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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAII, NEVADA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1000. '.JumaBfcsteii,..:i TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Morning, Monaay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevaaa I For CashEnding on December :24th SPECIAL SALE NO. V. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH BOOTH Associate Editor to the Governor. Member of Associated I'reNs TERMS OF SUHSCRUTION iho year 112.00 Nine months 10.00 Six mouths 6.75 Three months S 3.50 One month . 1.25 One week .3o Subscriptions by mail must be paid in advance. $10 REAYARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. TO SUIJSC1UBEKS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Entered at the Postofflce In Tonopah an second class matter. , No advertising cuts, one inch square or smaller, will be accepted unless made of metal. No wood base cuts of this size will be used. Wood cuts are dangerous to forms and press. SHOP EARLY Only 1 Day Remains Until Christmas LAST DAY OF GRACE TOIl'.tt XMAS PURCHASES IK YOU AllH HARD TO PLEASE, EXAMINE STOCK OF K. DOltROWSKV Today is the last day of grace to purchase your Christmas presents and if you wish to retain the friend ship of one who remembered you last Christmas, just drop down to E. Pobrowslcy's jewelry store and make a purchase before it is too late. Everything imaginable in the list of useful and ornamental pres ents is carried in stock. And it is not old stock at that, as the wares were all purchased this fall. The buyer need not fear that old shop worn goods will be palmed off on him, for it ia on lines directly con trary that Mr. Dobrowsky has built up his splendid business. An earnest invitation is extended to the public to call and inspect the stock and articles will be cheerfully displayed on Request. It is the de sire of the proprietor to please and you do not even have to make a purchase to receive polite treat ment, for all visitors are the recip ient of every courtesy that can be extended. REMAINS OF DR. A. 1 ARE AT REST TONOPAH PIONEER INTERRE') WITH 'KULL MASONIC RITES ' All that was mortal of the late Dr. A. Li. Hudgens was placed to rest yesterday -in the city cemetery. The funeral services, held under 1 the auspices of the local lodge of Masons, of which the deceased was a member, were conducted at the residence, after which the members . of the order in their white aprons, led the cortege to the cemetery. The Elks followed and afterwards came a large number of friends and acquaintances. The full ritualistic work was performed at the grave , and it was impressive to the extreme. Tlw high esteem in which the deceased' was held by the citizens of Tonopah, was shown by the num her who followed the remains to the grave. Many .of the pioneers gath ered and paid their last honors to the one who liad many times be- : friended them during the early days i of this camp. SECURES DIVORCE OX GROUNDS OF D1.SEKTIOX A divorce was granted in the dls- s trlct court Wednesday evening to Edward A. Lester from Oro May lister. The cause shown in the complaint was desertion. They were man led in Kansas in 1906. Mr. l-etitt-r is a resident of Spring dale, while the re.sliietiro of the de fendant ix n to be at Los An- Chrlatinus dinner at tlu City flak-ry--Soii. Turkey and Plum Pud ; dine, 7 3 tU. EACH MIDWAY MINER PRESENTED WITH A TURKEY MANAGEMENT SHOWS LIBERAL APPRECIATION FOR PAST SERVICES WE ARE NOT GOING TO HANDLE TURKEVS THIS XMAS, BUT THE TRIMMINGS WILL BE OUR SPECIALTY. FANCY LARGE CAPE COD CRANBERRIES WHILE THEY LAST 2 Qts. for 25c Free Holly for All Tak ; a look at our windows before preparing the luxuries for your CHRISTMAS DINNER Free Holly ffor All Good Home-Made Bread Head the List FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER Compressed Yeast Will do the Work. We Receive 50 Packages Fresh Daily and are Offering to Our Customers, WHILE THEY LAST One Package Daily, Free of Charge! . NO CASH PURCHASE REQUIRED OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE TH E PEOPLE AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE AN EXTRA EFFORT THIS WEEK SOUTHERN NEVADA MERCANTILE COMPANY Phone 652 Phone in your rush orders, we are prepared to handle them Phone 652 HHBS52S833 That the management of the Mid way yiino appreciates the efforts of the employees, waa shown yesterday afternoon when the day shift re turned from its labors. Each man, in addition to his dinner pail, car ried a huge turkey, the gift of the inine officials. In all there were 55 birds handed put and the fowls were far from being classed as dwarfs in size, for they were the largest that could be secured. The prido with which Jthe gifts were displayed to the less fortunate felow workers in other mines, plain ly showed that the employees appre ciated the act of the management. Tile real appreciation, however, will .not he shown until tomorrow, when the miners will do justice to a Christmas meal fit for a king. Of course the men will not work on this day for it would not be appro priate, and besides the turkey can best be appreciated after a person has lounged 'around the house sev eral hours, getting an occasional glimpse of the bird as it is brown ing in the oven. The only kick we have is that there were not turkeys enough to reach to this office, but then we. al ways did like corned beef and cabbage. KNIGHTS II! COLUMBUS ELECT ' NEW OFFICERS J. E. M'NAMARA IS HONORED I5Y RE-ELECTION TO PRESID ING OFFICE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS The Nevada Club Will give away, at 8 o'clock each evening, $2 worth of trade checks. For particulars see the bar boy. Self Lighting Cigarettes 25c a box Tom and Jerry Every Day G3H! SBsassassas vrnxsvumta a;trtrtJ3i. wo GaEasswam essousssBaa Ctts&xa&susras imESSststB3& ciss WILL GIVE- DOLL AT TDK RUTLER TONIGHT The show at the Ihitlcr last night was one of the best ever presented at this popular place of amusement. The four pictures were fine, and in addition to the pictures Tom Hurley made his first appearance, scoring a hit. The jokes were all good and his singing was well received. Miss Hodkiss, the new piano player and ilustrated song singer, also made a hit. Her piano playing compares favorably with any ever heard here. Totiight there will be another en tire change of pictures. The doll will be given away at the first show. All persons having coupons are re quested to retain same, as the num ber, will he announced to those un able to gain admission. The first show starts promptly at 7 o'clock. COHN FED POIIKER AT NEVADA CLUD J. Grant Crumley, of the Nevada Club, yesterday received a Christ mas gift from a friend in Omaha, in the shape of a corn fed hog. Now Grant is not at all stingy when it comes to letting his friends in on a proposition of this kind, and in order to let everybody have a chance, the porker will be served at the club between Christmas and New Years, or asfong as it lasts. HOLIDAY GREETING! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, With the passing of 1909 we greet you one and all most cor dially. At this holiday time we are counting our blessings, and not the least of them is the fact that we have been honored by your favor? and confidence during the past year AVe express our appreciation. May the new year bring you contin ued happiness and prosperity. Truly yours, E. C. PEART MER. CO. ATTENTION EAGLES. .Tonopah Aerie No. 271, Fraternal Order of Eagles, meets tonight at Elks hall at 8:30 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. E. E. WALKER, W. P. W. L. MOORE. W. Sec. Don't' forget that the leather cov ered couch and Morris chair will be given away at McKim's store today at 2 p. in. Everybody is invited to be present. It Christmas dinner at the City Bak ery Soup, Turkey afid Plum Pud- Our "want ads' bring results. LADIES' CAPES, SUITS, COATS made to measure and ready-made fits guar anteed at eastern prices. A full line of Furs to select from. CALL, AND SEE SAMPLES. MRS. A. T. RRANN, RRANN HOUSE, represent ing Clias. T. Stevens and other outfitters. Tonopah Council, Knights of Co lumbus, held its regular election of officers last evening at Butler hall, which resulted in the re-election of J. E. McNamara as grand knight. The remaining officers are as fol lows: Deputy grand knight, John S. McGinn; chancellor, E. A. Kelle her; recorder, J. P. Stenson; finan cial secretary, William M. Roche; lecturer, Hugh Tarpey; advocate, Bernard Slavin; warden, John Troy; Inside guard, John Grace; outside guard, Martin Kennedy; trustees, D. J. Robb and Frank P. Mannlx. The council will Install the new officers on Thursday, January 13. A MISTAKE IN THE CHRISTMAS NOTICE If the lady, who intended to leave a Christmas notice at this office, and by mistake left a grocery order, will rectify the mistake, the notice will te gladly printed. In the present form we would bo compelled to run a list starting out with a can of pfiis and ending with a head of lettm-. Clu-ijit mua without Tom and Jer ry would mean Just as much to m us Culua New Year dues. Th Uro keia KxihaiiKe saloon will lserve Christina Topvrly. U-;i;t XMAS OFFERING Beginning Today and Continuing Until Xmas Eve We Will Sell Our Famous Adler Suits for Men On our already moderate prices. Adler Suits are not only "Classy," l'ut retain their shape and have quality. STETSON HATS lly express, in latest shapes, wxkwear and Fancy Underwear lit modest prices. X, R. " Don't forget look over our natty and useful dis play of Xmas (iifts Our Xmas Goods Have Arrived We have one of the most elegant lines of Xmas Post Cards (25c per doz.), Booklets, Holly Tags, "Per fumes Imported." Toilet Waters. etc., ever brought into Tonopah, at most reasonable prices. ' JOS. C. PIERCY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Day 'Phone 372 Night 'Phone 14.1 HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS!!! San Francisco and return - $27.60 Salt Lake City and return - $45.55 December 22, 23, 24, 30 and 31 Final Re! urn Limit January 10 1 i"i V 5? Secure Sleeping - Car Reservations NOW Via TONOPAH AND GOLCFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY GAS liADIATORS IN ALL ROOMS Hotel Manhattan TERMS REASONABLE. Wittenberg Warehouse, & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA. PER FOB YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1002 Music Every Night! - AT THE MONTANA CAFE Engage Tables for XMAS DINNER THE BONANZA bftes copy for ad vertisements of all kinds up to midnight. SHERIFFS SALE. M. Brooks, Plaintiff, versus .T. Q. Crumley, Defendant. Unler and by virtue of an execu tion issued out of tlie District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the Coun ty of Nye, and to me directed and de livered for a judgment rendered In said court of the 22nd dav of Decem ber. A. D. 190!i, In favor of M. Brooks and against J. G. Crumley, for the sum of Seventeen Hundred ($1700.00) dollars, In United States gold coin, together with costs of suit and Inter est, I have levied on all the right, title, claim and interest of said de fendant, of, in and to the following property, to-wlt: 53,857 shares of Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company's stock, standing on the books of the said company in the name of J. O. Crumley; said stock being represented by certiilcate Nos. as follows, viz: Cert. No. 36 for 10,000 shares Cert. No. 37 for 20,000 shares Cert. No. 38 for 10,000 shares Cert. No. 39 for 5,000 shares Cert. No. 5t for 4,691 shares Cert. No. 59 for 4,166 shares Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 30th dav of December. A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, I will sell all the right, title and interest of said defendant, J. G. Crum ley, of, in and .to the above described property, or so much thereof as mav be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's claim, besides all costs, interest and accruing costs. The sale will take place at the Of fice of the Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company, Room 24 in the Tonopah Block, in Town of Tonopah, Nve County, Nevada, at public, auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder. Dated December 21st, 1909. J. J. OWENS, Sheriff, By VAIL PITTMAN, Deputy. Our stock is new and complete. E. Dobrowsky. SELECTION OF GIFTS 1171? can help you more in a minute in the store than we can in an hour in our Ads. Come in' and see what a well chosen lot of suitable and dainty ytfts we can show this year. THE UNION DRUG STORE RYAN & STENSON hTe BONANZA for First-Class Printing I rPTYTTl TT T TT ATT - 1 LIQUOR COMPANY j TiiE 1 1. NEST OK WINES LIQUOJ5S AND Ul(ai;S REIT IN STOCK 3 Is :X I P IMIOXK H12 AM) VOIR OKDER WILL HE DKMVEKKD IMMEl'IATEI.V. 3 1 FAMILY TRADE SOLICIT j f LOWER MAIN STREET i TONOPAH, .... NEVADA. a,i.utti.iiiitii.iii:uttuiiUuiiiiyiiMtifUtult)tt,ulM,lilAl,1,,tia)MiL,UL j