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, -fONOPAH. DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, XEYAUA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1009. MAKES REPORT ON FOURTH OF JULY FUNDS SUICIDES BY PLACING DYNAMITE UNDER HEAD M, G. Gilson Decapitates his Body in a Gruesome Manner Sunday Evening. Call for our SPECIALS The Nevada. First National Bank: Capital, Surplus ami Undivided Profits , $151,000.00 Total Assets 500,000.00 Welcomes and appreciates your business whether large or small and believes its extensive resources developed by years' of consistent, considerate, conservative accommodations, a splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory service to the people of Tonopah and vicinity. The new Needle AUDITING COMMITTEE STATES THAT BALANCE OK $2-10.12 IS OX 1IAXI) l-ll-IIH. ' I , 5 t i ! 1 t "I am sleeping sleeping the sanv. of death," wrote M. G. Gilson S'.itu'ay evening preparatory to tak ing his lift" ly holding a stick of dynamite with a lighted fuse ut, to his head. Gilson'a body was found yester day morning about two miles north of this city, along the. pipe line. He had been employed on the line silica the work started and was re garded by the contractors as a good steady man. Saturday he drew his !!; and nroceeded to celebrate. It is , i-sumed that when he had spent all 'lis earnings he became despon dent, and decided on the suicide pi (iisition. Sinday evening after dusk he wandered out along the line, where he :.iet W. 3. Landers, the watch man. The two conversed for Sev ern! minutes. Landers had to re turn to town and asked Gilson to nccnipany him, but the latter sail tlr t ho had been drinking and p ro le i- -d the solitude of the desert uit'er than the bright lights of the e'i;. That was the last seen of l,i p until his body was found yes t ; 'ay morning. It is presumed that after he had been left alone he wrote the note, for the writing has the appearance of having been done either in a hurry or in the dark. It was scrib bled on an old time check which was replaced in the inside pocket of Gilson's coat. From appearances, Gilson secured a stick of dynamite, with fuse and caii, from the store used in blast ing the ditch. Lighting the fuse, he must, have assumed a reclining position and, holding the powder against his head with his left hand, awaited the end. The explosion naturally decapitated the body and also destroyed the arm. The search ers yesterday, could not even find a ragmen of the missing portions, and a hole about ten feet from the body showed where the deceased had lain when awaiting death. The remains were brought to town and taken to the morgue. A search of the effects proved the identity of the man and further showed that he was a member n good standing of the Point Rich mond, California, aerie of Eagles. In fact, when he first came to 'io nopah, about a month ago, he vis ited the local aerie, which was in strumental in securing him the po sition on the ditch. The deceased also belonged to the Bisbee, Ari zona. Miners' union, but had al lowed his card to lapse owing to the non-payment of dues. , Gilson was about 33 years of age and his appearance and conversa tion conveyed the 'impression he had received a good education. That he was a wanderer, was shown from his letters, stating that he had traveled all over California dur ing the last few months. Nothing could be learned con cerning relatives, although word was sent to the secretary of the Point Richmond Eagles. An an swer is expected today and until this is received, no funeral arrange ments will be made. It is prob able, however, that the remains will be buried under the auspices of the local aerie. The coroner's inquest last eveiv ing elicited no new information con cerning the death and the verdict was that the demise was caused by suicide. LAS VEGAS VICTORIOUS OVER JOE SEITZ Down-the-Desert Ball Team Wins by a Score of Four to Three. In what is considered the best ba'l game ever witnessed in Tono pa'i, the Las Vegas team defeated Joe Sietz Sunday afternoon by a score of 4. to 3. Seitz was in the best of form and the way he played brought the fans to their feet In munerable times. He was somfc what unfortunate in breaking a fin ger on his pitching hand during the . , ond inning, but this made no dif ference in his playing ' and he con tin led In the game until the fin ish. Of the batters who faced, h:r, some 18 succeeded in striking cm, while the Las Vegas pitcher wai credited with fanning but 10 men. The attendance was better tha:i expected and every seat in the grand stand was taken In addition to a large bunch of rooters who gathered on the side lines. The game put up by the visiting team demonstrates their right to the championship laurels, for they were In the game every minute and supported their pitcher every time he got in a plncn, One of the features of the game was the umpiring by James J. Kel ly, who was right on the spot when ever a close decision was to be ren . dered. Of course there were a few kicks, but what is a ball game with out an umpire to be roasted? The score was 3 to 3 in the ninth, when the Las Vegas team brought DEATH CLAIMS MRS. S. V. PARKER LASTJATURDAY HIGHLY ESTEEMED TOXOPAIl RESIDENT PASSES AWAY AT REXO in the winning run. On Tonopah 3 turn at the bat the local players could not connect with Hunt's de livery. The following is the sum mary of the game: Tonopah AB H Crosby, 3 b 3 0 Hatton, cf. .... 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 4 Las Vegas AB H Prosser, If. ... 4 0 Good, c '4 2 Lehr, lb 4 Prout, rf. O'Hara, c. Mullen, 2b. Peck, If. . Malley, lb. Hurd, ss. . Seitz, p. . . Total . . 4 . 4 . 3 , 4 . 4 O , o . 2 .31 PO E 0 0 1 1 17 0 0 7 1 0 19 0 3 21 27 Hunt, p. . . Slosser, 3b. Barrett, ss. Black, cf. . Houk, 2b. . Wright, rf.. Totals . . 4 . 5 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 .38 R 0 X 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 PO 0 10 7 7 3 3 0 1 1 Owing to numerous reasons, the auditing committee appointed to go over the reports of the variois fourth of July committees, were unable to render their report until a few days ago, and the following shows the expenditure of the sums collected. It is also recommended that the balance be turned over to the liquidation of the baseball ground debt, which will be done. The report is as follows: Tonopah, Xev., Oct. r, 1909. General Committee of the Fourth of July Celebration, 1909: "We, the auditing committee ap pointed to audit the reports of the several committees of the Fourth of July celebration, 1909, beg to re port as follows: By reason of the delay of the 31 ing of reports with tha chairman of the general committee, we have been unable to present to you "i complete statement until the, pres ent time. The following is the re port: Donations to Fourth ot July cele bration fund Committee No. l: To nopah Jline Operators association, $.100; committee No. 2, McQuillan, Holland and Kendall, $460; com mittee Xo. 3, Harris, Hammond and Crumley, $4 05; committee No. i, Hay ward and Bacon, $215; com mittee Xo. 5, Forster, Johnson and Hall, $307.50; committee Xo. 6. De war, Moore and Schmidt, $215; committee No. 7, Robert G. Pohl, $127; proceeds of dance, Phil 3. Lee, $53; rock drilling entries, $75; kangaroo court, $187.70; State Bank & Trust Co., dividends Nos. 1 and 2, $4.28; Goddess of Liberty contest, $448.65. Total donations and proceeds, $2998.13; total expenditures, $2, 758.01; balance on hand, $240.12; balance in bank (Tonopah Bank ing Corporation) $240.12; unpaid balance in State Bank & Trust) July 4th fund, '07, $37.52. Grand total, balance on hand, $277.72. Audited and found correct. ED MALLEY, Treas. W. J. WILSON, J. J. DEGAN, E. L. KIDD. Oct 4, 1909. . WTe, your auditing committee, rec ommend that the balance now in the Tonopah Banking Corporation to the credit of the Fourth of July celebration fund be donated to the Tonopah volunteer Olympic basebail park to help liquidate the debts on the same, as this is a public fund and this park has been donated to the town, we think it would be a fair and reasonable way of dispos ing of this balance. We further heartily commend the able and effcient manner in which the afflairs of the celebration were conducted by the chairman, Mr. Ed Mallay. Too much praise cannot be given him for his until ing efforts. E. S. KIDD, J. J. DEGAN, W. J. WILSON. Auditing Committee. WILL REOPEN IITLER THEATER ON THE FIRST WILL BE CONDUCTED UXDEll X EV MAX AG EM E X T M O V IXCr PICTURES AXI) SONGS OLD OFFENDER HAKES APPEARANCE BEFORE JUDGE and Club sizes 1871 GATO 1871 We have 21 different sizes of the Gato Cigar in stock from 5 cents to 25 cents. Rotiializ Brothers w II. O'CONNELL WILL SOJOURN IX COUNTY JAIL FOR THE WINTER Jake Goodfrieud and J. P. Cros by, proprietors of the Lyric theator at GoUUield, were in Tonopah yes terday and succeeded in making ar rangements for the taking over of Mie Butler theatre. They will open the house on or about the first of November, when it will be con ducted as a first-class show house, with moving pictures, illustrated songs, and other special features. The program will change three times a week. Admission will be only 10 cents to any part of the house. The new proprietors contemplate renovating the interior of the build ing and making it as comfortable as nossible. In fact it will be an ideal place to spend the coming winter evenings in a profitable man ner. The BoannEa has the most com ilet ruling and binding plant in the state. Give us a trial. Just Received A Fresh Line of HOT WATER BOTTLES AND FOUNTAIN SYRINGE At Prices from $1 and up. Guar anteed from one to two years. PIERGY'S DRUG STORE The Little Store with the BIG BUSINESS Day 'Phone 373 Night 'Phone 145 HAS STARTED IX THE GREEX GOODS BUSINESS 20 27 hits, Slos- Summarv Two-base ser; earned runs. Las Vegas, l; base on balls, Seitz 1, Hunt 2; hit by pitched ball, Wright; struck out by Seitz, 18; by Hunt, 10; left on bases, Las Vegas 10, Tonopah 4; double play, by Hunt to Lehr; stol en bases, Good 2, Lehr, Barrett, Wright, Hatton, Hurd. Umpire, Kelly. If you have any old volumes you wish rebound call at the Bonanza bindery. Cut flowers at Rounsevell's, Main street. 14 tf Hugh Tarpey, who had charge of the fruit and vegetable depart ment of the Tonopah and Goldfield meat market during the past Bum mer,, has again taken up his quar ters in the old stand, this time for himself, and is prepared to supply the public of this city with the best the market affords In the green goods line. All goods will be de livered to any part of the city free of charge. Courteous treatment Is assured and satisfaction will oe guaranteed to all customers. TYPHOID PATIENT IS TAKEN TO HOSPITAL W. B. O'Connell, who evidently never at home unjess he is resting under the fatherly eye of Sheriff J. J. Owens at the county bastil3, was the main squeeze in Justice Brisell's court yesterday. As usual, he was somewhat nervous from in dulging in disturbance waters and of course was there with the ex planation that it would never hap pen again. He was booked on a charge of disturbing the peace, hav ing been arrested by Deputy Sheriff Slavin, Sunday night. O'Connell vetured back to Tono pah last week, evidently forgetting that he had been vagged from the city nearly a year ago. On Sunday night he found that his former wife had cast him aside and was living happily with her new husband. O'Connell started to pay a friendly call to the lady and, contrary to his expectations, was not welcomed with open arms. Instead, he was told to "beat it," and had the door slammed in his face. Naturally, ne became angry, and with a terrific ngnt swing, drove his fist tnrougn the window. The impromptu moon light picnic was stopped about this time by Slavin, who had been sum moned. Yesterday O'Connell was found guilty of the charge above men tioned and was sentenced to pay ,i fine of $500, with the alternative of serving one day in the county jail for each two dollars of the fine. According to that rating O'Connell will be the county s guest for the next 250 days. Iiizpoh Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Cold Running Water in Each Boom. Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Walley Hot Springs Genoa. Xevada. A first-class health and pleasure resort, open winter and summer. Hotel and cottage accommo dations; table the best, and the baths are famous for their cures of Rheu matism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Our reserve is alive with ducks. Deer, grouse and mountain quail in the near by hills, also good trout nail ing almost at our door. Rates $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 per week, including baths. Fare $2.85 via V. & T. Rv., Reno to Minden, where our stage meets train daily; fine six-mile drive to the Springs. M. L. HEWITT. Manager. ALL OUTSIDE BOOMS AT Hotel Manhattan TERMS REASONABLE. Mrs. A. C. Lamb was yesterday taken to the county hospital, suffer ing from typhoid fever. While her condition is not regarded as ser ious, she will be confined to her bed for several weeks. r FRESH HOMEMADE CANDY Like Mother Used to Make Rotholtz Bros., Inc. Leading Stationers. Opposite Postof f ice Given Away FreeOne Boy's and One Girl's Bicycle- Call for Information. I PALACE HOTEL ROOMS: 75c. $1.00, AND UP All Outside Rooms MISCELLANEOUS APPLES, APPLES, APPLES 30- pound box the best apples, $1.50. Call early or give the driver your order just one box. At Tono pah & Goldfield Market. 19-lt LADY wishes work in private fam ily, hotel, restaurant or outside camp. P. O. Box 315 10-12 6t FOR SALE Two horse Fairbanks- Morse gasoline engine and pump, complete; bargain. Address Geo. E. Swasey, Tonopah. 9-29 tf FOR SALE Three-room house, fur nlshed; electric lights. $150. tf Mrs. S. V. Parker, wife of Con ductor S. V. Parker of the Tonopah and Goldfield railroad, died Satur day at Beno. Death was unexpect ed and. the news cf the lady's de mise was a shock to her many friends in this community, where she resided for a number of years. About a week aso Mrs. Parker fiave birth to a daughter and since that date she had been ailing. Every thing possible was done for her re lief but the best of medical service was of no avail. The deceased Is survived by the husband, a son three years of age, the Infant daughter, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gallagher of Mason Valley, a sister, Miss Kate Galla Kher. and three brothers, John Gal lagher of this city, Pete Gullagher and Paul Gallagher of Mason Val ley. The remains were taken to her childhood home In Muhoii Val lry, and the interment will be hold WVdntwday. John Gallagher, of this city, was lu Ia Angeles, whi-re li was l iuIIiik hi vacation. He n iuiiIII.hI lv t.liKHtph. a ml arrlvol hcr Inst night. H M l'v tuU morning lor hln home to be ii vni at th fuui;il. Mm. I'uikvr u Utr t Mln Ada Gallagher, hu li. l In thU lt about a ar s Because of ill Health A Good Paying' Business FOR SALE Call for particulars: NEW CENTURY BAZAAR NEXT TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MARKET I I FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B, Bonanza office. tf THE BONANZA takes copy for ad vertisements of all kinds up to midnight. ' Advertise in the Daily Bonanza the paper with the circulation. Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 2V Tonopah Block v alleT view h otel BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. Under New Management. Entirely Renovated. Table Unsurpassed. GEORGE LEIDY, MANAGER. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. B. P1TTMAN ATTORNEW AT LAW Practices In all the Courts of the State. OFFICE STATE BANK BUILDING, TONOPAH, NEVADA. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, State Bank and Trist Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. INSURANCE REPRESENTING OVER FORTY LEADING FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANIES, we are particularly well equipped to handle large lines on mining plants and mills. We are Agents for THE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI DENT COMPANY", LIMITED, and are In position to offer an Em ploycr's Liability Policy that is extremely attractive to operators. SOUTHERN NEVADA ABSTRACT COMPANY R. J. HIGHLAND, AGENT. PHONE 943 TONOPAH DLOCK c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cookb Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Ne NOTARY IN OFFICES KEY PITTIIAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Building, Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associate, Rawhide, Nevada. EBB PIONEER STORE L0THR0P-DAVIS COMPANY Fancy and Staple Groceries ....Gilt Edge Butter.... THE STORE OF QUALITY PHONE 262 THE NEVADA CLUB The Label Tells What the Goods Are We Never Refill a Bottle BROUGHER AVENUE