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rOXOPAII DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 10O9. the present sheriff filed his suit and set up the claim to the fees, ag gregating $1200, due him as ex officio tax assessor of the county, and 12,003.65 salary as sheriff from July, 1905, to December, 1906. The cases were tried before Judge Stevens, who found for the sheriff, and the defense took the matter be Temperature Report ILOOl PECIAIL LOOK! I Yesterday's hourly temperature record at the weather bureau office was as follows: 5 a. m 3 6 a", m 42 7 a. in 40 S a. m 41 9 a. m 43 ' 10 a. m 43 11 a. m 4 4 12 (noon) 4 9 1 i. m 49 0 ay Sale for aturd Cash V All Kinds of Fine Bishop Poultry for Today Fancy Creamery Butter Per 11-2 Pound Roll - Fresh Ranch Eggs Per Dozen - - - - 5Sc 45c Fancy Selected Santa Rosa Eggs Per Dozen - - Very Best Eastern Hams Per Pound - - - - Home Rendered Lard, Per Pmm& 15c R Vegetables Sold for HALF PRICE After 4 p. m. See os for THANKSOiVl T. & G 5VJEAT 1 60c I 4iVt jj W, TIIRKFYS I I 1 .J 1 irottaaasr-ggmmaiX. wimp j H fore the higher court. NOW IS HIE TIME. The San Francisco Bulletin is now arriving in Tonopah vwenty-four hours earlier than heretofore and consequently the readers of that pa per secure the latest news several hours earlier than that published in the other city papers. Now is the i time to take advantage of the offer w hereby you can secure the Daily Bo nanza and the Bulletin for th of $1.25 a month. 2 p. m : p. m 4 p. in ; p. m. 48 48 51 45 Highest temperature a year ago. 31; lowest, 37. 1 Finn hnt chicken tamales at the Puhire of Sweets. 1" t? If you have any old volumes you .vish rebound call at the Bonanza bindery. The Enannza "r.a thw most com p!et ruling and binding riant in th state. Give us a trial. H2EZ2 YE AND QRMSDY CASE STILL IN COURT AT CARSON The Nye and Ormsby County bank was still in progress at Carson yes terday and much testimony of inter est has been adduced. The case will probably be fin ished this evening. At any rate At torney Boyd will return to Reno to night so as to he present at the Tal bot hearing this evening. During the proceedings yesterday Attorney Chartz, after stating that Mr. Iloff- niRn desired more time to produce the voluminous records of the banks demanded by Boyd, asked the court to indulge him while-he made a statement. He started out by disclaiming any desire on his part or on the part of his clients, Frank Golden and the First National bank, to hinder the investigation under way, but he must protest against any further ex amination of the minute book of the board of directors of the bank by Boyd and Salisbury, attorneys for the receivers of the Nye and Ormsby County bank, and he intim ated that he would be pleased to al low them to examine it in private but that he would object as long as life lasted to a public examina tion. He stated also that publicity giv en to this case by the newspapers has hurt the First National bank", and that if it is kept up it will break the bank, though in almost the same breath- he stated that the United States bank examiner had been through the institution lately, and has pronouced its management as good, its business condition first- class, and complimented the bank upon its showing. Chartz deplored publicity and he protested against any further show ing to Boyd and Salisbury of the private affairs of the First National bank. He offered to give full, free and instant sight of every scrap of paper in the First National vaults that will throw the least light on the matter in hand1) and then asked the court to compel counsel on the other side to specify what certain books, papers and records were de sired to further the ends of the in vestigation. He said that the only reason that Boyd insists upon examining the minute books is from personal feel ing and malice and revenge toward Golden and that tho examination would serve no other end whatever except to ruin the First National bank, the clientele of which already was uneasy. He stated that he went too far on Tuesday evening in allowing counsel to examine the book and that he should be discharged for so doing; but that his feelings were so out raged by counsel, who compelled him to leave the table where they were examining the book, that he was driven away and could not fur ther remain and overlook the nota tions of counsel, taken, he was con vinced, from minutes other than those that pertained to the matter in hand. And the depositors and the public exclaim, oh, what rot! Ed. MORE POWER BEING OFFERE I NEW TRIAL DENIED IN JENHS CASE JUDGE AYFR1LL HANDS DOWN DECISION IX DISTRICT COURT YESTERDAY TRUCK EK CHUTE POWER BEING OFFERED FOll SALF MAY HE TAKKX The motion by counsel for the defense in the case of O. F. Jenks versus the Nye and Ormsby County bank, for a new trial, which was made in the district court several weeks ago, was denied yesterday by Judge Averill, who submitted h's ruling in the matter. The Jenks case, as it was called, attracted considerable attention last July,, when it was being heard be fore the court. The plaintiff se cured judgment for several thous and dollars against the defunct in stitution, and from the present ap pearances, judgment will be all that he will secure. It is understood that the attorneys for the defendant will now appeal the case to the su preme court. The reclamation department is advertising for bids on from 2000 to 2500 horsepower now going to waste at the Truckee chute, and bids will be received at the Fallon office up to and including December 11. Contrary to the usual rule, no exactions were made by specifica tions or positive forms of contract, but the bidder is free to deal di rectly with Project Engineer Thom as 11. Means and make what would be an offer consistent with individ ual iterests. The secretary of the interior, realizing the urgent neces sity of utilizing the power, which has been wasted from the time of the completion of the Truckee canal to tho present, has caused the edict to go forth that he will not refuse to approve and sign and reasonable form of contract that may be rec ommended by Mr. Means. As far as is known there are but two possible bidders for the Truckee chute power. J. B. Daniels, mana ger of the Wonder Mining com pany, has been trying for a long time to perfect an arrangement whereby the Wonder power , ques tion will be solved, but claims that he never could secure a satisfactory contract. Now, Mr. Daniels and whoever else may see in this arti ficial fall of water future power possibilities of value, will have the opportunity, through the good graces of the secretary of the in terior and the project officials, to dicker in a business like way with out red tape entanglements. I cars, had his left ankle crushed un der the wheels. A message was sent to Winnemucca and a special train was sent out to bring the in jured man to this place, arriving here in the afternoon. He was- at tended by Dr. Mangan, who dressed the foot, and the unfortunate man was placed on train No. 10 and re moved to Elko, to be cared for at the Western , Pacific hospital. A dispatch received from Elko this morning stated that Sloan died of his injuries after arriving there. Sloan was about 35 years of age and had been working for the West ern Pacific only a short time. Un til recently he was in the employ of the Southern Pacific. Nothing can be ascertained here in regard to his relatives. Humboldt Star. An Enjoyable Thanks- UHAKKMAX FATALLY HURT AT GRAVEL PIT SHERIFF BRADLEY WINS HIS SUIT supreme court orders , es mkralda county to set- Tr.K OLD BILL i W &i ft It fienjaminCMfo-v giving Day will be yours if you are wearing ainew Benjamin Suit or Overcoat $15 to $30 genjamin Clothes Alfred SenjanynoQ; AKERS EW0?J4 Another fatal accident on the Western Pacific occurred yesterday morning at the gravel pit, about 60 miles west of Winnemucca. Brake man W. F. Sloan, while coupling A judgment of the district court by Judge Theron Stevens in' the suit of Sheriff J. F. Bradley for fees amounting to $400, alleged by him to be due for collecting licenses and taxes during 1905 and 1906, has been upheld by the supreme court, to which it was taken following the determination of the tVial in the local courts, according to telegraph ic advices received yesterday. The suit grew out of the refusal of the county treasurer to pay Cap tain Bradley the amount demanded by him as the fees in the two cases appealed, and that the former amount involved about $7000. At about the time the demand was made for the settlement by Captain Bradley the county filed suit against the former sheriff, asking that he return to the county a sum reck oned at about $3000, which he was alleged at the time to have held out as fees, and to which he was said not to be entitled. In 1906 The Toggery Jacob Sands, Mgr. I THESH.KJ.IHALL LIQUOR COMPANY a 3 : TDK FINEST OF WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS KEPT IN STOCK. Jj : 1U NO VI" PHONE 813 AND YOUB ORDER WILL BE DELIVERED a : IMMEDIATELY. 3 FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED L 1 LOWER! MAIN STREET TONOPAH, - - - - NEVADA. M2 : San-:.- - ! n