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TOXOPAH DAILY BOXAXZA. TONOPAH, XETADA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1909. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA i'?o!np1 Every Womins, Monoay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada 1 1 s W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH BOOTH Associate Editor to the Governor. Member of AMK:latl Ir;sit TERMS OF H UBSCRrPTf OX One ysar 12.0 J j Three montha S 3.50 Nina months lO.OOIOne month .. 1.25 Six month 6.75 j One week 3o 3iibHcripUonH by mall must be paid In advance. FOR CASH ENDING DECEMBER 4th THE LEADERS OF OUR HOLIDAY SPECIALS. DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE MONEY SAVERS. EVERY HOLLAR COUNTS DWIING THE HOLIDAYS. 10 UK V A P.O. A reward of $10 will be paid for Information that will lead to the ar reat and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from stihHcrlbera. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Entered at the Poatolflce in Tonopan as second class matter. NEARLY A MILLION AT $1.25 PER. An alleged evening newspaper in this city has announced that henceforth the price of suhacrlption will be but $1 per month. In accordance with thia announcement, the Tonopah Dally Ronanza, the paper that prints the news and as a consequence has F.eeured the InrgeKt circulation of any dally in southern Nevada, will continue to charge $1.2"j per month. We are giving our suh Hcribers their money's worth, otherwise the price might be re duced. Of course-, if we printed a local newH item only occasion ally, wo would be forced to make the cut. Hut he reader can al ways find several pages of local news in the Bonanza, that is when there Is news, and there hann't been a day during the past year that we have been forced to place scare heads over an item referring to an outside district where a great benefactor resides. Ronnmher, the San FranclHco Daily Bulletin is also delivered with the Bonanza with no extra charge, both papers for $1.25 per month. Subscribe at once, for if. is our aim to have a circulation of one. million by ChriHtmas, and when this mark is reached, no additional subscriptions ' will be received at this office. Better hur ry before It 'is too late. The Daily Bonanza is not falling down the line, but is continually climbing the circulation ladder. The great IfearHt is not in It, with "us" or "we'' when It comes to the larg est circulation. The Bonanza reaches the people and they read It. The advertisers know this. Sunlit Jam and Hawaiian Welman's Assorted Jellies Pineapple , Vegetables Luxury Brand We Carry the Only Genuine Im. Our Choice Brand Regular Price 35c per can ported Pineapples on the Market Pea8 regujar . . . 20c ) Our Price Our Price per can Large 3-pound Cans e9rn't "... 20c J g, 25 cts. 3 for $l.O0 Beans, regular - 20c Per Can I I , Ot'It FRUIT CAKE GOOIilES ARE THE FRESHEST THE MARKET AFFORDS AND OUR HEINZE MINCE MEAT HEADS THE LIST. HEINZ DILL PICKLES OCR SPECIALTY SOUTHERN NEVADA' MERCANTILE CO. Phone 652 The only Store in town where you can buy Quality for Quantity Prices Phone 652 r I CiatBBKSKCMO i HURLEY AND HOFFMAN WILL SOON BE HERE FAVORITE MOI.RHELD ENTER TAIXERS WILL RE AT THE ISUTLKR One of the best performances yet put on at the Butler In now being shown at that popular place of en tertainment. Five up-to-date pic tured, one Illustrated song, and the potpourri of fun by McDermott and Ueruld makes up a great show. Mc Dermott and Gerald are at their very best In tills act. Their sing ing and funny sayings had hie crowd in a roar from beginning to end. This same show will be on tonight and Sunday' night with mat inees today and tomorrow. Beginning next Monday night the management has secured the ser vices of Tom Hurley, a comedian, to entertain it h patrons next week, also MIhs Hoffman to play the piano and sing the llliiHlraled songs. M1i-b Hoffman will he here only one week, when she will return to Gold field to resume her work fit the Lyric, wheYe she Is a favorite, A treat is In store for all attending the Butler next week, as Miss llofl mnn is a very lino singer. NEW OWNERS TAKE OVER THE CITY BAKERY FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS The Nevada Club Will give away, at 8 o'clock each evening, $2 worth of trade checks. For particulars see the bar boy. TONOPAH & GOLDFIELD B.R. LOCAL Trains. No. 7 (Pacific Time) .4U p. m L,v uolclflelu Lv 5.05 p. m.lLv 5.2S p. m. 6.00 p. m. Xo. 23 7.30 a. m.T.,v 8.17 a. m. 8.51 a. m. 9.30 a. m. 9.50 a. m. ! 10.15 a. m. 11. lo a. m. 10.33 a. m. 10.53 a. m. 11.18 a. m, 11.33 a. m. 1.02 p. m, 6.55 p. m. 7.4 d p. m 9.55 p. m. 3.20 4. m.l a. m. 7.11 a. m. 7.48 a. m. Klondvke McSweeney Tononah THROUGH .JACK WHITMAN AM) .GENE HIV KEL WILL CONDUCT THE ESTABLISHMENT Jack Whitman, one of tin; best known chefs in this city, and Gene Hinkel, formerly one of the propri etors of the Frisco eafe, yesterday purchased the City Bakery from Dewar and Hinkel, and are now preparing to thoroughly renovate .felled to wait for some milling fa the place. Roth gentlemen are well versed In the art of concocting ap petizing dishes, which Insures the success of the venture. The estab lishment will undergo a thorough overhauling, for It is the aim of the new proprietors to make the riHtaurnnt as attractive as pofsihle. unco umt ULU ifilnL 0 HAKE FOWEI :k; companies want power I-rom the cueSt IRRIGAT ING CANAL It looks now as though the long period of inactivity In the mines of the Wonder district has come to an end. On account of Us great distance from the mills and smel ters, this district has been com- personal)! HRUXEAl' FIND HAID TO HE A BONANZA After making due allowance for the Influence which the glitter of gold hun upon the average prospec tor when a new And Is made, con uervatlve mining men who have In vestigated the ' reported sensational discovery at the headwaters of Bruneau creek, In northern Nevada, pronounce It unquestionably the making of an important new gold crimp probably one of the greatest In the country, says the Salt Lake I Icrald-Kopublirnn. "The ledge which has created the sensation Is Undoubtedly very rich," said J. W. Oliamhers, one of the re turned prospectors. "It stands 40 feet above the general surface of the surrounding country and runs neross (he canyon, striking north I'Unt anil southwest. It Is GO feet wide, and evidently carries values for Its entire width: over tl width of 10 feet It Is highly Impregnated with values, some of the assays running exceedingly high. "An assay of grab samples taken from " f""t of he lf-dpe returned SMN n Ion. Tlu highest atsay re- saw r.ave values of fTIJ.Ollll turns 1 a ton. "The learned Arm di-ioury was made, I by In D. . Bourne, a prospei ter w lu had worked Ms way ti pnliit from mure Mnulierly portions of Nevada." Advt-rtlre lit tV F.-illv TVMi-r-fa Thomas A. Brlggs came up from the Las Vegas section yesterday. It. M. 'Wampler was an arrival from Round Mountain last evening. Dr. A. It. Elftman was a Gold field visitor yesterday, returning on the evening train. Bert Johnson, who has spent the last few weeks at Bishop, returned to Tonopah yesterday noon. Thomas Gordon, the Round Mountain mining man, came in from the hydraulic camp last even ing. Jj. C. Flynn, a business man nj Pioneer, arrived yesterday from the south end of the county with Inten tions of locating here- W. M. Blewett, who has spent the past summer In the Golden Ar row district looking after his min ing properties, arrived In Tonopah yesterday. J. J. Mullen, who left here sev eral weeks ago quite ill. arrived from Los AngelcB last evening, hav ing fully recovered from his illness. Mrs. Mullen and children will re main in southern California for Ihe winter. CODIFVIN KTATl'TES Vnlter Cole and family have ar rived In this city and will remain here for the next several months while Mr. Cole Is employed In com pleting tile codification of the stat utes of this state under the direc tion of the supreme court. Attor ney Patrick, who has been hero for several months past, has completed Ills end of the task and Mr. Cole will now complete the entire work. Carson Appeal. , cllities to be brought here. From time to time for the past .two years there has been talk of building mills by the two companies having the strongest financial backing, the Nevada Wonder and the Jack Pot Consolidated, and it has seemed sev eral times that the actual work of building was about to commence. In the case of the Nevada Wonder, one cause of the delay has been the difficulty encountered in -procuring an adequate water supply on terms satisfactory to the management. This difficulty -has at last been over come. Economical power next en gaged the attention of the manage ment. Several plans were consid ered, among them that of generat ing electricity at a point on the big Irrigating canal near Fallon, and transmitting it by wire. In the meantime the Jack Pot people have not been Idle. The lo cal manager has been quietly mak ing plans. A rumor has gone out from Fak Ion that three proposals have been filed with the reclamation officials, one by a Boston syndicate, one by the Jack Pot and one by the Nevada Wonder. lt is easy enough to guess what the Jack Pot and Nevada Wonder want with the power, but the Boston outfit complicates the matter somewhat. In any event, the successful bidder will have, to begin in earnest, and keep on in earnest, or lose money on the prop osition, for, as will be noticed, the call for bids mentions a given time, and that pay- for the power must begin at a certain time. Wonder News. COMPROMISE MAY RESULT IN TAXLAW CASE SILVER PEAK COMPANY SHOWS DISPOSITION TO SETTLE 1 There is a possibility that the civil and criminal suits against of ficials of the Pittsburg-Silver Peak company on account of the bullion tax tangle may l)e settled out of court and the court proceedings withdrawn. At the request of rep resentatives of the company, Dis trict" Attorney Tilden departed for Reno yesterday morning for a con ference looking to the settlement ( of the cases, Officials of the mining company have up tothis time per sistently fought the payment of bul lion taxes, and several of them were indicted last summer by the grand jury on charges of perjury in con nection with returns, and civil pro ceedings were also instituted by the district attorney to enforce the payment of the arbitrary assessment levied against the company by Sher iff Bradley. Goldfield Tribune. Ar 2.10 p. m.l 3.35 p. m. Ar Mountain time. Goldfield Klondyke McSweeney Tonopan Millers McLeans Blair Junction Ar "Blair Lv. Coaldale Bock Hill Redlich Tonopah Jet. Mina Hazen Reno Truckee Roseville Sacramento Oakland San Francisco -Osden Salt Lake Ar Trains. No. 2 9.30 a. m. 9.05 a. m. 8.45 a. m. 8.20 a. m. No. 24 1.15 r. m. 12.41 p. m, iz.z p. m. 11.55 a. m. 10.50 a.'m. 10.30 a. m. 10.1 K a m Lv 9.00 a. m. 9.51 a. m. 9.35 a. m. 9.25 a. m. 8.52 a. m. 9.05 a. m. 3.30 a. m. 112.50 a. m. 10.55 p. in. 3:su p. m. 3.10 p. m. 11.52 a. m. 11.20 a. m. Lv Lv I 6.40 a. m. Lv11.30.p. m PALACE H0TE! ROOMS: 75c. $1.00, AND LP All Outside Uooitk Butler Theater The Popular Show House. Every Tonopah visitor dines the Thomas Grill in Reno. at GOLDhlELD ROY WINS RHOADEH SCHOLARSHIP Rev. Richard T. Wilton has re ceived word from his son, Stanley May hew Wilton, attending the Uni versity of Nevada, that he was one of several who took the test for the Khondcs scholarship and had won Ihe appointment. This entitles the winner to a course in an English university and a stipend of $l'oi a year. Everybody in it! '"J I I No Chances Taken A Sure Winner for?Each and Every One. 10 per cent on every cash purchase on every article in the house "Fr fF$& on our already Low y u y a prjfCS mpans -mi!rh A $5.00 Shoe, Hat or any former $5.00 article will cost you only $4.50. it "3ff- ... .V- Four Bits Saved is Four Bits Made and that you can save by buying at THE BIG STORE. Sale starts TODAY and continues until DEC. 24th YAM & STEPSON s Pllle upple cider delivered free to any part of town b jnt II .f. II. iM l.lipior KHiipnnv 1:1 T l'ht Poaiiiua iuis. ttie most com pl.t ruling iiiul binding hint In th -state. Give us a trial. Automobile Fare TO MANHATTAN PARROTT & RENNIE Phone 1782 AND Illustrated Songs Entire Change of Program Monday, Wednesday and Friday ' MATINEES SATURDAY AXD SUNDAY, 2 P. M. GOOD COMFORTABLE SEATS Admission - 10c BANK SALOON Under New Management Only the Best LIQUORS & CIGARS Fine Club Rooms Courteous Treatment TELEPHONE 1362 J. V. GAVAGAN, P. McKELVEY Proprietors ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS AT Hotel Manhattan TERMS REASONABLE. ""iiuHHissHnp TOYS HOLIDAY GOODS mom Largest Assortment in Town -AT- P.otlioltz Bros., Inc. Leading Stationers. Opposite Postoffice. FREE! Ihv rhild present inK this cou pon when makiiiK a pun-huxe. will le Kive,i (,kel, freo of l.arue, tin- l!,ler theatre. Ti.kets will Im k.mmI for Satur- llNav and Suml.iy mutluee only. out iM ronpon.