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l'ONOPAB DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1909. DON'T READ THIS! 0 Unless you are seeking Christmas Presents. The following line is just a few reminders i WATCHES WATCH CHAINS WATCH FOBS WATCH CHARMS NECKLACES LOCKETS B ROCHES COLLAR PINS BEAUTY PINS VEIL PINS LODGE PINS BELT PINS BELT BUCKLES BACK COMBS HAT PINS JET JEWELRY FOUNTAIN PENS CUFF BUTTONS CHATELAINE PINS DUTCH COLLAR PINS COLLAR BUTTONS BRACELETS TOILET SETS SOUVENIR SPOONS MANICURE SETS SIGNET KINGS STONE RINGS SCAUF PINS And thousands of oilier prewnts too numerous to mention. TONOPAH JEWELRY STORE E. DOBROWSKY J . r " Wife,,,, .3 'It... V. -r A V -C J n i i "f.v- j GO.OD.FRI END, WILL OnPRTAlH k THE KI0S NEXT-SUN OA BELIEVE THAT DEATH WAS DUE TO ACCIDENT fPERSONAlJ! LOCAL FRIENDS OK J. A. TIM L1N SCOFF AT SUICIDE THEORY Tf) T f' ill XW1WI a ' W?' , 5S. ' s1 . WHAT WILL HAPPEN MISCELLANEOUS LOST A gold mesh purse. Finder return to Bonanza office. Liberal reward. . " 21tf LOST Coral pin at fair at Miners' union hall. Return to .Bonanza; reward. 21tf WANTED A first-class girl for housekeeping. Phone 2062. 17tf THE HOLLY Mrs. Holly Heisner, formerly proprietress of the Grey stone, is serving first-class meals at the Bacon house. 12 12 FOUISD Elk's tooth charm. Own - er may have same by applying to this office, proving property, and paying for this notice. LOST KEYS Several bunches of keys remain at this office uncalled for. If you have lost your key ring within the last year, call and look over our stock. PITTSBURG AND DETROIT WILL PLAY NEXT MONDAY FULL NINE INNINGS WILL BE PORTRAYED AT THE BUT- LER THEATRE FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B, Bonanza office. tf .FRANK PITTMAN ILL WITH PNEUMONIA Another large crowd attended the Butler last night and witnessed a good show. Tonight there will be another entire change of .program and the management wishes to an nounce that a big cowboy picture will be shown, also an Indian film and three others, all good. Commencing Thursday, Tom Hur ley, a good comedian and singer will appear, in addition to the reg' ular show. On next Monday and Tuesday nights the pictures of the world's baseball championship ser ies between Pittsburg and Detroit will be shown. This is one Of the most interesting pictures ever ex hibited, showing a full nine-inning baseball game, introducing the fam ous Hans Wagner, champion bat ter of the National league, and Ty rus Cobb, the champion batter of the American league. The admis sion will be the same 10 cents. NECiiTIE WILL BE PRESERVED AS IMPORTANT RELIC BILLY DOUGLASS, FOR SECOND TIME, DONS FULL DRESS Friends of J. A. Timlin, whoso body was found a few. days ago in Chicago hotel and whose death was caused by a bullet wound in the abdomen, scoff at the suicide theory and state that they are of the belief that death was due to an accidental discharge of the revol ver found in a suit case beside the body. Timlin had left San Francisco about a week ago for the east, on Dan Corbett, w ho has sp' nt the last cisht months in the Luckyboy district, returned to Tonopah yes-, tcrday. He will remain her? about a month, after which he leaves for Luckyboy, where he is interested in mining properties. George Foley, who answers to the title of "judge," is in from Round Mountain, where he dis penses justice. E. J. White departed yesterday for DIair. Mrs. W. R. McFadden arrived Sunday from Salt Lake and will spend the winter here visiting her husband and daughter. James Byrnes, of Lead, S. U., ar rived yesterday on a visit to hi; nephew, who is a. patient in the Miners' hospital suffering from blood poisoning. Mrs. Dr. C. J. Rif hards and a visit to ms motner ana sister, tne daughter left yesterday for San former being quite ill. Just before j Francisco to visit relatives during his departure he wrote Newton tne holidays. Crumley of the Nevada Club, stat- j c. H. Mace came up from Las lng the purpose or the trip. Mr. Vegas yesterday. Crumley . has known Timlin for a , number of years, both in this stats y.lS MISTAKEN IN and in Colorado, and states that he would be the last man he would ac cuse of committing suicide. Timlin had prepared to go into business in San Francisco, to which city he in tended to return about the first of the year. REGARD TO GUESTS STOCK MARKET M'KIM WILL TENDER PRESENTS ON FRIDAY DOLLAR PURCHASE MAY WIN YOU A HANDSOME MORRIS CHAIR - Frank Pittman is seriously ill at the home of his brother, Key Pitt man, in this city, with pneumonia, resulting from a cold contracted some time ago. While his condi tion is not alarming, every precau tion is being taken. It was intend ed to take Mr. Pittman to Los An geles yesterday but on the advice of Dr. Hammond the trip was aban doned until such time as he has suf ficiently recovered. REMAINS OF DR. HUDGENS TO BE BURIED THURSDAY The remains of Dr. A. L. Hud gens, who died suddenly in this city Monday evening, will be interred at the city cemetery Thursday after noon, the services to be under the auspices of the local lodge of Ma sons. The arangements for the fun eral were completed yesterday.- Try a meal at the City Bakery. TEN STAMP MILL CHEAP The Trustee of tlu' Carlson Min ing and Milling Company, a bank rupt, will sell it Ton Stamp Quartz Mill, including pipe line, machinery, belts and the ground upon which the said Mill is situated, the prop erty of the said Carlson Mining and Milling Company, located in the Golden Arrow Mining District, Nye County Nevada. Said Mill will he sold at public sale at the door of the. Court House in Tonopah, on De cember 22nd, 1909, at 2 o'clock p, m. Tlus property musi ne uisposeu of and no reasonable offer can be refused. For particulars inquire of Baker and Morris, attorneys-at-law, State Bank Building, Tonopah, Ne vada. 12 21-22 Try a Bonanza want aa. Strange events have happened in southern Nevada which have been chronicled in the history of this section. But none more out of the ordinary could happen than to ob serve Billy Douglass attired in a necktie. From those who are in a position to know, Billy has worn a tie but twice during his life time, and on each occasion it was a mat ter of several hours' tiresome work. The first time was at the Elks' con vention last summer in Los Angeles. Billy's ,kind friends wanted him to look half way human and in order to improve his appearance pur chased a celluloid collar and a glar ing red necktie. It took the united strength of the Tonopah delegation to attach the above articles of wear to their proper places on Billy's clothes. After a couple of hours their presence had become tolerated by the wearer and things went along swimmingly. Billy wore that collar and tie for two days, not even taking them off when he retired But on the homeward trip they were cast out of the.v car window and Douglass once more resumed the look of old. The second and last occasion hap pened Monday evening, while Mr and Mrs. Douglass were visiting Tom Kfndall. Mrs. Douglass bor rowed one of Tom's collars and ties and after much persuasion succeed ed in dressing Billy, who resembled a Methodist minister. Billy and Tom yere going out in the country yesterday and in order to get an early start Billy stayed at Tom's house. And of course he slept in the collar and tie. But before de parting on the trip, the two super fluous articles of wear wefe depos ited on the front porch, where they were found last evening. The tie has been carefully packed away in a glass case and will be shipped to Reno to the Nevada Historical so ciety for preservation amons the other relics gathered by this organ lzation, Needless to say Billy third apearance in a necktie is hsing Consolidated On next Friday at 2 p. m. the leathered covered couch and Morris chair will be given away at McKim's store and the lucky owners of two p0'um,ia Mt vaiuaoie articles 01 iurnuure may ill complimented on receiving such deslralle Christmas presents. A dollar cash purchase may win either of the two gifts and, besides, you are . receiving your money's worth when you purchase at Mc Kim's. An - appropriate line of Christmas goods is on hand and every article carries with it the guarantee of the house. Everybody is invited to be on hand at 2 clock Friday afternoon. Yesterday was a day of declines on the San "Francisco stock exchange and a number of southern Nevada stocks suffered small losses. Ex tension was the heaviest loser, with a drop of five points. MacNamara and Belmont each lost two cents. Midway slid back one cent. Flor ence of Goldfield lost two and one- half cents. t The following quotations are fur nished by Broker II. E. Epstine: Tonopah District Tonopah Mining . . . 7.40 Montana Tonopah Ex. . .... .65 MacNamara 28 Midway . ........ .18 Belmont 62 North Star West End . .23 Rescue Jim Butler 09 Yesterday's Bonanza was mistak en in regard to the guests and their nationalities at the birthday dinner given by Fred Magud. The host, Mr. Magud, entertained nine of his own countrymen at the festive board. An elaborate dinner spread was served and after toasts and words of good cheer hail been waft ed to Mr. Magud, the jolly assem blage departed wishing the host many more happy birthdays. Goldfield District FUNERAL NOTICE All members of Tonopah lodge No. 1062, B. P. O. E., and visiting brothers, are requested to meet at the Elks' hall Thursday afternoon. Dec. 23, at 1:30 p. m., for the pur pose of attending the funeral of our ate brother, A. L. Hudgens. H. C. SCHMIDT, 22-2t Exalted Ruler. 8.00 .03 .09 .09 .02 Booth . ....... Atlanta Great Bend . ... Florence Daisy Comb. Fraction . Kewanas Miscellaneous Mayflower 03 Valley View 02 Manhattan Con. . . . Pittsburg Silver Pk. .75 .93 .70 .29 .20 .63 .02 .25 -.02 .11 8.02 .05 .11 .10 .03 2.67 2.70 .09 .45 .06 .10 .47 .07 .04; .03 .04 .76 HOTEL ARRIVALS MANHATTAN W. B. Boett, Golden Arrow; L. D. McKelvey, Mrs. S. Martin, Blair; Stephia Schukle, John Hennigan, C. H. David, Goldfield; Frank Gouve, San Francisco; Mrs. G. Kahle, Mil lers; Dr. J. A. Roberts, Rawhide; O. B. Stein, Thomas D. Rogers. Manhattan. MIZPAH S. W. Looney, Los Angeles; O. F. Riebel, Spokane; H. H. Mil!er, Mil lers; Irving Heer, Round Mountain; John Howson Butler, Hot Creek; F. D. Dalbey and wife, Ludlow; J. J. Jones, Thomas Wilson, Manhat tan; B. L. Doweny, San Francisco. PALACE W. W. Cantrell, R. D. Walker. D. F. Lane, Lone Mountain; Mrs. H. F. Rowe, Manhattan. A DEAD SHOT J. JOHN GREG0V1CH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FISH. POULTRY, ETC.. IN SEASON. TONOPAH ... - NEVADA Mrs. Stevens, wife of Engineer W. W. Stevens of the Mlzpah, re turned Sunday from Oregon, where she spent the past two . months. The object of her trip was to train "Prince," a dog that has developed into a great hunter. Mrs. Stevens is one of the few women who can handle a rifle or repeating shotgun. She is a true sportswoman. She has medals and honors galore. Why not more ladies of her kind who can hunt an dbring home the game? Our stock is new and complete. E. Dobrowsky. Beaded purses are prominent in all sizes. Santa Claus' Headquarters! Dolls, Wagons, Toys, and Books Victor Phonographs and. Records Fresh Home-Made Candies Fine Pipes and Cigars in Special Boxes PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION Automobile Fare Kfl TO MANHATTAN $(.iJU PARROTT &RENNIE - Phone 1782 ROTHOLTZ BROS., INC. Next to Wells-Fargo Express awaited with interest. Quality and quantity at the City Bakery.