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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAII, NEVADA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1000. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Pu'uiishej Every Morning, Monoay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH BOOTH Associate Editor to the Governor. 3Iciuber of Associated Ires TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ,12.0i) Threo months 3.50 . 10.00 One month 1.25 Ore y3ar Nine months Six months 6.75 One week Subscriptions by mall must be paid in advance. $10 REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for Information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Entered at the Postofflce In Tonopan as second class matter. SHOP EARLY Only 7 Days Remain Until Christmas A ONE ACT FARCE. It must have been a rather dignified occasion when President Frank Coiflon of the North Star, borrowed $30,000 from President Kranlf Coition of tho Nye and Ormsby County bank. As near as wo can surmise, tho proceedings must have been something like this: President Golden, of the Nye and Ormsby, is seated at his desk in his private office. A knock is heard at the door. Golden arises and calls, "Come, in." Enter President Frank Golden of the North Star. The two shake hands and converse on common sub jools for a minute or two. Finally Golden of the North Star says: "I would like to borrow $30,000 for a few days." "Have you any security?" asks Banker Golden. - "No, hut I will give you my word," responds Golden, the nining man. "lis your word worth anything?" again asks the Nye and OrniMby official. "It. It; new, but. it won't be worth 'a cent inside of two years," Kays the North Star president. (They both laugh and consider tho joke a good one.) "I will call a meeting of the hoard of directors sind have the matter discussed," replies the president of the bank. President Frank Golden of the North Star loaves the office while President Frank Golden of the bank resumes his inspection of a list of over drafts. Finally he taps a bell and one of the bank clerks enters in answer to the call. "Boy," said the banker, "call in the janitor, as we have bus iness of importance to discuss." Exit the boy, who soon enters with the janitor. "Gentlemen, bo seated," sail the president. ' "I desire your opinion on the matter of loaning to the North Star the small sun of $30,000. What is your pleasure?" "Site be a granda scheme. Sura Jlike," says the janitor. "Me, too, Mickey," answers tho clerk. So the mnttcr Is settled and the next day President Frank Golden of the North Star receives $30,000 from President 'Frank Golden of the Nye and Ormsby. Both presidents are satisfied that they have done their duty, one toward, the stockholders of the Nye and Ormsby, and tho other hy the share owners of the North Star. Such Is the art of high finance in the far west. POOR, UNFORTUNATE SPOKANE. Nevada's gain was Spokane's loss when the Industrial Work ers of tho World, a band of degenerate anarchists, were driven from the mining camps of this state, to find a new basis of opera tions In Washington. How bitterly the people of Spokane must regret the coming of these political vermin! Upon the streets of Goldfleld they shouted: "To hell with the flag and God damn tho constitution!" A regiment of the regular army was sent to quell them and they dissipated like mist be neath the morning's sun. Tho last stand they made in Goldfleld was when Nevada's chief executive, who, unutterably grieved that he must do his duty and who did it by requisitioning the troops died. At news of Governor Sparks' death every flag in Goldfleld was half-masted, save one. This was the banner hoisted to the top of the mast by the I. W. W. organization. But the good people of Goldfleld had the coinage to force It to be likewise lowered to half mast. For weeks tho jails of Spokane have been filled with blatant demagogues who attempted to preach the downfall of the govern ment from the street corners. Only yesterday one of the anarchists declaimed: "Once 1 had to take off my hat to a dirty rag, but now I am free. We will sing a song about a flag that Is a flag." As the police led him to jail his audience joined in the an them: "The Starless Red Banner." Starless, indeed, without a ray of hope. Red, indeed, plan ned to be more crimsoned by blood. The wonder is that the state and federal authorities, partic ularly the latter, do not crush the organization ns it would a den of rattlesnakes. Happily the union workers of the United States the' men of brain and brawn who build the homes and occupy them, who are the real industrials, have no sympathy with the band of anar chists from whom Nevada has but recently been freed, Reno Gazette. Another chapter was ended nnd a new one started in the Nye and Ormsby County bank rase at Carson Wednesday when Judge Langnn reduced the bond of Receiver T. G. Lockhart from $300, 000 to $250,000. Probably the judge felt that as the attorneys' fees due the counsel for former Receiver Hall had been paid, there was that much less for the new receiver to handle. The point is well taken. With a couple more suits like the past one, the re ceiver's bond may just as well be eliminated, for there will lie nothing for him to handle except notes. Never Kt it be said that the Bonanza. In order to secure bus iness, kowtowed In the mighty or published an editorial roast which It retrarted In the same breath. Such unprincipled tactics are nauseating tn the nostrils of the public. But what can you rx-P-ct of . person with a cranium resembling an Ingrown singly jointed p'';,imt? As ji i t'liKiiked oa the streets of Tonoitah yesterday. It would be juM about as ea.v tn figure out that $15 conundrum, ns it would be for Jimmy Crime to part Ills Imir In the middle IBM FECIAL SAILE NO. 30 FOR CASH-ENDING DECEMBER 18th PROM THE FOLLOWING YOU CAN SEE AVE ARE NOT MAKING THE USUAL HOLIDAY ADVANCE IX PRICES. WE BUY IX CARLOAD LOTS FOR CASH, THUS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ALL DISCOUNTS Swift's Pride SOA 22 Bars for $1. Per Case $4.25 Our Vegetables Are the Finest the Market Affords A few of our prices: RADISHES 5 bunches for 10c GREEN OXfOXS 5 bunches for 10c GREEN BEANS 3 pounds for 25c WAX BEAXS 3 pounds for 35c LETTUCE ic-r bunch only 5c SPINACH ..3 pounds for 25c Bunch Carrots, Turnips, Beets and Rutabaga 3 for 25 cents Cream of Quality SEGO 9 Cans for $1.00 Per Case $5.15 J Our vp-to-datc line of REFSOLD'S TABLE WIXES has no equal and our variety of CHRISTMAS GOODS heads tho list SOUTHERN NEVADA MERCANTILE CO. Phone 652 Phone Us for Market Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Phone 652 FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS The Nevada Club Will give away, at 8 o'clock each evening, $2 worth of trade checks. For particulars see the bar boy. Self Lighting Cigarettes 25c a box Tom and Jerry Every Day GEJSHSIUBBBttSM ONS HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS NEW OFFICIALS WILL BE STALLED FRIDAY, JAN UARY 7TH IX. Tonopah lodge No. 20, F. & A. M., at Its regular meeting last even ing at Butler hall, held its annual election of officers, and the follow ing were chosen to serve for the following year: P. S. Booth, wor shipful master; A. A. Dewar, sen ior warden; W. R. Cochran, junior warden; M. O. Corey, treasurer; H. H. Atkinson, secretary. The Masons and Order of Eastern Star will hold a joint installation on January 7. Thomas S. Lindsay will install for the Masons, while Mrs. Elnert W. O'Connell will officiate la a like capacity for the Eastern Star. Our "want ads" bring results. ATTRACTIONS AT BUTLER THEATRE THIS EVENING MA IX STREET THEATRE COX TIXUES TO BE CROWDED EACH EVENING Another large crowd enjoyed a fine show at the Butler last night. The pictures and songs were pleas ing. Miss Hoffman sang two very beautiful songs, which were well received. Tonight there will be an entire change of program. This pwogram will be shown tonight and at today's matinee and Sunday matinee and evening, with a change of program every night next week except Sun dayl. following is a list of the pic tures to be shown tonight: "Best Man Wins," western drama; "Be hind the scenes," educational; "Racing Buffalos in Madeira." scen ic; "In Wrong," comic. Miss Hoff man will sing two songs. f v 7m We are not retiring from I usincsM. In order to reduce our stock we nre selling at miction and pri vate Hides. OXCE MORE AND THE LAST EXPLANATION. MANY INQUIRIES FROM FRIENDS AND CUSTOM ERS, IMPEL US TO MAKE THIS STATEMENT. ' That we are not jroiiij; out of business in Tonopah. In order to reduce our stock we nre selling nt auc tion, nnd special prices nt private sales. Attend the Auction Sales Sales 2:30 and 7:30 p. tn. Daily GEO. P. BLSKESLEE JEWELER, SILVERSMITH AND OPTICIAN Our Xmas Gooi Have Arrived We have one of the most elegant lines of Xmas Post Cards (25c per doz.), Booklets, Holly Tags, "Per fumes Imported,'' Toilet Waters, etc., ever brought into Tonopah, at most reasonable prices. JOS. CPIERCY PR ESCRI PTION DRUGGIST Day 'Phone 372 Night 'Phone 145 Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA. PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE PHONE 1002 Watch our Window FOR NIGHT SPECIALS CHANGE EVERY NIGHT Yoss and Tatro will furnish Music nt the MONTANA CAFE Sunday evening between the hour of 6 and 8 THE BONANZA takes copy for ad vertisements of all kinds up to midnight. HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS!!! San Francisco and return - $27.60 Salt Lake City and return $40.55 December 22, 23, 24, 30 and 31 Final Return Limit January 10 X. " . V lrn- Secure 'Sleeping Car Reservations NOW Via TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY GAS RADIATORS IX ALL ROOMS Hotel Manhattan TERMS REASONABLE. PALACE HOTEL ROOMS: 75c. $1,00, AND UP All Outside Rooms Butler Theater The Popular Show House. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs Entire Change of Program Monday, Wednesday and Friday MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 2 P. M. GOOD COMFORTABLE SEATS Admission - 10c LADIES' CAPES, SUITS, COATS made to measure and ready-made fits guar anteed at eastern prices. A full line of Furs to select from. CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. MRS. IT BRAXX, RRANN HOUSE, represent ing Chas. T. Stevens and other outfitters. We offer Xmas ShoDDers one nf . ao v " wtoi selected stocks of suitable gifts to he had in Tonopah, comprising.... TOILET SETS, in Finest Ebony and Rosewood, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC PERFUMES, SAFETY RAZORS, PHOTO AND POST CARD ALBUMS, PHONOGRAPHS, AND EVERYTHING IN KODAKS At Prices that are Right UNION DRUG STORE THE H. J. HALL j I LIQUOR COMPANY I C THH FINEST OF WIXES LIQUORS AND C1G HS Km iv- I IUXG I P PHOXE 812 AND YOUU ORDER Vvil I iV?J.?.?T,M'K- 3 fe IMMEDIATELY. will RE DELIVERED 3 ! FAMILY TRADE SOLICIT1 ) 1 LOWER MAIN STREET ! I TONOPAH, .... NVDL 1 0