later. Lewis had only been at the sta tion a few days, and was engaged in his customary duties when his jump er caught in the friction wheel and he was revolved through the air about twenty times until his weight caused the machinery to stop. His cries attracted several men of the section gang who live there, and they immediately released him from the wheel and made him as com fortable as possible. In the mean time a dispatch was sent to A. J. Chambers, roadmaster of the Tono pah and Goldfield railroad, who was in Goldfield, and he immediately left for the scene with Dr. Dunham of that city. Lewis was placed on a freight train,, but the return journey to Goldfield had harly commenced before he passed away. An exami nation showed that both of his legs were broken, all the ribs on the left side fractured and besides receiving several other bruises, he was injured internally, WWWWWWrtAArtArtrtrtrtAArtAAAAArtAftArtrtAAAArtAAArtrtA PERSONAL MENTION Walter Shelton was a Goldfield visitor yesterday. L. A. Gibbons went to Goldfield yesterday morning. W. C. Hall, a prominent mining man of Reno, is in town. J. H. Monteath, R. T. Harris and Jules Smith left last evening by auto for Pioneer. Will Zuick left yesterday for Salt Lake, where he will remain for sev eral months. J. 0. Tregloan was called to Gold field yesterday on business. He re turned last evening. George B. Thatcher returned yes terday from Goldfield, where he was called on legal business: George B. Swasey came back last evening from the Pioneer district, where he has spent the past week. Dave Holland leaves this morning for Pioneer, where he has become in terested in several pieces of prop erty. W. W. Keith. Of the Tononah and Tidewater railroad, came over from Goldfield yesterday on railroad bus iness. ' J. W. Chandler, superintendent of the MacNamara, left yesterday for Los Angeles. He will be absent about a week. J. F. King and J. C. Kelly are in from the northern part of the county, where they have extensive mining in terests. W. K. Wise left yesterday morning on the south bound train for Pioneer, where he will spend several days looking over the district.' H. C. Jones, after spending sev eral days in Pioneer, came back last evening and reports the new town as a coming city of Nevada. Ed KIrchen of the Montgomery Shoshone rnine at Rhyolite, came up yesterday and is the guest of his brother; Charles B. KIrchen. Mrs. H. J. Hall, accompanied by Jack Junior, returned yesterday from San Jose, California, where they have Spent the past two months Visiting Mrs. Hall's parents. HOTEL ARRIVALS MIZPAH HOTEL. J. C. Hiller, Sol Isreal, San Fran cisco; J. H. JCedick, Denver; W- H. Lefflngwell, Bishop; E.. P. Sullivan and wife, E. O. Shreve, San Francis co; J. Vosbaugb, Los Angeles. . PAIiACK HOTEL. . Dr. C. Gohlin, Round Mountain. BULLOCK FILES a mm REDWOOD CITY (Cal.), Feb. 5. The case of District Attorney Bui lock, accused of malfeasance in office by the late grand jury, came up for trial this morning. The defense filed a demurrer to the sufficiency of the accusation and the case was contin ued until February 18 for trial. Death lis Lewis was well known in Tonopah and had resided" here for several years. He was employed by Road- master Chambers as a section fore man on the railroad here before be' ing sent to the pumping station. He was about 59 years of age, and Is survived by a mother in Missouri, a son, James Lewis, who i employed I of t Vit rollrna A vorrla In thin rtv onH I another son in Seattle. The remains are at the morgue in Goldfield where .they will remain until definite ar- rangements have been made for the burial. Several months ago Lewis made a ..ii -ixrnvtjnM ru iA I. v.Bll lM ,aDiuBluu, u Vu.- chased a ranch and it was his inten- uon to return mere wumn me next few years, when he had made a stake wnicn woum prove to oe sumciem for Improving the property, and set tle down with his son. The inquest will be held in Gold- field today before Justice Henley. Lewis was a Mason and his son Is now making arrangements to have the body taken to Pueblo, Colorado, to be interred by the side of his wife, who passed away some years ago. PINK TEA PARTY. ; Miss Irma Dennis entertained last evening at her apartments in the Mizpah hotel, to a small party of menus. uaru was iue ieat,ure oi the evenine. followed by a deUehttul ,, , . luncheon. Following the luncheon -i.,t ijij i v,Q iku """"'6 " """" or tne hotel. Among those nresent . were mi. aim jure. ur. cnuu jjuvis, Mr unit Mrs J H Morris MIhbob ... rtene tiuss, Maine ivicaurey, ieuie Ankel; Messrs. Ashley, Scott Bald' win, Allie Westall, Harry Price and Harry Crockett. SHERIFFS SALE. In the District Court of the Seventh n.. tul .;Z Nevada, In and for the County .of E . . -J 1 .. J 1 . 1 .. . 1 . . 1 . ........ A Esmeralda. Wood-Sullivan Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Black Butte Annex Mining Co., a corporation, defend ant Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of the District suance to an order of the. District of the. State of Nevada, in and for the County of Esmeralda, made on tha 27th day of January, A. D. 1909, in the will sell at public auction, to the high- lest bidder, for cash, lawful money of tne United States, on Monday the I 22nri rin.v nf b Ahni !onJc?S.f. SboUta2idAda inf9roSj ,nf Jhhee ST'on'.hWiSw'ia described property, to-wlt: "Storm Fraction," "Never Too Late,1 "Madaelna," "Richmond" and "Blue Jay Fraction." lode mining claims, sit uate in the Goldfield Mining District, Nye County, Nevada, and boumU-d on the northeast and east by the lioldfield Federal Mining Company: and Gold field Aloha Mining Company and on the south by the last named mining com pany, and the Dlamondfleld Mohawk Con. Mining Company, and on the west by Shoshone Mining Company, and the Gold Flat Mining company. Dated, Jan. 30th, 1909. J. J. OWENS, Sheriff. By Vail Pittman, Deputy. 1-30; 2-6, 13, 20. SHERIFF'S SALE. The Nye and Ormsby County Bank, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. John Mc- Kane, Defendant. Bt virtue of an execution Issued out of the district court of the Fifth Ju dicial District of the State of Nevada, wherein the Nye and Ormsby County Bank, piaintiti, and John McKane, ie- fpnrinnt nnnn n. liidormpnt rendered the fourth day of December, A. D. 1908, for tne sum or nitty-six Thousand, six Hundred and Eighty-Seven and 81-100 t ftKfi CB7 fll rwilln,.a TTnlfarl fitatoa 'crnlrl coin! besides costs and Interest, I have this nay levied upon all the rignt, title, claim and interest of said defendant, John McKane, of, in and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: Oyster." "Brilliant," and "Maud S." lode mining claims, situated near IMamondfield. In the Goldfield Mining District, Nye County, Nevada, and standing of record in the name of John McKane, Garbuttnd Horace is. Perry. Public notice is hereby given that I will, on Saturday, the thirteenth day of February, A. D. 1909, at 3 o"clock p. m. of said nay, in front of the Court House door of the Crounty of Nye sell at public auction, for United States gold coin, all the right, title, claim and Interest of said defendant, John MC' Kane, of, in and to the above described property, or so much thereof as may' be necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said Judgment, with Interest and costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder. Dated. January 21st, 1909. J. J. OWENS. Sheriff. By T. S. Marshall, Deputy. ; 1-23 1-30 2-6 2-13. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned have leased the Union Steam Laundry company plant and will not be responsible for any bills or liabilities contracted before February 1. 1909. (Signed W. W. HOUGHTON. T. K. CHAMBERS., Tonopah, February 1, 1909. 2-2-5t A STRONG BANK Must be well managed. Must have large resources. Must have sufficient cash resources to Should be seasoned by experience and disorders and business calamities. ' , Having these elements of strength and order: a good management, large resources, a large cash reserve and a good record. THB XEVADAFIRST NA TIONAL BANK can ask with assurance for Its eOiare of the banking business of the people of Tonopah. NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or TUNOrAH UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY TONOPAH FLAG STAFF SHOULD BE RE-ERECTED The flag staff, which has adorned the top of Mount Oddie since the . . nt tMa om la mnrA n? 0f our revail,nS customs has been t0 fly tn stars and stripes from the top of this mountain on all state occasions and it has .. been no rare sight to Bee Old Glory waving in the breeze throughout the summer from h, w h The aBt w,nd Btorm here geveral dayg ag0 b,ew down tne flag M d . Dt0BOme nubiic. 8plHted. clUzen to aga,n erect the 8taff go tne gtar8 and Btr,pea w,n b(J flying to the breezes on Lincoln's 100th anniversary. ANNUAL STATEMENTS. FINANCIAL, STATEMENT Of the Manhattan Peerless Mining Company of. Manhattan, Nevada, as shown by th books on December 31, 10S: REPEtPTH gjjjg Qf gtQCk $10 08711 I Partial payments on stock .. 999.00 Advanced by w. R. Payne ... 121.11 Va'"fnstock issued as com" 79.60 11,293.54 DISBURSEMENTS. CaBii discount on sales....... 139.00 General expenses: rent, of nee help, printing, postage, etc. Traveling expense Assessment and development work Commissions office furniture and fixtures. Organization expense Payments on Peerless and Hnow Shoe claims No. 1 and No. 2 4,159.50 Manhattan custom 'ore milling stock 500.00 Cash due from W. R. Payne. . 27.58 Cash due from A. H. Drew... 16.76 Bills receivable 500.00 Cash balance Dec. 31, 1908 480.66 111,293.54 MANHATTAN PEERLE8 MINING CO. PETER F. AHRENS, Treas. W. A. DORCAS, Secretary. 2-2-6t ANNUAL STATEMENT Ol the Catlln Silver Bow Mining Com .T,nptl nf miM silver Rn pany. Location of mines, silver Bow Mining District, County of Nye, State of Nevada. DR. Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1908.... -None on. Mine expenses 1908 f 951.60 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1908 None JOHN GREGO V iCH, Trustee. 1-30-et of th BullfroVBackbone Mining Com "t the Buuirog BacKDone Mining com o amount of stock sales .... 645.00 KeM'.!:::::::'. "Ill TVD A. FONES. Secretary. Jan. 25th. 1909. l-30-6t MISCELLANEOUS I LOST In Tonopah, yesterday, one roil kodak undeveloped films. Finder leave George Thatcher's of fice. ' 2-6- WANTED To purchase on instal ment plan, 3 or 4 -room house, fur nished. Address W. H P. O. box 249. LOST A fountain pen, self-filler: sliver casing. Finder please leave at Bonanza office. Reward. tf A SALOON FOR SALE in gool loca tion at low price. Inquire at the Tonopah Club. 1-26-tf WANTED Clean cotton rags, Wlth- out buttons Two cents per pound Inquire Bonanza Office. FOR SALE One new two-horse ' power ' Wagner 60-cycle, sfngie phase, electric motor. Address i? Bonanza office. - tf MINING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF HOISTS, CABLE, CARS BUCKETS, ETC. GET OUR PRICES. WIRING SUPPLIES FIXTURES AND LAMPS AT COST. TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. llg)WPIIWIJM L j ILL ,- ...ll A GAS HEATER GAS and a MATCH NO WOOD OR COAL TO CARRY. NO KIMl,l(j TO SPMT NO WAIT FOR HEAT. NEVADA GAS COMPANY PHONE 1.143. SUMMIT BIIOIGII 11 meet all demands. Its strength .proven by financial NOTICE. CHE MANAGEMENT OF THE BONANZA WILL CONSIDER IT A FAVOR IF PATRONS OF THE PA PER WILL REFRAIN FROM PUR CHASING THE PAPER FROM ANY OF THE CARRIERS, AS THIS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. REGU LAR CARRIERS HAVE NO AU THORITY TO SELL PAPERS. TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD EFFECTIVE, JULY 1, IMS. Local (or PaeUe) Time. 7.45a.raLv.. Goldfield . .Ar 12.25 p.aa 8.05 a.m Ar. . Tonopah . .Lv. i.20 t.m Lv.. Tonopah . .Ar. 11.00 a.m .52a.mLv... Millers ...Ar 9.62 a ro 10.29 a.mLv. Blair Junct .Ar 9.17 a.m 1.12 p.m Lv. ... Mina ....Ar. 8.25 a.m 8.65 p.m Lv.. .. Hazen ....Ar. 2.60 a,m 7.48 p.m Lv. . . . Reno ... .Ar. 12.16 7.08 sm Ar.. San Fran. ..Lv. 10.40 a.ta 1.30 p.m Ar.. , , Ogden ....Lv. 6.10 p.m 8.05 p.m Ar.. Salt Lake . .Lv. 4.00 p.ta SIX TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN GOLDFIELD AND TONOPAH. Leave Tonopah 'Arrive Goldfield 8.10 a. ml I 1 15 a.m 11.15 a.m -. 1..25p.m 3.40 p.m I 4.45 p.ia Leave Goldfield. Arrive Tonopah 7.45 I 9.05 a in 2.10p.ini 2.16 p.m 6.00 p.m) I 7.05 p.m H R. HANLIN, W. D. FORSTER, Gen'l Supt., Gen'l Pass. A St.. THE BANK SALOON Hafferou & Drysdale, Props. The little saloon with the big business. Service un equalled. The place where you are always made to feel at home. Straight whiskies our specialty. Wonacott & Hall Undertakers, Embalmers and - Funeral Conductors TONOPAH, - NEVADA. MERCHANTS iTEL Best Tonopah for the- money. als 35c. Beds 50c and up. ' Bar in eonnection. VALLEY VIEW HOTEL BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. " Under New Management. Entirely Renovated. Table Unsurpassed. GEORGE LEIDV, MANAGER. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. R. BRISSBL.L NOTARY PUBLIC AND COLLEC TION OFFICE. Old Justice Court, cor. Brongber Prospect. CAMPBELL, UETSON & BEQWK ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, State Bank and Trust Co. Bnildinn;, TONOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cookk Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Ne NOTARY IN OFFICES KEY PITTMAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Building, Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associates, Rawhide, Nevada. t