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TOXOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH. NEVADA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1909. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Morning, Monaay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada unionA)label W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Member of Associated Press TERMS OP S UIJSCRIPTION One ysar 112.00 Sine months 10.00 Six months 6.75 Three months $ 3.50 One month 1.25 One week 36 Subscriptions by mall must be paid in advance. $10 REWARD. .A reward of J10 will be paid for information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive tbelr papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Entered at the Postoffice In Tonopan as second class matter. A DAMNABLE OUTRAGE. Nero, who historians say was responsible for the burning of Rome, did not receive any more curses from the populace of that city than did the Tonopah United Water company at last night's fire. At first the fire department was criticised for its slowness in securing water, but when the real facts became known, the hasty words of censure Were retracted and applied with increased force to the water company. Had there been sufficient force to the water, pne residence could have been easily saved and the conflagration would have . been extinguished before the other was totally destroyed. The president of the water company is In our city and only a few days ago he stated that the company had hundreds of thousands of gal Ions of water going to waste. From the appearance of the dry nozzles of the different hose lines, last night, the entire supply must have been going to waste, for no amount of coaxing could bring forth a single drop. Somebody is at fault for the present inadequate water system and this self same person is responsible for the heavy damage at the fire of last night. The citizens of Tonopah are compelled to pay taxes for firo protection. This payment is. demanded without any discrimination. Now the fire of last night demonstrates the fact that fish Is made of one and flesh of another. Nor is this the only occasion where the fire department has been rendered helpless by the insufficiency of the water supply and was forced to stand helplessly by and watch dwellings burn like tinder when even a small amount of water would have extinguished the fire. We repeat, that somebody is at fault, and are of the opinion that the fault lies with the water company, to which an exorbitant rate is paid each month by the town of Tonopah foif the use of fire hydrants. The future for the citizens who live in the districts where the water has no pressure does not seem bright. Fires have occurred in these portions of the town in the past, and thev. will continue in the future. Some action must be taken that will ) rectify this criminal error or some day wo will be forced to s?o the entire town go up in flames, and then, God help the water man. What are the citizens of Tonopah going to do? Will they bow down before the water company and continue to pav the excessive rates as they have done in the past, or will they take action to do away with what may be termed adamnablo outrage? Will we con tinue to pay . for fire protection which is not furnished, or will pres sure be brought to bear on the corporation to make it act in at least a half decent manner? There is nothing like striking the iron when it is hot, and if no favorable results can be obtained, then let the citizens apply to the courts and ask that the present water company be dissolved, for' it is now operating without a legal franchise, which is in di rect violation of the laws of this state. The citizens of Tonopah now call upon the' county commis sioners and the district attorney, Cleve linker, to take legal steps, at once, to force the water company to protect the property owners of Tonopah. The taxpayers demand that the officials do their duty, and at once. If they refuse, oust them from office. The Bonanza will EACH day have something to say on fire protection, if it is onlv two lines. THE CITIZENS OF TONOPAH RECIPROCATE. TO MR. E. G. WHEELER, PRESIDENT TONOPAH UNITED WA TER COMPANY: The citizens of Tonopah appreciate your kind invitation to visit your company's new pipe-line, and, not wishing to be outdone in the matter of hospitality, -extend you an invitation to do a little visiting also. You are invited to witness the ruins 6f two comfortable homes that were last night destroyed because your company's wa ter system was unable to furnish even enough water to wet a blanket. , . , You are invited to call upon your customers in the vicinity of last night's fire and hear from them personally that not a cupful of water could be obtained from your pipes. You are further invited to extend that new pipe-line (which you say is being constructed "in order to maintain efficient fire protection and absolutely sure water service") to a tank , placed at an elevation sufficient to make it possible to fight a fire in any part of Tonopah. Respectfully yours, ! THE CITIZENS OF TONOPAH. A QUERY. Are you good in mathematics If so kindly figure out the an swer to the following query and mall your reply to the puzzle ed itor of the Bonanza. This' is not a guessing contest, and no two bit fee is required. Listen: if the Tonopah United Water company has a daily capacity of 800,000 gallons, and the consumption amounts to only 100,000 gallons for the same period of time, where is the reserve stored, and what Is its pressure? - , If it had not been for the school trustees and the boys of the high school in watching the flying embers from the shingles of the high school building last night, Tonopah would have been without a high school building. Mr. Wheeler, just think of this for a moment. MAHIXERS SHI I WRECKED OX X)I)RAIK RIVER SEARCHLIGHT. Oct. 1 29. Ship wrecked, stranded on a barren shore, and abloged to walk bare footed over the rocks for a distance of five miles, was the remarkable , experience which lately befell a couple of Cilirado river mariners. Captain E. Nelson and his mate. Max Bley, loft tho Riverside ranch with' the good phlp "Eldorado," car rying a load of minifies, and with t clearance paper for tho Ilomestako I mine. Contrary wIimIh wore en- 1 countered, and suddenly, without wurnltig, it squall htruck the llttlo b craft, drove It onto the rocks, and cs capsized It. It Nelson and IHoy wer unable to b ve a thing from th wrm'k uot -veii their shun, which, an vry l alii.' bodied netniun kuowa. are at otici- dlcardt when uun starts In to navigate the "allvcry" Colorado. As makeshift, the men tore up their undershirts and wrapped them about their feet. When Nelson and Bley finally reached the Ellis camp they were completely fagged and their feet were bruised and bleeding. BOIY OF Sl ICIUE At VI DENTALLY CREMATED RHYOL'ITE. Oct. 29. Fire today destroyed the undertaking parlors where reposed the body of Gust Sandborn, recently arrived from tho east, who committed suicide Tues day night by hanging himself with a piece of electric light wire. The body had been removed io tin morgue lint a enimiurntlvlv short time before f ni rilarnronwl I that the rear of the building, which had but lately been vltdted by the coronr' Jury, was lu ftaiuex. IH apite heroic mcaaurva. the body of th aulcldn waa cremated. It la believed that a lighted rlga was dropped by on of the Jurymen. STOCK MARKET Tonopah Mining declined on yes terday's exchange board and on the closing was quoted at $6.25 bid with no asking. It was strongly rumored that Belmont closed strong on the eastern markets, but no prices were reported at the end of the San Francisco stock exchange session. Extension dropped back iwo points. west End lost one point. Goldfield Consolidated skyrocket ed 20 points on the strength of a report that a big ledge had been encountered in the property. Frac tion declined one cog. The following quotations are fur nished by Broker H. E. Epstine: Tonopah District Tonopah Mining . . . 6.23 Montana 85 .88 Tonopah Ex 50 .52 MacNamara 27 .28 West End 21 .23 North Star .03 Rescue 01 .02 Jim Butler .12 .13 Gnldllt-ld District ' Consolidated 6.95 7.00 Columbia Mt 07 .08 Booth 10 .12 Atlanta 12 .13 Great Bend 03 .0 4 Florence 2.90 Daisy 03 09 Comb. Fraction ... .60 .02 Kewanas 04 .05 Bullfrog District Mayflower 12 .13 Valley View .03 Miscellaneous Pittsburg Silver Pk. .03 Manhattan Con 04 .05 INHERITANCE TAX WILL EXCEED A MILLION' (Rv Associated SACRAMENTO. Oct. 29. The in heritance tax receipts will llkelv to tal more than $1,000,000, accord ing to State Controller Nye. Since iviay l the different county treas urers report a collection of inheri tance tax in excess of $50,000, and at this rate the million mark will be exceeded. The last large tax was that paid from the estate of George Mason of Los Angele3. which amounted to $15,S50.G5. personal Hugh H. Brown went to Goldfield yesteraay morning on a legal er rand. Superintendent A. R. Parsons of the Desert mill came up from Mil lers yesterday afternoon. J. F. Davidson, the Round Moun tain mining man who was called to Reno several days ago, returned ye terday. W. D. Forster,- general traffic manager of the Tonopah' and Gold field road, was a Goldfield visitor yesterday. Albert A. Remington and George H. Brabrook, mining men of Man hattan, came in from the northern camp yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter and baby were passengers on yesterday morning's incoming train from Cal ifornia, where they have spent the last month. Judge and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien passed through Tonopah yesterday enroute to Goldfield. They were re turning from a visit to San Fran cisco. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wilson and baby returned yesterday from a month's vacation spent at Stockton, Cal. Mr. Wilson will resume his duties with the Tonopah Mining company. President J. S. Austin and Direc tor C. A. Daniel, of the Tonopah Mining company, who have been visiting here for the last two weeks, leave thin morning for their homes in Philadelphia. Mrs. A. R. Parsons and children and Miss Elsie Parsons, sister of Superintendent Parsons of the Des ert mill at Millers, arrived on yes terday morning's train from the north. Airs. Parsons has been vis iting friends at Reno for the last month. Miss Parsons is from Salt Lake and will remain here about a month as the guest of her brother and sister-in-law. Nevada Theater Arthur J. Aylesworth, Manager 4 NIGHTS 4 Commencing Thursday Return engagement of Change of Bill Every Night Tonight Senator's Daughter Popular; 1 Vices: 2."c, 50c and 7.1c Reserved seats at Miners' Drug Store For Fresh and Pure Drugs GO TO PIERCY'S DRUG STORE We receive shipments of Drug etc., three times a week, so you can rest assured our stock Is always fresh and complete. PIERCY'S DRUG STORE The Little Store with the BIG BUSINESS Day 'Phone 372 Night 'Phone 145 Bonanza Ads Bring Results SANTA "LA II A FARMER, WANTED FOB MURDKt COlltT OYEKKCLKS PLEA OF HAIlltY K. THAW (By Associated P,ess.j ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 29. Harry K. Thaw's contention that he was illegally committed to the Mattea-I wan state hospital for the criminal insane, following his acquittal on the charge of having murdered Stanford White in New York City, was overruled today by the court of appeals. fBv Associated Press.) SAN JOSE, Cal., Oct. 29. After eleven years of freedom from tho Italian penitentiary, during which time he lived the retired life of a fanner in Santa Clara county, Nata la Casalegno has been placed under arrest by th federal authorities an'' 'ill be deported to Italy to an swer for th? murder of a young girl in a small town in tho southern part of that country, 28 years ago. The Shop of Swelldom Special Prices r OX ALL TAILOR MADE SUITS FOR THIS WEEK. SILK PETTI COATS, FORMERLY $12 AND $15, REDUCED TO $8. $10 PET TICOATS FOR $7.50, $0.50 AND $5.50. Call and See Our Prices CECILE MUNN to I TONOPAH Qjtj:miiiiaiuiiiMiiciHiniiiMiiamini irwcuu iiurtmaJiifuriiuiiitiiuiiijafitHif r NEVADA iimaiiiHaii!C!Hmiituii0 McLean and McSweeney HAY, GRAIN AND FRED STUFFS "GOLD MEDAl" AND HAKKR'S XXX hi.lll It, CFHKAI.S FTC. "SOCMAN'S l,ll,LV" BLACKSMITH COAL. GUARANTEED, l.(iAH, SALT AND CANNED GOODS. 82 Lower Main St. Phone 85 Comslock Hotel ROOM AND BOARD ' Open for Riisiness November 1 Upper Main St. Phono! 1813 1 ' ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. IVfB INVITE YOU TODAY W L OR ANV DAY TO VIS IT OUR MEN'S CLOTH ING DEPARTMENT AND SE$ HOW WE SELJj CIOTHES, AND ESPECIALLY THE kind; OF CLOTHES WE SELL FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN WHO DEMAND THE BEST IN STYLE, FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. PRACTICAL TAILOR IN CONNECTION. No extra charge for alterations or pressing. The Toggery Leading Clothier In tin- litstvict Court of the Fifth Ju dleinl District of tile State of Neva da, in and for Nye County. In the matter of the Estate of Law rence Gulati, Deceased. John 3ulstl, administrator of the estate of Lawrence Guhiti, deceased, having tileil his petrffon herein pray ing for an order of sale of all the property, both real and personal, be longing to said estate, for the pur poses therein set forth, it is there fore ordered by tho Judge of the above .entitled Court, that all per sons interested In the estate of said deceased appear before said District Court on Monday, the 15 th day of November, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the courtroom of said District Court, at the courthouse In Tonopah, Nye County, Nevada, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said administrator to sell all of said property, both real and personal, of the said doecased, at private sale; and that a copy of this order published at least three suc cessive weeks In the Tonopah Bonan za, a newspaper printed and pub lished In said Nye Count v. ! Dated this 22nd day of October, 1909. - MARK Nr. AVERILL, l District Judge 10 2;i-30 11 6-13 SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, In and for the County of Nye. Carrie I. Jewett, Plaintiff, vs. William Jewett, Defendant. ' The State of Nevada sends greeting to William Jewett, Defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above-named Plaintiff in the Dis trict Court of the Fifth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye, and to answer the Complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this Sum mons, if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days; oth erwise, within forty days; or judg ment by default will be taken against you, acordlng to the prayer of said Complaint. The said action is brought to dis solve . the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, as more fully appears from the complaint of the plaintiff on file herein, special refer ence to which is hereby made. And you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said Complaint, as above required, said Plaintiff will take judgment against you as prayed for in plaintiff's com plaint on file herein. Given under my hand and the Seal of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Ne vada, in and for the County of Nye this 14th day of September, In tho Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine. Attest: A true copy. (Seal) ROBERT G. POHL, Clerk, By LOWELL DANIELS, Deputy Clerk. Berry & Cole, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10 9-16-23-30 11-6-13 MOVING PICTURES AT THE WM CASINO NC Entire Change oi Program Each Evening The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught. Received by Carload Direct o -. HEAT WITH GAS THIS WINTER. WHY' HAVE ASHES, COAL DUST AND SMOKE ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE? WHY' CARRY AND ASHES?" ITS JUST AS CHEAP TO HEAT WITH ASK US FOR DETAILS. 9 8 COAL COAL GAS. NEVADA GAS COMPANY Summit 5fe Brougher Phone 1822 MINING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OP HOISTS, CABLE, CARS BUCKETS, ETC. GET OUR PRICES. WIRING SUPPLIES, FIXTURES AND LAMPS AT COST. TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY' PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of. the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within F'uifld banking rules, and we solicit your business fron? this stand point, ' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George .S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher R. B. Govah. W. J. Harris. Oltf OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. APPLICATION XO. 1450 FRESH MEATS Forthe Hot Weather Slaughtered Here in Tonopah MEAT COMPANY T.-G. Notice of Application for Permission to Appropriate the Public Water of the State of Nevada Notice Is hereby given that on the ' 7th day of October, mnn In nccnrri. nncc with Section 25. Chapter XVIII, of the Statutes of 1907, one Burlev and Mny of tioldllcld. County of lia' meralda and State of Nevada, made application to the State Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate the public wuterH of tho State of Ne vada. Such uiiproprlutlon 1m to be made from three springs known as Monte Christn SprlnKS, situated In T. 8 S IS. 45 K.. Nye Co., Nevada, at points in Twp. 8, It. 45 K., unsurveye.l lands, by means of reservoir and dam. and 1- miner's Inn. in to be conveyed to points of use by means of pipe lines, and there used for stock and domestic purposes. Water not to be returned to stream. Kirsl pub. Oil. , m Ijii pub. i. t mm. FHANK It. NICHOLAS, Slate Kna-lneer. Mrs! pub. Vt KTA01.NNSMUILLLL' Oct I-14-23-10. RULING & BINDING of all kinds at 0 BONANZA OFFICE THE H. J. HALL I i LIQUOR COMPANY f FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET 1 TONCPAIi. .... NEVADA. I MUllUUHaillllUIMiaiU'ilumtUUmUIUiUUUilll.i.ilumi,,,.,.,.,!!,,!),,,,,,,,,, j V 4 .