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lONOPAH DAILY BON4XZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1909. X ' 0 h St t A tt I? I'JO f Id 1 'it A Ml J w )a k m i i i ; 5: MEMBERS OF S. F. STOCK EXCHANGE ARRIVE TODAY Promotion Committee of the Exchange Board Will be on This Morning's Train to Spend Day Here. TWO GIRLS HAVE A SCRAP ON CORONA AVENUE IMPROMPTU ONE ROUND GO IS RATHER ROUGH ON STRAY RATS This morning at 10 o'clock the members of the reception commit-' tee, who are to receive the members of the mining congress, will meet in the lobby of the Mizpah hotel, from where they will go to the de pot , and meet the incoming train. On this train will be three or pos sibly four private tars, containing the promotion committee of the San Francisco stock exchange board. The announcement of their coming was received by Harry E. Epstine last evening in the following telegram: "The promotion committee of the San Francisco stock exchange board will arrive in Tonopali Sunday on board' the regular train." The message says nothing con cerning the length of the visitors' stay, but it is presumed they will put in the day here and journey on to Goldfleld tomorrow. It is possi ble that there will be several hun dred people to receive them, and following a short rest they will be shown the sights of the city. Every member of the San Francisco stock exchange is more or less interested in Tonopah nnd the stay here will undoubtedly be welcomed by them. They will be given a chance to fam iliarize themselves with our mines and gain a clearer Insight to the properties of which they handle the stock. The full details of the reception have not been completed and will not be . until following the meeting this morning. Not only are the members of the reception committee urged to be present, but the other committees should also be in at tendance. RICH STRINGER IS FOUND IN AN ABANDONED DRIFT .RKAItCH REVEALS HIGH GRADE OHE RUT EXTENT IS XOT KNOWN The Nevada First National Bank Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits ,..$131,00000 Total Assets . .: 500,000.00 Welcomes and, appreciates your business whether large or small and believes Its extensive resources devetoped by years of consistent, considerate, conservative accommodations, a splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory service" to the people of Tonopah and vicinity. GOOD SHOW AT NEVADA THEATRE MONDAY NIGHT 'CARTER THE GREAT" IS AT TRACTION FOR OPENING OCCASION Ross Congdbn and Tom Kendall, wno are Interested in the Wander lug Boy lease on the Jim Butler ground, while exploring a drift 200 feet west of the 200 foot level yes terday, found a stringer on the wall that was traced for fully 60 feet. An assay taken brought returns of $708 to the ton. It was almost im possible to prospect the entire wall owing to the fact that the ground had caved in considerably and was nearly full of water. To gain ac cess to the drift they had to go through the old Fraction workings They are now cleaning the drift out and in a week should be able to determine whether the stringer is iu an immense ore body ,or if It Is alone. There Is a probability of it being proven up to be a big ledge, one that will produce many tons for shipping. The workings in this vi cinity have not been active for sev eral years and it Is possible that the existence of the body had been forgotten by the management of the mine. For the last few days the work of completing the Nevada theater has been rushed by Manager Arthur .1. Aylesworth, who desires to have the structure as nearly completed as possible on Monday, when "Carter the Great" shows in this city. On that date the interior will be nearly finished with the exception of sev eral small parts. The new opera chairs have arrived and are being installed. They will be in position for the opening night. The advance sle of seats for the production opened yesterday and during the day a large number were disposed of. The fame of Carter has alreay reached this city through the Sin Francisco' papers, and the theatre goers have assurance of re ceiving the worth of their money. Carter will play here both on Mon day and Tuesday nights. Her name was Gertie and she wasn't a bit on the scrap. Every time she had anything to do in this line her gentlemen friends were al ways called in. But yesterday she was afforded no chance to call for help and in a very few minutes she served as a target for a few well aimed blows. Gertie lives in the lower part of town. Her home is in the house conducted bv Bessie Arnold. The two had a few words yesterday which might not have sounded a bit ladylike had .they been uttered on the street, but in Gertie's bou doir they were very appropriate, For a second following the wordy war, Gertie turned her back to Bes; and started to secure a handker chief from a lower bureau drawer. She was on her knees when Bess started in depositing right and left swings in the immediate vicinity of the poor little girl's face. Rats and switches were flying through the air at a great rate and the interior of the room presented an appearance that would have compared favor ably with a hair store In the grip of a cyclone. Gertie, however, retained her presence of mind and soon started shrieking for help. The help came and the pugilists were parted. Then Gertie, the dear little girl that she is, fell on her knees and humblyl asked Bess to forgive her. She was forgiven and now all is quiet and serene on Corono avenue. No ar rests were made. T PLAYS GOLDHELD THIS AFTERNOON LAST GAME OF THE SEASON ,TO I5E PLAYED IN THE SOUTH ERN CITY Today the members of the Tono pah ball team will journey to Gold' field where this afternoon . they will ss bats with the Goldflelders. The game was to have been for a purse of ?500 which the committee on entertainment tor . tne mining congress agreed to donate. This agreement was made several weeks ago, but yesterday word was re ceived in Tonopah that the purse had been drawn down. This speaks well for the Goldfleld entertainment committee. The game, however, will be played.. Some time "ago Ely sent a chal lenge to the winners of this game and wanted to play for a side bet of $600. Their b'all team will ac company the band. Chief Malley has made arrangements to take DIVIDEND NOTICE. At the meeting of the board of directors of the Tonopah Mining company of Nevada, held this day, a regular quarterly dividend of Twenty-five per cent and extra divi dend of Ten per cent was. declared payable October 21st, 1909, to stockholders of record September 30, 1909. Transfer books close Sep tember 30th, 1909, at 3 p. m., re open October 8th. 1909, at 10 a. m. C. A. HIGBEE, Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 24, 1909. 9-20 to 10-2 NOTICE. Call for our SPECIALS The new Needle and Club sizes 1871 GATO 1871 We have 21 different sizes of the Gato Cigar in stock from 5 cents to 25 cents. Rotholtz Brothers. GRAND Mi the bet of the Elyites and the game will be played on the Tonopah diamond next Sunday. FOR MURDER NIGHT SCHOOL MAY BE STARTED IN THIS CITY THOSE WHO DESIRE TO ENROLL WILL MEET MONDAY NIGHT ' AT OLD SCHOOL HOUSE NOW WORKING ON TONOPAH TAXES HOARD OF EQUALIZATION WILL NOT COMPLETE LABORS . UNTIL NEXT WEEK Location notices in triplicate handiest affair . for prospectors and miners contains carbon ISO no tices in book. For sale at the Bo nanza office.1 On account of the meetings of the Mining Congress to be held in Goldfleld, Nevada, and upon request of the Bar Association of Nye Coun ty, sessions of the DISTRICT COURT will not be held during the week commencing MONDAY, SEPTEMDER 27, 1909 and ending SATURDAY, OCTODER 2, 1909 except for continuances, -extensions of time, and other necessary or ex traordinary purposes. ' ROBERT G. POHL, Clerk of District Court 9-26 It Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot anil Cold Kuiining Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Walley Hot Springs Genoa, Nevada. A first-class health and pleasure resort, open winter and summer. Hotel and cottage accommo dations; table the best, and the baths are famous for their cures of Rheu matism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Our reserve is alive with ducks. Deer, . grouse and mountain quail in the near by hills, also good trout fish ing almost at our door.' Rates $12.50. $15.00 and $17.50 per week, including baths. Fare $2.85 via V. & T. Ry., Reno to Mlnden, where our stage meets train dally; fine six-mile drive to the Springs. M. L. HEWITT, Manager. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS AT Hotel Manhattan TERMS REASONABLE. The Boannza has, the most com plet ruling and binding plant ia the state. Give us a trial. TRUE RILL RETURNED YES TERDAY AGAINST ASCEN SION MANGONA A true fill was returned yester day by the iSye county grand jury against Ascension Mangona, the Mexican who murdered Byron Nel son at Leeland June lo. Mangona was arraigned, but owing to his at torney not having had time to look into the case,' a continuance was granted fintil, October 4, when he will plead. Ed Bruce, the Indian who, It is alleged, killed another Indian near Pahrump several months ago, was released from the. custody of the sheriff, no bill being found against him. The evidence presented to the grand jury was of a circumstantial nature. Mangona will be represent-' ed by Fred L. Seybolt. NEVADA THEATRE Gilbert C. Ross has been looking Into the matter of establishing a night school in Tonopah for the last month and during that time he has been Interviewed by about 20 peo ple who are desirous of enrolling. To further perfect the plans of es tablishing a school, Mr. Ross has called a meeting of those who de sire to enroll, for Monday evening at the old school house. There will be no age limit to the students and many of those who have spoken to Mr. Ross are young men. Several are youths who are compelled to labor In the day time, and are will ing to attend the school at night and perfect themselves in the var ious studies. A strenuous day was experienced by the board of county commission ers Bitting as a board of equalization yesterday. They are now going over the Tonopah roll, the outside towns and districts having been completed. A number of people with grievances apeared before the board with com plaints of over-taxation, and where these complaints were founded on good facts they were favored with a reduction. The task of complet ing the Tonopah roll will consume several days more, for when the board adjourned last evening they were but half through. HOTEL ARRIVALS MIZPAH i ; Charles Aj Patterson, Los An geles; F. Mich, San Francisco; H, Bergholdt, J. E. Adair, Goldfleld. MANHATTAN J. W. Hosteter, Death Valley; W, H. Bohannon, Round Mountain; H Williams, Tom McCullaugh, F. T. Wadman, Goldfleld; George McGil llvay, San Francisco; Charlie Hoop' er, Los Angeles; B. Stine, Manhat tan; Emma Christine, Round Moun tain. MISSIONARY SOCIETY GIVES A "JAPANESE' The Missionary society and con gregation of the Presbyterian church enjoyed an afternoon Japanese Fri 'day. The church was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns, parasojs. banners and tapestry, con veying a very artistic effect. Mrs. Burnham gave a very inter esting lecture on house life In Japan, using a model of a Japan ese house, also a biographical sketch of the life of Joseph Hardy Xoesl nia, founder of the Doshlha. After the lecture the guest were served by th l'lta Apha society with dainty sandwiches nml ton, Jarumne swevt and tiuK Tlio fa Tors wt'ie Japanese hair ornaments. NYE COUNTY RECEIVES REVENUE FROM FORESTS ALLOTMENT FROM TOIYABE RESERVE WILL GO TO SCHOOLS AND ROADS ROUND MOUNTAIN LIEN CASES ARE SUBMITTED The Round Mountain lien cases which have -been before the district court for the past few months, were submitted yesterday. There are four separate cases, the plaintiffs being Anderson, Hopkins, Hoyes and Fulmour, while the defendant is George Mattley. The court's decte ion will he rendered In the near future. United States Senator Nixon has received a letter from the secretary of the department of agriculture, which states that Nevada will soon receive a neat sum from the re ceipts of the national forest, which will he distributed to the different count lea, and allotted to the school and road funds. According to the letter the rountlcs within which the! Tolvalie renerve U situated will re-j reive fH.7"ti. The major portion j of this umoiitit will full to Nye i county, while the remainder Kj t I Lander county. PALACE HOTEL ROOMS: 75c. $1.00, AND UP All Outside Rooms Arthur J. Aylesworth, Manager Special Engagement 2 Nights 2 MONDAY and TUESDAY 27 SEPT. 23 "CARTES" THE GREAT Now on his Second Tour Around the World. Prices, 60c, 75c and $1. Reserved seats on sale Saturday at Miners' Drnz Store. ' NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION; CO-PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership, heretofore existing, between G. W. Summerfleld & W. S. Johnson, under the firm name and style of Summerfleld & Johnson and W. S. Johnson Company, has this day been mutually dissolved and no longer exists for the transaction of any business, except the winding up of its affairs. W. S. Johnson will continue the business.1 Dated this first day of September, 1909. G. W. SUMMERFIELD, W. S. JOHNSON. 9-3 30 1. There are moments when we are not too busy to write an INSURANCE POLICY THESE ARE THOSE Southern Nevada Abstract Go. R. J. HIGHLAND, Agent Phone 943 Ponopah Block CHOCOLATES Fresh Shipment Just Received at ROUNSEVtLL'S Golden Rlock MISCELLANEOUS LOST Ladles' gold watch, hunting case with diamond set in hack. Bead fob chain. Suitable reward if returned to this office. 9-26 2t FOR SALE On account of going east, quarter Interest In mining lease; fine property, near Tono pah. Address O. M care Bo nanza, Tonopah, Nev. 9-25tf FOR SALE Three-room house, fur nished; electric lights. $150. tf FOR SALE OR RENT Corrugated iroa warehouse, 40x100, on the railroad track. Inquire of Sulll van Co., Inc. 8-20-tf FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B Bonanza office. tf THE BONANZA takes copy for ad vertlsements of all kinds up to midnight. Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 24 Tonopah Block VAnET0TEl BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. Under New Management. Entirely Benovated. . t Table Unsurpassed. GEORGE LEIDY. MANAGER, PROFESSIONAL CAKDB. W. B. PITTMAN ATTORNEW AT LAW Practices in all the Courts of th State. OFFICE STATE BANK BUILDING. TONOPAH, NEVADA. CAMPBELL, METSQN & BROWN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, , State Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh - h. r. cookb Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Ne NOTARY IN OFFICES KEY PITTI IAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Building, Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associates, Rawhide, Nevada. FOR RENT Four Furnished Office Rooms IN THE TONOPAH BLOCK REASONABLE RATES INQUIRE OF j. j. Mcquillan THE NEVADA CLUB The Label Tells What, the Goods Are We Never Refill a Bottle BROUGHER AVENUE i