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TOXOPA1I DAILY BOXAXZA, TOXOI'AH, XKVADA, FHIDAV, OCTOBER 22, 1909. TO SILVER BOW - SILVER BOW - SILVER BOW ' - SILVER BOW TOT WW F bid I m 18 CO o o CQ c75 6: O 5f5 INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF NEVADA CAPITALIZED FOR 1,500,000 SHARES AT A PAH VALUE OF $1.00 EACH The Company owns 14 full claims and two fractions in . the heart of flip ' Silver "Raw Mini no Til strict Two shafts have been sunk, one 60 and the other 70 feet in depth - j and both have encountered ore. There are numerous veins exposed on the surface from which assays ranging from $1.00 to $300 have been received , 71 " fey Gfoup ! -.. r y t I . ;2 --srr.rI z,? j v 'X " XVi v ' NrS - IJ 7t-A w'r;N- AtA 1 X M;- $ vW ppf-i HX i SIX' : aML ? zJM -'- i i r-' '7 77T f;; '7" . Y 1 1 ' I LKE? BOW AfAfW& 0STJ?Cr V V.- Awa& I 650,000 SHARES of the capital stock have been placed in the treasury and of this amount we of fer for sale 100,000 shares at 5 cents per share. No stock will be issued until the 10th of November and if at that time the full amount has not been subscribed for ALL CHECKS WILL BE RETURNED The Silver Bow Mining Dis trict has never been turned down by a mining engineer and the reports from the esti mating agent sent out by the ElyrGoldfield Railroad, statel that this will be one of the best We do not adjoin any big dividend paying mine nor are we promising dividends in 30 1 days. k It is our intention to make the adjoining companies ad vertise that they adjoin our property and that our ledges traverse their ground. shipping camps on that line. There will be no salaried officers in the company nor will there be any expense incurred in the sale of the stock. EVERY CENT RECEIVED WILL GO IN THE GROUND. Make all checks payable to: SILVER BOW MINING AND MILLING COMPANY offlcers: P. 0. BOX 896, TONOPAH, NEVADA. J G CRUMLEY, President and General Manager; NEWTON CRUMLEY, Vice-Pxesident; W. J. WILSON, Secretary. SILVER BOW - SILVER BOW - SILVER BOW - SILVER BOW 1 5 1l o O PQ CO o CQ 5 CO