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TOXOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, XEVADA, SATURDAY, JANUARY rJOIO. JONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Morning, Monaay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada ! CALL IN I) GET QU 0 .j p U N I ON LA B F L W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH BOOTH Associate Editor to the Governor. Member of Associated Pre TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION One y?ar $12.00 Xine months 10.00 Six months C.75 Three months $ S.50 One month 1.25 One week 3o 1.1 AN I $10 REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for Information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. Subscriptions by mail Entered at the Postoffice in No advertising cuts, one inch square or smaller, will be accepted unless made of metal. No wood hafe cuts of this size will be used. Wood cul are dangerous to forms and press. SERVED HIM RIGHT. "Dismissed for insubordination" is the reason given by President Taft for dispensing with tW services of Gilford Pin chot, chief forester, who was appointed to office by former President Roosevelt. It has long been the rule in goyernment circles to look to the heads of the different branches for infor mation, but this fact appears to have been forgotten by Piii chot during his controversy with Ballinger, and he unhesitat ingly revealed official secrets to all who desired to listen. Not even content to await the official congressional investigation, the forester cast his gauntlet Into the arena with the result of losing his billet. Pinchot may have been right in his statements concerning the land frauds, but this did not grant him permission to usurp the power of his superiors and make the different heads of the bureaus the laughing stock of the nations. Drastic meas ures are taken at times to uphold the dignity of the United States and the action of President Taft will be commended by the public, which demands fair play in all public transactions. The president has done his duty well. HIGH CLASS PICTURES SHOWN AT THE BUTLER EXCEPTIONAL GOOD PROGRAM HAS BEKN ARRANGED FOR THIS EVENING.' Today there will be an entire change of program at the Butler theater at "both matinee and even- ins performances. The pictures, of which there will be four, are of 'the very latest subjects and show both comedy and dramatic scenes. In reality the show is among the best offered at the pop ular place of amusement. In ad dition to the films there will be two illustrated songs. The program will be as follows: "Two Chums Looking for a Wife," comedy; "In India," scenic; "A Bride and Groom Taking a Walk Through the Zoo olgical Gardens of New York," a howling comedy; and "Pathe" lat est European craze, "Death of the Duke b' Englein. This is a colored film and is regarded as one of the best dramas ever shown by a mov Sng picture. The admission at both matinee and evening performaices remains the same, 10 cents. STOCK MARKET The glowing reports from big strike made recently in the the Belmont was the cause of the jjtock advancing 10 cents yesterday. From appearances this gain is only a pre liminary to the advancement, that will follow in the next few weeks when the price should be almost doubled. Montana advanced one point. Extension dropped back 4 cents. Goldfield Consolidated declined 20 cents while Florence gained three points. The following quotations are fur nished by Broker H. E. Epstine; Tonopah District. Tonopah Mining ..$6.62 ... Tonopah Ex 65 ' Montana 83 MacNamara 26 Midway 18 Belmont 98 North Star 01 Rescue . West End ........ .22 Jim Butler 09 Goldfield District Goldfield Con $7.65 Columbia Mt Booth 09 Great Bend ' .03 Florence ......... 2.70 Daisy " 08 Comb Frac .37 Kewanas 06 Miscellaneous. Mayflower Con .02 Valley View - .02 Pittsburg-Silver Pk.. .88 Manhattan Con 02 .67 .28 .20 v .1.00 .02 .02 .24 .10 7.70 .05 .11 .04 2.75 .09 .40 .07 .03 .90 .04 TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. must be paid in advance. Tonopah as second class matter. BURGLARS SECURE SMALL CHAXfll The Misses Flora and Frances Smith, who returned several days ago from the coast where they spent the holidays, reported t) Chief of Police Malley yesterday that their residence had been en tered during their absence. Th only articles of value missing are two dime banks containing a sma'l amount of money. The authorities have a fairly good clue to the bur;; lars and the arrests will probably be made within the next few days. SECURE NAMES FOR NEXT TRIAL .JURY After spending nearly all of yes terday securing the names for the next trial jury, the commissioners adjourned last evening having se lected 400 prospective jurymen". A few other minor affairs were settled and the board expects to adjoi;rn today. CALIEXTE IS SWEPT BY FLOOD The little town of Caliente, in Lincoln county, has been complete ly swept away by floods caused by the melting snows in the mountains above. Hardly a building was left standing and those not entirely de molished by the rushing waters are totally unfit for occupancy. : The inhabitants fled to the surrounding hills and were forced to undergo many hardships owing to a lack of clothes and provisions. The disas ter occurred Wednesday and from the brief reports sent out it is un derstood that one death resulted wnen a section hand on the rail road was drowned. XEW BAILIFF AT THE COURT HOUSE W. M. (Billy) Grimes, for a number of months past has offi ciated as bailiff of the fifth judicial district court, resigned from that position last night and today will take -up the duties of chief deputy in the office of the auditor and re corder. Sheriff J. J. Owens has appoint ed W. R. McFadden bailiff to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Mr. Grimes, and the new official will take up the gavel this morning. ' .M THIRD SUIT FILED GAIXST NORTH STAR A third suit was filed yesterday against the Tonopah North Star Tunnel ard Decelopment company yesterday. The plaintiffs in this action are Campbell, Metson and Brown, who are seeking to recover the sum of $1,000 due for legal services. The two former suits were filed by Key Pittman and by the First National bank of San Francisco, the latter holding a note for $30,000 which was originally held by the Nye and Ormsby coun ty bank. Try a Bonanza want ad. 6 5 2 I i WE Q SOUTHERN NEVADA MERCANTILE COMPANY fPERSONAL X. H. Nix of Blair is in town for a few days. Dave Holland was" a Goldfield visitor yesterday morning. Dr. R. J. Mapes went to Gold field yesterday morning on a busi ness trip. Charles E. Knox, president of the Montana Tonopah, arrived yes terday from his home at Berkeley W. R. Williams returned yester day from Sacramento where he spent the holidays with his mother and brother. Fred Seybolt was among the out going passenger on yesterday morning's train. He will visit Car son and Reno. Ed Miller returned yesterday morning from Gilroy, Cal., where he was called on account of the illness of his father, who is now much improved in health. C. H. Marsh, of Missoula. Mont.. arrived in Tonopaft yesterday for a day's visit with his brother, Wil liam Marsh, of Wonacott and Hall undertaking parlors. Mr.-' Marsh has been on a visit to Los Angeles and is en route, to his home.' Pure, fresh apple cir by the quart or gallon at the H .1. Hail Liquor company. , 13 tf COUNTY CLERK GRANTS PERMIT TO MARRY A "marriage license was issued yesterd;A at the county clerk's of fice to .Joseph A. Rush and Alma Hervonen, -both of Tonopah. NEW YEAR, STARTS ' FOR GREEK CHURCH Yesterday was New Years day for the Greeks and Slavonians" and the occasion was properly observed by representatives of the above named nations who reside in Tono pah. Owing to the absence of a Greek church, no public worship was indulged in, but numerous prl ato parties announced that the date was a holiday. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. NOTICE OF SHEHIFFS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue- of an execu tion Issued out of the District Court of the l ifth Judicial District of the istate of Nevada, in and for Nve County, and to me directed and de livers, upon a judgment rendered in said court on the ,11st day of De cember, 1903, in favor of S. R. Moore, plaintiff, and against Manhattan Port land Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, defendant, for the sum of. tight Thousand ($8,000.00) dollars, together with $17.75 costs of suit, I have levied upon all the right, title, interest, claim and demand of salu Manhattan Portland Mining and Mill ing Company, a corporation, of, in and to the following described prop erty, tlflt l trt Hti - r All those certain' mining clalnis SSI?,?. .Jtnown ar"i designated as: PORTLAND. DETROIT, TEXAS, MA ZUMA, CHARLESTON, MATT1E. ETHEL, and LINK, said last named claim being sometimes called "Link traction;" constituting a contiguous group situate about one and one half miles west and south of the town of Manhattan, In Manhattan Mining District, Nye CMunty, Nevada, and appearing of record in the office of the Recorder of said Nye Countv, and particularly In that certain deed dated December 27th, 1905, between J. C.. Walker, P. A. Davis, C. , E. Painter and William Wless, parties of the first part therein, and Manhattan Portland Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, party of the second part therein, which said deed is re corded in Book 3 of Deeds, at page 49, of said records, and which said records are hereby made a part here of and hereby referred to for a more particular description of said claims. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, the 31st day of January, 1910, at three o'clock P. M. of said day, In front of the court house door of the Nye County Court House, In Tonopah, Nevada, I will sell at pub lic auction, to tne highest and besi bidder, for cash, all of the right, title, interest, claim and demand of the said Manhattan Portland Mining and Milling Company, of. In and to the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment and costs and accruing costs. Dated this 8th day of Januarv, 1910. . , J. J. OWENS, Sheriff. By VAIL PITTMAN, Deputy Sheriff. 1-8-15-J2-29. U0TE THE MARKET FOR The Nevada Club Will give away, at 8 o'clock each evening, $2 worth of trade checks. For particulars see the bar boy. Self Lighting Cigarettes 25c a box Tom TAFT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS (Continued from Pago 3.) effective agency in the creation of the great trusts and monopolies. A federal compulsory license law,' urged as a substitute for a federal incorporation law, is unnecessary except to reach that kind of cor poration, which by virtue of the considerations already advanced, will take advantage voluntarily of any corporation laws, while the other state corporations doing an interstate business do not need the supervision or the regulation 'of a federal license, and would only be unnecessarily burdened thereby. The attorney general, at my ' sug gestion, has drafted a federal cor poration bill, embodying the views I have attempted to set forth and it will be at the .disposition of the appropriate committee of congress. WILLIAM H. TAFT. The White House, Jan. 7, 1910. Let the your work. Bonanza want ads do $ 1 5.00 rJenjarjiiiClotlies The Toggery Leading .Clothiers $ S 5.00 Choice of Any Suit or Overcoat THE NEXT 30 and Jerry Every Day Automobile Fare ' (M tn TO MANHATTAN iJH.Ou PARROTT & RENNiE - Phone 1782 CHANGE OF LOCATION. Will find me on lower Mum street southeast, of T. & G. depot at W. M. Wells tailor shop. All work guaranteed. Cleaning and pressing neatly done. Ladies work a specialty. Clothes,- made to fit. Represent ,some of the . leading houses .of the east. Clothes called for and delivered. Give us a trial. ( . E. B. GRAY, Merchant Tailor. 1-8-1 1. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular semi-annual examin ation of applicants for teachers' certificates begins at 8 a. m., Janu- ary 10, 1910. In Tonopah the ex amination will be held at the high school. GILBERT C. ROSS, Deputy State Supt. of Schools. 1-6-tf. Dainty stationery for ladies' use. The Bonanza job department. Dr. L,a Montague L EXPERT OPTICIAN . Satisfaction Guaran 1 teed. Located at Rlakeslec's LI EXAMINATION FREE MONTANA CAFE for Swell Things To Eat... NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership of Gavagan and Mc Kelvey in the Bank saloon, by mu tual consent dissolved on the 22nd day of December, 1909. JACK GAVAGAN, LARRY P. McKELVEY. 12-25-to-l-15. GAS RADIATORS IN ALL ROOMS Hotel Manhattan . TERMS REASONABLE. Prescriptions Filled Day or Night JOS. C. PIERCY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Day 'Phone 372 Night 'Phone 148 6 5 2 DAYS -J HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS!!! San Francisco and return - $21M Salt Lake City and return - $40.55 December 22, 23, 24, 30 and 31 Final Return Limit January 10 fWKAI. Secure Sleeping t ,NOW Via .jcrvatlotis TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! Delivered Free to Any Part of Town Carlson's Lumber Yards Lower Main Street Phone 2112 - - P.O. Box 555 PALACE HOTEL ROOMS: 75c, $1,00, AND UP All Outside Rooms Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA .PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1082 Butler Theater The Popular Show 7ise. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs Entire Change of Program Monday,?; Wednesday and Friday MATINEES ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission - 10c Our "want ads" bring results. L vv j