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TOXOPAH UAIU BONANZA. TONOPAH. NEVADA, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1010. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA I Saturday's Special.... Published Every Morning, Monaay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada W. W. BOOTH. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. Member of Associated Press TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year J12.0J Nine months 10.00 Six months 6.75 Three months I 3. SO One month 1.25 One week 3o f 10 REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Subscriptions by mall must be paid in advance. Entered at the Postofflce in Tonopan ns second class matter. No advertising cuts, one Inch square or smaller, will be accepted unless made of metal. No wood base cuts of this size will be used. Wood cuts are dangerous to forms and press. VOLUNTEERS TO GIVE GYMNASTIC NOVEL STUNTS WILL BE PRO DUCED AT NEVADA THEA TER APRIL 15. . A second gymnastic performance of the Tonopah Volunteer fire de partment will take place at the Nevada theater on the evening of April .15, under the auspices of Professor William Schaffer. The ex hibition will include a number of turns such as wand drills, horizon tal bar exercises, horse jumping, ladies' Indian cluh act, boxing con tests, tumbling pyramid, fire clubs, wrestling and a grand tableau. It will be" remembered that at the last exhibition by the gymnastic members of the volunteers, some surprising acts were produced. Bach turn is the result of long practice, and the classes are being instructed nightly by Professor Schaffer. The ladies' club swinging act will be produced by members of the ladies" class, organized some time ago. During the brief time that training has been indulged 'in the auxiliary drder has shown ' a de cided improvement and will be able to spring a surprise on the night of the entertainment. . The ipToceeds of the affair will be used in purchasing additional supplies for the gymnasium. DISMANTLING OF THE BOSTON HOIST IS COMPLETED MACHIXERY WILL BE SHIPPED TO BUCKHORN DISTRICT SUNDAY. NEWLY WEDS CAN BE SEEN AT THE BUTLER BANNER PROGRAM PROMISED FOR TODAY AT THE MAIN STREET SHOWHOUSE. ' Nearly all the machinery, includ ing the fifty horse power steam hoist and the small engine for run ning a compressor, that constituted the hoisting apparatus at the Bos-ton-Tonopah, was loaded on cars yesterday and will probably be sent out to Buckhorn tomorrow. The remaining parts will be conveyed to the depot today when the balance of the work will be completed. The dismantling of the property under the supervision of James F. McCambridge has been done-, in rec ord breaking time. The large force of men at work have been kept busy continually. The machinery will be installed at the new proper ty recently purchased by Georg-J Wingfield, and will be the first hoist to be operated in the Buck horn district. Should the owners of the Bos ton desire . to resume, and rumor has it that such steps may be taken in the near future, an electric hoist will be installed, as practical usage has demonstrated the . fa'it that electric power can be secured at less cost than that of steam. TOMATOES, per pound' toe LETTUCE, two heads for 5c SPINACH, per pound 5c GREEN PEAS. ' 3 pounds for 23c FANCY CELERY, three bunches for 25c CARROTS, TURNIPS, BEETS AND YELLOW TURNIPS, PER BUNCH, FIVE CENTS. ASPARAGUS, 3 pounds for 25c STRAWBERRY RHUBARB, 4 pounds for 25c GREEN ONIONS two bunches for 5c RADISHES, two bunches for 5c Gilt Edge and Burdick Butter, 2 lbs. - - - - 60c Hoxsie Eggs, 3 dozen - - - - $1,00 Bellefleur Apples 5c per pound. SoyftlhieirDi Nevada Rfleircainitiiille Co. PHONE 652 - - - PHONE 652 As usual ia large crowd witnessed a good program- at the Butler last night. -Today there will be another entire change pf program at which time the' management will show the banner program of the season. Four pictures and two songs com-1 prise the list.. At tonight's per formance Miss Feldman will sing by special request that old fa miliar song,- "Annie Laurie." This song is just suited to her voice and her rendition of it will' be a treat She will be accompanied on the piano by Miss Anderson and by Mr. McGuire on the violin. The following pictures will be shown "A Great Scoop,"- comedy; "The Legion of Daphinie," drama; "A Millionaire's Adventure," drama, and a big comedy entitled, "The Newlyweds." This is really a good comedy, dealing with a false alarm A young man being engaged to a girl causes mutual friends to send beautiful wedding gifts to them. The result is that what was a the ory before became actual. Sooner than send back the presents thof marry and utilize them. SEEKING BONDSMEN TO PROCURE LIBERTY Joe Mick, who was recently bound over to the grand jury on a charge of arson, ami is held under $1,500 bonds, has been endeavoring for the past two days to secure his release by raising the required bond. As yet he has been un successful in his quest, and con tinues to occupy a cell at the coun ty jail. DEMOCRATS ATTENTION! Jefferson Day Dinner at Tonopah, April 13th, 1010. The democratic county central committee of Nye county will give a dinner at Tonopah on the evening of April ilSth, next to commemo rate the birthday of Thomas Jeffer son, the founder of the democratic party, the only political organiza tion in the world's history that has lived one hundred years. Prominent members of the party from all sections of the state will be in attendance and the best speakers will respond to toasts ap propriate to the occasion. Every democrat in Nye county should be present. The cost per plate will be $2.50. You are requested to ad vise the committee of your pur pose to attend, as early as is pos sible, so that arrangements can be completed. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to commune with the party leaders and those who will have much to do with shaping the policies of the organiza tion in the coming campaign. No personal invitations will be sent to any democrat in Nye county this is to be considered your invitation. Make an effort to come. ED. M ALLEY, Tonopah, H. C. SCHMIDT, Tonopah, R. P. DUNLAP, Tonopah, CHAS. A. KANE, Rhyolite, JOSEPH CONNER, Manhattan, Committee of Arrangements. MAKE APPLICATION - FOR FINAL PAPERS Nick Ragenovich and , Jeoto Pe trusich yesterday made application for their second naturalization pa pers. The former is a native of Austria, while the latter gave his birthplace as Montenegria. The final hearings will come up before Judge Averill in the near future. SUFFERS A SLIGHT ATTACK OF HYSTERIA Mrs. James Hayward was taken ill yesterday afternoon at her resi dence on Erie Main street, with a light form of hysteria. Her condi tion is not serious and last evening she had almost recovered from the attack. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TONOPAH, at Tonopah, la the State of Nevada, at the close of business March 29th, 1910. Resources. Loans mnd discounts. . . $270,635.00 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured NONE U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 25,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits 1,000.00 Due from Na tional Banks (not reserve agents) .... 4,296.79 Due from State' and Private Bankers, Trust Com panies, and Savings Banks 2,597.95 Due from ap proved re- s e r v ' e agents .... 61,965.55 Checks and other cash items 761.77 Exchanges for v 'clearing house .... 1,071.90 Fractional pa- ' , per currency, nickels,, and cents ..... 55.06 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie .... 43,250.20 Legal Ten der notes 1,300.00 115,299.22 Sri f ml a $dM- 4? I Jo MOLLY HILLSTON, . In the title role, "The Gingerbread Man." Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) , . 1,250.00 Total $413,184.22 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. .. $100,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. 6,373.37 National Bank notes out standing 24,500.00 Due to other National banks . . . .$ 123.02 Due to State and private banks and ' ; bankers . . . 1,422.64 Individual de posits sub j e c t to check .....215,676.77 Demand cer tificates o f deposit . . . 13,738.42 Cashier's checks outstanding . 350.00 231,310.85 United States deposits . . 1,000.00 Toial $413,184.22 State of Nevada, County of Nye, as: I, R. T. , Harris, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) R. T. HARRIS, Cashier. Correct Attest: JOHN G. KIRCHEN, ' KEY PITTMAN, JAMES H. MONTEATH, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1910. (Signed P. E. KEELER, (Seal) Notary Public. Our "want ads" bring results. "The Gingerbread Man." which will be here Sunday is a comic on- era of unusual merit, delightfully rendered by a cast of more than ordinary talent and entertaining abilities, and a large chorus of carefully chosen femininity. The production is said to be all that is claimed for it, and the locale is a pleasing one. The piece depends principally upon its beautiful mu sic, but it has rather a good book, and while the subjects are denizens of fairyland, the parts are so well written that . the characters don't pall upon the older people, as the comedy, is principally of a ;travestic kind and has a great many bright lines and funny situations that Im prove it -.... . One of the principal scenes In the first act is the mechanical doll feature presented by Ross Snow and Roee Murray, which was an instan taneous hit last season when intro duced in opera. It. is a delightful little conceit served up as it is by two accomplished artists it proves as surprising as if is enter taining. Many new musical fea tures have been added to the score this year by A. Baldwin Sloane, the composer, and much that savors of novelty has been introduced to make the piece more interesting than ever, to those who have seen it before, and who doubtless will not neglect the opportunity to see it here again. The company is still under the same management which is a guar antee in itself of its excellence, and of the many musical shows on the circuit last year, "The Gingerbread Man" was compared more favorably to the best, for the reason that it has pronounced merit in its score, music, cast and production. NAME WAS OMITTED FROM HONOR ROLL Through an oversight the name of' Herbert Cochran was omitted from the rolkof honor for the Tonopah schools for the last month, as printed by the Bonanza several mornings ago. Young Her bert is in the third grade, and the haste of the teacher in preparing the report, it is presumed, is the cause of the lad's name having been left out. Hofel Manhattan AT TONOPAH. AH outside rooms. Electric lights, electric bells and gas radii tors in all rooms. No better nor cleaner beds in the state. TERMS REASONABLE Butler Theater ' The Popular Show f"iso. Motion Pictures S AND Illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission - 10c Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1062 Our want ads bring results. DIVIDEND NOTICE. VI ' ( - , ,i ; . At the meeting of the board of directors of the Tonopah Mining Company of Nevada, held this day, a regular 'Quarterly dividend of twenty-five percent, and extra divi dend of ten per cent was declared, payable April 21, 1910, to stock holders of record March 31, 1910. Transfer books close 3:00 p. m., March' 31, 1910, reopen April 8, 1910, 10:00 a m. for dividend. Also cIobo April 12, 1910,' 3:00 p. ni.'and reopen May 4, 1910, 10:00 a. m. account annual meeting. 1 C. A. HIGBEE, ' Treasurer. Philadelphia, Pa.. March 24, 1910. 3-25 to 3-31. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. f SPECIAL TODAY! Bananas, per dozen Lettuce, 2 heads for Spinach 3 pounds for Pineapples, each Oranges, per case - Peas, 3 pounds for 25c - Sc 25c 25c $2.00 25c Beets, Carrots, Turnips, per bunch' . 5c - T.-G. MEAT MARKET Round Trip Excursion Fares BALTIMORE ...... i .... . $120.50 BOSTON' 123.50 CHICAGO .;. 85.50 NEW ORLEANS 80.50 PHILADELPHIA 121.50 ST. LOUIS 80.50 WASHINGTON 120.50 Tickets on, sale April 6, 7, 8. Return limit, three months. TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY MONTANA CAFE Under New Management George "Mooney" Reubtamen, Prop. Open Day and Night Service the Best JOHN GREGOYIGH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. SH. POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. TONOPAH ... . NEVA! . CAD T'lIT? rVTT7VT o T i -rn, The Nevada Club Will give away, at 8 o'clock each evening, $2 worth of trade checks. For particulars see the bar boy j Self Lighting Cigarettes 25c a box