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r rONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TOXOPAH, X EVA DA, TUESDAY. XOVKMr.EK 30. 1909. B. S. Giles, a Pioneer pioneer, is up from the south. Deputy Sheriff A. C. Martinson is in from Manhattan. Thomas S. Carnahan is in from the Liberty district. W. E. Lawson left yesterday morning for Reno and Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey McDermott came over from Goldfield yester day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Keith came over from Goldfield yesterday morn ing. Major J. II. Monteath is back from a trip to the south end of the county. Jack McO'immon departed yester day for Golden Arrow, where he is interested in mining property. Dr. A. H Elftman leaves this morning for Golden Arrow to in spect his mining holdings in that district. S. P. Santos, of Manhattan, ar rived yesterday from the northern camp to testify before the grand jury relative to the alleged . high grading cases. J. H. Klein, who for the past few years has occupied the position of chef at the Montana cafe, yesterday purchased the interest of W. W. Pangburn in the business. J. P. Crosby, of the Butler the atre, came over from Goldfield yes terday morning to copsult with Jake Goodfriend. He returned to the southern city on the noon train. Sheriff J. J. Owens returned Sun day from Carson where he escorted Ascension Mangana. who is to be executed February 11 for the mur der of Byron Nelson, at Leeland, last June. John G. Kirchen, of the Exten sion, returned last evening from Rhyolite, where he was called by affairs in connection with the Mont gomery Shoshone, of which he is general manager. Former District Attorney P. A. McCarran passed through this city yesterday enroute from Goldfield to his home in Reno. Mr. McCarran is defending .Tuck Sheridan, who is being tried for the murder of his wife. Clinton B. Fisk, newspaper tind theatrical man, a son of General Clinton B. Fisk, founder, of Fisk university of Nashville, Tenn., was found dead in bed this morning. He had been ill only a few days. He was a native of St. Louis, and was formerly city editor of the New York Journal and later of the Chicago Examiner and then became connected with Keith and Proctor's theatrical enterprises. A year ago he came to San Antonio to engage in newspaper work. His mother, Mrs. Clinton B. Fisk, and a sister, live in New York. His wife, Mae Isbell Fisk, is an actress now playing in London. STOCK MARKET .Montana took a spurt on yester day's session of the San Francisco stock exchange, and advanced four cents. Midway closed one point to the good. Extension dropped a point. Goldfield Consolidated, after the large daily advances of ' last week, suffered a decline of lo cents. Flor ence also backed up for 10 cents. Booth advanced one point. The following quotations are fur nished by Broker H. E. Epstine: Tonopah District Tonopah Mining . . . 6.50 6.70 Montana io Tonopah Ex 49 .53 MacNamara 28 .29 Midwav 17 .20 Belmont 66 .70 West End ; . .22 .24 North Star -02 Rescue -02 Jim Butler 10 .11 Goldiicld District TWO KILLED IX PASSENGER WRECK By Associated Press OLYMPIA, Nov. 29. A Northern Pacific passenger, train .ran into a washout tonight, killing Engineer Wyandt and Fireman Forrest. HT.ACTC HANDS WRECK XEW YORK TEXEMEXT Consolidated . ...... 8.00 Columbia Mt .06 Booth . 10 Atlanta 10 Florence 2.70 Daisy 08 Comb. Fraction 51 Miscellaneous Mayflower Con 09 Valley View 02 Pittsburg Silver Pk. Manhattan Con 8.05 .08 .11 .11 2.75 .09 .52 .10 .03 .65 .05 MANY PEERS SPEAK ON BUDGET ' AT ; ; J 1 of efficiency in the ' By Associated Press NEW YORK, Nov. 29. A tene ment, whose owner has been receiv ing black hand letters, was wrecked tonight by dynamite which was dropped down a chimney. CL1XTOX II. FISK IS FOUND DEAD IX RED By Associated Press SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Nov. 29. By Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 29. Lord Morley, secretary of state for India, in a powerful speech in the house of lords debate on the budget, quoted Burke to the effect that the upper house had no right as to the dispo sition of the public purse. He said the matter could not be submitted to a referendum. He refused to be lieve there is any danger from so cialism in England, but said the whole world watches the struggle. Many other peers spoke but were against the budget. is its key-for-every-charader keyboard. One simple stroke prints any chara&er. This saves time, increases speed and insures accuracy. Model 1 0 Visible Write (or information to The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Inc. Syracuse, N. Y. Branches .- Hii everywhere ysal-.J1: Tj.-.jjtH1" 6v n Complete, Straight Line Keyboard Removable and Interchangeable Platen. Ball Bearing Carriage Reversible Tabulator Rack Simple Stencil Cutting Device Drop Forged Type Bail Perfect Line Lock Bichrome Ribbon Uniform Touch Ball Bearing Type Bar Column Fiider and Paragraphel Decimal Tabulator Visible Writing A Key 'or Every Character Perfect Lrasing Facilities Interchangeable Carriages Right and Lett Carriage Release Levers; Swinging Marginal Rack Protected Ribbon Gear Driven Carriages Ribbon Controlled from Keyboard Variable and Universal Line Spacer Perfect Dust Guard Back Space Lever Carriage Retarder Improved Marginal Stops Escapement, Speediest Ever Devised ' These are features which make the Smith Premier the choice of the man who investigates comparative advantages. AUC A ff.''fl"l'ilfJ'fwHl"l'"Jll" My Stock is Completely New and I have no old stuff to work off on the public- Tonopah Jewelry Store E. DOBROWSRY OUR PRICES ARE lower than ever la " 7 mi Ia , Mi m$lan6) mm fcxX lLL fy I' " Vo J .... r- MT r. t ti 4 7EFFRIBS LiKES THE STAGE J 1 .!r.. ,T0 i 'J ,lN Si- ,d f& "Ml V C JOmM; . a . y - v - - mi ( ,1 V ' fyz n a ' W ffj lb 4.KE G00O- iqiEND MAY iA NG OP A r,T PUPSE WAi f.K , MLit V iff . FORMER TONOPAH LADY PASSES AWAY AT PHILADELPHIA NEWS OP DEMISE IS RECEIVED IX THIS CITY YESTERDAY t IS NOW HAS FOOND-sJ&t- GOLD IN Ax HER STRErdJ, L K T I V LA Mn ' ij j n jL ' 1 J V XIX N aT , ?- o s T X ' a. T H At . I COXDUCTS KKKYICES IN SPITE OF DISMISSAL Mrs. J. Kelly, of this city, yester day received word from Philadel phia announcing the death of Mrs. W. E. Lindsay, who passed away November 19, and who formerly was a resident of Tonopah. . Mrs. Lindsay had many friends here, hav ing resided here for several years. A little over a year ago she depart ed for Philadelphia with her hus band, and since that date they had made their home in the Pennsyl vania city. Mr. Lindsay, it will be remem bered, had charge of the plumbing work in a number of our local buildings, among them being the Miznah hotel. By Associated Press DENVER, Nov. 29. Despite the formal notice of his excommunica tion from the church, which was read in most of the churches of the Catholic diocese of Colorado, Father J. P. Carrlgan, pastor of St. Pat rick's church, conducted services be fore a large congregation yesterday. Father Carrlgan himself read the formal notice of his excommunica tion by Bishop Matz to his parish- loners. He then discussed the no tice in detail, explaining charges brought against him by Bishop Matz, and characterizing the docu ment as "The last stroke of a des perate man consumed by the spirit of revenge against his brother." PERFORM SYMPHONY ABOARD AIRSHIP Pure apple cider delivered free to any part of town by the II. .T. Hall Liquor company. , I'.M.f By Associated Press BERLIN, Nov. 29. A symphony on Zeppelin's ballooning tour was performed today and an automobile horn was used in the orchestra. It was the most modern of music. By Associated Press BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 29. All indkataions point to a majority of 16,000 to 20.000 in Alabama against the prohibition constitution al amendment at the election today. PIONEER STORE LOTHROP-DAVIS CO., INC. FOR. Mose's Best flour Our Taste Canned Goods Gilt Cdqe Butler TEX RlCKARO TH 81 G -,6 HEARD PROM r ti ir oTnnr cad am i a t itv 1 inc. o 1 rui vurtL.i 1 1 PHONE 262 j A II Y WITH THE SltlRTS