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fOXOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1900. WILL HELP HUSBAND IN HIS HOUR OF NEED DESERTED WIFE OF FRED SKIN NER WILL AID IN DEFENSE FALLS AGAINST RAPIDLY REVOLVING CIRCULAR SAW . L. brown meets with acci dent AT THE MONTANA MINE In order to be near her husband In his hour of need, Mrs. Anna Skiniif r, wife of Fred Skinner, who is awaiting his second trial on the charge of murdering Mona Boll, ar rived yesterday from Tacoma. The devotion of this woman to the hus band who had deserted her to take up with the woman he murdered, is of the kind that defies description. During the first trial Mrs. Skin ner came to this city and by work ing as a domestic, sought to raise funds for the defense of the man whose name she bore and by whom she had been discarded. Every day she attended the trial and when Skinner was sentenced to life im prisonment, the wife accompanied him as far as Reno. From there she moved to Taconia, where she has since resided. Mrs. Skinner visited her husband yesterday at the county jail and the meeting of the two was not without its pathos. The two were allowed to convoke for gome little time through the iron bars that separated them. A jailer attended the wom an for it is the rule of the sheriff's office that no visitors be allowed within the jail without an officer In attendance. when Mrs. Skiner was ready to take her departure, she asked Sher iff Owens regarding the rules for visiting prisoners. "Visitors are allowed on Wednes days and Sundays," responded the sheriff. "When would you like to see him again?" "Every day, if I possibly could," answered the little woman wtih half a sob. "You may come up again tomor row," said Owens, whose heart had been touched by the emotion unin tentionally displayed by . the little woman, who on receiving this per mit showed her appreciation by al lowing a smile to cross her features. At this Mrs. Skinner, who still remembered her marriage vows took her departure, while in his cell the husband who had prom tsea to love, cherish and protect her, and who had broken every promise, sat for a minute on the edge of his bed, and then resumed his interrupted work on a bridle tnat he is manufacturing out of rawhide and horsehair. Yesterday morning a few minutes before 10 o'clock, A. I-.. Brown, who for several years has been employed as carpenter at the Montana mine, nut with an accident that nearly cost him-his life. Brown was en gaged in operating a circular saw when in some manner he slipped and fell against the rapidly revolv ing disc. The sharp teeth of the saw inflicted a wound about 14 Inches in length, extending from the hip nearly to the knee. There happened to be several oth er workmen in the carpenter shop at the time of the accident, who im mediately notified the company of ficials. In turn Drs. Hammond and Clark were summoned and ordered the injured man removed to the Miners' Union hospital, where the wound was dressed. An examina tion showed that the muscles, ten dons, arteries and nerves had been severed and that the hip joint was also Injured. Brown was too weak to give a detailed statement as to how the accident occurred, but it is pre sumed that a misstep was the cause. At a late hour this morning advices from the hospital stated that he was resting easy, with the chances favorable to his recovery Brown Is a married man and re sides in one of the company houses on the Montana hill. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TONOPAH, at Tonopah, in the State of Nevada, at the close of business, November 16, 1909: Resources. Loans and discounts. .. $279,205.00 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured NONE U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 25,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits 1,000.00 Due from Na tional Banks (not reserve agents) . . .$3,027.79 Due fro in State Banks and Bank ers 2,410.17 Due from ap proved re serve agents 113, 3S9. 17 Checks and other cash items . ... NONE Exchanges for Clearing house . ... 2,570.82 Notes of oth er National Banks . ... 520.00 Fractional pa per currency, nickels, and cents 122.48 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 40,280.55 Legal Ten- ' der Notes . 610.00 171,130.98 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).. 1,250.00 WATER CASE BEING HEARD IN DISTRICT COURT OWNERSHIP OF WATER RIGHTS AT DCCKWATER CAUSE OF SUIT The Nevada. First National Bank Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits 9151,000.00 Total Assets 500,000.00 Welcomes and appreciates your business whether large or small and believes its extensive resources developed by years of consistent, considerate, conservative accommodations, a splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory service to the people of Tonopah and vicinity. WHAT'S THE USE OF SIGHING? YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT AT THE TONOPAH NEWS AND STATIONERY CO. We Cany' n Full Line of Stationery, Periodicals, Office Supplies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Etc. A largo shipment of Bishop's Candies just arrived. The best yet. Yours, The Tonopah News & Stationery Co. GEO. L. DUGAN, Manager. Call for our SPECIALS The new Needle and Club sizes 1871 GATO 1371 We have 21 different sizes of the Gato Cigar in stock from 5 cents to 25 cents. Rofholtz Brothers FRESH MEATS For tne Hot Weather Slaughtered Here in Tonopah T.-G. MEAT COMPANY r Total .$477,585.98 AFFAIRS OF NATIONAL BANK IN FINE SHAPE LOCAL INSTITUTION CARRIES A CASH RESERVE OP 57 PER CENT The report of the condition of the Nevada First National Bank of To nopah, as called for by the comp troller of the currency of the United States, appears in detail in another column of this issue. The statement shows the bank to be in Its usual fine condition. The bank's deposits aggregate approximately $300,000, while it has cash on hand and in banks of $170,000, showing a cash reserve of upwards of 57 per cent. The national laws require a reserve of 15 per cent only. The bank has no overdrafts, no items are carried as cash other than act ual coin, and the bank has no real estate loans. This published statement follows four other statements previously published by the bank during the current year, all of which have rf vealed a healthy and flourishing growth of this strong local institu tion. The management of the Nevada First National is in the hands of trained bankers, who are to be con gratulated upon their well deserved success. While the bank is liberal and progressive in its dealings, the Institution is conducted along sound and prudent banking lines. After being in the courts of the state of Nevada for nearly 32 years the Duck water water cases will soon end. Yesterday in the district court in this city the case of Louisa Ir win versus J. C. Tognini et al was called, and the day spent in the ex amination of witnesses. The local court, in the past few months, has been the scene of several hearings relative to restraining orders, orders to show cause and contempt pro ceedings, but this is the first time that the case proper has been heard. A large number of witnesses are In attendance from Duckw&ter and other parts of the state. State En gineer Nicholas will testify, having been called from Carson, as will his asistant, Carl Stoddard. It Is thought that the case will last for several weeks. HE MUST RETURN TO MANHATTAN AND FACE CREDITOR $20 RILL THE CAUSE OF CON SIDERABLE TROUBLE TO E. KAUFMAN NOTICE TO V. & A. M. A stated meeting of Tonopah Lodge No. 28, F. & A. M., will be held this evening In Butler hall at 7:30. Visiting brethren cordially Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. M. DAVIDOVICH. Secy. E. Kaufman, who was arrested tew days ago at Ooldneid on a com- plait from Manhattan, charging that he had skipped out and forgot ten to settle an account of $20, will be taken back to the northern camp tomorrow. Kaufman, on his return to this city In charge of an officer, telegraphed to California for funds but no response has been received. Last evening Chief Mal ley notified Deputy Sheriff Martin son that as no settlement had been made, he had better come to this city and secure the prisoner. Mar tinson is expected to arrive today, and will .probably leave this afternoon. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. .. $100,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. 4,083.17 National Bank notes out standing . 25,000.00 Due to other National hanks . ... $ 006.94 Due to State Banks and Bankers , .. 1,129.52 Individual de posits sub j e c t to check . . . .246.S54.89 Demand cer tificates o f deposit . . . 48,578.40 Cashier's checks . . . 333.06 United States deposits 297,502.81 1,000.00 Total $477,585.98 State of Nevada, County of Nye, bs I, R. T. Harris, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. T. HARRIS, Cashier. Correct Attest: MALCOLM L. MACDONALD JOHN G. KIRCHEN, JAMES H. MONTEATH, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1909. CLEVE H. BAKER, Notary Public. (Seal) NEW PROGRAM AT THE BUTLER TONIGHT Phone to the II. J. Hall Liiji-r company for fresh apple c'der. De livered free to any part ;f town 19tf LEST WE FORGET Memorial day, as Is customary, will be observed by Tonopah lodge No. 1062, Benevolent and Protec tive Order of Elks on the first Mon day in December and It is requested that all members of the order, both local and visiting, attend the regu lar meeting next Tuesday evening, as business of the utmost impor tance will be discussed. J. J. OWENS. Acting Exalted Ruler. Try a Bonanza want ad. There will be an entire change of program at the Butler theatre to night. In addition to Tracy Mc Dermott, who still continues to de light large crowds, there will be five new pictures shown. The pro- gram for tonight is, "A Game of Chess," "Eventful Trip," and 'What's Your Hurry," comic, and 'Gibson Goddess," dramatic, and the feature film, "Hand Organ Man," also dramatic. These pictures will be shown tonight, Saturday and Sunday nights and at the mat inees Saturday and Sunday. Ladles of the Maccabees' sheet and pillow slip ball, December 15 Door prize given. . All are invited. MISCELLANEOUS ONOPflH CLU I Headquarters for Everybody! I All sporting events are recorded on our bulletin boards Hizpofi Hotel A. Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Cold Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES NOTHING BUT THE BEST HANDLED AT THIS BAR.. MINING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF HOISTS, CARLE, CARS BUCKETS, ETC. GET OUR PRICES. WIRING SUPPLIES, FIXTURES AND LAMPS AT COST. TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within p-und baDking rules, and we solicit your business Iron? this stand point. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M., Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Walley Hot Springs Genoa, Nevada. A first-class health and pleasure resort, open winter and summer. Hotel and cottage accommo dations; tablo the best, and the baths are famous for their cures of Rheu matism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Our reserve is alive with ducks. Deer, grouse and mountain quail In the near by hills, also good trout fish ing almost at our door. Rates $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 per weck.i Including baths. Fare $2.85 via V. & T. Rv.. Reno to Minden, where our stage meets train dally: fine six-mile drive to tint Springs. M. L. HEWITT. Manager Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ' ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 24 Tonopah Block wMewhotel BISHOP, CALIFORNIA. Under New Management. Entirely Renovated. Table Unsurpassed. GEORGE LEIDYj MANAGER. PROFESSIONAL CAR.DS. HEAT WITH GAS THIS WINTER. WHY R.'.VK ASHES, COAL DUST AND COAL SMOKE ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE? WHY CARRY COAL AND ASHES? IT'S JUS'!' AS (HEAP TO HEAT WITH GAS. ASK US FOR DETAILS. NEVADA GAS COMPANY Phone 1822 Summit St. Brougher McLean and McSweeney HAY, GRAIN AND FEED STUFFS "GOLD MEDAL" AND RAKER'S XXX FLOUR, CEREALS, ETC. "SOCMAN'S LILLY" BLACKSMITH COAL, GUARANTEED. SUGAR. SALT AND CANNED GOODS. 82 Lower Main St. Phone 85 MOVING PICTURES AT THE ftjG fASINO QX, NC. Entire Change of Program Each Evening The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught. . Received by Carload Direct 2 A. L. HUDGENS DENTIST Phone 942; Residence, 13 Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to P. m.; 7 to 10 evenings. Rooms 1-2-3, Tonopah Block TONOPAH. NEV. W. B. P1TTMAN ATTORNEW AT LAW rracuces m all the Courts of State. OFFICE STATE BANK BUILDING, TONOPAH, NEVADA. the CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Stat Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cookp Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Ne NOTARY IN OFFICES Si . KEY PITH IAN, Attorneyat-Law, Suite Bank Building, Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associates, Rawhirio, Nevada. WANTED One hundred water con sumers. Apply White Mountain Water company, or ask dtiver for card. Our wagons go everywhere. WANTED A competent woman or girl for general housework. In quire at this office. 9 tf FOR SALE One new two-horse puwer Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B, Bonanza office. tf THE BONANZA takes copy for ad vertisements of all kinds up to midnight. FREE A CHANCE TO GET EITHER ONE AT McKim's Store Have a Couch or a Morris Chair FREE WITH EVERY ONE DOLLAR CASH PUR CHASE Investigate OUR STOCK IN ALL LINES IS UNSURPASSED, ROTH AKTiciiK Ai iiwaiau run ks is A karuain, AND IN ESS EVERY DAY NO HOT AIR. NUFF SED. IN QUALITY AND rtvi.p EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WE IK) BUS- H. A. McKIM