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s ' TONOPAH DAILY BONA XZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1010. GOOD ASSAYS FROM COPPER DYKE 400 FEET WIDE CONFUCIUS WAS AN AUTHORITY ON FOUNDER OF NEVADA CONCERN DIES SUDDENLY NEAT. SUM HAS BEEN EXPENDED ON COUNTY ROADS NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL, BANK OP TONOPAH UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Capital Stock Fully Paid ..... $100,OOO.oO Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - - 55,000.00 OPPICER8 AISD DIRECTORS MALCOLM L. MACDONALD, President; KEY PITTMAN, Vice President; JOHN G. XIRCHEN. Vice-President; HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK, New York City- JAMES H, MONTEATH. U. T. HAKRIS, Cashier. ) DANCE AFFAIRS ORE FROM THE ATWOOD DIS TRICT VALUED AT $75 A TOX. UK VSED TO LEAD THE GRAND VIRST PRESIDENT OF POWER COMPANY PASSES AWAY IX NEW YORK. OVER FOUR THOUSAND DOL LARS SPENT DURING THE PAST YEAR. MARCH OX ALL STATE OCCASION'S. Frank Everett, who arrived sev eral days ago from the Atwood dis trict, received the assay certificates yesterday from a half - dozen sam ples secured from the surface on a- huge copper ledge in that sec tion. The returns from the as sayer were somewhat startling and caused surprise among the mining men who are familiar with the Fairplay district. One sample car ried over $70 in copper and about $5 in silver and gold, while the balance are over the average. Mr. Everett happened to prospect the big copper dyke by accident The ledge, or vein, or dyke, what ever it may be termed, is 400 feet wide and can be traced over th ground controlled by Mr. Everett for 2.000 feet. However, it is discernable for fully five miles in the district. Mr. Everett yesterday purchased nine claims which are traversed by the croppings, which will form a part of the Wagner "Azurite Copper Mining company, the concern already ownjng valuable ground in the Wagner district. Sev eral days before his return here Mr. Everett started a force of men at work on a tunnel which will cut the big ledge at a distance of 300 feet and which will be 200 feet in depth at that point. The copper industry is a new one in this section and from the present showings it bids fair to surpass the gold and silver out put. Mr. Everett leaves this morn ing to superintend the work of opening up the vein. ATTORNEY HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM INJURY WORDY RATTLES ENSUE DUR ING THE HEARING OF LIEX CASES. Confucius said, "Danes whenever the occasion affords, but keep away from tho Salome styles." And Confucius ought to know for his torians say he was one of the greatest dancers of his time. His specialty was the Irish jig but tra ditions state he was just as expert in the mazes of the moonlight waltz or skipping about hi a two-step. As Con. was an authority on the subject, and the dance lovers of Tonopah are in keeping with the times, it has been suggested that every one follow the crowd this evening and join the merry whirl at the Miners' Exchange hall. This is the occasion when the volunteers entertain, and a written guarantee is being given with every ticket sold that a good time will be the special event of the evening. Sev eral hundred Are laddies will be i hand to act as the floor com- mittee ana u win De aguuiBi me rules and regulations, as covered in the by-laws of the organization to sit out even one dance. As the committee will be unable to fur nish all the girls they have re quested the male dancers to bring as many ladies as they possibly can, the more the merrier. The following are the different committees who have charge of the affair: General committee John O'Con- nell. Hugh Herd, Scott Mullens Floor director Walter (Mickey) Malonc. Floor committee H. H. Atkin, son, E. S. LaTourette, Ed Malley, Martin Johnson, John Leach, W. L. Moore, R. C. Klepper and Julius Garner. C. M. Hobbs, formerly president of the Nevada-California Power company, died yesterday morning at Danville, New York, after an illness of several months. Mr. Hobbs was . aged 55 years and re sided in Denver, where the funeral will take place. He entered the Nevada field about five years ago and was instrumental in organizing the power company, which at pres ent supplies electricity to the many southern Nevada camps, as well as to southern California towns. It was through, his influence that the Bishop creek , power house was built. About six months ago Mr. Hobbs returned from a tour of Europe and shortly afterward vis lted this section looking after his interests. At the completion of his western trip Mr. Hobbs return ed to Denver and about three months ago went to Dansville, New York, for the benefit of his health. He is survived by a widow, who was present at the time of his death, and who will accompany the remains to Denver. There was considerable discus sion on the streets yesterday re garding the statement in an even ing paper that but a few hundred dollars had been expended by the county commissioners on the dif ferent county roads during the year 1909. The statement was erro neous to the extreme, and was evi dently published with some hidden desire. The truth regarding the road appropriations for the past year is shown in the following figures taken from the minutes of the board yesterday, at the re quest of the commissioners: Ellendale, $80; Round Mountain, $589.94; Golden Arrow, $250; Rhy olite, $1,523.27; Manhattan, $188. 85; Lodi-Lunlng, $367.50; Georges Canyon, $166.40; Current Creek, $212.50; Fish Lake Valley, $400; Belmont, $50; Berlin-Grantvilie, $200; Goldyke-Luning, $200. The figures total $4,228.46 which is quite a difference from the few hundred dollars, as the outside taxpayers would be led to believe. BREAD 5c Per loaf ESTAB. 1001. The Nevada Bakery LEADING CONFECTIOXEUS. IPFEB MAIN STREET. We wish to announce that on and after Jan. 3, 1010, we will sell the Largest and Best Loaf of Bread in Town for F?IVB CENT'S BREAD 5C Per Loaf FRESH MEATS xlSU - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET SWEET SIXTEEN SOCIAL PROVES A HUGE SUCCESS Bailiff McFadden in the district court is having his hands full of late maintaining peace among the attorneys appearing in the lien cases against the Carlson Mining and Milling company. Several times during the last few days two of the attorneys have nearly came to blows and on one occa sion one of the legal lights threat ened , to break a chair over the head of a brother practitioner, who made constant objections to the ,oc4irno ivmnnunded to a wit ness. Fortunately no casualties have resulted as yet, but there still re mains several days before the trial is concluded. The frequent out breaks among counsel has tended to enliven the proceedings and in ject a little interest into the case In all. there are four different at torneys appearing on behalf of as many clients who have filed liens against the bankrupt company. The effort to establish these liens has been delayed considerably owing to the fact that when one attorney endeavors to introduce his evi dence the three opposing counsel ore immediately take sides and act as prosecutors against the lone individual. This has happened sev crai time and was tho cause of the threatened chair smashing epi sode. In order to hurry me proceeuu.6o along, Judge Averlll held a Eva sion last night and it is proba ble that the arguments will com mence today. MAIDS AXD MATRONS OF SIX TEEN ENTERTAIN LAST EVENING. A GAMBLE WITH DEATH IS THE FEATURE HUTLER PROGRAM CONTINUES TO KEEP VP TO THE STANDARD. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W, B. PITTMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices in all the Courts of the State. OHilC'H STATU 1S.-1-MV UllIjI'l.Yli, TONOPAH. NEVADA. The members of the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church entertained at Butler hall last evening to a "Sweet Sixteen" af fair. Every lady in the hall was supposed to be sweet sixteen, and of course no gentleman would dis pute a lady's age. According to the old adage, "seeing is believing," some of the sixteens must have de- rinceri their sees bv division. The committee in charge had arranged an interesting program following which various boxes of home made candies were sold for sixteen cents a box. . Several of the more elab orate boxes were sold for higher prices, especially when the bidders were aware of the Identity of tne owner and maker of the sweets, During the evening tea, coffee and cake were sold at sixteen cents per The program was as follows: Quartette. Messrs. Boak, and Davis, Mesdames Malone and Du Bols; solo, C. C. Boak; recitation Mrs. Hunt; guitar solo, R. Davis song, Beatrice Parker; duet, C. C Boak and Mrs.. E. DuBois. ED. WHEECE & SON Dealers in Rock Spring coal, wood, bay, grain and feedstuffsv hardware, lumber, sash and lino leum, canvass goods. All goods de livered free. Phone 462 CONTINUANCE IS TAKEN IN DEMICK CASES SUSTAINED A DOUBLE COMPOUND FRACTURE Denny Noonan, who had his leg fractured early yesterday morning bv coming in contact with a runa way car in the Belmont mine, was reported as resting easy last even ing at the Miners' hospital, wnere he ia confined. Late yesterday nhvsicians performed an operation on the injured limb and set the fracture. It is described as being a double compound fracture, but as the bones were not crushed, it Is thought that they will knit in a comparatively short time. Pure, fresh apple citr by the - n- nllnn at the H ' IfUOiV v 1 O " Liquor company. The" cases of the three Demicfc brothers, two charged with carry ing concealed weapons, and the other with assault with intent to kill, was continued yesterday th iustice coilrt until Monday afternoon. ATTENTION EAGLES. Tonopah Aerte No. 271, Fraternal Order ot Eagles, meets tonight at rciva hall at 8:30 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially invited. ED MALLEY, W. P. W. L. MOORE. W. Sec For neat printing try the Bo nanza lob department. . Another entire change of pro gram will be shown at the Butler at today's matinee and the evening performance, six pictures and two illustrated songs, making up the program. The pictures are "The Secret Chamber," drama; "The King's Command," comedy; "Life Buoy," drama; "The Over-Zealous Domestic,'.' comedy "Nothing Is Ever Lost," comedy, and a big fea ture subject, "Gambling With Death," a drama . Tomorrow and Sunday we will show two of the best pictures ever shown in Tono pah, "A Rocky Road," a big Ameri can Biograph drama and "Consul" an educated monkey, the best train ed in captivity who does everything but talk. These pictures, with two others, will be shown on Saturday and Sunday nights and matinees nly. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Bank and Trust Co. Building;, , TONOPAH, NEVADA. C. H. McINTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & Cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. KEY PITTMAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Bldg, Tonopah, Nevada. BOURBON TONOPAH CLUB 9-Year-Old OUR BAR WHISKEY ( DIPLOMAT )N J MAJORS' SPECIAL LACY RYE - - - - GUGENHEIM ....All Popular Brands in Case Goods.,,. Do not forget the Drawing for the Tailor Made Suit Every Saturday Night MINING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF HOISTS, CARLE, CARS BUCKETS, ETC. GET OUR PRICES. WIRING SUPPLIES, FIXTURES AND LAMPS AT COST. TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. THE NEVADA-CALIfORNIA POWER CO. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associates, Rawhide, Nevada. Try a Bonanza want ao. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Roll top or office desk; must be cheap. Address J. H., Bonanza office. 25tf WANTED Clean cotton rags, with out buttons; 3 cents a pound. Bonanza - office. . Call for our SPECIALS The new Needle and Club sizes 1871 GATO 1871 We have 21 different sizes of the Gato Cigar in stock from 5 cents to 25 cents. Rottioltz Brothers THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL 1'ULLY PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within fund banking rules, and we solicit your business fron this stand point OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. ueorge a. JNixon, president; r. m., vice-president; fiene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. BroifsJier, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Walley Hot Springs Genoa, Nevada. A first-class health and Dleasure reftnrt. (man winter and WANTED To furnish your location I summer. Hotel and cottage accommo- A i.i.. ,, t , aauoM taoie me Dest, ana tne nams and labor notices. Proof of an- are famous tor thelr curea ot Rheu. nual labor must be filed soon. Get blanks at the Bonanza office. THE HOLLY Mrs. Holly Heisner, formerly proprietress of the Grey stone, is serving first-class meals at the Bacon house. 12 12 FOUND Elk's tooth charm. Own er may have same by applying to this office, proving property, . and paying for this notice. LOST KEYS Several bunches of keys remain at this office uncalled for. If you have lost your key ring within the last year, call and look over our stock. matism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Our reserve Is alive with ducks. Deer, grouse and mountain quail In the near by hills, also good trout Ash ing almost at our door. Rates S12.50. $15.00 and $17.50 per week, Including baths. ' Fare $2.85 via V. & T. Ry., Reno to ' Minden, where our , 'stage meets train dally; fine slx-mlle drive to the springs til. L. HEWITT. Manager FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B, Bonanza office. tf 13 tf HOT WAFFLES and Bishop Honey or Maple Syrup with a Cup of Java Coffee and ALL FOR 25 CENTS AT THE. POODLE.DOG CAFE .... NO MUSIC .... W. W. PANGBURN. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot nxd Cold Running Water in Each Hootn, Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 24 Tonopah Block HEAT WITH GAS THIS WINTER. WHY HAVE ASHES, COAL DUST AND COAL SMOKE ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE? WHY CARRY COAL AND ASHES? IT'S JUST AS CHEAP TO HEAT WrITH OA ft. ASK US FOR DETAILS. NEVADA GAS COMPANY Phone 1823 Summit 9fc Broujfher McLean and McSweeney HAT, GRAIN AND FIORD BTVFFS "COLD MEDAL" AHD BAKER'S XXX FLOCK, CEREALS, FTC "KONBLAN'S LILLY" BLACKSMITH COAL, GUARANTEED. SUGAR, SALT AND CANNED GOODS. 82 Lower Main St. Phone 85 BIG VARIETY SHOW AT TOP. BIG CASINO ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ADMISSION FREE The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by Carload Direct. 4 Books! Books! Of all kinds are being turned out in the BONANZA'S MODERN BINDERY Call and inspect our work I THE H. J. HALL LIQUOR C0MPANYo THE FINEST OF WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS KEPT IN STOCK. RING UP PHONE 813 AND YOUR ORDER WILL BE DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET TONOPAH, ... . NEVADA. For good breach try the City Bakery. 121-tf Si .