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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TONOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1909. 0 weekly wpmi or tonopah AVEST END. " . During the week the West End shipped 250 tons of ore to the Bel mont mill at Millers. The winze on the 150-foot level, which was started last week on the ledge, is now down eighteen feet with the bottom all in ore. .,.,,-. The west drift on the 200-foot level has advanced fifteen feet during the week and is now in 352 feet from the main 'lateral drift. The face is all in quartz, mixed with small seams of pay ore. The upraise, sixty feet from the face, which was also, start ed last week, is up seventeen and one-half feet with the top all in ore. The west drift on the 400-foot level has advanced eleven and one-half feet and is now in a total of 132 feet from the south crosscut. The face is in. broken quartz with some pay ore. The east drift has been ex tended twenty-one and 6ne-half feet 'and is now in 464 feet from No. 2 shaft. This drift has forty-five feet more to run before it connects with No, 1 crosscut In the old shaft. The face is in low grade quartz. The stopes along thlB level east and west of the shaft continue to produce the regular amount of ore and Bhows no material change since the last re port. shaft has' about three feet of good ore exposed. The west stope on this vein is up' about eighty-five feet and the ledge averages about three feet of milling ore. The stope on the in cline vein also has about two feet of good milling ore exposed. 200-Foot Level-J-From three to eight feet of good milling ore is be ing worked in the. stopes on the north vein vfhich traverses a distance of over 150 feet in length. Stoplng is also being conducted oh the inter mediate vein thirty 'feet below thje 200-foot level and the north vein is exposed both east and west of the shaft and about four feet of ore is being mined." TONOPAH EXTENSION. Drifting and raising in three places is the extent of the work being done on the 400-foot level of the Exten sion. The company is paying more attention to development work at present than to the work of extract ing high grade, which accounts for the small amount of ore shipped The drift on' the south vein on the 400 level( has exposed five' feet of good pay' ore. The raise on this same vein is now up twelve feet, This vein is being developed thor- oughly and when the question of a mill is settled, the work of extrac tion can be rushed without the de lay of developing the ore body. .The 770-foot level has made no material change and the drift on the north crosscut is being pushed ahead with all possible rapidity. JIM BUTLER. The operations in the Stone Cabin mine are confined to the stopes .on 'the first and second levels and development and prospect work which has been discussed will, appar ently soon start in the other parts of the mine. The stopes are yielding their usual amount of good milling ore and the shipments for the past week aggregated 300 tons. 100-Foot Level A body of ore nearly ten feet wide is exposed and being worked in the stopes on the south vein west of the shaft. This ledge has remained the same in size and values all the way up and the indications are that it remains this way1 until it nears the surface. The stope on the north vein east of the mines show up good BELMONT. ; The workings in the Belmont have advanced about 150 feet during the week, with the usual amount of stop lng on the Nevada vein on the 800 foot level. On . the 900-foot level they are working in the stopes on both the South and Nevada veins with nov change in the ore. bodies, No development work is Being done on these two levels. 1000-Foot Level The west drift on the South vein . is out 145 feet, with an advance of nineteen feet for the week, and shows about three and one-half feet of a fair grade milling ore in the face. A raise has been started in the drift at a point twenty- five feet back from the face, which will be driven along on the vein through to the 900-foot level. The distance on the incline will be about 106 feet. The vein at the point where the raise is started is about four feet wide andr is all milling ore The west drift on the ' Occidental vein is out 111 feet, having advanced eighteen feet and shows about four feet of ore in the face of the drift, The vein is low grade in values and I is considerably broken up and mixed. No. 1 raise in the 1009 west drift has advanced eleven feet and' is up sixty six feet. " The top of the raise shows bunches of drag quartz carrying some values., The east crosscut from "A" vein on the 1000-foot level is out 553 feet and has advanced forty two feet since the last report. There is no change in the face and the work has been suspended in the crosscut, as they have reached the point under the old Belmont shaft and are now preparing to raise and make connections with the bottom of the shaft. The' winze on the 1056 is now down 190 feet and has advanced twenty feet. The bottom is still in a vein formation, a mixture of por phyry and quartz stringers carrying low vafues. This week the winze will reach the 1100-foot level, where crosscutting and drifting ' will be started to reach the vein and ore shoot, which lies to the east. The crosscut will be driven south to make connections with the 1100-foot level at the bottom of the 1054 winze which is about 220 feet distant. The east drift No. 2 from the 125-foot level in the winze is out 115 feet and has advanced twenty-eight feet. The vein at this point is broken up and mixed with stringers of quartz carry ing fair values. 1100-Foot Level Raise No. 3 from the east drift has advanced ten feet and is now up 115 feet, where It connects with the 1000-foot level. They are now commencing to stope to the east from the bottom of the raise. This will be known as the 1100 east stope. The west stope on this level is still looking good and has from five to ten feet of good grade ore being worked. A cross cut has been started from the main shaft on this level out to the South and Occidental veins, a distance of about 600 feet from the station. These two veins should be stronger on this level as they have appeared stronger when deptr. was reached. When worked on the 1000 level they were stronger than on the 900 level and it is expected they will be still better when found on this level. tinued on the Macdonald vein in three places below this level, which show no material change. The stop lng above the level on the A. B. K. vein continues to show about a foot of high grade ore. MONTANA-TOXOPAH, During the week the Montana mill has crushed 1040 tons of ore; of this 745 tons came from the Montana mine and the jemainder from the MacNamara property. On the first level of the mine the east drift on the Triangle vein has advanced twelve feet along the fault and has not yet picked up the, vein. The crosscut south from the Triangle vein has made an advance of eighteen feet with no change of for mation in the face, It continuing to show andecite with occasional string ers of quartz. The west drift on a branch of the Triangle vein has ad vanced ten feet and the face shows about a foot of milling ore. Stoping is being conducted over the vein for its' entire length and the easterly 100-foot section shows the ore body to average about one and one-half feet In width of a good grade milling ore. The westerly 200-foot section of the stope shows two streaks of a good grade quartz ore aggregating about five feet In width. . . 462-Foot Level The east drift on the Triangle vein encountered a fault this week after advancing eighteen feet, which cut-off the vein in the face and apparently faulted it to the south. Where the fault was encountered the vein averaged about one foot in width and carried high grade ore. The west drift has ad vanced twelve feet and is now out thirty-six feet from the crosscut, with the face showing eighteen inches of good milling ore. The stopes along the Macdonald vein at a distance of 1000 feet west of the shaft average about four feet of good grade ore. . 515-Foot Level The winze on the South vein west of the shaft has ad vanced nine feet and is now down twenty-two feet. This winze is all in a good grade of milling ore. The east drift on the new vein recently cut in the southwest crosscut has ad vanced eighteen feet and shows about one foot of good milling ore. The west drift from the same vein has advanced fifteen feet and has ex posed two feet of good milling ore. 565-Foot Intermediate level Stoplng has been continued on the south branch of the Martha Vein which is about two and one-half feet wide and, of good oxidized ore. 615-Foot Level The raise on the Martha vein, 150 feet east of the shaft, has advanced thirteen feet, The vein in the top of the raise is of gooa mining grade and averages about two feet in width. The south crosscut west of the shaft, which is headed for the Triangle vein, has ad vanced forty-eight feet. The face of the crosscut is in rhyo'ite containing broken mineralized quartz. The east drift on the new vein recently encountered near the Midway line and at a point 650 feet west of the shaft, has made an advance of fifteen feet. The face continues to show streak about one foot wide of a mill ing grade ore. Stoping is still con- MACNAMARA. The shipments for the week from the MacNamara to the Montana mill aggregated 300 tons. The company is making preparations to sink at the bottom of the shaft to an additional depth of 200 feet. When the dia mond drill was operating in the mine some time ago it encountered a vein while crosscutting at a point 270 feet below the shaft, and with the ex pectation of picking up this vein and also striking the continuation of others, the work will be commenced. The timbers have been ordered and necessary arrangements made. 200-Foot level The west drift on this level is now operating in four feet of good ore. A raise has been Btarted at a point about ten feet from the face of the drift on the vein and is now up thirty feet with the same amount of ore in sight as when the raise was started. About fifty feet above this level, in an intermediate stope, drifting is being done to the east. This drift shows about two feet of good milling ore in sight. Stope No. 1 has three feet of good ore exposed for a distance of fifty feet from which a good portion of the shipping ore is extracted. A raise on thei vein about 100 feet west of stope Nq. 1 is now up about sixty feet. 300-Foot Level The raise 650 feet west of the shaft on this level, is now up forty feet and has four and one-half feet of milling ore .in sight. The ledges throughout the mine are looking excellent and continue to produce their usual amount of ship ping ore. j QOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXJOOOOl TOM G. MURPHY & CO Iaoents " Helena Townsite CLIFFORD MINING DISTRICT, NEV. Mining & Leasing a Specialty. IX HELENA. NEVADA. 8 Autos connect with train at Springdale. . ... ) STOCK MARKET The Tonopah mining stocks took a small flyer yesterday afternoon on the closing board and all advanced a few cents. No definite reason is given for the advance, but it is sup posed speculators are at last recog nizing that the Tonopah stocks are gilt edge security. Friday, February 5. Tonopah IMstrirt. Tonopah Mining. $5. 75 Montana 72 Tonopah Ex 50 MacNamara .... .38 Midway .21 Belmont . 85 North Star .03 West End ' .35 Rescue -04 Jim Butler 15 Goldfield Distrk-t. 8.15 .13 ! .20' .13 .24 3.97 .75 1.17' .21 . .04 .10 Bullfrog District. Homestake .... . 08 Valley View Amethyst Montgomery Mt. Nat. Bank Other IHstrirts. Pitts. Sil. Pk. . .'. .77 Consolidated Columbia Mt. Booth Atlanta . Great Bend . Florence . . Daisy Fraction . . Kewanas . . Florence Ex. Blue Bull . . .04 .09 .02 .76 .55 .39 .23 .90 04 . .37 .03 .16 8. 17 .15 .22 .15 .25 4.00 .76 1.20 .23 .05 .11 .09 .10 .05 .10 .03 t .78 MIDWAY. Nothing out of the usual transpir ed. in the Midway workings during the week. The company's policy of prosecuting development work con tinues and only enough ore is being hoisted to pay mining expenses. This the company can afford to do with its healthy treasury, but it is expect ed that the operations under ground will soon be extensive. On the 235-foot level, the north crosscut from the east drift is be ing rapidly shoved ahead. The face shows quartz which carries very lit tle If any values. The main east drift on this level continues to en counter stringers which apparently are increasing in value. The north crosscut on the Brougher vein on the NEW PIONEER JAIL. The county commissioners yester day ordered that a jai be built at the new town of Pioneer. rortiflcates or "location at th Afis in the Daily Bonanza will bring results. 435-foot level and at a point about 150 feet north of the shaft, is pro gressing with no change in the for mation. This crosscut will be con tinued for a considerable distance to open up a block of virgin ground. The stopes on the 535-foot level which were recently started are still raising on the vein, which is about a toot in width and carries good values. CARL D. DROSSBL . M8RCHANT TAIIOR , Rnnovtd to MINERAL. STREET Next to Xarks' WknkovM NEW ADVERTISEMENT." PIONEER ONLY TWO AND ONE-HALF MILES FROM SPRINGDALE LINE OF THE TONOPAH OX TIDEWATER FARE: Goldfield to Pioneer, 4.80. Train from Xioldfleld 2:05 p. Autos connect with train at Springdale. W. VV. KEITH, General Agent. I GOLDFIELD jM HAYWAJRD HOLOER OF NO DISTANCE CHM Pi ON- $ HIP, - v. I S.r?. MOORE Wtfct OA CAT H i M S EL E TO wvA M. 4i ':S-9. o . 1 immm n ma r i i, I c i it--" ""7 THE ;;;t war bo, RA C s rM M'&UllLAN LO0K LI K E A S ORX WA r?it to OE WITH A RATH 0s r daily NAN 14 (9 ')mmm MARATHON r?ACE C Dl TOR OAU'YQOVANi PLA? ENTR Mf l n RACE JUDZE 0nvi COM COOKY CAN Go ONE M l(.e IN i" ENTRY NO i f rm. r THE RRID'E Of I PA HO, 'a o n i ENTRANCE l NO 2 , , f N 4... .. -ytiti 1 "Or at A Few of the Dest of Them Are Already in Training to Win the Bonanza Cup. ti a o IS r i